中国经典 》 shuǐhǔzhuàn Water Margin 》
xiē zǐ zhāng tiān shī qí ráng wēn yì hóng tài wèi wù zǒu yāo mó
shī nài 'ān Shi Naian
一般认为只有百回本可能是《水浒》故事成型定书的最早本子,也最接近传说故事的版本。现知和现存《水浒传》较早刻本都系明刊本。正德、嘉靖间人李开先《词谑》记有20册本的《水浒传》,有的研究者认为“二十册”即“二十卷”。一般认为,嘉靖时郭勋刊刻的武定板《水浒传》比较接近于原本,但郭勋原刊本已无存,有的研究者认为今残存 5回的嘉靖刊本《忠义水浒传》即郭本,并且由此认为郭本是20卷本。明嘉靖年间高儒《百川书志》所录《忠义水浒传》为100卷,今天所能见的比较早而又比较完整的100回本是天都外臣序本,序文撰于万历己丑(1589年)。天都外臣序本从郭本出,不过分卷不同,郭本是20卷100回,天都外臣序本是100卷,100回。这个本子于排座次之后紧接受招安、征辽、平方腊,而无平田虎、王庆故事。万历年间又出现了杨定见的120回本,主要是根据100回本,又插增平田虎、平王庆的故事(文字和繁本不同,或是吸收简本而加以润色)。明末金圣叹(见金人瑞)删去了排座次以后的部分,添了个卢俊义的噩梦作为结尾,梦中一百单八人全部被杀。又把原来的第一回改为楔子,作成70回本。这个本子,入清以来最为流行。今存较早的简本有明刊《新刊京本全像插增田虎王庆忠义水浒全传》和明刊《忠义水浒志传评林》,惟都为残本。清刊本10卷 115回《忠义水浒传》是今存比较齐全的简本。中华人民共和国成立后,陆续整理出版过70回本及120回本、100回本等繁本,并影印过100回本,及排印过几种繁本。还影印过简本《水浒志传评林》。
英文版通常将《水浒传》翻译成Water Margin或Outlaws of the Marsh。众多译本中,最早的当属赛珍珠女士在1920年代中后期翻译的All Men Are Brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)。书名出自《论语》“四海之内,皆兄弟也”。1933年出版,是《水浒传》的第一个英文全译本,当时在美国颇为畅销。迄今为止《水浒传》被认为比较好的英文版本,应该是中国籍的美国犹太裔学者沙博理先生(Sidney Shapiro)在文革期间受命译的一百回版的"Outlaws of the Marsh"(水泊好汉)。其译本,被认为更忠实于原著,且很贴切地反应了原文的神韵,符合翻译的“信,达,雅”的原则。法语版则将其直译为Au bord de l'eau。除此之外,还有许多搞笑的翻译,居然是《一百零五个男人和三个女人在山上的故事》,智取生辰纲则节译为《强盗设置的圈套》。日文版的《水浒传》的版本非常之多,甚至被改编和演绎成了许多漫画,电影,电视作品。
在《水浒传》的描写中,可以看出作为梁山泊领袖的宋江,他的思想和行动,关系着整个梁山事业的兴衰和存亡。宋江出身于小地主家庭,“自幼曾攻经史”,养成 “忠孝”观念,后来在县里作了押司,“刀笔精通,吏道纯熟”,对于衙门里公事和官府的应酬,十分熟悉。他虽为官府中人,却又喜欢结交江湖上好汉,对下层人民也富有同情心,“济人贫苦,□人之急,扶人之困”,在江湖上享有“及时雨”的美名。这样的一种特殊经历,形成了他思想性格的两面性,一方面他要作个忠臣孝子;另一方面,在同江湖人士的接触中,使他较多地了解下层人民的苦难和愿望,又成为仗义扶危、同情劳动人民对官府的反抗行为的人物。总之,宋江在上梁山之前,他对人民的造反,只是抱着同情态度,或在某种情况下在行动上作一点有限的支持。从他思想上说,他是不愿投身到造反行列里去,他后来上梁山是由多种原因造成的。他是一个广有谋略的人物,决不甘心长久屈居下僚,他原本希望靠着他的才能将来能够“为国立功”,作出一番事业来。“博得个封妻荫子”,以图日后 “名垂青史”。而当时朝政黑暗,□臣当道,一些才能之士无法施展自己的抱负。恰在这时宋江又犯了杀人罪,流配到江州,又因醉后题了反诗,被江州知府拿住,问成死罪,靠了梁山好汉的搭救,才得保全性命,只有这时,宋江才上了梁山。
《水浒传》全书可分前后两大部分,前半写各路英雄纷纷上梁山大聚义,打官军,受招安。后半有五个部分组成,即征辽、平田虎、平王庆、平方腊及结局。其中田虎、王庆两部分是后来加的,今所见较早的百回本,征辽之后紧接平方腊。但有的研究者认为,征辽也可能是插增的,因为第一,征辽的事不同于受招安和平方腊,历史上无迹可寻。其次,和平田虎、王庆一样,征辽中梁山一百单八人无一死亡。这个看法尚有争论。从思想内容来说,《水浒传》前半是写人民反官府,是反映阶级矛盾的,后半则是写忠臣反□臣,是反映统治阶级内部的忠□矛盾。作者写了宋江的受招安,固然是表现出严重的思想局限,但也反映了民族爱国思想,鲁迅说:“其中招安之说,乃是宋末到元初的思想,因为当时社会扰乱,官兵压制平民,民之和平者忍受之,不和平者便分离而为盗……但一到外寇进来,官兵又不能抵抗的时候,人民因为仇视外族,便想用较胜于官兵的盗来抵抗他。”这话是有根据的,水浒故事流传的时间正是民族矛盾尖锐的时代,《水浒传》的后半部分写宋江等人受招安,和这一背景不无关系。而征辽部分的出现,则是这一思想的继续和发展。至于忠臣反□臣,也是和这一思想有关的。在小说结尾写“史官有唐律二首哀挽” 宋江等梁山人物,其中说:“不须出处求真迹,却喜忠良作话头。”《水浒传》的作者是把宋江作为忠臣来描写的。第85回辽国欧阳侍郎招降宋江,吴用向宋江献策:要富贵,投降辽国;要忠义,报效宋朝。宋江说:“吾辈当尽忠报国,死而后已。”这里的“尽忠报国”实际上就是具体历史条件下的民族立场。宋江投降之后,“水浒”英雄始终受贼臣排挤、打击和陷害,最后宋江被等贼臣害死。这样的悲剧结局,对于揭露统治者的罪恶,和作者对受招安者的鉴戒来说,也是有其积极意义的。
山寨首领王伦嫉妒林冲,要他下山打劫。林冲下山等了三天,才见有一人经地。此人乃青面兽杨志,林冲同他拼杀多时,未见胜负。王伦劝住二人,邀杨志上山。林冲入伙坐了第四把交椅,杨志不愿入伙,下山去了东京。 杨志在东京投靠无门,只好卖祖传宝刀,凑一点盘缠。泼皮牛二无理取闹,欲夺宝刀,被杨志杀死。杨志充军大名府留守司。留守蔡京女婿梁中书看中了杨志的武艺,要杨志护送价值10万贯钱的生辰冈到东京为蔡京祝寿。此事被赤发鬼刘唐打听到后,劝晁盖劫下这批不义之财,晁盖请智多星吴用想办法。吴用请来阮小二、阮小五、阮小七等7人,决定在黄泥岗劫取这批生辰纲。
杨志一行人来到黄泥岗,晁盖等扮作贩枣商人,趁杨志手下买酒喝的当口,投下了蒙汗药,将他们药昏,劫走了生辰纲。杨志醒来,发现生辰纲被劫,知道大祸临头,便去青州二龙山做了强盗。 梁中书告知蔡京生辰纲被劫,蔡京下令济州府捉拿贼人。济州府尹派何涛负责此案,经查知是晁盖等人所为,何涛带人到郓城县捉拿晁盖。县中押司宋江是晁盖好友,闻讯后立即给晁盖报信。晁盖烧了自己的庄园。大败何涛,率领众人投奔梁山泊。
不久,武松为知县押运财物去了东京。武松走后,潘金莲同开生药铺的本地一霸西门庆勾搭成奸,用药毒死了武大郎。武松回县得知此事,向知县告状不准,盛怒之下,去酒楼杀了西门庆,又杀了潘金莲,被判罪发配孟州。孟州小管营施恩厚待武松,求武松帮助夺回被蒋门神抢占去的快活林的店铺。武松酒醉后痛打蒋门神,夺回了快活林。这蒋门神通过张团练买通张都临,诬陷武松偷盗宝物,判武松充军。武松被押上路,在飞云浦折断枷锁,杀死了想害他的4 个公人,折回孟州城,杀死了正在设宴庆贺除掉武松的蒋门神、张团练和张都临,逃出孟州。在十字坡孙二娘将他扮为行者,让他去二龙山投奔鲁智深。
上山不久,宋江接来老父,李逵也回家接母亲上山,行至途中,遇一李逵打劫,捉住之后,才知此人名叫李鬼,说他有90岁老母无人奉养,李逵送他10两银子,劝他改恶从善。后来李逵发觉上当,杀了李鬼,而李鬼的妻子却溜掉了。回到家中,母亲已双目失明,李逵哄母亲说:我做了官,接娘去享福。背着母亲上了路。一日,行至沂岭,李逵为母取水,回来后发现母亲被虎吃掉。李逵大怒,连杀了4 只老虎,被猎户迎进曹太公庄上。这时,逃来此处的李鬼妻子认出了李逵,曹太公等人正准备暗算李逵,幸亏梁山泊派来朱贵等人帮助,李逵才脱险回了山寨。
前来投梁山泊的杨雄、石秀、时迁被祝家庄酒店欺侮,双方打了起来,时迁被捉。为救时迁,晁盖、宋江发兵3 次攻打祝家庄,荡平了祝家庄,附近与祝家庄结盟的李家庄、扈家庄都投降了梁山泊。梁山泊威名远扬,四处好汉纷纷投奔。
不久,蔡京又派单廷桂、魏定国攻打梁山泊,皆被击溃。宋江与卢俊义一道领兵攻打曾头市,杀了曾家五虎,回山祭奠晁盖之灵。接着又乘胜攻破了东平、东昌二府,大军凯旋而归。此时,梁山泊大小头领正好108 位,合了当年洪太尉所放走的魔王之数。众人会聚忠义堂,宋江坐了第一把交椅,立起了“替天行道”的杏黄旗。
回到京师,徽宗下诏,令宋江去平定淮西王庆,随后又调去平定河北田虎和江南方腊。在平定方腊军的过程中,义军损失惨重,虽然最后擒获了方腊,大功告成,但却阵亡72条好汉。回军途中,鲁智深在杭州六和寺坐化(和尚盘膝打坐安然而死),残废的武松不愿回京,就在这里出了家。离开杭州后,林冲瘫痪,杨雄、时迁、杨志病死,燕青又悄然离去。到了苏州,李俊、童威、童猛又离去。等到大军回京驻扎陈桥驿时,只剩下20余名头领。蔡京、童贯、高俅、杨戬4 大奸臣待宋江等封官之后,他们设计用水银害了卢俊义,用毒药掺入御酒药死了宋江和李逵。就这样,一场轰轰烈烈的农民革命在悲剧中结束。
【导演】:陈敏 刘柳 刘子云
电视剧《水浒传》央视版 四十三集电视剧
楔子 张天师祈禳瘟疫 洪太尉误走妖魔
昂首惊风起,掣目电光生。动荡则拆峡倒冈,呼吸则吹云吐雾。鳞甲乱分千片玉,尾梢斜卷一堆银。 那条大蛇径抢到盘舵石边,朝着洪大尉盘做一堆,两只眼迸出金光,张开巨口,吐出舌头,喷那毒气在洪太尉脸上。惊得太尉三魂荡荡,七魄悠悠。那蛇看了洪大尉一回,望山下一溜,却早不见了。大尉方才爬得起来,说道:“惭愧!惊杀下官!”看身上时,寒粟子比滑灿儿大小。口里骂那道士:“叵耐无礼,戏弄下官,教俺受这般惊恐!若山上寻不见天师,下去和他别有话说。”再拿了银手炉,整顿身上诏敕并衣服中帧,却待再要上山去。
众人把门推开,看里面对,黑洞洞地,但见: 昏昏默默,杏奋冥冥。数百年不见太阳光,亿万载难瞻明月影。不分南北,怎辨东西。黑烟召霄扑人寒,冷气阴阴侵体颤。人迹下到之处,妖精往来之乡。闪开双目有如盲,伸出两手不见掌。常如三十夜,却似五更时。
"Water Margin" a book, drawing on the story of the Northern Song Dynasty Song Jiang uprising. According to the "Eastern Capital birthplace Hou Meng Biography": "Jiang rampant Heshuo three to six persons, Jingdong tens of thousands of government troops against those who dare not." Also, according to "History of the Song Huizong of the Millennium": "Pirates of Song Jiang and other offenders in Huainan Huaiyang Army, Qianjiang discuss fishing, but also committed Jingdong, Hebei, into the clear, the sea state sector, Zhang Shu Ye summon somebody to surrender command of the state to know. "" Night Song Shi Zhangshu Biography ":" Song Jiang from Heshuo, turn slightly Ten counties, government troops Mogan baby its front. claim is approaching, the spy who Shuye to make room, near the sea thieves increasingly diameter, robbery huge boat more than a decade, _set_ captured. So have raised thousands of slain, had laid an ambush near City, out of light induced forces from the sea battle, the first death waterfront hide strong, wait soldiers together, give burnt their boats, the thieves were heard no fighting spirit, by the ambush, capture the vice thief river is down. "In addition Li □'s "Outline of ten dynasties", Song Chen are "prepared to chronological nine dynasties" and Xu Meng Xin's "Three North League Code", also have similar records. Song Jiang also said that after the surrender of the records have participated in the Battle of Fang La levy. From these records, the rebels know this, few in number (but by no means only 36 people), fighting a very strong, very influential among the masses, has caused a threat to the Song Dynasty. Song Jiang and other publicity about the era of the uprising and the first year (1119) to declare and three years (1121), after more than three years.
Song artistic skills flourished storyteller, folk wisdom of Song Jiang and other 36 stories, it was soon adopted as a creative storyteller, then the material, Luo Ye Song, "On the record Drunkard," a novel in mind table of contents "green face and beast," " Monk "and" Wu Departed ", it is of said Yang, Lu Zhishen, the story of Wu Song, In addition, the" stone SUN "Water Margin may also be a story. This is the "Water Margin", then the earliest record of this. Open end of a Gong Song "Song Jiang thirty-six people like and order", order, said: "Street Song Jiang thing about Gossip found." And said before the academy opened in Official Titles Gong Li Song, Song Jiang and other portrait was painted . However, said Gong has not opened like the story. Water Margin is now among the first to see the works of the story is "Vision and the Romance of Song" (see the "sun and Romance"), or out of it per person, or Old Song and Yuan have the gain. Some researchers think it is a story-telling master copy artists. Water Margin Synopsis remember it, from selling knives to kill from Yang, the outsmart birthday Gang, Song Jiang Xi killed, nine Xuannv granted divine book, by Dr. Ping Fang La until only the order and now "Heroes," basically the same. At this time of the Water Margin story has many scattered independent single chapter, the development of a coherent whole for the system. Prevalence of Yuan Dynasty, a large number of Water Margin show the emergence of the Yuan Dynasty and the "Declaration of Song and the Heritage of the" Water Margin characters name is written about the same, but Juyi different locations, that is Liangshanpo drama, "Romance," said the Taihang Mountains ; Opera already has a "one hundred and eighty chieftains" of the language, "Heritage of the" only 36 will be referred to the nickname of the name; "Romance," writes Li Kui ranked 14, ranked No. 28 Yan Qing, Li Kui was the first Drama 13 chiefs, Yanqing is 15 chieftains. All these can be seen in the "Water Margin" a book before the Water Margin story is quite popular on the similarities and differences in the details. This may also spread in different regions with a relationship. Shinai is spread in different regions of these stories, brought together, through the _select_ion, processing, re-creation, was written in this great classic, "The Water Margin." "Water Margin" story first originated in the Northern Vision and years, beginning from the Southern Song Dynasty folk oral literature has become a major theme. Handed down from the current compiled according to the words of the storyteller in there "green face and beast," "Monk," "Wu Departed" and so on. Yuan Dynasty, there have been words of the "Vision and the Heritage of the Great Song", described the Chao Gai and Wu highlighted (Wu Yong) and other 36 stories, initially with the "Water Margin" synopsis. Yuan, Yuan Dynasty in the Water Margin story also appeared in several plays.
Version】 【novel
Simplified version
This includes amnesty by Jane, Zheng Liao, Zheng Tian Hu, Wang, Fang La, and Song Jiang was poisoned to fight all the circumstances. This is called simple, mainly text is relatively simple, less detailed description. Simplified version has been found: one hundred and fifteen back to this, one hundred and ten back to the book, one hundred twenty-four back to the
Fan the
Fan of the written more polished, but also the most widely circulated. But the main part is rewritten to add the plot after the amnesty.
Back to the hundred
In the Song Jiang by the amnesty, there was the "sign Liao," Zheng Fang La and other circumstances.
Back to the hundred and twenty
Yang Ming Dynasty at the end of this _set_ back in a hundred has been _insert_ed on the basis of levy Tian Hu, Wang and other circumstances, synthetic hundred and twenty recover.
Back to the seventies
Tan to the Qing Dynasty deletion, cut back the amnesty, and after a hundred things back to the original books of the Seventy Lu Junyi's dream as the end of the first round and then as a wedge, this is back to the seventies.
Generally believed that this may be only a hundred back, "Water Margin" story formed the first book _set_ books, but also closest to the legend version of the story. Is known and the existing "Water Margin" they are all out earlier edition printed edition. Masanori, Jiajing Lee among people first "ridiculed the word" Remember there are 20 of the of the "Water Margin", and some researchers believe that "twenty" means "twenty volumes." Generally believed that when Jiajing Guo Xun Wu Ding Inscription plate "Water Margin" relatively close to the original, but the original printed edition Guo Xun no longer exist, and some researchers believe that this remaining 5 back Jiajing printed edition "loyalty Water Margin" means Guo , and thus that the volume is 20 Guo. Jiajingnianjian high-Confucianism "Sea Book Notes," recorded by the "loyalty Water Margin" 100 volumes, earlier today who can compare to see a complete 100 back to the foreign minister of the sequence is the day all of this, the preface was written Wanli OX (1589). Order of the day are from outside the Chen Guo a, but different sub-volume, volume 100 20 Guo Hui, Chen order of the day are outside the volume 100, 100 back. After row of seating in this book bear to accept amnesty, Zheng Liao, Ping Fang La, and no flat Tian Hu, Wang story. Yang Wanli appeared back to the stereotypes of the 120, mainly based on the 100 back, and _insert_ed by Ping Tian Hu, Ping Wang of the story (text and prosperity of the different, or simply absorb and embellished this.) Ming tan (see Jin Renrui) after deleting a row of seating part, Tim had a nightmare as the end of Lu Junyi, one hundred and eight people dream all killed. The first back again to the original wedge, made of 70 back to this. This book, into the most popular since the Qing Dynasty. Simplified version earlier this deposit has the Ming Dynasty, "Emerging in Beijing as the _insert_ion of the full meaning of Masuda Tiger Wang Qingzhong Tales" and the Ming Dynasty, "Biography of Water Margin Ping Lin Chung-yi," but are the residue of this. 10 volume printed edition of 115 back to the Qing "loyalty Outlaws of the Marsh" is a relatively complete this simple existence of this. After the founding of the People's Republic, published and edited the 70 back and 120 back to the 100 back to the other fan of this, and copy back to the more than 100, and had several fan of the typography. Jane also copy over the "Outlaws of the Marsh Biography Ping Lin."
English is usually the "Water Margin" Water Margin, or translated into Outlaws of the Marsh. In many translations, Ms. Pearl S. Buck was undoubtedly the earliest in the late 1920s Translation All Men Are Brothers (All men are brothers.) Title from "The Analects of Confucius", "within the four seas are brothers." Published in 1933, is the "Water Margin" the first complete translation in English was quite popular in the United States. So far, "Water Margin" is considered good English, should be the Chinese American Jewish scholar, Mr. Sidney Shapiro (Sidney Shapiro) translation during the Cultural Revolution was ordered back version of a hundred "Outlaws of the Marsh" (water Park Heroes). The translation is considered to be more faithful to the original, and very appropriate to reflect the charm of the original, in line with the translation, "the letter, and Elegance" principle. French will be the literal translation for the Au bord de l'eau. In addition, there are many funny translation is actually "one hundred and five men and three women in the mountains of the story," Gang birthday outsmart the section translated as "bandits _set_ the trap." Japanese version of "Water Margin" version very much, and even adapted and interpreted into many comics, movies, TV works.
】 【Ideological content
"Water Margin" with its outstanding art describes means of revealing the peasant uprising in China's feudal society, development and failure of some essential aspects of the process. "Outlaws of the Marsh" is a profound social significance of the first exposed the dark and decadent feudal society, and the ruling class of sin, that caused the root causes of the peasant uprising is "forcing people to rebel." The beginning of a work written Pola Hu has been rejected for the children of Gao Qiu, by playing by Duan fancy, and later made the emperor the Duan (Huizong), Gao Qiu has been promoted to house Shuai Fu Qiu, and this emperor is merely a special string W will take care of the floating wave Dandyism children. There are his trusted minister Cai Jing, Tong Guan and Yang Jian and so on, they constitute a top ruling group, Tsai, who advanced to their relatives hangers for the gang confidants, such as Liang Shijie, Caijiu prefect, prefect Murong, high-Lian, HE Prefecture and his ilk in their below is the number of corrupt officials, local tyrants and bullies, from top to bottom, working hand in glove, harm good people, bullying is good and cruel exploitation of people and the oppression, the formation of a rule network. "Water Margin" to expose these corrupt officials, local tyrants and bullies to bully the people of the offense, first described the persecution of Gao Qiu Wang Jin's story, the father of the king into the contest early years when a wand tipped Gao Qiu, Gao Qiu Hall Shuai Fu Qiu Ren, the arrival of the first day Gongbaosichou, unwarranted punishment Wang Jin, and depriving the mother of the king fled into the night Bong. The author also wrote to his son to occupy high-Qiu Lin's wife, doing everything possible to murder Lin. Gao Qiu, as the representative figure of the ruling group, he embodies the savage, sinister features Quan Chen, also reflected the feudal ruling class, the nature of evil and corrupt. In addition, the "Water Margin" and wrote all the evil landlord bully behavior, such as butcher occupation Jin Cuilian, Ximen kill Wu Dalang, Maotai Gong Zhen collusion official framed Orion solution, the solution Po.
】 【Artistic achievement
"Water Margin" in art has made outstanding achievements. Characters shaped by the complex character to write the content, the characters based on the formation of the environment, while changing with the development of living environment. Characters with idealistic, while deeply rooted in the soil of life. "Water Margin" is not only a vivid plot tension to win, there are more rich description of the real details. Novel based on the oral folk to create a popular, concise, vivid, expressive literary language. Compatible with the content, the first of 70 back to the chain structure of _set_s of unique artistic style.
"Water Margin" Shinai of these heroes, to be fully affirmed and warm Acura, praised the spirit of resistance of these characters, just action, but also praises their superior martial arts and noble character. Some came from the hero of the lower, such as Li Kui, San Ruan, Wu, Shi Xiu, etc., the ruling class exploitation and oppression of the deepest feelings, so once they rebelled, their resistance is also the strongest, and what the ruling class testimonies Ordinance There is no restriction on them, not even the emperor looked down on as Li Kui. They just cause for the uprising, through fire and water in any hesitation, of the praise of those heroes is completely from the heart of love. This work praised the ruling class as a group are the so-called "murder and arson," the robber, the court of treason, some so-called "no amnesty" sinners, write them so brilliant and moving, adorable, indicating the author's courage and just feelings. In contrast, for the ruling class of people, will they write ugly bear, and the Liangshan heroes in sharp contrast. Which suggests that people who love and hate nobody. Tan Comment "Water Margin", "no United States does not go green forest, no evil does not return the court." Tan regardless of the subjective motives, his words have really thought that the Shinai tendencies and the "Water Margin" profound social significance.
"Water Margin" in the description of the rebel army's political views, though have not made myself very clear, but you can see they have a "total field Octagon, a surname," no matter what background "children are generally younger brother called, without distinction of "ideal. Linked to their "Shafujipin" actions, the performance of people against the feudal economy, the disparity of wealth and political distinction or distinction level, against the feudal society, class exploitation and political oppression, which is the rule of the feudal landlord class war ideology , reflecting the aspirations of the oppressed majority.
"Water Margin" to organize the masses and unite the thinking is based on "loyalty." Sense mentioned here, which to some extent into the thoughts and feelings of the oppressed classes and moral values, and this, some landlord class, intellectuals have perceived. Lang Ying Ming to say: "foresee was the gift of indecent assault, non-sense meaning, there must be the river." This is actually said, "Water Margin" said Yi is not entirely the same as mentioned by the ruling class has always been defined . In Chinese feudal society, people often lower notes, in order to safeguard their own interests, from bullying to violence, natural exteriors to produce a unity of desire, this desire for life forced to flee their homes in different places some of the homeless who was particularly strong reflecting their most about loyalty between friends. Road see injustice, his help, and then As for the "Jikun distress," "Shafujipin" are "righteousness" of the performance. Therefore, the "Water Margin" his righteousness, and in a specific environment, anti-feudal nature of anti-oppression, which is different from the Confucian Gangchanglunli of "righteousness." But "thinking of the ruling class are in every era of the dominant ideology." Therefore, the "Water Margin" in the "justice" ethics can not replace the old concept of the status and role. "Water Margin" in the "loyalty", the contents are loyal to the Liangshan cause, but it is thought there are loyalty, in many occasions, "One," a large section of the feudal ethics to be the first place, and the "meaning" place secondary position, this is no breakthrough in the feudal Brotherhood of ethics, Liangshanpo some of the struggle of the strongest, most determined revolutionary people, and ultimately can not help but follow the case in the sense of obligation to accept amnesty Song Jiang, loyalty to obey a loyalty to the emperor, is the "Water Margin Biography "written by" justice "itself is proof of serious defects.
In the "Water Margin" in the description can be seen as a Liangshanpo leader Song Jiang, his thoughts and actions, the relationship between the cause of the rise and fall and fall of Liangshan. Song Jiang was born in the family of small landowners, "the history of childhood has been attacked by" develop "One" concept, and later in the county were Yasi, "knife pen proficient skilled Officials in" Yamen in the official and official for the entertainment, very familiar. Although his official myself, but like to make rivers and lakes on the hero, is also sympathetic to the lower classes, "the Franciscans were poor, □ anxious person, supporting one of the storm" in the rivers and lakes to enjoy, "timely" reputation. Such a special experience, the formation of his thought and character of the two sides, on the one hand he wants to make a loyal and dutiful son; the other hand, people in contact with the arena, made him more understanding of the suffering and aspirations of the lower classes, but also a generous attempts distress, sympathy of the working people against the conduct of the official figure. In short, Song Jiang in the Liangshan, he rebels against the people, just hold sympathetic attitudes, or in some cases limited in action for a little support. From his thinking that he is not willing to go to join the rebel ranks, he went on to Liangshan is a combination of reasons. He has a broad strategy of the characters, placing him under a long bureaucratic decision can not be reconciled, and he had hoped to rely on his talent will be able to "meritorious service for the country" to make a career. "Donald's wife won a sealed sub" in order to later "go down in history." At that time the political affairs of the dark, □ minister in power, some people in order to not display their own ambitions. Just at that moment Song Jiang has committed a murder, the Fluid Assignment to Jiangzhou, because of the anti-drunk title poem, is prefect Jiangzhou hold, and asked into the death, by the Liangshan heroes of the rescue, before it for his life, only At this time, Song Jiang was on the Liangshan.
Song Jiang organized to be good at uniting people, coupled with his reputation on the lakes, before and after a large number of heroes with him up the mountain, expanding the cottage forces to bring a lot to the cottage cause of the prosperity of weather. In the Liangshan rebels under his leadership and command, hit a lot of victory after another, give some serious blow to corrupt officials and punish, and shook the court, these victories are inseparable from the credit and Song Jiang. But because of his deep-rooted concept Chunghsiao, although the contrary, this concept has not made the change, which he later received amnesty Fuseshita opportunity. He kept saying that the emperor after the Liangshan is "holy to that", but "□ minister in power, authoritarian slanderer." He repeated prophecy: "Sung Chiang small can dare to bear the court," "abuse of government officials to force only so. " So he is the "right to shelter by Shuibo", "such as North Korea Tingzhao An professionals." He and the government troops against, always think of how to reserve the point for the future amnesty. Thus, the power of Liangshan rebels more powerful, more prosperous career Liangshan, the more amnesty for the accumulation of capital by Song Jiang. He finally won the Tong Guan in two, three defeated Gao Qiu, playing court after the army defeated the deficit lost, honor and dignity under the amnesty, but the cause of the uprising in Liangshan ruin. Song Jiang after the surrender, and instructions from the order of the court to suppress the Fang La Rebellion, as Lu Xun said: "Robbers hit for the country - do not 'punish you', the robber went." This is the "Water Margin" the most acute criticism, but also reveals the thinking of the serious limitations.
Fire fodder field - From the Ming Yuan infinite Chongzhen Edition of "Tales," illustrated
"Water Margin" book can be divided into two parts before and after the first half to write on the Liangshan heroes have great Ju Yi, playing government troops, by the amnesty. Half of five components, namely, Zheng Liao, Ping Tian Hu, Ping Wang, Ping Fang La, and outcome. One Tian Hu, Wang was later added in two parts, this percentage back to the earlier findings, immediately after the intrinsic Liao Ping Fang La. However, some researchers believe that symptoms may be _insert_ed by Liao, because the first sign something is different from the Liao Fang La by the amnesty of peace, the history without trace. Secondly, peace Tian Hu, Wang, like Zheng Liao Zhongliangshan eight hundred and one no one died. This view is still controversial. From the ideological content, the "Water Margin" is written the first half of the people against rulers, is a reflection of class conflict, the latter half is writing anti □ loyal minister, is a reflection of loyalty within the ruling class □ contradiction. Written by Song Jiang on amnesty, of course, the idea is to show serious limitations, but also reflects the national patriotism, Lu said: "The amnesty is said of them, but thinking of Song to the Yuan Dynasty, because it was social disruption, officers and men repression of civilians, the people of the peace who suffer, not peace for the Pirates who have separated but one Waikou ... ... come in, when men can not resist, because the hatred of alien people, with more than he wanted to resist the officers and men of stealing his . "His statement is justified, the Water Margin is the stories of the time era of sharp ethnic conflicts," Water Margin "Song Jiang, who wrote the second half by the amnesty, and this background are not unrelated. The intrinsic part of the emergence of Liaoning, is the continuation and development of this idea. As for the anti □ loyal minister, and this idea is related. End of the novel written "historian has two sad Tang Wan" Song Jiang and other Liangshan figures, which said: "do not have to seek authentic source, but good people as Buddist hi." "Water Margin" is the author of Song Jiang described as loyal to . 85 assistant minister summon somebody to surrender back to the Liao Ouyang Song Jiang, Wu Song Jiang with the advice: to wealth, the surrender Liao; be loyal and serve the Song Dynasty. Song Jiang said: "As for us the faithful to their country, dying." Where "loyal patriotic" is actually the specific historical conditions of the national position. Song Jiang surrender, the "Water Margin" Heroes always excluded by Zeichen, combat and framed, the last such Zeichen Song Jiang was killed. Such a tragic outcome, for exposing the evil rulers, and the author's warning against it by the amnesty, but also has its positive meaning.
In short, the "Water Margin" artistic image through the performance of "forcing people to rebel" phenomenon, deeply reflect the true nature of history, it represents Liangshanpo finding that great hero of the uprising, a strong impact on the rule of the feudal landlord class, the literature is rare. It describes the Liangshan Yi military post by the amnesty despite the talk about loyalty, playing a foreign enemy, civil strife level, or no place in power those in power, or the tragic in the end, but also to convey a profound lessons of history.
"Water Margin" art features
"Water Margin" with its high degree of artistic expression, vivid rich literary language, described the many fascinating stories, create a large number of cute, heroic image of the personality.
"Water Margin" inheritance and development of the History of ancient Chinese novels and talk about the traditional characteristics. The story of legends, one after another, the ups and downs and unpredictable. The climax of each story, readers are closely chord. Such as "punch the town of Kansai," "outsmart birthday Gang", "Song Jiang Xi kill", "Wu Song Da Hu," "Assault on Yuanyang Building," "Jiangzhou robbery execution ground," "three strikes Zhu Chuang" etc., have been popular for centuries. But "Heroes" is not simply the pursuit of the bizarre story which cater to the masses, but revolves around "a slaughter," the idea, the story and character together. Wu, Lin, Lu Junyi all three martial arts, is the first such Liangshan hero, three are trained official of the trap, be filled through the military, and Wu and Lin, Lu Junyi's performance is different. Lin, Lu Junyi sent in exile by the mercy of the way, swallow, and sometimes sent to beg implore. Both of them are being cheated death tied to a tree down. Wu, in contrast, for the first time Mengzhou exile, but the way the two sent to serve him. En second exile state, sent two of his escort had been bought, together with the two disciples Chiang keeper, conspired to kill him in half way, the murderer of four knife against him a prisoner with a flail, anti- by him to pack up easily. He did not Jiehen, ran back to Mengzhou breath, kill Commissioner Zhang, Zhang and Jiang keeper and other militia, be considered out of a foul smells. Lin, Lu Junyi not the martial arts is not fine, because they one of Beijing's richest man, a coach of Tokyo eight hundred thousand imperial guards are standing there as people who have married, a victim of injustice, just want to serve their sentences expired, re- Zhen Jia-sheng. Both of them who is knowledgeable about the law degree, and illusions, his anger at the Gongren is not made before, and forbearance breath. And Wu, no hostage to fortune, long mountebank, to develop a powerful character, cynical, also fear, coupled with his wronged had been framed, and constantly being plotted against, so revengefulness, means are ruthless. Lin, Lu Junyi, and Wu, the performance of different, but the two of them are somewhat different, the resistance of Lin Lu Junyi was also relatively strong.
Another example is Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Li Kui and three, they are upright disposition, good fight injustice, defying brute force, not to avoid danger; but they have their own characteristics, Lu Zhishen the officer background, experience deep, rich sense of justice, Tonge social injustice, although he is impetuous, reckless action, but sometimes in struggle wit and very carefully. Punch off the town of West, did not expect him killed three punches, he immediately thought of this legal action in prison, no one single person their meal, so pretend indignant, "pointing to butcher the corpse and said: 'You fraud death, and you slowly Sajia ignored. 'a curse, a march went. "This will get out gone. Great Temple of the farm-in phase, a few calculations Popi to him, deliberately knelt up in the manure pit side does not rise to his suspicion, he came not so Popi upper body, one foot a kick to the pit for the first two years go. All this shows that he is a crude and refined people. Wu strong temperament, good reason to play those unknown people who are not afraid of death. Sometimes behave in action rude arrogant, deliberately stirred up trouble like, such as the tavern keeper to Chiang; sometimes put on a false confusion and paralysis rivals, such as the cross slope on the Sun Erniang. In order to take revenge for his brother, was considered very carefully, starting from the investigation, to kill Sister to extract confessions, to kill Ximen, surrendered to county government, a step by step according to the arrangements he had done. This in turn shows his shenanigans. And Li Kui and the two are very different, honest and straightforward, strong, careless, bold, very loyal to the Liangshan cause, against the strongest Once a war breaks, shirtless extremely brave. He is a real yokel, blindly rash, reckless, there are a bit naive, inquisitive, and often stir up trouble for wins in Jiangzhou fish and Shun-tearing, lured by Shun-water, submerged His eyes get white; to take Gongsun Sheng Jizhou move, the way wine and meat eating by Daizong punishment; ax Lo real, is real punishment to the big prison Jizhou suffering; killed Yantian Xi, implicated Chaijin jail, almost sent lives. On the personality traits of the grasp of the very accurate and detailed. "Water Margin" personality characteristics of these descriptions of heroes, really done without losing the slightest, which has strengthened the image of the moving force.
"Outlaws of the Marsh" is a spoken language based on refined and processed to create a literary language. Their language is characterized by crisp, Xi Lian, accurate and vivid. Whether the description of the language or the language of works of figures, many places are vivid, there is a strong flavor of life. Scenery, tilting, narrative, expression, very clever and vivid. "Water Margin" narrative, good line drawing, simple and bright, without delay clumsy narrative and lengthy description of the complicated landscape. Sometimes paint a portrait of the text, but also very exciting. Wu did not listen to advice, such as restaurants, riding Jiuxing single up the hill, saw a notice on the temple, I discovered that there really is Tiger, and he hesitated a bit, or bite the bullet on the ridge. Here only two sentences of this time off the atmosphere and the mood: "When back at the Rise, gradually falling to the" Wu "stumbling over chaos straight to the woods," wrote the Tiger activities in both the time and wrote the tiger-infested environment. Two words put a desolate atmosphere and mood of terror come clean, people are here and I do not know when it will suddenly jump out of a live tiger. "Water Margin" narrative, terse, just right, but vivid, vivid. "Wu Song Fights the Tiger" is traditionally passed down a good article, written in a very vivid, tiger Competing write, write Tiger a flutter, yixian, a three-cut as the ability Helenians, harmony hills roar of the earthquake, a real tiger to leap off the paper alive. After a fight, the tiger decreasing power and prestige, and finally how the Wu press, how to struggle, how Wu Song killed, written in vivid, very realistic. Through these descriptions will better highlight the hero Wu Song.
"Heroes" character of language characters, to a very high level, not only through the language of the characters personality traits, and its origin, status, and suffered cultural education and the formation of habits of thought sometimes can accurately shown, the so-called "people have their temperament. ... ... people have the sound of mouth." such as Li Kui first met Song Jiang, Dai Zong asked: "brother, who is this black guy?" Daizong blame rude to him, he refused to accept such Daizong presented to him, he said: "Black Song Jiang could there Shandong timely!" how to think his heart his mouth to how to say, he is a yokel, see what polite people do not know how to entertain the matter and not subject to the constraints etiquette He just has big hair on the Liangshan ravings: "rebellion will be afraid of Zende, Chao Gai would be big brother, the Emperor of Song, Song Jiang Xiao Song emperor, his brother would be killed ... ... to Tokyo, and took away the birds bit." Emperor of Song as large and small Song emperors, etc., there is only said Li Kui was obtained, is highly personalized language. Others such as the heart straight impatient Ruan Xiaoqi Wu with resourcefulness, Song Jiang's humble servant, through their dialogue, as heard and all people, as reflected in its people. Lu Xun once said: "" Water Margin "and" Dream of Red Mansions "in some places, is to make the reader see the people come by the talk."
Evaluation】 【industry
Tan the "Water Margin" and "Lament", "Zhuang Zi", "Historical Records", "Du," "The West Chamber" collectively, the "Six Talented Scholars." Feng Meng-long of "Water Margin" and "Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West", "Golden Lotus" as the "Four Great Masterpieces." And the "Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West", "Dream of Red Mansions" were out "four famous classical Chinese."
19th century 50's, when the view is held that the "Water Margin" is the description of glorified peasant uprising. This view was all kinds of textbooks, literature, history and the history of fiction held by a mainstream view.
【Number】 characters
According to statistics, the Water Margin characters in the book description, there are 577 identified by name (including the main character 108), no surname is known, 8 bit, name unknown, 99, in the book are referred to but did not play 102, a total of 787.
Synopsis】 【
Song Zhe, the Tokyo called the children of a dissolute Gao Qiu, who played one foot strike, was King Cheoljong brother Duan fancy, become a confidant of Duan. Later, when the Emperor Duan, and this is Huizong, less than half a year, put the house Shuaifu Gao Qiu Qiu upgrade. Gao Qiu took office the first day not yet reached the coach on the remediation of illness Wang Jin, Wang Jin with his mother forced to flee to Tokyo. Wang came to the village of Huayin historian, was the history into the shelter, thanks to the master. Chase after a tight grip because of the high Qiu, Wang Jin Shi Jin went to Yenan had to bid farewell to the government. King inside, Shi Jin and Shan leaders and make a small friend, Huayin magistrate that matter, framed into the history of fornication bandits, Shi Jin Shi Jia Zhuang burned.
After Lu Zhishen away from Mount Wutai, a large phase Temple in Tokyo managed gardens. One day, Lu Zhishen martial arts in the garden, hanging in public uprooted poplar, was accompanied by his wife to see Yue Miao Lin pilgrimage, the two hit it off, sworn brothers. Are happy occasion, the maid to report that his wife was molested. Lin went to Yue Miao, see the son of a dry Gao Gao, Ren Qi had to put him, and bid farewell to Lu Zhishen home.
See the beautiful wife of Gao Lin, Lin's wife bent on seeking accounted for. Chevalier minions offered advice to Gao Qiu, lie with the sword into the Baihu Tang Lin, Lin caught, the crime of assassination made with Cangzhou. Buy Gongren Gao Qiu and sent to kill them Yezhu Lin Lin. Lu Zhishen fortunate to have secret protection, Lin was able to escape. To Cangzhou, Gao Qiu also sent minions fire fodder field, Yu Zhi Lin to death. Intolerable Lin, killing henchmen, Liangshanpo defected to the night.
Wong Yang went to a pedestrian Nigang, Chao Gai posing as traders and other businessmen date, while the Yang men to buy drinks when the mouth, cast a drugged, drug them faint, stole a birthday Gang. Yang woke up and found that birth classes were robbed, that catastrophe, he went to Green Island Erlongshan done robber. Liang Zhongshu told Caijing Sheng Chen Gang robbery, CAI ordered to arrest the culprits economic state capital. He Tao Yin send economic state capital charge of the case, the investigation is known as the Chao Gai et al, He Tao, Chao Gai bring people to the Yuncheng arrest. Song Jiang is the Chao Gai County Yasi friends to Chao Gai immediately after hearing the news to report. Chao Gai burned his own manor. He Tao defeated, led all defected Liangshanpo.
Wu recovered, to find his brother Wu Dalang Farewell Song Jiang. Wu Song killed a tiger when passing Jingyang Gang, was appointed to the infantry Yanggu head magistrate. One day, Wu met his brother in Yanggu county. Wu Dalang very happy, Wu cited the home. See Wu Pan wife looks burly, sudden and devastating evil, deliberately luring by Wu Songshen exclusion.
Come to vote Liangshanpo of Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu, when the hotel moved to be ordained Chuang bullying, the two sides are at war, when the move caught. Move to save time, Chao Gai and Song Jiang Fabing 3 times against Happy Lodge, and wipe out the wish Chuang, Chuang Zhu near alliance lijiazhuang, Hu Chuang Liangshanpo have surrendered. Liangshanpo Wal-Mart gone, four heroes have defected.
Soon, Li Kui went to Chai Jin Chuang on down, are met Chai Jin received a letter from his uncle, uncles, brothers, said Gao Qiu Yan Tianxi high cheaper Qijiu garden to seize Chai. So Chaijin rushed Gao Tangzhou with Li Kui, see the garden has been taken away, Li Kui row Gaotang Zhou, killing Yantian Xi. Prefect of soldiers on the capture of high-Lian, Chai Jin captured, Chai Jinshu parent had their homes searched. Li Kui fled cottage messenger, Song Jiang Chao Gai led the 22 chieftains that attack Gaotang Zhou, killing the high-Lian, saved Chaijin.
Gao Qiu Qiu Zhao Tingpai to Jiaobu, Gao Qiu Hu Yanzhuo attack that Liangshanpo. Hu Yanzhuo played by Song Jiang army defeated and fled to Green Island, went for the attack on Peach Mountain Murong prefect, Erlongshan, White Tiger Hill, the rebels force. Lu Zhishen aggregate three mountain troops, to Liangshanpo help. Three Mountain Rebel Song Jiang led his army to attack the common Qingzhou, Hu Yanzhuo surrender, Murong prefect was killed along with three mountain chieftains defected to the Liangshanpo.
Soon, CAI also sent a single-Ting Gui, Wei Dingguo Liangshanpo attack, are being defeated. Song Jiang and Lu Junyi was the first city to join to lead the troops to attack, kill family had five in the back to pay homage to Chao Gai Spirit Mountain. Break followed up a victory for the East level, Fairmont II Prefecture, army triumphant. At this point, Liangshanpo size of the chieftains just 108, the time when Hong Taiwei together let go of the devil by the number. Loyalty Hall crowd gathered, Song Jiang sat first chair, erected the "behalf of Heaven," the Xing Huangqi.
Liangshanpo the growth, shocked the government and top to bottom. Qiu Shanbao Huizong sent to the amnesty before the house, took the amnesty edict Li Kui, a tear to pieces. Liangshanpo court also sent Tong Guan attack. Cottage House of Flying Daggers, the two attacks thwarted Tong Guan. Tong Guan fled back to Tokyo, Gao Qiu and dispatch troops to attack Liangshanpo ten Jie Du. Third defeat Gao Qiu Song Jiang and his capture of the mountain, courtesy, to desire toward Tingzhao An Gao Qiu was intended to convey. Gao Qiu to go after Yan Qing Song Jiang also sent to Tokyo, Yan Qing Li Shishi obtained by Huizong even ordered, a few days, before the house up the hill to King Yuan Su Qiu read the edict, Song Jiang led the mountains hero accepted the amnesty, name "Heaven", "protect the country" banner, to Tokyo to accept Huizong review.
After receiving amnesty Rebel Liangshanpo are case Liaobing violations, Song Jiang Liao Shou Zhao broken. So army north, capture Tanzhou, back Jizhou, outsmart Bazhou, occupation Youzhou, Bing Wei Yanjing, Liao Lord, confessing his sin to surrender. Song Jiang return after victory to return, in accordance with Huizong will, will still be returned to the counties won the Liao state.
【Information】 Television
【Name】 Chinese Drama: Outlaws of the Marsh (Shandong Edition)
】 【Episode: 40
】 【Year: 1980
【Format】: RMVB
【Language】: Mandarin
【Subtitles】: Chinese
Directed by: Chen Min Liu Liu Liu Ziyun
Shou-Jin - Lu Zhishen
Zhu Yanping - Wu
Dongzi Wu - Li Kui
Bao Guoan - Song Jiang
Peng Yam Thai - Chao Gai
TV series "Water Margin" CCTV Edition forty-three episode
TV series "Water Margin" According to the Shinai creation, named Luo Guanzhong adaptation of the same name, Classical Literature.
【Top】 characters
Liangshan Tiangang Xing thirty-six:
Paul Yi Song Jiang Hu Kuixing days, Tiangang Xing Yu Lu Junyi unicorn,
Mastermind Wu used the secret stars, stars into the busy days Gongsun Sheng Yunlong,
Guan Sheng Yong Star sword day, Tianxiong Star leopard head Lin,
Tin Star Thunderbolt Meng Qin, Tianwei Star Shuangbian Hu Yanzhuo,
Days of the British Star Guang Hua-Rong, the day of your whirlwind Chaijin Star,
Star-bashing days of carving Tin Fu Li Ying, Tin Man Star Meiran Gong Zhu Tong,
Lone Star Monk Lu Zhishen day, day injured stars monk Wu,
Tianli Star Shuangqiang Jiang Ping Dong, Yu Jian, Chang Ching-day Jetstar did not,
Yang Xing Qing Tian An animal side, God Save the Gold Star gunmen Xu Ning,
Super Star Sky cable pioneer, the day Star News Attack Daizong speed,
Day ghost FUJIAN AGRICULTURE alien red hair, damn Star Black Tornado Li Kui,
MSI patterns in nine days into the history, study days, no masking Star Mu Hong,
Star winged tiger Leiheng days back, the day mixed Martial birthday Li Jun,
Sword Tai Sui Ruan Xiaoer Star site, the day the fire went so far as child stars Chuan Zhang Heng,
Days of short-lived stars Jiro Ruanxiao Wu crime, day loss in the white waves jump Shun-Star,
Days lost star Huoyan Luo Ruan Xiaoqi, Tianlao spot Guansuo Yang Xiong,
Shi Xiu comet workaholic days, two days of violent star Jennifer snake solution,
Tin Star tailed scorpion solution cry Po, Tin Yan Qing Qiao Xing prodigal son.
Liangshan to Fiends seventy-two:
Wu Zhu Kuixing military advisor to God Machine, in Iron Phoenix Hill Town, yellow letters,
SUN Yong scab to Watson, to Jie Xing ugly Junmaxuanzan,
Well male star to jail Haosi Wen wood, to Super Star Yum will Hulme,
Eye to the British star will Peng Qi, Qi Xing holy water to a single-Ting Gui,
To Meng Wei Dingguo Star Lightning will, to let Xiao Wen Star Shengshoushusheng,
To face head Peixuan iron is Star, in broad wings of gold star Mo Yun Peng Ou,
Spark eyes to whole family Suan Ni Cheng Fei, Xing Jin Mao Huyan to strong cis
Jin Yang Lin leopard to Dark Star, Star Lethal Lei Lingzhen axis,
To be sub-Chiang Fortune Star King, to Junior Star Swinhoe Lui Fong,
REN GUI to Yu Guo Sheng-Star Game, Star of Hope On Road geniuses who all,
To purple bearded beast star Peter Huangfu side, to MSI Dwarf Tiger Wang Ying,
Yi Zhang Qing Hu San Niang to the comet, to storm Star Sangmen God Bao Xu,
To natural star Hunshimowang Fanrui, to wild feather star star Ming,
Kong Liang mad star alone to Mars, flying stars, eight arms to charge items that readers,
Flying Monkey King to take the Star Li Gun, to Qiao Xing Jin Dajian Yubi Carpenter,
Star Iron Flute cents to Ma Lin, ground into the star hole Jiao Tong Wei,
To return child star turned mirage Jiang Meng, streamers all over the pole star Jade Meng Kang,
Ape arms to then sung Hou Jian, Zhou Xing jump to Tiger Chen Jian Da,
To hidden star nosed pit viper YANG, to alien flour Musical Zheng Tianshou,
Geographic Star Turtle Taozong Wang, Chun-sing to iron fan Song Qing,
Called the sub-iron to music stars and music, to take items Jetstar Gong Wang Fu,
Tigers star in the Arrow ground speed Ding Hudson, the town of Star masking Mu Chun,
Cao Zheng Ji Xing surgeon to ghosts, real magic nebula King Kong Song million
Yao Xing Du moved to touch the sky, to secluded spot Beast Xue Yongxin,
To V Star Shi En, to secluded Star Tiger to Li Zhong,
To empty Star bully weeks pass, to Lone Star leopard sub-Tang Long,
Land faces child Duchenne All-Star, to sing a short-Yuan Lin Long Zou,
Long horn to horn star Chow Yun, to ignore laws Zhu Gui dry prisoners sing,
To possession of the rich Star Xiaomian Hu Zhu, Star Iron Bibo Caifu horizon,
To loss of Star flower CAI, slaves sing persistently urge judge to Li Li,
Blue tiger eye to detect star Li Yun, to the evil face of coke did not quite sing,
Ugly rock stars to General Shi Yong, a small number of stars in the new Watson Sun,
Yin Gu Star Mother to Aunt Beast, vegetable garden to criminal star Zhang Qing,
To strong star dominatrix Sun Erniang, to bad flash po stars live the king _set_ VI
Star Health Insurance Road to God Yu Paul IV, to consumption of rat Baisheng Star day,
When the flea to move the drum falling star, golden dog to the dog section of Star King live.
A total of 108.
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