中国经典 红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions   》 第二十八回 蒋玉菡情赠茜香罗 薛宝钗羞笼红麝串 CHAPTER XXVIII.      曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin    高鹗 Gao E

  话说林黛玉只因昨夜晴雯不开门一事,错疑在宝玉身上。至次日又可巧遇见饯花之期,正是一腔无明正未发泄,又勾起伤春愁思,因把些残花落瓣去掩埋,由不得感花伤己, 哭了几声,便随口念了几句。不想宝玉在山坡上听见,先不过点头感叹,次后听到"侬今葬花人笑痴,他年葬侬知是谁","一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知"等句,不觉恸倒山坡之上, 怀里兜的落花撒了一地。试想林黛玉的花颜月貌,将来亦到无可寻觅之时,宁不心碎肠断!既黛玉终归无可寻觅之时,推之于他人,如宝钗,香菱,袭人等,亦可到无可寻觅之时矣。宝钗等终归无可寻觅之时,则自己又安在哉?且自身尚不知何在何往,则斯处,斯园,斯花,斯柳,又不知当属谁姓矣!——因此一而二,二而三,反复推求了去, 真不知此时此际欲为何等蠢物,杳无所知,逃大造,出尘网,使可解释这段悲伤。正是:花影不离身左右,鸟声只在耳东西。
  那林黛玉正自伤感, 忽听山坡上也有悲声,心下想道:“人人都笑我有些痴病,难道还有一个痴子不成?"想着,抬头一看,见是宝玉。林黛玉看见,便道:“啐!我道是谁,原来是这个狠心短命的……"刚说到"短命"二字,又把口掩住,长叹了一声,自己抽身便走了。
  这里宝玉悲恸了一回, 忽然抬头不见了黛玉,便知黛玉看见他躲开了,自己也觉无味, 抖抖土起来,下山寻归旧路,往怡红院来。可巧看见林黛玉在前头走,连忙赶上去,说道:“你且站住。我知你不理我,我只说一句话,从今后撂开手。”林黛玉回头看见是宝玉, 待要不理他,听他说"只说一句话,从此撂开手",这话里有文章,少不得站住说道:“有一句话,请说来。”宝玉笑道:“两句话,说了你听不听?"黛玉听说,回头就走。宝玉在身后面叹道:“既有今日,何必当初!"林黛玉听见这话,由不得站住,回头道:“当初怎么样? 今日怎么样?"宝玉叹道:“当初姑娘来了,那不是我陪着顽笑?凭我心爱的,姑娘要,就拿去,我爱吃的,听见姑娘也爱吃,连忙干干净净收着等姑娘吃。一桌子吃饭,一床上睡觉。丫头们想不到的,我怕姑娘生气,我替丫头们想到了。我心里想着:姊妹们从小儿长大, 亲也罢,热也罢,和气到了儿,才见得比人好。如今谁承望姑娘人大心大, 不把我放在眼睛里,倒把外四路的什么宝姐姐凤姐姐的放在心坎儿上,倒把我三日不理四日不见的。 我又没个亲兄弟亲姊妹。——虽然有两个,你难道不知道是和我隔母的?我也和你似的独出,只怕同我的心一样。谁知我是白操了这个心,弄的有冤无处诉!"说着不觉滴下眼泪来。
  黛玉耳内听了这话,眼内见了这形景,心内不觉灰了大半,也不觉滴下泪来,低头不语。宝玉见他这般形景而亦无独立于形体之神。人之智慧,本于五常之气;人欲有,遂又说道:“我也知道我如今不好了,但只凭着怎么不好,万不敢在妹妹跟前有错处。 便有一二分错处,你倒是或教导我,戒我下次,或骂我两句,打我两下, 我都不灰心。谁知你总不理我,叫我摸不着头脑,少魂失魄,不知怎么样才好。 就便死了,也是个屈死鬼,任凭高僧高道忏悔也不能超生,还得你申明了缘故,我才得托生呢!”
  黛玉听了这个话, 不觉将昨晚的事都忘在九霄云外了,便说道:“你既这么说,昨儿为什么我去了, 你不叫丫头开门?"宝玉诧异道:“这话从那里说起?我要是这么样,立刻就死了! "林黛玉啐道:“大清早起死呀活的,也不忌讳。你说有呢就有,没有就没有, 起什么誓呢。”宝玉道:“实在没有见你去。就是宝姐姐坐了一坐,就出来了。”林黛玉想了一想,笑道:“是了。想必是你的丫头们懒待动,丧声歪气的也是有的。”宝玉道:“ 想必是这个原故。等我回去问了是谁,教训教训他们就好了。”黛玉道:“你的那些姑娘们也该教训教训,只是我论理不该说。今儿得罪了我的事小,倘或明儿宝姑娘来,什么贝姑娘来,也得罪了,事情岂不大了。”说着抿着嘴笑。宝玉听了,又是咬牙,又是笑。
  二人正说话,只见丫头来请吃饭,遂都往前头来了。王夫人见了林黛玉,因问道:“大姑娘,你吃那鲍太医的药可好些?"林黛玉道:“也不过这么着。老太太还叫我吃王大夫的药呢。”宝玉道:“太太不知道,林妹妹是内症,先天生的弱,所以禁不住一点风寒,不过吃两剂煎药就好了,散了风寒,还是吃丸药的好。”王夫人道:“前儿大夫说了个丸药的名字,我也忘了。”宝玉道:“我知道那些丸药,不过叫他吃什么人参养荣丸。”王夫人道:“不是。”宝玉又道:“八珍益母丸?左归?右归?再不,就是麦味地黄丸。”王夫人道:“都不是。我只记得有个‘金刚’两个字的。”宝玉扎手笑道:“从来没听见有个什么‘金刚丸’。若有了‘金刚丸’,自然有‘菩萨散’了!"说的满屋里人都笑了。宝钗抿嘴笑道:“想是天王补心丹。 "王夫人笑道:“是这个名儿。如今我也糊涂了。”宝玉道:“太太倒不糊涂,都是叫‘金刚’‘菩萨’支使糊涂了。”王夫人道:“扯你娘的臊!又欠你老子捶你了。”宝玉笑道:“我老子再不为这个捶我的。”
  王夫人又道:“既有这个名儿,明儿就叫人买些来吃。”宝玉笑道:“这些都不中用的。 太太给我三百六十两银子,我替妹妹配一料丸药,包管一料不完就好了。”王夫人道:“放屁!什么药就这么贵?"宝玉笑道:“当真的呢,我这个方子比别的不同。那个药名儿也古怪人本主义化的思潮。认为马克思主义是一种以革命为目标的, 一时也说不清。只讲那头胎紫河车,人形带叶参,三百六十两不足。龟大何首乌, 千年松根茯苓胆,诸如此类的药都不算为奇,只在群药里算。那为君的药,说起来唬人一跳。 前儿薛大哥哥求了我一二年,我才给了他这方子。他拿了方子去又寻了二三年, 花了有上千的银子,才配成了。太太不信,只问宝姐姐。”宝钗听说,笑着摇手儿说:“我不知道,也没听见。你别叫姨娘问我。”王夫人笑道:“到底是宝丫头,好孩子,不撒谎。”宝玉站在当地,听见如此说,一回身把手一拍,说道:“我说的倒是真话呢,倒说我撒谎。”口里说着,忽一回身,只见林黛玉坐在宝钗身后抿着嘴笑,用手指头在脸上画着羞他。
  凤姐因在里间屋里看着人放桌子, 听如此说,便走来笑道:“宝兄弟不是撒谎,这倒是有的。上日薛大哥亲自和我来寻珍珠,我问他作什么,他说配药。他还抱怨说,不配也罢了,如今那里知道这么费事。我问他什么药,他说是宝兄弟的方子,说了多少药, 我也没工夫听。他说不然我也买几颗珍珠了,只是定要头上带过的,所以来和我寻。他说: ‘妹妹就没散的,花儿上也得,掐下来,过后儿我拣好的再给妹妹穿了来。’我没法儿,把两枝珠花儿现拆了给他。还要了一块三尺上用大红纱去,乳钵乳了隔面子呢。”凤姐说一句,那宝玉念一句佛,说:“太阳在屋子里呢!"凤姐说完了,宝玉又道:“太太想,这不过是将就呢。正经按那方子,这珍珠宝石定要在古坟里的,有那古时富贵人家装裹
  宝玉向林黛玉说道:“你听见了没有,难道二姐姐也跟着我撒谎不成?"脸望着黛玉说话,却拿眼睛パ,着宝钗。黛玉便拉王夫人道:“舅母听听,宝姐姐不替他圆谎的起源(就路易斯··摩尔根的研究成果而作)》。恩格斯,他支吾着我。 "王夫人也道:“宝玉很会欺负你妹妹。”宝玉笑道:“太太不知道这原故。宝姐姐先在家里住着,那薛大哥哥的事,他也不知道,何况如今在里头住着呢,自然是越发不知道了。 林妹妹才在背后羞我,打谅我撒谎呢。”正说着,只见贾母房里的丫头找宝玉林黛玉去吃饭。 林黛玉也不叫宝玉,便起身拉了那丫头就走。那丫头说等着宝玉一块儿走。林黛玉道:“他不吃饭了,咱们走。我先走了。”说着便出去了。宝玉道:“我今儿还跟着太太吃罢。 "王夫人道:“罢,罢,我今儿吃斋,你正经吃你的去罢。”宝玉道:“我也跟着吃斋。”说着便叫那丫头"去罢",自己先跑到桌子上坐了。王夫人向宝钗等笑道:“你们只管吃你们的,由他去罢。”宝钗因笑道:“你正经去罢。吃不吃,陪着林姑娘走一趟,他心里打紧的不自在呢。”宝玉道:“理他呢,过一会子就好了。”
  一时吃过饭,宝玉一则怕贾母记挂,二则也记挂着林黛玉,忙忙的要茶漱口。探春惜春都笑道:“二哥哥,你成日家忙些什么?吃饭吃茶也是这么忙碌碌的。”宝钗笑道:“你叫他快吃了瞧林妹妹去罢, 叫他在这里胡羼些什么。”宝玉吃了茶,便出来,一直往西院来。 可巧走到凤姐儿院门前,只见凤姐蹬着门槛子拿耳挖子剔牙,看着十来个小厮们挪花盆呢。 见宝玉来了,笑道:“你来的好。进来,进来,替我写几个字儿。”宝玉只得跟了进来。到了屋里,凤姐命人取过笔砚纸来,向宝玉道:“大红妆缎四十匹,蟒缎四十匹, 上用纱各色一百匹,金项圈四个。”宝玉道:“这算什么?又不是帐,又不是礼物,怎么个写法?"凤姐儿道:“你只管写上,横竖我自己明白就罢了。”宝玉听说只得写了。凤姐一面收起,一面笑道:“还有句话告诉你,不知你依不依?你屋里有个丫头叫红玉,我要叫了来使唤, 明儿我再替你挑几个,可使得?"宝玉道:“我屋里的人也多的很,姐姐喜欢谁, 只管叫了来,何必问我。”凤姐笑道:“既这么着,我就叫人带他去了。”宝玉道:“只管带去。”说着便要走。凤姐儿道:“你回来,我还有一句话呢。”宝玉道:“老太太叫我呢,有话等我回来罢。”说着便来至贾母这边,只见都已吃完饭了。贾母因问他:“跟着你娘吃了什么好的? "宝玉笑道:“也没什么好的,我倒多吃了一碗饭。”因问:“林妹妹在那里?"贾母道:“里头屋里呢。”
  宝玉进来, 只见地下一个丫头吹熨斗,炕上两个丫头打粉线,黛玉弯着腰拿着剪子裁什么呢。 宝玉走进来笑道:“哦,这是作什么呢?才吃了饭,这么空着头,一会子又头疼了。 "黛玉并不理,只管裁他的。有一个丫头说道:“那块绸子角儿还不好呢,再熨他一熨。”黛玉便把剪子一撂,说道:“理他呢,过一会子就好了。”宝玉听了,只是纳闷。只见宝钗探春等也来了,和贾母说了一回话。宝钗也进来问:“林妹妹作什么呢?"因见林黛玉裁剪,因笑道:“妹妹越发能干了,连裁剪都会了。”黛玉笑道:“这也不过是撒谎哄人罢了。 "宝钗笑道:“我告诉你个笑话儿,才刚为那个药,我说了个不知道,宝兄弟心里不受用了。 "林黛玉道:“理他呢,过会子就好了。”宝玉向宝钗道:“老太太要抹骨牌, 正没人呢,你抹骨牌去罢。”宝钗听说,便笑道:“我是为抹骨牌才来了?"说着便走了。 林黛玉道:“你倒是去罢,这里有老虎,看吃了你!"说着又裁。宝玉见他不理,只得还陪笑说道:“你也出去逛逛再裁不迟。”林黛玉总不理。宝玉便问丫头们:“这是谁叫裁的?"林黛玉见问丫头们,便说道:“凭他谁叫我裁,也不管二爷的事!"宝玉方欲说话,只见有人进来回说"外头有人请"。宝玉听了,忙撤身出来。黛玉向外头说道:“阿弥陀佛!赶你回来,我死了也罢了。”
  宝玉出来,到外面,只见焙茗说道:“冯大爷家请。”宝玉听了,知道是昨日的话,便说:“要衣裳去。”自己便往书房里来。焙茗一直到了二门前等人任爱尔兰南部克罗因教区主教。明确宣布自己的哲学是为神,只见一个老婆子出来了,焙茗上去说道:“宝二爷在书房里等出门的衣裳,你老人家进去带个信儿。”那婆子说:“放你娘的屁!倒好,宝二爷如今在园里住着,跟他的人都在园里,你又跑了这里来带信儿来了! "焙茗听了,笑道:“骂的是,我也糊涂了。”说着一径往东边二门前来。可巧门上小厮在甬路底下踢球, 焙茗将原故说了。小厮跑了进去,半日抱了一个包袱出来,递与焙茗。回到书房里,宝玉换了,命人备马,只带着焙茗,锄药,双瑞,双寿四个小厮去了。一径到了冯紫英家门口,有人报与了冯紫英,出来迎接进去。只见薛蟠早已在那里久候, 还有许多唱曲儿的小厮并唱小旦的蒋玉菡,锦香院的妓女云儿。大家都见过了,然后吃茶。宝玉擎茶笑道:“前儿所言幸与不幸之事,我昼悬夜想,今日一闻呼唤即至。”冯紫英笑道:“你们令表兄弟倒都心实。前日不过是我的设辞,诚心请你们一饮,恐又推托,故说下这句话。今日一邀即至,谁知都信真了。”说毕大家一笑,然后摆上酒来,依次坐定。冯紫英先命唱曲儿的小厮过来让酒,然后命云儿也来敬。
  一个寻拿, 拿住了三曹对案,我也无回话。唱毕笑道:“你喝一坛子罢了。”薛蟠听说,笑道:“不值一坛,再唱好的来。”
  宝玉笑道:“听我说来:如此滥饮,易醉而无味。我先喝一大海,发一新令,有不遵者, 连罚十大海,逐出席外与人斟酒。”冯紫英蒋玉菡等都道:“有理,有理。”宝玉拿起海来一气饮干,说道:“如今要说悲,愁,喜,乐四字,却要说出女儿来,还要注明这四字原故。 说完了,饮门杯。酒面要唱一个新鲜时样曲子,酒底要席上生风一样东西,或古诗, 旧对,《四书》《五经》成语。”薛蟠未等说完,先站起来拦道:“我不来,别算我。这竟是捉弄我呢!"云儿也站起来,推他坐下,笑道:“怕什么?这还亏你天天吃酒呢,难道你连我也不如! 我回来还说呢。说是了,罢,不是了,不过罚上几杯,那里就醉死了。你如今一乱令,倒喝十大海,下去斟酒不成?"众人都拍手道妙。薛蟠听说无法,只得坐了。听宝玉说道:“女儿悲,青春已大守空闺。女儿愁,悔教夫婿觅封侯。女儿喜,对镜晨妆颜色美。女儿乐,秋千架上春衫薄。”
  滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆, 开不完春柳春花满画楼,睡不稳纱窗风雨黄昏后,忘不了新愁与旧愁,咽不下玉粒金
  莼噎满喉, 照不见菱花镜里形容瘦。展不开的眉头,捱不明的更漏。呀!恰便似遮不住的青山隐隐,流不断的绿
  细打听, 才知道我疼你不疼!唱完,饮了门杯,说道:“鸡声茅店月。”令完,下该云儿。
  薛蟠道:“我可要说了:女儿悲——"说了半日,不见说底下的。冯紫英笑道:“悲什么?快说来。”薛蟠登时急的眼睛铃铛一般,瞪了半日,才说道:“女儿悲——"又咳嗽了两声,说道:“女儿悲,嫁了个男人是乌龟。”众人听了都大笑起来。薛蟠道:“笑什么,难道我说的不是?一个女儿嫁了汉子,要当忘八,他怎么不伤心呢?"众人笑的弯腰说道:“ 你说的很是,快说底下的。”薛蟠瞪了一瞪眼,又说道:“女儿愁——"说了这句,又不言语了。众人道:“怎么愁?"薛蟠道:“绣房撺出个大马猴。”众人呵呵笑道:“该罚,该罚! 这句更不通,先还可恕。”说着便要筛酒。宝玉笑道:“押韵就好。”薛蟠道:“令官都准了,你们闹什么?"众人听说,方才罢了。云儿笑道:“下两句越发难说了,我替你说罢。”薛蟠道:“胡说!当真我就没好的了!听我说罢:女儿喜,洞房花烛朝慵起。”众人听了,都诧异道:“这句何其太韵?"薛蟠又道:“女儿乐,一根фх往里戳。”众人听了,都扭着脸说道:“该死,该死!快唱了罢。”薛蟠便唱道:“一个蚊子哼哼哼。”众人都怔了,说:“这是个什么曲儿?"薛蟠还唱道:“两个苍蝇嗡嗡嗡。”众人都道:“罢,罢,罢!"薛蟠道:“爱听不听!这是新鲜曲儿,叫作哼哼韵。你们要懒待听,连酒底都免了,我就不唱。”众人都道:“免了罢,免了罢,倒别耽误了别人家。”于是蒋玉菡说道:“女儿悲,丈夫一去不回归。女儿愁,无钱去打桂花油。女儿喜,灯花并头结双蕊。女儿乐,夫唱妇随真和合。”说毕,唱道:
  众人倒都依了, 完令。薛蟠又跳了起来,喧嚷道:“了不得,了不得!该罚,该罚!这席上又没有宝贝,你怎么念起宝贝来?"蒋玉菡怔了,说道:“何曾有宝贝?"薛蟠道:“你还赖呢! 你再念来。”蒋玉菡只得又念了一遍。薛蟠道:“袭人可不是宝贝是什么!你们不信, 只问他。”说毕,指着宝玉。宝玉没好意思起来,说:“薛大哥,你该罚多少?"薛蟠道:“该罚,该罚!"说着拿起酒来,一饮而尽。冯紫英与蒋玉菡等不知原故,云儿便告诉了出来。蒋玉菡忙起身陪罪。众人都道:“不知者不作罪。”
  少刻, 宝玉出席解手,蒋玉菡便随了出来。二人站在廊檐下,蒋玉菡又陪不是。宝玉见他妩媚温柔,心中十分留恋,便紧紧的搭着他的手,叫他:“闲了往我们那里去。还有一句话借问, 也是你们贵班中,有一个叫琪官的,他在那里?如今名驰天下,我独无缘一见。”蒋玉菡笑道:“就是我的小名儿。”宝玉听说,不觉欣然跌足笑道:“有幸,有幸! 果然名不虚传。今儿初会,便怎么样呢?"想了一想,向袖中取出扇子,将一个玉ぉ扇坠解下来, 递与琪官,道:“微物不堪,略表今日之谊。”琪官接了,笑道:“无功受禄,何以克当! 也罢,我这里得了一件奇物,今日早起方系上,还是簇新的,聊可表我一点亲热之意。”说毕撩衣,将系小衣儿一
  条大红汗巾子解了下来, 递与宝玉,道:“这汗巾子是茜香国女国王所贡之物,夏天系着,肌肤生香,不生汗渍。昨日北静王给我的,今日才上身。若是别人,我断不肯相赠。 二爷请把自己系的解下来,给我系着。”宝玉听说,喜不自禁,连忙接了,将自己一条松花汗巾解了下来, 递与琪官。二人方束好,只见一声大叫:“我可拿住了!"只见薛蟠跳了出来, 拉着二人道:“放着酒不吃,两个人逃席出来干什么?快拿出来我瞧瞧。”二人都道:“没有什么。”薛蟠那里肯依,还是冯紫英出来才解开了。于是复又归坐饮酒,至晚方散。
  宝玉回至园中, 宽衣吃茶。袭人见扇子上的坠儿没了,便问他:“往那里去了?"宝玉道:“马上丢了。”睡觉时只见腰里一条血点似的大红汗巾子,袭人便猜了八九分,因说道:“你有了好的系裤子,把我那条还我罢。”宝玉听说,方想起那条汗巾子原是袭人的, 不该给人才是,心里后悔,口里说不出来,只得笑道:“我赔你一条罢。”袭人听了,点头叹道:“我就知道又干这些事!也不该拿着我的东西给那起混帐人去。也难为你,心里没个算计儿。”再要说几句,又恐怄上他的酒来,少不得也睡了,一宿无话。至次日天明, 方才醒了,只见宝玉笑道:“夜里失了盗也不晓得,你瞧瞧裤子上。”袭人低头一看, 只见昨日宝玉系的那条汗巾子系在自己腰里呢,便知是宝玉夜间换了,忙一顿把解下来, 说道:“我不希罕这行子,趁早儿拿了去!"宝玉见他如此,只得委婉解劝了一回。 袭人无法,只得系在腰里。过后宝玉出去,终久解下来掷在个空箱子里,自己又换了一条系着。
  宝玉并未理论,因问起昨日可有什么事情。袭人便回说:“二奶奶打发人叫了红玉去了。 他原要等你来的,我想什么要紧,我就作了主,打发他去了。”宝玉道:“很是。我已知道了,不必等我罢了。”袭人又道:“昨儿贵妃打发夏太监出来,送了一百二十两银子, 叫在清虚观初一到初三打三天平安醮,唱戏献供,叫珍大爷领着众位爷们跪香拜佛呢。 还有端午儿的节礼也赏了。”说着命小丫头子来,将昨日所赐之物取了出来,只见上等宫扇两柄, 红麝香珠二串,凤尾罗二端,芙蓉簟一领。宝玉见了,喜不自胜,问"别人的也都是这个?"袭人道:“老太太的多着一个香如意,一个玛瑙枕。太太,老爷,姨太太的只多着一个如意。你的同宝姑娘的一样。林姑娘同二姑娘,三姑娘,四姑娘只单有扇子同数珠儿, 别人都没了。大奶奶,二奶奶他两个是每人两匹纱,两匹罗,两个香袋,两个锭子药。”宝玉听了,笑道:“这是怎么个原故?怎么林姑娘的倒不同我的一样,倒是宝姐姐的同我一样!别是传错了罢?"袭人道:“昨儿拿出来,都是一份一份的写着签子, 怎么就错了!你的是在老太太屋里的,我去拿了来了。老太太说了,明儿叫你一个五更天进去谢恩呢。”宝玉道:“自然要走一趟。”说着便叫紫绡来:“拿了这个到林姑娘那里去,就说是昨儿我得的,爱什么留下什么。”紫绡答应了,拿了去,不一时回来说:“林姑娘说了,昨儿也得了,二爷留着罢。”
  宝玉听说,便命人收了。刚洗了脸出来,要往贾母那里请安去,只见林黛玉顶头来了。宝玉赶上去笑道:“我的东西叫你拣,你怎么不拣?"林黛玉昨日所恼宝玉的心事早又丢开,又顾今日的事了,因说道:“我没这么大福禁受,比不得宝姑娘,什么金什么玉的, 我们不过是草木之人!"宝玉听他提出"金玉"二字来,不觉心动疑猜,便说道:“除了别人说什么金什么玉, 我心里要有这个想头,天诛地灭,万世不得人身!"林黛玉听他这话,便知他心里动了疑,忙又笑道:“好没意思,白白的说什么誓?管你什么金什么玉的呢!"宝玉道:“我心里的事也难对你说,日后自然明白。除了老太太,老爷,太太这三个人,第四个就是妹妹了。要有第五个人,我也说个誓。”林黛玉道:“你也不用说誓,我很知道你心里有‘妹妹’,但只是见了‘姐姐’,就把‘妹妹’忘了。”宝玉道:“那是你多心,我再不的。”林黛玉道:“昨儿宝丫头不替你圆谎,为什么问着我呢?那要是我,你又不知怎么样了。”正说着,只见宝钗从那边来了,二人便走开了。宝钗分明看见,只装看不见, 低着头过去了,到了王夫人那里,坐了一回,然后到了贾母这边,只见宝玉在这里呢。 薛宝钗因往日母亲对王夫人等曾提过"金锁是个和尚给的,等日后有玉的方可结为婚姻" 等语,所以总远着宝玉。昨儿见元春所赐的东西,独他与宝玉一样,心里越发没意思起来。 幸亏宝玉被一个林黛玉缠绵住了,心心念念只记挂着林黛玉,并不理论这事。此刻忽见宝玉笑问道:“宝姐姐,我瞧瞧你的红麝串子?"可巧宝钗左腕上笼着一串, 见宝玉问他,少不得褪了下来。宝钗生的肌肤丰泽,容易褪不下来。宝玉在旁看着雪白一段酥臂, 不觉动了羡慕之心,暗暗想道:“这个膀子要长在林妹妹身上,或者还得摸一摸, 偏生长在他身上。”正是恨没福得摸,忽然想起金玉玉另具一种妩媚风流,不觉就呆了,宝钗褪了串子来递与他也忘了接。宝钗见他怔了,自己倒不好意思的, 丢下串子,回身才要走,只见林黛玉蹬着门槛子,嘴里咬着手帕子笑呢。宝钗道:“你又禁不得风吹,怎么又站在那风口里?"林黛玉笑道:“何曾不是在屋里的。只因听见天上一声叫唤,出来瞧了瞧,原来是个呆雁。”薛宝钗道:“呆雁在那里呢?我也瞧一瞧。”林黛玉道:“我才出来,他就‘忒儿’一声飞了。”口里说着,将手里的帕子一甩,向宝玉脸上甩来。宝玉不防,正打在眼上,"嗳哟"了一声。要知端的,且听下回分解。

  Chiang Yue-han lovingly presents a rubia-scented silk sash. Hsueeh Pao-ch'ai blushingly covers her musk-perfumed string of red beads.
   Lin Tai-yue, the story goes, dwelt, after Ch'ing Wen's refusal, the previous night, to open the door, under the impression that the blame lay with Pao-yue. The following day, which by another remarkable coincidence, happened to correspond with the season, when the god of flowers had to be feasted, her total ignorance of the true circumstances, and her resentment, as yet unspent, aroused again in her despondent thoughts, suggested by the decline of spring time. She consequently gathered a quantity of faded flowers and fallen petals, and went and interred them. Unable to check the emotion, caused by the decay of the flowers, she spontaneously recited, after giving way to several loud lamentations, those verses which Pao-yue, she little thought, overheard from his position on the mound. At first, he did no more than nod his head and heave sighs, full of feeling. But when subsequently his ear caught:
   "Here I am fain these flowers to inter, but humankind will laugh me as a fool; Who knows who will, in years to come, commit me to my grave! In a twinkle springtime draws to an end, and maidens wax in age. Flowers fade and maidens die; and of either naught any more is known."
   he unconsciously was so overpowered with grief that he threw himself on the mound, bestrewing the whole ground with the fallen flowers he carried in his coat, close to his chest. "When Tai-yue's flowerlike charms and moon-like beauty," he reflected, "by and bye likewise reach a time when they will vanish beyond any hope of recovery, won't my heart be lacerated and my feelings be mangled! And extending, since Tai-yue must at length some day revert to a state when it will be difficult to find her, this reasoning to other persons, like Pao-ch'ai, Hsiang Ling, Hsi Jen and the other girls, they too are equally liable to attain a state beyond the reach of human search. But when Pao-ch'ai and all the rest have ultimately reached that stage when no trace will be visible of them, where shall I myself be then? And when my own human form will have vanished and gone, whither I know not yet, to what person, I wonder, will this place, this garden and these plants, revert?"
   From one to a second, and from a second to a third, he thus pursued his reflections, backwards and forwards, until he really did not know how he could best, at this time and at such a juncture, dispel his fit of anguish. His state is adequately described by:
   The shadow of a flower cannot err from the flower itself to the left or the right. The song of birds can only penetrate into the ear from the east or the west.
   Lin Tai-yue was herself a prey to emotion and agitation, when unawares sorrowful accents also struck her ear, from the direction of the mound. "Every one," she cogitated, "laughs at me for labouring under a foolish mania, but is there likely another fool besides myself?" She then raised her head, and, casting a glance about her, she discovered that it was Pao-yue. "Ts'ui!" eagerly cried Tai-yue, "I was wondering who it was; but is it truly this ruthless-hearted and short-lived fellow!"
   But the moment the two words "short-lived" dropped from her mouth, she sealed her lips; and, heaving a deep sigh, she turned herself round and hurriedly walked off.
   Pao-yue, meanwhile, remained for a time a prey to melancholy. But perceiving that Tai-yue had retired, he at once realised that she must have caught sight of him and got out of his way; and, as his own company afforded him no pleasure, he shook the dust off his clothes, rose to his feet and descending the hill, he started for the I Hung court by the path by which he had come. But he espied Tai-yue walking in advance of him, and with rapid stride, he overtook her. "Stop a little!" he cried. "I know you don't care a rap for me; but I'll just make one single remark, and from this day forward we'll part company."
   Tai-yue looked round. Observing that it was Pao-yue, she was about to ignore him; hearing him however mention that he had only one thing to say, "Please tell me what it is," she forthwith rejoined.
   Pao-yue smiled at her. "If I pass two remarks will you listen to me; yes or no?" he asked.
   At these words, Tai-yue twisted herself round and beat a retreat. Pao-yue however followed behind.
   "Since this is what we've come to now," he sighed, "what was the use of what existed between us in days gone by?"
   As soon as Tai-yue heard his exclamation, she stopped short impulsively. Turning her face towards him, "what about days gone by," she remarked, "and what about now?"
   "Ai!" ejaculated Pao-yue, "when you got here in days gone by, wasn't I your playmate in all your romps and in all your fun? My heart may have been set upon anything, but if you wanted it you could take it away at once. I may have been fond of any eatable, but if I came to learn that you too fancied it, I there and then put away what could be put away, in a clean place, to wait, Miss, for your return. We had our meals at one table; we slept in one and the same bed; whatever the servant-girls could not remember, I reminded them of, for fear lest your temper, Miss, should get ruffled. I flattered myself that cousins, who have grown up together from their infancy, as you and I have, would have continued, through intimacy or friendship, either would have done, in peace and harmony until the end, so as to make it palpable that we are above the rest. But, contrary to all my expectations, now that you, Miss, have developed in body as well as in mind, you don't take the least heed of me. You lay hold instead of some cousin Pao or cousin Feng or other from here, there and everywhere and give them a place in your affections; while on the contrary you disregard me for three days at a stretch and decline to see anything of me for four! I have besides no brother or sister of the same mother as myself. It's true there are a couple of them, but these, are you not forsooth aware, are by another mother! You and I are only children, so I ventured to hope that you would have reciprocated my feelings. But, who'd have thought it, I've simply thrown away this heart of mine, and here I am with plenty of woes to bear, but with nowhere to go and utter them!"
   While expressing these sentiments, tears, unexpectedly, trickled from his eyes.
   When Lin Tai-yue caught, with her ears, his protestations, and noticed with her eyes his state of mind, she unconsciously experienced an inward pang, and, much against her will, tears too besprinkled her cheeks; so, drooping her head, she kept silent.
   Her manner did not escape Pao-yue's notice. "I myself am aware," he speedily resumed, "that I'm worth nothing now; but, however imperfect I may be, I could on no account presume to become guilty of any shortcoming with you cousin. Were I to ever commit the slightest fault, your task should be either to tender me advice and warn me not to do it again, or to blow me up a little, or give me a few whacks; and all this reproof I wouldn't take amiss. But no one would have ever anticipated that you wouldn't bother your head in the least about me, and that you would be the means of driving me to my wits' ends, and so much out of my mind and off my head, as to be quite at a loss how to act for the best. In fact, were death to come upon me, I would be a spirit driven to my grave by grievances. However much exalted bonzes and eminent Taoist priests might do penance, they wouldn't succeed in releasing my soul from suffering; for it would still be needful for you to clearly explain the facts, so that I might at last be able to come to life."
   After lending him a patient ear, Tai-yue suddenly banished from her memory all recollection of the occurrences of the previous night. "Well, in that case," she said, "why did you not let a servant-girl open the door when I came over?"
   This question took Pao-yue by surprise. "What prompts you to say this?" he exclaimed. "If I have done anything of the kind, may I die at once."
   "Psha!" cried Tai-yue, "it's not right that you-should recklessly broach the subject of living or dying at this early morn! If you say yea, it's yea; and nay, it's nay; what use is there to utter such oaths!"
   "I didn't really see you come over," protested Pao-yue. "Cousin Pao-ch'ai it was, who came and sat for a while and then left."
   After some reflection, Lin Tai-yue smiled. "Yes," she observed, "your servant-girls must, I fancy, have been too lazy to budge, grumpy and in a cross-grained mood; this is probable enough."
   "This is, I feel sure, the reason," answered Pao-yue, "so when I go back, I'll find out who it was, call them to task and put things right."
   "Those girls of yours;" continued Tai-yue, "should be given a lesson, but properly speaking it isn't for me to mention anything about it. Their present insult to me is a mere trifle; but were to-morrow some Miss Pao (precious) or some Miss Pei (jewel) or other to come, and were she to be subjected to insult, won't it be a grave matter?"
   While she taunted him, she pressed her lips, and laughed sarcastically.
   Pao-yue heard her remarks and felt both disposed to gnash his teeth with rage, and to treat them as a joke; but in the midst of their colloquy, they perceived a waiting-maid approach and invite them to have their meal.
   Presently, the whole body of inmates crossed over to the front.
   "Miss," inquired Madame Wang at the sight of Tai-yue, "have you taken any of Dr. Pao's medicines? Do you feel any better?"
   "I simply feel so-so," replied Lin Tai-yue, "but grandmother Chia recommended me to go on taking Dr. Wang's medicines."
   "Mother," Pao-yue interposed, "you've no idea that cousin Lin's is an internal derangement; it's because she was born with a delicate physique that she can't stand the slightest cold. All she need do is to take a couple of closes of some decoction to dispel the chill; yet it's preferable that she should have medicine in pills."
   "The other day," said Madame Wang, "the doctor mentioned the name of some pills, but I've forgotten what it is."
   "I know something about pills," put in Pao-yue; "he merely told her to take some pills or other called 'ginseng as-a-restorative-of-the-system.'"
   "That isn't it," Madame Wang demurred.
   "The 'Eight-precious-wholesome-to-mother' pills," Pao-yue proceeded, "or the 'Left-angelica' or 'Right-angelica;' if these also aren't the ones, they must be the 'Eight-flavour Rehmannia-glutinosa' pills."
   "None of these," rejoined Madame Wang, "for I remember well that there were the two words chin kang (guardians in Buddhistic temples)."
   "I've never before," observed Pao-yue, clapping his hands, "heard of the existence of chin kang pills; but in the event of there being any chin kang pills, there must, for a certainty, be such a thing as P'u Sa (Buddha) powder."
   At this joke, every one in the whole room burst out laughing. Pao-ch'ai compressed her lips and gave a smile. "It must, I'm inclined to think," she suggested, "be the 'lord-of-heaven-strengthen-the-heart' pills!"
   "Yes, that's the name," Madame Wang laughed, "why, now, I too have become muddle-headed."
   "You're not muddle-headed, mother," said Pao-yue, "it's the mention of Chin kangs and Buddhas which confused you."
   "Stuff and nonsense!" ejaculated Madame Wang. "What you want again is your father to whip you!"
   "My father," Pao-yue laughed, "wouldn't whip me for a thing like this."
   "Well, this being their name," resumed Madame Wang, "you had better tell some one to-morrow to buy you a few."
   "All these drugs," expostulated Pao-yue, "are of no earthly use. Were you, mother, to give me three hundred and sixty taels, I'll concoct a supply of pills for my cousin, which I can certify will make her feel quite herself again before she has finished a single supply."
   "What trash!" cried Madame Wang. "What kind of medicine is there so costly!"
   "It's a positive fact," smiled Pao-yue. "This prescription of mine is unlike all others. Besides, the very names of those drugs are quaint, and couldn't be enumerated in a moment; suffice it to mention the placenta of the first child; three hundred and sixty ginseng roots, shaped like human beings and studded with leaves; four fat tortoises; full-grown polygonum multiflorum; the core of the Pachyma cocos, found on the roots of a fir tree of a thousand years old; and other such species of medicines. They're not, I admit, out-of-the-way things; but they are the most excellent among that whole crowd of medicines; and were I to begin to give you a list of them, why, they'd take you all quite aback. The year before last, I at length let Hsueeh P'an have this recipe, after he had made ever so many entreaties during one or two years. When, however, he got the prescription, he had to search for another two or three years and to spend over and above a thousand taels before he succeeded in having it prepared. If you don't believe me, mother, you are at liberty to ask cousin Pao-ch'ai about it."
   At the mention of her name, Pao-ch'ai laughingly waved her hand. "I know nothing about it," she observed. "Nor have I heard anything about it, so don't tell your mother to ask me any questions."
   "Really," said Madame Wang smiling, "Pao-ch'ai is a good girl; she does not tell lies."
   Pao-yue was standing in the centre of the room. Upon hearing these words, he turned round sharply and clapped his hands. "What I stated just now," he explained, "was the truth; yet you maintain that it was all lies."
   As he defended himself, he casually looked round, and caught sight of Lin Tai-yue at the back of Pao-ch'ai laughing with tight-set lips, and applying her fingers to her face to put him to shame.
   But Lady Feng, who had been in the inner rooms overseeing the servants laying the table, came out at once, as soon as she overheard the conversation. "Brother Pao tells no lies," she smilingly chimed in, "this is really a fact. Some time ago cousin Hsueeh P'an came over in person and asked me for pearls, and when I inquired of him what he wanted them for, he explained that they were intended to compound some medicine with; adding, in an aggrieved way, that it would have been better hadn't he taken it in hand for he never had any idea that it would involve such a lot of trouble! When I questioned him what the medicine was, he returned for answer that it was a prescription of brother Pao's; and he mentioned ever so many ingredients, which I don't even remember. 'Under other circumstances,' he went on to say, 'I would have purchased a few pearls, but what are absolutely wanted are such pearls as have been worn on the head; and that's why I come to ask you, cousin, for some. If, cousin, you've got no broken ornaments at hand, in the shape of flowers, why, those that you have on your head will do as well; and by and bye I'll choose a few good ones and give them to you, to wear.' I had no other course therefore than to snap a couple of twigs from some flowers I have, made of pearls, and to let him take them away. One also requires a piece of deep red gauze, three feet in length of the best quality; and the pearls must be triturated to powder in a mortar."
   After each sentence expressed by lady Feng, Pao-yue muttered an invocation to Buddha. "The thing is as clear as sunlight now," he remarked.
   The moment lady Feng had done speaking, Pao-yue put in his word. "Mother," he added, "you should know that this is a mere makeshift, for really, according to the letter of the prescription, these pearls and precious stones should, properly speaking, consist of such as had been obtained from, some old grave and been worn as head-ornaments by some wealthy and honourable person of bygone days. But how could one go now on this account and dig up graves, and open tombs! Hence it is that such as are simply in use among living persons can equally well be substituted."
   "O-mi-to-fu!" exclaimed Madame Wang, after listening to him throughout. "That will never do, and what an arduous job to uselessly saddle one's self with; for even though there be interred in some graves people, who've been dead for several hundreds of years, it wouldn't be a propitious thing were their corpses turned topsy-turvey now and the bones abstracted; just for the sake of preparing some medicine or other."
   Pao-yue thereupon addressed himself to Tai-yue. "Have you heard what was said or not?" he asked. "And is there, pray, any likelihood that cousin Secunda would also follow in my lead and tell lies?"
   While saying this, his eyes were, albeit his face was turned towards Lin Tai-yue, fixed upon Pao-ch'ai.
   Lin Tai-yue pulled Madame Wang. "You just listen to him, aunt," she observed. "All because cousin Pao-ch'ai would not accommodate him by lying, he appeals to me."
   "Pao-yue has a great knack," Madame Wang said, "of dealing contemptuously with you, his cousin."
   "Mother," Pao-yue smilingly protested, "you are not aware how the case stands. When cousin Pao-ch'ai lived at home, she knew nothing whatever about my elder cousin Hsueeh P'an's affairs, and how much less now that she has taken up her quarters inside the garden? She, of course, knows less than ever about them! Yet, cousin Lin just now stealthily treated my statements as lies, and put me to the blush."
   These words were still on his lips, when they perceived a waiting-maid, from dowager lady Chia's apartments, come in quest of Pao-yue and Lin Tai-yue to go and have their meal. Lin Tai-yue, however, did not even call Pao-yue, but forthwith rising to her feet, she went along, dragging the waiting-maid by the hand.
   "Let's wait for master Secundus, Mr. Pao, to go along with us," demurred the girl.
   "He doesn't want anything to eat," Lin Tai-yue replied; "he won't come with us, so I'll go ahead." So saying she promptly left the room.
   "I'll have my repast with my mother to-day," Pao-yue said.
   "Not at all," Madame Wang remarked, "not at all. I'm going to fast to-day, so it's only right and proper that you should go and have your own."
   "I'll also fast with you then," Pao-yue retorted.
   As he spoke, he called out to the servant to go back, and rushing up to the table, he took a seat.
   Madame Wang faced Pao-ch'ai and her companions. "You, girls," she observed, "had better have your meal, and let him have his own way!"
   "It's only right that you should go," Pao-ch'ai smiled. "Whether you have anything to eat or not, you should go over for a while to keep company to cousin Lin, as she will be quite distressed and out of spirits."
   "Who cares about her!" Pao-yue rejoined, "she'll get all right again after a time."
   Shortly, they finished their repast. But Pao-yue apprehended, in the first place, that his grandmother Chia, would be solicitous on his account, and longed, in the second, to be with Lin Tai-yue, so he hurriedly asked for some tea to rinse his mouth with.
   "Cousin Secundus," T'an Ch'un and Hsi Ch'un interposed with an ironic laugh, "what's the use of the hurry-scurry you're in the whole day long! Even when you're having your meals, or your tea, you're in this sort of fussy helter-skelter!"
   "Make him hurry up and have his tea," Pao-ch'ai chimed in smiling, "so that he may go and look up his cousin Lin. He'll be up to all kinds of mischief if you keep him here!"
   Pao-yue drank his tea. Then hastily leaving the apartment, he proceeded straightway towards the eastern court. As luck would have it, the moment he got near lady Feng's court, he descried lady Feng standing at the gateway. While standing on the step, and picking her teeth with an ear-cleaner, she superintended about ten young servant-boys removing the flower-pots from place to place. As soon as she caught sight of Pao-yue approaching, she put on a smiling face. "You come quite opportunely," she said; "walk in, walk in, and write a few characters for me."
   Pao-yue had no option but to follow her in. When they reached the interior of her rooms, lady Feng gave orders to a servant to fetch a pen, inkslab and paper.
   "Forty rolls of deep red ornamented satin," she began, addressing herself to Pao-yue, "forty rolls of satin with dragons; a hundred rolls of gauzes of every colour, of the finest quality; four gold necklaces...."
   "What's this?" Pao-yue shouted, "it is neither a bill; nor is it a list of presents, and in what style shall I write it?"
   Lady Feng remonstrated with him. "Just you go on writing," she said, "for, in fact, as long as I can make out what it means, it's all that is needed."
   Pao-yue at this response felt constrained to proceed with the writing.
   This over lady Feng put the paper by. As she did so, "I've still something more to tell you," she smilingly pursued, "but I wonder whether you will accede to it or not. There is in your rooms a servant-maid, Hsiao Hung by name, whom I would like to bring over into my service, and I'll select several girls to-morrow to wait on you; will this do?"
   "The servants in my quarters," answered Pao-yue, "muster a large crowd, so that, cousin, you are at perfect liberty to send for any one of them, who might take your fancy; what's the need therefore of asking me about it?"
   "If that be so," continued lady Feng laughingly, "I'll tell some one at once to go and bring her over."
   "Yes, she can go and fetch her," acquiesced Pao-yue.
   While replying, he made an attempt to take his leave. "Come back," shouted lady Feng, "I've got something more to tell you."
   "Our venerable senior has sent for me," Pao-yue rejoined; "if you have anything to tell me you must wait till my return."
   After this explanation, he there and then came over to his grandmother Chia's on this side, where he found that they had already got through their meal.
   "Have you had anything nice to eat with your mother?" old lady Chia asked.
   "There was really nothing nice," Pao-yue smiled. "Yet I managed to have a bowl of rice more than usual."
   "Where's cousin Lin?" he then inquired.
   "She's in the inner rooms," answered his grandmother.
   Pao-yue stepped in. He caught sight of a waiting-maid, standing below, blowing into an iron, and two servant-girls seated on the stove-couch making a chalk line. Tai-yue with stooping head was cutting out something or other with a pair of scissors she held in her hand.
   Pao-yue advanced further in. "O! what's this that you are up to!" he smiled. "You have just had your rice and do you bob your head down in this way! Why, in a short while you'll be having a headache again!"
   Tai-yue, however, did not heed him in the least, but busied herself cutting out what she had to do.
   "The corner of that piece of satin is not yet right," a servant-girl put in. "You had better iron it again!"
   Tai-yue threw down the scissors. "Why worry yourself about it?" she said; "it will get quite right after a time."
   But while Pao-yue was listening to what was being said, and was inwardly feeling in low spirits, he became aware that Pao-ch'ai, T'an Ch'un and the other girls had also arrived. After a short chat with dowager lady Chia, Pao-ch'ai likewise entered the apartment to find out what her cousin Lin was up to. The moment she espied Lin Tai-yue engaged in cutting out something: "You have," she cried, "attained more skill than ever; for there you can even cut out clothes!"
   "This too," laughed Tai-yue sarcastically, "is a mere falsehood, to hoodwink people with, nothing more."
   "I'll tell you a joke," replied Pao-ch'ai smiling, "when I just now said that I did not know anything about that medicine, cousin Pao-yue felt displeased." "Who cares!" shouted Lin Tai-yue. "He'll get all right shortly."
   "Our worthy grandmother wishes to play at dominoes," Pao-yue thereupon interposed directing his remarks to Pao-ch'ai; "and there's no one there at present to have a game with her; so you'd better go and play with her."
   "Have I come over now to play dominoes!" promptly smiled Pao-ch'ai when she heard his suggestion. With this remark, she nevertheless at once quitted the room.
   "It would be well for you to go," urged Lin Tai-yue, "for there's a tiger in here; and, look out, he might eat you up."
   As she spoke, she went on with her cutting.
   Pao-yue perceived how both she was to give him any of her attention, and he had no alternative but to force a smile and to observe: "You should also go for a stroll! It will be time enough by and bye to continue your cutting."
   But Tai-yue would pay no heed whatever to him. Pao-yue addressed himself therefore to the servant-girls. "Who has taught her how to cut out these things?" he asked.
   "What does it matter who taught me how to cut?" Tai-yue vehemently exclaimed, when she realised that he was speaking to the maids. "It's no business of yours, Mr. Secundus."
   Pao-yue was then about to say something in his defence when he saw a servant come in and report that there was some one outside who wished to see him. At this announcement, Pao-yue betook himself with alacrity out of the room.
   "O-mi-to-fu!" observed Tai-yue, turning outwards, "it wouldn't matter to you if you found me dead on your return!"
   On his arrival outside, Pao-yue discovered Pei Ming. "You are invited," he said, "to go to Mr. Feng's house."
   Upon hearing this message, Pao-yue knew well enough that it was about the project mooted the previous day, and accordingly he told him to go and ask for his clothes, while he himself wended his steps into the library.
   Pei Ming came forthwith to the second gate and waited for some one to appear. Seeing an old woman walk out, Pei Ming went up to her. "Our Master Secundus, Mr. Pao," he told her, "is in the study waiting for his out-door clothes; so do go in, worthy dame, and deliver the message."
   "It would be better," replied the old woman, "if you did not echo your mother's absurdities! Our Master Secundus, Mr. Pao, now lives in the garden, and all the servants, who attend on him, stay in the garden; and do you again come and bring the message here?"
   At these words, Pei Ming smiled. "You're quite right," he rejoined, "in reproving me, for I've become quite idiotic."
   So saying, he repaired with quick step to the second gate on the east side, where, by a lucky hit, the young servant-boys on duty, were kicking marbles on the raised road. Pei Ming explained to them the object of his coming. A young boy thereupon ran in. After a long interval, he, at length, made his appearance, holding, enfolded in his arms, a bundle of clothes, which he handed to Pei Ming, who then returned to the library. Pao-yue effected a change in his costume, and giving directions to saddle his horse, he only took along with him the four servant-boys, Pei Ming, Chu Lo, Shuang Jui and Shou Erh, and started on his way. He reached Feng Tzu-ying's doorway by a short cut. A servant announced his arrival, and Feng Tzu-ying came out and ushered him in. Here he discovered Hsueeh P'an, who had already been waiting a long time, and several singing-boys besides; as well as Chiang Yue-han, who played female roles, and Yuen Erh, a courtesan in the Chin Hsiang court. The whole company exchanged salutations. They next had tea. "What you said the other day," smiled Pao-yue, raising his cup, "about good fortune coming out of evil fortune has preyed so much upon my mind, both by day and night, that the moment I received your summons I hurried to come immediately."
   "My worthy cousins," rejoined Feng Tzu-ying smiling. "You're all far too credulous! It's a mere hoax that I made use of the other day. For so much did I fear that you would be sure to refuse if I openly asked you to a drinking bout, that I thought it fit to say what I did. But your attendance to-day, so soon after my invitation, makes it clear, little though one would have thought it, that you've all taken it as pure gospel truth."
   This admission evoked laughter from the whole company. The wines were afterwards placed on the table, and they took the seats consistent with their grades. Feng Tzu-ying first and foremost called the singing-boys and offered them a drink. Next he told Yuen Erh to also approach and have a cup of wine.
   By the time, however, that Hsueeh P'an had had his third cup, he of a sudden lost control over his feelings, and clasping Yuen Erh's hand in his: "Do sing me," he smiled, "that novel ballad of your own composition; and I'll drink a whole jar full. Eh, will you?"
   This appeal compelled Yuen Erh to take up the guitar. She then sang:
   Lovers have I two. To set aside either I cannot bear. When my heart longs for thee to come, It also yearns for him. Both are in form handsome and fair. Their beauty to describe it would be hard. Just think, last night, when at a silent hour, we met in secret, by the trellis frame laden with roses white, One to his feelings stealthily was giving vent, When lo, the other caught us in the act, And laying hands on us; there we three stood like litigants before the bar. And I had, verily, no word in answer for myself to give.
   At the close of her song, she laughed. "Well now," she cried, "down with that whole jar!"
   "Why, it isn't worth a jarful," smiled Hsueeh P'an at these words. "Favour us with some other good song!"
   "Listen to what I have to suggest," Pao-yue interposed, a smile on his lips. "If you go on drinking in this reckless manner, we will easily get drunk and there will be no fun in it. I'll take the lead and swallow a large cupful and put in force a new penalty; and any one of you who doesn't comply with it, will be mulcted in ten large cupfuls, in quick succession!"
   Speedily rising from the banquet, he poured the wine for the company. Feng Tzu-ying and the rest meanwhile exclaimed with one voice: "Quite right! quite right!"
   Pao-yue then lifted a large cup and drained it with one draught. "We will now," he proposed, "dilate on the four characters, 'sad, wounded, glad and joyful.' But while discoursing about young ladies, we'll have to illustrate the four states as well. At the end of this recitation, we'll have to drink the 'door cup' over the wine, to sing an original and seasonable ballad, while over the heel taps, to make allusion to some object on the table, and devise something with some old poetical lines or ancient scrolls, from the Four Books or the Five Classics, or with some set phrases."
   Hsueeh P'an gave him no time to finish. He was the first to stand up and prevent him from proceeding. "I won't join you, so don't count me; this is, in fact, done in order to play tricks upon me."
   Yuen Erh, however, also rose to her feet and shoved him down into his seat.
   "What are you in such a funk for?" she laughed. "You're fortunate enough to be able to drink wine daily, and can't you, forsooth, even come up to me? Yet I mean to recite, by and bye, my own share. If you say what's right, well and good; if you don't, you will simply have to swallow several cups of wine as a forfeit, and is it likely you'll die from drunkenness? Are you, pray, going now to disregard this rule and to drink, instead, ten large cups; besides going down to pour the wine?"
   One and all clapped in applause. "Well said!" they shouted.
   After this, Hueeh P'an had no way out of it and felt compelled to resume his seat.
   They then heard Pao-yue recite:
   A girl is sad, When her spring-time of life is far advanced and she still occupies a vacant inner-room. A girl feels wounded in her heart, When she regrets having allowed her better half to go abroad and win a marquisdom. A girl is glad, When looking in the mirror, at the time of her morning toilette, she finds her colour fair. A girl is joyful, What time she sits on the frame of a gallows-swing, clad in a thin spring gown.
   Having listened to him, "Capital!" one and all cried out in a chorus. Hsueeh P'an alone raised his face, shook his head and remarked: "It isn't good, he must be fined."
   "Why should he be fined?" demurred the party.
   "Because," retorted Hsueeh P'an, "what he says is entirely unintelligible to me. So how can he not be fined?"
   Yuen Erh gave him a pinch.--"Just you quietly think of yours," she laughed; "for if by and bye you are not ready you'll also have to bear a fine."
   In due course Pao-yue took up the guitar. He was heard to sing:
   "When mutual thoughts arise, tears, blood-stained, endless drop, like lentiles sown broadcast. In spring, in ceaseless bloom nourish willows and flowers around the painted tower. Inside the gauze-lattice peaceful sleep flies, when, after dark, come wind and rain. Both new-born sorrows and long-standing griefs cannot from memory ever die! E'en jade-fine rice, and gold-like drinks they make hard to go down; they choke the throat. The lass has not the heart to desist gazing in the glass at her wan face. Nothing can from that knitted brow of hers those frowns dispel; For hard she finds it patient to abide till the clepsydra will have run its course. Alas! how fitly like the faint outline of a green hill which nought can screen; Or like a green-tinged stream, which ever ceaseless floweth onward far and wide!"
   When the song drew to an end, his companions with one voice cried out: "Excellent!"
   Hsueeh P'an was the only one to find fault. "There's no metre in them," he said.
   Pao-yue quaffed the "opening cup," then seizing a pear, he added:
   "While the rain strikes the pear-blossom I firmly close the door,"
   and thus accomplished the requirements of the rule.
   Feng Tzu-ying's turn came next.
   "A maid is glad."
   he commenced:
   When at her first confinement she gives birth to twins, both sons. A maid is joyful, When on the sly she to the garden creeps crickets to catch. A maid is sad, When her husband some sickness gets and lies in a bad state. A maiden is wounded at heart, When a fierce wind blows down the tower, where she makes her toilette.
   Concluding this recitation, he raised the cup and sang:
   "Thou art what one could aptly call a man. But thou'rt endowed with somewhat too much heart! How queer thou art, cross-grained and impish shrewd! A spirit too, thou couldst not be more shrewd. If all I say thou dost not think is true, In secret just a minute search pursue; For then thou'lt know if I love thee or not."
   His song over, he drank the "opening cup" and then observed:
   "The cock crows when the moon's rays shine upon the thatched inn."
   After his observance of the rule followed Yuen Erh's turn.
   A girl is sad,
   Yuen Erh began,
   When she tries to divine on whom she will depend towards the end of life.
   "My dear child!" laughingly exclaimed Hsueeh P'an, "your worthy Mr. Hsueeh still lives, and why do you give way to fears?"
   "Don't confuse her!" remonstrated every one of the party, "don't muddle her!"
   "A maiden is wounded at heart."
   Yuen Erh proceeded:
   "When her mother beats and scolds her and never for an instant doth desist."
   "It was only the other day," interposed Hsueeh P'an, "that I saw your mother and that I told her that I would not have her beat you."
   "If you still go on babbling," put in the company with one consent, "you'll be fined ten cups."
   Hsueeh P'an promptly administered himself a slap on the mouth. "How you lack the faculty of hearing!" he exclaimed. "You are not to say a word more!"
   "A girl is glad,"
   Yuen Erh then resumed:
   When her lover cannot brook to leave her and return home. A maiden is joyful, When hushing the pan-pipe and double pipe, a stringed instrument she thrums.
   At the end of her effusion, she at once began to sing:
   "T'is the third day of the third moon, the nutmegs bloom; A maggot, lo, works hard to pierce into a flower; But though it ceaseless bores it cannot penetrate. So crouching on the buds, it swing-like rocks itself. My precious pet, my own dear little darling, If I don't choose to open how can you steal in?"
   Finishing her song, she drank the "opening cup," after which she added: "the delicate peach-blossom," and thus complied with the exigencies of the rule.
   Next came Hsueeh P'an. "Is it for me to speak now?" Hsueeh P'an asked.
   "A maiden is sad..."
   But a long time elapsed after these words were uttered and yet nothing further was heard.
   "Sad for what?" Feng Tzu-ying laughingly asked. "Go on and tell us at once!"
   Hsueeh P'an was much perplexed. His eyes rolled about like a bell.
   "A girl is sad..."
   he hastily repeated. But here again he coughed twice before he proceeded.
   "A girl is sad."
   he said:
   "When she marries a spouse who is a libertine."
   This sentence so tickled the fancy of the company that they burst out into a loud fit of laughter.
   "What amuses you so?" shouted Hsueeh P'an, "is it likely that what I say is not correct? If a girl marries a man, who chooses to forget all virtue, how can she not feel sore at heart?"
   But so heartily did they all laugh that their bodies were bent in two. "What you say is quite right," they eagerly replied. "So proceed at once with the rest."
   Hsueeh P'an thereupon stared with vacant gaze.
   "A girl is grieved...."
   he added:
   But after these few words he once more could find nothing to say.
   "What is she grieved about?" they asked.
   "When a huge monkey finds its way into the inner room."
   Hsueeh P'an retorted.
   This reply set every one laughing. "He must be mulcted," they cried, "he must be mulcted. The first one could anyhow be overlooked; but this line is more unintelligible."
   As they said this, they were about to pour the wine, when Pao-yue smilingly interfered. "The rhyme is all right," he observed.
   "The master of the rules," Hsueeh P'an remarked, "approves it in every way, so what are you people fussing about?"
   Hearing this, the company eventually let the matter drop.
   "The two lines, that follow, are still more difficult," suggested Yuen Erh with a smile, "so you had better let me recite for you."
   "Fiddlesticks!" exclaimed Hsueeh P'an, "do you really fancy that I have no good ones! Just you listen to what I shall say.
   "A girl is glad, When in the bridal room she lies, with flowery candles burning, and she is loth to rise at morn."
   This sentiment filled one and all with amazement. "How supremely excellent this line is!" they ejaculated.
   "A girl is joyful,"
   Hsueeh P'an resumed,
   "During the consummation of wedlock."
   Upon catching this remark, the party turned their heads away, and shouted: "Dreadful! Dreadful! But quick sing your song and have done."
   Forthwith Hsueeh P'an sang:
   "A mosquito buzzes heng, heng, heng!"
   Every one was taken by surprise. "What kind of song is this?" they inquired.
   But Hsueeh P'an went on singing:
   "Two flies buzz weng, weng, weng."
   "Enough," shouted his companions, "that will do, that will do!"
   "Do you want to hear it or not?" asked Hsueeh P'an, "this is a new kind of song, called the 'Heng, heng air,' but if you people are not disposed to listen, let me off also from saying what I have to say over the heel-taps and I won't then sing."
   "We'll let you off! We'll let you off," answered one and all, "so don't be hindering others."
   "A maiden is sad,"
   Chiang Yue-han at once began,
   When her husband leaves home and never does return. A maiden is disconsolate, When she has no money to go and buy some _olea frangrans_ oil. A maiden is glad, When the wick of the lantern forms two heads like twin flowers on one stem. A maiden is joyful, When true conjugal peace prevails between her and her mate.
   His recital over, he went on to sing:
   "How I love thee with those seductive charms of thine, heaven-born! In truth thou'rt like a living fairy from the azure skies! The spring of life we now enjoy; we are yet young in years. Our union is, indeed, a happy match! But. lo! the milky way doth at its zenith soar; Hark to the drums which beat around in the watch towers; So raise the silver lamp and let us soft under the nuptial curtain steal."
   Finishing the song, he drank the "opening cup." "I know," he smiled, "few poetical quotations bearing on this sort of thing. By a stroke of good fortune, however, I yesterday conned a pair of antithetical scrolls; of these I can only remember just one line, but lucky enough for me the object it refers to figures as well on this festive board."
   This said he forthwith drained the wine, and, picking up a bud of a diminutive variety of _olea fragrans_, he recited:
   "When the perfume of flowers wafts (hsi jen) itself into a man, he knows the day is warm."
   The company unanimously conceded that the rule had been adhered to. But Hsueeh P'an once again jumped up. "It's awful, awful!" he bawled out boisterously; "he should be fined, he should be made to pay a forfeit; there's no precious article whatever on this table; how is it then that you introduce precious things?"
   "There was nothing about precious things!" Chiang Yue-han vehemently explained.
   "What I are you still prevaricating?" Hsueeh P'an cried, "Well, repeat it again!"
   Chiang Yue-han had no other course but to recite the line a second time. "Now is not Hsi Jen a precious thing?" Hsueeh P'an asked. "If she isn't, what is she? And if you don't believe me, you ask him about it," pointing, at the conclusion of this remark, at Pao-yue.
   Pao-yue felt very uncomfortable. Rising to his feet, "Cousin," he observed, "you should be fined heavily."
   "I should be! I should be!" Hsueeh P'an shouted, and saying this, he took up the wine and poured it down his throat with one gulp.
   Feng Tzu-ying, Chiang Yue-han and their companions thereupon asked him to explain the allusion. Yuen Erh readily told them, and Chiang Yue-han hastily got up and pleaded guilty.
   "Ignorance," the party said with one consent, "does not amount to guilt."
   But presently Pao-yue quitted the banquet to go and satisfy a natural want and Chiang Yue-han followed him out. The two young fellows halted under the eaves of the verandah, and Chiang Yue-han then recommenced to make ample apologies. Pao-yue, however, was so attracted by his handsome and genial appearance, that he took quite a violent fancy to him; and squeezing his hand in a firm grip. "If you have nothing to do," he urged, "do let us go over to our place. I've got something more to ask you. It's this, there's in your worthy company some one called Ch'i Kuan, with a reputation extending at present throughout the world; but, unfortunately, I alone have not had the good luck of seeing him even once."
   "This is really," rejoined Chiang Yue-han with a smile, "my own infant ? name."
   This disclosure at once made Pao-yue quite exuberant, and stamping his feet he smiled. "How lucky! I'm in luck's way!" he exclaimed. "In very truth your reputation is no idle report. But to-day is our first meeting, and what shall I do?"
   After some thought, he produced a fan from his sleeve, and, unloosening one of the jade pendants, he handed it to Ch'i Kuan. "This is a mere trifle," he said. "It does not deserve your acceptance, yet it will be a small souvenir of our acquaintance to-day."
   Ch'i Kuan received it with a smile. "I do not deserve," he replied, "such a present. How am I worthy of such an honour! But never mind, I've also got about me here a strange thing, which I put on this morning; it is brand-new yet, and will, I hope, suffice to prove to you a little of the feeling of esteem which I entertain for you."
   With these protestations, he raised his garment, and, untying a deep red sash, with which his nether clothes were fastened, he presented it to Pao-yue. "This sash," he remarked, "is an article brought as tribute from the Queen of the Hsi Hsiang Kingdom. If you attach this round you in summer, your person will emit a fragrant perfume, and it will not perspire. It was given to me yesterday by the Prince of Pei Ching, and it is only to-day that I put it on. To any one else, I would certainly not be willing to present it. But, Mr. Secundus, please do unfasten the one you have on and give it to me to bind round me."
   This proposal extremely delighted Pao-yue. With precipitate haste, he accepted his gift, and, undoing the dark brown sash he wore, he surrendered it to Ch'i Kuan. But both had just had time to adjust their respective sashes when they heard a loud voice say: "Oh! I've caught you!" And they perceived Hsueeh P'an come out by leaps and bounds. Clutching the two young fellows, "What do you," he exclaimed, "leave your wine for and withdraw from the banquet. Be quick and produce those things, and let me see them!"
   "There's nothing to see!" rejoined the two young fellows with one voice.
   Hsueeh P'an, however, would by no means fall in with their views. And it was only Feng Tzu-ying, who made his appearance on the scene, who succeeded in dissuading him. So resuming their seats, they drank until dark, when the company broke up.
   Pao-yue, on his return into the garden, loosened his clothes, and had tea. But Hsi Jen noticed that the pendant had disappeared from his fan and she inquired of him what had become of it.
   "I must have lost it this very moment," Pao-yue replied.
   At bedtime, however, descrying a deep red sash, with spots like specks of blood, attached round his waist, Hsi Jen guessed more or less the truth of what must have transpired. "As you have such a nice sash to fasten your trousers with," Hsi Jen consequently said, "you'd better return that one of mine."
   This reminder made the fact dawn upon Pao-yue that the sash had originally been the property of Hsi Jen, and that he should by rights not have parted with it; but however much he felt his conscience smitten by remorse, he failed to see how he could very well disclose the truth to her. He could therefore only put on a smiling expression and add, "I'll give you another one instead."
   Hsi Jen was prompted by his rejoinder to nod her head and sigh. "I felt sure;" she observed; "that you'd go again and do these things! Yet you shouldn't take my belongings and bestow them on that low-bred sort of people. Can it be that no consideration finds a place in your heart?"
   She then felt disposed to tender him a few more words of admonition, but dreading, on the other hand, lest she should, by irritating him, bring the fumes of the wine to his head, she thought it best to also retire to bed.
   Nothing worth noticing occurred during that night. The next day, when she woke up at the break of day, she heard Pao-yue call out laughingly: "Robbers have been here in the night; are you not aware of it? Just you look at my trousers."
   Hsi Jen lowered her head and looked. She saw at a glance that the sash, which Pao-yue had worn the previous day, was bound round her own waist, and she at once realised that Pao-yue must have effected the change during the night; but promptly unbinding it, "I don't care for such things!" she cried, "quick, take it away!"
   At the sight of her manner, Pao-yue had to coax her with gentle terms. This so disarmed Hsi Jen, that she felt under the necessity of putting on the sash; but, subsequently when Pao-yue stepped out of the apartment, she at last pulled it off, and, throwing it away in an empty box, she found one of hers and fastened it round her waist.
   Pao-yue, however, did not in the least notice what she did, but inquired whether anything had happened the day before.
   "Lady Secunda," Hsi Jen explained, "dispatched some one and fetched Hsiao Hung away. Her wish was to have waited for your return; but as I thought that it was of no consequence, I took upon myself to decide, and sent her off."
   "That's all right!" rejoined Pao-yue. "I knew all about it, there was no need for her to wait."
   "Yesterday," resumed Hsi Jen, "the Imperial Consort deputed the Eunuch Hsia to bring a hundred and twenty ounces of silver and to convey her commands that from the first to the third, there should be offered, in the Ch'ing Hsu temple, thanksgiving services to last for three days and that theatrical performances should be given, and oblations presented: and to tell our senior master, Mr. Chia Chen, to take all the gentlemen, and go and burn incense and worship Buddha. Besides this, she also sent presents for the dragon festival."
   Continuing, she bade a young servant-maid produce the presents, which had been received the previous day. Then he saw two palace fans of the best quality, two strings of musk-scented beads, two rolls of silk, as fine as the phoenix tail, and a superior mat worked with hibiscus. At the sight of these things, Pao-yue was filled with immeasurable pleasure, and he asked whether the articles brought to all the others were similar to his.
   "The only things in excess of yours that our venerable mistress has," Hsi Jen explained, "consist of a scented jade sceptre and a pillow made of agate. Those of your worthy father and mother, our master and mistress, and of your aunt exceed yours by a scented sceptre of jade. Yours are the same as Miss Pao's. Miss Lin's are like those of Misses Secunda, Tertia and Quarta, who received nothing beyond a fan and several pearls and none of all the other things. As for our senior lady, Mrs. Chia Chu, and lady Secunda, these two got each two rolls of gauze, two rolls of silk, two scented bags, and two sticks of medicine."
   After listening to her enumeration, "What's the reason of this?" he smiled. "How is it that Miss Lin's are not the same as mine, but that Miss Pao's instead are like my own? May not the message have been wrongly delivered?"
   "When they were brought out of the palace yesterday," Hsi Jen rejoined, "they were already divided in respective shares, and slips were also placed on them, so that how could any mistake have been made? Yours were among those for our dowager lady's apartments. When I went and fetched them, her venerable ladyship said that I should tell you to go there to-morrow at the fifth watch to return thanks.
   "Of course, it's my duty to go over," Pao-yue cried at these words, but forthwith calling Tzu Chuean: "Take these to your Miss Lin," he told her, "and say that I got them, yesterday, and that she is at liberty to keep out of them any that take her fancy."
   Tzu Chuean expressed her obedience and took the things away. After a short time she returned. "Miss Lin says," she explained, "that she also got some yesterday, and that you, Master Secundus, should keep yours."
   Hearing this reply, Pao-yue quickly directed a servant to put them away. But when he had washed his face and stepped out of doors, bent upon going to his grandmother's on the other side, in order to pay his obeisance, he caught sight of Lin Tai-yue coming along towards him, from the opposite direction. Pao-yue hurriedly walked up to her, "I told you," he smiled, "to select those you liked from my things; how is it you didn't choose any?"
   Lin Tai-yue had long before banished from her recollection the incident of the previous day, which had made her angry with Pao-yue, and was only exercised about the occurrence of this present occasion. "I'm not gifted with such extreme good fortune," she consequently answered, "as to be able to accept them. I can't compete with Miss Pao, in connection with whom something or other about gold or about jade is mentioned. We are simply beings connected with the vegetable kingdom."
   The allusion to the two words "gold and jade," aroused, of a sudden, much emotion in the heart of Pao-yue. "If beyond what people say about gold or jade," he protested, "the idea of any such things ever crosses my mind, may the heavens annihilate me, and may the earth extinguish me, and may I for ten thousand generations never assume human form!"
   These protestations convinced Lin Tai-yue that suspicion had been aroused in him. With all promptitude, she smiled and observed, "They're all to no use! Why utter such oaths, when there's no rhyme or reason! Who cares about any gold or any jade of yours!"
   "It would be difficult for me to tell you, to your face, all the secrets of my heart," Pao-yue resumed, "but by and bye you'll surely come to know all about them! After the three--my old grandmother, my father and my mother--you, my cousin, hold the fourth place; and, if there be a fifth, I'm ready to swear another oath."
   "You needn't swear any more," Lin Tai-yue replied, "I'm well aware that I, your younger cousin, have a place in your heart; but the thing is that at the sight of your elder cousin, you at once forget all about your younger cousin."
   "This comes again from over-suspicion!" ejaculated Pao; "for I'm not at all disposed that way."
   "Well," resumed Lin Tai-yue, "why did you yesterday appeal to me when that hussey Pao-ch'ai would not help you by telling a story? Had it been I, who had been guilty of any such thing, I don't know what you wouldn't have done again."
   But during their _tete-a-tete_, they espied Pao-ch'ai approach from the opposite direction, so readily they beat a retreat. Pao-ch'ai had distinctly caught sight of them, but pretending she had not seen them, she trudged on her way, with lowered head, and repaired into Madame Wang's apartments. After a short stay, she came to this side to pay dowager lady Chia a visit. With her she also found Pao-yue.
   Pao-ch'ai ever made it a point to hold Pao-yue aloof as her mother had in days gone by mentioned to Madame Wang and her other relatives that the gold locket had been the gift of a bonze, that she had to wait until such time as some suitor with jade turned up before she could be given in marriage, and other similar confidences. But on discovery the previous day that Yuean Ch'un's presents to her alone resembled those of Pao-yue, she began to feel all the more embarrassed. Luckily, however, Pao-yue was so entangled in Lin Tai-yue's meshes and so absorbed in heart and mind with fond thoughts of his Lin Tai-yue that he did not pay the least attention to this circumstance. But she unawares now heard Pao-yue remark with a smile: "Cousin Pao, let me see that string of scented beads of yours!"
   By a strange coincidence, Pao-ch'ai wore the string of beads round her left wrist so she had no alternative, when Pao-yue asked her for it, than to take it off. Pao-ch'ai, however, was naturally inclined to embonpoint, and it proved therefore no easy matter for her to get the beads off; and while Pao-yue stood by watching her snow-white arm, feelings of admiration were quickly stirred up in his heart. "Were this arm attached to Miss Lin's person," he secretly pondered, "I might, possibly have been able to caress it! But it is, as it happens, part and parcel of her body; how I really do deplore this lack of good fortune."
   Suddenly he bethought himself of the secret of gold and jade, and he again scanned Pao-ch'ai's appearance. At the sight of her countenance, resembling a silver bowl, her eyes limpid like water and almond-like in shape, her lips crimson, though not rouged, her eyebrows jet-black, though not pencilled, also of that fascination and grace which presented such a contrast to Lin Tai-yue's style of beauty, he could not refrain from falling into such a stupid reverie, that though Pao-ch'ai had got the string of beads off her wrist, and was handing them to him, he forgot all about them and made no effort to take them. Pao-ch'ai realised that he was plunged in abstraction, and conscious of the awkward position in which she was placed, she put down the string of beads, and turning round was on the point of betaking herself away, when she perceived Lin Tai-yue, standing on the door-step, laughing significantly while biting a handkerchief she held in her mouth. "You can't resist," Pao-ch'ai said, "a single puff of wind; and why do you stand there and expose yourself to the very teeth of it?"
   "Wasn't I inside the room?" rejoined Lin Tai-yue, with a cynical smile. "But I came out to have a look as I heard a shriek in the heavens; it turned out, in fact, to be a stupid wild goose!"
   "A stupid wild goose!" repeated Pao-ch'ai. "Where is it, let me also see it!"
   "As soon as I got out," answered Lin Tai-yue, "it flew away with a 't'e-rh' sort of noise."
   While replying, she threw the handkerchief, she was holding, straight into Pao-yue's face. Pao-yue was quite taken by surprise. He was hit on the eye. "Ai-yah!" he exclaimed.
   But, reader, do you want to hear the sequel? In that case, listen to the circumstances, which will be disclosed in the next chapter.

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第一回 甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀 CHAPTER I.第二回 贾夫人仙逝扬州城 冷子兴演说荣国府 CHAPTER II.
第三回 贾雨村夤缘复旧职 林黛玉抛父进京都 CHAPTER III.第四回 薄命女偏逢薄命郎 葫芦僧乱判葫芦案 CHAPTER IV.
第五回 游幻境指迷十二钗 饮仙醪曲演红楼梦 CHAPTER V.第六回 贾宝玉初试云雨情 刘姥姥一进荣国府 CHAPTER VI.
第七回 送宫花贾琏戏熙凤 宴宁府宝玉会秦钟 CHAPTER VII.第八回 比通灵金莺微露意 探宝钗黛玉半含酸 CHAPTER VIII.
第九回 恋风流情友入家塾 起嫌疑顽童闹学堂 CHAPTER IX.第十回 金寡妇贪利权受辱 张太医论病细穷源 CHAPTER X.
第十一回 庆寿辰宁府排家宴 见熙凤贾瑞起淫心 CHAPTER XI.第十二回 王熙凤毒设相思局 贾天祥正照风月鉴 CHAPTER XII.
第十三回 秦可卿死封龙禁尉 王熙凤协理宁国府 CHAPTER XIII.第十四回 林如海捐馆扬州城 贾宝玉路谒北静王 CHAPTER XIV.
第十五回 王凤姐弄权铁槛寺 秦鲸卿得趣馒头庵 CHAPTER XV.第十六回 贾元春才选凤藻宫 秦鲸卿夭逝黄泉路 CHAPTER XVI.
第十七回 大观园试才题对额 荣国府归省庆元宵 CHAPTER XVII.第十八回 隔珠帘父女勉忠勤 搦湘管姊弟裁题咏 CHAPTER XVIII.
第十九回 情切切良宵花解语 意绵绵静日玉生香 CHAPTER XIX.第二十回 王熙凤正言弹妒意 林黛玉俏语谑娇音 CHAPTER XX.
第二十一回 贤袭人娇嗔箴宝玉 俏平儿软语救贾琏 CHAPTER XXI.第二十二回 听曲文宝玉悟禅机 制灯迷贾政悲谶语 CHAPTER XXII.
第二十三回 西厢记妙词通戏语 牡丹亭艳曲警芳心 CHAPTER XXIII.第二十四回 醉金刚轻财尚义侠 痴女儿遗帕惹相思 CHAPTER XXIV.
第   I   [II]   [III]   [IV]   [V]   页

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