杂史 》 逆美人 Reverse beauty 》
逆美人 Reverse beauty
王族 Wang Zu
Reverse beauty 一些湮没在历史长河中的故事:逆美人 《逆美人》以在历史上被称为“淫妇”的齐文姜、赵姬、冯小怜、山阴、胡氏和潘金莲为关注对象,描述了她们的生命错失,心灵反应,乃至人性挣扎等方面的事件。齐文姜是“春秋四大美人”之一,享有“千古第一女诗人”的美称,但却突破血缘底限与兄乱伦;秦始皇之母赵姬原本是一个妓女,却一直奋斗了到皇后、皇太后之位,但却因沉湎于情欲而身败名裂;北齐后主高纬宠妃冯小怜,上演玉体横陈,阵前五闹等闹剧,致使北齐灭亡;山阴是发明了“面首”一词的女人,因与三十名面首疯狂乱伦,最终被一并处死;北齐皇后胡氏一番胡乱折腾,从皇后沦为妓女,却发出了“当妓女比当皇后快乐百倍”感叹,引得世人唾弃;潘金莲虽然是文学作品中虚构出来的人物,但因其身上凝集了诸多社会现象,折射出了真实的人性反应,所以,便成了中国家喻户晓的淫妇。这些女人以“淫荡”留名于史,是道德伦理的叛逆者,做出了许多令人不齿的事情,甚至致使心灵扭曲,精神沦落,放荡不羁,在人生怪圈中丢失了自己。王族通过对她们的叙述,以告世人凡淫妇者,并非她一人而淫,而是社会、人生、命运,等等,在左右着她们,所以,她们恰好是所处复杂社会的例证,从她们身上,可看到当时社会的种种现象和阶级面貌。
"Reverse beauty" to the history, known as the "whore" Qi Wen Jiang, Zhao Ji, Feng Xiao Lian, Sanin, Hu and Pan for the concern, describes the mistakes of their lives, spiritual response, and even the human struggle and other aspects of the event. Qi Wen Jiang is the "four beauties in the Spring and Autumn," one, enjoy the "eternal first poet" of the name, but the bottom line and break through blood brother incest; the mother of Emperor Zhao Ji used to be a prostitute, but has struggled to Queens , Queen Mother of the place, but because of the passions of ruin indulge; Northern Qi emperor latitude Chong Fei Feng Xiao Lian, Yu-yi lounging staged, such as sounding of five downtown farce, causing demise of the Northern Qi; Sanin is the invention of the "face first" word women, because with the surface of the first thirty crazy incest, eventually to be executed; Qi Hu Queen toss some random, from the Queen become prostitutes, they issued "as a prostitute a hundred times more than when the Queen's pleasure," laments, attracted the world cast aside; Pan fictional literary works, although out of character, but because the body agglutination many social phenomenon, a reflection of the true human response, therefore, has become a household name in China whore. The women of "lewd" go down in history, is the moral and ethical rebels, made a lot of things honorably, even resulting in distorted mind, spirit fallen, and indulgent, lost in the life cycle of its own. Described by their royal family to tell the world where the whore who was not her one and prostitution, but social, life, destiny, and so on, in around them, and therefore, they happen to be an example of complex society in which, from the on them, you can see the phenomena of society at that time and class outlook.
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