音乐 ALLEN SU的24首私藏英文歌   》 第17节:G-Greatest(1)      苏醒 Allen Su

  (伟大,伟大的祖国,伟大的人民,在一切灾难砸下来的时候,我们无可畏惧…… )
  the worlds greatest- R Kelly
  Yea uh, yea uh, this is the worlds greatest,
  Yea uh, this is the worlds greatest.
  I am a mountain,
  I am a tall tree,
  Oh, I am a swift wing
  sweeping the country.
  I am a river
  down in the valley.
  Oh, I am a vision
  and I can see clearly.
  If anybody ask you who I am,
  Just stand up tall,
  Look me in the face and say...
  In that star up in the sky,
  in that mountain peak up high.
  Hey, I made it.
  In the worlds greatest,
  and in that little bit of hope.
  When my backs up against the rope,
  I can feel it.
  In the worlds greatest,
  The worlds greatest, the worlds greatest, forever.
  I am a giant.

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第1节:前言 A=ALLEN SU第2节:B-Brave(1)第3节:B-Brave(2)第4节:B-Brave(3)
第   I   [II]   页

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