演义说部 Poppies   》 首回缘起      Guan Wozhaizhuren

A "trade the whole story", "Romance of trade going on." Dynasty, thirty-three (1907) year from the print. Twenty-five back. Lin described smoking, the British launched a war of aggression, the Chinese failed to sign the Treaty of Nanking, the whole story. Book two _set_s no. Is a reflection of the history of the Opium War, the whole works, is the nature of popular historical fiction. Lin's writing the novel focuses on the opium ban and the Anti-British struggle, sigh sigh he fail, praised Lin, Deng Tingzhen, loyalty off-day training, who serve the country's uprightness; Sanyuanli commended the people of Anti-British, the British will be killed Boehme's imposing feat, it shows that the Chinese people not to be bullied. Meanwhile, the British attacked the novel process described in fine, fierce criticism was traitorous gang rape, Yong Ju han, Wei Di, such as tiger, wild ride so rampant invaders. According to "China Head feed popular fiction," the authors say the purpose of the word, the book called "Kingdoms," an exercise in parallelism of the political events from the text.

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首回缘起第一回 平台湾荷国首通商 争澳门英人初肇衅
第二回 入觐圆明园使臣辞疾 扩充公司局通事被拿第三回 朱抚军严办司事 卢总督复召大班
第四回 设巡船私受规银 派钦使大烧烟土第五回 议章程禀命国王 停贸易勒交人犯
第六回 九龙山炮击洋船 长沙湾火焚夷艇第七回 英女主拈阄决战 林制台募勇筹防
第八回 邓总督严守厦门 乌抚台坐失定海第九回 任情需索洋将投书 故意把持奸臣误国
第十回 伊大臣私馈牛酒 琦钦差尽撤兵丁第十一回 攻沙角陈副将阵亡 陷虎门关提督死节
第十二回 琦钦差伏罪回旗 杨提督失机误事第十三回 将军妄动半夜出兵 制府无谋三路失守
第十四回 偿军饷首府议和 起义兵洋酋殒命第十五回 练团勇大振声威 谢海神滥蒙保举
第十六回 探水路复攻厦门 筑外城再陷定海第十七回 陷镇海大臣死节 驻姑苏幕府横行
第十八回 将军占梦大进兵 提督闻风忽反走第十九回 袭镇海偏师覆没 弃绍兴大帅遁逃
第二十回 用伏兵偶然战胜 妒功臣又请讲和第二十一回 攻乍浦守将尽忠 犯吴淞总兵逃命
第二十二回 陷宝山制台先走 破镇江都统无谋第二十三回 谕洋将从容停战 听汉奸草率议和
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