蒙学 Three Character Classic   》 三字经      Wang Yinglin

"Three Character Classic" Since the Southern Song Dynasty, there have been seven hundred years of history, is a rare study of traditional Chinese culture primer for children, a total of more than a thousand words, is famous, popular. Easily into words a verse recited, including the traditional Chinese education, history, astronomy, geography, ethics and morality as well as some folk legends, lively and concise wide. UNESCO is now being included in the "Children of the World Series of moral education." "Three Character Classic" of the "Three Character Classic," the author claims there are basically four: First, Zuo Ming Huang, "Stories of Guangzhou" X. Qu Ming Zhu students are "Guangdong language" XI Qing Yun Jing "big room Yunshan Ji "Second, all thought of the area should be the appropriate sub-Song; Second, Qing Shao Jinhan poem:" read the words Li Zhen and training ", since the note:" "Three Character Classic", Nanhai Li Ching essays. "accordingly that the "Three Character Classic" to Ming Li Zhen essays; three, or relegated to another area suitable for children, by extension, said Li Zhen; four essays Shichuan Wang Lin, Wang Ying-lin (1223-1296), Southern Song Dynasty scholar, Zibo thick, dark No. Ning Jushi. Han Qing Xia "<Primary purple beads> order": "Till the dawn of seventeen, short and art is the" Three Character Classic "to authors, Mr. (Wang Ying-lin), due to take the text cooked Nevermore, Ertan to which it has. "Qing He Xingsi" <Three Character Classic> Notes prepared to Syria ":" Song Mr. Wang Bohou "Three Character Classic" one, the fameng children at home and abroad who, salty Christine If the ball knife. "explicitly that the" Three Character Classic "is written by Wang Ying-lin. Generally speaking, the "Three Character Classic" of the king should be lin. "Three Character Classic," with literacy, to broaden their horizons and instill the concept of feudal ethics, that is to impart knowledge and the dual function of the feudal political and ideological education. The book writing is natural and smooth, plain, layman's language, by heart. Paragraph in this book will be just more than three words summed up the changes China five thousand years of history, has always been highly acclaimed. "Three Character Classic", "Family Names", "Thousand Character Classic", commonly known as the "three Baiqian" and "Three Character Classic" catch up. Here's "Home on the" Almost from the numerical order, not the book is based on the content and the role of the three intentional order. But in fact, the reader comprehensive coverage of the breadth of its education role in the spread time of deep and long view, the "Three Character Classic" in Chinese Ancient Books textbooks say that it is the most influential and most representative book . Wei Zai, "Three Character Classic" is called "Mongolian Studies of the crown."

  昔孟子少时,父早丧,母仉[zhang]氏守节。居住之所近于墓,孟子学为丧葬,[足辟] [bi,两字合一]踊痛哭之事。母曰:“此非所以居子也。”乃去,舍市,近于屠,孟子学为买卖屠杀之事。母又曰:“亦非所以居子也。”继而迁于学宫之旁。每月朔[shuo,夏历每月初一日]望,官员入文庙,行礼跪拜,揖[yi,拱手礼]让进退,孟子见了,一一习记。孟母曰:“此真可以居子也。”遂居于此。
  昔汉时黄香,江夏人也.年方九岁,知事亲之理.每当夏日炎热之时,则扇父母帷帐,令枕清凉,蚊蚋远避, 以待亲之安寝;至于冬日严寒,则以身暖其亲之衾,以待亲之暖卧.于是名播京师,号曰"天下无双,江夏黄香"


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