正史 三國志 Three Kingdoms   》 吳書·孫破虜討逆傳      陳壽 Chen Shou

《三國志》是晉代陳壽編寫的一部主要記載魏、蜀、吳三國鼎立時期的紀傳體國別史,詳細記載了從魏文帝黃初元年(220)到晉武帝太康元年(280)六十年的歷史。《三國志》全書六十五捲,《魏書》三十捲,《蜀書》十五捲,《吳書》二十捲,共六十五捲。陳壽是晉朝朝臣,晉承魏而得天下,所以《三國志》尊魏為正統。《三國志》為曹操寫了本紀,而《蜀書》和《吳書》則記劉備為《先主傳》,記孫權稱《吳主傳》,均衹有傳,沒有紀。 《三國志》位列中國古代二十四史,與《史記》(司馬遷)、《漢書》(班固)、《後漢書》(范晔、司馬彪)並稱前四史。 《三國志》不僅是一部史學巨著,更是一部文學巨著。陳壽在尊重史實的基礎上,以簡練、優美的語言為我們繪製了一幅幅三國人物肖像圖。人物塑造得非常生動。 作者介紹 陳壽(233-297),字承祚,西晉巴西安漢(今四川南充北)人。他少好學,就有志於史學事業,對於《尚書》《春秋》《史記》《漢書》等史書進行過深入的研究。師事同郡學者譙周,在蜀漢時任觀閣令史。當時,宦官黃皓專權,大臣都麯意附從。陳壽因為不肯屈從黃皓,所以屢遭遣黜。入晉以後,歷任著作郎、治書待御史等職。280年,西晉滅東吳,結束了分裂局面。陳壽當時四十八歲,開始撰寫《三國志》。 陳壽寫《三國志》以前,已出現一些有關魏、吳的史作,如王瀋(?-266)的《魏書》,魚豢的《魏略》,韋昭的《吳書》等。《三國志》中的《魏書》、《吳書》,主要取材於這些史書。蜀政權沒有設置史官,無專人負責搜集材料,編寫蜀史。《蜀書》的材料是由陳壽採集和編次的。 陳壽寫書的時代靠近三國,可資利用的他人成果並不多,加上他是私人著述,沒有條件獲得大量的文獻檔案。閱讀《三國志》時,就會發現陳壽有史料不足的睏難,內容顯得不夠充實。陳壽沒有編寫志,瞭解三國時代的典章制度,衹好藉助於《晉書》。陳壽還著有《益部耆舊傳》、《古國志》等書,整理編輯過《諸葛亮集》,可惜這些書後來都亡佚了。 《三國志》特點與質疑 《三國志》善於敘事,文筆簡潔,剪裁得當,當時就受到贊許。與陳壽同時的夏侯湛寫作《魏書》,看到《三國志》,認為沒有另寫新史的必要,就毀棄了自己的著作。後人更是推崇備至,認為在記載三國歷史的史書中,獨有陳書可以同《史記》、《漢書》相媲美。因此,其他各傢的三國史相繼泯滅無聞,衹有《三國志》一直流傳到現在。南朝人劉勰在《文心雕竜·史傳》篇中講:“魏代三雄,記傳互出,《陽秋》、《魏略》之屬,《江表》、《吳錄》之類,或激抗難徵,或疏闊寡要。唯陳壽《三志》,文質辨洽,荀(勖)、張(華)比之(司馬)遷、(班)固,非妄譽也。”這就是說,那些同類史書不是立論偏激,根據不足;就是文筆疏闊,不得要領。衹有陳壽的作品達到了內容與文字表述的統一。 陳壽畢竟是晉臣,晉是承魏而有天下的。所以,《三國志》便尊曹魏為正統。在《魏書》中為曹操寫了本紀,而《蜀書》和《吳書》則衹有傳,沒有紀。記劉備則為《先主傳》,記孫權則稱《吳主傳》。這是編史書為政治服務的一個例子,也是《三國志》的一個特點。 陳壽雖然名義上尊魏為正統,實際上卻是以魏、蜀、吳三國各自成書,如實地記錄了三國鼎立的局勢,表明了它們各自為政,互不統屬,地位是相同的。就記事的方法來說,《先主傳》和《吳主傳》,也都是年經事緯,與本紀完全相同,衹是不稱紀而已。陳壽這樣處理,是附合當時實際情況的,這足見他的卓識和創見。《三國志》總起來說記事比較簡略,這可能與史料的多少有關。陳壽是三國時人,蜀國滅亡時三十一歲。他所修的《三國志》在當時屬於現代史,很多事是他親身經歷、耳聞目見的,比較真切,按說是有條件搜集史料的。但因為時代近,有許多史料還沒有披露出來;同時,因為恩怨還沒有消除,褒貶很難公允,也給材料的選用和修史帶來了一定的睏難。 從魏、蜀、吳三書比較來看,《蜀書》僅得十五捲,較魏、吳兩書更簡。這大概是魏、吳兩國的史料多於蜀的原故。陳壽寫《三國志》時,魏國已有王瀋的《魏書》,吳國也有韋昭的《吳書》可作參考,這給陳壽搜集史料提供了極大方便。而蜀漢既沒有史官,也沒有現成的史書可藉鑒,搜集史料就非常睏難。陳壽費了很大氣力,連一些零篇殘文也註意搜尋,《蜀書》纔僅得十五捲之數。《蜀書》中的許多重要人物的事跡,記載都十分簡略,可見蜀漢的史料是相當缺乏的。另外,因為政治上的原因,陳壽也可能捨棄了一些材料,如牽涉到司馬懿的一些不光彩的事,不便寫,衹好捨棄了。 《三國志》取材精審。裴鬆之《三國志註》記漢魏交替之際的表奏册詔有20篇之多,陳壽在《三國志·文帝紀》中,衹用一篇173字的册命就把這件大事寫出來。對孫策之死,捨棄《搜神記》等書上的妄誕傳說,衹記孫策為許貢的刺客所擊殺。這些都反映了他對史實認真考訂,慎重選擇的態度。 《三國志》行文簡明、幹淨。它常用簡潔的筆墨,寫出傳神的人物。《先主傳》記曹操與劉備論英雄,當曹操說出:“今天下英雄,唯使君與操耳。本初之徒不足數也”之時,“先主方食,失匕箸”的記載,使劉備韜晦的心情,躍然紙上。 《周瑜魯肅呂蒙傳》記載的曹操聽到劉備占據了荊州之時,“方作書,落筆於地”的情態,生動烘托出劉備在曹操心目中和當時局勢中的地位。書中寫名士的風雅、謀士的方略、武將的威猛,大多着墨不多,卻栩栩如生。 陳壽在書中表現出品題人物的興趣。他說劉備是英雄,曹操是人傑,孫策、孫權是英傑,諸葛亮、周瑜、魯肅是奇才,龐統是高俊,程昱、郭嘉、董昭是奇士,董和、劉巴是令士,和洽、常林是美士,徐邈、鬍質是彥士,王粲、秦宓是纔士,關羽、張飛、程普,黃蓋是虎臣,陳震、董允、薛綜是良臣,張遼、樂進是良將,這都反映了當時的時代風氣。 陳壽所著的《三國志》,與前三史一樣,也是私人修史。他死後,尚書郎範頵上表說:“陳壽作《三國志》,辭多勸誡,朋乎得失,有益風化,雖文豔不若相如,而質直過之,願垂采錄。”由此可見,《三國志》書成之後,就受到了當時人們的好評。陳壽敘事簡略,三書很少重複,記事翔實。在材料的取捨上也十分嚴慎,為歷代史學家所重視。史學界把《史記》《漢書》《後漢書》《三國志》合稱前四史,視為紀傳體史學名著。 陳壽還能在敘事中做到隱諱而不失實錄,揚善而不隱蔽缺點。陳壽所處時代,各種政治關係復雜,歷史與現實問題糾纏在一起,陳壽在用麯折方式反映歷史真實方面下了很大功夫。《三國志》對漢魏關係有所隱諱,但措詞微而不誣,並於別處透露出來一些真實情況。如建安元年(193)漢獻帝遷都許昌,本是曹操企圖挾天子以令諸侯之舉。陳壽在這裏不用明文寫曹操的政治企圖,這是隱諱。但寫遷都而不稱天子,卻說董昭等勸太祖都許,這就是微詞了。另外,他在《荀彧傳》、《董昭傳》和《周瑜魯肅呂蒙傳·評》中都揭露了當時的真實情況。陳壽對蜀漢雖懷故國之情,卻不隱諱劉備、諸葛亮的過失,記下了劉備以私怨殺張裕和諸葛亮錯用馬謖等事。這也是良史之才的一個表現。 但是,唐朝房玄齡等奉詔撰寫的《晉書·陳壽傳》,在承認陳壽“善敘事,有良史之才”的同時,又認為陳壽因為私仇而在書中有所表現。說“丁儀、丁廙有盛名於魏,壽謂其子曰:可覓千斛米見與,當為尊公作佳傳。丁不與之,竟不為立傳。壽父為馬謖參軍,謖為諸葛亮所誅,壽父亦坐被髡,諸葛瞻又輕壽。壽為亮立傳,謂亮將略非長,無應敵之才;言瞻惟工書,名過其實。議者以此少之。” 《晉書·陳壽傳》關於陳壽索米的這條史料,衹有少數幾位史學家如北周的柳虯、唐朝的劉知幾等相信,而多數的史學家則認為這條史料不合事實,是假的。清朝的潘眉在《三國志考證》中指出:“丁儀、丁廙,官不過右刺姦掾及黃門侍郎,外無摧鋒接刃之功,內無升堂廟勝之效,黨於陳思王,冀搖塚嗣,啓釁骨肉,事既不成,刑戮隨之,斯實魏朝罪人,不得立傳明矣。《晉書》謂索米不得不為立傳,此最無識之言。”趙翼在《廿二史札記》中也指出:《晉書》謂“壽父為馬謖參軍,謖為諸葛亮所誅,壽父被髡,故壽為《亮傳》,謂將略非所長。此真無識之論也。亮之不可及處,原不必以用兵見長。觀壽校訂《諸葛集》,表言亮科教嚴明,賞罰必信,無惡不懲,無善不顯,至於吏不容姦,人懷自勵。至今梁、益之民,雖《甘棠》之詠召公,鄭人之歌子産,無以過也。又《亮傳》後評曰:亮之為治也,開誠心,布公道,善無微而不賞,惡無纖而不貶。終於邦域之內,鹹畏而愛之,刑政雖峻而無惡怨者,以其用心平而勸戒明也。其頌孔明可謂獨見其大矣。”由此可見,《晉書》貶陳壽之說,實為不實之詞,不可盡信。 《四庫全書總目提要·三國志》說過一些公道話:“以理而論,(陳)壽之謬萬萬無詞;以勢而論,則鑿齒帝漢順而易,壽欲帝漢逆而難。蓋鑿齒時晉已南渡,其事有類乎蜀,為偏安者爭正統,此孚於當代之論者也;壽則身為晉武之臣,而晉武承魏之統,偽魏是偽晉矣。其能行於當代哉!此猶宋太祖篡立近於魏而北漢、南唐亦近於蜀,故北宋諸儒皆有避而不偽魏;高宗以後,偏安江左近於蜀,而中原魏地全入於金,故南宋諸儒乃紛紛起而帝蜀。此皆當論其世,未可以一格繩也。”看來,從東晉習鑿齒以來掀起的正統之爭,無不具有現實的目的和為當代政權服務的用心,知人論世,知世論史是至關要緊的,沒有永恆不變的正偽標的。 陳壽受後人批評的另一弊病是書中時有麯筆,多所回護。劉知幾在《史通·直書篇》說“當宜、景開基之始,曹、馬構紛之際,或列營渭麯,見屈武侯,或發仗雲臺,取傷成濟,陳壽、王隱鹹杜其口而無言。”批評陳壽和王隱在修史時對當權人物曹操、司馬懿的醜事緘口無言,為之回護。在《三國志·魏書》中確實沒有看到劉知幾所論的內容,對此,清人趙翼在《廿二史札記》捲六中“三國志多回護”寫到: 《春秋》書天王狩於河陽,不言晉侯所召,而以為天子巡狩,既已開掩護之法,然此物為尊者諱也。至於孩父之事,則大書以正之,如許止、趙盾之類,皆一字不肯假藉,所以垂誠,義至嚴也。自陳壽作《魏本紀》多所回護,凡兩朝革易之際,進爵封國,賜劍履,加九錫,以及禪位,有詔有策,竟成一定書法。以後宋、齊、梁、陳諸書悉奉為成式,直以為作史之法固應如是。然壽回護過甚之處,究有未安者。 趙翼在回顧自《春秋》以來即有回護現象的存在,認為陳壽在這方面做得不好。於是趙翼列舉一些例證,如漢獻帝遜位之後,魏封其為山陽公,到他死時,纔追謚為獻帝,陳壽隱去曹王篡漢封山陽公一節,在《魏紀》中衹稱漢獻帝。同樣常道鄉公遜位,為陳留王,到死時纔追謚為元帝,陳壽也為之諱隱掩飾。司馬師廢齊王曹芳,《魏略》是這樣記載的:“(司馬)師遣郭一芝入宮,太後方與帝對弈,芝奏日:‘大將軍欲廢陛下。’帝乃起去,太後不悅。芝曰:‘大將軍意已定,太後但當順旨。’太後曰:‘我欲見大將軍。’芝曰:‘大將軍何可見邪。’太後乃付以璽緩。”是齊王之廢,全出於司馬師之主意,太後全然不知。陳壽《魏書》“反載太後之命,極言齊王無道不孝,以見其當廢,其誣齊王而黨司馬氏亦太甚關。”如此等等。 最為嚴重的麯筆是高貴鄉公被弒之事,據《漢晉春秋》、《魏氏春秋》以及《世語》、《魏末傳》所載是高貴鄉公曹髦見司馬昭跋扈專橫,專權禍國,心不能甘,“發甲兵於凌雲臺,親討司馬昭。司馬昭令賈充拒之,時府兵尚不敢動,賈充即令成倅、成濟曰:‘公蓄養汝等,正為今日。’成濟乃抽戈犯帝,刃出於背而崩。”而陳壽《魏書》但書“高貴鄉公卒,年二十”,絶不見被弒之跡。反載太後之命,言高貴鄉公之當誅,欲以庶人禮葬之。並載昭奏,稱“公卒兵嚮臣,臣即敕將士不得傷害,騎督成倅弟成濟橫人兵陣,傷公,遂至殞命,臣輒收濟付廷尉,結正其罪。”……這樣,趙翼感嘆道:“本紀如此,又無列傳散見其事,此尤麯筆之甚者矣,然此猶曰身仕於晉,不敢不為晉諱也。至曹魏則隔朝之事,何必亦為之諱。”趙翼的責難,尖銳深刻,例證還多,餘如曹操徵陶謙時濫殺無辜,記曹魏對蜀之戰“專以諱敗誇勝為得體”,最後,趙翼認為陳壽不僅牽涉到當權統治者的本紀多回護,而列傳中也多所諱。這樣的回護麯筆,不竟讓趙翼睏惑不解:“豈壽以作史之法必應如是,回護耶?抑壽所據各國之原史本已諱而不書,遂仍其舊,而不復訂正耶?” 陳壽修史中的麯筆、回護的確存在,他顯然是處在曹魏、西晉政權交替過程中的一種避禍方式,作為封建時代的史書,必然會對當權者有所回護,為尊者諱是無法超越的潛在規則。就是趙翼所肯定的秉筆直書的南史、董狐也是經不起推敲的。所謂“趙盾弒君”(《左傳·宣公二年》)也是顛倒黑白,混淆是非的結論。他們立論的理由是趙盾“為正卿,亡不越境,返不計賊”,沒有盡到臣子的責任。 趙翼也為陳壽的麯筆作了歷史考辯,指出:“蓋壽修書在晉時,故於魏、晉革易之處,不得不多所回護。而魏之承漢,與晉之承魏,一也。既欲為晉回護,不得不先為魏回護……,當然,也有可能是陳壽所參考的魏、晉資料原來就是這樣記載,陳壽未作訂正,也不敢妄加篡改的。為陳所處的特定歷史環境,處於改朝換代之際修史者顧忌更多的實際背景,是可以理解的。 毋庸置疑,修史貴真實,不虛美,不隱惡應是史傢必須恪守的準則,麯筆是不足為訓的。應當看到,陳壽除了涉及魏晉易代的敏感問題與當權人物之外,其敘寫仍屬翔實可信的。不必諱言陳壽的麯筆,也不能因此而懷疑《三國志》的信史價值。錢大昕所說:“然吾所以重承祚者,又在乎敘事之可信。蓋史臣載筆,事久則議論易公,世近見聞必確。三國介漢晉之間,首尾相涉,垂及百年,兩史有違失者,往往賴此書正之……予性喜史學,馬班而外,即推此書,以為過於範(曄)、歐陽(修)。”(《三國志辯疑序》) 《三國志》也有其不足之處,不可不註意。在敘事時,除了在某些人的紀和傳中有矛盾之處外,其最大的缺點,就是對曹魏和司馬氏多有回護、溢美之詞,受到了歷代史學家的批評。另外,全書衹有紀和傳,而無志和表,這是一大缺欠。《三國志》成書之後,由於敘事過於簡要,到了南朝宋文帝時,著名史學家裴鬆之便為其作註,又增補了大量材料。 裴鬆之介紹 裴鬆之(372-451),字世期,南朝宋河東聞喜(今山西聞喜)人。裴鬆之士族官僚家庭出身,祖父裴昧官居光祿大夫,父裴圭曾任正員外郎。裴鬆之從小喜愛讀書,8歲時已熟知《論語》《詩經》諸書。後博覽典籍,學識日進。晉孝武帝太元十六年(391),裴鬆之任殿中將軍,時年20歲。晉安帝隆安二年(398),其舅父豫州刺史庾楷聯合兗青二州刺史王恭等攻打建康。兵敗,庾楷投奔夏口的桓玄。庾楷推薦裴鬆之擔任新野太守。裴鬆之考慮風險過大,遲遲不肯動身。不久,軍閥火並,庾楷死於桓玄之手。裴鬆之免去了一場殺身之禍。 義熙初,裴鬆之先後擔任員外散騎侍郎,吳興故鄣縣縣令等職,後升調回朝廷,改任尚書祠部郎。 義熙十二年(416),太尉劉裕(即宋武帝)率軍北伐。裴鬆之時任司州主簿隨軍北行。劉裕十分賞識裴鬆之,贊他有“廟廊之才”,將他轉任治中從事史。晉軍占洛陽後,劉裕委任之為封國世子洗馬。裴鬆之成為劉裕集團中的重要成員。 《三國志》裴鬆之註本 東晉時歷仕零陵內史、國子博士等。入宋後任中書侍郎。宋文帝以陳壽所著《三國志》記事過簡,命他為之作補註。他在《上三國志註表》中說,“臣前被詔,使采三國異同以註陳壽《三國志》。壽書銓敘可觀,事多審正。誠遊覽之苑囿,近世之嘉史。然失在於略,時有所脫漏。臣奉旨尋詳,務在周悉。上搜舊聞,傍摭遺逸。按三國雖歷年不遠,而事關漢、晉。首尾所涉,出入百載。註記紛錯,每多舛互。其壽所不載,事宜存錄者,則罔不畢取以補其闕。或同說一事而辭有乖雜,或出事本異,疑不能判,並皆抄內以備異聞。若乃紕繆顯然,言不附理,則隨違矯正以懲其妄。其時事當否及壽之小失,頗以愚意有所論辯。”所以裴註不僅解釋地理名物等,更主要的在於補充原書記載的遺漏和糾正錯誤。同一事幾傢記述不同的,他都收錄進來,以備參考。對於史事和人物,裴註有所評論;對於陳壽議論的不當,裴註也加以批評。裴註搜羅廣博,引書首尾完整,不加剪裁割裂。為了註釋《三國志》,他收集了三國時期的原始材料達一百五十多種,博引各傢著作的原文,註文字數約超過原文的三倍。據瀋傢本統計,註中引書“經部廿二傢,史部一百四十二傢,子部廿三傢,集部廿三傢,凡二百十傢。”由此許多《三國志》中失載的歷史事實得以保存。裴註中也有運用傳統註釋方法的地方,《四庫全書總目提要》說:“其初意似亦欲如應劭之註《漢書》,考究訓詁,引證故實。……蓋欲為之而未竟,又惜所已成,不欲刪棄,故或詳或略,或有或無,亦頗為例不純。”侯康說:“至於箋註名物,訓釋文義,裴註間而有之而不詳,蓋非其宗旨所存。” 楊翼驤先生在《裴鬆之》一文中將這部分裴註歸納為字音、文義、校勘、名物、地理、典故若幹類。他認為:“作註的目的主要是增廣事實,而這一類的批註不過是附帶的工作”。他註《三國志》的重點是補闕和糾謬。正如他在《上三國志註表》中所說:“壽所不載,事宜存錄者,則罔不畢取以補其闕;或同說一事而辭有乖雜,或出事本異,疑不能判,並皆抄納,以備異聞;若乃紕繆顯然,言不附理,則隨違矯正以懲其忘;其時事當否及壽之小失,頗以愚意有所論辯。”裴註的最大特點,就是廣采博引,極大地豐富了原書的內容。特別是他所引用的原始材料今天大部分已經亡佚,幸而保留在裴註中,因而史料價值就非常珍貴。讀《三國志》時,一定要把裴鬆之的註文當作正文來讀。 裴註為史書註釋開闢了新的廣阔道路。 針對當時史書“疏略寡要”、“時有脫漏”的問題,裴氏將補闕列為第一項,主要補記重要事件與人物。如曹操推行屯田一事,陳壽僅在《武帝紀》和《任峻傳》中用50幾個字略作記載,僅僅說明了“軍國之饒,起於棗祗而成於峻”。而曹操在這一重大决策上有何認識與領導,推行中有何艱辛,推行後有何成效,陳壽則未作評敘。裴註以180字的篇幅闡明了以上問題,將屯田一事作為曹魏定國的重大國策看待,在掌握史事要領這一層面上,裴氏顯然高一籌。又如諸葛亮七擒孟獲一事,反映了蜀漢以“攻心為上”的和戎政策,又是進行北伐前安定後方的重要措施,陳壽一筆帶過,而斐氏補充200多字,其識見亦在陳壽之上。王弼開魏晉玄學之先聲,陳壽僅以23字記之。裴氏引何邵《王弼傳》補其生平與學說,引孫盛《魏氏春秋》反映時人的評斷,引《博物志》介紹傢世,為我國思想史的研究,提供了重要史料依據。馬鈞其人其事,在《方技傳》中了無涉及。裴氏以1200多字補充其生平與重大發明創造,有關指南車、翻車、連弩、發石車以及織綾機的記載,反映了當時的科技生産水平,填補了科技史研究的空白。與重大事件與人物有關的重要文獻亦是補闕的內容,如曹操的《明志令》、《舉賢無拘品行令》、曹丕的《與吳質書》,李密的《陳情表》等,亦由裴註得以傳世。 所謂備異與懲妄,是針對同說一事,而各書記載卻“辭有乖雜,或出事本異,疑不能判”之情況而言的。“並皆抄內、以備異聞”為備異,依本志或引證它書做“隨違矯正”工作,為懲妄。二者往往難以截然分開。如劉備三顧茅一事,《諸葛亮傳》所記情節已人所共知,但魏人魚豢《魏略》和西晉司馬彪《九州春秋》所記則不同,認為是諸葛亮先拜訪劉備。裴氏將兩書記載均抄錄於註中,可為備異;又對其說加以辨析,引《出師表》所說“先帝不以臣卑鄙,蝟自枉屈,三顧臣於草廬之中,咨臣以當世之事”一段,說明“非亮先詣備”這一結論,可謂懲妄。這種備異,懲妄,往往以壽書作為對比對象,再擴及到對其他史書的品評和總結。如在《魏書·文昭甄皇后傳註》中,錄有王沉《魏書》褒美甄後的記載,與壽書截然不同。裴氏依據《春秋》之義,認定《魏書》“崇飾虛文”,並說“推此而言,其稱卞、甄諸後言行之善,皆難以實論”,從而斷定“陳氏刪落,良有以也”。 對陳壽失誤而他書正確處,亦作明確判斷。如《吳書·樓玄傳註》引虞博《江表傳》所載樓玄自殺事,裴氏徑直判斷為“《江表傳》所言,於理為長”。《吳書·諸葛恪傳註》引鬍衝《吳歷》所載,裴氏判斷為“《吳歷》為長”。這種評斷,在論辨一條中有更多體現。論辨包括評史事與評史書兩個方面,評史事者隨處可見,是史傢主體認識的直接表達,因與本論題關係不大,故略而不論,評論史書,則有總結同期史著優劣的史學批評的意義,是本文討論的內容之一。裴氏對《三國志》一書的評論,既有在上表中的全面評價,又有散見於各註中的肯定或批評,是較為全面的;對同期其他史書,則多取零金碎玉式的評點,概括來看,這些評論大致可分為體例安排、敘事描寫兩個方面。 中國史書體例自《春秋》《史記》後,編年體、紀傳體兩體漸趨成熟,儘管仍存在二體優劣的爭論,但其體式已較固定。裴氏較關註的是對現有體例,尤其是做為正史的紀傳體的規範化問題。紀傳體以人物傳記為主,專傳、合傳較好掌握,而類傳如何劃分,則頗不一致。裴氏主張取“事類相從”的原則,他說:“臣鬆之以為列傳之體,以事類相從。張子房青雲之士,誠非陳平之倫。然漢之謀臣,良、平而已。若不共列,則餘無所附,故前史合之,蓋其宜也。”肯定了司馬遷首創“事類相從”的合理性,然後批評陳壽將非為一類的人放在一傳中,有失體例。如賈詡之儔,實屬“算無遺略、經權達變”的奇士,應放在善作籌劃的程昱、郭嘉等人的類傳中,但卻放在了德智兩全有王佐之風的二荀(荀彧、荀攸)之列,裴氏以之“失其類”,“其猶夜光之與蒸燭乎?其照雖均,質則異焉”,本質的異同,應是區分類傳的第一要義。其次,行事相類亦為重要原則。如魚豢《魏略·勇俠傳》不計人物生年而按人物行事將漢末孫賓碩四人編入魏,是依據“其人接魏,事義相類”的原則處理的。對此,如果說魚豢還僅處於一種自發狀態的話,那麽,裴氏提出“事義相類”的原則,便已成為一種自覺的認識了。由實踐升華為理論,再指實踐,正是裴註史學意義在編纂學上的體現。 在敘事描寫上,強調通順合理,反對“語之不通”。註意容貌狀寫,如對荀彧之外貌,以陳壽不稱述為遺憾,特引《典略》、《平原禰稀傳》補充之,既反映了魏晉著文講究人物容止風藻的時代特色,又符合了中國史學講究形象描寫的特色,還體現了裴氏對歷史文學的審美要求,即生動形象的描寫可使史著更具魅力。 晁公武首先涉及裴註的字數:“(裴註)博採群說,分入書中,其多過本書數倍。”(《郡齋讀書志》捲二)在清代武英殿刻本《三國志》中,李竜官等在校刊識語中更為具體地指出“裴鬆之註更三倍於正文”。20世紀70年代初,黃大受據臺北藝文印書館影印的殿本統計,陳壽本書為350833字,裴註為322643字(《三國志及裴註字數統計表》,載《三國志選註》,臺北中正書局,1972年版捲首。轉引自吳金華《三國志叢考》,上海古籍出版社,2000年,第195頁)。王廷洽根據中華書局陳乃乾校點本統計出《三國志》為366657字,裴註為320799字(《略談〈三國志〉與裴註的數量問題》,《古籍整理研究學刊》1985年第3期)。吳金華據百衲本統計,陳壽本書為368039字,裴註為322171字(《三國志校詁附編》,江蘇古籍出版社,1990年)。崔曙庭根據金陵活字本統計,《三國志》為367327宇,裴註為320805字(《〈三國志〉本文確實多於裴註》,《華中師範大學學報》1990年第2期)。如果以上述統計最少的《三國志》與統計最多的裴註字數比較,《三國志》也比裴註多38014字,即便裴註中尚有佚文或混入正文,也不可能達到數倍於本書的文字。張子俠則認為:“《三國志》的版本和流傳的經過極為復雜,既有文字脫漏問題,也有註文混入正文的現象,因而正文與註文孰多孰少不能輕下結論。”(《〈三國志〉裴註研究三題》,《史學史研究》2000年第2期)。 明以前人若王通、劉知幾都譏其繁蕪,葉適至認為“註之所載,皆壽書之棄餘”(文獻通考一九一)。清代學者雖然推崇裴註,但也有人指責他有的應註而不註,有的不應註而註,引書有改字等等(見趙翼陔餘業考六、四庫提要四五及盧文弨的批註)。其實這些都是小缺點,並不能因此掩沒它的長處。裴註引用的魏、晉人著作多至二百十種,著錄在隋書經籍志中的已經不到四分之三,唐、宋以後就十不存一了。而且裴註所引的材料,都首尾完整,儘管說它“繁蕪”,說它“壽之棄餘”,單就保存古代資料這一點說,也是值得重視的。 由於裴註引書具有較高的文獻學價值,因此裴註引書數量和書目的考證成了裴註研究中的一個重要問題,也是分歧最大的問題。錢大昕統計裴註引書“凡百四十餘種,其與史學無涉者不在數內”,所列書名144種(《廿二史考異》捲十五)。趙翼統計裴註引書“凡(百)五十餘種”,所列書名151種,亦為史部類數目(《廿二史札記》捲六)。趙紹祖統計裴註引書“凡一百八十餘種”,另外,引諸經及諸子字書“又四十餘種”(《讀書偶記》捲六)。錢大昭以時代,地理,人物,官製,類書,文章,別集,傢傳,別傳為類,統計裴註引書160餘種(《三國志辨疑》)。瀋傢本將裴註引書“依《隋書 經籍志》之例分為四部:計經部廿傢,史部一百四十二傢,子部廿三傢,集部廿三傢,凡二百十傢”(《三國志註引書目》)。王鐘翰統計“裴氏註記所引諸書名,凡二百四五十種”,並按錢大昭的分類列書名256種(《三國志裴註考證》,載《中國文化研究匯刊》第五捲,1945年)。王祖彝除“諸傢評論與裴氏自註,傅子,袁子,孫盛,習鑿齒等論註以及引古書為詮釋者不計”外,統計“裴註徵引之書凡百五十六種”(《三國志人名錄裴註引用書目》,商務印書館,1956年)。馬念祖統計裴註引書“二百零三種”(《水經註等八種古籍引用書目匯編》,中華書局,1959年)。楊翼驤統計“以裴氏所引書目全部而言,為二百一十餘種;若除去關於詮釋文字及評論方面的,則為一百五十餘種”(《裴鬆之與〈三國志註〉》,《歷史教學》1963年第2期)。高秀英,楊濟安統計裴註引書203種(《三國志人名索引·裴註引書索引》,中華書局,1980年)。陳垣統計裴註“所引書在二百三十種以上”(《三國志註引書目》,載《中國古代史論叢》第七輯,福建人民出版社,1983年10月,第331頁)。王樹民對趙翼的“裴鬆之三國志註”條裴註引書進行了部分考證(《廿二史札記校證》,中華書局,2002年修訂版)。周國林統計裴註引用書目為224種,其中“用於箋釋名物訓詁音義的先秦至東漢中期著作及其為之作註的和文字訓詁方面的著作共四十餘種,用於補闕備異懲妄論辯方面的漢末迄晉著作共一百八十餘種”(《裴鬆之〈三國志註〉引書考》,載《中國歷史文獻研究(一)》,華中師範大學出版社,1986年)。高振鐸統計“裴鬆之註《三國志》共引書二百三十六種”(《裴註〈三國志〉引書考訂--兼評〈廿二史札記校證〉》,《漢中師範學院學報》1993年第3期)。虞萬裏統計裴註引書“二百三十五種”(《〈三國志〉裴註引書新考》,《溫州師院學報》1994年第4期)。伍野春統計裴註引書凡229種,“另有十則未註明出處”(《裴鬆之評傳》,第250頁)。張子俠統計“裴氏共引書二百二十七種”。高敏曾與人合作《〈三國志〉裴註引書考》一文,統計引書達二百四五十種(《〈三國志〉說略》,載《經史說略二十五史說略》,北京燕山出版社,2002年,第87頁)。 《三國志》裴註引用書目 二畫  《九州島春秋》(司馬彪撰)  《九州島記》(荀綽撰。註:此書總名《九州島記》,則分為《冀州記》、《兗州記》等各篇) 三畫  《三輔决錄》(趙岐撰)《三朝錄》  《三國評》(徐衆撰)《山陽公載記》(樂資撰)  《山濤啓事》 四畫  《太康三年地記》  《文士傳》  (註:《曹休傳》註中說是張隱所撰,《荀彧傳》註中說是張衡所撰,《王粲傳》註中說是張騭所撰,待考)  《文章志》(摯虞撰) 《文章敘錄》(荀勖撰)  《孔氏譜》 《孔融集》  《王氏譜》 《王朗傢傳》  《王朗集》 《王弼傳》(何劭撰) 五畫  《世語》=《魏晉世語》(郭頒撰)  《四體書勢》(衛恆撰) 六畫  《江表傳》(虞溥撰) 《交廣記》(王隱撰)  《交廣二州春秋》(王範撰)《先賢行狀》  《汝南先賢傳》 《任嘏別傳》  《列書》《列異傳》  《决疑要註》(摯虞撰)《百官志》  《百官名》 七畫  《吳書》(韋曜撰。註:韋曜本名昭,晉朝史官避司馬昭諱改)  《吳歷》(鬍衝撰) 《吳錄》(張勃撰)  《吳紀》(環某撰) 《吳質別傳》  《序傳》(司馬彪撰)《阮氏譜》  《志林》(虞喜撰)《杜氏新書》 八畫  《辛憲英傳》(夏侯湛撰) 《典略》(魚豢撰)  《邴原別傳》 《明堂論》(蔡邕撰)  《抱樸子》(葛洪撰) 《東阿王辯道論》 九畫  《後漢書》(謝承撰) 《英雄記》  《兗州記》(註:即《九州島記》其中一篇)  《風俗通》(應劭撰) 《鬍氏譜》  《姚信集》 十畫  《晉紀》(幹寶撰) 《晉書》(王隱撰)  《晉書》(幹寶撰) 《晉書》(虞預撰)  《晉諸公贊》(傅暢撰) 《晉陽秋》(孫盛撰)  《晉泰始起居註》 《晉惠帝起居註》(陸機撰)  《益州耆舊傳》 《益部耆舊傳》(陳壽撰)  《益部耆舊雜記》(陳壽撰。註:此書應為《耆舊傳》之附錄)  《高貴鄉公集》 《高士傳》(皇甫謐撰)  《烈女傳》(皇甫謐撰) 《荀氏傢傳》  《荀彧別傳》 《袁氏世紀》  《孫氏譜》 《孫資別傳》  《孫惠別傳》 《馬先生序》(傅玄撰)  《書林》(應璩撰)《神仙傳》(葛洪撰) 十一畫  《陳留耆舊傳》《陳氏譜》  《曹瞞傳》(吳人所撰) 《曹公集》  《曹志別傳》 《庾氏譜》  《郭氏譜》 《崔氏譜》  《陸氏世頌》 《陸氏祠堂像贊》  《陸遜銘》(陸機撰) 《啓蒙註》(顧愷之撰)  《通語》(殷基撰) 《異同雜語》(孫盛撰)  《異同評》(孫盛撰) 《異物志》  《異林》(陸某撰) 十二畫  《華陽國志》(常璩撰)《華佗別傳》  《博物志》(張華撰) 《博物記》  《嵇氏譜》《嵇康傳》  《嵇康集》《程曉別傳》  《費禕別傳》《傅子》(傅玄撰)  《傅鹹集》《張超集》  《逸士傳》(皇甫謐撰)《搜神記》(幹寶撰) 十三畫  《蜀記》(王隱撰) 《蜀本紀》  《蜀世譜》(孫盛撰) 《楚國先賢傳》  《零陵先賢傳》《會稽典錄》  《會稽邵氏傢傳》《虞翻別傳》  《楊都賦註》(庾闡撰)《萬機論》(蔣濟撰) 十四畫  《漢紀》(張璠撰)《漢紀》(袁宏撰)  《漢書》(華嶠撰)《漢魏春秋》(孔衍撰)  《漢晉春秋》(習鑿齒撰) 《漢末名士傳》  《管輅別傳》《趙雲別傳》  《裴氏傢紀》(傅暢撰) 十五畫  《鄭玄別傳》《潘尼別傳》  《潘嶽別傳》《潘嶽集》  《劉氏譜》《劉廙別傳》 十六畫  《冀州記》(註:即《九州島記》其中一篇)  《戰略》(司馬彪撰) 《盧諶別傳》  《諸葛氏譜》 《諸葛亮集》(陳壽次定)  《諸葛恪別傳》 《機雲別傳》  《默記》(張儼撰) 《褒賞令》 十七畫  《襄陽記》(習鑿齒撰)《鍾會母傳》 十八畫  《魏書》(王瀋撰) 《魏略》(魚豢撰)  《魏紀》(殷澹撰) 《魏氏春秋》(孫盛撰)  《魏末傳》 《魏武故事》  《魏名臣奏》 《魏世籍》(孫盛撰)  《魏世譜》 《魏都賦》  《雜記》(孫盛撰)《禮論》 十九畫  《廬江何氏傢傳》 二十畫  《獻帝傳》 《獻帝記》  《獻帝春秋》(袁暐撰) 《獻帝起居註》  《譜敘》(華嶠撰) 二十一畫  《續漢書》(司馬彪撰) 《顧譚傳》 二十四畫  《靈帝紀》(劉艾撰)  上所引書一百五十六種,不包括引用古書以為註釋者。  附錄  1撰人着一書以上者 荀綽:《九州島記》(《兗州記》《冀州記》等) 魚豢:《典略》《魏略》 習鑿齒:《漢晉春秋》《襄陽記》 傅暢:《晉諸公贊》《裴氏傢紀》 傅玄:《馬先生序》《傅子》 華嶠:《漢書》《譜敘》 摯虞:《文章志》《决疑要註》 葛弘:《抱樸子》《神仙傳》 何劭:《王弼傳》《荀粲傳》 陸機:《晉惠帝起居註》《陸遜銘》 王隱:《交廣記》《晉書》《蜀記》 皇甫謐:《高士傳》《烈女傳》《逸士傳》 幹寶:《晉紀》《晉書》《搜神記》 陳壽:《益部耆舊傳》《益部耆舊雜記》《諸葛亮集》 司馬彪:《九州島春秋》《序傳》《戰略》《續漢書》 孫盛:《晉陽秋》《異同雜語》《異同評》《蜀世譜》《魏氏春秋》《魏世籍》《雜記》  2同名著述 張璠《漢紀》、袁宏《漢紀》 幹寶《晉書》、王隱《晉書》、虞預《晉書》 分析與評價 作《後漢書》的范晔和裴鬆之同時,以年齡論,裴比範長二十歲,範死在宋文帝元嘉二二年(445),裴死更比範後六年。兩人雖然生在同一時期,同樣搜集史料,但他們運用史料的方法不同,范晔組織所得的史料編或後漢書,裴鬆之則用來註陳壽的三國志。試取陳壽、范晔兩書中篇目相同的十六篇列傳比較,範書比陳書篇幅增多約一倍,那些多出來的材料,大多是和裴註相同的。 裴註出現後,引來了許多評議,其中有褒有貶。劉知幾說:“少期集註《三國志》,以廣承祚所遺,而喜聚異同,不加刊定,恣其擊難,坐長繁蕪。觀其書成表獻,自比蜜蜂兼采,但甘苦不分,難以味同萍實者矣”。與劉知幾不同,贊譽裴鬆之者多從保存史料方面對裴註給予肯定。侯康說:“陳承祚《三國志》世稱良史,裴註尤博贍可觀。” 紀昀在《四庫全書總目提要》中對裴鬆之註《三國志》的評價:“宋元嘉中,裴鬆之受詔為註,所註雜引諸書,亦時下己意。綜其大致約有六端:一曰引諸傢之論,以辨是非;一曰參諸書之說,以核訛異;一曰傳所有之事,詳其委麯;一曰傳所無之事,補其闕佚;一曰傳所有之人,詳其生平;一曰傳所無之人,附以同類。其中往往嗜奇愛博,頗傷蕪雜。然網羅繁富,凡六朝舊籍今所不傳者,尚一一見其厓略。又多首尾完具,不似酈道元《水經註》、李善《文選註》皆翦裁割裂之文。故考證之傢,取材不竭,轉相引據者,反多於陳壽本書焉。”這個歸納是準確的。但又說:“其初意似亦欲如應劭之註漢書,考究訓詁,引證故實。……欲為之而未竟,又惜所已成,不欲刪棄,故或詳或略,或有或無。”這話毫無證據,衹能認為撰提要者的臆測之辭罷了。關於以往史傢對裴註的評價,楊翼驤先生在前引《裴鬆之》一文中有詳細介紹,可以參看。 以上對於裴註的評價反映了傳統史學批評的特點。評論者大多不能擺脫是與非、優與劣的思維框架。從史學史的角度來看待裴註,更應關註的是,歷來對史書的註釋都是從名物訓詁的角度着眼的,為什麽裴鬆之卻要發明出一種新的註釋方式?劉知幾說裴鬆之“纔短力微,不能自達”, 章學誠也說:“裴鬆之依光於陳壽,非緣附驥,其力不足自存也。”劉知幾、章學誠雖然都是傳統史學批評的大傢,但這些分析卻有失水準,帶有很強的好惡色彩。所謂“不能自達”、“不足自存”,都是要從註釋傢才智缺乏一端求得解釋。 不帶偏見闡釋裴註出現原因的當首推陳寅恪先生。陳氏認為,裴註是受到佛教典籍“合本子註”的影響所致。他在《支愍度學說考》一文中說:“中土佛典譯出既多,往往同本而異譯,於是有編纂‘合本’以資對比者焉。”《比丘大戒二百六十事》(原註:“三部合異二捲。”)雲:說戒者乃曰:僧和集會,未受大戒者出!僧何等作為?衆僧和聚會,悉受無戒!於僧有何事?答:說戒。僧答言:布薩。不來者囑授清淨說!諸人者,當說當來之淨!答言:說淨。陳氏解釋說:“據此,可知本子即母子。上列《比丘大戒二百六十事》中,其大字正文,母也。其夾註小字,子也。蓋取別本之義同文異者,列入小註中。與大字正文互相配擬。即所謂‘以子從母’,‘事類相對’者也。” 在《讀〈洛陽伽藍記〉書後》一文中,他又進一步發揮說:“裴鬆之《三國志註》人所習讀,但皆不知其為合本子註之體。” 周一良先生對陳說持懷疑態度。他在《魏晉南北朝史學著作的幾個問題》一文中說:“裴鬆之、劉孝標、酈道元的註,多為補遺訂誤,而非字句出入,往往連篇纍牘,達千百言。這與同本異譯簡單明了的情況有很大不同”,“恐怕未必與佛傢合本子註傳統有何淵源吧?”。陳寅恪先生的解釋是從史書編撰的的技術性角度入手的,既怎樣編撰更便於讀者閱讀。對此,周一良先生的質疑是有力的。“補遺訂誤”纔是裴註的本質所在,這與合本子註似乎沒有什麽關係。 對陳氏觀點也不乏贊成者。逯耀東先生就接受了合本子註的意見,並在此基礎上,又試圖通過經學與史學的區別來解釋裴註的産生。他的基本思想是,傳統註釋方法與裴註的不同在於一是經註、一是史註。這主要是受到了錢大昭的啓發。錢大昭說:“註史與註經不同,註經以明理為宗。理寓於訓詁,訓詁明而理自見。註史以達事為主,事不明,訓詁雖精無益也。” 逯耀東就此說道:“因此,明理與達事是經註與史註的基本區分。‘達事’是更進一步敘述歷史的真相。” 他又說:“由經註的義理闡釋,轉嚮歷史事實的探討,是經史分途過程中重要轉變的關鍵。”衆所周知,魏晉以後,史學逐漸脫離經學而獨立。以此為背景來解釋經註演變為史註是不錯的,本文也持有同樣的觀點。但是,僅至於此的泛泛之論還是不夠的,因為裴註以後占據主流地位的史註還是經學式的。我們當然不能因此說史學與經學又合流了。 圍繞《三國志》及其裴註,實際上可以提出兩個問題,第一,為什麽《三國志》寫得如此簡略?第二,為什麽裴鬆之要不避繁瑣徵引那樣多的史籍? 有一種意見認為,陳壽所見到的材料有限,所以《三國志》寫得簡略。這種意見有一定道理,因為裴註中所徵引的許多書在陳壽寫《三國志》時確實還沒有問世。但這樣解釋也有問題,因為畢竟還有些書是陳壽有可能見到的。陳壽撰寫《三國志》在西晉太康元年(公元280年)平吳之後。據楊翼驤先生《中國史學史資料編年》所列,在此之前,專記三國歷史的史書如王瀋《魏書》、韋昭《吳書》,魚豢《魏略》、《典略》已經問世。此外,如趙岐的《三輔决錄》、謝承的《後漢書》、王粲的《漢末英雄記》、司馬彪的《九州春秋》等也早已完成。《三國志》的成書年代,史無明文,楊翼驤先生書編於太康六年(285年)下。案語說明道:“考《三國志》捲48《孫皓傳》雲‘皓舉傢西遷,以太康元年三月集於京邑。五年,皓死於洛陽。’此為《三國志》中記事最晚之一條,則陳壽着成全書必在太康五年孫皓死後,故編於本年。”據同書,着有《帝王世紀》、《高士傳》的皇甫謐卒於太康三年(282)。陳壽寫《三國志》時見到皇甫謐書的可能性也是存在的。以上這些書裴註中都徵引了。據《三國志人名索引》附錄《三國志裴註引書索引》,裴註引用《魏書》一百九十條、《魏略》一百七十九條、《典略》四十九條、《吳書》一百一十九條、《三輔决錄》九條、《後漢書》十二條、《英雄記》六十九條、 《九州春秋》二十六條、《帝王世紀》一條、《高士傳》六條。這些材料陳壽應能見到,但他並沒有以此來充實《三國志》,倒是南朝的裴鬆之完成了這個工作。《三國志》21《王粲傳附吳質傳》載文帝與吳質書,近二百字,而裴註詳引《魏略》所載此書,竟多達八百餘字。裴鬆之就此解釋說:“臣鬆之以本傳雖略載太子此書,美辭多被刪落,今故悉取《魏略》所述以備其文。”關於曹魏屯田,據楊翼驤先生統計,《武帝紀》中僅用了“是歲用棗祗、韓浩等議,始興屯田”十三個字來敘述。在《任峻傳》中又用了“是時歲饑旱,軍食不足,羽林監潁川棗祗建置屯田,太祖以峻為典農中郎將。數年中,所在積粟,倉廩皆滿”四十一字。而裴鬆之在《武帝紀》中引用王瀋《魏書》的記載,補充了一百四十七字。由此看來,對《三國志》的簡略不能衹從陳壽所見材料的多寡這個角度來加以解釋,還必須另想辦法。 裴鬆之嫌《三國志》寫得簡略,而這樣的意見在他以前是未曾見過的。《三國志》剛問世時,獲得了一片贊譽聲。《晉書》捲82《陳壽傳》稱:“時人稱其善敘事,有良史之才。夏侯湛時着《魏書》,見壽所作,便壞己書而罷。張華深善之,謂壽曰:‘當以《晉書》相付耳。’其為時所重如此。”本傳又稱:“元康七年,病卒,時年六十五。梁州大中正、尚書郎範頵等上表曰:‘……故治書侍御史陳壽作《三國志》,辭多勸戒,明乎得失,有益風化,雖文豔不若相如,而質直過之。願垂采錄。”東晉時,習鑿齒從正統論的角度對陳壽書以魏為正統的寫法提出異議,在其所着《漢晉春秋》中堅持以以蜀漢為正統。正統問題是政治問題,從學術的角度仍然不見對《三國志》的批評。看來,簡略在晉人眼裏是不成問題的,衹是到南朝裴鬆之才將其視之為缺點。這就提示我們應當從時代學術風氣變化的角度來思考這個問題。 後人補充與考證 在北宋以前,魏、蜀、吳三書是各自成書的。《舊唐書·經籍志》以《魏書》為正史,歸《蜀書》、《吳書》入編年,分類極不科學,然其可證三書,當是時仍是互相獨立的三部。北宋雕板刻書,始合三書為一種。現存最早的刻本是北宋鹹平六年(1003)的國子監刻本。 《三國志》沒有表和志,清代以來不少學者補撰,雖然材料基本上不出原書和裴註,但經過分類排比,眉目清醒,有關地理、職官的表志,尤為有用。這類補表補志絶大多數收在《二十五史補編》和《後漢書三國志補表三十種》。今臚列有關《三國志》的補表補志於下: 萬斯同:《三國大事年表》。 周嘉猷:《三國紀年表》。 謝鐘英:《三國大事表》。 張守常:《三國大事表補正》。 萬斯同:《三國漢季方鎮年表》。 萬斯同:《三國諸王世表》。 萬斯同:《魏國將相大臣年表》。 萬斯同:《魏將相大臣年表》。 萬斯同:《魏方鎮年表》。 萬斯同:《漢將相大臣年表》。 萬斯同:《吳將柏大臣年表》。 黃大華:《三國志三公宰輔年表》。 周明泰:《三國志世係表》。據南宋本《世說新語》所附人名譜,補錄不見於陳壽書中者多人。 陶元珍:《三國志世係表補遺附訂》。 洪飴孫:《三國職官表》。曹魏官製大異於漢,而兩晉南北朝的職官多淵源於此,所以表中凡初建置者皆特著出。此表合職官志與表為一,每官下列前後居此官者姓名,可以考見官職高下和遷轉。 吳增僅、楊守敬:《三國郡縣表附考證》。吳氏訂正洪亮吉《補三國疆域志》,三國分列,按諸帝次序,依州郡縣列為表。楊氏補正。 謝鐘英:《三國疆域表》。列三國最後疆域所包括郡縣名,並註清末今地。 洪亮吉、謝鐘英:《補三國疆域志補註》。洪氏撰,謝氏補註,以三國最後疆域為斷。縣下註城鎮山川等及有關當地故實。 謝鐘英:《三國疆域志疑》。 金兆豐:《校補三國疆域志》。 侯康:《補三國藝文志》。 姚振宗:《三國藝文志》。 陶元珍:《三國食貨志)。 清代楊晨編《三國會要》二十二捲,分十六門。引用正史為正文,裴註等書低格寫。此書與以後朱銘盤所編南朝宋、齊、梁等會要一樣,都不能提供新史料,但可作分類的索引利用。 關於《三國志》的工具書,有哈佛燕京學社所出引得編纂處的《三國志及裴註綜合引得》,中華書局所出高秀芳、楊濟安編的《三國志人名索引》。前者是全面的索引,用處較廣。但編者在選定條目編入引得時,着眼不寬,衹註意習見的人名、地名、官名等,對於某些詞語,尤其是具有時代特徵而較少見的詞語,反未收錄。如“三史”、“人倫”、“人流”、“羌鬍𠔌”、“虜𠔌、“樓夢”、“保官”等,因而不能利用引得排列此類詞語進行研究。又如“中國”、“中州”、“部麯”等條目下所列出處,亦有脫漏。引得約纂處所出其他引得,與本段歷史有關的如《世說新語引得》,亦存在類似問題。 現代最通行的三國志刻本有四種:一、百衲本,據宋紹興、紹熙兩種刻本配合影印;二、清武英殿刻本,據明北監本校刻(鉛印石印各本都據武英殿本翻印);三、金陵活字本,據明南監馮夢禎本校印;四、江南書局刻本,據毛氏汲古閣本校刻。這四種刻本,除百衲本影印外,其餘三種雖然在重刻時還不免增加了一些錯字,但都經過認真校勘,並改正了原本的不少錯誤。我們的校點工作,就用這四種通行本互相勘對,擇善而從。 歷代研究《三國志》及裴註者很多,其中尤以清代人用力最多。自顧炎武、何焯以下約二十余家,都能根據本書前後文互證,並參考它書,對於宋、元以來各種版本相沿未改的錯誤,分別提出意見,或批註書眉,或成為專門著作刊布。民國時,盧弼匯集歷代學者對《三國志》正文和裴註所作的註釋、版本校勘和考證,並將本人的註釋和按語統一編纂為《三國志集解》,可供讀《三國志》時參考。 除各種選註選譯本外,完整翻譯陳壽《三國志》的工作,已經進行了將近四十年的時間。搜羅到了各種《三國志》的今註今譯本共有十二種。有中、韓、日三個語種。中文最早的是中國臺灣學者王靜芝等人的《白話三國志》(臺北河洛出版社,1980年,僅翻譯了“陳志”,有註釋),進入20世紀九十年代後,中國大陸學者陸續推出了下面九種譯本: 1、蘇淵雷主編《三國志今註今譯》(湖南師範大學出版社,1991年,僅翻譯了“陳志”,有註釋) 2、田餘慶、吳樹平主編《三國志今譯》(中州古籍出版社,1991年,僅翻譯了“陳志”,沒有註釋) 3、劉國輝等譯《三國志現代文版》(紅旗出版社,1992年,僅翻譯了“陳志”,沒有註釋) 4、曹文柱等主編《白話三國志》(中央民族學院出版社,1994年,翻譯了“陳志”和少量“裴註”,沒有註釋) 5、戴逸主編《三國志全譯》(貴州人民出版社,1994年,僅翻譯了“陳志”,沒有註釋) 6、杜經國譯《文白對照三國志》(中州古籍出版社,1994年,僅翻譯了“陳志”,沒有註釋) 7、方北辰註譯《三國志註譯》(陝西人民出版社,1995年,僅翻譯了“陳志”,有註釋) 8、上海古籍出版社譯《白話三國志》(上海古籍出版社,1996年,僅翻譯了“陳志”, 沒有註釋) 9、許嘉璐主編《二十四史全譯》(《三國志》分册)(漢語大詞典出版社,2004年,僅翻譯了“陳志”, 沒有註釋)。
吳書·孫破虜討逆傳 吳書 孫堅字文臺,吳郡富春人,蓋孫武之後也。 少為縣吏。年十七,與父共載船至錢唐,會海賊鬍玉等從匏裏上掠取賈人財物,方於岸上分之,行旅皆住,船不敢進。堅謂父曰:"此賊可擊,請討之。"父日:"非爾所圖也。"堅行操刀上岸,以手東西指麾,若分部人兵以羅遮賊狀。賊望見,以為官兵捕之,即委財物散走。堅追,斬得一級以還。父大驚。由是顯聞,府召署假尉。會稽妖賊許昌起於句章,自稱陽明皇帝,與其子韶扇動諸縣,衆以萬數。堅以郡司馬募召精勇,得千餘人,與州郡合討破之。是歲,嘉平元年也。刺史臧旻列上功狀,詔書除堅監瀆丞,數歲徙盱眙丞,又徙下邳丞。 中平元年,黃巾賊師張角起於魏郡。托有神靈,遣八使以善道教化天下,而潛相連結,自稱黃天泰平。三月甲子,三十六(萬)一旦俱發,天下響應,燔燒郡縣,殺害長吏。漢遣車騎將軍皇甫嵩、中郎將朱俊將兵討擊之。俊表請堅為佐軍司馬,鄉裏少年隨在下邳者皆願從。堅又募諸商旅及淮、泗精兵,合千許人,與俊並力奮擊,所嚮無前。汝、潁賊睏迫,走保宛城。堅身當一面,登城先入,衆乃蟻附,遂大破之。俊具以狀聞上,拜堅別部司馬。 邊章、韓遂作亂涼州,中郎將董卓拒討無功。中平三年,遣司空張溫行車騎將軍,西討章等。溫表請堅與參軍事,屯長安。溫以詔書召卓,卓良久乃詣溫。溫責讓卓,卓應對不順。堅時在坐,前耳語謂溫曰:"卓不怖罪而鴟張大語,宜以召不時至,陳軍法斬之。"溫曰:"卓素著威名於隴蜀之間,今日殺之,西行無依。"堅曰:"明公親率王兵,威震天下,何賴於卓?觀卓所言,不假明公,輕上無禮,一罪也。章、遂跋扈經年,當以時進討,而卓雲未可,沮軍疑衆,二罪也。卓受任無功,應召稽留,而軒昂自高,三罪也。古之名將,仗鉞臨衆,未有不斷斬以示威者也。是以穰苴斬莊賈,魏絳戮楊幹。今明公垂意於卓,不即加誅,虧損威刑。於是在矣。"溫不忍發舉,乃曰:"君且還,卓將疑人。"堅因起出。章、遂聞大兵嚮至,黨衆離散,皆乞降。軍還,議者以軍未臨敵,不斷功賞。然聞堅數卓三罪,勸溫斬之,無不嘆息。拜堅議郎。時長沙賊區星自稱將軍,衆萬餘人攻圍城邑,乃以堅為長沙太守。到郡親率將士,施設方略,旬月之間,剋破星等。周朝、郭石亦帥徒衆起於零、桂,與星相應。遂越境尋討,三郡肅然。漢朝錄前後功,封堅為烏程侯。 靈帝崩,卓擅朝政,橫恣京城。諸州郡並興義兵,欲以討卓。堅亦舉兵。荊州刺史王睿素遇堅無禮,堅過殺之。比至南陽,衆數萬人。南陽太守張咨聞軍至,晏然自若。堅以牛酒禮咨,咨明日亦答詣堅。酒酣,長沙主簿入白堅:"前移南陽,而道路不治,軍資不具,請收主簿推問意故。"咨大懼欲去,兵陳四周不得出。有頃,主簿復入白堅:"南陽太守稽停義兵,使賊不時討,請收出案軍法從事。"便牽咨於軍門斬之。郡中震慄,無求不獲。 前到魯陽,與袁術相見。術表堅行破虜將軍,領豫州刺史。遂治兵於魯陽城。當進軍討卓,遣長史公仇稱將兵從事還州督促軍糧。施帳幔於城東門外,祖道送稱,官屬並會。卓遣步騎數萬人逆堅,輕騎數十先到。堅方行酒談笑,敕部麯整頓行陳,無得妄動。後騎漸益,堅徐罷坐,導引入城。乃謂左右曰:"嚮堅所以不即起者,恐兵相蹈藉,諸君不得入耳。"卓兵見堅士衆甚整,不敢攻城,乃引還。堅移屯梁東,大為卓軍所攻,堅與數十騎潰圍而出。堅常著赤罽幘,乃脫幘令親近將祖茂著之。卓騎爭逐茂,故堅從間道得免。茂睏迫,下馬,以幘冠塚閑燒柱,因伏草中。卓騎望見,圍繞數重,定近覺是柱,乃去。堅復相收兵,合戰於陽人,大破卓軍,梟其都督華雄等。是時,或間堅於術,術懷疑,不運軍糧。陽人去魯陽百餘裏,堅夜馳見術,畫地計校,曰:"所以出身不顧,上為國傢討賊,下慰將軍傢門之私仇。堅與卓非有骨肉之怨也,而將軍受譖潤之言,還相嫌疑!"術踧踖,即調發軍糧。堅還屯。卓憚堅猛壯,乃遣將軍李傕等來求和親。令堅列疏子弟任刺史、郡守者,許表用之。堅曰:"卓逆天無道,蕩覆王室。今不夷汝三族,懸示四海,則吾死不瞑目。豈將與乃和親邪?"復進軍大𠔌。拒雒九十裏。卓尋徙都西入關,焚燒雒邑。堅乃前入至雒,修諸陵,平塞卓所發掘。訖,引軍還,住魯陽。 初平三年,術使堅徵荊州,擊劉表。表遣黃祖逆於樊、鄧之間。堅擊破之,追渡漢水,遂圍襄陽,單馬行峴山,為祖軍士所射殺。兄子賁,帥將士衆就術。術復表賁為豫州刺史。 堅四子:策、權、翊、匡。權既稱尊號,謚堅曰武烈皇帝。 策字伯符。堅初興義兵,策將母徙居舒。與周瑜相友,收合士大夫,江、淮間人鹹嚮之。堅薨,還葬麯阿。已乃渡江居江都。 徐州牧陶謙深忌策。策舅吳景,時為丹楊太守,策乃載母徙麯阿,與呂範,孫河俱就景。因緣召募得數百人。興平元年,從袁術。術甚奇之,以堅部麯還策。太傅馬日磾杖節安集關東,在壽春以禮闢策,表拜懷義校尉,術大將喬蕤、張勳皆傾心敬焉。術常嘆曰:"使術有子如孫郎,死復何恨!"策騎士有罪,逃入術營,隱於內廄。策指使人就斬之,訖,詣術謝。術曰:"兵人好叛,當共疾之,何為謝也?"由是軍中益畏憚之。術初許策為九江太守,已而更用丹楊陳紀。後術欲攻徐州,從廬江太守陸康求米三萬斛。康不與,術大怒。策昔曾詣康,康不見,使主簿接之。策常銜恨。術遣策攻康,謂曰:"前錯用陳紀,每恨本意不遂。今若得康,廬江真卿有也。"策攻康,拔之。術復用其故吏劉勳為太守,策益失望。先是,劉繇為揚州刺史,州舊治壽春。 壽春,術已據之,繇乃渡江治麯阿。時吳景尚在丹楊,策從兄賁又為丹揚都尉,繇至,皆迫逐之。景、賁退捨歷陽。繇遣樊能、於麋東屯橫江津,張英屯當利口,以距術。術自用故吏琅邪惠衢為揚州刺史,更以景為督軍中郎將,與賁共將兵擊英等,連年不剋。策乃說術,乞助景等平定江東。術表策為折衝校尉,行殄寇將軍,兵財千餘,騎數十匹,賓客願從者數百人。比至歷陽,衆五六千。策母先自麯阿徙於歷陽,策又徙母阜陵,渡江轉鬥,所嚮皆破。莫敢當其鋒,而軍令整肅,百姓懷之。 策為人,美姿顔,好笑語,性闊達聽受,善於用人。是以士民見者,莫不盡心,樂為致死。劉繇棄軍遁逃,諸郡守皆捐城郭奔走。吳人嚴白虎等衆各萬餘人,處處屯聚。吳景等欲先擊破虎等,乃至會稽。策曰:"虎等群盜,非有大志,此成禽耳。"遂引兵渡浙江,據會稽,屠東冶,乃攻破虎等。盡更置長吏,策自領會稽太守,復以吳景為丹楊太守,以孫賁為豫章太守,分豫章為廬陵郡,以賁弟輔為廬陵太守,丹揚朱治為吳郡太守。彭城張昭、廣陵張紘、秦鬆、陳端等,為謀主。 時袁術僭號,策以書責而絶之。曹公表策為討逆將軍,封為吳侯。後術死,長史楊弘、大將張勳等將其衆欲就策,廬江太守劉勳要擊,悉虜之,收其珍寶以歸。策聞之,偽與勳好盟。勳新得術衆,時豫章上繚宗民萬余家在江東。策勸勳攻取之。勳既行,策輕軍晨夜襲拔廬江,勳衆盡降,勳獨與麾下數百人自歸曹公。是時袁紹方強,而策並江東,曹公力未能逞,且欲撫之。乃以弟女配策小弟匡,又為子章取賁女,皆禮闢策弟權、翊,又命揚州刺史嚴象舉權茂纔。 建安五年,曹公與袁紹相拒於安渡,策陰欲襲許。迎漢帝,密治兵,部署諸將。未發,會為故吳郡太守許貢客所殺。先是,策殺貢,貢小子與客亡匿江邊。策單騎出,卒與客遇,客擊傷策。創甚,請張昭等謂曰:"中國方亂,夫以吳、越之衆,三江之固,足以觀成敗。公等善相吾弟!"呼權佩以印綬,謂曰:"舉江東之衆,决機於兩陳之間,與天下爭衡,卿不如我。舉賢任能,各盡其心,以保江東,我不如卿。"至夜卒,時年二十六。 權稱尊號,追謚策曰長沙桓王,封子紹為吳侯,後改封上虞侯。紹卒,子奉嗣。孫皓時,訛言謂奉當立,誅死。 評曰:孫堅勇摯剛毅,孤微發跡,導溫戮卓,山陵杜塞,有忠壯之烈。策英氣傑濟,猛銳冠世,覽奇取異,志陵中夏。然皆輕佻果躁,隕身緻敗。且割據江東,策之基兆也。而權尊祟未至,子止侯爵,於義儉矣。

"Three Kingdoms" is written in the Jin Shou country a major record biographical history of Wei, Shu and Wu Sanguo Kingdoms period, documented from the beginning of the first year of Huang Wendi (220) to the first year of Emperor Wu Tai (280) six decades. "Three Kingdoms" book sixty five volumes, "Wei" thirty volumes, "Shu Shu" fifteen volumes, "Wu Shu" twenty volumes, a total of sixty five volumes. Shou is the Jin dynasty courtier, Jin Cheng Wei derived from the world, so "Three Kingdoms" respect Wei orthodox. "Three Kingdoms" Cao Cao wrote the discipline, and "Shu Shu" and "Wu Shu" Liu Bei is recorded as "First Lord", remember Sun Quan said, "Master Wu Chuan" are only pass, no discipline. "Three Kingdoms" Twenty-Four Histories ranked in ancient China, and the "Historical Records" (Sima Qian), "Han" (Ban), "Han" (Fan Ye, Phrase) before adding Sishi. "Three Kingdoms" is not only a historical masterpiece, it is a literary masterpiece. Shou basis of respecting historical facts, concise, beautiful language for us to draw a diagram depicting three portraits. Very vivid characterization. About the Author Chen Shou (233-297), the word Chengzuo and Jin Ba Xian Han (now Sichuan Nanchong North) people. He less studious, historians interested in the cause of it, for the "Book" "Spring," "Historical Records" "Han" and conducted in-depth study of the history books. Qiao Zhou Tong Jun scholar teacher thing, when he was in view of Shu Han Court Lingshi. At that time, the eunuch Huang Hao autocratic, ministers are from the song meaning attached. Shou Huang Hao refusal to succumb, so repeated removal dismiss. After Shanxi Province, served Zhuzuo Lang, rule books and other staff to be the censor. 280 years, the West Jinmie Dong Wu, ending a split situation. Shou was 48, started writing "Three Kingdoms." Chen Shou wrote "Three Kingdoms" Previously, there have been some of the Wei, Wu made history, such as the king Shen (? -266) Of "Wei", fish rear of "Wei slightly," Wei Zhao, "Wu book" and so on. "Three Kingdoms" in the "Wei", "Wu Shu", mainly drawn from the history books. Sichuan historian regime is not _set_, no person responsible for collecting the material, write Shu history. "Shu Shu" materials are collected and compiled by the Shou times. Shou writing a book near the Three Kingdoms era, Keziliyong's achievements are not many others, coupled with his private writings, there are no conditions to get a lot of documents and archives. Read the "Three Kingdoms", they will find that there are historical Shou difficulty of insufficient content was not very substantial. Shou did not write blogs, to understand the laws and institutions of the Three Kingdoms era, had the help of "Book of Jin." Shou is also author of "beneficial Department Qijiu Biography", "ancient records" and other books, finishing edited "wise _set_" Unfortunately, these books were later the Lost it. "Three Kingdoms" and questioned Features "Three Kingdoms" good narrative writing is concise, cut properly, then it be applauded. Jaap Cham Chen Shou simultaneously with writing "Wei", see the "Three Kingdoms", that there is no need to write a new history of the other, they destroyed their own writings. Posterity is more highly regarded that in the history of the Three Kingdoms historical records, the exclusive Chen Shu can with the "Historical Records", "Han" comparable. Thus, the history of each of the other three countries have been devoid of obscurity, only the "Three Kingdoms" has been passed down to the present. Southern Liu Xie in "Wenxindiaolong History Biography" chapter stresses: "Dai-three male, remember pass each other out," Yang autumn "," Wei slightly "genus," Jiang, "and" Miss Lu "category , or difficult to levy anti-shock, or widowed to sparse wide. Wei Chen Shou "Three Kingdoms", the text quality contact resolution, Xun (Xu), Zhang (China) than the (Sima) moved, (classes) of solid, non-jump reputation . too, "that is, those that are not historical argument similar extreme, based on inadequate; writing is sparse wide, to no avail. Shou reached only works with text content expressed unity. After all, Chen Shou Jin Chen, Cheng Wei and Jin is there world. Therefore, the "Three Kingdoms" will respect Wei as orthodox. In "Wei" Cao Cao wrote in the discipline, and "Shu Shu" and "Wu Shu" only pass, no discipline. Kee Liu Bei was the "first primary Biography", remember Quan called "Master Wu Chuan." This is an example compiled the history books for politics, but also a feature of the "Three Kingdoms" is. Wei Chen Shou Although nominally respect for the Orthodox, in fact it is the Wei, Shu and Wu Sanguo each book, faithfully recorded the situation of the Three Kingdoms, demonstrated their own way, and do not of command, the status is the same. On the notebook's way of saying, "First Lord" and "Master Wu Chuan," things are also years of latitude, is identical with the discipline, but do not call it discipline. Shou this treatment is Annexed the prevailing circumstances, which shows his sagacity and ingenuity. "Three Kingdoms" Collectively relatively brief notes, which may be related to how much historical data. Shou is the Three Kingdoms who perished when the 31-year-old Shu. Repair his "Three Kingdoms" in modern history was part of a lot of things that he experienced, heard see for oneself, more real, supposedly conditional collect historical data. But since the era of the past, yet there are many historical disclose it; same time, because the scores have not been eliminated, difficult to appraise the fair, but also to the choice of materials and the History brought some difficulties. From the Wei, Shu and Wu book comparison, "Shu Shu" may only fifteen volumes, representing Wei, Wu two books and more simple. This is probably the Wei, Wu Shu between the two countries more than historical exigencies. Chen Shou wrote "Three Kingdoms", the king of Shen Wei has "Wei", Wu Wei Zhao also "Wu book" for reference, which gives Shou collect historical data to provide a great convenience. And Shu neither historian nor can learn from the history books ready to collect historical data is very difficult. Shou took great efforts, even some zero residual paper also note chapter search, "Shu Shu" before the number was only 15 volumes. "Shu Shu" many important figures in deeds, records are very simple, visible Shu historical data is quite lacking. In addition, because of political reasons, Chen might give up some materials, such as Sima Yi involves some shameful thing, inconvenience wrote, had discarded. "Three Kingdoms" drawn fine trial. Pei Song of the Three Kingdoms "," turn of the Han, Wei Kee table books Chao has played as many as 20, Chen Shou in "Three Kingdoms Wen Ji", the only book with a 173-word commands to put this event to write about. On Sun Ce's death, the legendary exaggeration abandon the book "Immortals" and so on, just remember to Xu Gong Sun Ce's assassins kill. These facts are reflected his careful textual research, carefully chosen attitude. "Three Kingdoms" wording concise, clean. It is commonly used simple words, write vivid characters. "First Lord" Cao Cao and Liu Bei Hero remember, when Cao Cao say:. "Today heroic, only sympathizing with the beginning of the parade ear insufficient number of believers also" when "the first main party food, lost dagger chopsticks" records, so Liu Bei Tao dark mood, vivid and colorful. "Zhou Yu Lu Su Meng" records of Cao Cao, Liu Bei occupied hear when Jingzhou, "party for the book, put pen to paper on the ground," the modality, a vivid contrast of Cao Cao, Liu Bei in the minds of the status and situation at the time. The book written celebrities elegance, counselor of the strategy, the mighty generals, mostly scanty, but lifelike. Shou produced interest in the book title character's performance. He said Liu Bei is a hero, Cao Cao is odds, Sun Ce, Sun Quan is Aviva, Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu, Lu Su is a genius, Pang Tong is Gao, Cheng Yu, Guo Jia, Dong Zhao is Sunkist, Dong and Liu Shi Ba is so, cordial, Chang Lin is beautiful with disabilities, Xumiao, quality is Yan Hu Shi, Wang Can, Qin Mi is the only person, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai is brave ministers, Chen Zhen, Dong Yun, Xue consolidated is Yoshiomi , Zhang Liao, Yue Jin is a good will, which reflect the prevailing mood of the times. Chen Shou book "Three Kingdoms", and three history, just as private repair history. After his death, on the table - KING lang Fan said:. ", Speech and more dissuasive, friends almost gains and losses, weathering useful, though not with such brilliant if the text, but the quality is too straight, willing down the Collection," "Shou as" Three Kingdoms Thus, the "Three Kingdoms" after the book is finished, by the time people praise. Chen Shou brief narrative, three books rarely repeated notes informative. On the choice of materials is also very Yan Shen, is valued by ancient historians. Historians of the "Historical Records" "Han" "Han" "Three Kingdoms" collectively before Sishi deemed biographical history classics. Shou also be taboo in the narrative without losing memoir, promote good without hidden defects. Chen Shou of the times, a variety of complex political relations, history and reality intertwined, Chen Shou in the tortuous way reflect the historical truth with respect a great effort. "Three Kingdoms" of the Han, Wei somewhat taboo relationship, but not framed the wording slightly and elsewhere revealed some of the true situation. As first year of Jian (193) Han emperor moved the capital to Xuchang, Cao Cao attempt the Emperor to the princes of the move. Shou here without express written Cao Cao's political ambitions, which is taboo. But instead of writing known as the emperor moved the capital, said Dong Xu Chao, etc. are advised Dynasty, which is critical of it. In addition, his "Xun Yu Chuan", "Dong Zhao Chuan" and "Zhou Yu Lu Su Meng Chuan assessment" are revealed at the time of the real situation. Although Chen Shou Shu Wai homeland for love, not conceal Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang's fault, note to Siyuan Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang kill Changyu and other things wrong with Ma Su. It is also a good history of performance talents. However, Tang Feng Zhao wrote FangXuanLing such as "Book of Jin Chen Shou Chuan" in recognizing Shou "good narrative, there are only good history," the same time, because of personal enmity think Shou be seen in the book. Said, "Ding Yi, Ding Wei-yi had known in Shou claims that Confucius said: Gok may find thousands of meters to see and, when respect for the public to make good pass D is not associated, not here as a parent biography Shou Ma Su army. , Su is wise that punish, life is bald father also sat, Zhuge Zhan Ting Ting is bright and light biography, that light will be slightly non-long, no enemy should only;. looking statement except work book, Mingguoqishi seconder less of this. " "Book of Jin Chen Shou Chuan" on Shou Somy of this historical data, only a handful of historians such as Zhou Liu Qiu, Liu Zhi Tang few to believe that, while most historians think this substandard historical facts, is false. Pan Qing Mei in "Three Kingdoms research" pointed out: "Ding Yi, Ding-yi, the official auxiliary raped and stabbed but Huangmenshilang the right, without destroying the outer edge of the front access power, the effect is no shengtang Temple wins, the party in Wang Chen Si, Si Ji shake mound, instigated by flesh and blood, is neither a matter, the Death followed, Adams WeiChao real sinners shall carry out a biography. "Book of Jin" that Somy had to pass legislation, the most non- . know the words, "Zhao Yi in" 22 History Notes, "also pointed out:" Book of Jin "that" life father to join the army Ma Su, Zhuge Liang Su is the punish, life father was bald, so Shou "bright Biography", that will be slightly non-director This is also true no matter insight. lit and non-place, the original does not have to use military force known. outlook revision Shou "Zhuge _set_" strict science table made bright, reward and punishment will believe, no evil without punishment, no good is not significant, as officials can not be raped, who conceived and self-motivation. has beams benefit of the people, though, "Kom Tong Hall" Ode to call the public's Zheng who Utako production, no to over too. has "bright Biography" said the assessment : Bright is the rule also open sincerity, justice cloth, micro without reward good nor evil without lint finally banished the domain of the state, salty fear and love, although severe punishment without the evil government who complain to. flat and admonish their intentions clear also. their independence Chung Ming described as reflected in its big men. "Thus, the" Book of Jin "derogatory Shou said, in fact, untruths, can not believe everything. "Sikuquanshuzongmu Feed · Three Kingdoms" made some fair words: "Daniel is concerned, Samuel (Chan) Shou's absolutely no words; in terms of potential, the chisel tooth they pass along the Han emperor, Emperor Han Shou want When the cover is difficult to reverse and chisel tooth Jin has been crossed, being to have Leihu Shu, to compete for the breeding ground orthodoxy, this contemporary of Corfu commentators also;. Shou Wu Jin then as minister, and 晉武承 Wei's system, pseudo- Jin Wei is a pseudo-contemporary holy men can do this it still brought in close to usurp State and Northern Wei Han, also near the Southern Tang Shu, the Northern Song Dynasty Zhu Ru Wei Jie shy away from pseudo;.! Emperor later, Sung Jiang Sakon at Shu, Wei and the Central Plains into the ground at full gold, it has been one after another from the Southern Song Dynasty and Emperor Zhu Ru Shu. euphemistically as on their world, not be a 格繩 also. "It seems that since the Eastern Jin Xi Zao Bi off Orthodox dispute, all with realistic goals and intentions of contemporary political power service, Reflection of Life, Tomoyo on history is crucial matters, there is no eternal being pseudo targets. Another criticism of the shortcomings of Shou by posterity is the book when writing technique, more than back protection. Liu Zhiji the "General History Straight book chapter," said, "When appropriate, King open base beginning, Cao, Ma constitutive numerous occasion, Wei Qu camps or columns, see Qu Wuhou, or battle head hair, take hurt into the economy, Chen, Wang Yin Du its mouth and salty silent. "Shou and Wang implicit criticism in the repair history of the people in power, Cao Cao, Sima Yi scandal mollified silent, whom back protection. In "Three Kingdoms Wei" in Liu Zhi did not see the contents of several theory, which, Qing Zhao Yi in the "22 history notes," Juan Liu in "Three Kingdoms more back protection" wrote: "Spring" book hunting in hayang King, the church does not speak marquises, and that the emperor Hunting, Now that open the cover of the law, then this thing is Conceal too. As the father of the child thing, the big book of positive, as promised ended, Dun and the like, all under the guise of the word refused, so the vertical honest, strict justice to it. Since Chen Shou as "Wei Ji" more than back protection, where the two Koreas leather is easy on the occasion, Feng Jin Jue, thanks to the sword and footwear, plus Jiuxi, as well as Christianity and Islam, there Youzhao policy, it became certain calligraphy. After the Song, Qi, Liang and Chen Zhu Shu noted regarded as a type, straight solid method for history that should be the case. Ran Kotobuki back very protective over the place, those studies have not installed. Zhao Yi in retrospect since the "Spring" since that is the existence of the phenomenon back to protect that Shou doing a good job in this regard. So Zhao Yi cite some examples, such as the Han emperor to abdicate after Wei closure as Sanyo public, when he died, only to chase the posthumous title of Emperor Xian, Chen faded king usurped the Han Cao Feng Sanyo public section, in "Wei Ji "Only Emperor Xian of Han said. Similarly Road Township public often abdicate, as Liu Wang, only to chase the posthumous title of Emperor died, Chen Shou whom also conceal hidden taboo. Sima Shi Qi Wang Caofang waste, "Wei slightly" is recorded: "(Sima) division sent Guo Yizhi palace, the queen side and the emperor chess, played Chi Day: 'big generals want to waste your majesty.' Emperor is starting to go, the Queen Mother . displeasure Chi said: 'great generals have purposed, but shun the queen purpose.' Queen Mother said: 'I Yuxian Great General. "Chi said:' Great General Ho visible evil 'Empress Xi are slow to pay." is the king of the waste, the division of the whole idea for Sima, completely unaware of the Queen Mother. Chen Shou "Wei" "anti contained Empress of life, the king made a very filial no way to reflected when the waste, which framed the king and the party Sima has too much off." And so on. The most serious writing technique is Gaoguixianggong be killing things, according to the "Han Jin Chunqiu", "Westergren Spring" and "World language", "end of Wei Chuan" contained a Gaoguixianggong Cao Mao see Sima Zhao bossy bossy, autocratic entire country, the heart can not be sweet, "hair hoplite in Lingyun units, pro discuss Sima Zhao Sima Zhao Jia Chong exclusion order, not daring to move when Fu Bing, and even if a Zu Jia Chong, Cheng Ji said: 'Public keeper Ru etc., are to this day. 'are pumping into the economy Ge guilty emperor, while chipping back out. "And Shou" Wei "But the book" Gaoguixianggong died, twenty, "never see the track was killing. Anti-contained life of the Queen Mother, the words Gaoguixianggong of when to punish, trying to commoners ritual burial. And contains Zhao played, saying "Gongcu soldiers to the minister, the minister Jichi soldiers can not hurt, riding a Franciscan brother Doc cross into Zu person pawn, hurt the public, Suizhi die, Chen Ji Fu Tingwei Noir received, being its junction sin, "...... so, Zhao Yi exclaimed:" The discipline of this, nor biographies scattered reflected things worse this writing technique, especially the men, then this body still said Shi Yu Jin, Jin dare not taboo also. Wei then across the North to the matter, why is also taboo. "Zhao Yi censure, incisive, illustration has more than killing innocent people, such as when Cao Cao Zheng Tao Qian, remember Shu Wei of war" designed to defeat boast taboo Sheng is decent, "and finally, Zhao Yi Shou considered involves not only the rulers in power back to protect the multi-discipline, but also biographies of more than taboo. Such protection Qubi back, do not actually let Zhao Yi puzzled: "How can the history of Shou for law must be so, yeah guard back as far as aboriginal nations Shou suppression of the book was not taboo, then still it? Old, but not re-revised yeah? " Shou repair history of writing technique, back care does exist, he is clearly in the Wei and Jin regime change during a Bihuo way, as the history books of the feudal era, is bound to have back in power protection, respect for who are potential rules taboo unsurpassable. Zhao Yi Ping affirmed that the book Appreciative straight, Dong Hu also not withstand scrutiny. The so-called "Dun Regicide" ("Zuo Venerable years") is also wrong, confusing right and wrong conclusions. Dun argument is the reason they are "as Zheng Qing, death is not cross-border, back Excluding Thieves", failed in its obligations courtiers. Zhao Yi Shou's writing technique also made historical textual research, said: "When the book cover Shou Jin Xiu, so in the Wei, Jin leather easy to place, had to return more than the care and Cheng Wei Han and Jin Cheng. Wei, one also. both Jin prefer to give back to nursing, care had to be back for the ANC ...... and, of course, there may be referenced Shou Wei, Jin is so original data records, Chen Shou have not been revised, but also not improper tampering. Chen for specific historical circumstances in which, in the change of sovereignty repair history scruples more practical context, it is understandable. Needless to say, your repair history is true, not false beauty, hidden evil should not have to abide by the guidelines historian, writing technique is the lack of training. It should be noted, Chen Wei and Jin Yi addition to involving sensitive issues on behalf of the people in power, which narrates still informative and credible. There is no denying Chen Shou's writing technique, it can not therefore doubt the "Three Kingdoms" the messenger value. Qian Daxin said: "So then I re-Chengzuo and the person who cares about the credibility of the narrative _set_ pen cap Shi Chen, it is easy for a long time the public debate, the world will indeed nearly knowledge among the three referral Han and Jin, both phases. involved, vertical and centuries, two against the loss of history who often rely on book Masayuki ...... I likes history, Marban out, that pushed the book, that too Fan (Ye), Ouyang (repair). "(" Three Kingdoms suspect defense order ") "Three Kingdoms" has its shortcomings, we should never overlook. In the narrative, in addition to contradictions in some people's discipline and pass, but its biggest drawback is that of Wei and Sima's more than a back care, praise, criticism by the ancient historians. In addition, the book only discipline and pass without signs and table, which is a big shortcomings. After the "Three Kingdoms" into a book, because the narrative is too brief, to the Southern Song Wendi, the famous historian Pei Song will make its note, and the addition of a large amount of material. Pei Song Introduction Pei Song (372-451), the word of the world, the Southern Song Dong wenxi (now Shanxi Wenxi) people. Pei Song Nobles bureaucratic family background, his grandfather Pei Mei Guan Ju guanglu doctor, father was a positive Yuanwai Kyu Bae. Pei Song childhood love reading, 8 years old are already familiar with "The Analects", "Book of Songs" Zhu Shu. After the Expo classics, knowledge Nisshin.晉孝武 Emperor UDL sixteen years (391), Ren Pei Song generals house, when he was 20 years old. Jin Andi Longan years (398), whose uncle Henan provincial governor Yu Kai Yan Qing two joint provincial governor Wang Gong and other attack our health. Defeat, Yu Kai defected summer Huanxuan mouth. Yu Kai Bae Song's recommendation as the new prefect of the wild. Consider the risk too Pei Song, has been reluctant to leave. Soon, warlords fights, Yu Kai died Huanxuan hands. Pei Song eliminates a fatal disaster. Yoshihiro early, Pei Song served as assistant minister members outside Sanji, so Zhang Wuxing County magistrate and other staff, transferred back to the court after the rise, he was named Book of Cibu Lang. Yoshihiro years (416), Qiu Liu Yu (ie Song Wudi) army expedition. When any of Pei Song State Secretary army northbound main book. Liu Yu Pei Song is very appreciated, like he had "Temple Gallery talented", he transferred governance engaged in history. After accounting for Luoyang Jin, Liu Yu Feng appointed as heir Seba. Liu Yu Pei Song became an important member of the group. "Three Kingdoms" Pei Song Note the When in the history of the Eastern Jin Li Shi Lingling, Ph.D. and other countries son. He served as assistant minister in the book into a song. Emperor Wen to Shou book "Three Kingdoms" notebook over Jane, whom he ordered to make sidebar. In his "On the Three Kingdoms table," said, "the former minister were recalled, so picking the three similarities and differences to note Shou" Three Kingdoms. "Shou book Civil Service impressive, something more trial Yuanyou positive. Cheng tours, Kerry the History of. However, that loss slightly, while some lacuna. minister seeking details for granted, it should be noted that in the week. old news search on the left near Picks Yat Press the three calendar years, although not far, but a matter of Han, Jin. both involved, out of one hundred carrier. divergent wrong note, every Unfortunate mutual. its life are not _set_, keep record matters who is useless without its graduates take to fill Que., or resign with the issue say there are good hybrid, or an accident of the differences, the suspect can not be judgment and are copied to prepare different smell inside if are bing Obviously, the words are not attached to science, then corrected to punish offenders with their jump. their affairs whether and when Ting small loss, rather to some debate Yu Yi. "So Pei Note not only explains the geographical names, etc., but the main thing is to supplement the original book records omission and correct the error. Several different account of the same thing, he included in, for future reference. For historical events and figures, Pei note some comments; improper arguments for Shou, Pei Note also criticized. Annotations search 羅廣博 complete cit both, without tailoring fragmented. To comment, "Three Kingdoms", he collected the raw material of the Three Kingdoms period more than one hundred fifty kinds, Bo cited various original works, note the number of words about more than three times the original. According to Shen the statistics cited in the note book "22 by the Ministry of Home, Ministry of one hundred forty-two history, subsections Niansan home, _set_ department Niansan home, where two hundred and ten." Thus many of the "Three Kingdoms" in the loss of load The historical facts are preserved. Annotations are also in the use of traditional methods of annotation place, "Sikuquanshuzongmu Summary" said: "If its initial meaning like Yiyu Ying Shao's Note" Han ", elegant exegesis, citing it real ...... prefer to give the cover. . without actually, and unfortunately that has become, do not want to _delete_ abandoned, or detailed or slightly so, with or without, quite dramatically for example impure "Hou Kang said:" As Annotations name among objects, Explanation context, and Annotations And there is the unknown, cover non-deposit of its purposes. "Mr. Yang Yixiang in" these Pei Song, "a paper note summarized as part Pei pronunciation, context, collation, name objects, geography, allusions to certain classes. He said: "The main purpose is to make note of augmented reality, and this kind of endorsement, but is incidental work." He noted, "Three Kingdoms" is focused Buque and correcting erroneous. As in his "Notes on the Three Kingdoms table" and said: "life are not _set_, keep record matters who is useless without its graduates take to fill Que; or resign with the issue say there are good hybrid, or an accident of the differences, the suspect can not be sentenced, and are copied Carolina, to prepare different smell; if were bing Clearly, words do not attach rationale, then with the correction to punish their violation forget; their affairs whether and when Ting small loss, rather to Yu Yi has been debate. " Annotations biggest feature is widely adopted Bo cited, greatly enriched the content of the original book. In particular, he cited the raw material today has been largely Wang Yi, fortunately retained in PEI note, which is very precious historical value. Read "Three Kingdoms", we must take note Pei Song of the text as a text to be read. Annotations for the history books has opened up vast new comment roads. For historical question was "neglect of widowed should", "There is lacuna when" the Pei will Buque as the first item, make note of important events and major figures. As Cao Cao implementation Mita issue, Chen Shou only in the "Wu Ji" and "Ren Jun Biography" using 50 words slightly records, only shows the "RAO Jun country, starting in the date made only in steep." And what Cao understanding on this important decision-making and leadership, the implementation of what hardships, what results after the implementation, Chen will not make comment Syria. Annotations to 180 words in length to clarify the above problems, the issue will Mita Cao Wei Dingguo as a major national policy to look at the history of things to grasp the essentials of this level, Pei apparently more astute. Another example is the issue of Zhuge Liang seven escapement, Shu reflects the "hearts and minds" and Rong policy, but also an important measure to stabilize the rear of the former Northern Expedition was conducted Shou a passing, while Fiji's complement of more than 200 words, which is also in insight Chen Shou above. School of Metaphysics harbinger Wangbi open, Shou record of only 23 words. He cited Pei Shao, "Wang Bi Biography" fill his life with the doctrine, cited Sun Sheng "Westergren Spring" is reflected in human judgment, cited "Natural History" describes family background for the study of the history of ideas, provides an important historical basis. Ma Jun and his deeds in the "technical side Biography" in the non-involved. Pei supplemented with more than 1,200 words of his life with great inventions, the relevant guidelines car overturned, Liannu, hair weave intricate stone cars and documented machine, reflected the technological level of production, to fill the gaps in the history of science research. Important documents and important events related to the character is also a content Buque, such as Cao Cao's "Ming-order", "the virtuous no arrests conduct order" Pi "and Wu", Li Mi's "Statement", etc., are also Annotations can be handed down by the. The so-called differences with the Correctional prepared to jump, saying the issue is for the same, and each was recorded in the book "speech has behaved hybrid, or an accident of the differences, the suspect can not be sentenced to" the circumstances of. "And are copied inside to prepare different smell" as available vary, blog or cited under this book to do it "with illegal correction" work for the Correctional jump. Often difficult to completely separate the two. If Liu Bei three Gu Mao issue, "Kingdoms" written plot has known, but Wei Huan Mermaid "Wei slightly" and the Western Jin Phrase "Kyushu Spring" is written is different, that is the first visit of Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang. The two books were documented Pei reproduced in the Note, for the preparation vary; has its say to discrimination, citing "Inst" said "late emperor not to Chen dirty, hedgehog bent from the vain, among the three Gu Chen Yu Caolu , when the world's consultative Chen Yi matter "paragraph, that" non-Leong Yi prepared "this conclusion, indeed Correctional jump. This equipment differences, Correctional jump, often Shou book as a comparison object, and then extended to other historical tasting and summary. As in "Wei Zhen Fumiaki Queen mass injection", the record documented praise beauty after Wang Shen Zhen, "Wei", and Sau book different. Pei based on "Spring" of justice, finds "Wei" "Chong decorated dummy text" and that "push this purpose, it said Bian, the good deeds of the Zhen Zhu, are difficult to implement theory", which concluded that "Chen _delete_ down, good to have. " Shou mistake on his book right place, but also for a clear judgment. Such as "Xuan Chuan Wu Shu F. Note" cited Yu Bo "Jiang table Biography" contained floor mysterious suicide thing, Pei straight judged "" Jiang table Biography "said, to reason as long." "Wu Shu Zhuge Ke Chuan Note" cited Hu Chong "Wu Li" contained Pei judged "" Wu Li "is long." This judgment, there is more reflected in one of the Debate. Debate including the assessment and evaluation of historical events both historical commentary by historical events everywhere, is a direct expression of the main historians know, because little to do with the topic, whether it is a little while, reviews the history books, you have summed up the same period in the history book the significance of the merits of historical criticism, is one of the elements discussed in this article. Pei reviews for "Three Kingdoms," a book, both on a comprehensive evaluation of the table, but also scattered in the affirmative each note or criticism, is more comprehensive; against other historical year, then take on more zero gold Suiyu style commentary, summarized, these comments can be divided into style arrangement, narrative description of two ways. Chinese historical style since the "Spring", "Historical Records", chronological, biographical two-body matures, although there is still debate the merits of the second body, but its style is relatively fixed. Pei is more concerned about the existing style, especially as the official history of the biographical standardization problems. Biographical biography mainly to specifically pass, pass better grasp together, and how to divide the class pass, then quite inconsistent. Pei advocated taking "what kind phase from the" principle, he said:. "Chen Song of that body biographies of to what kind phase from Zhang ovary Albatron disabilities, sincere non Chen Ping Lun contingent Han policy makers, good, flat only . unless of columns, I no attaching, so the former history together, it should also cover. "affirmed the Sima Qian's first" class with something from "rationality, then criticize Chen Shou will not for a class of people put In a biography, beneath style. If Jia Xu's companion, it is "considered exhaustive slightly, by right of change" Sunkist, should be placed on good planning Cheng Yu, Guo Jia, who pass the class, but on the morality and intelligence co-existence has Second Xun (Xun Yu, Xun) of the wind out of Zuo, Pei to the "missing class", "it still luminous with steam candle of peace? its shine though both qualitative Yan is different," the essence of the similarities and differences, should be the first prerequisite zone classification pass. Secondly, the act is also an important principle similar. Such as fish rear, "Wei Yong Xia Chuan slightly," without taking into account the character and date of birth will act according to figures of four late Han Shuo Sun Bin incorporated into the ANC, is based on "the man pick Wei, meaning something similar," the principle of treatment. In this regard, if the fish still only in the rear of a spontaneous state, then, put forward the principle of Pei "meaning something similar", and has become part of a conscious awareness. From the practice of the theory of sublimation, and then refers to the practice, historians note the significance Pei is reflected in the compilation of school. In the narrative description, emphasizing the smooth and reasonable opposition to "the language barrier." Note that looks like writing, such as the appearance of Xunyu to Shou not name called regret, special cited "slightly Code", "plain Mi dilute Biography" supplement, not only reflects the character Rong Zhi Wei and Jin-Wen attention to the era of wind sp characteristics, but also with the Chinese historians pay attention to the description of the characteristics of the image, but also reflects the history of literature Pei aesthetic requirement that vividly depict the history book can be more attractive. Chao Gongwu first involves Annotations words: "(Pei Note) CASINO group that points into the book, which several times more than the book." ("Jun Zhai Zhi reading" Volume II) in the Qing Wu Ying edition " Three Kingdoms ", the Li Longguan and other knowledge in the magazine more specifically the phrase that" s Annotations more times in the text. " The early 1970s, Huang greatly according to the Taipei Arts Printing House photocopying Dian edition statistics, Chen book is 350,833 words, PEI injection of 322,643 words ("Three Kingdoms and Pei Note tables words", in "Three Kingdoms _Select_ion Notes" Taipei CKS Bookstore, 1972 edition frontispiece. cited Wu Jinhua "Textual Three Kingdoms", Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2000, pp. 195). Julien contact our statistics based on Zhonghua Nai cadre point "Three Kingdoms" is 366,657 words, PEI injection of 320,799 words ("a little talk about the number of questions <Three Kingdoms> with Annotations", "Textual Research Journal" 1985 Section 3) . According to statistics Baina Ben Wu Jinhua, Chen Shou book is 368,039 words, PEI injection of 322,171 words ("Three Kingdoms school attached compiled Gu", Jiangsu Ancient Books Publishing House, 1990). Cuishu Ting Jinling type according to the statistics, "Three Kingdoms" is a 367,327-yu, PEI injection of 320,805 words ("<Three Kingdoms> This article does more than Pei note", "Central China Normal University" 1990 Section 2). If the above statistics minimal "Three Kingdoms" compared with the statistics most Annotations words, "Three Kingdoms" Annotations and more than 38,014 words, even if there Pei Lost or mixed note in the text, it is impossible to reach several times in the book text.張子俠 believes: "" Three Kingdoms "editions and spread through extremely complex, both text lacuna problem, there are note paper mixed with the body and, therefore, the text and note paper what more than what little can not light a conclusion" ("<Three Kingdoms> Pei. Three Issues Research Note "," historical research History "2000 2). If a man before Wang Tong Ming, Liu Zhiji have ridiculed their Fan Wu, Ye Shi to think "contained in the note, are the book's abandoned Shou Yu" (Book of General one hundred ninety-one). Although respected Pei Qing scholars note, but it was not accusing him of some note should note, some should note and note, cited book has changed the word, and so (see Zhao Yi Gai I consider six industries, Siku feeds four five and Wenchao annotations). In fact, these are small shortcomings, and can not thus masking its strengths. Annotations quoted Wei, Jin works up to two hundred and ten kinds of people, a record in Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi has been less than three-fourths of the Tang and Song later on one of the ten does not exist. And the material cited Annotations are both complete, although it was "Fan Wu", saying "life's abandoned I" alone save ancient sources say it is worthy of attention. Since PEI has a high note cited philology book value, and therefore the number of books and Pei note cited bibliography of research into the study Annotations is an important issue, but also the most divisive issue. Qian Daxin statistics Pei note cited book "Fanbai four dozen, not involved with the historian who does not count the" title listed 144 kinds ("22 Sculley differences" Volume 15). Zhao Yi Pei note cited statistics book "Where the (one hundred) more than fifty species", the title listed 151 kinds, also the history of the number of category ("22 history notes," Juan Liu). Zhaoshao Zu Pei note cited statistics book "where more than 180 species," In addition, all cited by and philosophers Book "and four dozen" ("reading even mind" Juan Liu). Qian Zhao to age, geography, people, Bureaucracy, class books, articles, do not _set_, the well-known, do not pass the class, statistical Pei note cited more than 160 kinds of books ("The Three Kingdoms identified the suspect"). Shen Pei note cited in this book will be "in accordance with" Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi "were divided into four: twenty dollars by the Ministry of Home, Ministry of one hundred forty-two history, subsections Niansan home, _set_ department Niansan home, where two hundred and ten "(" Three Kingdoms note cited bibliography "). Wangzhong Han statistics "cited Zhu Pei note the title, where two hundred forty to fifty kinds," according to Qian Zhao's classified title 256 kinds ("Three Kingdoms Pei research note" containing "China Culture Research]" section five volumes, 1945). Wang Zuyi addition to "review and Pei Zhu Jia self injection, Fuzi, Yuan son, Sun Sheng, Xi Zao Bi and other classics on the note, and cited as an interpreter does not count", the statistics "Pei Note Book Fanbai fifty-six kinds of citations "(" Three Kingdoms people directory Pei note cited bibliography ", The Commercial Press, 1956). Manian Zu Pei note cited statistics book "two hundred and three kinds" ("Ancient Waterways other eight bibliographic references compilation", Zhonghua Book Company, 1959). Yang Xiang statistical wing "Pei cited in bibliographies of all concerned, to two hundred dozen; If you remove the text and comment on aspects of interpretation, compared with more than 150 species" ("Song Pei with <Three Kingdoms>" "History Teaching" 1963 Section 2). High Xiuying, Yang Jian Pei note cited statistics book 203 kinds ("Three Kingdoms name index Pei Note cit index", Zhonghua Book Company, 1980). Chen Yuan Pei statistical note "book cited above in two hundred and thirty kinds" ("Three Kingdoms note cited bibliography", in "Chinese Ancient Essays' seventh series, Fujian People's Publishing House, October 1983, pp. 331 ). Zhao Yi Wang Shumin for "Pei Song of the Three Kingdoms" of Pei note cited book was partially verified ("Notes on the History of 22 school certificate", Zhonghua Book Company, 2002 Revision). Zhou Guolin statistics bibliographic references Annotations 224 species, of which the "first 秦至東 Hanzhong memo Shiming of works for sound and meaning matter exegetical and make note of whom regard the writings and textual analysis of more than forty kinds of different equipment for Buque Correctional jump until the end of Han Jin debate aspects of more than 180 kinds of books "(" Song of Pei <Three Kingdoms> cit test ", in" Chinese study of historical documents (a), "Central China Normal University Press, 1986) . Gao Zhen Duo Statistics' s Annotations "Three Kingdoms" of cit two hundred thirty-six kinds "(" Pei Note <Three Kingdoms> cit Textual - Comment <22 Literary History of School Certificate> "," Hanzhong Teachers College "1993 Section 3). Pei Yu Wanli statistical note cited book "two hundred thirty-five kinds" ("<Three Kingdoms> Pei note cited lists of new test", "Wenzhou Teachers College" 1994 4). Ye Chun Wu Pei note cited statistics where 229 kinds of books, "Another 10 will not quote the source" ("A Critical Biography of Pei Song", page 250). Zhang Zaixia statistics "Pei of cit two hundred twenty-seven kinds." Gao Min worked with people "<Three Kingdoms> Pei note cited book test," a text, up to two hundred forty statistics cited dozens of books ("<Three Kingdoms> say a little", in "History says slightly Twenty-five said after a little," Beijing Yanshan Press, 2002, page 87). "Three Kingdoms" Pei Note bibliographic references Two paintings "Kyushu Spring" (Phrase essays) "Kyushu mind" (Xun Chuo essays Note: The total book name "Kyushu mind", is divided into "Jizhou mind," "Yanzhou mind" and other papers) Three paintings "Sansuke never recorded" (Zhao Qi essays) "three dynasties record" "Three assessment" (Hsu Chung essays) "Sanyo Public Records" (music owned essays) "Shan Tao notices" Four paintings "Tai years to remember." "Scribes Biography" (Note: "Xiu" Note said Zhang hidden relegated, "Xun Yu Chuan" said the note was written by Zhang Heng, "Wang Can," Note said Zhang stallion relegated, wait for verification) "The article Chi" (Zhi Yu essays) "article Syria recorded" (Xun Xu essays) "Conn spectrum", "Jung _set_" "Wang spectrum" "wanglang well-known." "Wanglang _set_", "Wang Bi Biography" (Ho Shao essays) Five paintings "World language" = "Wei Jinshi language" (Guo awarded essays) "Four Books potential" (Wei Heng essays) Six paintings "Jiang table Biography" (Yu Pu essays) "cross wide mind" (Wang Yin essays) "Cross wide two states Spring" (Wang Fanzhuan) "sages lines like" "Ru'nan sages Biography" "Ren Gu Biography" "Column book" "column exclusive Biography" "Casuistry to note" (Zhi Yu essays) "Hundred Shangguan" "Baiguan name" Seven paintings "Wu Shu" (Wei Yao essays Note: Yao whose real name is Zhao Wei, Jin Dynasty historian Sima Zhao taboo avoid change) "Wu Li" (Hu Chong essays), "Wu Lu" (Zhang Bozhuan) "Wu Ji" (ring a essays) "to Wu Biography" "Preface Biography" (Phrase essays), "Nguyen Thi spectrum" "Chi Lin" (Yu Xizhuan) "Duchenne book" Eight paintings "Xinxian Ying Chuan" (Jaap Cham essays) "Code slightly" (fish rear essays) "Bing original Biography", "hall of" (Yong essays) "Bao Pu" (Ge Hongzhuan) "King of the East A debate on the Road" Nine paintings "Han" (Xie Chengzhuan) "heroic mind" "Yanzhou mind" (note: that is, "the island of Kyushu in mind," which one) "Custom Link" (Ying Shao essays), "Hu spectrum" "Yao letter _set_" Ten paintings "Jin Ji" (Gan Bao essays), "Book of Jin" (Wang Yin essays) "Book of Jin" (Gan Bao essays), "Book of Jin" (Yu pre essays) "Jin gentlemen praise" (Fu Cheong essays) "Jinyang Autumn" (Sun Shengzhuan) "Jin Tai was Confidential Memorandum" "King Hui Confidential Memorandum" (Lu essays) "Yizhou Qijiu Biography" "Yi Department Qijiu Biography" (Chen Shouzhuan) "Yi Department Qijiu Diary" (. Chen Shouzhuan Note: This book should be in Appendix "Qijiu Biography" of) "Gaoguixianggong _set_", "Goldsmith Biography" (Mi essays) "Paragons Biography" (Mi essays) "Xun's well-known" "Xun Biography" "Yuan Century" "Sun spectrum", "Sun owned Biography" "Hui-Biography" "Ma Xu" (Fu Xuanzhuan) "Book forest" (should Qu essays) "fairy Biography" (Ge Hongzhuan) Eleven paintings "Liu Qijiu Biography" "Chen spectrum" "Cao hiding Biography" (Wu who relegated) "Tso _set_" "Cao Zhi Biography" "Yu's spectrum" "Kuok spectrum", "Cui spectrum" "Lu Shi Song," "Luks ancestral portraits." "Lu Xun Ming" (Lu essays) "Enlightenment Note" (Gu Kai essays) "Pass phrase" (Yin-based essays) "similarities and differences miscellaneous language" (Sun Shengzhuan) "Similarities and Differences assessment" (Sun Shengzhuan) "foreign body" "Different forest" (Lu Mouzhuan) Twelve paintings "Huayang" (Chang Qu essays), "Hua Biography" "Natural History" (Zhang Huazhuan) "natural mind" "Ji's spectrum", "Ji Kang Biography" "Ji Kang _set_", "Xiao-Biography" "Fei Yi Biography" "Fuzi" (Fu Xuanzhuan) "Fu Xian _set_", "Chao _set_" "Recluse Biography" (Mi essays) "Immortals" (Gan Bao essays) Thirteen paintings "Shu Ji" (Wang Yin essays), "Shu Ji" "Shu Shi spectrum" (Sun Shengzhuan) "Chu sages Biography" "Lingling sages Biography" "Hueiji Code of record" "Hueiji Shaw well-known," "Yu Fan Biography" "Yangdu Fu Note" (Yu illustrates essays) "000-theory" (Jiang Jizhuan) Fourteen paintings "Han Dynasty" (Zhang Fan essays), "Han Ji" (Yuan Hongzhuan) "Han" (Hua Qiao essays), "Han Wei Chunqiu" (Kong Yanzhuan) "Han Jin Chunqiu" (Xi Zao Bi essays) "Scholarly Biography" "Tube chariot Biography" "Zhao Biography" "Pei home discipline" (Fu Cheong essays) Fifteen paintings "Xuan Biography" "Penny Biography" "Pan Biography" "Pan _Set_" "Liu spectrum", "Liu yi Biography" Sixteen paintings "Jizhou mind" (note: that is, "the island of Kyushu in mind," which one) "Strategy" (Phrase essays), "Lu Chen Biography" "Zhuge spectrum" "wise _set_" (Shou times given) "Zhuge Biography" "Machine cloud Biography" "Memorization" (Zhang Yan essays) "praise reward order" Seventeen paintings "Xiangyang mind" (Xi Zao Bi essays), "Chung will maternal" Eighteen paintings "Wei" (Wang Shen essays) "Wei slightly" (fish rear essays) "Wei Ji" (Yin Dan essays), "Westergren Spring" (Sun Shengzhuan) "Wei Chuan end" "Wei Wu Story" "Wei Ming Chen played" "Wei Shi Ji" (Sun Shengzhuan) "Wei Shi spectrum", "Wei Dufu" "Diary" (Sun Shengzhuan) "Rites" Nineteen paintings "Lu Jiang Heshi well-known." Twenty paintings "Emperor Xian Biography" "Emperor Xian Ji" "Emperor Xian Spring" (Yuan Wei essays) "Emperor Xian Confidential Memorandum" "Spectrum Syria" (China Qiao essays) Twenty-one painting "Han continued," (Phrase essays), "Gu Tan Chuan" Twenty-four painting "Emperor Ling Ji" (Liu Aizhuan) On the cit one hundred fifty-six kinds, that does not include a reference to ancient commentators. Appendix A man with a book essays or more Xun Chuo: "Kyushu mind" ("Yanzhou mind" "Jizhou mind", etc.) Fish Huan: "Code of Strategy," "Wei slightly" Xi Zao Bi: "Han Jin Chunqiu" "Xiangyang mind" Fu Chang: "Jin gentlemen like" "Ji Pei home" Fu Xuan: "Ma order" "Fuzi" Hua Qiao: "Han" "spectrum Syria." Zhi Yu: "The article Chi" "casuistry to note" Ge Hong: "Bao Pu" "Supernatural Biography" He Shao: "Wang Bi Biography" "Can Xun Biography" Lu: "King Hui Confidential Memorandum" "Lu Xun Ming" Wang Yin: "pay widely credited" "Book of Jin" "Shu Ji" Mi: "Goldsmith Biography" "paragons Biography" "Recluse Biography" Gan Bao: "Jin Ji", "Book of Jin" "Immortals" Shou: "Yi Department Qijiu Biography" "Yi Department Qijiu Diary", "Zhuge Liang _set_" Phrase: "Kyushu Spring", "sequence Biography", "strategy", "continued Han" Sun Sheng: "Jinyang Autumn", "Similarities and Differences hybrid language", "Similarities and Differences Comment on" "Shu Shi spectrum", "Westergren Spring" "Wei Shi Ji" "Diary" 2 namesake writings Zhang Fan, "Han Ji", Yuan Hong, "Han Ji" Gan Bao "Book of Jin", Wang Yin, "Book of Jin", Yu pre-"Book of Jin" Analysis and Evaluation As "Han" while Fan Ye and Pei Song, by age theory, Pei Fan longer than two years old, died in Van Song Wen Yuan Jia 2022 (445), PEI dead more than six years after Van. Although the two men born in the same period, also collecting historical data, but they use different methods of historical data, the historical data series or tissue obtained Fan Ye Han, Pei Song Shou is used to inject the Three Kingdoms. Try to take Shou, Fan Ye two books contents relatively the same sixteen Biography, Fan Chen book ratio increased about twice the length of the book, those extra material, mostly the same and Annotations. After Pei note appeared, attracted a lot of comments, which have both favorable and unfavorable. Liu Zhiji said: "less of Annotations" Three Kingdoms ", to wide Chengzuo left behind, and hi poly similarities and differences, without publication be, pleases its strike hard, take the long view of its books into the table Fan Wu Xian, since the ratio of bees. adopting both, but stand regardless of difficult real taste with Ping who carry. " Liu Zhi with several different Pei Song of praise from those who save the historical aspects of the multi-Pei note affirmed. Hou Kang said: "Chen Chengzuo" Three Kingdoms, "the Bank said Liang Shi Pei Note Youbo age support substantial." Ji Yun in "Sikuquanshuzongmu feed" in the Pei Song of the note "Three Kingdoms" evaluation: "Song Yuanjia, the Pei Song Shouzhao to Note, the note cited the books, miscellaneous, nowadays has also consolidated its roughly about six Italian side: one said the lead on various home to tell right from wrong; one reads the books of the said reference to nuclear blackmail different; One said pass. All things, details of its perverting; pass that no one reads things, make it Que Yi; One said pass all of the people, details of his life; Chuan said that no one person, which is often accompanied by similar addicted 奇愛博. , hurt quite unorganized. then snare Shigetomi, where today the membership Six old who does not pass, still eleven reflected cliff slightly. complete with the addition of both, unlike Li Tao Yuan "Waterways", Shan 's Notes "fragmentation of the text are cut scissors. therefore research house, drawing inexhaustible, phase citing those, more than anti-Yan Chen Shou book." This induction is accurate. But he said: "The meaning seems Yiyu early as Han Ying Shao's note, elegant exegesis, citing it's real ...... without actually prefer to give, and unfortunately that has become, do not want to _delete_ abandoned, or detailed or slightly so. with or without. "There is no evidence that these words, only those who believe that speech essays feeds speculation of Bale. On the evaluation of the past, historians Annotations, Mr. Yang Yixiang first cited "Pei Song" is detailed in an article, you can see. Annotations for the evaluation of the above reflects the characteristics of the traditional historical criticism. Most commentators can not get rid of is the frame of mind and non, superior and inferior. From the perspective of history to look at the history of PEI injection, should be more concerned that the history books always comment on the matter exegetical names are from the perspective of focus, why Pei Song has to invent a new way of comment? Liu Zhiji said Pei Song "was short-force micro, not self up," Zhang Xuecheng said:. "Pei Song By light on Chen Shou, non-edge attached Ji, its power shortage since kept it," Liu Zhiji, Zhang Xuecheng though they are traditional historical criticism of you, but these analyzes was unstructured, with strong likes and dislikes colors. The so-called "not self up," "lack of self-existence" are from the end of commentators seek to explain the lack of intelligence. Annotations explained without bias occurs because when the devaluation Chen Yinque. Chen believes Annotations are subject to the Buddhist scriptures, "co-book note" effect due. In his "Zhimin Du theory test," the article said: "Turkey scriptures translated both more often varies with the translation, so there codification 'fit the' purpose of comparison by Yan." "Big ring two hundred sixty monks Ten things "(the original note:" Three different co vols. ") says: said ring upon is saying: Monk and rallies, unaffected by the big ring! What a monk? Monks and Party, noted by no quit! Monks have anything in? A: To quit. Monk Dayan: Busa. Who has asked not to grant clean say! Morohito who, when to say when the net! Dayan: that the net. Chan explained: "Accordingly, we can see that the mother of the above book." Quit two hundred sixty monks big thing "in the body of its characters, its parent folder Note also the fine print, do not take the child also cover the meaning of the same text. different persons, the inclusion of small notes. and large print text each other with proposed. called the 'child from the mother,' what kind relative 'also. "in the" Reading "in Luoyang> book after" a text, he further play, said: "Pei Song of the Three Kingdoms", "people are learning to read, but neither know the book was co-injection of the body." Mr. Zhou Yiliang Chen said skeptical. In his "History of the Wei and Jin works a few questions," the article said: "Pei Song, Liu Hsiao-standard, Li Tao Yuan Note, mostly addendum Corrections, rather than the words out, often at great length, which is made up of thousands of same. The different translations straightforward situation is very different, "" I'm afraid the book may not be combined with Buddhist tradition note what the origin of it?. " Chen Yinque explanation is compiled from a technical point of view the history books to start, how to compile both easier to readers. In this regard, Mr. Zhou Yiliang question is powerful. "Addendum Corrections" is the essence of Annotations, which seems to have no relationship with the co-book note. Chen is also no shortage of opinion on the proponents. Mr. Lu Yaodong to accept the advice note book together, and on this basis, then tried to explain the difference between Annotations generated by the study of history. His basic idea is that the traditional methods and annotations Annotations difference is that one is by injection, one history note. This is mainly due to the big money Zhao inspiration. Qian Zhao said: "Note History and Notes by different injection through to sensible for the case manager resides exegetical, exegetical Ming and Li from See note history to achieve the things the main things unknown, exegetical, although fine useless too ..." Lu Yaodong thereon said: "Therefore, it is reasonable and up note by note with the basic distinction between history 'of things' is a further description of the historical truth.." He added: "The moral principles explained by a note, up to investigate historical facts, After the process is the key to the history of fragmentary important transition. "is well known, Wei later, historians gradually from classics and independent. As a background to explain the evolution of history by injection is a good note, this article also hold the same view. However, only the generalities of theory as for this is not enough, because after Annotations occupy the mainstream of history or classics-style injection. We certainly can not say the confluence of history and classics and a. Around the "Three Kingdoms" and Pei note, actually two questions, first, why the "Three Kingdoms" written so simple? Second, why else Pei Song as many citations to avoid the tedious history books? A view, Chen saw the material is limited, so the "Three Kingdoms" written brief. This view has some truth, because many of the books in the Annotations write citations in Shou did not come out "Three Kingdoms" is. But this interpretation is also problematic, because after all, some books are Shou likely to see. Chen Shouzhuan write "Three Kingdoms" in the Western Jin Tai Dynasty (280 AD) after Wu Ping. It stated Mr. Yang Yixiang "Chinese Historiography data compiled in" Before this, specifically in mind the history of the Three Kingdoms history books as the king of Shen "Wei" Wei Zhao, "Wu Shu" fish rear, "Wei slightly," "Code slightly" has come out. In addition, Zhao Qi's "Sansuke never recorded," Hsieh Cheng's "Han", Wang Can, "the late Han Dynasty hero in mind," Phrase of "Kyushu Spring" and have long been completed. "Three Kingdoms" in the book's history without express, Mr. Yang Yixiang book compiled in Taikang six years (285 years) the next. Text language description: "The test," Three Kingdoms "Volume 48" Sun Hao Chuan "cloud" Hao families moved westward to Tai first year _set_ in March Jingyi five years, Hao died in Luoyang. 'This is the "Three Kingdoms" in the memo The latest one, then Shou forward to the book will be in five years, Sun Hao Tai's death, the series this year. "According to the same book, author of" imperial century "," Goldsmith Biography "Mi died too Kang three years (282). Possibility to see Chen Shou wrote "Three Kingdoms" is Mi book also exist. These books are cited by the Annotations. According to the "Three Kingdoms name index" Appendix "Three Kingdoms Pei Note cit index," Pei note cited "Wei" one hundred and ninety, "Wei slightly" one hundred seventy-nine, "Dian slightly" forty-nine " Wu Shu "one hundred and nineteen," Sansuke never recorded "nine," Han "twelve," Hero mind "sixty-nine," Kyushu Spring "twenty-six," imperial century "one, "Goldsmith Biography" six. These materials should be able to see Chen Shou, but he did not in order to enrich the "Three Kingdoms", but added the Southern Song Pei completion of this work. "Three Kingdoms" Volume 21 "attached to Wu Wang Can Chuan Chuan" Letter to Wu Wen contained nearly two hundred words, and Pei Note details cited "Wei slightly" contained in the book, actually up to eight hundred words. Pei Song has explained, said:. "Said to prepare for his text" "Robinson pine to the pass was slightly _set_ Prince book, the United States resigned multi be _delete_d off, now it is learned to take" Wei slightly on Cao 魏屯田, according to Mr. Yang Yixiang Statistics "Wu Ji" and only "yes-year-old with a date only, Han Hao and other meetings, shixing Mita" ten words to describe. "Any Jun Biography" and used the word "hunger is a year-old drought, lack of military food, Habayashi prison YingChuan date only build Mita, Dynasty to steep for the typical agricultural Zhonglang. Few years, where the plot millet , granary are full of "forty word. The reference to the king of Shen Pei Song "Wei" records in the "Wu Ji", the complement of the one hundred and forty seven words. Seen in this light, for "Three Kingdoms" is not only seen in a brief amount of material from this angle Shou to be explained, you must also think of other ways. Pei Song suspicion "Three Kingdoms" written brief, and this opinion is never seen him before. "Three Kingdoms" just come out, get a piece of praise sound. "Book of Jin" Volume 82 "Shou Chuan" said: "The person its good narrative, there are only good history of Jaap de Cham time with." Wei ", see Shou made, they bad been written and strike Zhang deep goodness, that Shou said: 'When the "Book of Jin" relative pay ear.' its too heavy so that "the biography also known as:.". Yuan Kang years, disease and death, when he was sixty-five okrug big CKS, lang Fan - KING wait Table said: '...... so the rule book Shi Yu 史陳壽 for "Three Kingdoms", speech and more admonish, one understands the pros and cons, benefits weathered, although the text if it is not with such brilliant, but the quality is too straight down the Collection of the willing. ". Eastern Jin Dynasty, Xi Zao Bi orthodox theory from the perspective of the book with Wei Chen Shou orthodox written objection, in order to adhere to the orthodox in his book Shu as the "Han Jin Chunqiu" in the. Orthodox issue is a political issue, from an academic point of view is still seen on the "Three Kingdoms" criticism. It seems simple in the eyes of Jin is not a problem, but to Southern Pei Song was regarded as its shortcomings. This suggests that we should change from the perspective of academic atmosphere of the times to think about this issue. Later supplemented with research In the Northern Song Dynasty ago, Wei, Shu and Wu book is a book of their own. "Old Tang Jing Ji Zhi" to "Wei" as the official history, in the final, "Shu Shu", "Wu Shu" into the series, the classification of a very unscientific, then it can prove three books, when is still independent of each other three. Northern Song Diaoban engraved books, three books together as a beginning. The earliest extant edition is the Northern Song Xianping six years (1003) edition of the Imperial College. "Three Kingdoms" no tables and chi, many scholars make up essays since the Qing Dynasty, although the material is basically not the original book and PEI injection, but after classification parallelism, looks sober, about geography, table Officials Chi, is particularly useful. Such tables fill up the vast majority of income in the annals "Twenty-five Supplement" and "Han Three Kingdoms compensation table thirty kinds." Today _set_ out the "Three Kingdoms" Chi complement complement table below: Wan Sitong: "Three Chronology." Zhoujia You: "Three Annals table." Xie Zhongying: "Three big table." Shouchang: "Three big table correction." Wan Sitong: "Three quarters of Kampo town chronology." Wan Sitong: "Three kings of the world table." Wan Sitong: "The phase Minister Wei chronology." Wan Sitong: "Wei will phase Minister chronology." Wan Sitong: "Wei Fang town chronology." Wan Sitong: "Chinese Minister of the relative chronology." Wan Sitong: "Wu will Boda Chen chronology." He DH: "Three Kingdoms Excellencies Saisuke chronology." Zhou Mingtai: "Three Kingdoms pedigree." According to the Southern Song Dynasty "Shi" attaching names spectrum, makeup does not appear in the book by Chen Shou people. Taoyuan Zhen: "Three Kingdoms pedigree addendum attached Order." Sun Hung Yee: "Three Officials table." Cao Weiguan system differs greatly from the Han, and the Northern and Southern Dynasties Official multiple origins here, so the table where the beginning of the building by key special book out. Official records in this table together with a table for each of the following before and after the official home of this officer's name, you can see the official examination compete and Migration. Wu added only Yang Shoujing: "Three counties Schedule research." Wu revised Liangji "fill the Three Kingdoms territory," Three points out, according to the order of emperors, according to State and County as a table. Young correction. Xie Zhongying: "Three Territory table." Column three counties were included in the final frontier, and note this in the late Qing Dynasty. Liangji, Xie Zhongying: "fill the Three Kingdoms territory recharge." Hung essays, Xie's sidebar to the final frontier for the three broken. County bets on local towns and mountains and so it is real. Xie Zhongying: "Three Kingdoms territory suspect." Jin Zhaofeng: "school make up the Three Kingdoms territory." Hou Kang: "fill three Treatise." Yao Zhenzong: "Three Art and Literature." Taoyuan Zhen: "Three SHIHUOZHI). Qing Yang Chen series "Three will be" twenty-two, of sixteen. Culling is a reference to the body, low grid Annotations and other books written. Zhu Ming plate with future book compiled by the Southern Song, Qi, Liang and so will be the same, we can not provide a new historical materials, but can be used for classification of the index used. About "Three Kingdoms" tool, the Harvard-Yenching Institute has attracted codified at the "Three Kingdoms and Pei Note comprehensive attracted" by a high Xiu-Fang Zhonghua, Yang Jian series "Three Kingdoms name index." The former is a comprehensive index, a broader usefulness. But editors at the _select_ed entry incorporated attracted, focusing not wide, only pay attention to learning to see the names, places, Guan Ming, etc., for some words, especially those with characteristics of the times and less common words, anti not included. Such as "three history", "human relationships", "flow", "Qianghu Valley", "Krupp Valley," Building Dreams, "" security officer "and thus can not use such words arranged attracted research. Again" China "" Plains "," steps "and other references listed in the following entries, some lacuna. attracted approximately compile premises attracted the other, and the history of this paragraph as" Shi attracted ", there is also a similar problem. The most accessible modern edition of the Three Kingdoms, there are four: First, Baina Ben, according to Song Shaoxing, Shaoxi two kinds edition with a photocopy; Second, Qing Wu Ying edition, it was carved out north from the school (letterpress printing lithographs are, according to all of the Wu Ying The reprint); Third, this type of Nanking, according to Chen Feng Mengling school supervisor Mingnan India; Fourth, southern bookstore edition, according to Mao Ji Gu Ge school engraved. These four edition, in addition to Baina Ben photocopying, the other three in the heavy carved Shihai although inevitably adds some typos, but have been carefully collated and corrected many errors of the original. Our school point work, each with four Tongxing Ben exploration right, Zeshanercong. Chronicles study "Three Kingdoms" and Pei note by many, especially people forced up to the Qing Dynasty. Since Gu, Ho Cheuk less than about twenty, can be based on mutual certificate before the text book and reference book which, for the Song, Yuan various versions bent along unchanged mistakes were made comments or annotations book eyebrow, or become specialized publications Kanbu. Republic of China, Lu Bute brings together scholars note Chronicles "Three Kingdoms" made by the body and Annotations, version collation and research, and my notes and note unified codification of the "Annals of the Three Kingdoms", a reference available to read "Three Kingdoms" is. In addition to the various translations of _select_ed Note election, the complete translation Shou "Three Kingdoms" work has been carried out for nearly four decades. Collecting to a variety of "Three Kingdoms" in this note this translation Twelve species. There are Chinese, Korean, Japanese three languages. The first is China Taiwan Chinese scholar Rosaline WONG et al, "vernacular Three Kingdoms" (Taipei Luo Press, 1980, only translated the "Chen", notes), into the 1990s, the Chinese mainland scholars launched the following nine kinds of translations: 1, Su Yuan Lei editor of "Three Kingdoms note this modern translation" (Hunan Normal University Press, 1991, only translated the "Chen", annotated) 2, Tian Yuqing, Wu Shuping editor of "modern translation of the Three Kingdoms" (Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House, 1991, only translated the "Chen" no comment) 3, Danny Lau, M., "Modern Chinese version of the Three Kingdoms" (Red Flag Publishing House, 1992, only translated the "Chen" no comment) 4, columns and other Cao editor of "vernacular Three Kingdoms" (Central University for Nationalities Publishing House, 1994, translated "Chen" and a few "Annotations" no comment) 5, Dai Yi, editor of "full translation of the Three Kingdoms" (Guizhou People's Publishing House, 1994, only translated the "Chen" no comment) 6, Dujing Guo translated "text white control of the Three Kingdoms" (Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House, 1994, only translated the "Chen" no comment) 7, Beichen side note translation of "Three Kingdoms Translation" (Shaanxi People's Publishing House, 1995, only translated the "Chen", annotated) 8, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House Translation "vernacular Three Kingdoms" (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1996, only translated the "Chen" no comment) 9, Xu Jialu editor of "full translation of Twenty-Four Histories" ("Three Kingdoms" Volume) (Chinese Dictionary Press, 2004, only translated the "Chen" no comment).

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