神魔志怪 fēng shén yǎn Gods   》 huí  zhòu wáng gōng jìn xiāng      zhòng lín Xu Zhonglin

第一回 纣王女娲宫进香
第一回 纣王女娲宫进香
《封神演义》一般俗称《封神榜》,又名《商周列国全传》、《武王伐纣外史》、《封神传》。是一部中国神魔小说。 演义简介 封神演义原是中国平民娱乐文学,约成书于隆庆,作者是明朝的陈仲琳(或许仲琳)(也有一说为明代道士陆西星,《封神演义》中有十馀处引用道教经典《黄庭经》)。原书最早追溯可能是南宋的《武王伐纣白话文》,和《商周演义》《昆仑八仙东游记》,以古代魔幻神话故事再参考古籍和民间传说创作而成。 书内容篇幅巨大、幻想之奇特而闻名于世。其内容依托商灭周兴的历史背景,用武王伐纣为时空线索,从女娲降香开书,到姜子牙封三百六十五位正神结束。其中的哪吒闹海、姜子牙下山、文王访贤、三抢封神榜、众仙斗阵斗法等情节,展现了古人丰富的想象力:腾云驾雾、呼风唤雨、搬山移海、撒豆成兵、水遁、土遁、风火轮、火尖枪…… 日本江户时代书已出现翻译全本,鲁迅在《中国小说史略》中也有介绍。另,封神演义使道教令人熟知。 故事概略 封神演义的故事,深深地影响了中国民众的世界观(道教和神仙思想,佛教,等深深地互相缠绕了的中国独特的宇宙印象)。 书以纣王无道失去天下道统,武王伐纣商灭周兴为主体,神话穿插为特点。 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 在封神演义的世界中,世界分成为仙境和人间。仙境是由仙人、道士们组成的昆仑山的仙道「阐教」和有智慧的动物、植物组成的「截教」。 人间是商(殷朝)的纣王的统治。 在一次宗教祭奠时纣王对世间最美丽的女人女娲女神作出了无礼行动。(作了首邪恶的诗)。纣王的渎神使女娲异常愤怒,命令轩辕坟三妖——千年狐狸精、玉石琵琶精、九头雉鸡精迷惑纣王使其国家毁灭。狐精使用冀州诸侯的女儿妲己的身体,进入后宫后被妲己操纵的纣王逐渐变得残暴,此后,雉鸡精于琵琶精又幻化成“胡喜妹”与“王贵人”共同迷惑纣王。 另一方面昆仑山仙人们也存在二件烦恼事情。一是无法消除由于生命长久存在下的‘杀劫”问题。再一个由于太多能力强大的仙人无法管理和仙人与人同存一境问题,常出现仙人毁坏人间事情。封三百六十五位正神的「封神计划」就渐渐出现。 纣王与武王相对的是阐教和截教,国家天下之争神仙道统之争。 登场人物 周 姜子牙:又称吕尚、姜尚、太公望,是书中主角。 姫昌: 文王 ,四大诸侯之一,作为西伯诸侯治理着西岐。 散宜生:周朝文官。 武王:称姫发, 姫昌次子。周朝初代国主。 姫伯邑考:姫昌长子。被妲己处死(作了包子)。 周公旦:称姫旦, 姫昌第四个孩子,几乎不出现故事中。 雷震子:姫昌养子。第一百个孩子。 哪吒:李靖将军第三儿子。少年时十分凄惨,西游记中有登场。 商(殷) 纣王:国王 妲己: 冀州诸侯的女儿,被千年女狐精杀死并使用身体。 纣王妃:千年女狐精同伴。 闻仲:纣王最忠诚的将军。 商容:商朝文官,纣王残暴后自杀。 比干:商朝文官,纣王叔父。妲己用计杀害。 箕子:商文官,纣王叔父。 妲己用计投狱杀害。 微子启:商文官,纣王异母兄。进谏纣王无效后离开。 微子衍:商文官,纣王异母兄。进谏纣王无效后离开。 梅伯:商文官,纣王母亲叔父。进谏纣王被杀死。 姜妃:纣王皇后。妲己用计杀害。 阐教 元始天尊:阐教教主。 太上老君:无 云中子:终南山·玉柱洞主。 南极仙翁:阐教仙人。申公豹迷惑姜子牙时出现。 昆仑十二大师: 广成子:九仙山·桃源洞 赤精子:太华山·云霄洞 黄龙真人:二仙山·麻枯洞 太乙真人:乾元山·金光洞 玉鼎真人;玉泉山·金霞洞 灵宝大法师 :元阳洞 道行天尊:金庭山·玉屋洞 清虚道徳真君:青峰山·紫阳洞 惧留孙:夹龟山·飞云洞 文殊广法天尊:五龟山·云霓洞 慈航道人:普陀山·落伽洞 普贤真人:九功山·百鹤洞 截教 通天教主:截教教主 十天君:截教修士,在战争初期参战,个性多为古怪。 赵公明:截教神仙,法宝很多。 三姑:赵公明妹妹。云霄、琼霄、碧霄 人物简介 (前是正史,后是故事,封神演义是小说请不要捣浑儿) 纣王   商朝最后一任君王,是与夏末代王桀齐名的暴君。名辛,为帝乙的儿子,纣是谥号,辛是名字,故又称帝辛,史称为纣王。他天资聪颖,思维敏捷,武艺高超,力大无穷,曾徒手和猛兽格斗。曾多次攻伐东夷,俘获了大量奴隶,使中原文化逐渐传播到长江、淮河流域,奠定中国统一的规模。 纣王以荒淫残暴著称。他喜好饮酒,贪于女色。宠爱妲己,为了讨得其喜欢,纣大兴土木,扩建沙丘的宫殿苑囿,将野兽飞鸟散放其中,多次举行大规模的宴会,以酒为池,悬肉为林,极尽铺张奢靡之能事。他又巧取豪夺,高赋重税,残酷地压榨人民,以满足庞大的开支。他还大施淫威发明一种"炮烙"的刑具,用铜铸成空心柱子,柱子中烧红炭火。将不满他暴行的臣民脱光衣服,绑在铜柱上活活烤死。他将人砍头剁脚,视为家常便饭,更有甚者,剖开妇人腹部取胎儿取乐,残忍到了极点。 纣王的种种暴虐,最终导致他陷于众叛亲离、民怨沸腾的孤立境地,商王朝的统治岌岌可危。这时候在西方,一个新兴的国家西周正在崛起。姬昌继位后,他表面上服从商的统治,暗中积蓄力量,进行灭商的准备工作。他修德行义,礼贤下士,吸引一大批仁人志士前来投奔,增强实力。姬昌死后,其子姬发继承他的事业。时机成熟后,姬发在姜尚的辅佐下,率领大军讨伐。这时,纣王废黜了忠臣微子、箕子,杀了叔父比干,正和妲己在鹿台饮酒作乐,听到消息,匆忙把70万奴隶编成军队,开上前线迎战。 两军在牧野相遇,周军人人奋勇冲杀,商军毫无斗志,纷纷倒戈,迎接武王姬发。纣王逃入朝歌城中,自知已无力回天,无路可走了,在摘星楼自焚而死,商朝宣告灭亡,其时约公元前11世纪。商的灭亡,有着政治衰微、社会动荡、经济凋疲等多种原因,但纣王的例行逆施,造成众叛亲离无疑是一个十分重要的因素,加速了这600年江山的彻底崩溃。 妲己 冀州侯苏护的女儿。商纣王子辛的爱妃,有美色,又能歌善舞。《史记•殷本纪》记载,殷纣王“好酒淫乐,嬖于妇人。爱妲己,妲己之言是从”。他“以酒为池,县肉为林,使男女裸,相逐其间,为长夜之饮”。在后代,人们常将亡国之君的过失与女色联系起来,因此,夏之妹喜、商之妲己周之褒姒就成了诅咒的对象。    商纣王征服有苏氏(今河南省武陟东)。有苏氏献出美女妲己。纣王迷于妲己的美色,对她言听计从。妲己喜欢歌舞,纣王令乐师师涓创作靡靡的音乐,下流的健蹈,在宫中朝夕欢歌。妲己伴着“靡靡之音”起舞,妖艳迷人。于是纣王荒理朝政,日夜宴游。纣王还在卫州(今河南省淇县)设“酒池”,悬肉于树为“肉林”,每宴饮者多至三千人,令男女裸体追逐其间,不堪入目。九侯(封地在今河北省临漳)有一位女儿长得十分美丽,应召入宫,因看不惯妲己的淫荡被杀,九侯也遭“ 醢刑”,剁成肉以食。 妲己喜观“炮烙之刑”,将铜柱涂油,燃以火炭,令犯人行其上,跌落火红的炭中,脚板被烧伤,不时发出惨叫声。妲己听到犯人的惨叫,就像听到刺激感官的音乐一样发笑。纣王为了博得妲己一笑,滥用重刑。 纣王的无道,激起人民的反抗。周武王乘机发动诸侯伐纣,在牧野之战,一举灭商,纣王逃到鹿台自焚,妲己也自缢而死。    在《封神榜》中妲己被写成了是受了女娲娘娘派遣迷惑商纣王,使商纣王江山断送的狐狸精,相当于西施这种女间谍,可惜最后寸功未表,反被割掉了一颗如花似玉的大好头颅(可惜了,本人感觉是女娲的错)。    妲己这个女人是随着《封神榜》的流传而为人所熟知的。《封神榜》上说她艳如桃花,妖媚动人,美丽多姿,是千年狐狸精幻化成人,蛊惑纣王纵情女色,荒淫误国,不务正事,使商朝灭亡。当周人灭商后,在杀妲己时,连刽子手都被其美色迷住,不忍下手,愿替其死。    申公豹 姜子牙师兄。阐教的道士,妨碍封神计划。是一个有能力却不得人心的反派角色,不过书中描写比起姜子牙求助他人和有强力法宝本身实力强大的他更让人有深刻记忆。 黑点虎 书中原创人物。申公豹乘骑做的圣兽。 准提道士 西方佛教教主,带有缘西去的人。 作者疑论 《封神演义》的作者是谁,历来众说纷纭, 其一为许仲琳撰。 据明舒载阳刻本《封神演义》卷二题署“钟山逸叟许仲琳编辑”,此书明本唯日本内阁文库藏一部,仅卷二有题署。卷首有邗江李云翔撰写序文,序中云:余友舒冲甫自楚中重资购有钟伯敬先生批阅《封神》一册,尚未竟其业,乃托余终其事。余不愧续貂,删其荒谬,去其鄙俚,而于每回之后,或正词,或反说,或以嘲谑之语以写其忠贞侠烈之品,奸邪顽顿之态,于世道人心不无唤醒耳。 由此可知,此书原本为许仲琳撰写,后经李云翔加以增删刻印。许仲琳是南直隶应天府人,始末不详。 其二为陆西星撰。 据清·无名氏《传奇汇考》卷七“《顺天时》传奇解题”云:《封神传》传系元时道长陆长庚所作,未知的否?张政烺在《〈封神演义〉漫谈》一文中,据此认为陆西星是《封神演义》作者,“元时”乃“明时”之误。陆长庚名西星,是明代扬州府兴化县人,生于十六世纪后期,《陆仲远词稿序》说西星“以诸生雠学使贾祸 ”,有一定的造反精神。因“九试不遇,遂弃儒服为黄冠”。 明施有为万历中选《明广陵诗》卷二十二收陆西星二十四首,有“出世已无家”之语。张政烺还考证陆西星出家后是吕岩(洞宾)道派人,所以在《封神演义》中出现陆压道人,影射吕祖。 其三为王世贞撰。 蒋瑞藻在《小说枝谈》中云:俗传王弇州作《金瓶梅》,为朝廷所知,令进呈御览。弇州惧,一夜而成《封神演义》,以此代彼,因之头白。 蒋瑞藻注云引自“缺名笔记”。此说荒谬,不足为信。 其四为明代某士人所撰。 清梁章钜《归田琐记》卷七“封神传”中云:昔有士人罄家所有,嫁其长女者,次女有怨色,士人慰之曰:“无忧贫也”。.. 演为《封神演义》,以稿授女,后其婿梓行之,竟大获利云云。 梁章钜在《浪迹续谈》卷六“封神传”中仍谈此事,并云这“士人”是“前明一名宿”。 以上四说中前两说影响较大,但一般刊印《封神演义》还是署名为明人许仲琳。关于陆西星之说也值得重视和研究,张政烺、孙楷第先生对此说有精辟论述,朱一玄先生在《明清小说资料选编》中也对此说颇为重视。 道教影响 作者打乱了传统的神位系统,按自己设想作了另外的安排,而道教中只看作是神话小说,在醮坛科仪中并未加以参考。但这小说出现以后,在宗教观及神职神位各方面,都有了很大的影响,兹略举数例,以见一斑。 1.三教合一的思想形象化。这小说全部体现了三教合一观点。为了写起来容易,作者选择了商末周初时代,这一时期在道教经典记载中代表道的尊神传说已经存在,但在世间则三教教主都没有降生。所以作者用了避实就虚的写法,在道教鸿钧老祖下,神化的老子列于第一位,虽领袖群仙,但不管实际事情,而仙在神上,以元始天尊为尊。对佛教则只称西方,以准提道人为尊而不提释迦。因为释迦此时尚未降世,“人间的老子”也是在东周才诞生,并未成立道、佛、儒三教,所以十五回谈到三教会定封神榜的三教是阐教、截教、人道。“人道”是哪一教,此回以后并未再提。所以书中避实取虚,在此以后凡后来历史上有姓名记载的,均不列入,只采神仙传中的古代仙称神号,以免有时代不符之嫌。间又将佛教几位菩萨列于元始天尊十二弟子之内,这就是说佛受仙传,由无生有,三教本源,皆是仙派,这小说实际是在明代三教合一思想上,又用塑造形象创造故事将其更加具体化。在道教思想上消灭了对立的因素。而道观中供奉慈航道人(即观世音菩萨),就是这书出刊以后开始的,这种影响是泯灭了两教界限,起了混合两教的进一步促进作用。后来流行的“红莲白藕青荷叶,三教由来是一家。”的诗句,也是这作品的影响。 2.对道教神位的增添和补充。“封神”系统,道教中并未采用。庙宇尊神,仍按宋代系统未变。但因这小说的影响,增添了不少的神,例如: (一)玄坛殿,是供赵公明的庙宇,因封神榜封赵公明为金龙如意正一龙虎玄坛真君,主管迎祥纳福,并有招宝天尊、纳珍天尊、招财使者、利市仙官四十部下大神,所以自此尊赵公明为财神,过去北京东岳庙东院玄坛殿,香火最盛。 (二)清源妙道真君二郎神传说的变化。二郎神话本由李冰父子治水衍变而来,后来在宋元杂剧中已渐神化,朱子语录中还说他是李冰第二个儿子,自《封神演义》、《西游记》两书流行,遂尊杨戬为二郎尊神,在《封神演义》中梅山七怪为杨戬所歼灭;在《西游记》则成为二郎神的梅山七兄弟。二郎神由李冰第二小儿子一次衍变为隋代嘉州太守赵昱,再衍变为杨戬,确是受《封神演义》的影响。 (三)东岳大帝及其子炳灵公,为泰山之神,神位来源很早。即炳灵公封号,亦在宋代。但本书行世后,一般信奉的人,却认为东岳大帝是黄飞虎,炳灵公是黄天化。 (四)甲子太岁神像,虽姓名为金辨,但形象却为目眶中生两支手,手心中有二目,很明显是受小说中杨任形象的影响。而且杨任在书中是封为甲子太岁的。 (五)此外北京东岳庙有瘟神殿,也是明代所增修。 以上仅列举几个显著的例子,实际道教神位受本书影响,尚不止此。 3.对民间信仰的影响。小说中的形象,如开路神方弼、方相,古书虽有记载,但颇简略。自本书出刊后,在旧社会大殡葬行列中,前面均有此二开路神纸扎的巨象,《垂帘听政》电影中也在咸丰归葬殡仪行列前出现此两偶像。民间在建房竖柱之际,贴一红纸上写“姜太公在此,诸神回避。”盖因相信姜太公是封神之人,一切凶煞均在其属下,不敢为非之故。 4.支配自然之理想。作者思想基础,受《阴符经》影响较大,他相信“宇宙在乎手、万化生乎身”的道理,要从有为到无为,所以放开想像,塑造仙神异术,如雷震子背生双翼,飞翔天空,土行孙土中穿行,地下无阻;杨戬八九玄功,随心变化;哪吒脚踏飞轮,驾风御火;又如魔道中高明高觉,眼看远方,耳听千里;闻太师额生一目,时发神光。这些都是作者认为“万化生乎身”,人类可以支配自然征服自然的体现。当然在今日科学发达时代,这些事本不为奇,但在五百年前有此畅想,也是从道教从有为到无为的思想来的,因为先有有为,所以要扫荡尘氛,支配万物,廓清宇宙,以达到理想境界,在小说里实贯彻了作者这种宗教观。 作者在小说中有不少定命论的思想,认为一切都是前定。周武王当兴商纣当灭是前定;封神也是三教会谈预定的名单。这一种想法导致了他是非不分、邪正同炉的结论,不论好人坏人,都到封神台上受封,这样结尾,是一个最大的缺点。 但作者生于明代中叶,因九试不第,才皈依道教,疏解道经。从他的思想变化来看,虽然受到时代局限,存在着宿命论的观点;可是目睹朝政日非,生民疾苦,贿赂公行,怀才不遇的局面,充满了嫉恨这种丑恶现实,也不满意当时号称道士而获得高位的教徒。所以他的理想是从政治上荡瑕涤秽,在宗教上廓清异端。所以在宗教上自行创派开宗,自称东派;在政治方面,歌颂了吊民伐罪的周武王和姜子牙,而不责备他们以臣伐君;肯定了哪吒对李靖的对抗行动,赞许了为了正义以子攻父。他受《阴符经》影响较深,他认为“观天之道,执天之行”是正确的,所以用“人发杀机,天地反复,天人合发,万化定基”的精神,认为有明中叶混乱局面,非有大力者如周武王、姜子牙这样人物加以澄清不可。在那人魔不分时代,所谓魔即是丑恶的代称,作者颇以安天上定人间的姜子牙自许,所以用系统的宗教语言,比较隐晦地曲折地表达出他对当时政治不满而希求改革的思想,在这一方面是有其可取的成就的;在宗教上它的影响也比较大。因此,这一部小说在道教史上是值得一提的。 后世作品 『南総里见八犬伝』 日本小说,是江戸时代、曲亭马琴的长篇小说。可以说是最早受到影响的国外作品。 『仙界伝·封神演义』日本漫画,是日本漫画家藤崎龙,作品以原作的背景和人物为基础,建立一个完全不同的新故事,融合历史、科幻和少年漫画常见的奋斗主题,而且结构完整清晰,没有一般商业漫画的拖沓。主角太公望颠覆了人们心目中白发长者的形象,变成了一个有点无赖有点小聪明而又善于领导的少年,其中各路神仙也都有着惊人的形象和独特的个性。 『殷周传说·太公望传奇』日本漫画,横山光辉的漫画作品。比藤崎版的魔幻要素少,但符合故事原历史风格。全22卷,由于横山光辉身体缘故停止过一年,属遗著。 『封神演义』游戏软件,PC游戏软件制造,家用游戏机PS用游戏软件制作发售的游戏软件。GC用动作游戏为『战斗封神』,GBA用RPG为『真的Cal.封神』。 『封神演义』广播剧,NHK-FM内节目「青春冒险」,从1998年到2000年暑假播放。用三部分成各20回,计60回。使用讲谈社文库版新版『封神演义』大体上符合原作。(作为妲己的野泽雅子给我印象深刻)在故事后期由于登场人物的增多,总编辑都有上场出现。 『央华封神RPG』小组SNE的设计,works发行,作为模型制作了封神演义的古代中国的RPG。再以小说(友野详著),漫画(栗桥伸佑作画),广播剧,交换卡游戏(『央华封神TCG』)为基础的游戏。 『封神演义·哪吒』中国动画片,由中国中央电视台制作并播出,在2006年和2007年日本岐阜电视台也播出过,有DVD发售(实话说反映真的很小..)。 『水浒传(The Story of Chinese Gods)』香港动画片,1975年制造,把封神演义做为题材的动画片。日本东宝电视台播出过。李小龙作为人物出现过。
第一回 纣王女娲宫进香  混沌初分盘古先,太极两仪四象悬, 子天丑地人寅出,避除兽患有巢贤。  燧人取火免鲜食,伏羲画卦阴阳前, 神农治世尝百草,轩辕礼乐婚姻联。  少昊五帝民物阜,禹王治水洪波蠲, 承平享国至四百,桀王无道乾坤颠。  日纵 喜荒酒色,成汤造毫洗腥 , 放桀南巢拯暴虐,云霓如愿後苏全。  叁十一世传殷纣,商家脉络如断弦, 紊乱朝纲绝伦纪,杀妻诛子信谗言。  秽污宫闱宠妲己,虿盆炮烙忠贞冤, 鹿台聚敛苦万姓,愁声怨气应障天。  直谏剖心尽焚炙,孕妇刳剔朝涉歼, 崇信奸回弃朝政,屏逐师保性何偏。  郊社不修宗庙废,奇技淫巧尽心研, 昵此匪人乃罔畏,沉酗肆虐如 鸢。  西伯朝商囚 里,微子抱器走风湮, 皇天震怒降灾毒,若涉大海无边渊。  天下荒荒万民怨,子牙出世人中仙, 终日垂丝钓人主,飞熊入梦猎岐田。  共车载归辅朝政,叁分有二日相沿, 文考末集大勋殁,武王善述日乾乾。  孟津大会八百国,取彼凶残伐罪愆, 甲子昧爽会牧野,前徒倒戈反回旋。  若崩厥角齐稽首,血流漂杆脂如泉, 戒衣甫着天下定,更於成汤增光妍。  牧马华山示偃武,开我周家八百年, 大白旗悬独夫首,战亡将士幽魂潜。  天挺人贤号尚父,封神坛上列花笺, 大小英灵尊位次,商周演义古今传。 成汤,乃黄帝之後也,姓子氏。初帝喾次妃简狄,祈於高,有玄马之祥,遂生契。契事唐虞为司徙,教民有功,封於商。传十叁世,生太乙,是为成汤。闻伊尹耕於有莘之野,而乐尧舜之道,是个大贤。即时以币帛,叁遣使往聘之,而不敢用,进之於天子。桀王无道,信谗逐贤,而不能用,复归之于汤。後桀王日事荒淫,杀直臣关龙逄,众庶莫敢直言:汤使人哭之,桀王怒,囚汤於夏台。後汤得释而归国,出郊,见人张网四面而祝曰:“从天坠者,从地出者,从四方来者,皆罹吾网。”汤解其叁面,止置一面,更祝曰:“欲左者左,欲右者右,欲高者高,欲下者下,不用命者,乃入吾网。”汉南闻之曰:“汤德至矣!”归之者四十馀国。桀恶日暴,民不聊生,伊尹乃相汤伐桀,放桀於南巢。诸侯大会,汤退而就诸侯之位;诸侯推汤为天子,於是汤始即位,都於亳。元年乙未,汤在位除桀虐政,顺民所喜,远近归之。因桀无道,大早七年;成汤祈祷於桑林;天降大雨。又以庄山之金铸币,救民之命。作乐大□,□者护也,言汤宽仁大德,能救护生命也。在位十叁年而崩,寿百岁。享国六百四十年,传至商受而上。 成汤大甲沃丁太庚小甲雍己太戊仲丁外壬河甲祖乙祖辛沃甲祖丁南庚阳甲盘庚小辛小乙武丁祖庚祖甲廪辛庚丁武乙太丁帝乙受辛纣王,乃帝乙之叁子也。帝乙生叁子:长日微子启、次日微子衍、叁日寿王。帝乙游於御园,领众文武玩赏牡丹,内飞云阁塌了一梁,寿王托梁换柱,力大无比;首相商容,上大夫梅伯、赵启等,上本立东宫,乃立李子寿王为太子。後帝乙在位叁十年而崩,托孤与太师闻仲,随立寿王为天子,名曰纣王,都朝歌。文有太师闻仲,武有镇国武成王黄飞虎;文足以安邦,武足以定国。中宫原配皇后姜氏、西宫妃黄氏、馨庆宫妃杨氏,叁宫后妃皆德性贞静,柔和贤淑,纣王坐享大平,万民乐业,风调雨顺,国泰民安,四夷拱手,八方宾服。八百镇诸侯尽朝於商,有四路大诸侯,率领八百小诸侯,东伯侯姜桓楚,居於东鲁;南伯侯鄂崇禹,西伯侯姬昌,北伯侯崇侯虎。每一镇诸侯,领二百镇小诸侯,共八百镇诸侯属商。纣王七年春二月,忽然报到朝歌反了北海七十二路诸侯袁福通等……太师闻仲奉敕征北不题。一日,纣王早朝登殿,设聚文武。但见:瑞霭纷纭,金銮殿上坐君王;祥光缭绕,白玉阶前列文武。沉檀喷金炉,则见那珠高卷;兰麝氤氲笼宝扇,且看他雉尾低同。 天子问当驾官:“有奏章出班,无事朝散。”言未毕,只见右班中一人出班,俯伏金阶,高擎牙笏,山呼称臣:“臣商容待罪宰相,执掌朝纲,有事不敢不奏;明日乃叁月十五日,女娲娘娘圣诞之辰,请陛下驾临女娲宫降香!”王曰:“女娲有何功德?朕轻万乘而往降香。”商容奏曰:“女娲娘娘乃上帝神女,生有圣德;那时共工氏头触不周山,天倾西北,地陷东南;女娲乃采五色石之,以补青天;故有功於百姓,黎庶立祀以报之。今朝歌祀此福神,则四时康泰,国祚绵长,夙调雨顺,灾害潜消。此福国庇民之正神,陛下当往行香!”王曰:“准卿奏章!”纣王还宫,旨意传出。次日,天子乘辇,随带两班文武,往女娲宫进香。此一回,纣王不来还好;只因进香,惹得四海荒荒,生民失业。正所谓:“漫江撤下钩和线,从此钓出是非来。”怎见得?有诗为证:“天子銮舆出凤城,旌旄瑞色映簪缨;龙光剑吐风云色,赤羽幢摇日月精。堤柳晓分仙掌露,溪花光耀翠裘清;欲知巡幸瞻天表,万国衣冠拜圣明。” 驾出朝歌南门,家家焚香设案,户户结彩铺毡;叁千铁骑,八百御林,武成王黄飞虎保驾,满朝文武随行。前至女娲宫,天子离辇上殿,香焚炉中,文武随班拜贺毕。纣王观看殿中华丽,怎见得?殿前华丽,五彩金;金童对对执幢,玉女双双捧如意。玉钩斜挂,半轮新月悬空;宝帐婆娑,万对彩鸾朝斗。碧落床边,俱是舞鹤翔鸾;沉香宝座,造就走龙飞凤。飘飘奇彩异寻常,金炉瑞霭:袅袅祯祥腾紫雾,银烛辉煌。君王正看行宫景,一阵狂风透胆寒。 纣王正看此宫,殿宇齐整,楼阁丰隆;忽一阵狂风,卷起帐幔,现出女娲圣像,容貌瑞丽,瑞彩翩□国色天姿,宛然如蕊宫仙子临凡,月殿嫦娥下世。古语云:“国之将兴,必有祯祥;国之将亡,必有妖孽。”纣王一见,神魂飘荡,陡起淫心,自思:“朕贵为天子,富有四海,纵有六院,叁宫,并无有此艳色。”遂命取文房四宝,侍驾官忙将取来,献与纣王。天子深润紫毫,,在行宫粉壁之上,作诗一首:“凤鸾宝帐景非常,尽是泥金巧样妆,曲曲远山飞翠色,翩翩舞袖映霞裳。梨花带雨争娇艳,芍药笼烟骋媚妆,但得妖娆能举动,取回长乐侍君王。” 天子作毕,只见首相商容启奏曰:“女娲乃上古之正神,朝歌之福主。老臣请驾拈香,祈求福德,使万民乐业,雨调风顺,兵火宁息。今陛下作诗,亵渭圣明,毫无虔敬之诚;是获罪於神圣,非天子巡幸祈请之礼。愿主公以水洗之,恐天下百姓观见,传言圣上无德政耳!”王曰:“朕看女娲之容,有绝世之姿,因作诗以赞美之,岂有他意,卿无多言!况孤乃万乘之尊,留与百姓观之,可见娘娘美貌绝世,亦是孤之遗笔耳。”言罢同朝。文武百官,默默点首,莫敢谁何,俱箝口而回。有请为证:“凤辇龙驹出帝京,拈香祝女中英;只知祈福黎民乐,孰料吟诗万姓惊?目下狐狸为太后,眼前豺虎尽簪缨;上天垂象皆如此,徒令英雄叹不平!” 天子驾回,升龙德殿,百姓朝贺而散。时逢望辰,叁宫妃后朝君,中宫姜后、西宫黄妃、馨庆宫杨妃,朝毕而退,按下不表。且说女娲娘娘降诞,叁月十五日,往火云宫朝贺伏羲炎帝轩辕叁圣而回。下得青鸾,坐於宝殿,玉女金童朝礼毕。娘娘猛头,看见粉壁上诗句,大怒骂曰:“殷受无道昏君!不想修身立德,以保天下;今反不畏上天,吟诗亵我,甚是可恶!我想成汤伐桀而王天下,享国六百馀年,气数己尽;若不与他个报应,不见我的灵感。”即唤碧霞童子,驾青云往朝歌一回不题。那说二位殿下殷郊、殷洪来参谒父王。那殷郊後来是封神榜上值年太岁,殷洪是五谷神,皆有名将神。正行礼间,顶上两道红光冲天。娘娘正行时,被此气挡住云路。因望下一看,如纣王尚有二十八年气运,不可造次,暂行回宫,心中不悦。唤彩云童儿把後宫中金葫芦取来,放在丹墀之下,揭起葫芦盖,用手一指;葫芦中有一道白光,其大如椽,高四五丈有馀。白光之上,悬出一面来,光分五彩,瑞映千条,名曰:“招妖。”不一时,悲风飒飒,惨雾迷迷,阴云四合,风过数阵,天下群妖俱到行宫,听候法旨。娘娘吩咐彩云,着各处妖魔且退,只留轩辕坟中叁妖伺候。叁妖进宫参谒,口称:“娘娘圣寿无疆。”这叁妖一个是千年狐狸精,一个是九头雉鸡精,一个是玉石琵琶精,俯伏丹墀。娘娘曰:“叁妖听吾密旨!成汤气运黯然,当失天下;凤鸣岐山,西周已生圣主。天意已定,气数使然。你叁妖可隐其妖形,托身宫院,惑乱君心;俟武王伐纣以助成功,不可残害众生。事成之後,使你等亦成正果。”娘娘吩咐已毕,叁妖叩头谢恩,化清风而去。正是:“狐狸听旨施妖术,断送成汤六百年。”有请为证:“叁月中旬驾进香,吟诗一首起飞殃;只知把笔施才学,不晓今番社稷亡。” 按下女娲娘娘吩咐叁妖不题。且言纣王只因进香之後,看见女娲美貌,朝暮思想,寒暑尽忘,寝食俱废;每见六院,叁宫,真如土饭尘羹,不堪谛视;终朝将此事不放心怀,郁郁不乐。一日,驾升显庆殿,时有常随在恻。纣王忽然猛省,着奉御宣中谏大夫费仲,乃纣王之幸臣。近因大师闻仲奉敕平北海,大兵远征,戌外立功,因此上就宠费仲、尤浑二人。此二人朝朝蛊惑圣聪,谗言献媚,纣王无有不从。大抵天下将危,佞臣当道。不一时费仲朝见。王曰:“朕因女娲宫进香,偶见其容貌丽,绝世无双,叁宫六院,无当朕意,将如之何?卿有何策,以慰朕怀?”费仲奏曰:“陛下乃万乘之尊,富有四海,德配尧舜;天下之所有,皆陛下之所有,何患不得,这有何难?陛下明日传一旨,颁行四路诸侯,每一镇选美女百名,以充王庭,何忧天下绝色,不入王选乎?”纣王大悦:“卿所奏甚合朕意,明日早朝发旨,卿且暂回。”随即命驾还宫。毕竟不知此後如何?且看下回分解。

"Gods," commonly known as "Gods", also known as "Biography of Shang and Zhou kingdoms", "Wuwangfazhou Unofficial History", "Gods Biography." Is a Chinese Mythology. About Romance Investiture of the Gods was originally a Chinese civilians entertainment literature, approximately in the Long Khanh, the author is Ming Chen Zhonglin (or Xu Zhonglin) (there is also a priest, said Miss West, the Ming Xing, "Gods," there are more than ten references at the Taoist classic "Huang Ting Jing" .) The earliest trace of the original book may be the Southern Song Dynasty "Wuwangfazhou vernacular", and "Business Week Kingdoms", "Journey to the East Kunlun Eight Immortals" to the ancient magic ancient mythology and folklore with reference made creation. Great length the contents of the book, the strange and famous fantasy. Zhou Xing relying on commercial off the contents of the historical background for the temporal and spatial cues with Validity, from Nu dalbergia open book, to the late-bloomer seal the end of three hundred sixty-five is God. Conquers which, late-bloomer down, King Wen's visit to Xian, three grab Gods, Assembly of Immortals Fight a battle of wits and other circumstances, to show the ancient imagination: clouds, powerful, moving mountains moving sea, scattered seeds which become soldiers, water escape, Tudun, Hot Wheels, pointed the gun fire ... ... Translation of the book has appeared in Japan during the Edo period the whole of the Lu Xun in "History of Chinese Fiction," also has introduced. Also, the Taoist Gods is known. Story Outline Gods story, deeply affected the outlook of the Chinese people (and immortal Taoist thought, Buddhism, and so deeply entwined the universe of China's unique impression.) King Zhou is no way to lose the book world Orthodoxy, King Wu Zhou Xing off as the main business, characterized by interspersed myth. -------------------------------- In the world of Gods, the world divided into Wonderland and the world. Wonderland is a fairy, the Taoist Kunlun Mountains are composed of the mystical "Interpretation of education" and the wisdom of animals, plants have formed the "cut education." Is a commercial world (Yanzhao) of the rule of King Zhou. When in a religious memorial to King Zhou of the world's most beautiful women goddess Nu Wa made a rude action. (Made the first poem of evil). King Zhou of blasphemy angered the Goddess, the command Regulus grave three demon - Millennium fox, fine jade Pipa, nine countries pheasant fine to confuse King Zhou destruction. Fox fine with the daughter of nobility Jizhou Daji's body into the temple after the manipulation of King Zhou Daji gradually become violent, then, pheasant has metamorphosed into a refined expertise in Pipa, "Hu Hei Mei" and "Gui-Man" co-confused King Zhou. Kunlun Mountains on the other hand there are also two cents worry that people do. One can not eliminate the presence of the long life of the 'Shajie "problem. And then a strong capability because of too many fairy fairy people can not manage and maintain a border with the problem, things often appear immortal human destruction. Closure of three hundred sixty-five bits are God's "Gods plan" to gradually appear. King Zhou and King Wu is illustrates the relative teaches teaching and cross-sectional, national struggle fairy world Orthodoxy dispute. Debut characters Week Bloomer: also known as Shang, Jiang Shang, Tai Gong Wang, is the protagonist. Hime Trading: King Wen, one of the four princes, lords control the Xiqi as the West. San Yisheng: Zhou Zhaowen officer. King Wu: Himeji, said hair, the second son of Himeji Chang. Zhou first generation of national primary. Bo Yi Dynasty Hime: Hime Chang eldest son. Were killed Daji (made buns). Duke Jordan: Jordan said Hime, Hime Chang fourth child, the story almost does not appear. Lei Zhenzi: Hime Chang adopted son. Article a child. Us: the third son of General Li Jing. Youth is very miserable, Journey to the West in debut. Business (Yin) King Zhou: King Daji: Jizhou princes daughter was fine to kill the Millennium female fox and use the body. King Zhou Fei: The Millennium female fox fine companions. Wen Zhong: King Zhou's most loyal generals. Business Contents: Shang civilian, committed suicide after the brutal King Zhou. Bi Gan: Shang civil, King Zhou uncle. Daji with the total killed. Chi-tzu: Business civilian, King Zhou uncle. Daji vote with the total prison killed. XVIII, Kai: Business civilian, his half brother King Zhou. King Zhou invalid plain speaking and left. Zi Yan Micro: Business civilian, his half brother King Zhou. King Zhou invalid plain speaking and left. Mabel: Business Civil, mother of his uncle King Zhou. King Zhou was killed by plain speaking. Jiang Fei: Queen of King Zhou. Daji with the total killed. Illustrates Education Yuanshi Senior's: illustrates priest. Lord Lao Zi: None Cloud Neutron: Zhongnanshan Yuzhu main hole. Nanjixianweng: illustrates teach immortals. Shen Bao confusing the public when a late-bloomer. Kunlun second Masters: Wide as the child: Jiuxian Yuen Tung Red sperm: Mountain sky hole too Huanglong a real person: two dry holes Spirit Mountain Ma Taiyizhenren: Qianyuan golden mountain cave Yu Ding person; Yuquan Shan Xia Jin-dong Lingbao Grand Master: Yang-dong Yuan Daoxing Senior's: Gold Hill Court House-dong Yu Qing Xu Chun Kwan Road, DS: Green Mountain Cave Ziyang Fear of leaving Sun: Turtle Fei hole folder Monju Guangfa Tianzun: Five Turtle Cave of clouds Chi Hong Taoist: Putuoshan down hole gamma Fugen Live: Nine hundred Hedong Mountain Power Cut education Tongtianjiaozhu: cut priest Ten days Jun: cut to teach monks, in the beginning of the war the war, mostly eccentric personality. Zhao Gongming: cut to teach fairy, magic a lot. Sangu: Zhao Gongming sister. Sky, Joan Xiao, Xiao-Bi Biography (The former is the official history, the latter is the story of the Gods is a novel, do not stir muddy children) King Zhou The last king of Shang Dynasty, the last king of Xia Jie is the eponymous tyrant. Name Sim, as Di Yi's son, Zhou is the posthumous name, Singh is the name, it is also known Dixin, history as King Zhou. His talented, quick thinking, superb martial arts, mighty, and the beast was unarmed combat. Has repeatedly attack the Eastern Yi, captured a large number of slaves, so that the Central Plains culture gradually spread to the Yangtze River, Huaihe River, lay the scale of China's reunification. King Zhou of the dissolute and brutal known. He preferred drinking, and greed in and woman. Pet Daji, to discuss obtaining the like, Zhou massive construction projects, expansion of the palace Yuanyou dunes, birds will dissipate into the atmosphere in which wild animals, many large-scale banquet, with wine for the pool, hanging the meat for the forest, doing all it can extravagant extravagant things. He also predatory, high-Fu heavy taxes, brutally crushing the people, to meet the huge costs. He also invented a large Shih despotic power, "Bao Luo," the instruments of torture, with a copper hollow pillars, columns of red-hot charcoal fire. Dissatisfied with his subjects will be stripped of atrocities, tied Cylinders roasted alive on death. He will man beheaded or legs, as a routine, even worse, to take fetal abdomen cut open the woman pleasure, cruel to the extreme. The two armies met Makino, weeks soldier who courageously rush ahead, there is no business fighting the military, have defected to meet King Wu Ji Fa. King Zhou Chaoge fled the city, insight has been unable to turn, no way out, self-immolation die at Parkview, declared demise of the Shang Dynasty, and its about the 11th century. The demise of business, with the political decline, social unrest, economic weakness and other reasons withered, but the inverse of King Zhou of the regular facilities, resulting in deserted undoubtedly a very important factor, which accelerated the country's complete collapse 600 years. Daji Hou Jizhou protect the daughter of the Soviet Union. Shang Zhou Xin's Aifei Prince, a beauty, but also sing and dance. "Historical Records • Yin Ji" records, Yan Zhou Wang "wine Yin Yue, favorite in the women. Love Da Ji, Da Ji's words are from." He was the "wine for the pool, the county of meat for the forest, naked men and women, phase-by-the meantime, as long night of drinking." In the future, people often lost his country and in sex linked fault, therefore, the sister of hi summer, business of the concubine Daji week became the object of a curse.    Daji hi view "Baoluozhixing" will Tongzhu oiled, fired by Tan, so that the line of its inmates, the drop in red-hot charcoal, burned feet, screams from time to time. Daji hear the screams of prisoners, stimulate the senses like hearing the music as laugh. Da King Zhou had to win a smile, the abuse of heavy penalty. King Zhou's no way aroused people's resistance. King Wu of Zhou took the opportunity to launch a cutting princes, the war in Makino, one stroke off business, King Zhou fled Lutai self-immolation, hanging Daji also died.    In "Gods" had been written out in Da is confused by the provider to send Nvwaniangniang King Zhou, the country ruined the fox business King Zhou, the equivalent of beauty this woman spy, but unfortunately not the last inch work table, counter to be cut Ruhuasiyu lost a good head (a pity, I feel is the fault of Nu Wa.)    Daji this woman, with the "Gods," the popular and well known. "Gods," Peach said as she was brilliant, seductive and moving, beautiful scene, is the metamorphosis of the Millennium vixen adult, to confuse King Zhou indulge in sex, prurient harm the country, do not get down to business services, the fall of Shang. When the Zhou people off business after killing Daji, even the executioners are fascinated by its beauty, could not bear to start, ready for their death.    Shen Public leopard Late-bloomer brothers. Illustrates shaman, hinder Gods plan. Is a competent but unpopular villain, but the book describes a late-bloomer compared to others and help their powerful magic force more people to have a profound memory of him. Tiger black spots Original characters in the book. Shen made public sacred leopard ride. Provide prospective priests Western Buddhist leader, with the edge of the West to the people. Of casuistry "Gods" author who has always been different opinions, One is Xu Zhong Linzhuan. According to Yang Ming Shu contains Edition of "Gods" Volume II title department "Zhongshan Yi Sou Xu Zhonglin Edit", a book out of the possession of a CD library of Japanese cabinet, only the Department of Volume II have questions. Frontispiece has written the preface Hanjiang Li Yunxiang, order Cloud: I just washed from the Friends of Chu Shu-owned share in the re-marking with Mr. Zhong Bojing "Gods" one, not actually the industry is more than the end being to care. More than worthy of continued mink, _delete_ the ridiculous to the vulgar, and at every time after, or is the word, or anti-that, or the language to write Chao Xue Xia fierce loyalty of its products, treacherous stubborn Dayton of the state, in the troubled world No people do not wake up ears. It can be seen, this book was originally written for the Xuzhong Lin, additions and deletions to be after the engraving by Li Yunxiang. Tianfu Xu Zhonglin people of South Zhili should, whole story is unknown. Second Star to Miss West essays. According to the Qing Anonymous "Meeting legendary test" VII "," When Shun "Legend problem solving," says: "Gods Biography" Yuan Chuan Road, Long Lu Changgeng Department made, whether the unknown? Cheng-Lang in "<Investiture of the Gods> Talk" article, the basis that Miss West Star is the "Gods" of the "Yuan" is a "time out" in error. Lu Changgeng name of West Star, is the Ming Dynasty government of Yangzhou Xinghua County, was born in the late sixteenth century, "Chung Yuan Lu word order is issued," said Western Star "to all students learn to proofread Jia bad", there is a certain spirit of rebellion. Because of the "Nine test is not met, then abandoned Rufu yellow crown." Shih Ming Wanli _select_ed promising "Ming Guangling Poetry" Volume Twelve received Luxi Star twenty-four, the "birth no longer home" language. Lu Cheng-Lang is also verified after the monk is Lu Yan West Star (sent by the Dongbin) Road sent, so the "Gods" in the pressure appears Taoist Lu, Lu Zu innuendo. Third is Shizhen essays. Jiang Rui algae in the "sticks about the novel," Cloud: Popular Chuan Wang Yanshan state as "Golden Lotus" for the court know, that was Royal into view. Yanshan states fear a night to become "Gods" as a generation of He, consequent head white. Note algae cloud Jiang Rui cited "lack of name notes." This said, absurd, discredited. Fourth in a Ming Dynasty scholar relegated. Qing Liang Kui, "Country Life Suo Ji" VII "Gods Biography," Cloud: Xiyou home exhausted all the scholars, who married his eldest daughter, second daughter with resentment color, comfort of the scholars said: "Poverty is also worry-free." .. Speech as "Gods" to draft grant women the line after the husband of Azusa, unexpectedly large profits and so on. Liang Kui in the "traces the continued talk about" Juan Liu, "Gods Biography" still talk about the matter, and cloud this "scholar" is "before the next one legend." These four said that a greater impact in the first two, but the general publication of "Gods" or signed as the Ming Xu Zhonglin. West Star on land that is worth attention and study, Zhang G Lang, Mr. Sun Kaidi said this has brilliant expositions, Mr. Zhu Yixuan in the "_Select_ed Data Ming and Qing Fiction," also said this quite seriously. Taoist influence On the tablets up_set_ the traditional system, according to their own separate arrangements were envisaged, but only as a myth Taoist novel, Rituals of the altar in the ritual did not make reference to. But this novel appeared later, in religion and various aspects of the clergy tablets have a great impact, it is a few examples to see the obvious. 1. The idea syncretism visualized. This novel reflects all three religions in one view. To write is easy, choose a provider at the end of times weekly during this period recorded in the classic Taoist deity representing the Road Legend already exists, but the leader of the three religions in the world are not born. Therefore, the wording of Bishijiuxu used in Taoism Hongjun ancestors, the deification of Lao Tzu out in the first, although leaders Qunxian, but regardless of the actual things, and Sin in God, and to Yuanshi Tianzun respect. Western Buddhism, said only, to provide prospective and not to mention respect for Buddha Taoist. Because the Buddha has not yet come to earth at this time, "Shared I" is also in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty before the birth, not the establishment of Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, the fifth _set_ back about three Gods Teachings of the Church is to explain religion, cut education, humane. "Humanity" is what to teach, not to mention this back to the future. So take the book to avoid the real imaginary, in this later history of the names who later recorded, are not included, only the transmission of ancient mining fairy fairy said spirits in order to avoid discrepancies between the times too. Several among the Buddhist Bodhisattva turn out in the Senior's Yuanshi within twelve disciples, which means that the Buddha by the Immortals, from non-students have, the origin of three religions are all cents to send, this novel is actually in the Ming Dynasty syncretism , they also shape the image of the creation story with its even more specific. Taoist thought eliminated in the opposite factor. The Taoist Taoist Chi Hong in worship (ie, Bodhisattva), is after the beginning of this book Chukan, this effect is devoid of boundaries of the two education played a mixture of two further promote the role of religion. Later, the popular "blue lotus white lotus leaf, the origin of three religions is one." Verse, but also the impact of this work. 2. Additions to the Taoist tablets and supplements. "Gods" system, Taoism did not use. Temple deity, based upon the Song system unchanged. But the impact of this novel, adding a lot of God, such as: (A) Xuantan Temple, the temple for Zhao Gongming, Feng Zhao Gongming because of Gods is a dragon for the dragon wishful Xuan Tan Chun Kwan, director of Auspicious Hannaford, and Zhao Bao revere, Jane Tianzun satisfied, move Financial messenger, highly profitable large cents official forty men of God, so is the God of Wealth Zhao Gongming respect since the last Beijing Eastern Hospital Xuantan DONGYUEMIAO Hall, incense height. (B) Erlang Qingyuan Miao Road Zhenjun legend changes. Li Bing and his son, then Erlang flood control by the evolvement of this comes later in the Song Dynasty in the beginning to deify, quotations Zhu Bing also said that he was the second son, from the "Gods", "Journey to the West" two popular books, then Chun Yang Jian was Jiro deity, in the "Gods" in the blame for the seven Meishan annihilated by Yang Jian; in "Journey to the West" has become the Meishan Erlang seven brothers. Erlang Bing second son by the first Evolution of the Sui Zhao Yu Chia-Chou Prefecture, and then as Yang Jian Evolution, indeed by the "Gods" effect. (C) Dongyuetaidi its sub Bingling Gong, the God of Mount Tai, tablets from early. The Bingling Gong titles, also in the Song Dynasty. But the World Bank book, the general belief of the people, but that is Huangfei Hu Dongyuedadi, Bingling Gong is a yellow day of. (D) cycle or Tai Sui statues, although distinguish the name for the gold, but the image has to Mukuang two students hand in hand for two projects in mind, it is obviously subject to any novel image of Yang. And Yang in the book is labeled six decades of any of Tai Sui. (E) In addition, there is the god of plague Beijing Dongyue Temple, but also by upgrading the Ming Dynasty. Significantly more than just a few examples, the actual impact of Taoism tablets by the book, yet more than that. 3. Folk beliefs. The image of the novel, such as the open side of God Bute, Fangxiang, although recorded in ancient books, but rather brief. Since the book Chukan after the funeral in the ranks of the old society, a large, open in front of God are these two paper models of the giant elephant, "behind a screen" movie, also appeared before the ranks of Xianfeng funeral bury these two idols. Vertical columns in the building of civil occasion, posted a red paper to write "There are always here, to avoid the gods." Owed much to the person that Jiang Taigong is Gods, and all wicked and wild are in their subordinates, not the non- so. There are a number of novels _set_ in the life of the idea that everything is predetermined. When King Wu of Zhou Xing Shang Zhou as the former _set_ off; Gods is also a list of scheduled talks, the three religions. This idea led to his right and wrong, right from wrong conclusion with the furnace, regardless of good people and bad, are to stage a glimpse of Gods, so that at the end, is one of the biggest shortcomings. Born in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, but because of nine test is not the first, was converted to Taoism, ease Dao. Changes in thinking from his point of view, despite the time constraints, there is fatalism; but witnessed the affairs of state at non-, pepole suffering, bribery of public rows, underappreciated situation, full of hate this ugly reality, is also dissatisfied with the then known to obtain the high priest of the church. So his vision is from the dirty politics swing flaw polyester, clearance in the religious heresy. Therefore, the religious school to open cases on their own record, claiming the East School; In politics, praised the lifting of King Wu of Zhou people cutting crime, and a late-bloomer, not blame them for cutting Chen Jun; affirmed us against the actions of Li Jing, praise the attack to justice and to the parent child. His subject, "Yin Fu Jing," influential, he believes that "view of heaven, executive day trip" is correct, with "human hair Murder, the world again, Heaven OECD, million of fixed base" in the spirit that there is chaos in the Ming Dynasty, not a great person such as King Wu of Zhou, a late-bloomer to be clarified so that people can not. Magic man, regardless of the era, the so-called magic that is ugly in lieu of that, quite to safe heaven of the world's late-bloomer from the promise given, so the use of the system of religious language, more vaguely twists and turns in expressing his dissatisfaction with the wish of the then political reform thought, in this respect is the achievement of its desirable; in its influence on religion is relatively large. Therefore, this novel in the history of Taoism is worth mentioning. Later works 『South of Eight dogs 総 伝』 Japanese novels, is the Edo era, the novel quting Bakin. Can be said to be affected is the first foreign works. Once upon a 伝 』『 Gods Japanese comics, Japanese manga artist Fujisaki Long, works in the original basis of the background and characters to create a completely new story, blending history, science fiction and juvenile comic theme of the common struggle, and the structure complete and clear, not normal commercial comics procrastination. Looking to subvert the hero grandfather elderly people's minds the image of white hair, a little rogue into a wise and good at leading a little boy, in which deities are also a striking image and unique personality. 『Yin and Zhou Tai Gong Wang Legendary Legend of Japanese comics, Yokoyama brilliant comics. Fujisaki version than the less magical elements, but consistent with the historical style of the original story. All 22 volumes, the physical reason to stop shining Yokoyama a year, is a posthumous work. Gods 』『 game software, PC game software manufacturing, home console game software produced by PS games for sale. GC with fighting action game for the Gods 『』, GBA 『true with RPG for the Cal. Gods』. Gods 』『 radio, NHK-FM within the program "Youth Adventure", from 1998 to 2000 summer play. 20 with the three parts into the back, a period of 60 back. Kodansha Library Edition using the new version of the Gods 』『 generally consistent with the original. (Osawa as Daji wild child impressed me) characters in the story of the late increase in the appearance, editor in chief has to play there. Chinese Gods RPG 』『 Central Design Group SNE, works issue, as a model made Gods of Ancient China RPG. Then the novel (Friends of the details of the field), comics (Li Yu to paint the bridge stretch), radio, switching card games (TCG 』『 Gods central China)-based games. Gods us 』『 Chinese cartoons, produced by China Central Television and broadcast in 2006 and 2007, television stations also aired Gifu, Japan, a DVD on sale (honest reflection of really small ..). 『Outlaws of the Marsh (The Story of Chinese Gods)』 Hong Kong animation, manufactured in 1975, the theme of the Gods as a cartoon. Japan's Toho broadcast before. Bruce Lee appeared as a character.

hòuyīzhānghuí >>   
huí  zhòu wáng gōng jìn xiāng 'èr huí  shǎng zhōu hóu fǎn shāng sān huí  chāng jiě wéi jìn
huí  ēn zhōu huí  yún zhōng jìn jiàn chú yāo liù huí  zhòu wáng dào zào páoluò
huí  fèi zhòng fèi jiāng huáng hòu huí  fāng fāng xiāng fǎn zhāogē jiǔ huí  shāng róng jiǔ jiān diàn jié
shí huí  yàn shān shōu léi zhèn shí huí  chéng qiú hóu shí 'èr huí  chén táng guān zhā chū shì
shí sān huí  tài zhēn rén shōu shí shí huí  zhā xiàn lián huā huà shēn shí huí  kūn lún shān xià shān
shí liù huí  huǒ shāo jīng shí huí  tǎn zhì zào chài pén shí huí  jiàn zhù yǐn
shí jiǔ huí  kǎo jìn gòng shú zuì 'èr shí huí  sàn shēng tōng fèi yóu 'èr shí huí  wén wáng kuā guān táo guān
'èr shí 'èr huí  hóu wén wáng 'èr shí sān huí  wén wáng mèng fēi xióng zhào 'èr shí huí  wèi shuǐ wén wáng pìn
dì   I   [II]   [III]   [IV]   [V]   yè

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