军事类 三十六计 Thirty-Six   》 三十六计      杨南柯 Yang Nake

《三十六计》作者:杨南柯,秦朝咸阳人。是根据我国古代卓越的军事思想和丰富的斗争经验总结而成的兵书,是中华民族悠久文化遗产之一。“三十六计”一语,先于著书之年,语源可考自南朝宋将檀道济(?—公元436年),据《南齐书.王敬则传》:“檀公三十六策,走为上计,汝父子唯应走耳。”意为败局已定,无可挽回,唯有退却,方是上策。此语后人赓相沿用,宋代惠洪《冷斋夜话》:“三十六计,走为上计。”。及明末清初,引用此语的人更多。于是有心人采集群书,编撰成《三十六计》。但此书为何时何人所撰已难确考。 原书按计名排列,共分六套,即胜战计、敌战计、攻战计、混战计、并战计、败战计。前三套是处于优势所用之计,后三套是处于劣势所用之计。每套各包含六计,总共三十六计。其中每计名称后的解说,均系依据《易经》中的阴阳变化之理及古代兵家刚柔、奇正、攻防、彼己、虚实、主客等对立关系相互转化的思想推演而成,含有朴素的军事辩证法的因素。解说后的按语,多引证宋代以前的战例和孙武、吴起、尉缭子等兵家的精辟语句。全书还有总说和跋。 三十六计是我国古代兵家计谋的总结和军事谋略学的宝贵遗产,为便于人们熟记这三十六条妙计,有位学者在三十六计中每取一字,依序组成一首诗:金玉檀公策,借以擒劫贼,鱼蛇海间笑,羊虎桃桑隔,树暗走痴故,釜空苦远客,屋梁有美尸,击魏连伐虢。 全诗除了檀公策外,每字包含了三十六计中的一计,依序为:金蝉脱壳、抛砖引玉、借刀杀人、以逸待劳、擒贼擒王、趁火打劫、关门捉贼、浑水摸鱼、打草惊蛇、瞒天过海、反间计、笑里藏刀、顺手牵羊、调虎离山、李代桃僵、指桑骂槐、隔岸观火、树上开花、暗渡陈仓、走为上、假痴不癫、欲擒故纵、釜底抽薪、空城计、苦肉计、远交近攻、反客为主、上屋抽梯、偷梁换柱、无中生有、美人计、借尸还魂、声东击西、围魏救赵、连环计、假道伐虢。 现传《三十六计》较早版本系1941年由成都兴华印刷厂所用土纸翻印的,封面书《三十六计》,旁注“秘本兵法”,并说明原书是手抄本,1941年在分州(今陕西省分县)某书摊发现,抄本前部“都系养生之谈,而未尾数十篇,附抄三十六计,解释皆用兵法,然后知其果为兵法也。”1961年,收藏者叔和在《光明日报》撰文加以介绍后,又将这土纸本赠给了中国人民解放军政治学院。此后便出现了各种翻印和传抄的版本。
三十六计 六六三十六,数中有术,术中有数。阴阳燮理,机在其中。机不可设,设则不中。 第01计瞒天过海:备周则意怠,常见则不疑。阴在阳之内,不在阳之对。太阳,太阴。 第02计围魏救赵:共敌不如分敌,敌阳不如敌阴。 第03计借刀杀人:敌已明,友未定,引友杀敌。不自出力,以《损》推演。 第04计以逸待劳:困敌之势,不以战。损刚益柔。 第05计趁火打劫:敌之害大,就势取利,刚决柔也。 第06计声东击西:敌志乱萃,不虞。坤下兑上之象,利其不自主而取之。 第07计无中生有:诳也,非诳也,实其所诳也。少阴、太阴、太阳。 第08计暗渡陈仓:示之以动,利其静而有主,“益动而巽”。 第09计隔岸观火:阳乖序乱,阴以待逆。暴戾恣睢,其势自毙。顺以动豫,豫顺以动。 第10计笑里藏刀:信而安之,阴以图之。备而后动,勿使有变。刚中柔外也。 第11计李代桃僵:势必有损,损阴以益阳。 第12计顺手牵羊:微隙在所必乘,微利在所必得。少阴,少阳。 第13计打草惊蛇:疑以叩实,察而后动。复者,阴之媒也。 第14计借尸还魂:有用者,不可借;不能用者,求借。借不能用者而用之。匪我求童蒙,童蒙求我。 第15计调虎离山:待天以困之,用人以诱之,往蹇来返。 第16计欲擒姑纵:逼则反兵,走则减势。紧随勿迫,累其气力,消其斗志,散而后擒,兵不血刃。需,有孚,光。 第17计抛砖引玉:类以诱之,击蒙也。 第18计擒贼擒王:摧其坚,夺其魁,以解其体。龙战于野,其道穷也。 第19计釜底抽薪:不敌其力,而消其势,兑下乾上之象。 第20计混水摸鱼:乘其阴乱,利其弱而无主。随,以向晦入宴息。 第21计金蝉脱壳:存其形,完其势;友不疑,敌不动。巽而止蛊。 第22计关门捉贼:小敌困之。剥,不利有攸往。 第23计远交近攻:形禁势格,利从近取,害以远隔。上火下泽。 第24计假道伐虢:两大之间,敌胁以从,我假以势。困,有言不信。 第25计偷梁换柱:频更其阵,抽其劲旅,待其自败,而后乘之。曳其轮也。 第26计指桑骂槐:大凌小者,警以诱之。刚中而应,行险而顺。 第27计假痴不癫:宁伪作不知不为,不伪作假知妄为。静不露机,云雷屯也。 第28计上屋抽梯:假之以便,唆之使前,断其援应,陷之死地。遇毒,位不当也。 第29计树上开花:借局布势,力小势大。鸿渐于陆,其羽可以为仪也。 第30计反客为主:乘隙插足,扼其主机,渐之进也。 第31计美人计:兵强者,攻其将;将智者,伐其情。将弱兵颓,其势自萎。利用御寇,顺相保也。 第32计空城计:虚者虚之,疑中生疑。刚柔之际,奇而复奇。 第33计反间计:疑中之疑。比之自内,不自失也。 第34计苦肉计:人不自害,受害必真。假真真假,间以得行。童蒙之吉,顺以巽也。 第35计连环计:将多兵众,不可以敌,使其自累,以杀其势。在师中吉,承天宠也。 第36计走为上:全师避敌。左次无咎,未失常也。

Terms were arranged according to the original book, divided into six _set_s, that victory total war, total war the enemy, all words count, melee meter, and total war, total war defeat. Advantage of the former three are used in the measure, after the three is at a disadvantage by the use of dollars. Each _set_ contains six dollars each, a total of Thirty-Six. One explanation of each account name, they were all based on "Book of Changes" in the changes of yin and yang, rigid management and ancient military strategists, is odd, offensive and defensive, he has been, the actual situation, the relationship between subject and object and other opposition into thinking deduction is made, containing simple military dialectics factors. After the note explained, many cited the wars before the Song Dynasty and Sun Wu, Wu Qi, Wei Liao Zi's brilliant military strategists such statements. The book also always said, and Postscript. Thirty-Six is ​​the plot summary of China's ancient military strategists and military strategy to learn a valuable heritage, to facilitate people to memorize this thirty-six coup, there are scholars take each word in the Thirty-Six, composed a poem in sequence : Jin Tan public policy, in order to capture Jiezei, fish between the sea snake laugh, every sheep tiger peach mulberry trees go crazy so dark, empty kettle suffering far off, the beams with the United States dead, attacking even the cutting Wei Guo. Tan public policy in addition to the poem, each word contains Sanshiliuji a meter, were: withdraw its role, initiate, Collateral, to wait at Plaza, ringleader, looting, close thieves, fish in troubled waters, to arouse his suspicions, deception, discord among, nasty-nice, pilfering, Tiaohulishan, Lidaitaojiang, oblique accusations, standing on the sidelines, the trees blossom, to steal, go for the false crazy not insane, playing hard, backing off, empty city, desperate measure, far past attack, become masters, the House Ladder, perpetrating a fraud, out of nothing, honey trap, reincarnated, diversion, Weiweijiuzhao, chain count, false passage cutting Guo. Now pass "Thirty-Six" series in 1941, an earlier version of printing used by the Chengdu Xinghua Tuzhi reprint, the cover of the book "Thirty-Six," marginalia "secret of the art of war" and describe the original book is a manuscript, 1941 sub-state (now Shaanxi provinces County) found a bookstall, manuscripts front "they are all good health talk, without tail dozens, with a copy Thirty-Six, are used to explain the art of war, and then know if the Art of War also. "In 1961, Uncle and collectors," Guangming Daily "to the author's introduction, which in turn donated to the People's Liberation Army political Tuzhi the College. Since then there has been reprinted and private copies of various versions.


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三十六计第一套 胜战计第二套 敌战计第三套 攻战计第四套 混战计第五套 并战计第六套 败战计

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