中国经典 》 红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions 》
第五十五回 辱亲女愚妾争闲气 欺幼主刁奴蓄险心 CHAPTER LV.
曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin
高鹗 Gao E
CHAPTER LV. 且说元宵已过, 只因当今以孝治天下,目下宫中有一位太妃欠安,故各嫔妃皆为之减膳谢妆,不独不能省亲,亦且将宴乐俱免。故荣府今岁元宵亦无灯谜之集。
刚将年事忙过, 凤姐儿便小月了,在家一月,不能理事,天天两三个太医用药。凤姐儿自恃强壮, 虽不出门,然筹画计算,想起什么事来,便命平儿去回王夫人,任人谏劝,他只不听。王夫人便觉失了膀臂,一人能有许多的精神?凡有了大事,自己主张,将家中琐碎之事,一应都暂令李纨协理。李纨是个尚德不尚才的,未免逞纵了下人。王夫人便命探春合同李纨裁处,只说过了一月,凤姐将息好了,仍交与他。谁知凤姐禀赋气血不足,兼年幼不知保养,平生争强斗智,心力更亏,故虽系小月,竟着实亏虚下来,一月之后, 复添了下红之症。他虽不肯说出来,众人看他面目黄瘦,便知失于调养。王夫人只令他好生服药调养,不令他操心。他自己也怕成了大症,遗笑于人,便想偷空调养,恨不得一时复旧如常。 谁知一直服药调养到八九月间,才渐渐的起复过来,下红也渐渐止了。此是后话。
如今且说目今王夫人见他如此,探春与李纨暂难谢事,园中人多,又恐失于照管,因又特请了宝钗来,托他各处小心:“老婆子们不中用,得空儿吃酒斗牌,白日里睡觉,夜里斗牌, 我都知道的。凤丫头在外头,他们还有个惧怕,如今他们又该取便了。好孩子,你还是个妥当人,你兄弟姊妹们又小,我又没工夫,你替我辛苦两天,照看照看。凡有想不到的事,你来告诉我,别等老太太问出来,我没话回,那些人不好了,你只管说。他们不听,你来回我。别弄出大事来才好。”宝钗听说只得答应了。
时届孟春,黛玉又犯了嗽疾。湘云亦因时气所感,亦卧病于蘅芜苑,一天医药不断。探春同李纨相住间隔, 二人近日同事法即不看最先的事物、原则和范畴,而是看最后的事物、收,不比往年,来往回话人等亦不便,故二人议定:每日早晨皆到园门口南边的三间小花厅上去会齐办事,吃过早饭于午错方回房。这三间厅原系预备省亲之时众执事太监起坐之处,故省亲之后也用不着了,每日只有婆子们上夜。 如今天已和暖,不用十分修饰,只不过略略的铺陈了,便可他二人起坐。这厅上也有一匾, 题着"辅仁谕德"四字,家下俗呼皆只叫"议事厅"儿。如今他二人每日卯正至此,午正方散。凡一应执事媳妇等来往回话者,络绎不绝。
众人先听见李纨独办, 各各心中暗喜,以为李纨素日原是个厚道多恩无罚的,自然比凤姐儿好搪塞。 便添了一个探春,也都想着不过是个未出闺阁的青年小姐,且素日也最平和恬淡,因此都不在意,比凤姐儿前更懈怠了许多。只三四日后,几件事过手,渐觉探春精细处不让凤姐,只不过是言语安静,性情和顺而已。可巧连日有王公侯伯世袭官员十几处,皆系荣宁非亲即友或世交之家,或有升迁,或有黜降,或有婚丧红白等事, 王夫人贺吊迎送,应酬不暇,前边更无人。他二人便一日皆在厅上起坐。宝钗便一日在上房监察,至王夫人回方散。每于夜间针线暇时,临寝之先,坐了小轿带领园中上夜人等各处巡察一次。 他三人如此一理,更觉比凤姐儿当差时倒更谨慎了些。因而里外下人都暗中抱怨说:“刚刚的倒了一个’巡海夜叉’,又添了三个’镇山太岁’,越性连夜里偷着吃酒顽的工夫都没了。”
这日王夫人正是往锦乡侯府去赴席, 李纨与探春早已梳洗,伺候出门去后,回至厅上坐了。刚吃茶时,只见吴新登的媳妇进来回说:“赵姨娘的兄弟赵国基昨日死了。昨日回过太太, 太太说知道了,叫回姑娘奶奶来。”说毕,便垂手旁侍,再不言语。彼时来回话者不少,都打听他二人办事如何:若办得妥当,大家则安个畏惧之心,若少有嫌隙不当之处, 不但不畏伏,出二门还要编出许多笑话来取笑。吴新登的媳妇心中已有主意, 若是凤姐前,他便早已献勤说出许多主意,又查出许多旧例来任凤姐儿拣择施行。如今他藐视李纨老实,探春是青年的姑娘,所以只说出这一句话来,试他二人有何主见。 探春便问李纨。李纨想了一想,便道:“前儿袭人的妈死了,听见说赏银四十两。这也赏他四十两罢了。 "吴新登家的听了,忙答应了是,接了对牌就走。探春道:“你且回来。 "吴新登家的只得回来。探春道:“你且别支银子。我且问你:那几年老太太屋里的几位老姨奶奶, 也有家里的也有外头的这两个分别。家里的若死了人是赏多少,外头的死了人是赏多少, 你且说两个我们听听。”一问,吴新登家的便都忘了,忙陪笑回说:“这也不是什么大事,赏多少,谁还敢争不成?"探春笑道:“这话胡闹。依我说,赏一百倒好。 若不按例,别说你们笑话,明儿也难见你二奶奶。”吴新登家的笑道:“既这么说,我查旧帐去,此时却记不得。”探春笑道:“你办事办老了的,还记不得,倒来难我们。你素日回你二奶奶也现查去?若有这道理,凤姐姐还不算利害,也就是算宽厚了!还不快找了来我瞧。再迟一日,不说你们粗心,反象我们没主意了。”吴新登家的满面通红,忙转身出来。众媳妇们都伸舌头。这里又回别的事。
一时,吴家的取了旧帐来。探春看时,两个家里的赏过皆二十两,两个外头的皆赏过四十两。外还有两个外头的,一个赏过一百两物。传说字子秉,赵国人。为赵平原君门客。“诡辞数万”,人,一个赏过六十两。这两笔底下皆有原故: 一个是隔省迁父母之柩,外赏六十两,一个是现买葬地,外赏二十两。探春便递与李纨看了。探春便说:“给他二十两银子。把这帐留下,我们细看看。”吴新登家的去了。
忽见赵姨娘进来,李纨探春忙让坐。赵姨娘开口便说道:“这屋里的人都踩下我的头去还罢了。姑娘你也想一想,该替我出气才是。”一面说,一面眼泪鼻涕哭起来。探春忙道:“姨娘这话说谁,我竟不解。谁踩姨娘的头?说出来我替姨娘出气。”赵姨娘道:“姑娘现踩我,我告诉谁!"探春听说,忙站起来,说道:“我并不敢。”李纨也站起来劝。赵姨娘道:“你们请坐下,听我说。我这屋里熬油似的熬了这么大年纪,又有你和你兄弟,这会子连袭人都不如了, 我还有什么脸?连你也没脸面,别说我了!"探春笑道:“原来为这个。我说我并不敢犯法违理。”一面便坐了,拿帐翻与赵姨娘看,又念与他听,又说道:“这是祖宗手里旧规矩,人人都依着,偏我改了不成?也不但袭人,将来环儿收了外头的,自然也是同袭人一样。这原不是什么争大争小的事,讲不到有脸没脸的话上。他是太太的奴才, 我是按着旧规矩办。说办的好,领祖宗的恩典,太太的恩典,若说办的不均,那是他糊涂不知福,也只好凭他抱怨去。太太连房子赏了人,我有什么有脸之处,一文不赏, 我也没什么没脸之处。依我说,太太不在家,姨娘安静些养神罢了,何苦只要操心。太太满心疼我,因姨娘每每生事,几次寒心。我但凡是个男人,可以出得去,我必早走了,立一番事业,那时自有我一番道理。偏我是女孩儿家,一句多话也没有我乱说的。 太太满心里都知道。如今因看重我,才叫我照管家务,还没有做一件好事,姨娘倒先来作践我。倘或太太知道了,怕我为难不叫我管,那才正经没脸,连姨娘也真没脸!"一面说, 一面不禁滚下泪来。赵姨娘没了别话答对,便说道:“太太疼你,你越发拉扯拉扯我们。你只顾讨太太的疼,就把我们忘了。”探春道:“我怎么忘了?叫我怎么拉扯?这也问你们各人,那一个主子不疼出力得用的人?那一个好人用人拉扯的?"李纨在旁只管劝说:“姨娘别生气。也怨不得姑娘,他满心里要拉扯,口里怎么说的出来。”探春忙道:“这大嫂子也糊涂了。我拉扯谁?谁家姑娘们拉扯奴才了?他们的好歹,你们该知道,与我什么相干。”赵姨娘气的问道:“谁叫你拉扯别人去了?你不当家我也不来问你。你如今现说一是一,说二是二。如今你舅舅死了,你多给了二三十两银子,难道太太就不依你? 分明太太是好太太,都是你们尖酸刻薄,可惜太太有恩无处使。姑娘放心,这也使不着你的银子。明儿等出了阁,我还想你额外照看赵家呢。如今没有长羽毛,就忘了根本,只拣高枝儿飞去了!"探春没听完,已气的脸白气噎,抽抽咽咽的一面哭,一面问道:“谁是我舅舅?我舅舅年下才升了九省检点,那里又跑出一个舅舅来?我倒素习按理尊敬,越发敬出这些亲戚来了。既这么说,环儿出去为什么赵国基又站起来,又跟他上学?为什么不拿出舅舅的款来?何苦来,谁不知道我是姨娘养的,必要过两三个月寻出由头来, 彻底来翻腾一阵,生怕人不知道,故意的表白表白。也不知谁给谁没脸?幸亏我还明白,但凡糊涂不知理的,早急了。”李纨急的只管劝,赵姨娘只管还唠叨。
忽听有人说:“二奶奶打发平姑娘说话来了。”赵姨娘听说,方把口止住。只见平儿进来,赵姨娘忙陪笑让坐,又忙问:“你奶奶好些?我正要瞧去,就只没得空儿。”李纨见平儿进来,因问他来做什么。平儿笑道:“奶奶说,赵姨奶奶的兄弟没了,恐怕奶奶和姑娘不知有旧例,若照常例,只得二十两。如今请姑娘裁夺着,再添些也使得。”探春早已拭去泪痕, 忙说道:“又好好的添什么,谁又是二十四个月养下来的?不然也是那出兵放马背着主子逃出命来过的人不成?你主子真个倒巧,叫我开了例,他做好人,拿着太太不心疼的钱,乐的做人情。你告诉他,我不敢添减,混出主意。他添他施恩,等他好了出来,爱怎么添了去。”平儿一来时已明白了对半,今听这一番话,越发会意,见探春有怒色,便不敢以往日喜乐之时相待,只一边垂手默侍。
时值宝钗也从上房中来,探春等忙起身让坐。未及开言,又有一个媳妇进来回事。因探春才哭了,便有三四个小丫鬟捧了沐盆,巾帕以指道。《庄子·大宗师》:“伟哉,夫造物者。”《淮南子·精,靶镜等物来。此时探春因盘膝坐在矮板榻上, 那捧盆的丫鬟走至跟前,便双膝跪下,高捧沐盆,那两个小丫鬟,也都在旁屈膝捧着巾帕并靶镜脂粉之饰。 平儿见待书不在这里,便忙上来与探春挽袖卸镯,又接过一条大手巾来,将探春面前衣襟掩了。探春方伸手向面盆中盥沐。那媳妇便回道:“回奶奶姑娘, 家学里支环爷和兰哥儿的一年公费。”平儿先道:“你忙什么!你睁着眼看见姑娘洗脸,你不出去伺候着,先说话来。二奶奶跟前你也这么没眼色来着?姑娘虽然恩宽,我去回了二奶奶,只说你们眼里都没姑娘,你们都吃了亏,可别怨我。”唬的那个媳妇忙陪笑道:“我粗心了。”一面说,一面忙退出去。
探春一面匀脸, 一面向平儿冷笑道:“你迟了一步,还有可笑的:连吴姐姐这么个办老了事的, 也不查清楚了,就来混我们。幸亏我们问他,他竟有脸说忘了。我说他回你主子事也忘了再找去? 我料着你那主子未必有耐性儿等他去找。”平儿忙笑道:“他有这一次,管包腿上的筋早折了两根。姑娘别信他们。那是他们瞅着大奶奶是个菩萨,姑娘又是个腼腆小姐, 固然是托懒来混。”说着,又向门外说道:“你们只管撒野,等奶奶大安了, 咱们再说。”门外的众媳妇都笑道:“姑娘,你是个最明白的人,俗语说,‘一人作罪一人当’, 我们并不敢欺蔽小姐。如今小姐是娇客,若认真惹恼了,死无葬身之地。 "平儿冷笑道:“你们明白就好了。”又陪笑向探春道:“姑娘知道二奶奶本来事多,那里照看的这些, 保不住不忽略。俗语说,‘旁观者清’,这几年姑娘冷眼看着,或有该添该减的去处二奶奶没行到, 姑娘竟一添减,头一件于太太的事有益,第二件也不枉姑娘待我们奶奶的情义了。”话未说完,宝钗李纨皆笑道:“好丫头,真怨不得凤丫头偏疼他!本来无可添减的事,如今听你一说,倒要找出两件来斟酌斟酌,不辜负你这话。”探春笑道:“我一肚子气,没人煞性子,正要拿他奶奶出气去,偏他碰了来,说了这些话,叫我也没了主意了。一面说,一面叫进方才那媳妇来问:那媳妇便回说:“一年学里吃点心或者买纸笔,每位有八两银子的使用。”探春道:“凡爷们的使用,都是各屋领了月钱的。环哥的是姨娘领二两,宝玉的是老太太屋里袭人领二两,兰哥儿的是大奶奶屋里领。怎么学里每人又多这八两?原来上学去的是为这八两银子!从今儿起,把这一项蠲了。平儿,回去告诉你奶奶,我的话,把这一条务必免了。”平儿笑道:“早就该免。旧年奶奶原说要免的,因年下忙,就忘了。”那个媳妇只得答应着去了。就有大观园中媳妇捧了饭盒来。
平儿忙答应了一声出来。那些媳妇们都忙悄悄的拉住笑道:“那里用姑娘去叫,我们已有人叫去了。”一面说,一面用手帕ペ石矶上说:“姑娘站了半天乏了,这太阳影里且歇歇。 "平儿便坐下。又有茶房里的两个婆子拿了个坐褥铺下,说:“石头冷有一套丛书。,这是极干净的, 姑娘将就坐一坐儿罢。”平儿忙陪笑道:“多谢。”一个又捧了一碗精致新茶出来, 也悄悄笑说:“这不是我们的常用茶,原是伺候姑娘们的,姑娘且润一润罢。”平儿忙欠身接了, 因指众媳妇悄悄说道:“你们太闹的不象了。他是个姑娘家,不肯发威动怒, 这是他尊重,你们就藐视欺负他。果然招他动了大气,不过说他个粗糙就完了,你们就现吃不了的亏。他撒个娇儿,太太也得让他一二分,二奶奶也不敢怎样。你们就这么大胆子小看他,可是鸡蛋往石头上碰。”众人都忙道:“我们何尝敢大胆了,都是赵姨奶奶闹的。 "平儿也悄悄的说:“罢了,好奶奶们。‘墙倒众人推’,那赵姨奶奶原有些倒三不着两,有了事都就赖他。你们素日那眼里没人,心术利害,我这几年难道还不知道?二奶奶若是略差一点儿的,早被你们这些奶奶治倒了。饶这么着,得一点空儿,还要难他一难,好几次没落了你们的口声。众人都道他利害,你们都怕他,惟我知道他心里也就不算不怕你们呢。前儿我们还议论到这里,再不能依头顺尾,必有两场气生。那三姑娘虽是个姑娘,你们都横看了他。二奶奶这些大姑子小姑子里头,也就只单畏他五分。你们这会子倒不把他放在眼里了。”
正说着,只见秋纹走来。众媳妇忙赶着问好,又说:“姑娘也且歇一歇,里头摆饭呢。等撒下饭桌子,再回话去。”秋纹笑道:“我比不得你们,我那里等得。”说着便直要上厅去。平儿忙叫:“快回来。”秋纹回头见了平儿,笑道:“你又在这里充什么外围的防护?"一面回身便坐在平儿褥上。 平儿悄问:“回什么?"秋纹道:“问一问宝玉的月银我们的月钱多早晚才领。 "平儿道:“这什么大事。你快回去告诉袭人,说我的话,凭有什么事今儿都别回。 若回一件,管驳一件,回一百件,管驳一百件。”秋纹听了,忙问:“这是为什么了? "平儿与众媳妇等都忙告诉他原故,又说:“正要找几件利害事与有体面的人开例作法子,镇压与众人作榜样呢。何苦你们先来碰在这钉子上。你这一去说了,他们若拿你们也作一二件榜样,又碍着老太太,太太,若不拿着你们作一二件,人家又说偏一个向一个, 仗着老太太,太太威势的就怕,也不敢动,只拿着软的作鼻子头。你听听罢,二奶奶的事,他还要驳两件,才压的众人口声呢。”秋纹听了,伸舌笑道:“幸而平姐姐在这里,没的臊一鼻子灰。我赶早知会他们去。”说着,便起身走了。
接着宝钗的饭至,平儿忙进来伏侍。那时赵姨娘已去,三人在板床上吃饭。宝钗面南, 探春面西,李纨面东。众媳妇皆在廊下静候,里头只有他们紧跟常侍的丫鬟伺候,别人一概不敢擅入。这些媳妇们都悄悄的议论说:“大家省事罢,别安着没良心的主意。连吴大娘才都讨了没意思,咱们又是什么有脸的。”他们一边悄议,等饭完回事。只觉里面鸦雀无声,并不闻碗箸之声。一时只见一个丫鬟将帘栊高揭,又有两个将桌抬出。茶房内早有三个丫头捧着三沐盆水, 见饭桌已出,三人便进去了,一回又捧出沐盆并漱盂来, 方有待书,素云,莺儿三个,每人用茶盘捧了三盖碗茶进去。一时等他三人出来, 待书命小丫头子:“好生伺候着,我们吃饭来换你们,别又偷坐着去。”众媳妇们方慢慢的一个一个的安分回事,不敢如先前轻慢疏忽了。
探春气方渐平,因向平儿道:“我有一件大事,把宝钗的话说了。王夫人点头叹道:“若说我无德, 不该有这样好媳妇了。”说着,更又伤心起来。薛姨妈倒又劝了一会子波伊提乌(AniciusManliusSeverinusBoetnius,约480—,因又提起袭人来,说:“我见袭人近来瘦的了不得,他是一心想着宝哥儿。但是正配呢理应守的,屋里人愿守也是有的。惟有这袭人,虽说是算个屋里人,到底他和宝哥儿并没有过明路儿的。 "王夫人道:“我才刚想着,正要等妹妹商量商量。若说放他出去,恐怕他不愿意,又要寻死觅活的,若要留着他也罢,又恐老爷不依。所以难处。”薛姨妈道:“我看姨老爷是再不肯叫守着的。再者姨老爷并不知道袭人的事,想来不过是个丫头,那有留的理呢?只要姊姊叫他本家的人来,狠狠的吩咐他,叫他配一门正经亲事,再多多的陪送他些东西。那孩子心肠儿也好,年纪儿又轻,也不枉跟了姐姐会子,也算姐姐待他不薄了。 袭人那里还得我细细劝他。就是叫他家的人来也不用告诉他,只等他家里果然说定了好人家儿,我们还去打听打听,若果然足衣足食,女婿长的象个人儿,然后叫他出去。”王夫人听了道:“这个主意很是。不然叫老爷冒冒失失的一办,我可不是又害了一个人了么!"薛姨妈听了点头道:“可不是么!"又说了几句,便辞了王夫人,仍到宝钗房中去了。
看见袭人泪痕满面,薛姨妈便劝解譬喻了一会。W袭人本来老实,不是伶牙利齿的人, 薛姨妈说一句,他应一句,回来说道:“我是做下人的人,姨太太瞧得起我,才和我说这些话, 我是从不敢违拗太太的。”薛姨妈听他的话,"好一个柔顺的孩子!"心里更加喜欢。宝钗又将大义的话说了一遍,大家各自相安。
过了几日, 贾政回家,众人迎接。贾政见贾赦贾珍已都回家,弟兄叔侄相见,大家历叙别来的景况。然后内眷们见了,不免想起宝玉来,又大家伤了一会子心。贾政喝住道:“这是一定的道理。如今只要我们在外把持家事,你们在内相助,断不可仍是从前这样的散慢。别房的事,各有各家料理,也不用承总。我们本房的事,里头全归于你,都要按理而行。”王夫人便将宝钗有孕的话也告诉了,将来丫头们都劝放出去。贾政听了,点头无语。
次日贾政进内, 请示大臣们,说是:“蒙恩感激,但未服阕,应该怎么谢恩之处内因与外因反映事物变化原因的一对哲学范畴。前者,望乞大人们指教。”众朝臣说是代奏请旨。于是圣恩浩荡,即命陛见。贾政进内谢了恩,圣上又降了好些旨意,又问起宝玉的事来。贾政据实回奏。圣上称奇,旨意说,宝玉的文章固是清奇, 想他必是过来人,所以如此。若在朝中,可以进用。他既不敢受圣朝的爵位,便赏了一个"文妙真人"的道号。贾政又叩头谢恩而出。
回到家中,贾琏贾珍接着,贾政将朝内的话述了一遍,众人喜欢。贾珍便回说:“宁国府第收拾齐全,回明了要搬过去。栊翠庵圈在园内,给四妹妹静养。”贾政并不言语,隔了半日, 却吩咐了一番仰报天恩的话。贾琏也趁便回说:“巧姐亲事,父亲太太都愿意给周家为媳。”贾政昨晚也知巧姐的始末,便说:“大老爷大太太作主就是了。莫说村居不好,只要人家清白,孩子肯念书,能够上进。朝里那些官儿难道都是城里的人么?"贾琏答应了"是",又说:“父亲有了年纪,况且又有痰症的根子,静养几年,诸事原仗二老爷为主。 "贾政道:“提起村居养静,甚合我意。只是我受恩深重,尚未酬报耳。”贾政说毕进内。贾琏打发请了刘姥姥来,应了这件事。刘姥姥见了王夫人等,便说些将来怎样升官,怎样起家,怎样子孙昌盛。
正说着,丫头回道:“花自芳的女人进来请安。”王夫人问几句话,花自芳的女人将亲戚作媒,说的是城南蒋家的,现在有房有地,又有铺面,姑爷年纪略大了几岁,并没有娶过的,况且人物儿长的是百里挑一的。王夫人听了愿意,说道:“你去应了,隔几日进来再接你妹子罢。 "王夫人又命人打听,都说是好。王夫人便告诉了宝钗,仍请了薛姨妈细细的告诉了袭人。袭人悲伤不已,又不敢违命的,心里想起宝玉那年到他家去,回来说的死也不回去的话, "如今太太硬作主张。若说我守着,又叫人说我不害臊,若是去了,实不是我的心愿",便哭得咽哽难鸣,又被薛姨妈宝钗等苦劝,回过念头想道:“我若是死在这里,倒把太太的好心弄坏了。我该死在家里才是。”
于是, 袭人含悲叩辞了众人,那姐妹分手时自然更有一番不忍说。袭人怀着必死的心肠上车回去,见了哥哥嫂子,也是哭泣。
The stupid secondary wife, dame Chao, needlessly loses her temper and insults her own daughter, T'an Ch'un. The perverse servant-girls are so full of malice that they look down contemptuously on their youthful mistresses.
We will now resume our narration with the Jung Mansion. Soon after the bustle of the new year festivities, lady Feng who, with the most arduous duties she had had to fulfil both before and after the new year, had found little time to take proper care of herself, got a miscarriage and could not attend to the management of domestic affairs. Day after day two and three doctors came and prescribed for her. But lady Feng had ever accustomed herself to be hardy, so although unable to go out of doors, she nevertheless devised the ways and means for everything, and made the various arrangements she deemed necessary, and whatever concern suggested itself to her mind, she entrusted to P'ing Erh to lay before Madame Wang. But however much people advised her to be careful, she would not lend an ear to them. Madame Wang felt as if she had been deprived of her right arm. And as she alone had not sufficient energy to see to everything, she bestowed her own attention upon such important affairs, as turned up, and entrusted, for the time being, all miscellaneous domestic matters to the co-operation of Li Wan.
Li Wan had at all times held virtue at a high price, and set but little value on talents of any kind, so that she, as a matter of course, displayed leniency to those who were placed under her. Madame Wang accordingly bade T'an Ch'un combine with Li Wan in the management of the household. "In a month," she argued, "lady Feng will be getting all right again, and then you can once more hand over charge to her."
Little, however, though one would think it, lady Feng was endowed with a poor physique. From her youth up, moreover, she had not known how to husband her health; and emulation and contentiousness had, more than anything else, combined to undermine her vital energies. Hence it was that although her complaint was a simple miscarriage, it had really, after all, been the outcome of loss of vigour. After a month symptoms of emissions of blood began also to show themselves. And notwithstanding her reluctance to utter what she felt every one, at the sight of her sallow and emaciated face, readily concluded that she was not nursing herself as well as she should.
Madame Wang therefore enjoined her merely to take her medicines and look to herself with due care; and she would not allow her to disquiet her mind about the least thing. But (lady Feng) herself also gave way to misgivings lest her illness should assume some grave phase, and much though she laughed with one and all, she was ever mindful to steal time to attend to her health, feeling inwardly vexed at not being able to soon get back her old strength again. But she had, as it happened, to dose herself with medicines and to nurse herself for three whole months, before she gradually began to rally and before the discharges stopped by degrees. But we will abstain from any reference to these details which pertain to the future, suffice it now to add that though Madame Wang noticed her improved state, (she thought it) impossible for the time being for T'an Ch'un and Li Wan to resign their charge. But so fidgetty was she lest with the large number of inmates in the garden proper control should not be exercised that she specially sent for Pao-ch'ai and begged of her to keep an eye over every place, explaining to her that the old matrons were of no earthly use, for whenever they could obtain any leisure, they drank and gambled; and slept during broad daylight, while they played at cards during the hours of night. "I know all about their doings," (she said). "When that girl Feng is well enough to go out, they have some little fear. But they're bound at present to consult again their own convenience. Yet you, dear child, are one in whom I can repose complete trust. Your brother and your female cousins are, on the one hand, young; and I can, on the other, afford no spare time; so do exert yourself on my behalf for a couple of days, and exercise proper supervision. And should anything unexpected turn up, just come and tell it to me. Don't wait until our old lady inquires about it, as I shall then find myself in a corner with nothing to say in my defence. If those servants aren't on their good behaviour, mind you blow them up; and if they don't listen to you, come and lay your complaint before me; for it will be best not to let anything assume a serious aspect."
Pao-ch'ai listened to her appeal and felt under the necessity of volunteering to undertake the charge.
The season was about the close of spring, so Tai-yue got her cough back again. But Hsiang-yuen was likewise laid up in the Heng Wu Yuean, as she too was affected by the weather, and day after day she saw numberless doctors and took endless medicines.
T'an Ch'un and Li Wan lived apart, but as they had of late assumed joint management of affairs, it was, unlike former years, extremely inconvenient even for the servants to go backwards and forwards to make their reports. They consequently resolved that they should meet early every day in the small three-roomed reception-hall, at the south side of the garden gate, to transact what business there was, and that their morning meal over, they should after noon return again to their quarters.
This three-roomed hall had originally been got ready at the time of the visit of the imperial consort to her parents, to accommodate the attendants and eunuchs. This visit over, it proved, therefore, no longer of use, and the old matrons simply came to it every night to keep watch. But mild weather had now set in, and any complete fittings were quite superfluous. All that could be seen about amounted to a few small pieces of furniture just sufficient for them to make themselves comfortable with. Over this hall was likewise affixed a placard, with the inscription in four characters:
"Perfected philanthropy, published virtue!"
Yet the place was generally known among the domestics as 'the discuss-matters-hall.' To this hall, (Li Wan and T'an Ch'un) would daily adjourn at six in the morning, and leave it at noon, and the wives of the managers and other servants, who had any matters to lay before them, came and went in incessant strings.
When the domestics heard that Li Wan would assume sole control, each and all felt secretly elated; for as Li Wan had always been considerate, forbearing and loth to inflict penalties, she would be, of course, they thought, easier to put off than lady Feng. Even when T'an Ch'un was added, they again remembered that she was only a youthful unmarried girl and that she too had ever shown herself goodnatured and kindly to a degree, so none of them worried their minds about her, and they became considerably more indolent than when they had to deal with lady Feng. But after the expiry of three or four days several concerns passed through her hands, which gave them an opportunity to gradually find out that T'an Ch'un did not, in smartness and thoroughness, yield to lady Feng, and that the only difference between them was that she was soft in speech and gentle in disposition. By a remarkable coincidence, princes, dukes, marquises, earls, and hereditary officials arrived for consecutive days from various parts; all of whom were, if not the relatives of the Jung and Ning mansions, at least their old friends. There were either those who had obtained transfers on promotion, or others who had been degraded; either those, who had married, or those who had gone into mourning, and Madame Wang had so much congratulating and condoling, receiving and escorting to do that she had no time to attend to any entertaining. There was therefore less than ever any one in the front part to look after things. So while (T'an Ch'un and Li Wan) spent their whole days in the hall, Pao-ch'ai tarried all day in the drawing-rooms, to keep an eye over what was going on; and they only betook themselves back to their quarters after Madame Wang's return. Of a night, they whiled away their leisure hours by doing needlework; but they would, previous to retiring to sleep, get into their chairs, and, taking along with them the servants, whose duty it was to be on night watch in the garden, and other domestics as well, they visited each place on their round. Such was the control exercised by these three inmates that signs were not wanting to prove that greater severity was observed than in the days when the management devolved on lady Feng. To this reason must be assigned the fact that all the servants attached inside as well as outside cherished a secret grudge against them. "No sooner," they insinuated, "has one patrolling ogre come than they add three more cerberean sort of spring josses so that even at night we've got less time than ever to sip a cup of wine and indulge in a romp!"
On the day that Madame Wang was going to a banquet at the mansion of the Marquis of Chin Hsiang, Li Wan and T'an Ch'un arranged their coiffure and performed their ablutions at an early hour; and after waiting upon her until she went out of doors, they repaired into the hall and installed themselves in their seats. But just as they were sipping their tea, they espied Wu Hsin-teng's wife walk in. "Mrs. Chao's brother, Chao Kuo-chi," she observed, "departed this life yesterday; the tidings have already been reported to our old mistress and our lady, who said that it was all right, and bade me tell you, Miss."
At the close of this announcement, she respectfully dropped her arms against her body, and stood aloof without adding another word. The servants, who came at this season to lay their reports before (T'an Ch'un and Li Wan), mustered no small number. But they all endeavoured to find out how their two new mistresses ran the household; for as long they managed things properly, one and all willingly resolved to respect them, but in the event of the least disagreement or improper step, not only did they not submit to them, but they also spread, the moment they put their foot outside the second gate, numberless jokes on their account and made fun of them. Wu Hsin-teng's wife had thus devised an experiment in her own mind. Had she had to deal with lady Feng, she would have long ago made an attempt to show off her zeal by proposing numerous alternatives and discovering various bygone precedents, and then allowed lady Feng to make her own choice and take action; but, in this instance, she looked with such disdain on Li Wan, on account of her simplicity, and on T'an Ch'un, on account of her youthfulness, that she volunteered only a single sentence, in order to put both these ladies to the test, and see what course they would be likely to adopt.
"What shall we do?" T'an Ch'un asked Li Wan.
Li Wan reflected for a while. "The other day," she rejoined, "that Hsi Jen's mother died, I heard that she was given forty taels. So now give her forty taels as well and have done!"
Upon hearing this proposal, Wu Hsin-teng's wife eagerly expressed her acquiescence, by uttering a yes; and taking over the permit she was going on her way at once.
"Come back," shouted T'an Ch'un.
"Wu Hsing-teng's wife had perforce to retrace her footsteps.
"Wait, don't get the money yet," T'an Ch'un remarked. "I want to ask you something. Some of the old secondary wives, attached years back to our venerable senior's rooms, lived inside the establishment; others outside; there were these two distinctions between them. Now if any of them died at home, how much was allowed them? And how much was allotted to such as died outside? Tell us what was given in either case for our guidance."
As soon as Wu Hsin-teng's wife was asked this question, every detail bearing on the subject slipped from her memory. Hastily forcing a smile, "This is," she replied, "nothing of any such great consequence. Whether much or little be allowed, who'll ever venture to raise a quarrel about it?"
T'an Ch'un then smiled. "This is all stuff and nonsense!" she exclaimed. "My idea is that it would be better to give a hundred taels. For if we don't comply with what's right, we shall, not to speak of your ridiculing us, find it also a hard job by and bye to face your mistress Secunda."
"Well, in that case," laughed Wu Hsin-teng's wife, "I'll go and look up the old accounts. I can't recollect anything about them just at this moment."
"You're quite an old hand in the management of affairs," T'an Ch'un observed with a significant smile, "and can't you remember, but come instead to perplex us? Whenever you've had anything of the kind to lay before your lady Secunda, have you also had to go first and look it up? But if this has been the practice, lady Feng can't be looked upon as being such a dreadful creature. One could very well call her lenient and kind. Yet don't you yet hurry to go and hunt them up and bring them to me to see? If we dilly-dally another day, they won't run you people down for your coarse-mindedness, but we will seem to have been driven to our wits' ends!"
Wu Hsin-teng's wife got quite scarlet in the face. Promptly twisting herself round, she quitted the hall; while the whole bevy of married women stretched out their tongues significantly.
During her absence, other matters were reported. But in a little while, Wu Hsin-teng's wife returned with the old accounts. On inspection, T'an Ch'un found that for a couple of secondary wives, who had lived in the establishment, twenty-four taels had been granted, and that for two, whose quarters had been outside, forty taels had in each case been allowed. Besides these two, others were mentioned, who had lived outside the mansion; to one of whom a hundred taels had been given, and to the other, sixty taels. Under these two records, the reasons were assigned. In the one case, the coffins of father and mother had had to be removed from another province, and sixty taels extra had consequently been granted. In the other, an additional twenty taels had been allowed, as a burial-place had to be purchased at the time.
T'an Ch'un handed the accounts to Li Wan for her perusal.
"Give her twenty taels," readily suggested T'an Ch'un. "Leave these accounts here for us to examine minutely."
Wu Hsin-teng's wife then walked away. But unexpectedly Mrs. Chao entered the hall. Li Wan and T'an Ch'un speedily pressed her to take a seat.
Mrs. Chao then broke the silence. "All the inmates of these rooms have trampled me under heel," she said, "but never mind! Yet, my child, just ponder, it is only fair that you should take my part."
While ventilating her grievances, her eyes got moist, her nose watered, and she began to sob.
"To whom are you alluding Mrs. Chao?" T'an Ch'un hastily inquired. "I can't really make out what you're driving at. Who tramples you under foot? Speak out and I'll take up your cudgels."
"You're now trampling me down yourself, young lady," Mrs. Chao observed. "And to whom can I go and tell my grievance?"
T'an Ch'un, at these words, jumped up with alacrity. "I never would presume to do any such thing," she protested.
Li Wan too vehemently sprung to her feet to proffer her some good counsel.
"Pray seat yourselves, both of you," Mrs. Chao cried, "and listen to what I have to say. I've had, like simmering oil, to consume away in these rooms to this advanced age. There's also your brother besides. Yet I can't compare myself now even to Hsi Jen, and what credit do I enjoy? But you haven't as well any face, so don't let's speak of myself."
"It was really on account of this," T'an Ch'un smiled, "that I said that I didn't presume to disregard right and to violate propriety."
While she spoke, she resumed her seat, and taking up the accounts, she turned them over for Mrs. Chao to glance at, after which she read them out to her for her edification. "These are old customs," she proceeded, "enforced by the seniors of the family, and every one complies with them, and could I ever, pray, have changed them? These will hold good not only with Hsi Jen; but even when by and bye Huan-erh takes a concubine, the same course will naturally be adopted as in the case of Hsi Jen. This is no question for any large quarrels or small disputes, and no mention should be made about face or no face. She's our Madame Wang's servant-girl, and I've dealt with her according to a long-standing precedent. Those who say that I've taken suitable action will come in for our ancestors' bounty and our lady's bounty as well. But should any one uphold that I've adopted an unfair course, that person is devoid of all common sense and totally ignorant of what a blessing means. The only thing she can do is to foster as much resentment as she chooses. Our lady, Madame Wang, may even give a present of a house to any one; what credit is that to me? Again, she may not give a single cash, but even that won't imply any loss of face, as far as I am concerned. What I have to say is that as Madame Wang is away from home, you should quietly look after yourself a bit. What's the good of worrying and fretting? Our lady is extremely fond of me; and, if, at different times, a chilliness has sprung up on her part, it's because you, Mrs. Chao, have again and again been officious. Had I been a man and able to have gone abroad, I would long ago have run away and started some business. I would then have had something of my own to attend to. But, as it happens, I am a girl, so that I can't even recklessly utter so much as a single remark. Madame Wang is well aware of it in her heart. And it's now because she entertains a high opinion of me that she recently bade me assume the charge of domestic affairs. But before I've had time enough to do a single good act, here you come, Mrs. Chao, to lay down the law. If this reaches Madame Wang's ear, I fear I shall get into trouble. She won't let me exercise any control, and then I shall, in real earnest, come in for no face. But even you, Mrs. Chao, will then actually lose countenance."
Reasoning with her, she so little could repress her tears that they rolled down her cheeks.
Mrs. Chao had not a word more to say to refute her arguments with. "If Madame Wang loves you," she simply responded, "there's still more reason why you should have drawn us into her favour. (Instead of that), all you think about is to try and win Madame Wang's affections, and you forget all about us."
"How ever did I forget you?" T'an Ch'un exclaimed. "How would you have me drag you into favour? Go and ask every one of them, and you'll see what mistress is indifferent to any one, who exerts her energies and makes herself useful, and what worthy person requires being drawn into favour?"
Li Wan, who stood by, did her best to pacify them with her advice. "Mrs. Chao," she argued, "don't lose your temper! Neither should you feel any ill-will against this young lady of yours. Had she even at heart every good intention to lend you a hand, how could she put it into words?"
"This worthy senior dame," T'an Ch'un impatiently interposed, "has also grown quite dense! Whom could I drag into favour? Why, in what family, do the young ladies give a lift to slave-girls? Their qualities as well as defects should all alike be well known to you people. And what have they got to do with me?"
Mrs. Chao was much incensed. "Who tells you," she asked, "to give a lift to any one? Were it not that you looked after the house, I wouldn't have come to inquire anything of you. But anything you may suggest is right; so had you, now that your maternal uncle is dead, granted twenty or thirty taels in excess, is it likely that Madame Wang would not have given you her consent? It's evident that our Madame Wang is a good woman and that it's you people who are mean and stingy. Unfortunately, however, her ladyship has with all her bounty no opportunity of exercising it. You could, my dear girl, well set your mind at ease. You wouldn't, in this instance, have had to spend any of your own money; and at your marriage by and bye, I would still have borne in mind the exceptional regard you had shown the Chao family. But now that you've got your full plumage, you've forgotten your extraction, and chosen a lofty branch to fly to."
Before T'an Ch'un had heard her to the end, she flew into such a rage that her face blanched; and choking for breath, she gasped and panted. Sobbing, she asked the while: "Who's my maternal uncle? My maternal uncle was at the end of the year promoted to be High Commissioner of the Nine Provinces! How can another maternal uncle have cropped up? It's because I've ever shown that reverence enjoined by the rites that other relatives have now more than ever turned up. If what you say be the case, how is it that every day that Huan-erh goes out, Chao Kuo-chi too stands up, and follows him to school? Why doesn't he put on the airs of an uncle? What's the reason that he doesn't? Who isn't aware of the fact that I'm born of a concubine? Would it require two or three months' time to trace my extraction? But the fact is you've come to kick up all this hullaballoo for fear lest people shouldn't be alive to the truth; and with the express design of making it public all over the place! But I wonder who of us two will make the other lose face? Luckily, I've got my wits about me; for had I been a stupid creature ignorant of good manners, I would long ago have lost all patience."
Li Wan was much concerned, but she had to continue to exhort them to desist. But Mrs. Chao proceeded with a long rigmarole until a servant was unexpectedly heard to report that lady Secunda had sent Miss Ping to deliver a message. Mrs. Chao caught the announcement, and eventually held her peace, when they espied P'ing erh making her appearance. Mrs. Chao hastily forced a saturnine smile, and motioned to her to take a seat. "Is your lady any better?" she went on to inquire with vehemence. "I was just thinking of going to look her up; but I could find no leisure!"
Upon seeing P'ing Erh enter, Li Wan felt prompted to ask her the object of her visit.
"My lady says," P'ing Erh smilingly responded, "that she apprehends, now that Mrs. Chao's brother is dead, that your ladyship and you, miss, are not aware of the existence of an old precedent. According to the ordinary practice no more need be given than twenty taels; but she now requests you, miss, to consider what would be best to do; if even you add a good deal more, it will do well enough."
T'an Ch'un at once wiped away all traces of tears. "What's the use of another addition, when there's no valid reason for it?" she promptly demurred. "Who has again been twenty months in the womb? Or is it forsooth any one who's gone to the wars, and managed to escape with his life, carrying his master on his back? Your mistress is certainly very ingenious! She tells me to disregard the precedent, in order that she should pose as a benefactress! She wishes to take the money, which Madame Wang spurns, so as to reap the pleasure of conferring favours! Just you tell her that I could not presume to add or reduce anything, or even to adopt any reckless decision. Let her add what she wants and make a display of bounty. When she gets better and is able to come out, she can effect whatever additions she fancies."
The moment P'ing Erh arrived, she obtained a fair insight (into lady Feng's designs), so when she heard the present remarks, she grasped a still more correct idea of things. But perceiving an angry look about T'an Ch'un's face, she did not have the temerity to behave towards her as she would, had she found her in the high spirits of past days. All she did therefore was to stand aloof with her arms against her sides and to wait in rigid silence. Just at that moment, however, Pao-ch'ai dropped in, on her return from the upper rooms. T'an Ch'un quickly rose to her feet, and offered her a seat. But before they had had time to exchange any words, a married woman likewise came to report some business.
But as T'an Ch'un had been having a good cry, three or four young maids brought her a basin, towel, and hand-glass and other articles of toilette. T'an Ch'un was at the moment seated cross-legged, on a low wooden couch, so the maid with the basin had, when she drew near, to drop on both her knees and lift it high enough to bring it within reach. The other two girls prostrated themselves next to her and handed the towels and the rest of the toilet things, which consisted of a looking-glass, rouge and powder. But P'ing Erh noticed that Shih Shu was not in the room, and approaching T'an Ch'un with hasty step, she tucked up her sleeves for her and unclasped her bracelets. Seizing also a large towel from the hands of one of the maids, she covered the lapel on the front part of T'an Ch'un's dress; whereupon T'an Ch'un put out her hands, and washed herself in the basin.
"My lady and miss," the married woman observed, "may it please you to pay what has been spent in the family school for Mr. Chia Huan and Mr.. Chia Lan during the year."
P'ing Erh was the first to speak. "What are you in such a hurry for?" she cried. "You've got your eyes wide open, and must be able to see our young lady washing her face; instead of coming forward to wait on her, you start talking! Do you also behave in this blind sort of way in the presence of your lady Secunda? This young lady is, it's true, generous and lenient, but I'll go and report you to your mistress. I'll simply tell her that you people have no eye for Miss T'an Ch'un. But when you find yourselves in a mess, don't bear me any malice."
At this hint the woman took alarm, and hastily forcing a smile, she pleaded guilty. "I've been rude," she exclaimed. With these words, she rushed with all despatch out of the room.
T'an Ch'un smoothed her face. While doing so, she turned herself towards P'ing Erh and gave her a cynical smile. "You've come just one step too late," she remarked. "You weren't in time to see something laughable! Even sister Wu, an old hand at business though she be, failed to look up clearly an old custom and came to play her tricks on us. But when we plied her with questions, she luckily had the face to admit that it had slipped from her memory. 'Do you,' I insinuated, 'also forget, when you've got anything to report to lady Secunda? and have you subsequently to go and hunt up all about it?' Your mistress can't, I fancy, be so patient as to wait while she goes and institutes proper search."
P'ing Erh laughed. "Were she to have behaved but once in this wise," she observed, "I feel positive that a couple of the tendons of her legs would have long ago been snapped. But, Miss, don't credit all they say. It's because they see that our senior mistress is as sweet-tempered as a 'P'u-sa,' and that you, miss, are a modest young lady, that they, naturally, shirk their duties and come and take liberties with you. Your mind is set upon playing the giddy dogs," continuing, she added; speaking towards those beyond the doorway; "but when your mistress gets quite well again, we'll tell her all."
"You're gifted with the greatest perspicacity, miss," the married women, standing outside the door, smiled in chorus. "The proverb says: 'the person who commits a fault must be the one to suffer.' We don't in any way presume to treat any mistress with disdain. Our mistress at present is in delicate health, and if we intentionally provoke her, may we, when we die, have no place to have our corpses interred in."
P'ing Erh laughed a laugh full irony. "So long as you're aware of this, it's well and good," she said. And smiling a saturnine smile, she resumed, addressing herself to T'an Ch'un: "Miss, you know very well how busy our lady has been and how little she could afford the time to keep this tribe of people in order. Of course, they couldn't therefore, be prevented from becoming remiss. The adage has it: 'Lookers-on are clear of sight!' During all these years that you, have looked on dispassionately, there have possibly been instances on which, though additions or reductions should have been made, our lady Secunda has not been able to effect them, so, miss, do add or curtail whatever you may deem necessary, in order that, first, Madame Wang may be benefited, and that, secondly, you mayn't too render nugatory the kindness with which you ever deal towards our mistress."
But scarcely had she finished, than Pao-ch'ai and Li Wan smilingly interposed. "What a dear girl!" they ejaculated. "One really can't feel angry with that hussy Feng for being partial to her and fond of her. We didn't, at first, see how we could very well alter anything by any increase or reduction, but after what you've told us, we must hit upon one or two things and try and devise means to do something, with a view of not showing ourselves ungrateful of the advice you've tendered us."
"My heart was swelling with indignation," T'an Ch'un observed laughing, "and I was about to go and give vent to my temper with her mistress, but now that she (P'ing Erh) has happened to come, she has, with a few words, quite dissuaded me from my purpose."
While she spoke, she called the woman, who had been with them a few minutes back, to return into the room. "For what things for Mr. Chia Huan and Mr. Chia Lau was the money expended during the year in the family school?" she inquired of her.
"For cakes," replied the woman, "they ate during the year at school; or for the purchase of paper and pens. Each one of them is allowed eight taels."
"The various expenses on behalf of the young men," T'an Ch'un added, "are invariably paid in monthly instalments to the respective households. For cousin Chia Huan's, Mrs. Chao receives two taels. For Pao-yue's, Hsi Jen draws two taels from our venerable senior's suite of apartments. For cousin Chia Lan's, some one, in our senior lady's rooms, gets the proper allowance. So how is it that these extra eight taels have to be disbursed at school for each of these young fellows? Is it really for these eight taels that they go to school? But from this day forth I shall put a stop to this outlay. So P'ing Erh, when you get back, tell your mistress that I say that this item must absolutely be done away with."
"This should have been done away with long ago," P'ing Erh smiled. "Last year our lady expressed her intention to eliminate it, but with the endless things that claimed her attention about the fall of the year, she forgot all about it."
The woman had no other course than to concur with her views and to walk away. But the married women thereupon arrived from the garden of Broad Vista with the boxes of eatables. So Shih Shu and Su Yuen at once brought a small dining-table, and P'ing Erh began to fuss about laying the viands on it.
"If you've said all you had," T'an Ch'un laughed, "you'd better be off and attend to your business. What's the use of your bustling about here?"
"I've really got nothing to do," P'ing Erh answered smiling. "Our lady Secunda sent me first, to deliver a message; and next, because she feared that the servants in here weren't handy enough. The fact is, she bade me come and help the girls wait on you, my lady, and on you, miss."
"Why don't you bring Mrs. Pao's meal so that she should have it along with us?" T'an Ch'un then inquired.
As soon as the waiting-maids heard her inquiry, they speedily rushed out and went under the eaves. "Go," they cried, directing the married women, "and say that Miss Pao-ch'ai would like to have her repast just now in the hall along with the others, and tell them to send the eatables here."
T'an Ch'un caught their directions. "Don't be deputing people to go on reckless errands!" she vociferated. "Those are dames, who manage important matters and look after the house, and do you send them to ask for eatables and inquire about tea? You haven't even the least notion about gradation. P'ing Erh is standing here, so tell her to go and give the message."
P'ing Erh immediately assented, and issued from the room, bent upon going on the errand. But the married women stealthily pulled her back. "How could you, miss, be made to go and tell them?" they smiled. "We've got some one here, who can do so!"
So saying, they dusted one of the stone steps with their handkerchiefs. "You've been standing so long," they observed, "that you must feel quite tired. Do sit in this sunny place and have a little rest."
P'ing Erh took a seat on the step. Two matrons attached to the tea-room then fetched a rug and spread it out for her. "It's cold on those stones," they ventured; "this is, as clean as it can be. So, miss, do make the best of it, and use it!"
P'ing Erh hastily forced a smile. "Many thanks," she replied.
Another matron next brought her a cup of fine new tea. "This isn't the tea we ordinarily drink," she quietly smiled. "This is really for entertaining the young ladies with. Miss, pray moisten your mouth with some."
P'ing Erh lost no time in bending her body forward and taking the cup. Then pointing at the company of married women, she observed in a low voice: "You're all too fond of trouble! The way you're going on won't do at all! She (T'an Ch'un) is only a young girl, so she is loth to show any severity, or display any temper. This is because she's full of respect. Yet you people look down on her and insult her. Should she, however, be actually provoked into any violent fit of anger, people will simply say that her behaviour was rather rough, and all will be over. But as for you, you'll get at once into endless trouble. Even though she might show herself somewhat wilful, Madame Wang treats her with considerable forbearance, and lady Secunda too hasn't the courage to meddle with her; and do you people have such arrogance as to look down on her? This is certainly just as if an egg were to go and bang itself against a stone!"
"When were we ever so audacious?" the servants exclaimed with one voice. "This fuss is all the work of Mrs. Chao!"
"Never mind about that!" P'ing Erh urged again in an undertone. "My dear ladies, 'when a wall falls, every one gives it a shove.' That Mrs. Chao has always been rather topsy-turvey in her ways, and done things by halves; so whenever there has been any rumpus, you've invariably shoved the blame on to her shoulders. Never have you had any regard for any single person. Your designs are simply awful! Is it likely that all these years that I've been here, I haven't come to know of them? Had our lady Secunda mismanaged things just a little bit, she would have long ago been run down by every one of you, ladies! Even such as she is, you would, could you only get the least opportunity, be ready to place her in a fix! And how many, many times hasn't she been abused by you?"
"She's dreadful," one and all of them rejoined. "You all live in fear and trembling of her. But we know well enough that no one could say that she too does not in the depths of her heart entertain some little dread for the lot of you. The other day, we said, in talking matters over, that things could not go on smoothly from beginning to end, and that some unpleasantness was bound to happen. Miss Tertia is, it's true, a mere girl, and you've always treated her with little consideration, but out of that company of senior and junior young ladies, she is the only soul whom our lady Secunda funks to some certain extent. And yet you people now won't look up to her."
So speaking Ch'iu Wen appeared to view. The married women ran up to her and inquired after her health. "Miss," they said, "do rest a little. They've had their meal served in there, so wait until things have been cleared away, before you go and deliver your message."
"I'm not like you people," Ch'iu Wen smiled. "How can I afford to wait?"
With these words on her lips, she was about to go into the hall, when P'ing Erh quickly called her back. Ch'iu Wen, upon turning her head round, caught sight of P'ing Erh. "Have you too," she remarked with a smile, "come here to become something like those guardians posted outside the enclosing walls?"
Retracing, at the same time, her footsteps, she took a seat on the rug, occupied by P'ing Erh.
"What message have you got to deliver?" P'ing Erh gently asked.
"I've got to ask when we can get Pao-yue's monthly allowance and our own too," she responded.
"Is this any such pressing matter?" P'ing Erh answered. "Go back quick, and tell Hsi Jen that my advice is that no concern whatever should be brought to their notice to-day. That every single matter reported is bound to be objected to; and that even a hundred will just as surely be vetoed."
"Why is it?" vehemently inquired Ch'iu Wen, upon hearing this explanation.
P'ing Erh and the other servants then promptly told her the various reasons. "She's just bent," they proceeded, "upon finding a few weighty concerns in order to establish, at the expense of any decent person who might chance to present herself, a precedent of some kind or other so as to fix upon a mode of action, which might help to put down expenses to their proper level, and afford a lesson to the whole household; and why are you people the first to come and bump your heads against the nails? If you went now and told them your errand, it would also reflect discredit upon our venerable old mistress and Madame Wang, were they to pounce upon one or two matters to make an example of you. But if they complied with one or two of your applications, others will again maintain 'that they are inclined to favour this one and show partiality to that one; that as you had your old mistress' and Madame Wang's authority to fall back upon, they were afraid and did not presume to provoke their displeasure; that they only avail themselves of soft-natured persons to make scapegoats of.' Just mark my words! She even means to raise objections in one or two matters connected with our lady Secunda, in order to be the better able to shut up people's mouths."
Ch'iu Wen listened to her with patient ear; and then stretching out her tongue, "It's lucky enough you were here, sister P'ing," she smiled; "otherwise, I would have had my nose well rubbed on the ground. I shall seize the earliest opportunity and give the lot of them a hint."
While replying, she immediately rose to her feet and took leave of them. Soon after her departure, Pao-ch'ai's eatables arrived, and P'ing Erh hastened to enter and wait on her. By that time Mrs. Chao had left, so the three girls seated themselves on the wooden bed, and went through their repast. Pao-ch'ai faced the south. T'an Ch'un the west. Li Wan the east. The company of married women stood quietly under the verandah ready to answer any calls. Within the precincts of the chamber, only such maids remained in waiting as had ever been their closest attendants. None of the other servants ventured, of their own accord, to put their foot anywhere inside.
The married women (meanwhile) discussed matters in a confidential whisper. "Let's do our downright best to save trouble," they argued. "Don't let us therefore harbour any evil design, for even dame Wu will, in that case, be placed in an awkward fix. And can we boast of any grand honours to expect to fare any better?"
While they stood on one side, and held counsel together, waiting for the meal to be over to make their several reports, they could not catch so much as the caw of a crow inside the rooms. Neither did the clatter of bowls and chopsticks reach their ears. But presently, they discerned a maid raise the frame of the portiere as high as she could, and two other girls bring the table out. In the tea-room, three maids waited with three basins in hand. The moment they saw the dining-table brought out, all three walked in. But after a brief interval, they egressed with the basins and rinsing cups. Shih Shu, Su Yuen and Ying Erh thereupon entered with three covered cups of tea, placed in trays. Shortly however these three girls also made their exit. Shih Shu then recommended a young maid to be careful and attend to the wants (of their mistresses). "When we've had our rice," she added, "we'll come and relieve you. But don't go stealthily again and sit down!"
The married women at length delivered their reports in a quiet and orderly manner; and as they did not presume to be as contemptuous and offhandish as they had been before, T'an Ch'un eventually cooled down.
"I've got something of moment," she then observed to P'ing Erh, "about which I would like to consult your mistress. Happily, I remembered it just now, so come back as soon as you've had your meal. Miss Pao-ch'ai is also here at present, so, after we four have deliberated together, you can carefully ask your lady whether action is to be taken accordingly or not."
P'ing Erh acquiesced and returned to her quarters. "How is it," inquired lady Feng, "that you've been away such an age?"
P'ing Erh smiled and gave her a full account of what had recently transpired.
"What a fine, splendid girl Miss Tertia is!" she laughingly ejaculated. "What I said was quite right! The only pity is that she should have had such a miserable lot as not to have been born of a primary wife."
"My lady, you're also talking a lot of trash!" P'ing Erh smiled. "She, mayn't be Madame Wang's child, but is it likely that any one would be so bold as to point the finger of scorn at her, and not treat her like the others?"
Lady Feng sighed. "How could you know everything?" she remarked. "She is, of course, the offspring of a concubine, but as a mere girl, she can't be placed on the same footing as a man! By and bye, when any one aspires to her hand, the sort of supercilious parties, who now tread the world, will, as a first step, ask whether this young lady is the child of a No. 1 or No. 2 wife. And many of these won't have anything to say to her, as she is the child, of a No. 2. But really people haven't any idea that, not to speak of her as the offspring of a secondary wife, she would be, even as a mere servant-girl of ours, far superior than the very legitimate daughter of any family. Who, I wonder, will in the future be so devoid of good fortune as to break off the match; just because he may be inclined to pick and choose between a wife's child and a concubine's child? And who, I would like to know, will be that lucky fellow, who'll snatch her off without any regard to No. 1 and No. 2?"
Continuing, she resumed, turning smilingly towards P'ing Erh, "You know well enough how many ways and means I've had all these years to devise in order to effect retrenchment, and how there isn't, I may safely aver, a single soul in the whole household, who doesn't detest me behind my back. But now that I'm astride on the tiger's back, (I must go on; for if I put my foot on the ground, I shall be devoured). It's true, my tactics have been more or less seen through, but there's no help for it; I can't very well become more open-handed in a moment! In the second place, much goes out at home, and little comes in; and the hundred and one, large and small, things, which turn up, are still managed with that munificence so characteristic of our old ancestors. But the funds, that come in throughout the year, fall short of the immense sums of past days. And if I try again to effect any savings people will laugh at me, our venerable senior and Madame Wang suffer wrongs, and the servants abhor me for my stinginess. Yet, if we don't seize the first opportunity to think of some plan for enforcing retrenchment, our means will, in the course of a few more years, be completely exhausted."
"Quite so!" assented P'ing Erh. "By and bye, there will be three or four daughters and two or three more sons added; and our old mistress won't be able, singlehanded, to meet all this heavy outlay."
"I myself entertain fears on the same score," lady Feng smiled. "But, after all, there will be ample. For when Pao-yue and cousin Lin get married, there won't be any need to touch a cent of public money, as our old lady has her own private means, and she can well fork out some. Miss Secunda is the child of your senior master yonder, and she too needn't be taken into account. So there only remain three or four, for each of whom one need only spend, at the utmost, ten thousand taels. Cousin Huan will marry in the near future; and if an outlay of three thousand taels prove insufficient, we will be able, by curtailing the bandoline, used in those rooms for smoothing the hair with, make both ends meet. And should our worthy senior's end come about, provision for everything is already made. All that we'll have to do will be to spend some small sum for a few miscellaneous trifles; and three to five thousand taels will more than suffice. So with further economies at present, there will be plenty for all our successive needs. The only fear is lest anything occur at an unforeseen juncture; for then it will be dreadful! But don't let us give way to apprehensions with regard to the future! You'd better have your rice; and when you've done, be quick and go and hear what they mean to treat about in their deliberations. I must now turn this opportunity to the best account. I was only this very minute lamenting that I had no help at my disposal. There's Pao-yue, it's true, but he too is made of the same stuff as the rest of them in here. Were I even to get him under my thumb, it would be of no earthly use whatever. Senior lady is as good-natured as a joss; and she likewise is no good. Miss Secunda is worse than useless. Besides, she doesn't belong to this place. Miss Quarta is only a child. That young fellow Lan and Huan-erh are, more than any of the others, like frozen kittens with frizzled coats. They only wait to find some warm hole in a stove into which they may poke themselves! Really from one and the same womb have been created two human beings (T'an Ch'un and Chia Huan) so totally unlike each other as the heavens are distant from the earth. But when I think of all this, I feel quite angry! Again, that girl Lin and Miss Pao are both deserving enough, but as they also happen to be our connexions, they couldn't very well be put in charge of our family affairs. What's more, the one resembles a lantern, decorated with nice girls, apt to spoil so soon as it is blown by a puff of wind. The other has made up her mind not to open her month in anything that doesn't concern her. When she's questioned about anything, she simply shakes her head, and repeats thrice: 'I don't know,' so that it would be an extremely difficult job to go and ask her to lend a helping hand. There's only therefore Miss Tertia, who is as sharp of mind as of tongue. She's besides a straightforward creature in this household of ours and Madame Wang is attached to her as well. It's true that she outwardly makes no display of her feelings for her, but it's all that old thing Mrs. Chao, who has done the mischief, for, in her heart, she actually holds her as dear as she does Pao-yue. She's such a contrast to Huan-erh! He truly makes it hard for any one to care a rap for him. Could I have had my own way, I would long ere this have packed him out of the place. But since she (T'au Ch'un) has now got this idea into her mind, we must cooperate with her. For if we can afford each other a helping hand, I too won't be single-handed and alone. And as far as every right principle, eternal principle, and honesty of purpose go, we shall with such a person as a helpmate, be able to save ourselves considerable anxiety, and Madame Wang's interests will, on the other hand, derive every advantage. But, as far as unfairness and bad faith go, I've run the show with too malicious a hand, and I must turn tail and draw back from my old ways. When I review what I've done, I find that if I still push my tyrannical rule to the bitter end, people will hate me most relentlessly; so much so, that under their smiles they'll harbour daggers, and much though we two may then be able to boast of having four eyes and two heads between us, they'll compass our ruin, when they can at any moment find us off our guard. We should therefore make the best of this crisis, so that as soon as she takes the initiative and sets things in order, all that tribe of people may for a time lose sight of the bitter feelings they cherish against us, for the way we've dealt with them in the past. But there's another thing besides. I naturally know the great talents you possess, but I feel mistrust lest you should, by your own wits, not be able to bring things round. I enjoin these things then on you, now, for although a mere girl she has everything at her fingers' ends. The only thing is that she must try and be wary in speech. She's besides so much better read than I am that she's a harder nut to crack. Now the proverb says: 'in order to be able to catch the rebels, you must first catch their chief.' So if she's at present disposed to mature some plan and set to work to put it into practice, she'll certainly have to first and foremost make a start with me. In the event consequently of her raising objections to anything I've done, mind you don't begin any dispute with her. The more virulent she is in her censure of me, the more deferential you should be towards her. That's your best plan. And whatever you do, don't imagine that I'm afraid of any loss of face. But the moment you flare up with her, things won' go well......"
P'ing Erh did not allow her time to conclude her argument. "You're too much disposed to treat us as simpletons!" she smiled. "I've already carried out your wishes, and do you now enjoin all these things on me?"
Lady Feng smiled. "It's because," she resumed, "I feared lest you, who have your eyes and mouth so full of me, and only me, might be inclined to show no regard whatever for her, that's why. I couldn't, therefore, but tender you the advice I did. But since you've already done what I wanted you to do, you've shown yourself far sharper than I am. There's nothing in this to drive you into another tantrum, and to make that mouth of yours begin to chatter away so much about 'you and I,' 'you and I' !"
"I've actually addressed you as 'you' ;" P'ing Erh rejoined; "but if you be displeased at it, isn't this a case of a slap on the mouth? You can very well give me another one, for is it likely that this phiz of mine hasn't as yet tasted any, pray?"
"What a vixen you are!" lady Feng said smilingly. "How many faults will you go on picking out, before you shut up? You see how ill I am, and yet you come to rub me the wrong way. Come and sit down; for you and I can at all events have our meal together when there is no one to break in upon us. It's only right that we should."
While these remarks dropped from her lips, Feng Erh and some three or four other maids entered the room and laid the small stove-couch table. Lady Feng only ate some birds' nests' soup and emptied two small plates of some recherche light viands; for she had long ago temporarily reduced her customary diet.
Feng Erh placed the four kinds of eatables allotted to P'ing Erh on the table. After which, she filled a bowl of rice for her. Then with one leg bent on the edge of the stove-couch, while the other rested on the ground, P'ing Erh kept lady Feng company during her repast; and waiting on her, afterwards, until she finished rinsing her mouth, she issued certain directions to Feng Erh, and crossed over at length to T'an Ch'un's quarters. Here she found the courtyard plunged in perfect stillness, for the various inmates, who had been assembled there, had already taken their leave.
But, reader, do you wish to follow up the story? If so, listen to the circumstances detailed in the next chapter.
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