中国经典 水滸傳 Water Margin   》 楔子 張天師祈禳瘟疫 洪太尉誤走妖魔      施耐庵 Shi Naian

《水滸傳》的成書,取材於北宋末年宋江起義的故事。據《東都事略·侯蒙傳》:“江以三十六人橫行河朔,京東官軍數萬無敢抗者。”又據《宋史·徽宗本紀》:“淮南盜宋江等犯淮陽軍,遣將討捕,又犯京東、河北,入楚、海州界,命知州張叔夜招降之。”《宋史·張叔夜傳》:“宋江起河朔,轉略十郡,官軍莫敢嬰其鋒。聲言將至,叔夜使間者覘所嚮,賊徑趨海瀕,劫鉅舟十餘,載擄獲。於是募死士得千人,設伏近城,而出輕兵距海誘之戰,先匿壯卒海旁,伺兵合,舉火焚其舟,賊聞之皆無鬥志,伏兵乘之,擒其副賊,江乃降。”此外,李□的《十朝綱要》,宋代陳均《九朝編年備要》和徐夢莘的《三朝北盟會編》,也都有類似的記載。還有的記載說宋江投降後曾參加過徵方臘之役。從這些記載裏,可以知道這支起義軍,人數不多(但也决不止36人),戰鬥力很強,在群衆中甚有影響,曾經給宋王朝造成一定的威脅。宋江等起義的年代大約在宣和元年(1119年)至宣和三年(1121年),前後三年多。 宋代說書伎藝興盛,民間流傳的宋江等36人故事,很快就被說書人采來作為創作話本的素材,南宋羅燁《醉翁談錄》記有小說篇目《青面獸》、《花和尚》和《武行者》,這當是說的楊志、魯智深、武鬆的故事,此外,《石頭孫立》一篇可能也是水滸故事。這是有關《水滸傳》話本的最早記載。南宋末有龔開的《宋江三十六人贊並序》,序裏說:“宋江事見於街談巷語。”並說在龔開之前有畫院待詔李嵩,曾畫過宋江等人像。但龔開的贊並未說故事內容。現在看到的最早寫水滸故事的作品,是《大宋宣和遺事》(見《宣和遺事》),它或出於元人,或為宋人舊本而元時又有增益。有的研究者認為它是說書藝人的底本。它所記水滸故事梗概,從楊志賣刀殺人起,經智取生辰綱、宋江殺惜、九天玄女授天書,直到受招安平方臘止,順序和現在的《水滸傳》基本一致。這時的水滸故事已由許多分散獨立的單篇,發展為係統連貫的整體。元代雜劇盛行,有大量的水滸戲出現,元雜劇和《大宋宣和遺事》所記水滸的人物姓名大致相同,但聚義地點不同,雜劇說的是梁山泊,《遺事》說的是太行山;雜劇中已有“一百八個頭領”之語,《遺事》衹提到了36將的綽號姓名;《遺事》中寫李逵位列第14,燕青位列第28,雜劇中李逵是第13頭領,燕青是第15頭領。凡此種種,可見在《水滸傳》成書以前,水滸故事在流傳中內容細節上頗有異同。這或者同在不同地區流傳也有關係。施耐庵正是把這些在不同地區流傳的故事,匯集起來,經過選擇、加工、再創作,纔寫成這部優秀的古典名著《水滸傳》。《水滸傳》的故事最初起源於北宋宣和年間,從南宋開始就成為了民間口頭文學的主要題材。目前流傳下來的根據說書人編成的話本中就有“青面獸”,“花和尚”,“武行者”等。元朝初年,出現了話本《大宋宣和遺事》,描述了晁蓋、吳加亮(吳用)等36人的故事,初步具有了《水滸傳》的故事梗概。元朝,元雜劇中還出現了一些水滸故事劇本。 【小說版本】 簡本 簡本包括了受招安,徵遼,徵田虎、王慶,打方臘以及宋江被毒死的全部情節。之所以稱為簡本,主要是文字比較簡單,細節描寫少。已發現的簡本有:一百十五回本、一百十回本、一百二十四回本 繁本 繁本寫得比較細緻,也是流傳最廣的。但主要改寫增添的部分都是在招安之後的情節。 一百回本 在宋江受招安後,又有“徵遼”,徵方臘等情節。 一百二十回本 明萬歷末楊定在一百回本的基礎上又插入了徵田虎、王慶等情節,合成一百二十回本。 七十回本 清朝金聖嘆進行刪改,腰斬一百回本招安以及之後的事,以原書第七十一回盧俊義的夢作為結尾,再將第一回作為楔子,此為七十回本。 一般認為衹有百回本可能是《水滸》故事成型定書的最早本子,也最接近傳說故事的版本。現知和現存《水滸傳》較早刻本都係明刊本。正德、嘉靖間人李開先《詞謔》記有20册本的《水滸傳》,有的研究者認為“二十册”即“二十捲”。一般認為,嘉靖時郭勳刊刻的武定板《水滸傳》比較接近於原本,但郭勳原刊本已無存,有的研究者認為今殘存 5回的嘉靖刊本《忠義水滸傳》即郭本,並且由此認為郭本是20捲本。明嘉靖年間高儒《百川書志》所錄《忠義水滸傳》為100捲,今天所能見的比較早而又比較完整的100回本是天都外臣序本,序文撰於萬歷己醜(1589年)。天都外臣序本從郭本出,不過分捲不同,郭本是20100回,天都外臣序本是100捲,100回。這個本子於排座次之後緊接受招安、徵遼、平方臘,而無平田虎、王慶故事。萬歷年間又出現了楊定見的120回本,主要是根據100回本,又插增平田虎、平王慶的故事(文字和繁本不同,或是吸收簡本而加以潤色)。明末金聖嘆(見金人瑞)刪去了排座次以後的部分,添了個盧俊義的噩夢作為結尾,夢中一百單八人全部被殺。又把原來的第一回改為楔子,作成70回本。這個本子,入清以來最為流行。今存較早的簡本有明刊《新刊京本全像插增田虎王慶忠義水滸全傳》和明刊《忠義水滸志傳評林》,惟都為殘本。清刊本10捲 115回《忠義水滸傳》是今存比較齊全的簡本。中華人民共和國成立後,陸續整理出版過70回本及120回本、100回本等繁本,並影印過100回本,及排印過幾種繁本。還影印過簡本《水滸志傳評林》。 譯本 英文版通常將《水滸傳》翻譯成Water Margin或Outlaws of the Marsh。衆多譯本中,最早的當屬賽珍珠女士在1920年代中後期翻譯的All Men Are Brothers(四海之內皆兄弟)。書名出自《論語》“四海之內,皆兄弟也”。1933年出版,是《水滸傳》的第一個英文全譯本,當時在美國頗為暢銷。迄今為止《水滸傳》被認為比較好的英文版本,應該是中國籍的美國猶太裔學者沙博理先生(Sidney Shapiro)在文革期間受命譯的一百回版的"Outlaws of the Marsh"(水泊好漢)。其譯本,被認為更忠實於原著,且很貼切地反應了原文的神韻,符合翻譯的“信,達,雅”的原則。法語版則將其直譯為Au bord de l'eau。除此之外,還有許多搞笑的翻譯,居然是《一百零五個男人和三個女人在山上的故事》,智取生辰綱則節譯為《強盜設置的圈套》。日文版的《水滸傳》的版本非常之多,甚至被改編和演繹成了許多漫畫,電影,電視作品。 【思想內容】 《水滸傳》以它傑出的藝術描寫手段,揭示了中國封建社會中農民起義的發生、發展和失敗過程的一些本質方面。《水滸傳》的社會意義首先在於深刻揭露了封建社會的黑暗和腐朽,及統治階級的罪惡,說明造成農民起義的根本原因是“官逼民反”。作品開頭寫了一個一嚮被人厭棄的破落戶子弟高俅,靠踢球被端王看中,後來這位端王作了皇帝(徽宗),高俅一直被提拔到殿帥府太尉,而這位皇帝也不過是個專會串瓦走捨的浮浪紈絝兒。他的親信大臣還有蔡京、童貫和楊戩等,他們構成了一個最高統治集團,蔡、高等人以他們的親屬門客為黨羽心腹,如梁世傑、蔡九知府、慕容知府、高廉、賀太守之流,在他們的下面,則是一些貪官污吏、土豪惡霸,從上到下,狼狽為姦,殘害忠良,欺壓良善,對人民進行殘酷的剝削和壓迫,形成了一個統治網。《水滸傳》在揭露這些貪官污吏、土豪惡霸如何欺壓人民的罪行時,首先敘述了高俅迫害王進的故事,因為王進的父親早年比武時,一棒打翻了高俅,高俅任殿帥府太尉後,到任的第一天就公報私仇,無端責罰王進,害得王進連夜奉母逃走。作者還寫了高俅為了讓兒子霸占林衝的妻子,千方百計謀害林衝。高俅作為那個統治集團的代表人物之一,在他身上體現了兇殘、陰險的權臣特點,也體現了封建統治階級的醜惡和腐朽的本質。此外,《水滸傳》中還寫了地主惡霸的種種作惡行為,如鄭屠霸占金翠蓮,西門慶害死武大郎,毛太公勾結官府構陷獵戶解珍、解寶。 【藝術成就】 《水滸傳》在藝術上取得了傑出的成就。人物形象的塑造能寫出復雜的性格內容,人物性格的形成有環境的依據,同時隨生活環境的變化而發展。人物形象帶有理想色彩,同時又深深地紮根於生活的土壤之中。《水滸傳》不單以情節的生動緊張取勝,還有較豐富真實的細節描寫。小說在民間口語的基礎上創造出一種通俗、簡練、生動、富於表現力的文學語言。與內容相適應,前70回連環套式的藝術結構也獨具特色。 《水滸傳》作者施耐庵對於這些英雄人物,予以充分的肯定和熱情的謳歌,歌頌了這些人物的反抗精神、正義行動,也歌頌了他們超群的武藝和高尚的品格。一些出身下層的英雄人物,如李逵、三阮、武鬆、石秀等,對統治階級的剝削壓迫感受最深,因此當他們一旦造反後,他們的反抗性也最強,什麽統治階級的法度條例,對他們毫無約束,像李逵連皇帝也不放在眼裏。他們為了起義的正義事業,赴湯蹈火在所不辭,作者對這些英雄人物的贊揚,完全是出自內心的熱愛。作品歌頌這樣一批被統治階級視為所謂“殺人放火”的強盜、朝廷的叛逆,一些所謂“不赦”的罪人,把他們寫得如此光輝動人,可敬可愛,這顯示了作者的膽識和正義感情。與此相反,作者對於統治階級的人物,則將他們寫得醜惡不堪,和梁山英雄形成鮮明的對比。從而啓發人們去愛什麽人,恨什麽人。金聖嘆評論《水滸傳》“無美不歸緑林,無惡不歸朝廷。”不管金聖嘆主觀動機如何,這句話卻確實說明了施耐庵的思想傾嚮和《水滸傳》的深刻社會意義。 中國歷史上發生過無數次的農民起義,中國的農民富有武裝鬥爭的傳統和經驗,但用文學形式來歌頌農民戰爭,並且真實生動地作全面的藝術再現的,衹有《水滸傳》。《水滸傳》在記敘歌頌起義軍的武裝鬥爭時,還比較重視戰爭經驗的總結,起義軍戰勝敵人,不僅憑勇敢,還靠智慧。《水滸傳》中這方面的事例很多,“三打祝傢莊”是一個較為突出的例子,毛澤東曾經贊揚“三打祝傢莊”是合乎辯證法的最好的事例。梁山起義軍在這次戰役中能夠重視調查研究,對敵分化瓦解,並采取打入內部裏應外合的辦法,終於取得了戰爭的勝利。《水滸傳》中有關戰爭的描寫,可與《三國志演義》相媲美。清代劉鑾的《五石瓠》裏說:明末農民起義軍的張獻忠“日使人說《三國》、《水滸》諸書,凡埋伏攻襲皆效之”。 《水滸傳》中所描寫的起義軍的政治主張,雖然說得不十分明確,卻可以看到他們有着“八方共域,異姓一傢”,不管什麽出身“都一般兒哥弟稱呼,不分貴賤”的理想。聯繫到他們“殺富濟貧”的行動,表現了人民反對封建經濟的貧富懸殊和政治上的等級貴賤之分,反對封建社會的階級剝削和政治壓迫,這是對封建地主階級統治思想的宣戰,反映了廣大受壓迫人民的願望。 《水滸傳》中用以組織群衆和團结群衆的思想基礎是“忠義”。這裏所說的義,它在某種程度上註入了被壓迫階級的思想感情和道德觀念,這一點,有些地主階級的知識分子是有所覺察的。明人郎瑛就說過:“逆料當時非禮之禮,非義之義,江必有之。”這實際上是說《水滸傳》所說的義不完全同於歷來統治階級所說的義。在中國封建社會裏,下層人民也常講義,他們為了維護自身的利益,免受暴力的欺凌,自然産生一種團结禦侮的願望,這種願望,在為生活所迫、流落他鄉異地的一些遊民身上,反映得尤為強烈,他們最講朋友之間的義氣。路見不平,拔刀相助,進而至於“濟睏扶危”、“殺富濟貧”,都是“義”的表現。因此,《水滸傳》中所寫的義,在特定的環境中,具有反封建反壓迫的性質,而不同於儒傢的綱常倫理中的“義”。但是“統治階級的思想在每一時代都是占統治地位的思想”。所以《水滸傳》裏的“義”,還不能取代舊的倫常觀念的地位和作用。《水滸傳》裏的“忠”,有忠於梁山事業的內容,但它又有忠君思想,在許多場合裏,“忠孝”這種封建倫理大節被放在首位,而把“義”置於次要地位,這就是江湖義氣沒有突破封建道德的表現,梁山泊一些鬥爭性最強、革命最堅决的人物,最終也不免在講義氣的情況下跟着宋江接受招安,義氣服從了忠君,就是《水滸傳》所寫的“義”本身存在嚴重缺陷的證明。 《水滸傳》作者歌頌梁山義軍,卻又反對方臘起義,實際說明他同情、歌頌的是一種不徹底的農民起義,也就是不去推翻封建王朝的起義,不“僭號稱王”的起義。所以,《水滸傳》中出現了“替天行道”的口號。“替天行道”固然有其反抗的意義,但是由於遵奉天命,這就不能突破君主觀念,因為在封建社會裏,正是統治階級藉天命來欺騙人民,所謂“奉天承運”,“天命所歸”,歷來帝王正是藉天命來統治萬民的。《水滸傳》中“替天行道”的意義,說的是朝廷無道時,由這些好漢來“替天行道”,而朝廷昏暗的原因,則是“賊臣蒙蔽了聖聰”,因而他們造反便是衹反貪官,不反皇帝,所以最終又不得不歸服天子腳下,而“替天行道”的大旗,也終於換成“順天”、“保國”了。這也是《水滸》英雄們最終走上悲劇結局的原因之一。 在《水滸傳》的描寫中,可以看出作為梁山泊領袖的宋江,他的思想和行動,關係着整個梁山事業的興衰和存亡。宋江出身於小地主家庭,“自幼曾攻經史”,養成 “忠孝”觀念,後來在縣裏作了押司,“刀筆精通,吏道純熟”,對於衙門裏公事和官府的應酬,十分熟悉。他雖為官府中人,卻又喜歡結交江湖上好漢,對下層人民也富有同情心,“濟人貧苦,□人之急,扶人之睏”,在江湖上享有“及時雨”的美名。這樣的一種特殊經歷,形成了他思想性格的兩面性,一方面他要作個忠臣孝子;另一方面,在同江湖人士的接觸中,使他較多地瞭解下層人民的苦難和願望,又成為仗義扶危、同情勞動人民對官府的反抗行為的人物。總之,宋江在上梁山之前,他對人民的造反,衹是抱着同情態度,或在某種情況下在行動上作一點有限的支持。從他思想上說,他是不願投身到造反行列裏去,他後來上梁山是由多種原因造成的。他是一個廣有謀略的人物,决不甘心長久屈居下僚,他原本希望靠着他的才能將來能夠“為國立功”,作出一番事業來。“博得個封妻蔭子”,以圖日後 “名垂青史”。而當時朝政黑暗,□臣當道,一些才能之士無法施展自己的抱負。恰在這時宋江又犯了殺人罪,流配到江州,又因醉後題了反詩,被江州知府拿住,問成死罪,靠了梁山好漢的搭救,纔得保全性命,衹有這時,宋江纔上了梁山。 宋江有組織才能,善於團结人,再加上他在江湖上的聲譽,前後有大批好漢隨他上山,壯大了山寨力量,給山寨事業帶來了一番興旺發達的氣象。梁山起義軍在他的領導和指揮之下,接連打了許多勝仗,給予一些貪官污吏以嚴重的打擊和懲罰,並且震動了朝廷,這些勝利都是和宋江的功勞分不開的。但由於他忠孝觀念根深柢固,雖造了反而這種觀念並未改變,這就伏下了他日後接受招安的契機。他上了梁山後口口聲聲說皇帝是“至聖至明”,衹是“□臣當道,讒佞專權。”他反復申言:“小可宋江怎敢背負朝廷”,“衹被濫官污吏逼得如此”。因此他是“權藉水泊棲身”,“專等朝廷招安”。他在與官軍對陣中,總是想到如何為日後的招安預留地步。這樣,梁山起義軍的力量越強大,梁山的事業越興旺,也就越為宋江的受招安積纍資本。他終於在兩贏童貫、三敗高俅,打得朝廷軍隊大敗虧輸之後,光榮體面地受了招安,而把梁山起義事業斷送。宋江投降之後,又奉朝廷之命去鎮壓方臘起義軍,正如魯迅說的:“替國傢打別的強盜——不‘替天行道’的強盜去了。”這是對《水滸》的最尖銳的批評,也揭示了作者思想的嚴重局限。 火燒草料場——選自明代崇禎袁無涯刻本《水滸全傳》插圖 《水滸傳》全書可分前後兩大部分,前半寫各路英雄紛紛上梁山大聚義,打官軍,受招安。後半有五個部分組成,即徵遼、平田虎、平王慶、平方臘及結局。其中田虎、王慶兩部分是後來加的,今所見較早的百回本,徵遼之後緊接平方臘。但有的研究者認為,徵遼也可能是插增的,因為第一,徵遼的事不同於受招安和平方臘,歷史上無跡可尋。其次,和平田虎、王慶一樣,徵遼中梁山一百單八人無一死亡。這個看法尚有爭論。從思想內容來說,《水滸傳》前半是寫人民反官府,是反映階級矛盾的,後半則是寫忠臣反□臣,是反映統治階級內部的忠□矛盾。作者寫了宋江的受招安,固然是表現出嚴重的思想局限,但也反映了民族愛國思想,魯迅說:“其中招安之說,乃是宋末到元初的思想,因為當時社會擾亂,官兵壓製平民,民之和平者忍受之,不和平者便分離而為盜……但一到外寇進來,官兵又不能抵抗的時候,人民因為仇視外族,便想用較勝於官兵的盜來抵抗他。”這話是有根據的,水滸故事流傳的時間正是民族矛盾尖銳的時代,《水滸傳》的後半部分寫宋江等人受招安,和這一背景不無關係。而徵遼部分的出現,則是這一思想的繼續和發展。至於忠臣反□臣,也是和這一思想有關的。在小說結尾寫“史官有唐律二首哀輓” 宋江等梁山人物,其中說:“不須出處求真跡,卻喜忠良作話頭。”《水滸傳》的作者是把宋江作為忠臣來描寫的。第85回遼國歐陽侍郎招降宋江,吳用嚮宋江獻策:要富貴,投降遼國;要忠義,報效宋朝。宋江說:“吾輩當盡忠報國,死而後已。”這裏的“盡忠報國”實際上就是具體歷史條件下的民族立場。宋江投降之後,“水滸”英雄始終受賊臣排擠、打擊和陷害,最後宋江被等賊臣害死。這樣的悲劇結局,對於揭露統治者的罪惡,和作者對受招安者的鑒戒來說,也是有其積極意義的。 總之,《水滸傳》通過藝術形象表現的“官逼民反”的現象,深刻地反映了歷史的真實本質,它所表現的梁山泊英雄轟轟烈烈的大起義,有力地衝擊封建地主階級的統治,在文學史上是罕見的。它描寫的梁山義軍受招安後儘管講忠義,打外敵,平內亂,還是不見容於當權執政者,還是落得悲慘的結局,也深刻地傳達了一種歷史教訓。 《水滸傳》的藝術特色 《水滸傳》作者以其高度的藝術表現力,生動豐富的文學語言,敘述了許多引人入勝的故事,塑造了衆多可愛的個性鮮明的英雄形象。 《水滸傳》繼承與發展了中國古代小說與講史話本的傳統特色。故事極富傳奇性,一波未平,一波又起,起伏跌宕,變化莫測。每一故事的高潮,都緊扣讀者的心弦。如“拳打鎮關西”、“智取生辰綱”、“宋江殺惜”、“武鬆打虎”、“血濺鴛鴦樓”、“江州劫法場”、“三打祝傢莊”等等,數百年來一直膾炙人口。但《水滸傳》並不是單純為了追求故事情節的離奇而迎合群衆的,而是緊緊圍繞着“官逼民反”這一思想,把故事情節和人物性格融合在一起。武鬆、林衝、盧俊義三人都武藝高強,是梁山第一等好漢,三人都受過官府的陷害,被充過軍,而武鬆和林衝、盧俊義的表現卻大不相同。林衝、盧俊義在充軍的路上受差人任意擺布,忍氣吞聲,有時還嚮差人乞憐哀告。兩人又都是受騙被捆在樹上低頭受死。武鬆則相反,第一次充軍孟州,一路上反而是兩個差人服侍他。二次充軍恩州,押解他的兩個差人被人收買,再加蔣門神的兩個徒弟,合謀在半路上害死他,四個帶刀的兇手,對付他一個帶枷的犯人,反被他輕而易舉地給收拾了。他還不解恨,一口氣奔回孟州,殺了張都監、張團練和蔣門神等,纔算出了一口惡氣。林衝、盧俊義不是武藝不精,原因在於,他們一個是北京首富,一個是東京八十萬禁軍教頭,都是有身份有地位的人,各有傢室,不幸遭受冤枉,衹希望服刑期滿,重振傢聲。兩人又是懂法度的人,又存有幻想,在公人面前是懷怒未發,忍一口氣。而武鬆,無傢室之纍,久走江湖,養成強悍的性格,無所顧忌,也就無所畏懼,加上他受欺被誣,不斷被人暗算,所以報復心強,手段也狠。林衝、盧俊義和武鬆,表現截然不同,但他們二人也有些不同,林衝的反抗性還較盧俊義為強。 又如魯智深、武鬆、李逵三人,他們都是性情剛直,好打不平,不畏強暴,不避危難;但他們又各有其特點,魯智深是軍官出身,閱歷較深,富有正義感,痛惡社會的不平,他雖然性格急躁,行動莽撞,但在鬥爭中有時又很細心機智。拳打鎮關西,沒想到三拳把他打死了,他立刻想到要為此吃官司坐牢,自己單身一人無人送飯,於是假裝氣忿,“指着鄭屠屍道:‘你詐死,灑傢和你慢慢理會。’一頭駡,一頭大踏步去了。”這樣便脫身而去了。在大相國寺菜園子裏,幾個潑皮要算計他,故意跪在糞窖邊不起來,引起他的疑心,走到跟前沒等潑皮上身,一腳一個把兩個為頭的踢到糞坑裏去了。這些都說明他是個粗中有細的人。武鬆性情剛強,好打那些不明道理的人,死也不怕。在行動上有時表現得粗魯蠻橫,象是有意的尋釁生事,如快活林對蔣門神;有時是裝出假象迷惑與麻痹對手,如十字坡對孫二娘。他為了替兄報仇,考慮得極為周密,從調查情況入手,到殺嫂逼取口供,殺西門慶,自首縣衙,一步步按着他的安排都作到了。這又說明他很有心計。而李逵則和兩人大不相同,憨直、剛強、粗心、大膽,極忠於梁山事業,反抗性最強,打起仗來,赤膊上陣,勇猛無比。他是個真正的粗人,一味蠻幹,不計後果,又有幾分天真,好管閑事,又常常惹出事端,在江州因奪魚和張順撕打,被張順騙到水裏,淹得他兩眼發白;去薊州搬取公孫勝,路上偷吃酒肉,受到戴宗的懲治;斧劈羅真人,被真人罰到薊州大牢裏受苦;打死殷天錫,連累柴進坐牢,差點送了性命。作者對這個人物的性格特點把握得十分準確和細緻。《水滸傳》對這些英雄人物個性特點的描繪,真正作到毫發不失,這就更加強了這些形象的動人力量。 《水滸傳》的語言是以口語為基礎,經過加工提煉而創造的文學語言。其語言特色是明快、洗煉、準確、生動。無論是作者的描述語言,還是作品人物的語言,許多地方都惟妙惟肖,有濃厚的生活氣息。寫景、狀物、敘事、表情,極為靈動傳神。《水滸傳》敘事,善於白描,簡潔明快,沒有滯拙的敘事和冗長繁瑣的景物描寫。偶有寫景文字,又極精彩。如武鬆不聽酒傢勸告,乘着酒興單身上山,看了廟門上的告示,纔知真的有虎,他稍為猶豫了一下,還是硬着頭皮上了崗子。這裏作者衹用了兩句話襯托此時的氣氛和心情:“回頭看那日色時,漸漸地墜下去了”,武鬆“踉踉蹌蹌直奔過亂樹林來”,既寫出了老虎活動的時間,又寫出了老虎出沒的環境。兩句話就把一種恐怖悲涼的氣氛和心情和盤托出,讓人感到此時此地不知什麽時候會突然跳出一隻活老虎來。《水滸傳》的敘事,要言不煩,恰到好處,而又繪聲繪色,鮮明生動。“武鬆打虎”是歷來傳誦的好文章,寫得極為傳神,寫人虎相搏,寫老虎一撲、一掀、一剪三般拿人的本事,和聲震山崗的吼聲,一隻活生生的真老虎就躍然紙上。幾經搏鬥,老虎威風漸減,最後如何被武鬆按住,如何掙紮,如何被武鬆打死,寫得活靈活現,十分逼真。通過這些描寫也就更好地突出了武鬆的英雄形象。 《水滸傳》人物語言的性格化,達到了很高的水平,通過人物的語言不僅表現了人物的性格特點,而且對其出身、地位以及所受文化教養而形成的思想習慣有時也能準確地表現出來,所謂“人有其性情。……人有其聲口。”如李逵第一次見宋江,就問戴宗:“哥哥,這黑漢子是誰?”戴宗責備他粗魯,他不服,等戴宗嚮他介紹了情況,他還說:“莫不是山東及時雨黑宋江!”他心裏怎麽想,口裏就怎麽說,他是個粗人,見人不懂得什麽客套和應酬之事,不受禮節的約束,他剛上梁山便大發狂言:“便造反怕怎地,晁蓋哥哥便作大宋皇帝,宋江哥哥便作小宋皇帝……殺去東京,奪了鳥位。”象大宋皇帝、小宋皇帝等話,衹有李逵纔說得出,是極富個性化的語言。其他如阮小七的心直性急,吳用的足智多謀,宋江的謙虛下人,通過他們的對話,無不令人如聞其聲,如見其人。魯迅曾經指出:“《水滸》和《紅樓夢》的有些地方,是能使讀者由說話看出人來的。” 【業內評價】 金聖嘆將《水滸傳》與《離騷》、《莊子》、《史記》、《杜詩》、《西廂記》合稱為“六才子書”。馮夢竜將《水滸傳》與《三國演義》、《西遊記》、《金瓶梅》定為“四大奇書”。與《三國演義》、《西遊記》、《紅樓夢》共列“中國古典四大名著”。 到了20世紀,文學評論傢除了評論《水滸傳》的文學成就,亦開始對《水滸傳》所反映的社會狀況和價值觀産生興趣。1930年代初,魯迅在《三閑集·流氓的變遷》中曾這樣評論《水滸傳》:“‘俠’字漸消,強盜起了,但也是俠之流,他們的旗幟是‘替天行道’。他們所反對的是姦臣,不是天子,他們所打劫的是平民,不是將相。李逵劫法場時,掄起板斧來排頭砍去,而所砍的是看客。一部《水滸》,說得很分明:因為不反對天子,所以大軍一到,便受招安,替國傢打別的強盜——不‘替天行道’的強盜去了。終於是奴才。” 對於《水滸傳》的思想傾嚮歷來有不同看法。一種觀點認為認為《水滸傳》表現的是忠義的思想。主要的代表人物是明代的李贄。另外一種觀點認為這是一部寫給強盜看的書,是教人做強盜的書。主要是明朝的左懋第提出的,他認為《水滸傳》教壞了百姓,強盜學宋江。並且認為如果不禁毀《水滸傳》,對於世風的影響是不堪設想的。當時朝廷接受了他的建議,將《水滸傳》在全國各地收繳。另外一個持這種觀點的人是金聖嘆。這也是他把七十回以後砍掉的原因之一。此外,清朝的俞萬春也支持這種觀點,並親自撰寫《蕩寇志》,承接金聖嘆一書第七十回後,從七十一回寫起,杜撰出一大篇宋江等如何“被張叔夜擒拿正法”的故事。 19世紀50年代,當時所持的看法是認為《水滸傳》是描寫歌頌農民起義的。這種看法是當時各種教科書,文學史和小說史所持的一個主流的看法。 【人物數量】 據統計,水滸傳全書描寫的人物,有名有姓的有577位(包括主要人物108位),有名無姓的有8位,有姓無名的有99位,書中提到但沒有出場的有102位,共計787位。 【內容梗概】 宋哲宗時,東京有一個浪蕩子弟名叫高俅,他踢得一腳好球,被哲宗弟弟端王看中,成了端王的親信。後來端王當了皇帝,這就是徽宗,不到半年,就把高俅提升為殿帥府太尉。高俅上任的第一天,就整治因病未到的教頭王進,逼得王進帶着母親逃離東京。王進來到華陰史傢村,被史進收留,拜為師父。後因高俅追捕得緊,王進衹好告別史進投奔延安府。王進去後,史進與少華山的頭領結交為友,華陰知縣知道此事後,誣陷史進私通草寇,史進燒了史傢莊。 史進衹得離開華陰,去尋王進。途經渭州,結識了渭州經略府提轄魯達,二人來到酒樓飲酒。飲酒正酣,忽然隔壁傳來啼哭聲。魯達頓生性魯莽而又素好行俠仗義,叫酒保將啼哭之人帶來。金氏父女被帶到,女兒哭着說:因到渭州投親無着,狀元橋肉鋪的鄭屠乘人之危,要強娶小女為妾,今被趕出,那鄭屠反要我父女給他銀錢。魯達聽後大怒,决心懲治鄭屠。次日早上,魯達送走金氏父女,來到狀元橋肉鋪,先叫鄭屠親自操刀切肉,戲弄這惡棍一番之後,三拳結果了他的性命。隨即離了渭州。半月後由趙員外出面,把魯達送往五臺山當了和尚,法名智深。 後魯智深離了五臺山,在東京大相國寺管理菜園。一日,魯智深在菜園習武,當衆連根拔起垂楊樹,被陪同夫人到嶽廟進香的林衝瞧見,兩人一見如故,結拜為兄弟。正在高興之際,丫環來報,說有人調戲夫人。林衝趕往嶽廟,見是高太尉的幹兒子高衙內,衹好忍氣將他放了,告別魯智深回傢。 高衙內見林衝妻子美麗,一心要謀占林衝妻子。爪牙富安嚮高俅獻計,騙林衝帶寶刀入白虎堂,林衝被捉,以行刺罪發配滄州。高俅又派人買通公人,要他們在野豬林殺死林衝。幸有魯智深暗中保護,林衝纔得以幸免。到了滄州,高俅又派爪牙火燒草料場,欲置林衝於死地。忍無可忍的林衝,殺死了爪牙,要夜投奔梁山泊。 山寨首領王倫嫉妒林衝,要他下山打劫。林衝下山等了三天,纔見有一人經地。此人乃青面獸楊志,林衝同他拼殺多時,未見勝負。王倫勸住二人,邀楊志上山。林衝入夥坐了第四把交椅,楊志不願入夥,下山去了東京。 楊志在東京投靠無門,衹好賣祖傳寶刀,湊一點盤纏。潑皮牛二無理取鬧,欲奪寶刀,被楊志殺死。楊志充軍大名府留守司。留守蔡京女婿梁中書看中了楊志的武藝,要楊志護送價值10萬貫錢的生辰岡到東京為蔡京祝壽。此事被赤發鬼劉唐打聽到後,勸晁蓋劫下這批不義之財,晁蓋請智多星吳用想辦法。吳用請來阮小二、阮小五、阮小七等7人,决定在黃泥崗劫取這批生辰綱。 楊志一行人來到黃泥崗,晁蓋等扮作販棗商人,趁楊志手下買酒喝的當口,投下了蒙汗藥,將他們藥昏,劫走了生辰綱。楊志醒來,發現生辰綱被劫,知道大禍臨頭,便去青州二竜山做了強盜。 梁中書告知蔡京生辰綱被劫,蔡京下令濟州府捉拿賊人。濟州府尹派何濤負責此案,經查知是晁蓋等人所為,何濤帶人到鄆城縣捉拿晁蓋。縣中押司宋江是晁蓋好友,聞訊後立即給晁蓋報信。晁蓋燒了自己的莊園。大敗何濤,率領衆人投奔梁山泊。 王倫存心刁難,不肯收留。林衝大怒,殺了王倫,推舉晁蓋為梁山泊首領。晁蓋在挫敗官軍,穩住梁山泊之後,派劉唐帶上書信、金銀去答謝宋江。宋江退了金銀,怍了書信。返回住處中途被閻婆攔住,將宋江強拉至傢中,欲將女兒許配給宋江,以答謝他多年接濟之恩。宋江不重女色,勉強在她傢中留宿一夜,誰知書信被閻婆惜發現,她一口咬定宋江暗通梁山泊,要報官。宋江苦苦哀求無效,一氣之下,殺了閻婆惜,逃回宋傢村。知縣差朱仝、雷橫捉拿宋江,他們卻有意將宋江放走,讓宋江躲進了柴進莊上。宋江在那遇見了逃難到此的武鬆,二人拜為兄弟。 武鬆病愈,告別宋江去尋找哥哥武大郎。武鬆路過景陽崗時打死了猛虎,被陽𠔌知縣任命為步兵都頭。一日,武鬆在陽𠔌縣城碰到了哥哥。武大郎非常高興,將武鬆引回傢中。嫂子潘金蓮見武鬆相貌魁梧,頓生邪念,存心勾引,遭武鬆申斥。 不久,武鬆為知縣押運財物去了東京。武鬆走後,潘金蓮同開生藥鋪的本地一霸西門慶勾搭成姦,用藥毒死了武大郎。武鬆回縣得知此事,嚮知縣告狀不準,盛怒之下,去酒樓殺了西門慶,又殺了潘金蓮,被判罪發配孟州。孟州小管營施恩厚待武鬆,求武鬆幫助奪回被蔣門神搶占去的快活林的店鋪。武鬆酒醉後痛打蔣門神,奪回了快活林。這蔣門神通過張團練買通張都臨,誣陷武鬆偷盜寶物,判武鬆充軍。武鬆被押上路,在飛雲浦折斷枷鎖,殺死了想害他的4 個公人,折回孟州城,殺死了正在設宴慶賀除掉武鬆的蔣門神、張團練和張都臨,逃出孟州。在十字坡孫二娘將他扮為行者,讓他去二竜山投奔魯智深。 武鬆又在白虎山孫傢莊遇見了宋江,宋江是去投奔花榮的,二人結伴而行,在瑞竜鎮分手,宋江去往清風寨。清風寨有兩個知寨,正知寨劉高是個文官,他嫉恨副知寨花榮。宋江一到就被劉高捉住,說宋江私通清風山草寇,花榮也因此受牽連。清風山頭領燕順、王英等人聞訊後下山救了宋江、花榮,大傢决定去投奔晁蓋。快到梁山泊,石勇捎來宋江父親假托病故要他回傢的傢書,宋江趕回,被官府捉住,刺配江州。在江州,宋江得到戴宗和李逵的照。但因酒醉在潯陽樓墻壁上題了反詩,被江州知府蔡京的兒子蔡九判處死刑。正準備行刑時,梁山泊英雄前來劫走了宋江。事後,29位英雄在江州白竜廟聚會,浩浩蕩蕩返回梁山泊,宋江在山寨中坐了第二把交椅。 上山不久,宋江接來老父,李逵也回傢接母親上山,行至途中,遇一李逵打劫,捉住之後,纔知此人名叫李鬼,說他有90歲老母無人奉養,李逵送他10兩銀子,勸他改惡從善。後來李逵發覺上當,殺了李鬼,而李鬼的妻子卻溜掉了。回到傢中,母親已雙目失明,李逵哄母親說:我做了官,接娘去享福。背着母親上了路。一日,行至沂嶺,李逵為母取水,回來後發現母親被虎吃掉。李逵大怒,連殺了4 衹老虎,被獵戶迎進曹太公莊上。這時,逃來此處的李鬼妻子認出了李逵,曹太公等人正準備暗算李逵,幸虧梁山泊派來朱貴等人幫助,李逵纔脫險回了山寨。 前來投梁山泊的楊雄、石秀、時遷被祝傢莊酒店欺侮,雙方打了起來,時遷被捉。為救時遷,晁蓋、宋江發兵3 次攻打祝傢莊,蕩平了祝傢莊,附近與祝傢莊結盟的李傢莊、扈傢莊都投降了梁山泊。梁山泊威名遠揚,四處好漢紛紛投奔。 不久,李逵下山來到柴進莊上,正遇上柴進收到叔父寄來的信,說高俅叔伯兄弟高廉的妻舅殷天錫要奪占柴傢的花園。於是柴進同李逵火速趕往高唐州,見花園已被奪去,李逵大鬧高唐州,打死殷天錫。知府高廉點兵捉拿,柴進被擒,柴進叔父被抄傢。李逵逃回山寨報信,晁蓋令宋江率領22名頭領攻打高唐州,殺了高廉,救了柴進。 朝廷派太尉高俅前往剿捕,高俅令呼延灼攻打梁山泊。呼延灼被宋江軍隊打得大敗,逃往青州,又去為慕容知府攻打桃花山、二竜山、白虎山的起義軍效力。魯智深聚合三山人馬,往梁山泊求援。宋江率軍與三山義軍共同攻打青州,呼延灼投降,慕容知府被殺,三山頭領一起投奔了梁山泊。 此後,少華山史進被官府捉住,宋江又帶兵大鬧華山,殺了太守。沒過幾天,凌州曾頭市普傢五虎攔截投奔梁山泊的好漢,並惡言中傷梁山泊。晁蓋大怒,親點5000人馬攻打曾頭市。在戰鬥中,晁蓋被毒箭射中,回山寨身亡。宋江被推為山寨之主,改聚義廳為忠義堂。為報晁蓋遇難之仇,宋江記起了北京大名府玉麒麟盧俊義,知他武藝超群,棍棒天下無雙,想請他上山入夥,共報大仇。於是宋江派軍師吳用去京都,扮作算命先生給盧俊義算命,說盧俊義百日之內必有身首異處之災,將戶俊義騙至梁山泊,被張順擒拿上山。宋江勸盧俊義入夥,盧俊義不肯,兩個月後,宋江送盧俊義下了山。 盧俊義離傢後,管傢李固與盧妻勾搭成姦,當盧俊義回到傢時,他們竟設下埋伏,將盧俊義捆送到梁中書處,梁中書判了盧俊義死刑。在行刑那天,梁山泊好漢石秀劫法場,救出盧俊義,但因單槍匹馬,寡不敵衆,二人被擒。為救盧俊義和石秀,宋江發兵攻打北京。梁中書嚮太師蔡京告急,蔡京采納了關勝所獻圍魏救趙之墳,率領1500人馬直攻梁山泊。宋江聞訊,退後回山,以計俘獲關勝,擊潰了官軍。隨即宋江任命關勝為先鋒再次攻打北京城,戰鬥相持數月,直到次年元宵方攻破北京。梁中書從南門奪路而逃,盧俊義、石秀被救出。 不久,蔡京又派單廷桂、魏定國攻打梁山泊,皆被擊潰。宋江與盧俊義一道領兵攻打曾頭市,殺了曾傢五虎,回山祭奠晁蓋之靈。接着又乘勝攻破了東平、東昌二府,大軍凱旋而歸。此時,梁山泊大小頭領正好108 位,合了當年洪太尉所放走的魔王之數。衆人會聚忠義堂,宋江坐了第一把交椅,立起了“替天行道”的杏黃旗。 山寨興旺之後,宋江有了“望天王降詔早招安”的打算,武鬆、李逵、魯智深都堅决反對。到了年底,宋江要往東京去觀賞明年元宵的燈火,柴進、李逵陪宋江到了東京。很偶然宋江進了李師師的府邸,徽宗皇帝也在場,正當宋江要嚮徽宗討招安詔書的時候,李逵在外邊打人放火,城內頓時大亂。宋江三人逃出,李逵單獨行至荊門鎮投宿時,聽莊主劉太公說宋江搶了她女兒上山,李逵萬分憤怒,跑回梁山泊,砍倒了杏黃旗,要拿宋江問罪。後來經過對證,乃是牛頭山賊人冒名幹的壞事。李逵負刑請罪,去牛頭山殺了賊人,救回了劉太公的女兒。 梁山泊的壯大,震驚了朝野上下。徽宗派殿前太尉陳善保前往招安,李逵接過招安詔書,一把撕得粉碎。朝廷又派童貫攻打梁山泊。山寨十面埋伏,挫敗了童貫的兩次進攻。童貫逃回東京,高俅又調遣十節度兵力來攻梁山泊。宋江三敗高俅,並將他活捉上山,以禮相待,要高俅轉達渴望朝廷招安之意。高俅去後,宋江又派燕青去東京,燕青通過李師師求得徽宗下詔,沒過幾天,殿前太尉宿元景上山來宣讀詔書,宋江領着衆山好漢接受了招安,打着“順天”“護國”旗幟,到東京接受徽宗檢閱。 梁山泊義軍接受招安後,正遇遼兵侵犯,宋江受詔破遼。於是大軍北進,攻下檀州,奪回薊州,智取霸州,占領幽州,兵圍燕京,遼主請罪投降。宋江班師回國,遵照徽宗旨意,將所奪州縣仍退還給了遼邦。 回到京師,徽宗下詔,令宋江去平定淮西王慶,隨後又調去平定河北田虎和江南方臘。在平定方臘軍的過程中,義軍損失慘重,雖然最後擒獲了方臘,大功告成,但卻陣亡72條好漢。回軍途中,魯智深在杭州六和寺坐化(和尚盤膝打坐安然而死),殘廢的武鬆不願回京,就在這裏出了傢。離開杭州後,林衝癱瘓,楊雄、時遷、楊志病死,燕青又悄然離去。到了蘇州,李俊、童威、童猛又離去。等到大軍回京駐紮陳橋驛時,衹剩下20餘名頭領。蔡京、童貫、高俅、楊戩4 大姦臣待宋江等封官之後,他們設計用水銀害了盧俊義,用毒藥摻入禦酒藥死了宋江和李逵。就這樣,一場轟轟烈烈的農民革命在悲劇中結束。 【影視資料】 【中文劇名】:水滸傳(山東版) 【集數】:40 【年份】:1980 【格式】:RMVB 【語言】:普通話 【字幕】:中文 【導演】:陳敏 劉柳 劉子云 【演員】:  於守金——魯智深  祝延平——武鬆  董子武——李逵  鮑國安——宋江  彭蔭泰——晁蓋 電視劇《水滸傳》央視版 四十三集電視劇 電視連續劇《水滸傳》根據施耐庵創作,羅貫中命名的同名古典文學名著改編。 【人物排名】 水泊梁山天罡星三十六員: 天魁星呼保義宋江,天罡星玉麒麟盧俊義, 天機星智多星吳用,天閑星入雲竜公孫勝, 天勇星大刀關勝,天雄星豹子頭林衝, 天猛星霹靂火秦明,天威星雙鞭呼延灼, 天英星小李廣花榮,天貴星小旋風柴進, 天富星撲天雕李應,天滿星美髯公朱仝, 天孤星花和尚魯智深,天傷星行者武鬆, 天立星雙槍將董平,天捷星沒羽箭張清, 天暗星青面獸楊志,天佑星金槍手徐寧, 天空星急先鋒索超,天速星神行太保戴宗, 天異星赤發鬼劉唐,天殺星黑旋風李逵, 天微星九紋竜史進,天究星沒遮攔穆弘, 天退星插翅虎雷橫,天壽星混江竜李俊, 天劍星立地太歲阮小二,天竟星舡火兒張橫, 天罪星短命二郎阮小五,天損星浪裏白跳張順, 天敗星活閻羅阮小七,天牢星病關索楊雄, 天慧星拼命三郎石秀,天暴星兩頭蛇解珍, 天哭星雙尾蝎解寶,天巧星浪子燕青。 水泊梁山地煞星七十二員: 地魁星神機軍師朱武,地煞星鎮三山黃信, 地勇星病尉遲孫立,地傑星醜郡馬宣贊, 地雄星井木犴郝思文,地威星百勝將韓滔, 地英星天目將彭玘,地奇星聖水將單廷珪, 地猛星神火將魏定國,地文星聖手書生蕭讓, 地正星鐵面孔目裴宣,地闊星摩雲金翅歐鵬, 地闔星火眼狻猊鄭飛,地強星錦毛虎燕順, 地暗星錦豹子楊林,地軸星轟天雷凌振, 地會星神算子蔣敬,地佐星小溫侯呂方, 地佑星賽仁貴郭盛,地靈星神醫安道全, 地獸星紫髯伯皇甫端,地微星矮腳虎王英, 地慧星一丈青扈三娘,地暴星喪門神鮑旭, 地然星混世魔王樊瑞,地猖星毛頭星孔明, 地狂星獨火星孔亮,地飛星八臂那吒項充, 地走星飛天大聖李袞,地巧星玉臂匠金大堅, 地明星鐵笛仙馬麟,地進星出洞蛟童威, 地退星翻江蜃童猛,地滿星玉幡竿孟康, 地遂星通臂猿侯健,地周星跳澗虎陳達, 地隱星白花蛇楊春,地異星白麵郎君鄭天壽, 地理星九尾龜陶宗旺,地俊星鐵扇子宋清, 地樂星鐵叫子樂和,地捷星花項虎龔旺, 地速星中箭虎丁得孫,地鎮星小遮攔穆春, 地嵇星操刀鬼曹正,地魔星雲裏金剛宋萬, 地妖星摸着天杜遷,地幽星病大蟲薛永, 地伏星金眼彪施恩,地僻星打虎將李忠, 地空星小霸王周通,地孤星金錢豹子湯隆, 地全星鬼臉兒杜興,地短星出林竜鄒淵, 地角星獨角竜鄒潤,地囚星旱地忽律朱貴, 地藏星笑面虎朱富,地平星鐵臂膊蔡福, 地損星一枝花蔡慶,地奴星催命判官李立, 地察星青眼虎李雲,地惡星沒面目焦挺, 地醜星石將軍石勇,地數星小尉遲孫新, 地陰星母大蟲顧大嫂,地刑星菜園子張青, 地壯星母夜叉孫二娘,地劣星活閃婆王定六, 地健星險道神鬱保四,地耗星白日鼠白勝, 地賊星鼓上蚤時遷,地狗星金毛犬段景住。 共108將。
楔子 張天師祈禳瘟疫 洪太尉誤走妖魔 話說大宋仁宗天子在位,嘉佑三年三月三日五更三點,天子駕坐紫哀殿,受百官朝賀。但見: 祥雲迷鳳閣,瑞氣罩竜樓。含煙禦柳拂籃旗,帶露宮花迎劍戟。天香影裏,玉吞珠履聚丹墀;仙樂聲中,綉襖錦衣扶御驾。珍珠簾捲,黃金殿上現金輿;鳳羽扇開,白王階前停寶輦。隱隱淨鞭三下響,層層文武兩班齊。 當有殿頭官喝道:“有事出班早奏,無事捲簾退朝。”衹見班部叢中,宰相趙哲、參政文彥博出班奏曰:“目今京師瘟疫盛行,傷損軍民甚多。伏望陛下釋罪寬恩,省刑薄稅,祈禳天災,救濟萬民。”天子聽奏,急敕翰林院隨即草詔:一面降赦天下罪囚,應有民間稅賦悉皆赦免;一面命在京宮觀寺院,修設好事禳災。不料其年瘟疫轉盛。仁宗天子聞知,竜體不安,復會百官計議。嚮那班部中,有一大臣越班啓奏。天子看時,乃是參知政事范仲淹。 拜罷起居,奏曰。“目今天災盛行,軍民塗炭,日夕不能聊生。以臣愚意,要禳此災,可宣嗣漢天師星夜臨朝,就京師禁院修設三千六百分羅天大醮,奏聞上帝,可以禳保民間瘟疫。”仁宗天子準奏。急令翰林學士草詔一道,天子御筆親書,並降禦香一柱,欽差內外提點殿前太尉洪信為天使,前往江西信州竜虎山,宣請嗣漢天師張真人星夜來朝,祈禳瘟疫。就金殿上焚起禦香,親將丹詔付與洪大尉,即便登程前去。 洪信領了聖敕,辭別天於,背了詔書,盛了禦香,帶了數十人,上了鋪馬,一行部從,離了東京,取路徑投信州貴溪縣來。但見: 遙山疊翠,遠木澄清。奇花綻錦綉鋪林,嫩柳舞金絲拂地。風和日暖,時過野店山村;路直沙平,夜宿郵亭驛館。羅衣蕩漾紅塵內,駿馬驅馳紫陌中。 且說太尉洪信資擎御書,一行人從上了路途,不止一日,來到江西信州。大小官員出郭迎接,隨即差人報知竜虎山上清宮住持道衆,準備接詔。次日,衆官同送太尉到於竜虎山下。衹見上清宮許多道衆,鳴鐘擊鼓,香花燈燭,幢幡寶蓋,一派仙樂,都下山來迎接丹詔,直至上清宮前下馬。太尉看那宮殿時,端的是好座上清宮。但見: 青鬆屈麯,翠柏陰森。門懸敕額金書,戶列靈符玉篆。虛皇壇畔,依稀垂柳名花;煉藥爐邊,掩映蒼鬆老檜。左壁廂天丁力士,參隨着大乙真君;右勢下玉女金童,簇捧定紫微大帝。披發仗劍,北方真武踏龜蛇;權履頂冠,南極老人伏竜虎。前排二十八宿星君,後列三十二帝天子。階砌下流水語謾,墻院後好山環繞。鶴生丹頂,龜長緑毛。樹梢頭獻果蒼猿,莎草內銜芝白鹿。三清殿上,嗚金鐘道士步虛;四聖堂前,敲玉磐真人禮鬥,獻香臺砌,彩霞光射碧琉璃;召將瑤壇,赤日影搖紅瑪淄。早來門外祥雲現,疑是天師送老君。 當下上至住持真人,下及道童侍從,前迎後引,接至三清殿上,請將詔書居中供養着。洪太尉便問監宮真人道:“天師今在何處?”住持真人嚮前稟道:“好教大尉得知:這代祖師號曰虛靖天師,性好清高,倦於迎送,自嚮竜虎山頂,結一茅庵,修真養性,因此不住本宮。”太尉道:“目今天子宣詔,如何得見?”真人答道:“詔敕權供在殿上,貧道等亦不敢開讀。且請太尉到方丈獻茶,再煩計議。”當時將丹詔供養在三清殿上,與衆官都到方丈,太尉居中坐下,執事人等獻茶,就進齋供,水陸俱備。 齋罷,大尉再問真人道:“既然天師在山頂庵中,何不着人請將下來相見,開宣丹詔?”真人稟道:“這代祖師雖在山頂,其實道行非常,能駕霧興雲,蹤跡不定。貧道等如常亦難得見,怎生教人請得來?”太尉道:“似此如何得見!目今京師瘟疫盛行,今上天子特遣下官,捧御書丹詔,親奉竜香,來請天師,要做三千六百分羅天大醮,以避天災,救濟萬民。似此怎生奈何?”真人稟道:“天子要救萬民,衹除是大尉辦一點志誠心,齋戒沐浴,更換布衣,休帶從人,自背詔書,焚燒禦香,步行上山禮拜,叩請天師,方許得見。如若心不志誠,空走一遭,亦難得見。”大尉聽說,便道:“俺從京師食素到此,如何心不志誠?既然恁地,依着你說,明日絶早上山。”當晚各自權歇。 次日五更時分,衆道士起來,備下香湯,請大尉起來沐浴,換了一身新鮮布衣,腳下穿上麻鞋草履,吃了素齋,取過丹詔,用黃羅包袱背在脊梁上,手裏提着銀手爐,徐徐地燒着禦香。許多道衆人等,送到後山,指與路徑。真人又稟道:“太尉要救萬民,休生退悔之心!衹顧志誠上去。”太尉別了衆人,口誦天尊寶號,縱步上山來。 將至半山,望見大頂直侵霄漢,果然好座大山。正是: 根盤地角,頂接天心。遠觀磨斷亂雲痕,近看平吞明月魄。高低不等謂之山,側石通道謂之蛐,孤嶺崎嶇謂之路,上面平極謂之頂,頭圓下壯謂之巒,藏虎藏豹謂之穴,隱風隱雲謂之岩,高人隱居謂之洞,有境有界謂之府,樵人出沒謂之徑,能通車馬謂之道,流水有聲謂之洞,古渡源頭謂之溪,岩崖滴水謂之泉。左壁為掩,右壁為映。出的是雲,納的是霧。錐尖象小,崎峻似峭,懸空似險,削磁如平。千峰競秀,萬壑爭流。瀑布斜飛,藤蘿倒挂。虎嘯時風主𠔌口,猿啼時月墜山腰。恰似青黛雜成千塊玉,碧紗籠罩萬堆煙。 這洪太尉獨自一個,行了一回,盤坡轉徑,攬葛攀藤。 約莫走過了數個山頭,三二裏多路,看看腳酸腿軟,正走不動,口裏不說,肚裏躊躇,心中想道:“我是朝廷貴官,在京師時重擁而臥,列鼎而食,尚兀自倦怠,何曾穿草鞋,走這般山路!知他天師在哪裏?卻教下官受這般苦!”又行不到三五十步,掇着肩氣喘。 衹見山凹裏起一陣風,風過處,嚮那松樹背後奔雷也似吼一聲,撲地跳出一個吊睛白額錦毛大蟲來。洪太尉吃了一驚,叫聲:“阿籲!”撲地望後便倒。偷眼看那大蟲時,但見: 毛披一帶黃金色,爪露銀鈎十八衹。睛如閃電尾如鞭,口似血盆牙似就。伸腰展臂勢猙獰,擺尾搖頭聲霹靂。山中狐兔盡潛藏,澗下樟袍皆斂跡。 那大蟲望着洪太尉,左盤右旋,咆哮了一回,托地望後山坡下跳了去。洪大尉倒在樹根底下,唬的三十六個牙齒捉對兒廝打,那心頭一似十五個吊桶,七上八落的響,渾身卻如中風麻木,兩腿一似鬥敗公雞,口裏連聲叫苦。大蟲去了一盞茶時,方纔爬將起來,再收拾地上香爐,還把竜香燒着,再上山來,務要尋見天師。又行過三五十步,口裏嘆了數口氣,怨道:“皇帝禦限,差俺來這裏,教我受這場驚恐!”說猶未了,衹覺得那裏又一陣風。吹得毒氣直衝將來。太尉定睛看時,山邊竹藤裏箴絞地響,搶出一條吊桶大小、雪花也似蛇來。太尉見了,又吃一驚,撇了手爐,叫一聲:“我今番死也!”望後便倒在盤舵石邊。微睜開眼看那蛇時,但見: 昂首驚風起,掣目電光生。動蕩則拆峽倒岡,呼吸則吹雲吐霧。鱗甲亂分千片玉,尾梢斜捲一堆銀。 那條大蛇徑搶到盤舵石邊,朝着洪大尉盤做一堆,兩衹眼迸出金光,張開巨口,吐出舌頭,噴那毒氣在洪太尉臉上。驚得太尉三魂蕩蕩,七魄悠悠。那蛇看了洪大尉一回,望山下一溜,卻早不見了。大尉方纔爬得起來,說道:“慚愧!驚殺下官!”看身上時,寒粟子比滑燦兒大小。口裏駡那道士:“叵耐無禮,戲弄下官,教俺受這般驚恐!若山上尋不見天師,下去和他別有話說。”再拿了銀手爐,整頓身上詔敕並衣服中幀,卻待再要上山去。 正欲移步,衹聽得松樹背後隱隱地笛聲吹響,漸漸近來。大尉定睛看時,但見那一個道童,倒騎着一頭黃牛,橫吹着一管鐵笛,轉出山凹來。太尉看那道童時,但見:頭縮兩枚丫捨,身穿一領青衣。腰間縧結草來編,腳下芒鞋麻間隔。明眸皓齒,飄飄並不染塵埃;緑鬢朱顔,耿耿全然無俗態。 昔日呂侗賓有首牧童詩道得好: 草鋪橫野六七裏,笛弄晚風三四聲。歸來飽飯黃昏後,不脫簑衣臥月明。 衹見那個道童,笑吟吟地騎着黃牛,橫吹着那管鐵笛,正過山來。洪大尉見了,便喚那個道童:”你從哪裏來?認得我麽?”道童不睬,衹顧吹笛。大尉連問數聲,道童呵呵大笑,拿着鐵笛,指着洪大尉說道:“你來此問,莫非要見天師麽?”太尉大驚,便道:“你是牧童,如何得知?”道童笑道:“我早間在草庵中伏侍天師,聽得天師說道:“今上皇帝差個洪太尉責擎丹詔禦香,到來山中,宣我往東京做三千六百分羅天大醮,祈攘天下瘟疫。我如今乘鶴駕雲去也。”這早晚想是去了,不在庵中。你休上去,山內毒蟲猛獸極多,恐傷害了你性命。”大尉再問道:“你休要說謊?”道童笑了一聲,也不回應,又吹着鐵笛轉過山坡去了。太尉尋思道:“這小的如何盡知此事?想是天師分付他,已定是了。”欲侍再上山去,“方纔驚唬的苦,爭些兒送了性命,不如下山去罷。” 大尉拿着提爐,再尋舊路,奔下山來。衆道士接着,請至方丈坐下,真人便問太尉道:“曾見天師了麽?”大尉說道:“我是朝廷中貴官,如何教俺走得山路,吃了這般辛苦,爭些兒送了性命!為頭上至半山裏,跳出一隻吊睛白額大蟲,驚得下官魂魄都沒了。又行不過一個山嘴,竹藤裏搶出一條雪花大蛇來,盤做一堆,攔住去路。若不是俺福分大,如何得性命回京?盡是你這道衆,戲弄下官!”真人復道:”貧道等怎敢輕慢大臣?這是祖師試抨太尉之心。本山雖有蛇虎,並不傷人,”太尉又道:“我正走不動,方欲再上山坡,衹見松樹傍邊轉出一個道童,騎着一頭黃牛,吹着管鐵笛,正過山來。我便問他:‘那裏來?識得俺麽?’,他道:‘已都知了。’說天師分付,早晨乘鶴駕雲望東京去了,下官因此回來。” 真人道:“太尉可惜錯過,這個牧童正是天師!”大尉道:“他既是天師,如何這等狠催?”真人答道:“這代天師非同小可,雖然年幼,其實道行非常。他是額外之人,四方顯化,極是靈驗。世人皆稱為道通祖師。”洪太尉道:“我直如此有眼不識真師,當面錯過!”真人道:“太尉且請放心,既然祖師法旨道是去了,比及太尉回京之日,這場醮事祖師已都完了。”大尉見說,方纔放心。真人一面教安排筵宴,管待大尉;請將丹詔收藏於御書匣內,留在上清宮中,竜香就三清殿上燒了。當日方大排齋供,設宴飲酌。至晚席罷,止宿到曉。 次日早膳以後,真人道衆並提點執事人等請太尉遊山。太尉大喜。許多人從跟隨着,步行出方丈,前面兩個道童引路,行至宮前宮後,看玩許多景緻。三清殿上,富貴不可盡言。左廊下,九天殿、紫微殿、北極殿;右廊下,太乙殿、三官毆、驅邪殿,諸宮看遍。 行到右廊後一所去處,洪太尉看時,另外一所殿宇:一遭都是搗椒紅泥墻,正面兩扇朱紅棍予,門上使着胳膊大鎖鈦着,交叉上面貼着十數道封皮,封皮上又是重重疊疊使着朱印。棺前一面朱紅漆金字牌額,上書四個金字,寫道:“伏魔之殿”。大尉指着門道:“此殿是甚麽去處?”真人答道:“此乃是前代老祖天師,鎖鎮魔王之殿,”太尉又問道:“如何上面重重疊疊貼着許多封皮?”真人答道:“此是老祖大唐洞玄國師封鎖魔王在此。但是經傳一代天師,親手便添一道封皮,使其子子孫孫下敢妄開。走了魔君,非常利害。今經八九代祖師,誓不敢開。鎖用銅汁澆鑄,誰知裏面的事,小道自來往持本宮三十餘年,也衹聽聞。” 洪太尉聽了,心中驚怪,想道:“我且試看魔王一看。”便對真人說道:“你且開門來,我看魔王甚麽模樣。”真人告道:“大尉,此殿决下敢開!先祖天師叮嚀告戒:‘今後潛入,不許擅開。”大尉笑道:“鬍說!你等要妄生怪事,煽惑百姓良民,故意安排這等去處,假稱鎖鎮魔王,顯耀你們道術。我讀一鑒之書,何曾見鎖魔之法?神鬼之道,處隔幽冥,我不信有魔王在內。快快與我打開,我看魔王如何。”真人三回五次稟說:“此殿開不得,恐惹利害,有傷於人。”大尉大怒,指着道衆說道:“你等不開與我看,回到朝廷,先奏你們衆道土阻擋宣詔,違別聖旨,不令我見天師的罪犯;後奏你等私設此殿,假稱鎖鎮魔王,煽惑軍民百姓。把你都追了度牒,刺配遠惡軍州受苦。”真人等懼怕太尉權勢,衹得喚幾個火工道人來,先把封皮揭了,將鐵錘打開大鎖。 衆人把門推開,看裏面對,黑洞洞地,但見: 昏昏默默,杏奮冥冥。數百年不見太陽光,億萬載難瞻明月影。不分南北,怎辨東西。黑煙召霄撲人寒,冷氣陰陰侵體顫。人跡下到之處,妖精往來之鄉。閃開雙目有如盲,伸出兩手不見掌。常如三十夜,卻似五更時。 衆人一齊都到殿內,黑暗暗不見一物。太尉教從人取十數個人把點着,將來打一照時,四邊並無別物,衹中央一個石碑,約高五六尺,下面石龜跌坐,大半陷在泥裏。照那碑閹上時,前面都是竜章鳳篆,天書符篆,人皆不識。照那碑後時,卻有四個真字大書,鑿着“遇洪而開”。卻不是一來天罡星合當出世,二來宋朝必顯忠良,三來湊巧遇着洪信。豈不是天數!洪太尉看了這四個字,大喜,便對真人說道:“你等阻當我,卻怎地數百年前已註我姓字在此?‘遇洪而開’,分明是教我開看,卻何妨!我想這個魔王,都衹在石碑底下。汝等從人與我多喚幾個火工人等,將鋤頭鐵鍬來掘開。”真人慌忙諫道:“大尉,不可掘動!恐有利害,傷犯於人,不當穩便。”太尉大怒,喝道:“你等道衆,省得甚麽!上面分明鑿着遇我教開,你如何阻當?快與我喚人來開。”真人又三回五次稟道:“恐有不好。”太尉那裏肯聽?衹得聚集衆人,先把石碑放倒,一齊並力掘那石龜,半日方纔掘得起。又掘下去,約有三四尺深,見一片大青石板,可方丈圍。洪太尉叫再掘起來。真人又苦稟道:“不可掘動!”太尉那裏肯聽?衆人衹得把石板一齊挖起,看時,石板底下卻是一個萬丈深淺地穴。衹見穴內颳刺刺一聲響亮,那響非同小可,恰似: 天摧地塌,嶽撼山崩。錢塘江上,潮頭浪擁出海門來;泰華山頭,巨靈神一劈山峰碎。共工奮怒,去盔撞倒了不周山;力士施鹹,飛錘擊碎了始皇輦。一風憎折於竿竹,十萬軍中半夜雷。 那一聲響亮過處,衹見一道黑氣,從穴裏滾將起來,掀塌了半個殿角。那道黑氣直衝上半天裏,空中散作百十道金光,望四面八方去了。衆人吃了一驚,發聲喊,都走了,撇下鋤頭鐵鍬,盡從殿內奔將出來,推倒擷翻無數。驚得洪太尉目睜口呆,罔知所措,面色如上。 奔到廊下,衹見真人嚮前叫苦不迭。太尉間道:“走了的卻是甚麽妖魔?”那真人言不過數句,話不過一席,說出這個緣由。有分教:一朝皇帝,夜眠不穩,晝食忘餐。直使宛子城中藏猛虎,蓼兒窪內聚神蛟。 畢竟尤虎山真人說出甚言語來?且聽下回分解。

"Water Margin" a book, drawing on the story of the Northern Song Dynasty Song Jiang uprising. According to the "Eastern Capital birthplace Hou Meng Biography": "Jiang rampant Heshuo three to six persons, Jingdong tens of thousands of government troops against those who dare not." Also, according to "History of the Song Huizong of the Millennium": "Pirates of Song Jiang and other offenders in Huainan Huaiyang Army, Qianjiang discuss fishing, but also committed Jingdong, Hebei, into the clear, the sea state sector, Zhang Shu Ye summon somebody to surrender command of the state to know. "" Night Song Shi Zhangshu Biography ":" Song Jiang from Heshuo, turn slightly Ten counties, government troops Mogan baby its front. claim is approaching, the spy who Shuye to make room, near the sea thieves increasingly diameter, robbery huge boat more than a decade, _set_ captured. So have raised thousands of slain, had laid an ambush near City, out of light induced forces from the sea battle, the first death waterfront hide strong, wait soldiers together, give burnt their boats, the thieves were heard no fighting spirit, by the ambush, capture the vice thief river is down. "In addition Li □'s "Outline of ten dynasties", Song Chen are "prepared to chronological nine dynasties" and Xu Meng Xin's "Three North League Code", also have similar records. Song Jiang also said that after the surrender of the records have participated in the Battle of Fang La levy. From these records, the rebels know this, few in number (but by no means only 36 people), fighting a very strong, very influential among the masses, has caused a threat to the Song Dynasty. Song Jiang and other publicity about the era of the uprising and the first year (1119) to declare and three years (1121), after more than three years. Song artistic skills flourished storyteller, folk wisdom of Song Jiang and other 36 stories, it was soon adopted as a creative storyteller, then the material, Luo Ye Song, "On the record Drunkard," a novel in mind table of contents "green face and beast," " Monk "and" Wu Departed ", it is of said Yang, Lu Zhishen, the story of Wu Song, In addition, the" stone SUN "Water Margin may also be a story. This is the "Water Margin", then the earliest record of this. Open end of a Gong Song "Song Jiang thirty-six people like and order", order, said: "Street Song Jiang thing about Gossip found." And said before the academy opened in Official Titles Gong Li Song, Song Jiang and other portrait was painted . However, said Gong has not opened like the story. Water Margin is now among the first to see the works of the story is "Vision and the Romance of Song" (see the "sun and Romance"), or out of it per person, or Old Song and Yuan have the gain. Some researchers think it is a story-telling master copy artists. Water Margin Synopsis remember it, from selling knives to kill from Yang, the outsmart birthday Gang, Song Jiang Xi killed, nine Xuannv granted divine book, by Dr. Ping Fang La until only the order and now "Heroes," basically the same. At this time of the Water Margin story has many scattered independent single chapter, the development of a coherent whole for the system. Prevalence of Yuan Dynasty, a large number of Water Margin show the emergence of the Yuan Dynasty and the "Declaration of Song and the Heritage of the" Water Margin characters name is written about the same, but Juyi different locations, that is Liangshanpo drama, "Romance," said the Taihang Mountains ; Opera already has a "one hundred and eighty chieftains" of the language, "Heritage of the" only 36 will be referred to the nickname of the name; "Romance," writes Li Kui ranked 14, ranked No. 28 Yan Qing, Li Kui was the first Drama 13 chiefs, Yanqing is 15 chieftains. All these can be seen in the "Water Margin" a book before the Water Margin story is quite popular on the similarities and differences in the details. This may also spread in different regions with a relationship. Shinai is spread in different regions of these stories, brought together, through the _select_ion, processing, re-creation, was written in this great classic, "The Water Margin." "Water Margin" story first originated in the Northern Vision and years, beginning from the Southern Song Dynasty folk oral literature has become a major theme. Handed down from the current compiled according to the words of the storyteller in there "green face and beast," "Monk," "Wu Departed" and so on. Yuan Dynasty, there have been words of the "Vision and the Heritage of the Great Song", described the Chao Gai and Wu highlighted (Wu Yong) and other 36 stories, initially with the "Water Margin" synopsis. Yuan, Yuan Dynasty in the Water Margin story also appeared in several plays. Version】 【novel Simplified version This includes amnesty by Jane, Zheng Liao, Zheng Tian Hu, Wang, Fang La, and Song Jiang was poisoned to fight all the circumstances. This is called simple, mainly text is relatively simple, less detailed description. Simplified version has been found: one hundred and fifteen back to this, one hundred and ten back to the book, one hundred twenty-four back to the Fan the Fan of the written more polished, but also the most widely circulated. But the main part is rewritten to add the plot after the amnesty. Back to the hundred In the Song Jiang by the amnesty, there was the "sign Liao," Zheng Fang La and other circumstances. Back to the hundred and twenty Yang Ming Dynasty at the end of this _set_ back in a hundred has been _insert_ed on the basis of levy Tian Hu, Wang and other circumstances, synthetic hundred and twenty recover. Back to the seventies Tan to the Qing Dynasty deletion, cut back the amnesty, and after a hundred things back to the original books of the Seventy Lu Junyi's dream as the end of the first round and then as a wedge, this is back to the seventies. Generally believed that this may be only a hundred back, "Water Margin" story formed the first book _set_ books, but also closest to the legend version of the story. Is known and the existing "Water Margin" they are all out earlier edition printed edition. Masanori, Jiajing Lee among people first "ridiculed the word" Remember there are 20 of the of the "Water Margin", and some researchers believe that "twenty" means "twenty volumes." Generally believed that when Jiajing Guo Xun Wu Ding Inscription plate "Water Margin" relatively close to the original, but the original printed edition Guo Xun no longer exist, and some researchers believe that this remaining 5 back Jiajing printed edition "loyalty Water Margin" means Guo , and thus that the volume is 20 Guo. Jiajingnianjian high-Confucianism "Sea Book Notes," recorded by the "loyalty Water Margin" 100 volumes, earlier today who can compare to see a complete 100 back to the foreign minister of the sequence is the day all of this, the preface was written Wanli OX (1589). Order of the day are from outside the Chen Guo a, but different sub-volume, volume 100 20 Guo Hui, Chen order of the day are outside the volume 100, 100 back. After row of seating in this book bear to accept amnesty, Zheng Liao, Ping Fang La, and no flat Tian Hu, Wang story. Yang Wanli appeared back to the stereotypes of the 120, mainly based on the 100 back, and _insert_ed by Ping Tian Hu, Ping Wang of the story (text and prosperity of the different, or simply absorb and embellished this.) Ming tan (see Jin Renrui) after deleting a row of seating part, Tim had a nightmare as the end of Lu Junyi, one hundred and eight people dream all killed. The first back again to the original wedge, made of 70 back to this. This book, into the most popular since the Qing Dynasty. Simplified version earlier this deposit has the Ming Dynasty, "Emerging in Beijing as the _insert_ion of the full meaning of Masuda Tiger Wang Qingzhong Tales" and the Ming Dynasty, "Biography of Water Margin Ping Lin Chung-yi," but are the residue of this. 10 volume printed edition of 115 back to the Qing "loyalty Outlaws of the Marsh" is a relatively complete this simple existence of this. After the founding of the People's Republic, published and edited the 70 back and 120 back to the 100 back to the other fan of this, and copy back to the more than 100, and had several fan of the typography. Jane also copy over the "Outlaws of the Marsh Biography Ping Lin." Translation English is usually the "Water Margin" Water Margin, or translated into Outlaws of the Marsh. In many translations, Ms. Pearl S. Buck was undoubtedly the earliest in the late 1920s Translation All Men Are Brothers (All men are brothers.) Title from "The Analects of Confucius", "within the four seas are brothers." Published in 1933, is the "Water Margin" the first complete translation in English was quite popular in the United States. So far, "Water Margin" is considered good English, should be the Chinese American Jewish scholar, Mr. Sidney Shapiro (Sidney Shapiro) translation during the Cultural Revolution was ordered back version of a hundred "Outlaws of the Marsh" (water Park Heroes). The translation is considered to be more faithful to the original, and very appropriate to reflect the charm of the original, in line with the translation, "the letter, and Elegance" principle. French will be the literal translation for the Au bord de l'eau. In addition, there are many funny translation is actually "one hundred and five men and three women in the mountains of the story," Gang birthday outsmart the section translated as "bandits _set_ the trap." Japanese version of "Water Margin" version very much, and even adapted and interpreted into many comics, movies, TV works. 】 【Ideological content "Water Margin" with its outstanding art describes means of revealing the peasant uprising in China's feudal society, development and failure of some essential aspects of the process. "Outlaws of the Marsh" is a profound social significance of the first exposed the dark and decadent feudal society, and the ruling class of sin, that caused the root causes of the peasant uprising is "forcing people to rebel." The beginning of a work written Pola Hu has been rejected for the children of Gao Qiu, by playing by Duan fancy, and later made the emperor the Duan (Huizong), Gao Qiu has been promoted to house Shuai Fu Qiu, and this emperor is merely a special string W will take care of the floating wave Dandyism children. There are his trusted minister Cai Jing, Tong Guan and Yang Jian and so on, they constitute a top ruling group, Tsai, who advanced to their relatives hangers for the gang confidants, such as Liang Shijie, Caijiu prefect, prefect Murong, high-Lian, HE Prefecture and his ilk in their below is the number of corrupt officials, local tyrants and bullies, from top to bottom, working hand in glove, harm good people, bullying is good and cruel exploitation of people and the oppression, the formation of a rule network. "Water Margin" to expose these corrupt officials, local tyrants and bullies to bully the people of the offense, first described the persecution of Gao Qiu Wang Jin's story, the father of the king into the contest early years when a wand tipped Gao Qiu, Gao Qiu Hall Shuai Fu Qiu Ren, the arrival of the first day Gongbaosichou, unwarranted punishment Wang Jin, and depriving the mother of the king fled into the night Bong. The author also wrote to his son to occupy high-Qiu Lin's wife, doing everything possible to murder Lin. Gao Qiu, as the representative figure of the ruling group, he embodies the savage, sinister features Quan Chen, also reflected the feudal ruling class, the nature of evil and corrupt. In addition, the "Water Margin" and wrote all the evil landlord bully behavior, such as butcher occupation Jin Cuilian, Ximen kill Wu Dalang, Maotai Gong Zhen collusion official framed Orion solution, the solution Po. 】 【Artistic achievement "Water Margin" in art has made outstanding achievements. Characters shaped by the complex character to write the content, the characters based on the formation of the environment, while changing with the development of living environment. Characters with idealistic, while deeply rooted in the soil of life. "Water Margin" is not only a vivid plot tension to win, there are more rich description of the real details. Novel based on the oral folk to create a popular, concise, vivid, expressive literary language. Compatible with the content, the first of 70 back to the chain structure of _set_s of unique artistic style. "Water Margin" Shinai of these heroes, to be fully affirmed and warm Acura, praised the spirit of resistance of these characters, just action, but also praises their superior martial arts and noble character. Some came from the hero of the lower, such as Li Kui, San Ruan, Wu, Shi Xiu, etc., the ruling class exploitation and oppression of the deepest feelings, so once they rebelled, their resistance is also the strongest, and what the ruling class testimonies Ordinance There is no restriction on them, not even the emperor looked down on as Li Kui. They just cause for the uprising, through fire and water in any hesitation, of the praise of those heroes is completely from the heart of love. This work praised the ruling class as a group are the so-called "murder and arson," the robber, the court of treason, some so-called "no amnesty" sinners, write them so brilliant and moving, adorable, indicating the author's courage and just feelings. In contrast, for the ruling class of people, will they write ugly bear, and the Liangshan heroes in sharp contrast. Which suggests that people who love and hate nobody. Tan Comment "Water Margin", "no United States does not go green forest, no evil does not return the court." Tan regardless of the subjective motives, his words have really thought that the Shinai tendencies and the "Water Margin" profound social significance. "Water Margin" in the description of the rebel army's political views, though have not made myself very clear, but you can see they have a "total field Octagon, a surname," no matter what background "children are generally younger brother called, without distinction of "ideal. Linked to their "Shafujipin" actions, the performance of people against the feudal economy, the disparity of wealth and political distinction or distinction level, against the feudal society, class exploitation and political oppression, which is the rule of the feudal landlord class war ideology , reflecting the aspirations of the oppressed majority. "Water Margin" to organize the masses and unite the thinking is based on "loyalty." Sense mentioned here, which to some extent into the thoughts and feelings of the oppressed classes and moral values, and this, some landlord class, intellectuals have perceived. Lang Ying Ming to say: "foresee was the gift of indecent assault, non-sense meaning, there must be the river." This is actually said, "Water Margin" said Yi is not entirely the same as mentioned by the ruling class has always been defined . In Chinese feudal society, people often lower notes, in order to safeguard their own interests, from bullying to violence, natural exteriors to produce a unity of desire, this desire for life forced to flee their homes in different places some of the homeless who was particularly strong reflecting their most about loyalty between friends. Road see injustice, his help, and then As for the "Jikun distress," "Shafujipin" are "righteousness" of the performance. Therefore, the "Water Margin" his righteousness, and in a specific environment, anti-feudal nature of anti-oppression, which is different from the Confucian Gangchanglunli of "righteousness." But "thinking of the ruling class are in every era of the dominant ideology." Therefore, the "Water Margin" in the "justice" ethics can not replace the old concept of the status and role. "Water Margin" in the "loyalty", the contents are loyal to the Liangshan cause, but it is thought there are loyalty, in many occasions, "One," a large section of the feudal ethics to be the first place, and the "meaning" place secondary position, this is no breakthrough in the feudal Brotherhood of ethics, Liangshanpo some of the struggle of the strongest, most determined revolutionary people, and ultimately can not help but follow the case in the sense of obligation to accept amnesty Song Jiang, loyalty to obey a loyalty to the emperor, is the "Water Margin Biography "written by" justice "itself is proof of serious defects. In the "Water Margin" in the description can be seen as a Liangshanpo leader Song Jiang, his thoughts and actions, the relationship between the cause of the rise and fall and fall of Liangshan. Song Jiang was born in the family of small landowners, "the history of childhood has been attacked by" develop "One" concept, and later in the county were Yasi, "knife pen proficient skilled Officials in" Yamen in the official and official for the entertainment, very familiar. Although his official myself, but like to make rivers and lakes on the hero, is also sympathetic to the lower classes, "the Franciscans were poor, □ anxious person, supporting one of the storm" in the rivers and lakes to enjoy, "timely" reputation. Such a special experience, the formation of his thought and character of the two sides, on the one hand he wants to make a loyal and dutiful son; the other hand, people in contact with the arena, made him more understanding of the suffering and aspirations of the lower classes, but also a generous attempts distress, sympathy of the working people against the conduct of the official figure. In short, Song Jiang in the Liangshan, he rebels against the people, just hold sympathetic attitudes, or in some cases limited in action for a little support. From his thinking that he is not willing to go to join the rebel ranks, he went on to Liangshan is a combination of reasons. He has a broad strategy of the characters, placing him under a long bureaucratic decision can not be reconciled, and he had hoped to rely on his talent will be able to "meritorious service for the country" to make a career. "Donald's wife won a sealed sub" in order to later "go down in history." At that time the political affairs of the dark, □ minister in power, some people in order to not display their own ambitions. Just at that moment Song Jiang has committed a murder, the Fluid Assignment to Jiangzhou, because of the anti-drunk title poem, is prefect Jiangzhou hold, and asked into the death, by the Liangshan heroes of the rescue, before it for his life, only At this time, Song Jiang was on the Liangshan. Song Jiang organized to be good at uniting people, coupled with his reputation on the lakes, before and after a large number of heroes with him up the mountain, expanding the cottage forces to bring a lot to the cottage cause of the prosperity of weather. In the Liangshan rebels under his leadership and command, hit a lot of victory after another, give some serious blow to corrupt officials and punish, and shook the court, these victories are inseparable from the credit and Song Jiang. But because of his deep-rooted concept Chunghsiao, although the contrary, this concept has not made the change, which he later received amnesty Fuseshita opportunity. He kept saying that the emperor after the Liangshan is "holy to that", but "□ minister in power, authoritarian slanderer." He repeated prophecy: "Sung Chiang small can dare to bear the court," "abuse of government officials to force only so. " So he is the "right to shelter by Shuibo", "such as North Korea Tingzhao An professionals." He and the government troops against, always think of how to reserve the point for the future amnesty. Thus, the power of Liangshan rebels more powerful, more prosperous career Liangshan, the more amnesty for the accumulation of capital by Song Jiang. He finally won the Tong Guan in two, three defeated Gao Qiu, playing court after the army defeated the deficit lost, honor and dignity under the amnesty, but the cause of the uprising in Liangshan ruin. Song Jiang after the surrender, and instructions from the order of the court to suppress the Fang La Rebellion, as Lu Xun said: "Robbers hit for the country - do not 'punish you', the robber went." This is the "Water Margin" the most acute criticism, but also reveals the thinking of the serious limitations. Fire fodder field - From the Ming Yuan infinite Chongzhen Edition of "Tales," illustrated "Water Margin" book can be divided into two parts before and after the first half to write on the Liangshan heroes have great Ju Yi, playing government troops, by the amnesty. Half of five components, namely, Zheng Liao, Ping Tian Hu, Ping Wang, Ping Fang La, and outcome. One Tian Hu, Wang was later added in two parts, this percentage back to the earlier findings, immediately after the intrinsic Liao Ping Fang La. However, some researchers believe that symptoms may be _insert_ed by Liao, because the first sign something is different from the Liao Fang La by the amnesty of peace, the history without trace. Secondly, peace Tian Hu, Wang, like Zheng Liao Zhongliangshan eight hundred and one no one died. This view is still controversial. From the ideological content, the "Water Margin" is written the first half of the people against rulers, is a reflection of class conflict, the latter half is writing anti □ loyal minister, is a reflection of loyalty within the ruling class □ contradiction. Written by Song Jiang on amnesty, of course, the idea is to show serious limitations, but also reflects the national patriotism, Lu said: "The amnesty is said of them, but thinking of Song to the Yuan Dynasty, because it was social disruption, officers and men repression of civilians, the people of the peace who suffer, not peace for the Pirates who have separated but one Waikou ... ... come in, when men can not resist, because the hatred of alien people, with more than he wanted to resist the officers and men of stealing his . "His statement is justified, the Water Margin is the stories of the time era of sharp ethnic conflicts," Water Margin "Song Jiang, who wrote the second half by the amnesty, and this background are not unrelated. The intrinsic part of the emergence of Liaoning, is the continuation and development of this idea. As for the anti □ loyal minister, and this idea is related. End of the novel written "historian has two sad Tang Wan" Song Jiang and other Liangshan figures, which said: "do not have to seek authentic source, but good people as Buddist hi." "Water Margin" is the author of Song Jiang described as loyal to . 85 assistant minister summon somebody to surrender back to the Liao Ouyang Song Jiang, Wu Song Jiang with the advice: to wealth, the surrender Liao; be loyal and serve the Song Dynasty. Song Jiang said: "As for us the faithful to their country, dying." Where "loyal patriotic" is actually the specific historical conditions of the national position. Song Jiang surrender, the "Water Margin" Heroes always excluded by Zeichen, combat and framed, the last such Zeichen Song Jiang was killed. Such a tragic outcome, for exposing the evil rulers, and the author's warning against it by the amnesty, but also has its positive meaning. In short, the "Water Margin" artistic image through the performance of "forcing people to rebel" phenomenon, deeply reflect the true nature of history, it represents Liangshanpo finding that great hero of the uprising, a strong impact on the rule of the feudal landlord class, the literature is rare. It describes the Liangshan Yi military post by the amnesty despite the talk about loyalty, playing a foreign enemy, civil strife level, or no place in power those in power, or the tragic in the end, but also to convey a profound lessons of history. "Water Margin" art features "Water Margin" with its high degree of artistic expression, vivid rich literary language, described the many fascinating stories, create a large number of cute, heroic image of the personality. "Water Margin" inheritance and development of the History of ancient Chinese novels and talk about the traditional characteristics. The story of legends, one after another, the ups and downs and unpredictable. The climax of each story, readers are closely chord. Such as "punch the town of Kansai," "outsmart birthday Gang", "Song Jiang Xi kill", "Wu Song Da Hu," "Assault on Yuanyang Building," "Jiangzhou robbery execution ground," "three strikes Zhu Chuang" etc., have been popular for centuries. But "Heroes" is not simply the pursuit of the bizarre story which cater to the masses, but revolves around "a slaughter," the idea, the story and character together. Wu, Lin, Lu Junyi all three martial arts, is the first such Liangshan hero, three are trained official of the trap, be filled through the military, and Wu and Lin, Lu Junyi's performance is different. Lin, Lu Junyi sent in exile by the mercy of the way, swallow, and sometimes sent to beg implore. Both of them are being cheated death tied to a tree down. Wu, in contrast, for the first time Mengzhou exile, but the way the two sent to serve him. En second exile state, sent two of his escort had been bought, together with the two disciples Chiang keeper, conspired to kill him in half way, the murderer of four knife against him a prisoner with a flail, anti- by him to pack up easily. He did not Jiehen, ran back to Mengzhou breath, kill Commissioner Zhang, Zhang and Jiang keeper and other militia, be considered out of a foul smells. Lin, Lu Junyi not the martial arts is not fine, because they one of Beijing's richest man, a coach of Tokyo eight hundred thousand imperial guards are standing there as people who have married, a victim of injustice, just want to serve their sentences expired, re- Zhen Jia-sheng. Both of them who is knowledgeable about the law degree, and illusions, his anger at the Gongren is not made before, and forbearance breath. And Wu, no hostage to fortune, long mountebank, to develop a powerful character, cynical, also fear, coupled with his wronged had been framed, and constantly being plotted against, so revengefulness, means are ruthless. Lin, Lu Junyi, and Wu, the performance of different, but the two of them are somewhat different, the resistance of Lin Lu Junyi was also relatively strong. Another example is Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Li Kui and three, they are upright disposition, good fight injustice, defying brute force, not to avoid danger; but they have their own characteristics, Lu Zhishen the officer background, experience deep, rich sense of justice, Tonge social injustice, although he is impetuous, reckless action, but sometimes in struggle wit and very carefully. Punch off the town of West, did not expect him killed three punches, he immediately thought of this legal action in prison, no one single person their meal, so pretend indignant, "pointing to butcher the corpse and said: 'You fraud death, and you slowly Sajia ignored. 'a curse, a march went. "This will get out gone. Great Temple of the farm-in phase, a few calculations Popi to him, deliberately knelt up in the manure pit side does not rise to his suspicion, he came not so Popi upper body, one foot a kick to the pit for the first two years go. All this shows that he is a crude and refined people. Wu strong temperament, good reason to play those unknown people who are not afraid of death. Sometimes behave in action rude arrogant, deliberately stirred up trouble like, such as the tavern keeper to Chiang; sometimes put on a false confusion and paralysis rivals, such as the cross slope on the Sun Erniang. In order to take revenge for his brother, was considered very carefully, starting from the investigation, to kill Sister to extract confessions, to kill Ximen, surrendered to county government, a step by step according to the arrangements he had done. This in turn shows his shenanigans. And Li Kui and the two are very different, honest and straightforward, strong, careless, bold, very loyal to the Liangshan cause, against the strongest Once a war breaks, shirtless extremely brave. He is a real yokel, blindly rash, reckless, there are a bit naive, inquisitive, and often stir up trouble for wins in Jiangzhou fish and Shun-tearing, lured by Shun-water, submerged His eyes get white; to take Gongsun Sheng Jizhou move, the way wine and meat eating by Daizong punishment; ax Lo real, is real punishment to the big prison Jizhou suffering; killed Yantian Xi, implicated Chaijin jail, almost sent lives. On the personality traits of the grasp of the very accurate and detailed. "Water Margin" personality characteristics of these descriptions of heroes, really done without losing the slightest, which has strengthened the image of the moving force. "Outlaws of the Marsh" is a spoken language based on refined and processed to create a literary language. Their language is characterized by crisp, Xi Lian, accurate and vivid. Whether the description of the language or the language of works of figures, many places are vivid, there is a strong flavor of life. Scenery, tilting, narrative, expression, very clever and vivid. "Water Margin" narrative, good line drawing, simple and bright, without delay clumsy narrative and lengthy description of the complicated landscape. Sometimes paint a portrait of the text, but also very exciting. Wu did not listen to advice, such as restaurants, riding Jiuxing single up the hill, saw a notice on the temple, I discovered that there really is Tiger, and he hesitated a bit, or bite the bullet on the ridge. Here only two sentences of this time off the atmosphere and the mood: "When back at the Rise, gradually falling to the" Wu "stumbling over chaos straight to the woods," wrote the Tiger activities in both the time and wrote the tiger-infested environment. Two words put a desolate atmosphere and mood of terror come clean, people are here and I do not know when it will suddenly jump out of a live tiger. "Water Margin" narrative, terse, just right, but vivid, vivid. "Wu Song Fights the Tiger" is traditionally passed down a good article, written in a very vivid, tiger Competing write, write Tiger a flutter, yixian, a three-cut as the ability Helenians, harmony hills roar of the earthquake, a real tiger to leap off the paper alive. After a fight, the tiger decreasing power and prestige, and finally how the Wu press, how to struggle, how Wu Song killed, written in vivid, very realistic. Through these descriptions will better highlight the hero Wu Song. "Heroes" character of language characters, to a very high level, not only through the language of the characters personality traits, and its origin, status, and suffered cultural education and the formation of habits of thought sometimes can accurately shown, the so-called "people have their temperament. ... ... people have the sound of mouth." such as Li Kui first met Song Jiang, Dai Zong asked: "brother, who is this black guy?" Daizong blame rude to him, he refused to accept such Daizong presented to him, he said: "Black Song Jiang could there Shandong timely!" how to think his heart his mouth to how to say, he is a yokel, see what polite people do not know how to entertain the matter and not subject to the constraints etiquette He just has big hair on the Liangshan ravings: "rebellion will be afraid of Zende, Chao Gai would be big brother, the Emperor of Song, Song Jiang Xiao Song emperor, his brother would be killed ... ... to Tokyo, and took away the birds bit." Emperor of Song as large and small Song emperors, etc., there is only said Li Kui was obtained, is highly personalized language. Others such as the heart straight impatient Ruan Xiaoqi Wu with resourcefulness, Song Jiang's humble servant, through their dialogue, as heard and all people, as reflected in its people. Lu Xun once said: "" Water Margin "and" Dream of Red Mansions "in some places, is to make the reader see the people come by the talk." Evaluation】 【industry Tan the "Water Margin" and "Lament", "Zhuang Zi", "Historical Records", "Du," "The West Chamber" collectively, the "Six Talented Scholars." Feng Meng-long of "Water Margin" and "Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West", "Golden Lotus" as the "Four Great Masterpieces." And the "Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West", "Dream of Red Mansions" were out "four famous classical Chinese." 19th century 50's, when the view is held that the "Water Margin" is the description of glorified peasant uprising. This view was all kinds of textbooks, literature, history and the history of fiction held by a mainstream view. 【Number】 characters According to statistics, the Water Margin characters in the book description, there are 577 identified by name (including the main character 108), no surname is known, 8 bit, name unknown, 99, in the book are referred to but did not play 102, a total of 787. Synopsis】 【 Song Zhe, the Tokyo called the children of a dissolute Gao Qiu, who played one foot strike, was King Cheoljong brother Duan fancy, become a confidant of Duan. Later, when the Emperor Duan, and this is Huizong, less than half a year, put the house Shuaifu Gao Qiu Qiu upgrade. Gao Qiu took office the first day not yet reached the coach on the remediation of illness Wang Jin, Wang Jin with his mother forced to flee to Tokyo. Wang came to the village of Huayin historian, was the history into the shelter, thanks to the master. Chase after a tight grip because of the high Qiu, Wang Jin Shi Jin went to Yenan had to bid farewell to the government. King inside, Shi Jin and Shan leaders and make a small friend, Huayin magistrate that matter, framed into the history of fornication bandits, Shi Jin Shi Jia Zhuang burned. After Lu Zhishen away from Mount Wutai, a large phase Temple in Tokyo managed gardens. One day, Lu Zhishen martial arts in the garden, hanging in public uprooted poplar, was accompanied by his wife to see Yue Miao Lin pilgrimage, the two hit it off, sworn brothers. Are happy occasion, the maid to report that his wife was molested. Lin went to Yue Miao, see the son of a dry Gao Gao, Ren Qi had to put him, and bid farewell to Lu Zhishen home. See the beautiful wife of Gao Lin, Lin's wife bent on seeking accounted for. Chevalier minions offered advice to Gao Qiu, lie with the sword into the Baihu Tang Lin, Lin caught, the crime of assassination made with Cangzhou. Buy Gongren Gao Qiu and sent to kill them Yezhu Lin Lin. Lu Zhishen fortunate to have secret protection, Lin was able to escape. To Cangzhou, Gao Qiu also sent minions fire fodder field, Yu Zhi Lin to death. Intolerable Lin, killing henchmen, Liangshanpo defected to the night. Wong Yang went to a pedestrian Nigang, Chao Gai posing as traders and other businessmen date, while the Yang men to buy drinks when the mouth, cast a drugged, drug them faint, stole a birthday Gang. Yang woke up and found that birth classes were robbed, that catastrophe, he went to Green Island Erlongshan done robber. Liang Zhongshu told Caijing Sheng Chen Gang robbery, CAI ordered to arrest the culprits economic state capital. He Tao Yin send economic state capital charge of the case, the investigation is known as the Chao Gai et al, He Tao, Chao Gai bring people to the Yuncheng arrest. Song Jiang is the Chao Gai County Yasi friends to Chao Gai immediately after hearing the news to report. Chao Gai burned his own manor. He Tao defeated, led all defected Liangshanpo. Wu recovered, to find his brother Wu Dalang Farewell Song Jiang. Wu Song killed a tiger when passing Jingyang Gang, was appointed to the infantry Yanggu head magistrate. One day, Wu met his brother in Yanggu county. Wu Dalang very happy, Wu cited the home. See Wu Pan wife looks burly, sudden and devastating evil, deliberately luring by Wu Songshen exclusion. Come to vote Liangshanpo of Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu, when the hotel moved to be ordained Chuang bullying, the two sides are at war, when the move caught. Move to save time, Chao Gai and Song Jiang Fabing 3 times against Happy Lodge, and wipe out the wish Chuang, Chuang Zhu near alliance lijiazhuang, Hu Chuang Liangshanpo have surrendered. Liangshanpo Wal-Mart gone, four heroes have defected. Soon, Li Kui went to Chai Jin Chuang on down, are met Chai Jin received a letter from his uncle, uncles, brothers, said Gao Qiu Yan Tianxi high cheaper Qijiu garden to seize Chai. So Chaijin rushed Gao Tangzhou with Li Kui, see the garden has been taken away, Li Kui row Gaotang Zhou, killing Yantian Xi. Prefect of soldiers on the capture of high-Lian, Chai Jin captured, Chai Jinshu parent had their homes searched. Li Kui fled cottage messenger, Song Jiang Chao Gai led the 22 chieftains that attack Gaotang Zhou, killing the high-Lian, saved Chaijin. Gao Qiu Qiu Zhao Tingpai to Jiaobu, Gao Qiu Hu Yanzhuo attack that Liangshanpo. Hu Yanzhuo played by Song Jiang army defeated and fled to Green Island, went for the attack on Peach Mountain Murong prefect, Erlongshan, White Tiger Hill, the rebels force. Lu Zhishen aggregate three mountain troops, to Liangshanpo help. Three Mountain Rebel Song Jiang led his army to attack the common Qingzhou, Hu Yanzhuo surrender, Murong prefect was killed along with three mountain chieftains defected to the Liangshanpo. Soon, CAI also sent a single-Ting Gui, Wei Dingguo Liangshanpo attack, are being defeated. Song Jiang and Lu Junyi was the first city to join to lead the troops to attack, kill family had five in the back to pay homage to Chao Gai Spirit Mountain. Break followed up a victory for the East level, Fairmont II Prefecture, army triumphant. At this point, Liangshanpo size of the chieftains just 108, the time when Hong Taiwei together let go of the devil by the number. Loyalty Hall crowd gathered, Song Jiang sat first chair, erected the "behalf of Heaven," the Xing Huangqi. Liangshanpo the growth, shocked the government and top to bottom. Qiu Shanbao Huizong sent to the amnesty before the house, took the amnesty edict Li Kui, a tear to pieces. Liangshanpo court also sent Tong Guan attack. Cottage House of Flying Daggers, the two attacks thwarted Tong Guan. Tong Guan fled back to Tokyo, Gao Qiu and dispatch troops to attack Liangshanpo ten Jie Du. Third defeat Gao Qiu Song Jiang and his capture of the mountain, courtesy, to desire toward Tingzhao An Gao Qiu was intended to convey. Gao Qiu to go after Yan Qing Song Jiang also sent to Tokyo, Yan Qing Li Shishi obtained by Huizong even ordered, a few days, before the house up the hill to King Yuan Su Qiu read the edict, Song Jiang led the mountains hero accepted the amnesty, name "Heaven", "protect the country" banner, to Tokyo to accept Huizong review. After receiving amnesty Rebel Liangshanpo are case Liaobing violations, Song Jiang Liao Shou Zhao broken. So army north, capture Tanzhou, back Jizhou, outsmart Bazhou, occupation Youzhou, Bing Wei Yanjing, Liao Lord, confessing his sin to surrender. Song Jiang return after victory to return, in accordance with Huizong will, will still be returned to the counties won the Liao state. 【Information】 Television 【Name】 Chinese Drama: Outlaws of the Marsh (Shandong Edition) 】 【Episode: 40 】 【Year: 1980 【Format】: RMVB 【Language】: Mandarin 【Subtitles】: Chinese Directed by: Chen Min Liu Liu Liu Ziyun 【Cast】: Shou-Jin - Lu Zhishen Zhu Yanping - Wu Dongzi Wu - Li Kui Bao Guoan - Song Jiang Peng Yam Thai - Chao Gai TV series "Water Margin" CCTV Edition forty-three episode TV series "Water Margin" According to the Shinai creation, named Luo Guanzhong adaptation of the same name, Classical Literature. 【Top】 characters Liangshan Tiangang Xing thirty-six: Paul Yi Song Jiang Hu Kuixing days, Tiangang Xing Yu Lu Junyi unicorn, Mastermind Wu used the secret stars, stars into the busy days Gongsun Sheng Yunlong, Guan Sheng Yong Star sword day, Tianxiong Star leopard head Lin, Tin Star Thunderbolt Meng Qin, Tianwei Star Shuangbian Hu Yanzhuo, Days of the British Star Guang Hua-Rong, the day of your whirlwind Chaijin Star, Star-bashing days of carving Tin Fu Li Ying, Tin Man Star Meiran Gong Zhu Tong, Lone Star Monk Lu Zhishen day, day injured stars monk Wu, Tianli Star Shuangqiang Jiang Ping Dong, Yu Jian, Chang Ching-day Jetstar did not, Yang Xing Qing Tian An animal side, God Save the Gold Star gunmen Xu Ning, Super Star Sky cable pioneer, the day Star News Attack Daizong speed, Day ghost FUJIAN AGRICULTURE alien red hair, damn Star Black Tornado Li Kui, MSI patterns in nine days into the history, study days, no masking Star Mu Hong, Star winged tiger Leiheng days back, the day mixed Martial birthday Li Jun, Sword Tai Sui Ruan Xiaoer Star site, the day the fire went so far as child stars Chuan Zhang Heng, Days of short-lived stars Jiro Ruanxiao Wu crime, day loss in the white waves jump Shun-Star, Days lost star Huoyan Luo Ruan Xiaoqi, Tianlao spot Guansuo Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu comet workaholic days, two days of violent star Jennifer snake solution, Tin Star tailed scorpion solution cry Po, Tin Yan Qing Qiao Xing prodigal son. Liangshan to Fiends seventy-two: Wu Zhu Kuixing military advisor to God Machine, in Iron Phoenix Hill Town, yellow letters, SUN Yong scab to Watson, to Jie Xing ugly Junmaxuanzan, Well male star to jail Haosi Wen wood, to Super Star Yum will Hulme, Eye to the British star will Peng Qi, Qi Xing holy water to a single-Ting Gui, To Meng Wei Dingguo Star Lightning will, to let Xiao Wen Star Shengshoushusheng, To face head Peixuan iron is Star, in broad wings of gold star Mo Yun Peng Ou, Spark eyes to whole family Suan Ni Cheng Fei, Xing Jin Mao Huyan to strong cis Jin Yang Lin leopard to Dark Star, Star Lethal Lei Lingzhen axis, To be sub-Chiang Fortune Star King, to Junior Star Swinhoe Lui Fong, REN GUI to Yu Guo Sheng-Star Game, Star of Hope On Road geniuses who all, To purple bearded beast star Peter Huangfu side, to MSI Dwarf Tiger Wang Ying, Yi Zhang Qing Hu San Niang to the comet, to storm Star Sangmen God Bao Xu, To natural star Hunshimowang Fanrui, to wild feather star star Ming, Kong Liang mad star alone to Mars, flying stars, eight arms to charge items that readers, Flying Monkey King to take the Star Li Gun, to Qiao Xing Jin Dajian Yubi Carpenter, Star Iron Flute cents to Ma Lin, ground into the star hole Jiao Tong Wei, To return child star turned mirage Jiang Meng, streamers all over the pole star Jade Meng Kang, Ape arms to then sung Hou Jian, Zhou Xing jump to Tiger Chen Jian Da, To hidden star nosed pit viper YANG, to alien flour Musical Zheng Tianshou, Geographic Star Turtle Taozong Wang, Chun-sing to iron fan Song Qing, Called the sub-iron to music stars and music, to take items Jetstar Gong Wang Fu, Tigers star in the Arrow ground speed Ding Hudson, the town of Star masking Mu Chun, Cao Zheng Ji Xing surgeon to ghosts, real magic nebula King Kong Song million Yao Xing Du moved to touch the sky, to secluded spot Beast Xue Yongxin, To V Star Shi En, to secluded Star Tiger to Li Zhong, To empty Star bully weeks pass, to Lone Star leopard sub-Tang Long, Land faces child Duchenne All-Star, to sing a short-Yuan Lin Long Zou, Long horn to horn star Chow Yun, to ignore laws Zhu Gui dry prisoners sing, To possession of the rich Star Xiaomian Hu Zhu, Star Iron Bibo Caifu horizon, To loss of Star flower CAI, slaves sing persistently urge judge to Li Li, Blue tiger eye to detect star Li Yun, to the evil face of coke did not quite sing, Ugly rock stars to General Shi Yong, a small number of stars in the new Watson Sun, Yin Gu Star Mother to Aunt Beast, vegetable garden to criminal star Zhang Qing, To strong star dominatrix Sun Erniang, to bad flash po stars live the king _set_ VI Star Health Insurance Road to God Yu Paul IV, to consumption of rat Baisheng Star day, When the flea to move the drum falling star, golden dog to the dog section of Star King live. A total of 108.

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第二十回 虔婆醉打唐牛兒 宋江怒殺閻婆惜第二十一回 閻婆大鬧鄆城縣 朱仝義釋宋公明
第二十二回 橫海郡柴進留賓 景陽岡武鬆打虎第二十三回 王婆貪賄說風情 鄆哥不忿鬧茶肆
第   I   [II]   [III]   [IV]   [V]   [VI]   頁

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