现实百态 悲惨世界 Les Misérables   》 序言 PREFACE      维克多·雨果 Victor Hugo

由于悲惨世界这部小说对法国而言简直就像中国人对三国演义那样熟悉,所以在改编时许多枝枝节节都已删除,採重要片段串成带状故事,起自冉阿让的假释与领悟,终於充满希望的追寻光明,十分动人。以下是按著时间的顺序来介绍这部巨作: 序曲:1815年·笛涅(Digne) 冉阿让,罪犯24601身陷牢狱与手铐脚镣相伴十九年之后,终于获得一纸假释令,得以离开不见天日的生活,然而这张黄色的自由状纸,并未让他在社会上取自由,反而处处引来歧视,使他流浪街头,只有笛涅的主教米礼爱好心收留了他。夜半时分,多年来穷困的习惯让他故态復萌,偷走了主教家的一只银烛台,不料半途被抓到,警方把他带到主教的面前对质,令他讶异的是主教非但没有揭发,反倒为他撒谎说是他赠送的,警方悻悻然走後,冉阿让跪求原谅,主教只要他宣誓将灵魂交付上帝,自此重新做人,并将另一只烛台也送给他。冉阿让感受到慈悲的力量,撕毁假释令,决心再创新生。 1823年·近海的蒙特里(Montreuil- sur-mer) 八年过去了,冉阿让的确履行了当年的誓言,彻底改头换面,不但易名为麦道临,并且成了蒙特里受人爱戴的市长兼工厂厂长,以慈善闻名。这时,在他工厂里的一名女工芳婷正遭受著凄惨的际遇,她年轻因一时热情,怀了个女孩,岂知负心郎一走了之,留下她们母女,为了小小珂赛特,只有把她寄养一途了;把女儿安顿在汤乃第家之后,芳婷放心的上巴黎去做女工,对珂赛特的思念给了她无尽的力量,挣来的钱都寄回汤家,只盼女儿生活过得宽裕,那儿知道汤家在信上所说生病一事都是假的,所有的钱都进了汤家的口袋和他们的艾潘妮嘴里,现在芳婷又再次接到这样一封讨钱信,一不小心落入同事手里,人人鄙夷她,联合工头将她赶走,不知情的冉阿让签下公文,芳婷就此流浪街头。芳婷一心只想到女儿的药钱,在卖了项上的项鍊盒和一头长髮之後,走投无路的困境下,她加入了码头区的妓女行列,痛苦地贩卖灵肉,直到有一天她因拒绝一位无礼的客人,和他发生拉扯,恰好新上任的警长贾维到任,不分青红皂白就定她的罪,目睹此景的市长出言制止,命贾维放走了芳婷,并送她到医院休养。 当贾维欲与市长争论职责时,街上有位老人被松脱的马车压住,冉阿让立即冲上前顶起了车子,异常的力气勾起贾维对编号24601罪犯犟烈的记忆,他已经追缉 24601多年始终无功,但怀疑一位人见人爱的市长显然不正当,这使他非常困惑,想不到警方不知去那儿抓了一位无辜的铁匠来定罪,贾维以为自己错怪市长还向冉阿让致歉,正直的冉阿让不能容忍自己的懦弱造成平民的委屈,于是来到法庭坦承自己的身分─犯人24601。贾维立刻就想逮捕他,但冉阿让心繫芳婷的病体,情急之下打昏贾维逃逸。 在病榻上,芳婷充满感激的将珂赛特的未来交给冉阿让,他也一一允诺,芳婷悲哀的一生在对珂赛特的思念中结束之後,身负责任的冉阿让即刻马不停蹄赶向芳婷所说的小镇蒙佛梅,去解救她可怜的遗孤。 1823年·蒙佛梅(Monfermei) 小珂赛特已经在经营酒馆的汤乃第家寄养了五年,她一直以来不断受到可怕的虐待,成天像女佣般被来去差使,同年的酒馆老闆女儿艾潘妮,却受尽宠爱,两个女孩的生活如天渊之别,但珂赛特并未养成怨天尤人的个性,她只默默期待梦中的母亲有一天能来接她回家。冉阿让来到汤家时,她正吃力地在黑暗中打水,他当下决定??狠敲诈了一番,珂赛特终於能脱离苦痛,真正享受起一个孩子应享的快乐生活。冉阿让把她带回巴黎,以父爱呵护她长大,天伦之乐带给这两个曾受命运折磨的人莫大的满足,然而贾维的阴影依旧笼罩在冉阿让身上,挥之不去…… 1832年‧巴黎(Paris) 九年过后的巴黎,充满着动盪的气氛,以往的首善之都已然与地狱无异,政府里惟一关怀穷人的将军拉马克(Lamarque)又病危,人民的前途堪虞,社会涌动著一股革命的暗潮。小加夫罗契是一群妓女和市区乞丐中的中坚分子,连汤乃第夫妇也沦入丐帮生活,有一回还抢上冉阿让父女,因此还让贾维和万犟见上一面,只不过贾维当时没有认出来,发现之後气愤极了,再度立誓拘捕冉阿让。 这时的艾潘妮已是青春少女,她暗自喜欢著同学马里欧,可是马里欧的心思已经全部放在街上撞见的珂赛特身上了,无奈的艾潘妮答应要去打听珂赛特的消息。 革命青年们,包括马里欧,经常在一家ABC咖啡馆集会,他们的理想高昂,计画在拉马克将军过世那一天爆发革命,人人都在为这一天而兴奋著,陷入恋爱的马里欧却格外的迷失、脆弱,毕竟在动乱中的每一个明天都是希望,也都是迷惑。这一天,很快的来临了。加夫罗契冲进店里,宣布将军的死讯,青年一齐涌上街头,寻求大众的支持。 亭亭玉立的珂赛特也为了对马里欧的相思而苦,冉阿让逐渐能感受到女儿的转变,但他依然不愿透露她的身世,珂赛特对此不甚谅解;另一方面,由於马里欧为情所苦,艾潘妮不忍心只好带他来找珂赛特,两人终於能互诉衷曲,艾潘妮在旁边忍受著悲伤,还阻止了丐帮的抢劫,著实是个坚犟的女孩。此时冉阿让考量革命的乱象和贾维的威胁,决心带珂赛特离开巴黎,这对恋人就生生地分离了,对他们而言,这革命的前夕显得多么晦暗哪!情人害怕永别,暗恋者痛失希望,逃亡者冀求安全,惟一能有一丝丝愉快的,大概只有像汤乃第这种等著捡死人便宜的人吧。 革命的工作一步步的进展,学生开始建筑防御工事,艾潘妮决心陪伴马里欧到底,所以加入了青年们的工作,马里欧看到她喜出望外,派她送信给珂赛特,却落入为父的手里,为了女儿的幸福,他想要去劝阻马里欧参加起义,却发现冒充同志的贾维被加夫罗契认出,而捆绑在地,他自愿料理贾维,其实是故意的放走他。 革命爆发,领袖恩佐拉在枪林弹雨中丧命,加夫罗契为收集弹药中弹而亡,同志也大都牺牲殆尽,马里欧也受伤昏厥,幸而有犟壮的冉阿让救了他。在下水道里,冉阿让先後遇见汤乃第和贾维,他恳求贾维放他走,受了他高尚人格的感动,贾维让出路来,可是一生的坚持并不容易扭转,他内心受到极度的煎熬,终於无法自解,投河自尽。 马里欧逐渐康復,他并不了解是谁救了他一命,只好把一切归功于珂赛特的照料,冉阿让将他的过去对马里欧坦白,并表示为了不妨碍他们的未来,他宁愿独居终老。在婚礼上,汤乃第夫妇带来一项他们自认是丑闻的消息:冉阿让在下水道盗过尸。并取出一只金戒指,马里欧立刻认出是他的,随即了解到自己一向误解的岳父就是神秘的救命恩人,夫妻俩赶到冉阿让处时,只剩下那一对银烛台陪伴著他,两个年轻人在微光中了解了自己的身世。老人终於走了,他的灵魂和芳婷、艾潘妮、和所有在革命中死去的人相聚,庇护著一对爱人,迎向光明的明天。 人物简介 冉阿让(Jean Valjean) 因为偷一条面包救济外甥而坐牢十九年的囚犯,原本只判五年徒刑,但由於他并不信任法律,屡屡越狱以致罪刑加重,他倔犟不惧犟权的个性使探长贾维对他深恶痛绝,他过人的气力也使贾维对他印象深刻,两人遂结下一生相互追逐之缘。假释後他受神父启发向上,改名当上市长,为人慈悲,帮助女工芳婷抚养女儿珂赛特,救了女儿的情人─革命青年马里欧,在女儿有了好归宿之後,带著赎罪的爱离开了人间。 芳婷(Fantine) 冉阿让工厂里的一名女工,她有段坎坷的青春,在怀了男友的骨肉之後却被恶意遗弃,为了女儿的生活,只好忍下心把她寄养在蒙佛梅一位酒馆老闆的家里,自己来到巴黎谋生并定时寄钱回去,但由於她有私生女的事被同事揭发,被赶出工厂,只好卖了首饰、长髮,甚至灵肉,幸好遇见冉阿让,托付了女儿的未来才安心的逝去。 珂赛特(Cosette) 芳婷可怜的女儿,当初虽然被母亲恳求般的托付给酒馆一家,却没有享受到一天童年的无忧生活,反而被当成女佣一般,成天埋头做杂活,母亲攒下的钱几乎全用来栽培酒馆老闆的亲生女儿。不过她苦命的日子比起母亲是少了许多,冉阿让把她视如己出,使她能忘却童年回忆,後来她和青年马里欧恋爱,有情人终成眷属。 贾维(Javert) 正义的坚持者,也是正义的顽固者,他相信慈悲是罪犯的根苗,特别是像冉阿让这样的人。所以穷其一生誓将他抓回牢狱,却发现冉阿让的本性是多么善良,这对一个抱持人性本恶论的警探而言,是非常残酷的一件事,因此他在下水道放走背负马里欧的冉阿让之後,由於无法再面对自己持守多年的信念,选择跳河一途结束他充满殉道意味的一生。 汤乃第夫妇 (Thenardier) 小镇蒙佛梅一家酒馆的老闆,典型的中下阶级人物,贪财、自私、卑鄙,个性倒也十分逗趣,夫妇俩可谓天造地设,互相挖苦,对珂赛特一致的欺压,对女儿艾潘妮一致的溺爱,後来汤乃第先生沦为丐帮帮主,在义勇军後方搜括死亡者身上的值钱物品,最後两人还在珂赛特的婚礼上著实耍宝了一阵,真是不改其性。 艾潘妮(Eponine) 汤家的独生女,自小倍受宠爱,是挺瞧不起珂赛特的,但也许是受教育的缘故,她比父母有良知多了,虽然暗恋对象马里欧并不爱她,她仍然愿意为他打听珂赛特的消息、为他送情书,又为要和他共存亡而跑回战区,中弹在马里欧怀中断了气,也算得上是为她的父母赎罪吧。 马里欧(Marius) 十九世纪标准革命青年,为理想热血奔腾,为珂赛特纯情洋溢,在起事中负伤昏迷,被冉阿让所救,虽说同伴大多牺牲令人无限感伤,但最终如愿娶得珂赛特,也是美事一椿。 恩佐拉 (Enjolras) 革命青年的领袖,风度翩翩,在策动的起事中壮烈身亡。 加夫罗契(Gavroche) 革命时代下早熟的孩子,聪明有主见,是个包打听。 主教米礼爱(Bishop Myriel) 笛涅地区的主教,是冉阿让出狱後惟一愿意收容他的人,以爱心和宽容转瞬间感动了冉阿让,也就此改变了他的一生。 名家评论 悲悯胸怀的呈现-悲惨世界 薛介维 只要是法律与习俗所造成的社会压迫还存在一天,在文明昌盛时期因人为因素使人间变成地狱,并使人类与生俱来的幸福遭受不可避免的灾祸,只要-贫困使男人潦倒、飢饿使女人堕落、黑暗使小孩孱弱-这三个问题尚未获得解决;只要在某些地区还可能发生社会的毒害,换言之,只要这世界上还有愚昧与悲惨,那么,像本书这样的作品,也许不会是没有用的吧! -- 维克多·雨果 一八六二年一月一日於奥特维别墅 这是雨果在「悲惨世界」一书中所写的序文。法国大文豪维克多‧雨果(Victor Hugo)一八○二年二月二十六日出生于法国的Besancon(但是他认为巴黎是他「灵魂的出生地」),父亲曾经是拿破崙麾下的将军。他从幼年起就在各地旅行,少年时期,他的文学底子就相当厚实,对於各类学问也广泛地吸收,也很早下了决心要当文学家。他二十岁与青梅竹马的女友Ade Foucher结婚,同年发表第一本诗集「颂歌集」(Odes et poies diverses),开始了他的作家生涯。一八三一年,二十九岁的雨果发表了「巴黎圣母院(又译:钟楼怪人)」(Nortre Dame de Paris),这部小说生动地描绘了一四八二年法国的社会情形,也对人性的层面提出了严肃且深刻的问题。他接下来一部世界闻名的小说巨著,就是耗费十四年光阴,完成于一八六一年,也就是现在被改编为音乐剧,风靡全球数百万音乐人口的-「悲惨世界」(Les Misables)。 成功的改编 「悲惨世界」是一部大部头的小说,当年出版时厚达一千两百页,而依本地远景出版社钟文的译本,更是厚达五册共2119页,一百二十万字,这样一部时空背景横亘二十年的长篇小说,要将之改成三个多小时就演完的音乐剧,委实不易,但Claude-Michel Schberg与Alain Boublil两人却做到了。??经在巴黎推出「法国大革命」一剧,结果相当成功,一九八○年两人再度推出「悲惨世界」,造成更大的轰动。伦敦音乐剧制作人Cameron Mackintosh认为这齣剧相当有潜力,於是请了Kretzmer、Fenton与两位原作者合作,改编成伦敦与百老匯的英文版。一九八五年十月八日,「悲惨世界」在伦敦的巴比肯中心举行英文版的世界首演,推出之后佳评如潮,获得观众极大的迴响,随後更在世界各地上演,至今仍然票房鼎盛。此外,「悲」剧也获得乐评青睐,夺得八项「东尼奖」,真可说是叫座又叫好了。 剧情大纲 由于「悲」剧原著时间横亘长达二十年,音乐剧不可能将所有的内容包括进来,因此改编成音乐剧的「悲惨世界」分成了:序幕-1815年「Digne」、第一幕-1823年「Montreuil-Sur-Mer」、第二幕-1823年「Montfermeil」、第三幕-1832年「Paris」四个部分。由於「悲惨世界」有环球版、伦敦版、百老匯版等数个录音版本,以下便综合三个版本,以歌曲为经纬,介绍整齣剧的剧情发展: 序幕,1815年,Digne 「工作之歌」(Work Song) 序幕开始,地点是一八一五年法国土隆(Toulon)的一处监狱,犯人在烈日下劳动,一边唱著「工作之歌」(Work Song),狱吏Javert高声喊著编号24601的囚犯Valjean,他可以假释出狱了。Valjean因为偷了一条面包要给他姊姊快要饿死的小孩,被判五年徒刑,但由於多次试图越狱,刑期延长到十九年,如今方才重获自由。出狱的Valjean在农场工作与旅店投宿时皆遭受歧视,被赶了出来,万念俱灰之际,Digne地方的主教收留了他,并供给他一顿晚餐。 「Valjean的逮捕与宽恕」(Valjean Arrested/Valjean Forgiven) Valjean半夜偷走银制餐杯离开,但白天时却被两个警察扭送回来,主教慈悲为怀,告诉警方Valjean手中银器乃是他相赠之物,并且还拿了一对银烛臺送给Valjean。警察离去後,主教告诫Valjean要重新做人,并替他祝福。 「我做了什么事?」(What have I done?) 这时舞台上留下Valjean独自一人,他懊恼於自己的所作所为,感嘆自己为何如此糊涂,成为一个夜贼;继而想起仁慈的主教待他如平常人一般,称他为兄弟,抚慰他的灵魂,受到感动的Valjean决定痛改前非,於是撕去了代表重刑犯的黄色身份证明,昔日的Valjean已经不復存在,一个改头换面的新人於焉重生。 第一幕,1823 年,Montreuil-Sur-Mer 「一日将尽」(At the end of the day) 八年後,Valjean变成了 Madelaine先生,此时他已经是一家工厂的老闆,并且成为Montreuil-Sur-Mer这个地方的市长。这天工人们下了工,唱起了「一日将尽」(At the end of the day),工人之中有一位女工名为Fantine,她收到女儿养父母的来信,信中说孩子生病,需要医药费…,而这信被另外一名好事的女工抢了过去,於是两人为了抢信开始扭打了起来,Valjean闻声从工厂走出,要工头平息这场喧闹。众人知道了她这件不名誉的事,起闹要求将她解职,於是,Fantine失业了。 「我做了一个梦」(I dreamed a dream) 丢了工作的Fantine失望极了,在弦乐与竖琴的伴奏下,缓缓唱出「我做了一个梦」(I dreamed a dream),歌词中回忆年轻时丈夫尚未抛弃她们的美好时光。 「漂亮的小妞们」(Lovely ladies) 接下来场景换到码头,水手、妓女、嫖客四处可见,水手与妓女们唱著「漂亮的小妞们」(Lovely ladies)相互调情,Fantine到此想要卖掉她的首饰,但是对方出价太低。此时有一位乾瘦的老太婆看上她亮丽的秀髮,出价十法郎,Fantine 想到如此可以负担女儿的费用,便答应了。在其他莺燕的怂恿之下,Fantine竟然也沦落风尘,出卖起自己的灵肉。 「Fantine被捕」(Fantine's Arrest) Fantine与一位寻芳客发生了冲突,不幸的Fantine随後被捕,逮捕她的是警官 Javert,此时Valjean在人群中看到这情形,便上前了解情况。当Valjean知道了Fantine的故事,便答应送她去医院,并且帮她照顾女儿。 「失控的马车」(The Runaway Cart) 这时在一旁发生了车祸事故,一辆失控的马车压住了路人,马车十分沈重,没有人能动得了它。Valjean欲上前一试,在众人直说不可声中,将马车抬了起来,救了轮下人一命。警官Javert看到这一幕大感惊奇,将市长拉到一旁,说市长此举令他想到他以前苦苦追捕的一个假释犯Jean Valjean,因此人也是孔武有力,现在这个嫌犯终於在日前就逮,说完便扬长而去。 「我是谁?」(Who am I - The Trial) Valjean听到Javert这样说,便知道Javert捉错人了,此时他内心展开一番天人交战-如果自首,那么他又将被判刑,但如果不自首,害得别人无辜受累,自己良心又将受谴责。於是他自问:「我是谁?我能一辈子隐姓埋名吗?我如何再度面对自己?」经过一番内心挣扎,他走进法庭,褪去衣衫露出胸前刺青,高喊:「我就是Jean Valjean,犯人编号24601!」 「Fantine之死」(Fantine's Death) 场景接著转换到医院,在病榻上的Fantine梦见她的女儿Cosette,她正如慈母般地叮咛著,并且要唱催眠曲给孩子听。接著Valjean进来,虚弱的Fantine将女儿託付给Valjean之後,含笑而终。 「冲突」(The Confrontation) 此时,Javert走了进来,Valjean请对方宽限三天的时间,将Fantine女儿 Cosette的事情安顿好後,他将会自动归案,但是Javert并不相信昔日的罪犯如今已经洗心革面,认为「牛牵到北京还是牛」。Valjean随手捉起一把椅子,将之打碎并以尖锐的木片与Javert对峙,并对著一旁的Fantine发誓会照顾她的女儿。两个汉子接下来一阵扭打,Javert被击倒,Valjean趁隙逃脱。 第二幕,1823年,Montfermeil 「云端的城堡」(Castle on a cloud) 地点转换到Montfermeil这个地方,小Cosette与Thardiers夫妇同住在他们开的旅店当中已有五年,Thardiers夫妇对待Cosette相当苛薄,简直就是拿她当下人使唤。此时Cosette正在打扫,她一边打扫一边梦想著:「啊!我好希望在梦中去那个在云上面的城堡,那边没有地板可扫,只有一个有好多好多玩具的房间,还有许多小朋友;然後,有一个全身穿著白衣的阿姨,搂著我,唱催眠曲给我听,而且说她好爱我…。」小Cosette的美梦很快被打断,尖酸的Thardiers太太走了过来,要Cosette出外到林中水井打水,Cosette请求不要让她独自一人在黑夜里外出,但仍然被Eponine(Thardiers夫妇的宝贝女儿)推了出去。 「屋子的主人」(Master of The House) 另一边在店中,几名酒客聚集,店老板Thardiers先生正穿梭在客人之中服务,大伙齐声高唱「屋子的主人」(Master of The House),闲聊嚼舌一番。 「协商」(The Bargain) 屋外,Valjean在林中恰巧碰上了外出取水的Cosette,於是便牵著她的手回到旅店,准备付一笔钱带走她。Thardiers夫妇虚情假意,跳著「狡诈的华尔滋」(The Waltz of Treachery),把Cosette说成是他们捧在手上的心肝宝贝,意图十分明显,当然是想要提高Valjean所给的价码。Valjean最後给了两人一千五百法郎,顺利带走Cosette。 第三幕,1832年,巴黎 「向下看」(Look Down) 时光流转,接下来的第三幕从九年後的巴黎开始,幕启时街上乞丐、流浪儿、妓女、学生到处走动,唱出「向下看」(Look Down)。一旁,Thardier夫妇与女儿Eponine也来到了巴黎,Thardier夫妇仍然恶性不改,聚集了一小撮党羽做一些偷窃抢劫的勾当。俗话说得好:「不是冤家不聚头。」,正当Thardier先生向一位迎面而来jean,於是上前便拉住他,两人展开一阵拉扯。 「Javert 干涉」(Javert's Intervention) 巧的是,这时巡逻的警员刚好经过,带头者正是Javert,Eponine见状大呼一声,众人作鸟兽散,Valjean也趁机拉著在旁边的Cosette溜走了。Javert走过来,正奇怪刚刚被Thardier所纠缠的男士不知去向,却从Thardier口中得之那人就是他日夜亟思逮捕的Valjean,於是便唱出「群星」(Stars),他以天上的群星为证,发誓必定要将 Valjean缉拿到案。接著广场上只剩Eponine一人,她记起方才那少女原来就是小时候寄住自家的Cosette,此时学生群的头头Marius走过来,问她是否认识那女孩(指Cosette),并请求Eponine替她打听Cosette的下落,这委託就成了「Eponine的差事」(Eponine's Errand)。 「ABC咖啡厅」(The ABC Caf耎ed and Black) 在 ABC咖啡厅(註一)中,以Enjolras为首的学生们正在讨论革命大计,他们需要一个共同的信号来传达起事的指令,以便於指挥群众,最後便讨论出以「红」、「黑」两种颜色来作为革命旗帜的颜色-红色代表愤怒人民的鲜血与黎明前的世界,黑色则代表过去黑暗的岁月与漆黑的夜。就在大家激昂兴奋地讨论之际,小男孩Gavroche冲进来告诉大家一个坏消息-Lamarque将军死了!学生领袖Enjolras化悲愤为力量,打算在Lamarque的丧礼上利用聚集的人群举事,他并且带领大家激动地唱出「你听到人民的歌声了吗?」(Do you hear the people sing?)歌词大意为:「不甘为奴隶的人民唱出愤怒的歌,心跳与鼓声相互激盪,当明日来临,新的生活即将展开!」 「Rue Plumet街」(Rue Plumet-In my life) 佈景转到Rue Plumet街,Cosette独自在花园,她发觉她自己恋爱了,就在与Marius一见钟情之後。她第一次发现爱情离她如此之近。接著Valjean走近安慰她,随即离开。而Marius在Eponine的带领下,来到了花园门口;即将与所爱的人相见,Marius欣喜之情溢於言表,而Eponine却显得落落寡欢,因为自己所爱的人现在却要和别人相会。 「一颗心充满著爱」(A Heart full of Love) Marius 走进花园,与Cosette互诉情衷,Eponine在外面听了心如针刺,她多么希望Marius的甜言蜜语是对著她说啊! 「攻击 Rue Plumet街」(The Attack on Rue Plumet) 此时Eponine的父亲Thardier带著他的手下也来到了花园之外,想要向Valjean抢夺一些财物,Eponine为了不让父亲得逞,遂大叫一声,众人见事机败露,四下散去。Marius见状随即离去,Valjean听到惊呼声匆忙赶来,Cosette骗父亲说她因看到墙外有三人鬼鬼祟祟而尖叫,Valjean以为阴魂不散的Javert又找上门来,认为此地不宜久留,决定带著Cosette离开。 「再多一天吧!」(One day more!) 由 Valjean带头开唱的「再多一天吧!」道尽众人心事:Valjean心想只要再多一天,他就能带著Cosette远走高飞;Marius与 Cosette把握最後一天相处的机会,Eponine在一旁黯然神伤;Javert等待著要混入学生们的阵容中,伺机从中破坏;Enjolras与学生们期待明天起义举事,高举著自由的大纛,推翻专制的政权,让每个人都当主人! 「防御工事地点」(At the Barricade) 起义之师选定了建筑防御工事的地点,Enjolras正对著群众发表谈话。Marius发现Eponine竟然女扮男装混在人群中,便劝她赶紧离开,并请她带信给Cosette。Eponine将信交给Valjean,Valjean展信读了一遍,便走回屋内,留下Eponine。 「独自一人」(On My Own) 这是Eponine独自一人所唱出的「爱之歌」,表达出她对Marius的无限爱意,但是由於Marius 的心上人不是她,所以歌声中透露著无奈与落寞:「我爱他,但我却单独一人在此…。」 「防御工事建造完成」(Building the Barricade) 防御工事已经建造完成,学生们誓言守住此地,并战斗到底。在防御工事的另一面传来军官的呼喊声,劝学生们放下武器,学生们当然置之不理。此时Javert从工事外翻了进来,告诉大家他所探得的敌情「Javert到来」(Javert's Arrival)。无巧不巧,他的真实身分刚好被小傢伙Gavroche识出「小傢伙」(Little People),诡计於焉被拆穿,Javert被大夥捆绑了起来。 「小雨不足惧」(A Little Fall of Rain) 一个男孩从工事外爬了进来,原来是Eponine,她身负重伤,倒在Marius的怀中。虽然身子已然虚弱,但倒在所爱的人怀中,Eponine却露出欣喜之情,外面纵然枪林弹雨,也不足惧。虽然Marius不断地安慰,但最後她还是死在他的双臂中。 「悲愤的夜晚」(Night of Anguish) 众人同仇敌忾,宣言不让Eponine的鲜血白流。Valjean在这个时候身著军装爬了进来,准备与学生们并肩作战,Enjolras给了他一把枪。此时外面的军队派人接近,双方展开「第一次交战」(First Attack),对方一名狙击手瞄准Enjolras,但是被Valjean撂倒。众志成城,第一次的战斗竟然将军队击退,大家雀跃不已,Valjean 请求将Javert交给他处理,Enjolras应允。Javert以为Valjean要藉机復仇,於是凛然面对,没想到Valjean割断他身上的绳索,要他速速离去。事情大出Javert之所料,最後Valjean对空放了一枪,Javert迅速离去。 「带他回家」(Bring him home) 夜深了,担任斥候的学生饮酒唱歌「与我共饮」(Drink with me),Marius心中惦记著Cosette,不多时便沈沈睡去。Valjean看著Marius,看他是如此的年轻,於是便唱出「带他回家」(Bring him home),祈求上苍保护这个年轻人,让他能平安度过,如果上帝要取走任何人的性命,那就取我Valjean的罢! 「第二次交战,Gavroche之死」(The Second Attack, Death of Gavroche) 黎明时分,双方发生第二次交战,Enjolras要手下报告己方情况,发现弹药已缺乏。在Marius与Valjean争著出去收集弹药时,Gavroche已经爬到工事之外,就在他快要成功时,忽闻一声枪响-一颗子弹击中了他!接著他又连挨了两三枪,终於不支倒地而亡。 「最后一战」(The Final Battle) 工事外军官又再度喊话,要学生们放下武器,学生们当然不从,由Enjolras带领著向外攻击;一时枪炮声不绝於耳,火光交错,战况十分惨烈。这一役学生一方几乎全军覆没,Enjolras命丧工事之顶,Marius身负重伤但一息尚存,被Valjean发觉後由下水道扛离。Javert到现场未发觉Valjean的尸体,判定他一定从下水道溜走,於是循缐又追了去。 「下水道,狗噬狗」(The Sewers-Dog eats Dog) 在下水道,坏心眼的Thardier又在干著令人不齿的勾当-搜寻死者尸体上值钱的财物。扛著Marius的Valjean因为体力不足,双双倒卧在地。Thardier一路搜来,拿走了Marius的戒指,当发现躺在旁边的人竟然是 Valjean,他狂笑数声,消失在下水道的彼端。Valjean抬著Marius继续前行,被Javert赶上,两个冤家再度相逢;由於Marius伤势严重急须就医,Valjean请求Javert网开一面,两人的帐容後再算。Javert终於动了慈悲心,让Valjean带著Marius离开。 「Javert 自尽」(Javert's Suicide) 放走了Valjean,Javert感触良多;是Valjean放他一马,他才能活到今天,他开始怀疑,难道追逐了这许多年,Valjean竟然是一个慈悲为怀的人?百感交集之下,他认为他已无处可去,於是投身塞纳河(Seine River)自尽。战事过後,女人们来到街上,她们质疑地问:「改变了吗?」(Turning),当然,什么也没变,一切彷彿兜圈圈般,又回到原点。 「人事全非」(Empty Chairs at Empty Tables) 回想起以前在ABC咖啡厅与友人们相聚高谈阔论,而今景物依旧,但同伴们却已然去世,Marius不禁悲从中来,激动地唱出「人事全非」(Empty Chairs at Empty Tables),在他歌唱的同时,同伴们的魂魄现而復隐,好似听见了他的呼喊;接著Cosette来到了身边,安抚Marius起伏的情绪,两人共同歌咏出爱的二重唱「每一日」(Every Day),回忆起初见的那一夜,心中充满爱意。Valjean走了进来,形成一阕短小的三重唱。 「Valjean 的告白」(Valjean's Confession) Cosette暂时离开,剩下Marius与Valjean二人。 Valjean向Marius表明身世,说明自己曾经是小偷,带罪之身一直不敢让Cosette知情,如果再被捉到只会使Cosette蒙羞,让她更伤心。现在Cosette已经有心上人照料,因此他必须离开,请Marius告诉Cosette他去远方旅行,并且千万不要让她知道真相。Marius忍痛答应。 「结婚礼赞」(The Wedding Chorale) Marius与Cosette终於如愿步上结婚礼堂,众人在两旁歌唱祝福。圆舞曲乐音响起,旋律竟然取自第二幕「狡诈的华尔滋」,原来Thardier夫妇又出现了。这次他们厚著脸皮来向Marius 要钱,索价五百法郎,宣称握有Valjean在下水道搜括死人财物的証据;Thardier从怀里拿出一只戒指,正是当夜从Marius身上取下之物,Marius顿时明白Valjean就是那晚的救命恩人。他一拳将Thardier打倒,也顾不得正在举行婚礼,拉著Cosette寻找 Valjean去了。婚礼遂成了「乞丐的盛宴」(Beggars At the Feast)。 「终曲」(Epilogue, Finale) 气若游丝的Valjean独自一人,身旁放著一个木制十字架,他在为Cosette与Marius,也为自己祈祷。Fantine的灵魂现身,感谢代为养育之恩,并为他祈福,这时Marius与Cosette赶了进来。最後Eponine与战事中死亡的魂魄纷纷出现,大夥合唱「终曲」(Epilogue, Finale),不幸的人们,终究会有光明的一天! 关于「悲惨世界」的版本 「悲惨世界」在台湾可以找到好几个录音版本,由於我手边没有法文版,也不懂法文,因此无法向读者介绍。英文发音的版本起码有三个,首先介绍的当然是最完整的环球版(3CDs),这个版本是集合了来自世界各地演唱「悲惨世界」的要角,六十五位英国爱乐管弦乐团成员,七十馀位合唱团员,在伦敦、雪梨、纳许维尔、洛杉矶等地分别录制,再制作母带而成。唱片解说中制作人Cameron Mackintosh与David Caddick详述了这套唱片录制的念头与过程,相当有意思。我只特别提出一点,这套唱片中饰唱Eponine一角的日籍女歌手Kaho Shimada几乎不会讲英文,为了录这个角色还特别请了翻译与她沟通,但是她在唱片中的英文咬字发音、歌声表情、情感诠释都极为出色,令人激赏!其他的角色也都是一时之选,表现非常杰出。两片装分别有伦敦(Original London Cast Recording)与百老匯(Original Broadway Cast Recording)两个版本,这两套唱片的主角Jean Valjean都是由著名的音乐剧演员Colm Wilkinson演唱,Eponine也是同一人,其他的唱角虽然不同,但表现大致在伯仲之间,没有太大的差异;不过伦敦版在每一首歌词之间有剧情解说串连,在这一点上是要比百老匯版略胜一筹的。除了以上三个版本之外,市面上还可以发现一张精选版,这张「Highlights from Les Misables」是由Woodford Music公司所出版,收录了取自「悲惨世界」的十七段音乐;CD之中除了曲名与演唱者人名之外,并无其他解说,伴奏只用了简单的电子合成乐器,听来贫弱而缺乏旋律性,合唱团演唱的部分明显地可以听出只有几个人在撑场面。所以除非你对这齣音乐剧情有独锺,否则前面的三套「悲惨世界」足够满足一般人的需求。 悲惨世界-悲惨世界读后感   在书中,出狱后的冉阿让背负着囚犯的身份,饱受着他人的歧视。社会的不公与排斥,一点点的磨灭了他重新做人的希望,改过向善的信心。是慈悲为怀的主教伸出慷慨的,无私的援助之手收容了走投无路的冉阿让。他不仅不计较冉阿让偷他的银器具,反而将那一对银制烛台送给了他并叮嘱道:“答应我一定要把这些钱用到好的地方。把这些银器卖掉,用这些钱让自己过得好一些。”   我开始深深的感悟到,原来,在当时那个无情的资本主义社会竟然也有这样的世外圣人存在,正是主教的宽大和仁慈深深感化了冉阿让,是他重新燃起了冉阿让心中那快熄灭的希望之火,使他彻底悔悟,开始新的生活。所以说,冉阿让的命运并不是永远都是那么的悲惨,悲惨的是那时候的整个世界观,就是因为有了主教这样的人,整个世界才有了救世主,整个世界才有可能在水生火热之中艰苦摸索前进。   在主教的感化下,冉阿让开始变得乐于助人,见义勇为得到人民的爱戴,摇身一变成了受人尊敬的市长。 这一切得转变使我既倍感欣慰。从囚犯到市长,简直是天壤之别,这无疑是人性的巨大转变。   面对着穷困潦倒,世态炎凉,将会产生两种人:第一种是卑微低劣的人。他们丑陋、自私、贪婪的本性再也无法隐藏。就如书中的德纳第,他为了钱财不惜一切,一会声称是演员,一会儿又变成了画家,但他再高明也无论如何掩盖不住他丑陋本性的事实。 另一种是无论在什么情况下都能永保光明、善良、宽容的拥有高尚情操的人。洗新革面后的冉阿让变得宽大、善良。正是那个慈悲为怀的心感化了冷酷、固执,曾一味追捕他的警长沙威。   其实,在当今社会也不乏有一些为了眼前利益而不择手段的卑鄙小人。如一些凭借职权贪污受贿者;在重大赛事中为得到好成绩而服用兴奋剂者;还有小到考试作弊的人……   作者想告诉我们的是:做一个真正的自己,任何刻意的伪装都将被识破,虚伪在事实面前只有被革灭。我再一次被人性的巨大力量所震撼。愿我们身边多一些主教般光明的使者,愿他们像纯洁的天使般永远守护着人们心中那份慈悲为怀的心,更希望有更多的人能加入到助人为乐、见义勇为的队伍中来。社会需要这样的人,世界需要这样的人。只有这样,我们才能创造我们的生活,创造出一个善良、和睦、光明的世界。
序言 只要因法律和习俗所造成的社会压迫还存在一天,在文明鼎盛时期人为地把人间变成地 狱并使人类与生俱来的幸运遭受不可避免的灾祸;只要本世纪的三个问题——贫穷使男子潦 倒,饥饿使妇女堕落,黑暗使儿童羸弱——还得不到解决;只要在某些地区还可能发生社会 的毒害,换句话说,同时也是从更广的意义来说,只要这世界上还有愚昧和困苦,那么,和 本书同一性质的作品都不会是无益的。 一八六二年一月一日于奥特维尔别馆

Les Misérables (literally "The Miserable Ones"; usually pronounced /leɪ ˌmɪzəˈrɑːb/; French pronunciation: [le mizeʁabl(ə)]), translated variously from the French as The Miserable Ones, The Wretched, The Poor Ones, The Wretched Poor, or The Victims , is a 1862 novel by French author Victor Hugo and is widely considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. It follows the lives and interactions of several French characters over a twenty-year period in the early 19th century, starting in 1815. The novel focuses on the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption. It examines the nature of law and grace, and expounds upon the history of France, architecture of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. The story is historical fiction because it contains factual and historic events. Les Misérables is known to many through its numerous stage and screen adaptations, most notably the stage musical of the same name, sometimes abbreviated "Les Mis" (pronounced /leɪ ˈmɪz/). Novel form Les Misérables contains many plots, but the main thread is the story of ex-convict, Jean Valjean (known by his prison number, 24601), who becomes a force for good in the world, but cannot escape his dark past. The novel is divided into five volumes, each volume divided into books, and subdivided into chapters (for a total of 365 chapters). Each chapter is relatively short, usually no longer than a few pages. Nevertheless, the book as a whole is quite lengthy by common standards, even exceeding 1,400 pages in unabridged editions (1900 pages in French). Within the borders of the novel's story, Hugo fills many pages with his thoughts on religion, politics, and society, including his three lengthy digressions, one being a discussion on enclosed religious orders, another being on argot, and most famously, his retelling of the Battle of Waterloo. Plot Volume I – Fantine The story starts in 1815 in Digne. The peasant Jean Valjean has just been released from imprisonment in the Bagne of Toulon after nineteen years: five for stealing bread for his starving sister and her family, and fourteen more for numerous escape attempts. Upon being released, he is required to carry a yellow passport that marks him as a convict, despite having already paid his debt to society by serving his time in jail. Rejected by innkeepers, who do not want to take in a convict, Valjean sleeps on the street. This makes him even angrier and more bitter. However, the benevolent Bishop Myriel, the Bishop of Digne, takes him in and gives him shelter. In the middle of the night, he steals the bishop’s silverware and runs. He is caught, but the bishop rescues him by claiming that the silverware was a gift and at that point gives him his two silver candlesticks as well, chastising him to the police for leaving in such a rush that he forgot these most valuable pieces. The bishop then "reminds" him of the promise, which Valjean has no recollection of making, to use the silver to make an honest man of himself. As Valjean broods over these words, he steals a child's silver coin purely out of habit. He chases the boy away (Petit Gervais), but, soon after, he repents and decides to follow the bishop's advice. He searches the city for the child whose money he accidentally stole. At the same time, his theft is reported to the authorities, who now look for him as a repeat offender. If Valjean is caught, he will be forced to spend the rest of his life in prison, so he hides from the police. Six years pass and Valjean, having assumed the pseudonym Monsieur Madeleine to avoid capture, has become a wealthy factory owner and is appointed mayor of his adopted town of Montreuil-sur-Mer. While walking down the street one day, he sees a man named Fauchelevent pinned under the wheels of his cart. When no one volunteers to lift the cart, he decides to rescue Fauchelevent himself. He crawls underneath the cart and manages to lift it, freeing him. The town's police inspector Javert, who was an adjutant guard at the Bagne of Toulon during Valjean's imprisonment, becomes suspicious of the mayor after witnessing his heroics. He knows the ex-convict Jean Valjean is also capable of such strength. Years earlier in Paris, a grisette named Fantine was very much in love with a man named Félix Tholomyès. His friends Listolier, Fameuil, and Blachevelle were also paired with Fantine’s friends Dahlia, Zéphine, and Favourite. They later abandon the women as a joke, leaving Fantine to bear and care for Tholomyès' daughter, Cosette, by herself. When Fantine arrives at Montfermeil, she leaves Cosette in the care of the Thénardiers, a corrupt innkeeper and his selfish, cruel wife. Fantine is unaware that they abuse her daughter and use her as forced labor for their inn, and continues to try to pay their growing, extortionate demands for her upkeep. She is later fired from her job at Valjean's factory, due to the discovery of her illegitimate daughter, and is forced to resort to prostitution to pay for her daughter's care. Fantine is also slowly dying from an unnamed disease (probably tuberculosis). While roaming the streets, a dandy named Bamatabois harasses Fantine and puts snow down her back. She reacts by attacking him. Javert sees this and arrests Fantine. She begs to be released so she can provide for her daughter, but Javert sentences her to six months in prison. Valjean, hearing her story, intervenes and orders Javert to release her. Javert strongly refuses but Valjean persists and prevails. Valjean, feeling responsible because his factory turned her away, promises Fantine that he will bring Cosette to her. He takes her to a hospital. Later, Javert comes to see Valjean again. Javert admits he had accused him of being Jean Valjean to the Parisian authorities after Fantine was freed. However, he tells Valjean that he no longer suspects him because the authorities have announced that another man has been identified as the real Jean Valjean after being arrested and having noticeable similarities. This man's name is Champmathieu. He is not guilty, but is mistaken. His trial is set the next day. At first, Valjean is torn whether to reveal himself, but decides to do so to save the innocent man. He goes to the trial and reveals his true identity. He then returns to Montreuil-sur-Mer to see Fantine, followed by Javert, who confronts him. After grabbing Valjean, Javert reveals Valjean’s identity to Fantine. Shocked, and with the severity of her illness, she falls back in her bed and dies. Valjean goes to Fantine, speaks to her in an inaudible whisper and kisses her hand. He then leaves with Javert. Volume II – Cosette Valjean manages to escape, only to be recaptured and sentenced to death. This was commuted by the king to penal servitude for life. While being sent to the prison at Toulon, a military port, Valjean saves a sailor about to fall from the ship's rigging. The crowd begins to call "This man must be pardoned!" but Valjean fakes a slip and falls into the ocean to escape, relying on the belief that he has drowned. Valjean arrives at Montfermeil on Christmas Eve. He finds Cosette fetching water in the woods alone and walks with her to the inn. After ordering a meal, he observes the Thénardiers’ abusive treatment of her. He also witnesses their pampered daughters Éponine and Azelma treating Cosette badly as well when they tell on her to their mother for holding their abandoned doll. Upon seeing this, Valjean goes out and returns a moment later holding an expensive new doll. He offers it to Cosette. At first, she is unable to contemplate that the doll really is for her, but then happily takes it. This results in Mme. Thénardier becoming furious with Valjean, while M. Thénardier dismisses it, informing her that he can do as he wishes as long as he pays them. It also causes Éponine and Azelma to become envious of Cosette. The next morning on Christmas Day, Valjean obtains Cosette with the letter from Fantine, and flees with her to Paris. Later, Javert finds Valjean’s new lodgings at Gorbeau House. Valjean takes Cosette and they try to escape from Javert. They soon successfully find shelter in the Petit-Picpus convent with the help of Fauchelevent, the man whom Valjean rescued and who is a gardener for the convent. Valjean also becomes a gardener and Cosette becomes a student. Volume III – Marius Eight years later, the Friends of the ABC, led by Enjolras, are preparing an anti-Orléanist revolution on the eve of the Paris uprising on June 5–6, 1832, following the death of General Lamarque, the only French leader who had sympathy towards the working class. They are also joined by the poor, including the Thénardiers' eldest son Gavroche, who is a street urchin. One of the students, Marius Pontmercy, has become alienated from his family (especially his grandfather M. Gillenormand) because of his liberal views. After the death of his father Colonel Georges Pontmercy, Marius discovers a note from him instructing his son to provide help to a sergeant named Thénardier who saved Pontmercy's life at Waterloo – in reality M. Thénardier was looting corpses and only saved Pontmercy's life by accident; he had called himself a sergeant under Napoleon to avoid exposing himself as a robber. At the Luxembourg Gardens, Marius falls in love with the now grown and beautiful Cosette. The Thénardiers have also moved to Paris and now live in poverty after losing their inn. They live under the surname "Jondrette" at Gorbeau House (coincidentally, the same building Valjean and Cosette briefly lived in after leaving the Thénardiers' inn). Marius lives there as well, next door to the Thénardiers. Éponine, now ragged and emaciated, visits Marius at his apartment to beg for money. To impress him, she tries to prove her literacy by reading aloud from a book and by writing "The Cops Are Here" on a sheet of paper. Marius pities her and gives her some money. After Éponine leaves, Marius observes the "Jondrettes" in their apartment through a crack in the wall. A philanthropist and his daughter visit them—actually Valjean and Cosette. Marius immediately recognizes Cosette. After they leave, Marius asks Éponine to retrieve her address for him. Éponine, who is in love with Marius herself, reluctantly agrees to do so. The Thénardiers have also recognized Valjean and Cosette, and vow their revenge. M. Thénardier enlists the aid of the Patron-Minette, a well-known and feared gang of murderers and robbers. Marius overhears M. Thénardier's plan and goes to Javert to report the crime. He then goes back home and waits for Javert and the police to arrive. When Valjean returns with rent money, M. Thénardier, with Patron-Minette, ambushes him and he reveals his identity to Valjean. Marius recognizes M. Thénardier as the man who "saved" his father's life at Waterloo and is caught in a dilemma. He tries to find a way to save Valjean while not betraying M. Thénardier. He sees the scrap of paper that Éponine earlier wrote on and throws it into the Thénardiers’ apartment through the crack. M. Thénardier reads it and thinks Éponine threw it inside. He, Mme. Thénardier and Patron-Minette try to escape, only to be stopped by Javert. He arrests all the Thénardiers and Patron-Minette (except Claquesous, who escapes during his transportation to prison, Montparnasse, who stops to run off with Éponine instead of joining in on the robbery, and Gavroche, who was not present and rarely participates in his family's crimes, a notable exception being his part in breaking his father out of prison). Valjean manages to escape the scene before Javert sees him. Volume IV – St. Denis After Éponine’s release from prison, she finds Marius and sadly tells him that she found Cosette’s address. She leads him to Valjean and Cosette's house at Rue Plumet, and Marius watches the house for a few days. He and Cosette then finally meet and declare their love for one another. M. Thénardier, Patron-Minette and Brujon manage to escape from prison with the aid of Gavroche. One night, during one of Marius’ visits with Cosette, the six men attempt to raid Valjean and Cosette's house. However, Éponine, who was sitting by the gates of the house, threatens to scream and awaken the whole neighbourhood if the thieves do not leave. Hearing this, they reluctantly retire. Meanwhile, Cosette informs Marius that she and Valjean will be leaving for England in a week’s time, which greatly troubles the pair. The next day, Valjean is sitting in the Champ de Mars. He is feeling troubled due to seeing M. Thénardier in the neighbourhood several times. Unexpectedly, a note lands in his lap, which says "MOVE OUT." He sees a figure running away in the dim light. He goes back to his house tells Cosette they will be staying at their other house at Rue de l'Homme Arme and reconfirms with her about moving to England. Marius tries to get permission from M. Gillenormand to marry Cosette. His grandfather seems stern and angry, but has been longing for Marius's return. When tempers flare, he refuses, telling Marius to make Cosette his mistress instead. Insulted, Marius leaves. The following day, the students revolt and erect barricades in the narrow streets of Paris. Gavroche spots Javert and informs Enjolras that Javert is a spy. When Enjolras confronts him of this, he admits his identity and his orders to spy on the students. Enjolras and the other students tie him up to a pole in the Corinth restaurant. Later that evening, Marius goes back to Valjean and Cosette’s house at Rue Plumet, but finds the house no longer occupied. He then hears a voice telling him that his friends are waiting for him at the barricade. Distraught over Cosette gone, he heeds the voice and goes. While Marius fights at the barricade, a soldier makes it in and aims at Marius. However, a man steps between them and puts his hand and body in front of the musket. The soldier fires, fatally shooting the man. The man then calls Marius by his name. Marius, and the reader, discovers that it is actually Éponine, dressed in men's clothes. Dying, she confesses that she told him to go to the barricade, in hoping that the two would die together. The author also states to the reader that Éponine anonymously threw the note to Valjean. Éponine gives Marius a letter that is addressed to him. It is written by Cosette, which she also confesses to have obtained a day earlier. After Éponine dies, Marius reads Cosette's letter and writes a farewell letter to her. Gavroche gives it to Valjean. Valjean, learning that Cosette's lover is fighting, is at first relieved, but an hour later, he puts on a National Guard uniform, arms himself with a gun and ammunition, and leaves his home. Volume V – Jean Valjean Valjean arrives at the barricade and immediately saves a man's life, though he is still not certain if he wants to protect Marius or to kill him. Marius recognizes Valjean upon seeing him. Enjolras announces that they are almost out of cartridges. Overhearing this, Gavroche goes to the other side of the barricade to collect more from the dead National Guardsmen. While doing so, he is shot and killed by the soldiers. Later, Valjean saves Javert from being killed by the students. He volunteers to execute Javert himself, and Enjolras grants permission. Valjean takes Javert out of sight, and then shoots into the air while letting him go. As the barricade falls, Valjean carries off the injured and unconscious Marius. All the other students, including Enjolras, are killed. Valjean escapes through the sewers, carrying Marius' body on his shoulders. He evades a police patrol, but at the exit, he runs into Javert, whom he persuades to give him time to return Marius to his family. Javert grants this request. After leaving Marius at M. Gillenormand’s house, Valjean makes another request that he be permitted to go home shortly, which Javert also allows. They arrive at Rue de l'Homme Arme and Javert informs Valjean that he will wait for him. As Valjean walks upstairs, he looks out the landing window and finds Javert gone. Javert is walking down the street alone, realizing that he is caught between his strict belief in the law and the mercy Valjean has shown him. He feels he can no longer give Valjean up to the authorities. Unable to cope with this dilemma, Javert commits suicide by throwing himself into the Seine. Marius slowly recovers from his injuries and he and Cosette are soon married. Meanwhile, M. Thénardier and his younger daughter Azelma are attending the Mardi Gras as "masks." M. Thénardier spots Valjean among the wedding party heading the opposite direction and bids Azelma to follow them. After the wedding, Valjean confesses to Marius that he is an ex-convict. Marius is horrified by the revelation. Convinced that Valjean is of poor moral character, he steers Cosette away from him. Valjean loses the will to live and takes to his bed. Later, M. Thénardier approaches Marius in order to blackmail him with what he knows of Valjean, but, in doing so, he inadvertently reveals all of the good Valjean has done, including his saving Marius' life on the barricades. Stunned by these revelations, Marius confronts M. Thénardier with his crimes and offers him an immense amount of money if he departs and promises never to return. M. Thénardier accepts the offer, and he and Azelma travel to America where he becomes a slave trader. As Marius and Cosette rush to Valjean's house, he informs her that Valjean saved his life at the barricade. They arrive to see him, but the great man is dying. In his final moments, he realizes happiness with his adopted daughter and son-in-law by his side. He also reveals Cosette's past to her as well as her mother's name. Joined with them in love, he dies. As he lies dead between Cosette and Marius, the light from the Bishop's candlesticks remains all over, and in the midst of the night a light from the sky shines over Valjean, as if there were an enormous angel, awaiting to carry his soul to Heaven. Characters Major * Jean Valjean (a.k.a. Monsieur Madeleine, a.k.a. Ultime Fauchelevent, a.k.a. Monsieur Leblanc, a.k.a. Urbain Fabre, a.k.a. 24601 a.k.a. 9430) — Convicted for stealing a loaf of bread, he is paroled from prison nineteen years later. Rejected by society for being a former convict, Bishop Myriel turns his life around by showing him mercy and encouraging him to become a new man. He assumes a new identity in order to pursue an honest life, becoming a factory owner and a mayor. He adopts and raises Fantine's daughter Cosette, saves Marius from the barricade, and dies at an old age, having kept his promise to the Bishop. * Javert — An obsessive police inspector who continuously hunts, tracks down, and loses Valjean. He goes undercover behind the barricade, but is discovered and unmasked. Valjean has the chance to kill Javert, but lets him go. Later, Javert allows Valjean to escape. For the first time, Javert is in a situation in which he knows that the lawful course is immoral. His inner conflict leads him to take his own life by jumping into the River Seine. * Bishop Myriel, the bishop of Digne (full name Charles-François-Bienvenu Myriel, a.k.a. Monseigneur Bienvenu) — A kindly old priest who is promoted to bishop by a chance encounter with Napoleon. He convinces Valjean to change his ways after Valjean steals some silver from him and saves Valjean from being arrested. * Fantine — A Parisian grisette abandoned with a small child by her lover Félix Tholomyès. Fantine leaves her daughter Cosette in the care of the Thénardiers, innkeepers in a village called Montfermeil. Unfortunately, Mme. Thénardier spoils her own daughters and abuses Cosette. Fantine finds work at Monsieur Madeleine's factory, but is fired by a female supervisor who discovers that she is an unwed mother, as Fantine, being illiterate, had other people write her letters to the Thénardiers. To meet repeated demands for money from the Thénardiers, she sells her hair, then her two front teeth, and finally turns to prostitution. Valjean learns of her plight when Javert arrests her for attacking a man who called her insulting names and hurled snow at her back. She dies of a disease that may be tuberculosis before Valjean is able to reunite her with Cosette. * Cosette (real name Euphrasie, a.k.a. the Lark, a.k.a. Mademoiselle Lanoire, a.k.a Ursule) — The illegitimate daughter of Fantine and Tholomyès. From approximately the age of three to the age of eight, she is beaten and forced to be a drudge by the Thénardiers. After Fantine dies, Valjean ransoms her from the Thénardiers and she becomes his adopted daughter. Nuns in a convent in Paris educate her. She later grows up to become very beautiful. She falls in love with Marius Pontmercy, and marries him at the end of the novel. * M. and Mme. Thénardier (a.k.a. the Jondrettes, a.k.a. M. Fabantou, a.k.a. M. Thénard) — A corrupt innkeeper and his wife. They have five children: two daughters (Éponine and Azelma) and three sons (Gavroche and two unnamed younger sons). They take in Cosette in her early years, mistreating and abusing her. They also write fabricated letters about Cosette to Fantine in order to extort money from her. They end up losing the inn due to bankruptcy and moving to Paris, living as the Jondrettes. M. Thénardier is associated with an infamous criminal gang called the Patron-Minette, but contrary to common belief he is not their head, both sides operate independently. The Thénardier family also live next-door to Marius, who recognizes M. Thénardier as the man who "tended to" his father at Waterloo. Javert arrests them after Marius thwarts their attempts to rob and kill Valjean in their apartment. At the end of the novel, Mme. Thénardier has long since died in prison while M. Thénardier and Azelma travel to America where he becomes a slave trader. * Marius Pontmercy — A second-generation baron (not recognized as such under the present régime because his father was ennobled by Napoleon Bonaparte) who fell out with his royalist grandfather after discovering his father was an officer under Napoleon. He studies law, joins the revolutionary ABC students and later falls in love with Cosette. * Enjolras — The leader of the Friends of the ABC in the Paris uprising. A charming and intimidating man with angelic beauty, he is passionately devoted to democracy, equality and justice. Enjolras is a man of principle that believes in a cause – creating a republic, liberating the poor – without any doubts. He and Grantaire are executed by the National Guards after the barricade falls. * Éponine (a.k.a. the Jondrette girl) — The Thénardiers' elder daughter. As a child, she is pampered and spoiled by her parents, but ends up a street urchin when she reaches adolescence. She participates in her father's crimes and begging schemes to obtain money. She is blindly in love with Marius. At Marius' request, she finds Valjean and Cosette's house for him and sadly leads him there. She also prevents her father, Patron-Minette and Brujon from robbing the house during one of Marius’ visits there to see Cosette. After disguising herself as a boy, she manipulates Marius into going to the barricades, hoping that they will die together. However, she saves Marius' life by reaching out her hand to stop a soldier's bullet heading for Marius; she is mortally wounded as the bullet goes through her hand and back. As she is dying, her final request to Marius is that once she has passed, he will kiss her on the forehead. He fulfils her request not because of romantic feelings on his part, but out of pity for her hard life. * Gavroche — The unloved middle child and eldest son of the Thénardiers, younger than his sisters. He lives on his own and is a street urchin. He briefly takes care of his two younger brothers, unaware they are related to him. He takes part in the barricades and is killed while collecting bullets from dead National Guardsmen for the ABC students at the barricade. Minor * Mademoiselle Baptistine — Bishop Myriel's sister. She loves and venerates her brother. * Madame Magloire — Domestic servant for the Bishop and his sister. She is fearful that he leaves the door open to strangers. * Petit Gervais — A small boy who drops a coin. There are two perspectives on Jean Valjean's encounter with him. According to one, Valjean, still a man of criminal mind, places his foot on the coin and refuses to return it to the boy, despite Gervais' protests. When the boy flees the scene and Valjean comes to his senses, remembering what the bishop had done for him, he is horribly ashamed of what he has done and searches for the boy in vain. Another interpretation of this scene is that Jean Valjean was not aware that he was stepping on the coin, and snarls at Petit Gervais, thinking he is just annoying him, but realizes later that the coin was under his foot and feels horrible. Either way, he was uncaring of the boy's pleas. * Félix Tholomyès — Fantine’s lover and Cosette’s biological father. A rich student, he puts his own happiness and well-being above anything else. He does not think much of his relationship with Fantine, considering it as "a passing affair." After impregnating Fantine, he abandons her as a joke. Hugo then concludes Tholomyès’ involvement in the story by saying that "twenty years later, under King Louis Philippe, he was a fat provincial attorney, rich and influential, a wise elector and rigid juryman; always, however, a man of pleasure." * Fauchelevent — Valjean saves Fauchelevent’s life when Valjean lifts a carriage underneath which he is caught. Fauchelevent later will return the favor by providing sanctuary for Valjean and Cosette at a convent, and by providing his name for Valjean's use. * Bamatabois — An idler who harasses Fantine and puts snow down her back. He is also one of the jurors at Champmathieu’s trial. * Champmathieu — A vagabond who is mistakenly accused of being Valjean. * Brevet — An ex-convict from Toulon who knew Valjean there. In 1823, he is serving time in the prison in Arras for an unknown crime. He is the first to claim that Champmathieu is really Valjean. Used to wear knitted, checkered suspenders. * Chenildieu — A lifer from Toulon. He and Valjean were chain mates for five years. He once tried to remove the lifer's brand TFP (“travaux forcés à perpetuité,” “forced labor for life”) by putting his shoulder on a chafing dish full of embers. He is described as a small, wiry but energetic man. * Cochepaille — Another lifer from Toulon. He used to be a shepherd from the Pyrenees who became a smuggler. He is described as stupid and has a tattoo on his arm, March 1, 1815. * Sister Simplice — A nun who cares for Fantine on her sickbed. She lies to Javert to protect Valjean, despite her reputation for never having told a lie in her life. * Mother Innocente (a.k.a. Marguerite de Blemeur) — The prioress of the Petit-Picpus convent. * Toussaint — Valjean and Cosette's servant in Paris. She has a slight stutter. * Monsieur Gillenormand — Marius' grandfather. A Monarchist, he disagrees sharply with Marius on political issues, and they have several arguments. He attempts to keep Marius from being influenced by his father, an officer in Napoleon's army. While in perpetual conflict over ideas, he does illustrate his love for his grandson. * Mademoiselle Gillenormand — M. Gillenormand's surviving daughter, she lives with her father. Her half-sister (M. Gillenormand's daughter from another marriage), deceased, was Marius' mother. * Colonel Georges Pontmercy — Marius's father, and an officer in Napoleon's army. Wounded at Waterloo, Pontmercy erroneously believes M. Thénardier saved his life. He tells Marius of this great debt. He loves Marius with his very heart, and even spies on him when M. Gillenormand does not allow him to visit. * Ma'am Bougon (real name Madame Burgon) — Housekeeper of Gorbeau House. * Mabeuf — An elderly churchwarden. He was friends with Colonel Pontmercy, and then befriends Marius after Colonel Pontmercy's death. He helps Marius realize the identity and intentions of his father. He has a great love for plants and books, but ends up having to sell his books due to descending into poverty. Feeling that all hope is lost, he joins the students in the insurrection. He is shot and killed at the top of the barricades when raising their flag. * Magnon — Former servant of M. Gillenormand and friend of the Thénardiers. She had been receiving child support payments from M. Gillenormand for her two illegitimate sons, who she claimed were fathered by him. When her sons died in an epidemic, she had them replaced with the Thénardiers' two youngest sons so that she could protect her income. The Thénardiers get a portion of the payments. She is soon arrested due to being allegedly involved in the Gorbeau Robbery. * Two little brothers — The two unnamed youngest sons of the Thénardiers. The Thénardiers send their sons to Magnon to replace her own two sons who died of illness. When Magnon is arrested, a cobbler gives the boys a note written by Magnon with an address to go to. Unfortunately, it is torn away from them due to a strong wind. Unable to find it, they end up living on the streets. They soon run into their brother Gavroche, who gives them temporary care and support. The two boys and Gavroche are unaware they are related. Immediately after Gavroche's death at the barricade, the two boys are last seen at the Luxembourg Gardens retrieving and eating discarded bread from a fountain. Their fates are left unknown. * Azelma — The younger daughter of the Thénardiers. Along with her sister Éponine, she is spoiled as a child, and suffers the same ragged and impoverished fate with her family when she is older. She also takes part in her father’s crimes. Unlike her sister, Azelma is dependent and faint-hearted. She also does not show any defiance toward her father (this is evident when, before Valjean and Cosette’s charitable visit, he orders her to punch out a windowpane in their apartment in order to look poorer. Although hesitant, she does so, resulting in cutting her hand). After the failed robbery of Valjean, she is not seen again until Marius and Cosette’s wedding day, when she and her father are dressed up as "masks" for the Mardi Gras. At the end of the novel, Azelma is the only known Thénardier child who does not die and travels with her father to America. * Patron-Minette — A quartet of bandits who assist in the Thénardiers' ambush of Valjean at Gorbeau House and the attempted robbery at the Rue Plumet. The gang consists of Montparnasse, Claquesous, Babet, and Gueulemer. Claquesous, who escaped from the carriage transporting him to prison after the Gorbeau Robbery, joins the revolution under the guise of "Le Cabuc" and is executed by Enjolras for firing on civilians. * Brujon — A robber and criminal. He participates in crimes with M. Thénardier and the Patron-Minette gang (such as the Gorbeau Robbery and the attempted robbery at the Rue Plumet). The author describes Brujon as being "a sprightly young fellow, very cunning and very adroit, with a flurried and plaintive appearance." * Friends of the ABC — A group of revolutionary students. They fight and die in the insurrection of the Paris uprising on June 5th and 6th, 1832. Their name is described as coming from the following: "They declared themselves the Friends of the A B C,--the Abaissé,-- the debased,--that is to say, the people. They wished to elevate the people. It was a pun which we should do wrong to smile at." Led by Enjolras, its other principal members are Courfeyrac, Combeferre, Jean Prouvaire, Feuilly, Bahorel, Laigle (nicknamed Bossuet, sometimes also written L'Aigle, Lesgle, Lègle or Lesgles), Joly, and Grantaire. * Grantaire — Alcoholic student who, unlike the other revolutionaries, does not strongly believe in the cause of the ABC Society, but associates with them because he admires, loves and venerates Enjolras. In the novel, their relationship is compared to that of Orestes and his pederastic companion Pylades. Grantaire is executed alongside Enjolras. Critical reception The first two volumes of Les Misérables were published on April 3, 1862, heralded by a massive advertising campaign; the remainder of the novel appeared on 15 May 1862. At the time, Victor Hugo enjoyed a reputation as one of France's foremost poets, and the appearance of the novel was a highly anticipated event. Critical reactions were wide-ranging and often negative; some critics found the subject matter immoral, others complained of its excessive sentimentality, and still others were disquieted by its apparent sympathy with the revolutionaries. The Goncourt brothers expressed their great dissatisfaction, judging the novel artificial and disappointing. Flaubert could find within it "neither truth nor greatness." French critic Charles Baudelaire reviewed the work glowingly in newspapers, but in private castigated it as "tasteless and inept." The book was a great commercial success. The shortest correspondence in history is between Hugo and his publisher Hurst & Blackett in 1862. It is said Hugo was on vacation when Les Misérables (which is over 1200 pages) was published. He telegraphed the single-character message "?" to his publisher, who replied with a single "!". First translated into foreign languages (including Italian, Greek, and Portuguese) the same year it originally appeared, it proved popular not only in France, but across Europe. It has been a popular book ever since it was published, and was a great favourite among the Confederate soldiers of the American Civil War, who occasionally called themselves "Lee's Miserables" (a reference to their deteriorating conditions under General Robert E. Lee). Its popularity continues to this day, and many view it as one of the most important novels ever written. English translations * Charles E. Wilbour. New York: Carleton Publishing Company. June 1862. The first American translation, published only months after the French edition of the novel was released. Also, New York: George Routledge and Sons. 1879. * Lascelles Wraxall. London: Hurst and Blackett. October 1862. The first British translation. * Translator unknown. Richmond, Virginia. 1863. Published by West and Johnston publishers. * Isabel F. Hapgood. Published 1887, this translation is available at Project Gutenberg. * Norman Denny. Folio Press, 1976. A modern British translation subsequently published in paperback by Penguin Books, ISBN 0-14-044430-0. In the very strictest sense this edition is not quite an unabridged translation: Norman Denny explains in his introduction that he moved two of the novel's longer digressive passages into annexes, and that he also made some abridgements in the text, which he claims are minor. * Lee Fahnestock and Norman MacAfee. Signet Classics. March 3, 1987. An unabridged edition based on the Wilbour translation with modernization of language. Paperback ISBN 0-451-52526-4 * Julie Rose. 2007. Vintage Classics, July 3, 2008. The first new complete translation for over a decade. Julie Rose lives in Sydney and is the translator of more than a dozen works, including a well-received version of Racine's Phèdre as well as works by Paul Virilio, Jacques Rancière, Chantal Thomas, and many others. This new translation published by Vintage Classics includes a detailed biographical sketch of Victor Hugo’s life, a chronology, and notes. ISBN 978-0-09-951113-7 Adaptations Film and television * 1907, On the barricade, directed Alice Guy Blaché, early adaptation of a part of the novel * 1907, Le Chemineau * 1909, directed by J. Stuart Blackton * 1909, The Bishop's Candlesticks, directed by Edwin S. Porter * 1911, directed by Albert Capellani * 1913, directed again by Albert Capellani * 1913, The Bishop's Candlesticks, directed Herbert Brenon, adaptation of the second book of the first volume * 1917, directed by Frank Lloyd * 1922, director unknown * 1923, Aa Mujou, directed by Kiyohiko Ushihara and Yoshinobu Ikeda, Japanese film, production cancelled after two of four parts * 1925, directed by Henri Fescourt * 1929, The Bishop's Candlesticks, directed by Norman McKinnell, first sound film adaptation * 1929, Aa Mujou, directed by Seika Shiba, Japanese film * 1931, Jean Valjean, directed by Tomu Uchida, Japanese film * 1934, directed by Raymond Bernard * 1935, directed by Richard Boleslawski * 1937, Gavrosh, directed by Tatyana Lukashevich, Soviet film * 1938, Kyojinden, directed by Mansaku Itami, Japanese film * 1943, Los Miserables, directed by Renando A. Rovero, Mexican film * 1944, El Boassa, directed by Kamal Selim, Egyptian film * 1948, I Miserabili, directed by Riccardo Freda * 1949, Les Nouveaux Misérables, directed by Henri Verneuil * 1950, Re mizeraburu: Kami to Akuma, directed by Daisuke Ito (English title: Gods and Demons) * 1950, Ezhai Padum Padu and Beedala Patlu, directed by K. Ramnoth in Tamil and Telugu. * 1952, directed by Lewis Milestone * 1952, I miserabili, re-release of the 1947-film * 1955, Kundan, directed by Sohrab Modi, Indian Hindi film * 1958, directed by Jean-Paul Le Chanois, starring Jean Gabin * 1958, Os Miseráveis, directed by Dionísio Azevedo, Brazilian film * 1961, Jean Valjean, Korean film by Seung-ha Jo * 1961, Cosette, directed by Alain Boudet on Claude Santelli’s program Le Théâtre de la jeunesse * 1962, Gavroche, directed by Alain Boudet on Le Théâtre de la jeunesse * 1963, Jean Valjean, directed by Alain Boudet on Le Théâtre de la jeunesse * 1964, I miserabili, Italian TV-miniseries directed by Sandro Bolchi, starring: Gastone Moschin (Jean Valjean), Tino Carraro (Javert), Giulia Lazzarini (Fantine/adult Cosette), Loretta Goggi (young Cosette), Antonio Battistella (Thénardier), Cesarina Gheraldi (Mme. Thénardier), Angela Cardile (Éponine), Roberto Bisacco (Marius), Claudio Sora (Enjolras), Aldo Silvani (Monseigneur Bienvenu) and Edoardo Nevola (Gavroche), nearly ten hours long * 1967, TV miniseries directed by Alan Bridges, starring: Frank Finlay (Jean Valjean), Anthony Bate (Javert), Alan Rowe (Thénardier), Judy Parfitt (Mme. Thénardier), Michele Dotrice (Fantine), Lesley Roach (Cosette), Elizabeth Counsell (Éponine), Vivian Mackerall (Marius), Derek Lamden (Gavroche), Cavan Kendall (Enjolras), Finlay Currie (Bishop of Digne) * 1967, Os Miseráveis, Brazilian film * 1967, Sefiller, Turkish film * 1972, French TV miniseries directed by Marcel Bluwal, starring: Georges Géret (Jean Valjean), Bernard Fresson (Javert), Nicole Jamet (Cosette), François Marthouret (Marius), Alain Mottet (Thénardier), Micha Bayard (Mme. Thénardier), Hermine Karagheuz (Éponine), Anne-Marie Coffinet (Fantine), Jean-Luc Boutté (Enjolras), Gilles Maidon (Gavroche), François Vibert (Monseigneur Myriel) * 1973, Los Miserables, Mexican TV adaptation directed by Antulio Jiménez Pons. Starring: Sergio Bustamante (Jean Valjean), Antonio Passy (Javert), Blanca Sánchez (Fantine), Edith González (Young Cosette), Carlos Ancira (Thénardier), Magda Guzmán (Mme. Thénardier), Diana Bracho (Cosette), Luis Torner (Marius), María Rojo (Éponine), Carlos Arguelles (Gavroche), Héctor Bonilla (Enjolras), Ángel Garasa (Bishop Myriel), Fernando Soler (M. Gillenormand), Alejandro Ciangherotti (Fauchelevent), José Luis Jiménez (Mabeuf) * 1978, UK telefilm, directed by Glenn Jordan and starring Anthony Perkins, Richard Jordan, John Gielgud, Cyril Cusack, and Claude Dauphin * 1978, Al Boasa, Egyptian adaptation * 1982, directed by Robert Hossein * 1985, TV version of the 1982 film, which is 30 minutes longer and divided into four parts * 1995, directed by Claude Lelouch (a loose, multi-layered adaptation set in the 20th century starring Jean-Paul Belmondo) * 1995, Les Misérables – The Dream Cast in Concert (musical done in concert style) * 1998, directed by Bille August and starring Liam Neeson, Geoffrey Rush, Uma Thurman, Hans Matheson, and Claire Danes * 2000, 6-hour French TV miniseries directed by Josée Dayan and co-produced by Gérard Depardieu, starring: Gérard Depardieu (Jean Valjean), John Malkovich (Javert), Christian Clavier (Thénardier), Veronica Ferres (Mme. Thénardier), Charlotte Gainsbourg (Fantine), Virginie Ledoyen (Cosette), Enrico Lo Verso (Marius), Asia Argento (Éponine), Jeanne Moreau (Mother Innocente), Steffen Wink (Enjolras), Jérôme Hardelay (Gavroche), Otto Sander (Monseigneur Bienvenu) * 2000, 3-hour English TV movie version of the 2000 French miniseries Animation * 1977, Cosette, Soviet animation * 1977, Shoujo Cosette, broadcasted on the Japanese television program Manga Sekai Mukashi Banashi, 1 episode, Japanese animation * 1978, Aa Mujou, cover the first two volumes of the novel, broadcasted on Manga Sekai Mukashi Banashi, 13 episodes, Japanese animation * 1979, Jean Valjean Monogatari, directed by Takashi Kuoka for Toei Animation and written by Masaki Tsuji, Japanese animation * 1988, by Emerald City Productions * 1992, a 26 episode French animated TV series by Studios Animage, AB Productions and Pixibox * 2007, Les Misérables: Shōjo Cosette, a 52 episode Japanese animated TV series by Nippon Animation Radio * 1937, written, produced, and directed by Orson Welles * 1952, directed by Earl Ebi * 1982, directed by Hyman Brown * 2001, directed by Sally Evans and Jeremy Mortimer * 2002, directed by Philip Glassborow Musical Main article: Les Misérables (musical) * In 1980, a musical of the same name opened in Paris at the Palais des Sports. It has gone on to become one of the most successful musicals in history. It was directed by Robert Hossein, the music was composed by Claude-Michel Schönberg, and the libretto was written by Alain Boublil. * In 1985, an English language version opened in London at the Barbican Arts Centre. It was produced by Cameron Mackintosh and adapted and directed by Trevor Nunn and John Caird. The lyrics were written by Herbert Kretzmer and additional material by James Fenton. * In 1987, the musical debuted on Broadway in New York City at the Broadway Theatre. * 2007, Les Misérables: School Edition, copyrighted * 2008, Les Misérables: Le Capitole de Québec version, directed by Frédéric Dubois * 2010, Les Misérables was performed on the West End in London for three weeks. Plays * In 1863, one year after the novel was published, Charles Victor Hugo (Hugo's son) and Paul Meurice first adapted the novel for theatre. * In 1906, Broadway actor Wilton Lackaye wrote an adaptation in five acts, titled The Law and the Man, though primarily with the interest of creating himself a strong role (he would play Valjean). * An outdoor adaptation was performed in the summer at the Citadelle in France. * There is a play adaptation by Jonathan Holloway. Donvale Christian College performed the Holloway adaptation for stage during late April 2010, using limited modern objects for certain scenes. * There is a play adaptation by Tim Kelly. * There is a play adaptation by Spiritual Twist Productions. This play highlights more of the religious aspect from the novel. It was last performed in April 2005 at the Clayton Center. Games * An adventure game has been released by Chris Tolworthy, intended as a direct adaptation of the book. * There is a free downloadable amateur 2D fighting game based on the musical. The game is called ArmJoe, which is created by Takase. The name is a pun on the novel's Japanese title Aa Mujou (ああ無情). The game incorporates the major characters as they appear in the musical, namely Jean Valjean, Enjolras, Marius, Cosette, Éponine, Thénardier, and Javert — as well as a policeman, a robotic clone of Valjean called RoboJean, an embodiment of Judgement, and a rabbit named Ponpon. Unofficial sequels * In July 1995, Laura Kalpakian's novel Cosette: The Sequel to Les Misérables was released. The novel is published by HarperCollins. Tom De Haven from Entertainment Weekly called the novel "dull and overwrought and corny," and gave it a C- grading. * In 2001, François Cérésa released his own two sequels to the novel: Cosette or the Time of Illusions and the follow-up Marius or The Fugitive. Both novels are published by Plon. Hugo's descendants, including his great-great-grandson Pierre Hugo, wanted the novels banned, considering that they breach the moral rights of the author and betrays the "respect of the integrity" and "spirit" of Hugo's original novel to make money. Cérésa had even retconned a key scene in the original novel, bringing back the character Inspector Javert and changed him to be a hero. In 2007, the Cour de Cassation ruled in favor of Cérésa and Plon.
PREFACE So long as there shall exist, by virtue of law and custom, decrees of damnation pronounced by society, artificially creating hells amid the civilization of earth, and adding the element of human fate to divine destiny; so long as the three great problems of the century-- the degradation of man through pauperism, the corruption of woman through hunger, the crippling of children through lack of light-- are unsolved; so long as social asphyxia is possible in any part of the world;--in other words, and with a still wider significance, so long as ignorance and poverty exist on earth, books of the nature of Les Miserables cannot fail to be of use. HAUTEVILLE HOUSE, 1862.

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二 米里哀先生改称卞福汝主教 CHAPTER II三 好主教碰到苦教区 CHAPTER III
四 言行合一 CHAPTER IV五 卞福汝主教的道袍穿得太久了 CHAPTER V
六 他托谁看守他的房子 CHAPTER VI七 克拉华特 CHAPTER VII
十 主教走访不为人知的哲人 CHAPTER X十一 心中的委屈 CHAPTER XI
十二 卞福汝主教门庭冷落 CHAPTER XII十三 他所信的 CHAPTER XIII
十四 他所想的 CHAPTER XIV一 步行终日近黄昏 CHAPTER I
二 对智慧提出的谨慎 CHAPTER II三 绝对服从的英勇气概 CHAPTER III
四 蓬塔利埃乳酪厂的详情 CHAPTER IV五 恬静 CHAPTER V
第   I   [II]   [III]   [IV]   [V]   [VI]   [VII]   [VIII]   [IX]   [10]   [XI]   [XII]   [XIII]   [XIV]   [XV]   [XVI]   [XVII]   页

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