正史 míng shǐ History of the Ming   》 juàn · běn      zhāng tíng Zhang Tingyu

明史 卷一·本纪第一
《明史》是二十四史最后一部,共三百三十二卷,包括本纪二十四卷,志七十五卷,列传二百二十卷,表十三卷。它是一部纪传体明代史,记载了自朱元璋洪武元年(公元1368年)至朱由检崇祯十七年(公元1644年)二百多年的历史。其卷数在二十四史中仅次于《宋史》,但其修纂时间之久,用力之勤却大大超过了以前诸史。修成之后,得到后代史家的好评,认为它超越了宋、辽、金、元诸史。清史学家赵翼在《廿二史札记》卷31中说:“近代诸史自欧阳公《五代史》外,《辽史》简略,《宋史》繁芜,《元史》草率,惟《金史》行文雅洁,叙事简括,稍为可观,然未有如《明史》之完善者。” 清朝入主中原之后,转年即顺治二年(1645年)四月癸亥(十一日),御史赵继鼎奏请纂修《明史》(注:赵继鼎奏请纂修《明史》的记载,见于《清世祖实录》卷15,何冠彪《顺治朝〈明史〉编纂考》一文首揭此事。但清廷何时决议纂修,尚无确切史料证实。清代官书中亦不见有关纂修《明史》的诏令,《清世祖实录》中仅见几位总裁于顺治二年五月癸未的上奏,其中言,“臣等钦奉圣谕,总裁《明史》”,并提出副总裁及纂修人员名单。这种“钦奉圣谕”,很可能仅是早朝时的口头指示而已。以往论著称顺治二年五月“诏修《明史》”,表述确实有所不当,准确言之为:顺治二年五月,清廷组成《明史》的纂修人员。),得到了清廷认可。其后,大学士冯铨、李建泰、范文程、刚林、祁充格为总裁,操办此事。是年五月,由总裁提名副总裁和纂修官,并设收掌官七员,满字誊录十员,汉字誊录三十六员,揭开了清朝官方纂修《明史》的序幕。康熙四年(公元1665年),重开明史馆,因纂修《清世祖实录》而停止。康熙十八年(公元1679年),以徐元文为监修,开始纂修明史。于乾隆四年(公元1739年)最后定稿,进呈刊刻。《明史》是我国历史上官修史书中纂修时间最长的一部。如果从清顺治二年(1645年)开设明史馆起,到乾隆四年(1739年)正式由史官向皇帝进呈,前后历时九十四年。假如从康熙十八年(1679年)正式组织班子编写起至呈稿止,为时也有整整六十年之久。 为什么这部史书前后费时这样久呢?主要是当时政治上不稳定的原因。《明史》的正式开馆修纂始于清顺治二年五月初二(1645年5月26日)。据清朝顺治实录记载,当日以修《明史》总裁官内三院大学士冯铨、洪承畴、李建泰、范文程、刚林、祁充格等奏请,正式设置副总裁官,以学士、侍读学士詹霸等十一人充任,并且选定纂修、收掌、誊录官。 此时正值清军入关之初,立足未稳便急于诏修《明史》,其目的是显而易见的。一是以此宣告明朝已亡,而当时南京的弘光朝廷正与清朝隔江对抗,修《明史》便是不再承认弘光的南明政权存在。二是以此笼络明朝遗臣,通过纂修《明史》,使那些降清的明朝汉族官员有一种情感上的寄托。 从当时的形势来看,开馆修史的条件是根本不具备的。虽然到五月十五日(6月8日)清军攻入南京,南明弘光朝廷灭亡,五月二十八日(6月21日)清廷宣布“平定江南捷音”,但是实际上清军在江南遭到了军民的坚决抵抗,尤其是清廷公布“剃发令”后,更激起江南百姓的抵制。其中著名的战斗有阎应元领导的江阴保卫战,固守孤城达两月之久。 南明弘光政权覆灭后,明臣黄道周、郑芝龙等奉唐王朱聿键于福州建立了隆武政权;与此同时,张国维、张煌言等奉鲁王朱以海于绍兴监国;李自成农民起义军余部也与明总督何腾蛟结合抗清。到顺治三年(1646年),明臣苏观生等奉唐王朱聿键在广州建立了绍武政权,丁魁楚、瞿式耜等又拥立桂王朱由榔建立了永历政权。顺治六年(1649年),张献忠农民军余部在孙可望、李定国率领下,与南明永历政权结合,成为抗清主力之一。 在清军占据的北方各地,与南方抗清形势呼应,山东、山西、陕西、甘肃义师纷起,一些降清明朝将领也先后举旗抗清,在全国范围内,几次掀起抗清高潮。例如顺治九年(1652年)李定国率军收复宝庆、全州、桂林的战役,迫使清定南王孔有德自杀。顺治十年至十一年,明鲁王部下张名振、张煌言等率舟师攻入长江,直抵南京近郊;郑成功亦率水军攻克舟山。这样的抗清斗争,直到清康熙初年,南明永历帝被吴三桂所杀,郑成功、李定国先后去世,始告一段落。 在这样战火纷飞、政局未定的情况之下,要集中大量人力物力开馆修史,是根本不可能的。 清康熙八年(1669年),康熙皇帝拘禁权臣鳌拜,开始亲政。然而此时政局又有新的变化。康熙十二年(1673年),由于平南王尚可喜、平西王吴三桂和靖南王耿精忠撤藩而引发了“三藩之乱”,从此,又开始了长达八年之久的战乱。直到康熙二十年(1681年)十月,吴三桂之孙吴世璠自杀。“三藩之乱”期间,清廷集中全力平叛,仍然无暇顾及《明史》的修纂,因此,顺治二年(1645年)所下修纂《明史》的诏令,实际只是一纸空文,它的政策作用远远超出了它修史的作用。 《明史》修纂第一阶段无绩可言的另一方面原因,是史料的缺乏和人力的不足。当时不仅没有力量整理明朝的邸抄和档案,而且在征求图书时,献书者也极少,就连最基本的史料明代历朝实录也不完整,天启朝实录缺少七年以后部分,崇祯朝因亡国而无实录。如此种种,也限制了《明史》修纂工作的进展。所以,直到“三藩之乱”基本平定之后,清廷才有力量集中人力物力正式动手修纂《明史》,其间已历时三十五年之久。真正动手修史,是康熙十八年以后的事。康熙十七年(1678年)诏征博学鸿儒,次年三月,试博学鸿儒一百四十三人于体仁阁,取一等二十人,二等三十二人,命纂修《明史》,从这时候起,正式动手修纂《明史》的第二阶段即告开始。 康熙年间修《明史》者,可谓人才济济。有当时的著名文学家朱彝尊、尤侗和毛奇龄等人。但出力最多的是清初著名史家万斯同。这里,应当提一提我国史学史的一段公案。原来,明清之际,有一些明朝遗臣和反清志士十分重视明史的研究。杰出思想家黄宗羲曾编《明文海》四百多卷,并著有《明史案》二百四十卷;顾炎武也辑存有关明朝史料一两千卷。清朝统治者入关后,为笼络明朝遗臣、社会名流,曾有意开博学鸿词科。黄、顾等人虽坚持不肯与清廷合作,但为着保存明朝真实史迹的目的,仍派出了得力助手参与明史的编纂。黄宗羲的得意弟子万斯同,便是当时被委派参加明史的编撰人之一。黄宗羲的儿子、顾炎武的外甥,也都参与其事。这样,就相应地保证了明史的质量。万斯同是一位出色的史学家。清初著名学者钱大昕曾评论他:“专意古学,博通诸史”,熟于明朝掌故,对自洪武至天启的“实录”,皆“能暗诵”,了如指掌。他先后编写和审定两种明史稿。各有三百和四百多卷。因此,可以说,《明史》的初稿,在万斯同时代已基本上完成了。万斯同死后,先后三次任明史总编的王鸿绪,把万氏的明史稿进行了改编,于康熙末年和雍正初年两次向皇帝进呈。这便是王氏《明史稿》本。王氏此举曾引起当时和后来文坛的非议和责难,史学家们一致认为王鸿绪实际上是掠夺了数十年来以万斯同等人为主力的几十个学者的劳动成果,属于剽窃行为。 到雍正元年(1723年)正因为康熙十八年(1679年)博学鸿儒科及其修纂《明史》只是康熙皇帝的一种政治手段,所以其结果也必然会时重时轻,迁延时日,前后用了将近五十年时间,直到康熙皇帝病逝,雍正元年(1723年)仍然未能完成这部官修的前朝史。但是,这时的情况与顺治二年(1645年)下诏初修时已经大不相同。除了政局稳定,经济也逐渐恢复,到康熙后期更出现了繁荣盛世,这些都为《明史》的修纂工作提供了良好条件,无论从人力物力还是资料的征集方面,都是前所未有的。因此,这近五十年时间,虽然未能完成《明史》的修纂,但却是《明史》成书的关键阶段。我们今天所见《明史》之雏形便是在此时形成的。到雍正元年(1723年)为止,先后完成了四部《明史》的稿本。一种是万斯同审定的三百十三卷本,另一种是他审定的四百十六卷本,这两种稿本都被称作万氏《明史稿》。此外还有王鸿绪于康熙五十三年(1714年)进呈的《明史(列传部分)》二百零五卷本,这实际上是在万氏《明史稿》基础上删削而成的。到雍正元年(1723年)六月,王鸿绪又一次进呈《明史稿》,包括纪、志、表、传,共计三百十卷,这便是王氏《明史稿》,即后来刊刻的所谓《横云山人明史稿》。至乾隆四年(1739年),清政府又第三次组织人手修改明史稿,这才形成定稿的《明史》。因为这次修书总裁为张廷玉,因此现在通行的《明史》题为张廷玉等撰。 王鸿绪(1645~1723年),初名度心,字季友,号俨斋,又号横云山人。清松江府娄县人,家住西门外竹竿汇。康熙十二年(1673年),中一甲二名进士(榜眼),授翰林院编修,累升侍读学士。曾上疏劾朱方旦所刻《中质秘书》三大罪,得旨逮治伏法。康熙二十一年,充《明史》总裁。后升为左都御史,被劾罢官。康熙三十三年,又奉召赴京修《明史》,聘史学家万斯同等编写史稿。康熙三十八年改任工部尚书,督修高家堰堤工。因与河道总督张鹏翮不合,被召还,调任户部尚书。康熙四十八年,因议立皇储事与帝意不合,被勒令休致。回家时,把《明史》全稿带回,加以删改,费时五年,编成310卷,于康熙五十三年进呈清廷。次年,又被召入京修书,充《诗经传说汇纂》和《省方盛典》总裁官。卒于官。 王鸿绪深于史学,两次总纂《明史》,其所进《明史稿》,乃万斯同执笔居多。以后张廷玉等修《明史》时,就拿它作为底本,加以增删。又通医术,著有《王鸿绪外科》。所著诗文有《赐金园文集》(60卷)、《横云山人诗稿》等。 万斯同(1638-1702年)宇季野,学者称他石园先生。 万斯同生而异敏,读书过目不忘。八岁时,在客人面前能背诵《扬子法言》,终篇不失一字;到十四、五岁读遍了家藏书籍,以后专攻二十一史,并受业于浙东著名史学家黄宗羲,后又博览天一阁藏书,学识锐进。 万斯同像他的老师黄宗羲一样,很有民族气节。康熙十七年(1678年),清廷因诏请黄宗羲修《明史》,被黄宗羲拒绝。朝中大臣便推举万斯同为博学鸿词科,万斯同也坚辞不就。以后,大学士徐元文出任修《明史》总裁,又荐他入史局。黄宗羲觉得修《明史》,事关忠奸评判和子孙后世的大业,有万斯同参加,可以放心。便动员万斯同赴京,并在赠别诗中以“四方身价归明水,一代奸贤托布衣”相勉。当时,凡入史局者署翰林院纂修衔,授七品俸禄。万斯同遵黄宗羲嘱咐,上京后宁愿寓居于徐元文家,不署衔,不受俸,以布衣入史局,修《明史》,前后十九年。写成明史原稿明史稿500卷,这些稿件无一不由原黄宗羲治下阳明派的文件经过审裁后写出,其艰辛异常,为中国史官的楷模,他自己说:“史之难言久矣!好恶因心,毁誉随之。一家之事,言者三人,而其传各异,何况数百年乎?!....凡实录难详者,吾以他书证之,他书滥诬者,吾以所得于实录者裁之,虽不敢据闻全可信,而枉者鲜矣!昔宋史病之繁芜,而吾所述将倍焉.非不知简者为贵,而所不取者必非其事与言之真不可益也!” 他熟悉汉以下制度沿革和明代史事。当时,参加纂修的官员有五六十人,他们把每篇初稿写成后.都送到万斯同处复审。万斯同看完每一篇初稿.就告诉纂编者,取某书某卷某页,有某事应当补入;取某书某卷某页,某事应当核实,无一谬误。徐元文以后,大学士张玉书、陈廷敬、尚书王鸿绪相继担任纂修《明史》的总裁,仍延请万斯同继续修《明史》。 万斯同以修《明史》自任。年青时喜欢古文及诗歌,与当时一些名士角逐于文坛,以后,他认为史学是国家需用之学,便由经入史,专攻史学,有志于作一代史籍手。他常常感叹唐代以后,修志时设局分修,造成史书错谬百出,说:“以前司马迁、班固修史,才既杰出,又承父学,事实可靠,才记入史书。以后,专家修史书,才虽不如司马迁和班固,但都不至于官修那样杂乱。修史书,就像入人之室,总是先知其厅堂,而后知其家境如何,礼俗如何;而后知其一家老幼、刚柔遇贤。待到都了解清楚后,才能掌握这家情况。修史书也同样道理。官修之史,仓卒而成;众人不暇择其材宜与不宜,事实或不实,就像招过路人讨论室中之事。我所以要作总裁,是惟恐众人分操割裂,使一代治乱贤奸之迹,暗昧不明。”他这番话,对后世修史者颇有影响。 万斯同修史态度非常严谨。他认为撰写史书必须“事信而言文”。他说过,修史难。修史者以自己的好恶随心毁誉。一室之事,三人传说,往往各异,何况数百年以前的事,是非曲直难以裁别,故受其枉者举不胜举。他说:“我少年时,在城东某氏家中一面当馆师,一面借阅该氏所藏的明代列朝实录。我默识暗诵,未敢有一言一事之遗。待长大后,游学四方,向故家长老求遗书,考问往事,旁及郡志。凡杂家志传,无不搜罗,并以实录作为指针。实录直载其事,不尚增饰。他书中有错谬者,以实录为证裁。这样,虽不能说完全可信,但谬误就少多了。”他就是以这种严肃认真的态度修史。今“天一阁”珍藏有他编纂的《明史稿》列传部分十余册,在史学上有相当地位。 万斯同一生不慕荣利,态度谦恭,与人交往都自称“布衣万斯同”。但京中上至王公下至学子,无不尊称他“万先生”。他在京多次讲学,贯穿古今史实,评论中肯。清初著名学者李光地,品评人才相当苛严,对万斯同却极为赞赏。他说,平生所见,不过数子,如顾宁人(炎武)、万季野、阎百诗“真足以备石渠顾问之选者也”。 经过三次改稿,费时几十年。《明史》的确有不少长处。首先,它体例严谨,叙事清晰,文字简明,编排得当。史评家赵翼在《廿二史札记》中,曾将辽宋、金、元诸史和《明史》作了比较,认为“未有如《明史》之完善者”。其次,《明史》的史料较为丰富。当时可资的第一手史料很多,除一套完整的明朝各帝“实录”而外,尚有邸报、方志、文集和大量私家史乘。朱彝尊修史时《上总裁第二书》中说,仅各地的方志藏于国家图书馆者,即达三千余册之多。此外,如明人王世贞著述的《锦衣志》、《中官考》等,都对明朝特务统治和宦官之弊有系统地作了介绍。这些,都使明史的修撰者们较之各朝修官史者,有得天独厚的有利条件。第三,《明史》有些地方持论公允,也能秉直书写。如对袁崇焕被清太宗设反间计杀害一事,以及熊廷弼的功罪问题的记载,都很有参考价值。第四,《明史》在体例上有新的创造,在列传中专列了“阉党”、“流贼”和“上司”三目。宦官专政为明朝一代历史的重大问题,《阉党传》记载了王振、刘瑾、魏忠贤等宦官党羽祸国殃民的罪行。《明史》的作者们对李自成、张献忠等农民起义领袖抱敌对和仇视的态度,在为他们立传的同时又诬之为“流贼”。这是作者的阶级立场所决定的,目的是为统治者总结经验:“至于亡明,剿抚之失,足为炯鉴。”但客观上为后人保存了明末农民战争的某些可靠史料。《土司传》专写西南少数民族的情况,分湖广、四川、云南、贵州、广西五个土司传。这些传,虽坚持民族压迫的立场,对少数民族有许多污蔑之词,但其中保存了大量这一带少数民族的重要资料。今日国内少数民族的历史,大半可以追溯到明朝初年。此外,《明史》其它部分篇章,也为后人保存了不少可贵的史料,如《刑法志》中对明代特务机构厂卫的叙述等,都有助于后人对这段历史的考察研究。 本纪共二十四卷,就卷数而论,《明史》本纪所占不足全书十分之一,若以字数而论,则所占不及全书二十五分之一。由此可知本纪在《明史》中所占比例甚小,这是《明史》编纂体例中的一个特点。本纪在纪传体史书中,是以编年形式叙史的部分,《明史》显然是将本纪作为全史之纲,以简明扼要的方式,首列于全书之前,使人在读阅这部史书之时,首先了解到有明一代历史之概况,而不是使人在读阅本纪时便事无巨细尽览尽知。这应该算是《明史》修纂整体设计上的独到之处。 《明史》本纪的另一个特点,是尊重史实,不以明代官定史论为据。如建文帝年号于成祖夺位后革除,其四年实录仅以元、二、三及洪武三十五年,附于《明太祖实录》之后。《明史》中则专立《恭闵帝纪》一卷,甚为得体。再如英宗削景泰帝号,情形与建文事相似,《明史》中亦处理得当。清代史家钱大昕曾论称:“其例有创前史所未有者。如《英宗实录》附景泰七年事,称郕戾王,而削其庙号,此当时史臣曲笔。今分英宗为前后两纪,而列景帝纪于中,斟酌最为尽善。”(钱大昕:《十驾斋养新录》卷九)明洪武中懿文太子朱标,因早逝而未及继位,建文元年(1399)追尊为孝康皇帝,庙号兴宗。成祖夺位后,废其帝号庙号,复称懿文太子。是虽曾有帝号,而未改元登极,故不入本纪,而入列传,但其曾有帝号,亦为史实,又与诸传不同,特于后妃传后,诸王传前立传。与之同列者,又有嘉靖皇帝之父,兴献王朱佑杬。嘉靖中兴大礼议,特尊其父为睿宗兴献皇帝,也属仅有帝号而已。《明史》本纪不列兴宗、睿宗,正与其以本纪为叙述有明一代历史之大纲有关。光宗即位于万历四十八年(1620)八月初一,死于同年九月初一,在位仅一月,未及改元,遂定以是年八月后为泰昌元年。《光宗本纪》于是附于《神宗本纪》之后,未单立一卷,仅以数百字述过,不失为大纲之作。 《明史》本纪虽以时间长短为本,分卷记史,然而又不尽拘泥于此。太祖在位三十一年,本纪则占三卷,因其为开国之君。成祖在位二十二年,本纪则占三卷,虽可称因其夺位登极,事属特殊,则已有轻重之分。英宗二卷,尚可因前后各有年号为由,宪宗二十二年,亦占二卷,世宗四十五年,神宗四十八年,同样各占二卷,庄烈帝十七年,亦占二卷。可见诸人修史,颇以史事轻重叙述,此又符合其立纲之体。总的来看,《明史》本纪,分帝而述,编年记事,又不失为一个整体,笔墨虽少,却完整明了,轻重适宜。《明史》本纪中一大令人遗憾之处是未能给南明诸帝立纪,这是清初政治形势所决定的。清朝官修史书,不仅不可能给南明诸帝立纪,甚至于列传中亦不立传。清初私家修史,妄谈及此,则也难免于“文字狱”之祸。 《明史》志之修纂,依照天、地、礼、乐之顺序排述,《天文志》出自汤斌之手。汤斌为清初廉正之臣,于修《明史》颇有所建言。顺治初修《明史》时,他曾应诏陈言,请广搜野乘遗书以修《明史》,且言:“《宋史》修于元至正,特传文天祥之忠;《元史》修于明洪武,亦著巴颜布哈之义。我朝顺治元、二年间,前明诸臣亦有抗节不屈,临危致命者,与叛逆不同。宜令纂修诸臣勿事瞻顾,昭示纲常于万世。”此下于所司,招致冯铨等人攻击,说他“夸奖抗逆之人”,幸亏顺治皇帝赞许汤斌之言,才未因此获罪。至康熙再修《明史》时,汤斌于康熙二十一年(1682)充任《明史》总裁,因此《明史》中本纪、志、列传不少篇出其笔下。但汤斌颇重经学,于天文则非其所长,其所撰《天文志》较为难读。 《明史·天文志序》称:“自司马迁述《天官》,而历代作史者皆志天文。惟《辽史》独否,谓天象昭垂,千古如一,日食、天变既著本纪,则《天文志》近于衍。其说颇当。..然因此遂废天文不志,亦非也。天象虽无古今之异,而谈天之家,测天之器,往往后胜于前。无以志之,使一代制作之义泯焉无传,是亦史法之缺漏也。..明神宗时,西洋人利玛窦等入中国,精于天文、历算之学,发微阐奥,运算制器,前此未尝有也。兹掇其要,论著于篇。” 由此可知,修纂《明史·天文志》的宗旨,虽然仍抱对天文之轻视,但也看到了明代天文学的发展,尤其是西方传教士带来的西洋天文学知识,于中国传统天文学颇有裨补。《天文志》除第一卷叙述传统天文学与“西洋之说,既不背于古,而有验于天”者外,还比较系统地介绍了从明太祖至崇祯皇帝其间仪象(即天文仪器)的发展变化。第二卷与第三卷则记有明一代天文现象的变化,除去日食已全部记入本纪之中外,其余如“月掩犯五纬”,“五纬掩犯”,“五纬合聚”,“五纬掩犯恒星”,以至“星昼见”、“晕适”、“星变”、“流陨”等,多有记录,虽然难懂而泛浅,仍有一定参考价值。 除去《天文志》之外,汤斌还执笔了《五行志》和《历志》的编纂。 《五行志》即金、木、水、火、土,其体仿《汉书》及前代诸史,记自洪武至崇祯间所谓“祥异”之事。其三卷中,首卷为水,如恒寒、恒阴、雪霜、冰雹、雷震、鱼孽、蝗蝻、豕祸、龙蛇之孽、马异、人痾、疾疫、鼓妖、陨石、水潦、水变、黑眚黑祥,皆属之水。第二卷为火、木,仿前史,以恒燠、草异、羽虫之孽、羊祸、火灾、火异、赤眚赤祥属之火;仿前史以恒雨、狂人、服妖、鸡祸、鼠孽、木冰、木妖、青眚青祥属之木。第三卷为金、土,仿前史以恒旸、诗妖、毛虫之孽、犬祸、金石之妖、白眚白祥属之金;以恒风、风霾晦冥、花孽、虫孽、牛祸、地震、山颓、雨毛、地生毛、年饥、黄眚黄祥属之土。 《明史·五行志》的编纂是不够成功的,一是简单而缺漏太多,如地震水旱等灾情;二是多有记述不确之处,甚至记入传闻,以增其神秘色彩,所以史家多认为其“无大用”。①《历志》共九卷。明代历法,由于崇祯时改用西洋新法而有所创新。其《历法沿革》一卷,对朱载堉《圣寿万年历》、《律历融通》介绍较详,后徐光启等督修历法,重视西洋历法,也多用文字。这当是《明史·历志》的一大特点。 《历志》的第二大特点是除表之外而有图,与诸史不同。计有图五,均附于《大统历法》之中。有“割圆弧矢图”、“侧立之图”、“平视之图”、“月道距差图”、“二至出入差图”。 全志以大统历为主,计有二、三、四、五、六共五卷,回回历法为辅,计有七、八、九共三卷。《历志》述事虽详,因涉于历法知识,又有古今之别,及明朝所用《大统历》与《回回历》之别,颇为难读。 ①柴德赓:《史籍举要》。 《历志》之后为《地理志》,《地理志》共七卷。 明朝为我国历史上统一的朝代之一,如《明史·地理志序》所称:“禹迹所奄,尽入版图,近古以来,所未有也。”自明太祖统一全国后,京师之外,置十三布政使司,及都指挥使司、行都指挥使司分领天下。成祖即位,又增设交阯、贵州二布政使司,而改北平为北京。仁、宣以后,弃交阯,而渐定为南北二京,十三布政使司,全国一统遂定。英宗天顺五年(1461),李贤等奉敕修成《大明一统志》九十卷,为明朝全国政区之志书。而该书记述失误颇多。《明史·地理志》则“考其升降之差,沿革之故,具著于篇”而成。 七卷之中,南、北两京一卷,山东、山西一卷,河南、陕西一卷,四川、江西一卷,湖广、浙江一卷、福建、广东、广西一卷,云南、贵州一卷。南、北两京及十三布政使司各有总述,记其沿革,均以《禹贡》诸州为本。总述之后,再以府、州、县分述。后附都司、卫、所之设置沿革,内容颇为详尽可取,然亦间有漏误之处,后人有作考辨纠误者。 《礼志》十四卷,吴苑所撰。礼、乐为历朝统治者所重视,礼教为治民之本。礼仪反映了一个时代的政治及社会生活状况。礼仪同时也被用作封建刑法的补充。明朝是中国封建社会后期的朝代,随着社会政治经济和文化的变化,礼制也发生了较明显的变化,尤其是正德、嘉靖以后,复有“礼崩乐坏”之势,而所谓“礼崩乐坏”则正是社会变革之时。《明史·礼志》也就必然要反映出这方面内容。 《礼志》所述,首为吉礼,即祭祀之典,包括祀天地诸坛、诸庙等,共六卷。次为嘉礼,以宫中之礼为主,附有地方“乡饮酒礼”,共三卷有余。嘉礼之后为宾礼,除来宾之礼外,官民相见之礼亦属之列。宾礼附嘉礼后,篇仅半卷。后有军礼一卷。再后则为凶礼三卷,述陵寝丧制。正符古五礼之制。《礼志》的优点是叙述较详,缺点是官民之礼过简,且所述礼仪,难于读明,需与《明会典》诸书相参而读。 《明史·乐志》三卷,主要记述有明一代乐器及乐章之制,以礼为本,乐随礼行。乐制所述并非明代音乐,而仍为礼制而已。明代有音律家朱载堉,为近代音乐创始之名人,惜其所创,非《乐志》所述。 《仪卫志》一卷,《舆服志》四卷,内容亦与礼制相关,记述较详尽。 《明史》仿《宋史》体例,《礼志》、《乐志》、《仪卫志》、《舆服志》均立而分述,较前诸史所立更为全善。 《选举志》三卷,所述颇有特点。其序言称:“选举之法,大略有四:曰学校,曰科目,曰荐举,曰铨选。学校以教育之,科目以登进之,荐举以旁招之,铨选以布列之,天下人才尽于是矣。” 因此《明史·选举志》首卷为学校,次卷为科目,三卷则荐举、任官铨选考察。明初重荐举,永乐以后;科目渐盛,荐举日轻,此种变化于志中叙述十分清楚,其体例为制度与事例夹叙,使人易读易懂,一目了然。《选举志》出自陆葇之手,陆葇进士出身,又选博学鸿儒,于选举关键,自当有所体会,故述史颇为得体。 《职官志》五卷,为《明史》诸志中之重点。明初太祖朱元璋罢丞相,升六部之秩,成祖朱棣始设内阁,中国历史上文官制度至此为一大变化时期,又有宦官衙门之设与历朝不同,其特点显而易见。 《明史·职官志》采取由朝廷至地方,由文及武,由内及边的记述方法。南北两京官署,以北京为主,南京官专立于后,述记颇简。 其一卷所述为:宗人府、三公三孤、太子三师三少、内阁、吏、户、礼、兵、刑、工六部。 二卷:都察院、通政司、大理寺、詹事府、翰林院、国子监、衍圣公。 三卷:太常寺、光禄寺、太仆寺、鸿胪寺、尚宝司、六科、中书舍人、行人司、钦天监、太医院、上林苑监、五城兵马司、顺天府、武学、僧道录司、教坊司、宦官、女官。 四卷:南京官、应天府、王府长史司、布政司、按察司、各道、行太仆寺、苑马寺、都转运盐使司、盐课提举司、市舶提举司、茶马司、府、州、县、儒学、巡检司、驿、税课司、仓库、织染局、河泊所、批验所、递运所、铁冶所、医学、阴阳学、僧纲司、道纪司。 五卷:公侯伯、驸马都尉、五军都督府、京营、京卫、锦衣卫、南京守备、南京五军都督府、南京卫、王府护卫、总兵官、留守司、都司、各卫、各所、宣慰司、宣抚司、安抚司、招讨司、长官司、军民府。 《职官志》中于内阁叙述不详,而以六部为重,是因六部为明代官制主体,但明代内阁作用之大,设置之突出,实应多述。都察院系改原御史台而置,为明代始置。都御史职关纪纲风宪,尤其重要。又有巡抚之职,为都御史外任,并有经略、总理、赞理、巡视、抚治等名目;监察御史又有巡按之制。故此都察院置于第二卷之首,而所占篇幅最长,此亦史笔之用心。 宦官专立一篇,列于第三卷之末,即在京诸衙之后。首述十二监、四司、八局,即宦官二十四衙门,及诸库、房、厂、提督、守备、镇守诸职,记述颇为清楚。如记提督东厂,下记:“掌印太监一员,掌班、领班、司房无定员。贴刑二员,掌刺缉刑狱之事。旧选各监中一人提督,后专用司礼、秉笔第二人或第三人为之。其贴刑官,则用锦衣卫千百户为之。凡内官司礼监掌印,权如外廷元辅,掌东厂,权如总宪。秉笔、随堂视众辅。各私设臣掌家、掌班、司房等员。”明代宦官之权势,跃然于纸上。 且宦官之后,另有评述文字,由明太祖洪武十七年(1384)铸铁牌“内臣不得干预政事,犯者斩”至永乐后中官四出,王振、汪直、刘瑾、魏忠贤之专权,直至明亡,颇有总结。清朝以此为戒,宦官遂无干政之机,这实在是以史为鉴。 明代土司制度,亦为当时一大特点,故职官之尾专立土官,文字虽然不多,却给人以完善之感。 《明史·食货志》共六卷,出自潘耒之手。其实潘耒所作,实据王原《明食货志》而成。但据记潘耒对编纂《食货志》用力最勤,“自洪武至万历朝实录之有关食货者,共钞六十余本,密行细字,每本多至四十余纸,少亦二十余纸,他纂尚不在是”①。故人多认为潘耒曾作有食货之稿,或为长编。后王原入史馆纂《食货志》即所见《学庵类稿》中的《明食货志》,至于其是否曾用潘耒所纂,就不可得而知了。 王原《明食货志》共十二卷:卷一:志序、农桑。卷二:户口。卷三:田制(附屯政)。卷四:赋役(附荒政)。卷五:漕运(附海运)。卷六:仓库(附马房、仓场)。卷七:盐法。卷八:钱钞。卷九:茶矾。卷十:课税。卷十一:上供采造。卷十二:会计(附俸饷)。 王鸿绪所上《明史稿》钞本中,除将“会计”并入“上供采造”而存十一卷外,内容与王原《明食货志》几乎完全相同。 《明史·食货志》共六卷。 卷一:户口、田制(附屯田、庄田)。卷二:赋役。卷三:漕运、仓库。卷四:盐法、茶法。卷五:钱钞、坑冶(附铁冶铜场)、商税、市舶、马市。卷六:上供采造、采造、柴炭、采木、珠池、织造、烧造、俸饷、会计。除去内容有所增减外,基本略同。因此说《明史·食货志》系据王原《明食货志》而成。《食货志》将“明一代理财之道,始所以得,终所以失,条其本末,著于篇”①。自清朝以来,论者甚为推崇,但其实志中错误之处甚多,且有文字过简不明之处,待后尚有介绍,故于此不赘。 《河渠志》六卷,依旧史之例,分河而述。黄河分上、下,共二卷,运河亦分上下,而未足二卷,附有海运半卷。《明食货志》中海运原附于漕运之后。淮、泇、卫、漳、沁、滹沱、桑乾、胶莱诸河共为一卷,直省水利另为一卷。显而易见,《河渠志》之目的不在于河渠而在于水利,着重于河工和漕运。其内容与食货可互为补充。 《兵志》四卷,记有明一代军政之详。首卷记:京营、侍卫上直军(附皇城守卫、京城巡捕)、四卫营。第二卷记:卫所、班军。第三卷记:边防、海防(附江防)、民壮、士兵(附乡兵)。第四卷记:清理军伍、训练、赏功、火器、车船、马政。 明代兵制特点突出,主要体现明太祖集权之用心。所谓“明以武功定天下,革元旧制,自京师达于郡县,皆立卫所。外统之都司,内统于五军都督府,而上十二卫为天子亲军者不与焉”②。此系得唐朝府兵制之遗意而更为详密。 ①杨椿:《上明鉴纲目馆总裁书》。 ①《明史》卷七七《食货志序》。 ②《明史》卷八九《兵志序》。 有明一代,困于南倭北“虏”,军事至为重要,而形势所变又迫使军制屡更。其间沿革变化,《兵志》中记述颇为清楚,只第一卷内关于京营之记述与《职官志》互为交叉,采用简述方法与之互为补充而已。 《明史·刑法志》仅三卷。明初太祖极重刑律,后因循日久,虽视为具文,而明代刑律仍有其特点。《刑法志》三卷,每卷无题类之别,但首卷即述有明一代之律文。第二卷再述法司及刑法执行情况。此卷内容本易与《职官志》诸法司重复,而史官姜宸英撰写得体。《刑法志》第三卷最有特点,开首便称:“刑法有创之自明,不衷古制者,廷杖、东西厂、锦衣卫、镇抚司狱是已。是数者,杀人至惨,而不丽于法。踵而行之,至末造而极。举朝野命,一听之武夫、宦竖之手,良可叹也。”此卷记厂卫之事较详,史论甚佳。厂卫为明代刑法中之大事,洪武中行锦衣卫镇抚司狱,末年废罢,至永乐中复置,且立东厂。立东厂事实录中避而不述,是有所隐晦遮掩,《刑法志》颇予详述,此举甚当,亦补《职官志》之所难述。 《艺文志》四卷,出目录学名家黄虞稷之笔。黄虞稷撰有《千顷堂书目》,于目录之学甚为博知。《艺文志序》另出倪灿之手,文中申明本志体例,仅录有明一代名家著述,此与前史不同。“前史兼录古今载籍,以为皆其时柱下之所有也。明万历中,修撰焦竑修国史,辑《经籍志》,号称详博。然延阁广内之藏,竑亦无从遍览,则前代陈编,何凭记录,区区掇拾遗闻,冀以上承《隋志》,而赝书错列,徒滋讹舛。故今第就二百七十年各家著述,稍为厘次,勒成一志。凡卷数莫考、疑信未定者,宁阙而不详云。” 自《汉书·艺文志》、《隋书·经籍志》之修,搜罗历代图书,考其存亡,为目录学整理之大功业。《明史·艺文志》不采用此种修纂方法,专取有明一代之书,似简而实详,确是颇有用心者。然智者百虑,不免一失,如其著录邓名世《古今姓氏书辨证》四十卷,乃宋人之作,以其体例而论,必为误录之书。 《艺文志》四卷,依经、史、子、集排述。一曰经,共十类:《易》、《书》、《诗》、《礼》、《乐》、《春秋》、《孝经》、《诸经》、《四书》、《小学》。二曰史,共十类:正史、杂史、史钞、故事、职官、仪注、刑法、传记、地理、谱牒。三曰子,共十二类:儒家、杂家、农家、小说家、兵书、天文、历数、五行、艺术、类书、道家、释家。四曰集,共三类:别集、总集、文史。其经部收书目九百零五部,史部一千三百十六部,子部九百七十部,集部一千三百九十八部,共计收书四千五百八十九部。虽然并未能将有明一代图书尽收其中,仍不失为一大功绩,而为了解明代目录书籍之不可少者。 《明史》列传基本沿旧史之体例,但亦有其创新之处。《四库全书总目》卷四六《明史》条提要中称:“列传从旧例者十三,创新例者三,曰《阉党》、曰《流贼》、曰《土司》。盖貂珰之祸,虽汉、唐以下皆有,而士大夫趋势附膻,则惟明人为最夥。其流毒天下,亦至酷。别为一传,所以著乱亡之源,不但示斧钺之诛也。闯、献二寇,至于亡明,剿抚之失,足为炯鉴,非他小丑之比,亦非割据群雄之比,故别立之。至于土司,古谓羁縻州也。不内不外,衅隙易萌。大抵多建置于元,而滋蔓于明。控驭之道,与牧民殊,与御敌国又殊,故自为一类焉。”应该说,创设《阉党》、《流贼》、《土司》三类传,确实符合于明史之实际情况,这与诸表中创设《七卿表》有异曲同工之处。明代宦官之干政,虽不及汉、唐诸朝有废立之举,但外廷士大夫屈膝卑颜于阉宦,而成一时之气焰,则为亘古未有。《阉党传》所列四十六人,属刘瑾党者七人,余皆魏忠贤之党。读《阉党传序》可知史馆诸人于明亡之鉴深痛而慨然。然而与《流贼传》相比,其感情又有所不同,所撰《流贼传序》自唐赛儿起义论起,直至李自成、张献忠之亡明,文称:“自唐赛儿以下,本末易竟,事具剿贼诸臣传中。独志其亡天下者,立《李自成、张献忠传》。”其中《李自成传》长达万余言,为《明史》诸传中之最长者。从修史者角度虽主要为后人之鉴,却因此而保留较为丰富的有关记载,而未采取分散于“剿贼”诸臣传中。 《明史》列传之体例采用类传形式,除以类分传外,于诸臣传中亦因类分卷,而未尽以父子及孙等为传。其方法即因事而分。如卷一二二有《郭子兴传》、《韩林儿传》、《刘福通传》,虽亦为明建国前群雄之列,而与群雄同明太祖朱元璋之关系不同,归为一卷。陈友谅、张士诚、方国珍、明玉珍合为一卷,扩廓、陈友定、把匝剌瓦尔密合为一卷。诸臣中,如徐达、常遇春单为一卷,是功臣亦有别而分立。史臣为建文帝遗臣列传颇详,甚至有传闻之人,能列立传者尽量立传,也是史臣寄托遗民之情的一种方式。 《明史》诸列传中,亦多见以事附传之体例。如卷一八九《夏良胜传》,附同下诏狱者万潮、陈九川、张衍瑞、姜龙、徐鏊、姚继岩传,均连署进言谏止武宗南巡之人。卷二○六《马录传》附颜颐寿、聂贤、汤沐、刘琦、卢琼、沈汉、王科,均嘉靖中“李福达之狱”受牵之人。如隆庆中御史庞尚鹏疏中称:“据李同之狱,福达罪益彰,而当时流毒缙绅至四十余人,衣冠之祸,可谓惨烈。”此附传后史官评论中所引述,以为同事附传之由也。此类附传,于《明史》中不胜枚举。 《明史》列传中,《外国传》及《西域传》,反映了当时与境外国家及部落地区等的联系,保存了大量东南亚及中亚等地历史资料,是研究这些国家历史及中外关系史的较好参考资料。 在二十四史中,《明史》以编纂得体、材料翔实、叙事稳妥、行文简洁为史家所称道,是一部水平较高的史书。这反映出编者对史料的考订、史料的运用、对史事的贯通、对语言的驾驭能力都达到较高的水平。虽然它的篇幅在二十四史中仅次于《宋史》,但读者并不感到冗长而生厌。 《明史》尽管有较高的史料价值,又称“最为完善”之作。但它作为一部官修的正史,其缺点也是显而易见的。 赵翼作《廿二史札记》,已对《明史》中的缺失有所评论,只是出于对官修正史的顾忌,未敢加贬斥之辞。近世史学家柴德赓教授曾经指出:“如‘周延儒之入奸臣传’一题下,应加‘不当’二字,才与内容符合,但却从略。‘刘基廖永忠等传’条,下未接‘疏舛’二字,‘乔允升刘之凤二传’下未接‘重复’二字,此正所谓其不敢贬斥者也。”①赵翼原文虽然委婉,《周延儒之入奸臣传》中亦云:“周延儒不过一庸相耳,以之入《奸臣传》,未免稍过。..此非以甚延儒之恶,转为延儒增其身份也。”《刘基廖永忠等传》一篇,则论其述史之不确。以朱元璋征陈友谅一役,《太祖纪》记:“戊戌,克安庆。壬寅,次湖口,败友谅于九江,克其城,友谅奔武昌。”《陈友谅传》所记略同。《廖永忠传》加至安庆,破其水寨,遂克安庆。总之皆称先克安庆,后克九江。而《刘基传》中却记,师攻安庆,自旦及暮不下,刘基请径趋江州,捣其巢穴。按此说则江州之陷前,安庆未克。所记不合。与此相类,《张玉传》记东昌之役,成祖被盛庸军包围,力战而出。张玉不知,突出阵中欲救成祖,力战而死。而《朱能传》却称,成祖被围,张玉力战而死,朱能率周长等力战,救成祖出。张玉究竟死于成祖突围前还是突围后,二传所记不合。事虽并非关键,但确为述史不严谨之失漏。 《明史·卓敬传》记卓敬之被杀,称成祖欲活之,但功臣姚广孝与卓敬有隙,从旁进言劝杀。此乃据明人野史杂传,考其史实,广孝实未从成祖之①柴德赓:《史籍举要》。 师入南京,亦无从谗杀卓敬。《明史》记建文遗臣之事,为表彰忠义,较多搜罗,野史传闻亦有所采用,难免有误。 四川廖麻子、曹甫起义,曹甫之被杀所记亦有抵牾之处。《洪钟传》记其为廖麻子所杀,《林俊传》则记曹为指挥李荫所擒杀。 《乔允升传》记崇祯皇帝在位十七年,刑部易尚书十七人,并一一列举易人之事。《刘凤之传》中亦有此段文字,并且一字不改照录于传中。此二传一在卷二五四,一在卷二五六,相隔只两卷,不及订正。“盖卷帙繁多,纂修诸臣不暇彼此参订也。”①至于书中此类错误不足之处更多不胜举,故史家多作考证文字。如地理设置,记兰州于成化十三年九月复为州,而实录则记在成化十四年四月复县为州。成都府南江,《明史》作正德十一年置,《大明会典》卷十六记为九年添设。如太仆寺之设置,《兵志》中记为设四十牧监。《职官志》、《大明会典》均作“十四牧监”。《兵志》中之“四十牧监”,系承袭《明史稿》中之误。北畿计丁养马,始行于永乐十三年十二月,实录中有记。《明史·兵志》记作十二年,恐为误以月作年,未经核订之故。 《明史·艺文志》史论颇为推崇,然其中失误之处亦不少,前举所录邓名世《古今姓氏书辨证》四十卷,乃宋人之作,误入志中。再如所著录陈仁锡《周礼句解》六卷,据考体例文字多剽窃猥杂,系坊贾托名,而非出陈仁锡之手。修志人似未睹原书而录。顾起元《说略》亦同此,《艺文志》作六十卷,而顾起元自序记,全书只三十卷,志中误记六十。再如《艺文志》中著录杨慎《墨池琐录》1卷、《书品》1卷、《断碑集》4卷,而遗漏《画品》1卷,估计也是成篇时未及仔细订正之故。 其述史不一之处,尚有表、传之不合。如吴悼王允熥之死,卷一○三《诸王世表》作永乐十三年卒。卷一一八《吴王允熥传》则作“永乐十五年卒”。《宰辅年表》汪广洋,洪武三年左丞。而《汪广洋传》则误记为右丞。李贤天顺元年为吏部右侍郎,则当依《李贤传》为左侍郎。又有志、传不合之处,如《徐光启传》记所进《日躔历指》一卷,《艺文志》作四卷;《通率表》一卷,《艺文志》作二卷。均不合。 此类小疵,不胜枚举。以《明史》三百卷之多,虽经修纂日久,难免有失误之处,众人成书,或有顾及不到,在所难免。而《明史》中真正失漏之处不仅在此,而在其有意隐蔽史实。 清初修《明史》,所以有须隐没之事实,即在于清与明本身之关系。其所隐没者有二:一是隐没清末建国前曾臣于明;二是隐没清入关后南明诸朝廷存在之事实。 清朝的发祥,大概与明朝的建立同时。清以肇祖为追尊入太庙之始。肇祖即童猛哥帖木儿。先袭职为元朝万户,后归明朝,授建州左卫指挥,升至①赵翼:《廿二史札记》。 都督。清称都督孟特穆,追尊肇祖。据《明太宗实录》所记,明永乐间即有关猛哥帖木儿之记录。近代清史专家孟森(心史)先生曾对清之世系作有考订:“清之初系,为明之建州左卫。始授左卫职之猛哥帖木儿,又因其姑姊妹中,有入明宫为妃嫔者,因内宠之故,至升都督职衔,清实录谓之都督孟特穆。”①建州女真于明代入朝进见、上贡、袭替、改授及与周边之关系活动甚多,但此均清朝发祥后为明朝之臣的明证,为清廷所讳,因此在《明史》中不但不许见建州女真,而且凡是“女真”皆在所讳,“于是女真之服而抚字,叛而征讨,累朝之恩威,诸臣之功过,所系于女真者,一切削除之”。①自古以来,凡于易代之际,以后代修前代之史,关系到新朝与旧朝之处,难免没有曲笔。但是一般来说,大都相涉年代不多,其掩饰之处,读史者也能意会其中缘故,从未有如明朝与清朝这样关系始终,“一隐没而遂及一代史之全部”者。 凡明朝文武诸臣,曾为督抚镇巡等官者,皆削其在辽之事迹。如王翱、李秉、赵辅、彭谊、程信等人,《明史》中均各有传,但其于建州有抚治或征讨之绩处,《明史》中均略去不述,间有一二语涉及,则不指明为何部落,以何原因启衅,其史实真相,无从观看。再如马文升,以抚安东夷,自著专书记其事,名《抚安东夷记》,书中主要记述成化时女真状况及其与明朝之关系,尤对海西女真多有记述。《明史》卷一八二《马文升传》亦记其“凡三至辽”之事迹,然读之却并不知其为建州女真之事,文词隐晦,只略述其曾于辽事有功而已。宦官汪直,与马文升不合,欲建功辽事,但其传中亦不作明述。据诸史家考证,《明史》中讳记女真之事,亦有疏忽之处,如《宪宗纪》及《汪直传》中,有伏当伽一名。伏当伽为其时建州女真一首领名,史官不知伏当伽为何部酋领,漏出其名,反彰其曲笔掩饰之实。 凡是明朝人中所长而必书之事在于建州者,则《明史》中削其人而不为立传。如顾养谦、宦官亦失哈等,因生平活动不可离辽东及建州之事,《明史》中遂无传。此外亦有明显删掉者。如卷二五七《王洽传》记:“宣大总督王象乾与大同巡抚张宗衡争插汉款战事,..洽及诸执政并主象乾策,定款议。详见《象乾、宗衡传》。”然《明史》无《象乾传》、《宗衡传》。《王象乾传》,万斯同所订《明史》列传中原有传,在卷三四八,王鸿绪《明史稿》亦有,在卷二二八。《张宗衡传》则分见两书卷三六四及卷二四一。显然为《明史》定稿时所删。 明初于黑龙江下游设奴儿干都司之事,《明史·地理志》中漏而不述,只见于《兵志》,称:“洪武、永乐间边外归附者,官其长,为都督、都指挥、指挥、千百户、镇抚等官,赐以敕书印记,设都司卫所。”下列:“都司一(奴儿干都司)”,再列卫三百八十四。所谓“边外归附者”,即女真①孟森:《明史讲义》第一章。 各部。至于蒙古、西番,则均直书其名。 《明史》中另一掩饰之处,则为南明诸帝。自崇祯十七年(1644)李自成农民军克北京,随后清军入关,明朝即亡。几乎与清军入北京同时,南京建立弘光朝廷,此后又有隆武朝、绍武朝、永历朝及鲁王监国。永历帝朱由榔于康熙元年(1662)为吴三桂所杀,或以为此系明亡之时。而孟森先生作《明史》末述《南明之颠沛》,最后有云:“十一月辛卯(十六日),鲁王殂于台湾,明亡,时为清康熙三年(1664)。”则此距崇祯之亡,又二十年矣。此二十年南明之史,《明史》亦予隐讳,不承认其帝号,而将其事记述于诸王传中,以示其仍为诸王而非帝统。 说到清初修史之讳,顺便可以略述清初之文字狱。清初著名文字狱,一为庄氏史案,罹祸者至七十余人,死者剖棺锉尸,生者延颈就戮,妻孥极边充军为奴。而观其原书,涉及清室并未有过分讪谤之语,惟于清兵入关之事,直书为“夷氛”、“夷寇”,于“奴酋(努儿哈赤)”名号,迹未加避讳。而于李成梁传中,称努尔哈赤为成梁所豢养:“已而并杀教场及他矢于阿台城下。他矢子即清太祖也,以幼得不死,留置帐下。”此为清廷所最忌讳之事,庄氏及诸修史之人因遭大祸。此为涉及清入关前史事之文字狱。涉及南明诸帝的著名文字狱有戴名世《南山集》狱。戴名世,字田有,号褐夫,别号忧庵。清康熙间进士,官编修。留心有明一代史事,网罗散佚,走访明季遗老,考求遗事。著《南山集》,用南明永历年号,以存明朝统绪,为左都御史赵申乔所劾,论斩。凡为《南山集》作序者,如方苞等人,均获株连,达数十人之多。此则为清初又一文字狱大案。由此可知清廷这两大避讳是触及不得的。史官岂敢冒杀身之祸而必书其实?即使有此董狐之风,以清初文禁之严,又岂能留只字于官修史书之中?隐讳史实固然是《明史》一大缺失,又是必然结果。 谢国桢于明清史籍所知博深,其评论《明史》缺失,共列五点,除“毁灭不利清廷之史实”外,尚有四大点:一是于明初事实记载不翔实。因清廷讳言明朝驱逐蒙古于漠北,亦犹如讳言建州女真于东北臣于明。又因史官为明末降清人士,对明初统治集团内部矛盾,尽略而不愿详记。二是记建文之事,讳言建文出亡,主张焚于火,以示亡国之君无生之理。此亦出清廷之需。三是除李自成、张献忠起义外,其余农民起义,均只见于有关官员列传之中,且极尽歪曲之能事。四是《明史》出于东南文人之手,于江浙文人尤其是东林党人多立佳传。自明嘉靖以后,内阁柄政大臣,多为东南缙绅所操持,一脉相承,当时谓之“传衣钵”。《明史》对党籍中人,言之刺刺不休,与其他方面人物相比,记述不均,因之是非亦难得其平。 如何给予《明史》一个概括的评价呢?前面的评述,基本上还是就其自身内容而论,然而要给《明史》一个总的评价,就不得不把它放到历史中,放到整个中国史学史中去看。 清朝的陆以湉在其《冷庐杂识》中这样评价道: 《明史》体例极精,姚广孝入列传,不以僧许之也。秦良玉入列传,不以女 视之也。阉党、佞幸、奸臣列于宦官之后流贼之前,其嫉之也深,而贬之也至矣。 白寿彝教授将明清时期划为中国史学史的第五个时期,他说:“明清时期,是中国史学史的第五个时期。它处于中国封建社会的衰老时期。这时,生产力在继续发展,而生产关系却阻碍了生产力的发展。同时,新生产力的发展不够强大,还不能突破封建生产关系的桎梏。这是社会进程的一段微妙时刻,很容易迷惑人,使人给它作偏高或偏低的估计。我们说它衰老,不说它解体,就是说它已经失去了旺盛的生命力,但生命力还是有的,甚至还相当顽强。这种特点反映在史学上,一方面是因循保守气息的充斥,另一方面,是反映时代抗议精神的优秀作品在不断地问世。”①在这样一个条件下问世的《明史》与它的编纂者们一样,被打上了深刻的时代烙印。 章炳麟在谈及明末清初浙东史学时说:“自明末有浙东之学。万斯大、斯同兄弟,皆鄞人,师事余姚黄宗羲,称说礼经,杂陈汉宋,而斯同独尊史法。”因此《明史》虽然最后定刊于乾隆间,但并没有完全陷于考据学风之中。白寿彝教授指出:“万斯同、全祖望对《明史》的工作,其兴趣在于保存明代文献,他们也还有清初学者那样的民族思想。”因此,《明史》虽然是二十四史的最后一部,但是它仍然继承了前代诸史的风格,这绝不仅仅表现在体例上,而且表现在述史的追求上。 但是,正如白寿彝教授所指出的时代特点所限,《明史》已无法像前四史那样去体现史家的思想,也无法像其余诸史那样相对少有避讳。史家们的艰难是在史德与现实中找寻出路。尽管如此,《明史》仍不失为一部历史巨著,它的完善是突出的,它的避讳难言是突出的,它反映出的史家们的艰难也是突出的。这也是清初史学的特点。“但这是社会变革中易于遇到的现象,这是社会变革的矛盾运动在史学领域里的反映,有的反映得明显,有的反映得曲折,有的为封建桎梏所紧紧掌握,有的是要挣脱封建桎梏而又苦于力量不足。”①《明史》是中国封建官修正史的尾声,它同前朝诸史一脉相承。《明史》以后,中国封建传统正史便走上了日暮途穷的末路。 为补《明史》记述之不足,后人陆续有些补编之作。如刘廷燮的《建文逊国之际月表》。黄大华的《明宰辅考略》和《明七卿考略》,吴廷燮的《明督抚年表》,傅以礼的《残明宰辅年表》和《残明大统历》等,都收在《二十五史补编》中。 乾隆四十二年,清朝继改修《明史》本纪后,又以于敏中、钱汝为等为总裁,考证明史,但未刊行。光绪时,户部侍郎王颂蔚入值军机,得见考证明史之稿本、正本和进呈本,已多残缺不全。王颂蔚将其整理汇编,成《明史考证攟逸》四十二卷,民国五年(1916)收入《嘉业堂丛书》。现通行的《明史》版本是乾隆四年的武英殿原刊本,1974年中华书局又据以校勘、标点,铅印出版。
卷一·本纪第一 太祖一 太祖开天行道肇纪立极大圣至神仁文义武俊德成功高皇帝,讳元璋,字国瑞,姓硃氏。先世家沛,徙句容,再徙泗州。父世珍,始徙濠州之钟离。生四子,太祖其季也。母陈氏,方娠,梦神授药一丸,置掌中有光,吞之,寤,口余香气。及产,红光满室。自是夜数有光起,邻里望见,惊以为火,辄奔救,至则无有。比长,姿貌雄杰,奇骨贯顶。志意廓然,人莫能测。 至正四年,旱蝗,大饥疫。太祖时年十七,父母兄相继殁,贫不克葬。里人刘继祖与之地,乃克葬,即凤阳陵也。太祖孤无所依,乃入皇觉寺为僧。逾月,游食合肥。道病,二紫衣人与俱,护视甚至。病已,失所在。凡历光、固、汝、颍诸州三年,复还寺。当是时,元政不纲,盗贼四起。刘福通奉韩山童假宋后起颍,徐寿辉僭帝号起蕲,李二、彭大、赵均用起徐,众各数万,并置将帅,杀吏,侵略郡县,而方国珍已先起海上。他盗拥兵据地,寇掠甚众。天下大乱。 十二年春二月,定远人郭子兴与其党孙德崖等起兵濠州。元将彻里不花惮不敢攻,而日俘良民以邀赏。太祖时年二十四,谋避兵,卜于神,去留皆不吉。乃曰:“得毋当举大事乎?”卜之吉,大喜,遂以闰三月甲戌朔入濠见子兴。子兴奇其状貌,留为亲兵。战辄胜,遂妻以所抚马公女,即高皇后也。子兴与德崖龃龉,太祖屡调护之。秋九月,元兵复徐州,李二走死,彭大、赵均用奔濠,德崖等纳之。子兴礼大而易均用,均用怨之。德崖遂与谋,伺子兴出,执而械诸孙氏,将杀之。太祖方在淮北,闻难驰至,诉于彭大。大怒,呼兵以行,太祖亦甲而拥盾,发屋出子兴,破械,使人负以归,遂免。是冬,元将贾鲁围濠。太祖与子兴力拒之。 十三年春,贾鲁死,围解。太祖收里中兵,得七百人。子兴喜,署为镇抚。时彭、赵所部暴横,子兴弱,太祖度无足与共事,乃以兵属他将,独与徐达、汤和、费聚等南略定远。计降驴牌寨民兵三千,与俱东。夜袭元将张知院于横涧山,收其卒二万。道遇定远人李善长,与语,大悦,遂与俱攻滁州,下之。是年,张士诚据高邮,自称诚王。 十四年冬十月,元丞相脱脱大败士诚于高邮,分兵围六合。太祖曰:“六合破,滁且不免。”与耿再成军瓦梁垒,救之。力战,卫老弱还滁。元兵寻大至,攻滁,太祖设伏诱败之。然度元兵势盛且再至,乃还所获马,遣父老具牛酒谢元将曰:“守城备他盗耳,奈何舍巨寇戮良民?”元兵引去,城赖以完。脱脱既破士诚,军声大振,会中谗,遽解兵柄,江淮乱益炽。 十五年春正月,子兴用太祖计,遣张天祐等拔和州,檄太祖总其军。太祖虑诸将不相下,秘其檄,期旦日会厅事。时席尚右,诸将先入,皆踞右。太祖故后至,就左。比视事,剖决如流,众瞠目不能发一语,始稍稍屈。议分工甓城,期三日。太祖工竣,诸将皆后。于是始出檄,南面坐曰:“奉命总诸公兵,今甓城皆后期,如军法何?”诸将皆惶恐谢。乃搜军中所掠妇女纵还家,民大悦。元兵十万攻和,拒守三月,食且尽,而太子秃坚、枢密副使绊住马、民兵元帅陈野先分屯新塘、高望、鸡笼山以绝饷道。太祖率众破之,元兵皆走渡江。三月,郭子兴卒。时刘福通迎立韩山童子林儿于亳,国号宋,建元龙凤。檄子兴子天叙为都元帅,张天祐、太祖为左右副元帅。太祖慨然曰:“大丈夫宁能受制于人耶?”遂不受。然念林儿势盛,可倚藉,乃用其年号以令军中。 夏四月,常遇春来归。五月,太祖谋渡江,无舟。会巢湖帅廖永安、俞通海以水军千艘来附,太祖大喜,往抚其众。而元中丞蛮子海牙扼铜城闸、马场河诸隘,巢湖舟师不得出。忽大雨,太祖喜曰:“天助我也!”遂乘水涨,从小港纵舟还。因击海牙于峪溪口,大败之,遂定计渡江。诸将请直趋集庆。太祖曰:“取集庆必自采石始。采石重镇,守必固,牛渚前临大江,彼难为备,可必克也。”六月乙卯,乘风引帆,直达牛渚。常遇春先登,拔之。采石兵亦溃。缘江诸垒悉附。诸将以和州饥,争取资粮谋归。太祖谓徐达曰:“渡江幸捷,若舍而归,江东非吾有也。”乃悉断舟缆,放急流中,谓诸将曰:“太平甚近,当与公等取之。”遂乘胜拔太平,执万户纳哈出。总管靳义赴水死,太祖曰:“义士也”,礼葬之。揭榜禁剽掠。有卒违令,斩以徇,军中肃然。改路曰府。置太平兴国翼元帅府,自领元帅事,召陶安参幕府事,李习为知府。时太平四面皆元兵。右丞阿鲁灰、中丞蛮子海牙等严师截姑孰口,陈野先水军帅康茂才以数万众攻城。太祖遣徐达、邓愈、汤和逆战,别将潜出其后,夹击之,擒野先,并降其众,阿鲁灰等引去。秋九月,郭天叙、张天祐攻集庆,野先叛,二人皆战死,于是子兴部将尽归太祖矣。野先寻为民兵所杀,从子兆先收其众,屯方山,与海牙掎角以窥太平。冬十二月壬子,释纳哈出北归。 十六年春二月丙子,大破海牙于采石。三月癸未,进攻集庆,擒兆先,降其众三万六千人,皆疑惧不自保。太祖择骁健者五百人入卫,解甲酣寝达旦,众心始安。庚寅,再败元兵于蒋山。元御史大夫福寿,力战死之,蛮子海牙遁归张士诚,康茂才降。太祖入城,悉召官吏父老谕之曰:“元政氵卖扰,干戈蜂起,我来为民除乱耳,其各安堵如故。贤士吾礼用之,旧政不便者除之,吏毋贪暴殃吾民。”民乃大喜过望。改集庆路为应天府,辟夏煜、孙炎、杨宪等十余人,葬御史大夫福寿,以旌其忠。 当是时,元将定定扼镇江,别不华、杨仲英屯宁国,青衣军张明鉴据扬州,八思尔不花驻徽州,石抹宜孙守处州,其弟厚孙守婺州,宋伯颜不花守衢州,而池州已为徐寿辉将所据,张士诚自淮东陷平江,转掠浙西。太祖既定集庆,虑士诚、寿辉强,江左、浙右诸郡为所并,于是遣徐达攻镇江,拔之,定定战死。夏六月,邓愈克广德。 秋七月己卯,诸将奉太祖为吴国公。置江南行中书省,自总省事,置僚佐。贻书张士诚,士诚不报,引兵攻镇江。徐达败之,进围常州,不下。九月戊寅,如镇江,谒孔子庙。遣儒士告谕父老,劝农桑,寻还应天。 十七年春二月,耿炳文克长兴。三月,徐达克常州。夏四月丁卯,自将攻宁国,取之,别不华降。五月,上元、宁国、句容献瑞麦。六月,赵继祖克江阴。秋七月,徐达克常熟。胡大海克徽州,八思尔不花遁。冬十月,常遇春克池州,缪大亨克扬州,张明鉴降。十二月己丑,释囚。是年,徐寿辉将明玉珍据重庆路。 十八年春二月乙亥,以康茂才为营田使。三月己酉,录囚。邓愈克建德路。夏四月,徐寿辉将陈友谅遣赵普胜陷池州。是月,友谅据龙兴路。五月,刘福通破汴梁,迎韩林儿都之。初,福通遣将分道四出,破山东,寇秦晋,掠幽蓟,中原大乱,太祖故得次第略定江表。所过不杀,收召才隽,由是人心日附。冬十二月,胡大海攻婺州,久不下,太祖自将往击之。石抹宜孙遣将率车师由松溪来援,太祖曰:“道狭,车战适取败耳。”命胡德济迎战于梅花门,大破之,婺州降,执厚孙。先一日,城中人望见城西五色云如车盖,以为异,及是乃知为太祖驻兵地。入城,发粟振贫民,改州为宁越府。辟范祖干、叶仪、许元等十三人分直讲经史。戊子,遣使招谕方国珍。 十九年春正月乙巳,太祖谋取浙东未下诸路。戒诸将曰:“克城以武,戡乱以仁。吾比入集庆,秋毫无犯,故一举而定。每闻诸将得一城不妄杀,辄喜不自胜。夫师行如火,不戢将燎原。为将能以不杀为武,岂惟国家之利,子孙实受其福。”庚申,胡大海克诸暨。是月,命宁越知府王宗显立郡学。三月甲午,赦大逆以下。丁巳,方国珍以温、台、庆元来献,遣其子关为质,不受。夏四月,俞通海等复池州。时耿炳文守长兴,吴良守江阴,汤和守常州,皆数败士诚兵。太祖以故久留宁越,徇浙东。六月壬戌,还应天。秋八月,元察罕帖木儿复汴梁,福通以林儿退保安丰。九月,常遇春克衢州,擒宋伯颜不花。冬十月,遣夏煜授方国珍行省平章,国珍以疾辞。十一月壬寅,胡大海克处州,石抹宜孙遁。时元守兵单弱,且闻中原乱,人心离散,以故江左、浙右诸郡,兵至皆下,遂西与友谅邻。 二十年春二月,元福建行省参政袁天禄以福宁降。三月戊子,征刘基、宋濂、章溢、叶琛至。夏五月,徐达、常遇春败陈友谅于池州。闰月丙辰,友谅陷太平,守将硃文逊,院判花云、王鼎,知府许瑗死之。未几,友谅弑其主徐寿辉,自称皇帝,国号汉,尽有江西、湖广地,约士诚合攻应天,应天大震。诸将议先复太平以牵之,太祖曰:“不可。彼居上游,舟师十倍于我,猝难复也。”或请自将迎击,太祖曰:“不可。彼以偏师缀我,而全军趋金陵,顺流半日可达,吾步骑急难引还,百里趋战,兵法所忌,非策也。”乃驰谕胡大海捣信州牵其后,而令康茂才以书绐友谅,令速来。友谅果引兵东。于是常遇春伏石灰山,徐达阵南门外,杨璟屯大胜港,张德胜等以舟师出龙江关,太祖亲督军卢龙山。乙丑,友谅至龙湾,众欲战,太祖曰:“天且雨,趣食,乘雨击之。”须臾,果大雨,士卒竞奋,雨止合战,水陆夹击,大破之,友谅乘别舸走。遂复太平,下安庆,而大海亦克信州。初,太祖令茂才绐友谅,李善长以为疑。太祖曰:“二寇合,吾首尾受敌,惟速其来而先破之,则士诚胆落矣。”已而士诚兵竟不出。丁卯,置儒学提举司,以宋濂为提举,遣子标受经学。六月,耿再成败石抹宜孙于庆元,宜孙战死,遣使祭之。秋九月,徐寿辉旧将欧普祥以袁州降。冬十二月,复遣夏煜以书谕国珍。 二十一年春二月甲申,立盐茶课。己亥,置宝源局。三月丁丑,改枢密院为大都督府。元将薛显以泗州降。戊寅,国珍遣使来谢,饰金玉马鞍以献。却之曰:“今有事四方,所需者人材,所用者粟帛,宝玩非所好也。”秋七月,友谅将张定边陷安庆。八月,遣使于元平章察罕帖木儿。时察罕平山东,降田丰,军声大振,故太祖与通好。会察罕方攻益都未下,太祖乃自将舟师征陈友谅。戊戌,克安庆,友谅将丁普郎、傅友德迎降。壬寅,次湖口,追败友谅于江州,克其城,友谅奔武昌。分徇南康、建昌、饶、蕲、黄、广济,皆下。冬十一月己未,克抚州。 二十二年春正月,友谅江西行省丞相胡廷瑞以龙兴降。乙卯,如龙兴,改为洪都府。谒孔子庙。告谕父老,除陈氏苛政,罢诸军需,存恤贫无告者,民大悦。袁、瑞、临江、吉安相继下。二月,还应天。邓愈留守洪都。癸未,降人蒋英杀金华守将胡大海,郎中王恺死之,英叛降张士诚。处州降人李祐之闻变,亦杀行枢密院判耿再成反,都事孙炎、知府王道同、元帅硃文刚死之。三月癸亥,降人祝宗、康泰反,陷洪都,邓愈走应天,知府叶琚都事万思诚死之。是月,明玉珍称帝于重庆,国号夏。夏四月己卯,邵荣复处州。甲午,徐达复洪都。五月丙午,硃文正、赵德胜、邓愈镇洪都。六月戊寅,察罕以书来报,留我使人不遣。察罕寻为田丰所杀。秋七月丙辰,平章邵荣、参政赵继祖谋逆,伏诛。冬十二月,元遣尚书张昶航海至庆元,授太祖江西行省平章政事,不受。察罕子扩廓帖木儿致书归使者。 二十三年春正月丙寅,遣汪河报之。二月壬申,命将士屯田积谷。是月,友谅将张定边陷饶州。士诚将吕珍破安丰,杀刘福通。三月辛丑,太祖自将救安丰,珍败走,以韩林儿归滁州,乃还应天。夏四月壬戌,友谅大举兵围洪都。乙丑,诸全守将谢再兴叛,附于士诚。五月,筑礼贤馆。友谅分兵陷吉安,参政刘齐、知府硃叔华死之。陷临江,同知赵天麟死之。陷无为州,知州董会死之。秋七月癸酉,太祖自将救洪都。癸未,次湖口,先伏兵泾江口及南湖觜,遏友谅归路,檄信州兵守武阳渡。友谅闻太祖至,解围,逆战于鄱阳湖。友谅兵号六十万,联巨舟为阵,楼橹高十余丈,绵亘数十里,旌旗戈盾,望之如山。丁亥,遇于康郎山,太祖分军十一队以御之。戊子,合战,徐达击其前锋,俞通海以火砲焚其舟数十,杀伤略相当。友谅骁将张定边直犯太祖舟,舟胶于沙,不得退,危甚,常遇春从旁射中定边,通海复来援,舟骤进,水涌太祖舟,乃得脱。己丑,友谅悉巨舰出战,诸将舟小,仰攻不利,有怖色。太祖亲麾之,不前,斩退缩者十余人,人皆殊死战。会日晡,大风起东北,乃命敢死士操七舟,实火药芦苇中,纵火焚友谅舟。风烈火炽,烟焰涨天,湖水尽赤。友谅兵大乱,诸将鼓噪乘之,斩首二千余级,焚溺死者无算,友谅气夺。辛卯,复战,友谅复大败。于是敛舟自守,不敢更战。壬辰,太祖移军扼左蠡,友谅亦退保渚矶。相持三日,其左、右二金吾将军皆降。友谅势益蹙,忿甚,尽杀所获将士。而太祖则悉还所俘,伤者傅以善药,且祭其亲戚诸将阵亡者。八月壬戌,友谅食尽,趋南湖觜,为南湖军所遏,遂突湖口。太祖邀之,顺流搏战,及于泾江。泾江军复遮击之,友谅中流矢死。张定边以其子理奔武昌。九月,还应天,论功行赏。先是,太祖救安丰,刘基谏不听。至是谓基曰:“我不当有安丰之行。使友谅乘虚直捣应天,大事去矣。乃顿兵南昌,不亡何待。友谅亡,天下不难定也。”壬午,自将征陈理。是月,张士诚自称吴王。冬十月壬寅,围武昌,分徇湖北诸路,皆下。十二月丙申,还应天,常遇春留督诸军。 二十四年春正月丙寅朔,李善长等率群臣劝进,不允。固请,乃即吴王位。建百官。以善长为右相国,徐达为左相国,常遇春、俞通海为平章政事,谕之曰:“立国之初,当先正纪纲。元氏暗弱,威福下移,驯至于乱,今宜鉴之。”立子标为世子。二月乙未,复自将征武昌,陈理降,汉、沔、荆、岳皆下。三月乙丑,还应天。丁卯,置起居注。庚午,罢诸翼元帅府,置十七卫亲军指挥使司,命中书省辟文武人材。夏四月,建祠,祀死事丁普郎等于康郎山,赵德胜等于南昌。秋七月丁丑,徐达克卢州。戊寅,常遇春徇江西。八月戊戌,复吉安,遂围赣州。达徇荆、湘诸路。九月甲申,下江陵,夷陵、潭、归皆降。冬十二月庚寅,达克辰州,遣别将下衡州。 二十五年春正月己巳,徐达下宝庆,湖湘平。常遇春克赣州,熊天瑞降。遂趋南安,招谕岭南诸路,下韶州、南雄。甲申,如南昌,执大都督硃文正以归,数其罪,安置桐城。二月己丑,福建行省平章陈友定侵处州,参军胡深击败之,遂下浦城。丙午,士诚将李伯升攻诸全之新城,李文忠大败之。夏四月庚寅,常遇春徇襄、汉诸路。五月乙亥,克安陆。己卯,下襄阳。六月壬子,硃亮祖、胡深攻建宁,战于城下,深被执,死之。秋七月,令从渡江士卒被创废疾者养之,死者赡其妻子。九月丙辰,建国子学。冬十月戊戌,下令讨张士诚。是时,士诚所据,南至绍兴,北有通、泰、高邮、淮安、濠、泗,又北至于济宁。乃命徐达、常遇春等先规取淮东。闰月,围泰州,克之。十一月,张士诚寇宜兴,徐达击败之,遂自宜兴还攻高邮。 二十六年春正月癸未,士诚窥江阴,太祖自将救之,士诚遁,康茂才追败之于浮子门。太祖还应天。二月,明玉珍死,子升自立。三月丙申,令中书严选举。徐达克高邮。夏四月乙卯,袭破士诚将徐义水军于淮安,义遁,梅思祖以城降。濠、徐、宿三州相继下,淮东平。甲子,如濠州省墓,置守冢二十家,赐故人汪文、刘英粟帛。置酒召父老饮,极欢,曰:“吾去乡十有余年,艰难百战,乃得归省坟墓,与父老子弟复相见。今苦不得久留欢聚为乐。父老幸教子弟孝弟力田,毋远贾,滨淮郡县尚苦寇掠,父老善自爱。”令有司除租赋,皆顿首谢。辛未,徐达克安丰,分兵败扩廓于徐州。夏五月壬午,至自濠。庚寅,求遗书。秋八月庚戌,改筑应天城,作新宫钟山之阳。辛亥,命徐达为大将军,常遇春为副将军,帅师二十万讨张士诚。御戟门誓师曰:“城下之日,毋杀掠,毋毁庐舍,毋发丘垄。士诚母葬平江城外,毋侵毁。”既而召问达、遇春,用兵当何先。遇春欲直捣平江。太祖曰:“湖州张天骐、杭州潘原明为士诚臂指,平江穷蹙,两人悉力赴援,难以取胜。不若先攻湖州,使疲于奔命。羽翼既披,平江势孤,立破矣。”甲戌,败张天骐于湖州,士诚亲率兵来援,复败之于皁林。九月乙未,李文忠攻杭州。冬十月壬子,遇春败士诚兵于乌镇。十一月甲申,张天骐降。辛卯,李文忠下余杭,潘原明降,旁郡悉下。癸卯,围平江。十二月,韩林儿卒。以明年为吴元年,建庙社宫室,祭告山川。所司进宫殿图,命去雕琢奇丽者。是岁,元扩廓帖木儿与李思齐、张良弼构怨,屡相攻击,朝命不行,中原民益困。 二十七年春正月戊戌,谕中书省曰:“东南久罹兵革,民生凋敝,吾甚悯之。且太平、应天诸郡,吾渡江开创地,供亿烦劳久矣。今比户空虚,有司急催科,重困吾民,将何以堪。其赐太平田租二年,应天、镇江、宁国、广德各一年。”二月丁未,傅友德败扩廓将李二于徐州,执之。三月丁丑,始设文武科取士。夏四月,方国珍阴遣人通扩廓及陈友定,移书责之。五月己亥,初置翰林院。是月,以旱减膳素食,复徐、宿、濠、泗、寿、邳、东海、安东、襄阳、安陆及新附地田租三年。六月戊辰,大雨,群臣请复膳。太祖曰:“虽雨,伤禾已多,其赐民今年田租。”癸酉,命朝贺罢女乐。秋七月丙子,给府州县官之任费,赐绮帛,及其父母妻长子有差,著为令。己丑,雷震宫门兽吻,赦罪囚。庚寅,遣使责方国珍贡粮。八月癸丑,圜丘、方丘、社稷坛成。九月甲戌,太庙成。硃亮祖帅师讨国珍。戊寅,诏曰:“先王之政,罪不及孥。自今除大逆不道,毋连坐。”辛巳,徐达克平江,执士诚,吴地平。戊戌,遣使致书于元主,送其宗室神保大王等北还。辛丑,论平吴功,封李善长宣国公,徐达信国公,常遇春鄂国公,将士赐赉有差。硃亮祖克台州。癸卯,新宫成。 冬十月甲辰,遣起居注吴琳、魏观以币求遗贤于四方。丙午,令百官礼仪尚左。改李善长左相国,徐达右相国。辛亥,祀元臣余阙于安庆,李黼于江州。壬子,置御史台。癸丑,汤和为征南将军,吴祯副之,讨国珍。甲寅,定律令。戊午,正郊社、太庙雅乐。 庚申,召诸将议北征。太祖曰:“山东则王宣反侧,河南则扩廓跋扈,关陇则李思齐、张思道枭张猜忌,元祚将亡,中原涂炭。今将北伐,拯生民于水火,何以决胜?”遇春对曰:“以我百战之师,敌彼久逸之卒,直捣元都,破竹之势也。”太祖曰:“元建国百年,守备必固,悬军深入,馈饷不前,援兵四集,危道也。吾欲先取山东,撤彼屏蔽,移兵两河,破其籓篱,拔潼关而守之,扼其户槛。天下形胜入我掌握,然后进兵,元都势孤援绝,不战自克。鼓行而西,云中、九原、关陇可席卷也。”诸将皆曰善。 甲子,徐达为征虏大将军,常遇春为副将军,帅师二十五万,由淮入河,北取中原。胡廷瑞为征南将军,何文辉为副将军,取福建。湖广行省平章杨璟、左丞周德兴、参政张彬取广西。己巳,硃亮祖克温州。十一月辛巳,汤和克庆元,方国珍遁入海。壬午,徐达克沂州,斩王宣。己丑,廖永忠为征南副将军,自海道会和讨国珍。乙未,颁《大统历》。辛丑,徐达克益都。十二月甲辰,颁律令。丁未,方国珍降,浙东平。张兴祖下东平,兗东州县相继降。己酉,徐达下济南。胡廷瑞下邵武。癸丑,李善长帅百官劝进,表三上,乃许。甲子,告于上帝。庚午,汤和、廖永忠由海道克福州。

Central Plains after the Qing Dynasty, turn on the Junji two years (1645) Guihai April (the 11th), petitioned the censor Zhao Jiding Compilation "Ming Shi" (Note: Zhao Jiding petitioned Compilation "Ming Dynasty" record, found "clear ancestor Record" Volume 15, He Guanbiao "Junji towards <Ming" A History compiled test, "the first article exposing this issue. But when the Qing court Compiling resolution, there is no precise historical data confirm this. Qing Dynasty Official Compilation of the book does not appear on "History of Ming Dynasty," the edict, "Manchu rulers came to Record" see only a few years in May, President Junji 癸未 at the memorial, in which words, "Chendeng Chin Feng Sheng Yu, president of" History of Ming Dynasty, "", and made Vice President and Compiling a list of persons. This "Qin Feng Sheng Yu", it may be only verbal instructions when it Zaozhao. In the past two years in May of Junji known for "imperial maintenance" Ming Dynasty "," do something improper expression, accurate words To: Junji two years in May, the Qing government formed a "clear history" Compilation of staff.), has been recognized by the Qing court. Subsequently, scholar Feng Quan, Li Jiantai, Pham Van process, just Lin, Qi charge lattice as President, make arrangements for the matter. May that year, nominated by the president, vice president and Compiling officials, and officials _set_ up seven palm collection, full of word transcription ten, Chinese transcription thirty-six, opened the official Compilation of Qing Dynasty "Ming Dynasty" for China. Kangxi four years (AD 1665), re-open the Academia Historica, for Compiling "clear ancestor Record" and stop. Kangxi eighteen years (AD 1679) to Xu Yuanwen as Supervisor, began compiling of the Ming Dynasty. The Qianlong four years (AD 1739) finalized, was inscribed into. "Ming Dynasty" is the revision of history books in the history of Shang Compiling the longest one. If two years from the Shunzhi (1645) _set_ out from Academia to the Qianlong four years (1739) formally presented by the historian of the emperor, and it took ninety years. If the eighteen years from the reign of Emperor Kangxi (1679) until the preparation of the formal organization was issued only bodies, but also a full six years is too long. Why is this historical time and so long before it? Was the main cause of political instability. "Ming Dynasty" Compilation of the official opening of two years began in May Shunzhi two days (May 26, 1645). According to Junji Record of the Qing Dynasty records, the same day to repair "the Ming Dynasty," the official president of the scholar Fung Wah Chuen, Hong Chengchou, Lijian Tai, Pham Van process, just Lin, Qi charge grid so petitioned, the official _set_, vice president of government, to BA, Shi Du Eleven school Shizhan act as tyrants, etc., and _select_ed Compiling, palm collection, transcription officer. At a time when Qingjunruguan beginning on weak footing would rush to repair Chao "Ming Dynasty" and its purpose is obvious. First, as the Ming Dynasty have been declared dead, and then working with Nanjing, the Qing imperial court across the river, Hung Kuang confrontation repair "Ming Shi" is no longer recognized the existence of Hung Kuang of the Southern Ming regime. Second, in order to win over the leftover Ming Dynasty, through the compiling of "clear history", so that those who surrendered to the Qing of the Ming Han officials have an emotional sustenance. At that time the situation from the point of view, the conditions for opening of history writing is simply not available. Although the May 15 (June 8) Qing scored Nanjing, the Southern Ming Hung Kuang court perish, May 28 (June 21) the Qing court announced the "pacification of Jiangnan Jie Yin", but actually clear Army soldiers and civilians in the south was a resolute resistance, especially in the Qing court announced, "Dressed Order", the more aroused the resistance of the people south. One famous battle with the leadership of Yan Yuan Jiangyin should defend the war, stick to the isolated city for two months. Southern Ming Hong Guangzheng right destruction, the Ming Chen Huang Tao Zhou, Zheng Zhilong and other instructions from tang Zhu Yu key in Fuzhou established a Long Wu regime; At the same time, Zhang Guowei, Zhang Huangyan other Feng Lu and Zhu in Shanghai at Shaoxing supervisor States; Li Zicheng peasant uprising army remnants also clear Governor He Tengjiao combined resist the Qing. To Junji three years (1646), Ming Zhu Chen Yu-tang Feng Su Guansheng and other key rights in Guangzhou established a Shaowu Zheng, Ding Kui Chu, Qu-type plow, etc. and Zhu Yong Li Gui Wang Yongli regime established by the palm. Junji six years (1649), Chang Hsien-chung remnants of peasant army in the Sun is expected, led by John Reading, combined with the Southern Ming regime Yongli, becoming one of the main resist the Qing. In the Qing north in the country, echoing the situation with the South resist the Qing, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu righteous army successively, the number of generals have surrendered to the Qing Ming raise his flag resist the Qing, in the country, several off resist the Qing climax. For example, nine Junji (1652) John Reading his troops recovered Baoqing, statewide, Guilin's campaign forced the Qing _set_ Nanwang Kong Youde suicide. Junji ten to fifteen year, Minglu Wang Zhang famous among his subordinates, such as rate of Zhang Huangyan s Strategy and scored the Yangtze River, reaching as far as the outskirts of Nanjing; Zheng navy also captured rate Zhoushan. That resist the Qing struggle until the early years of the Qing Emperor Kangxi, Emperor Yongli was Sangui Nanming killed, Zheng Chenggong, Mr John Reading has died, before an end. In this war-torn, uncertain political circumstances, a lot of manpower and resources to focus on repair history of the opening is simply not possible. Eight years of Qing Emperor Kangxi (1669), Quan Chen Aobai detention Emperor Kangxi began Chikamasa. However, Council at this time there are new changes. Kangxi years (1673), the level Nanwang Shang Kexi, Pingxi Wang Jing Nan Wang Geng Jingzhong Chefan Sangui and caused the "chaos of San Francisco," From then on, it began a long eight years of war . Until two decades of Kangxi (1681) October Sangui the Sun Wushi Fan suicide. "San Francisco Rebellion" during the Qing government to concentrate on counter-insurgency, still have time to take into account the "History of Ming Dynasty," the compilation, therefore, Junji year (1645) given by the compilation, "History of Ming Dynasty," the edict, the actual paper but it policy role far beyond its role in the history of repair. Kangxi repair "the Ming Dynasty," who can be described as talent. There was the famous writer Zhu Yizun, especially Dong and Mao qi ling et al. But the output is the most well-known historian Qing Wan Sitong. Here, it should be mention of a koan of History. The original, Ming and Qing dynasties, the Ming has some leftover and attach great importance to the anti-Patriots of the Ming Dynasty. Xi has compiled an outstanding thinker, "expressly sea" more than four volumes, and author of "History of the Ming case" two hundred and forty volumes; Gu also related to the Ming Dynasty Historical Compilation of a thousand volumes. Qing rulers entry, in order to win over the leftover Ming, celebrities, had intended to open the word erudite David Branch. Huang, Gu et al, although persistently refused to cooperate with the Qing court, but for the purpose of saving the Ming Dynasty Historical truth, still sent a right-hand man in the compilation of the Ming Dynasty. Xi's favorite disciples Wan Sitong, is to participate in the Ming Dynasty was then appointed one of the compilation. Xi son, Gu nephew, are also involved. Thus, accordingly to ensure the quality of the Ming Dynasty. Wan Sitong is an outstanding historian. Qing Qian Daxin famous scholar commented him: "specifically intended to ancient science, Broadcom all history", cooked in the Ming Dynasty stories, from the Hongwu to the revelation of the "Record", are "to the dark chanting," well known. He has two kinds of Ming History of the development and validation. Have more than four hundred and volumes. Therefore, we can say, "History of Ming Dynasty," the first draft, in the Wan Sitong era has largely completed. Wan Sitong death, REN Ming Shi Zongbian three times the Wanghong Xu, Ming's History of the million was adapted, in the early years of the Kangxi Emperor Yongzheng Dynasty and two were of the emperor. This is Wang's "History of Ming," the. Wang was then and this has given rise to literary criticism and condemnation, historians agree that Wanghong Xu pillaged actually decades in the main Wan Sitong other people's labor of dozens of scholars, is plagiarism. To the Yongzheng reign (1723) Eighteen years because of Kangxi (1679) and its compilation in the Division learned ru "Ming Dynasty" is just a political means of Emperor Kangxi, so its results are bound to the time when the weight light, the time delay day, before and after nearly five decades, until the death of Emperor Kangxi, Yongzheng reign (1723) still failed to complete the history of this former official repair. However, when the situation Junji two years (1645) issued an edict has been very different when the initial repair. In addition to political stability, the economy is gradually restored to the late Emperor Kangxi also appeared prosperous society, which are for "History of Ming Dynasty," the compilation provides a good working condition, in terms of human and material resources, or data collection area, is unprecedented. Therefore, this time for nearly five decades, though not complete "History of Ming Dynasty," the compilation, but it is the "History of Ming Dynasty," a book critical stage. We see today, "the Ming Dynasty," the embryo is formed at this time. To the Yongzheng reign (1723) to date, has completed the four "Ming Dynasty" in script. One is the validation of the three hundred and thirteen Wan Sitong volumes, the other is validation of the four hundred and sixteen volumes, both are known as Wan's manuscript "History of the Ming." In addition, there Wanghong Xu Fifty-three years of Kangxi (1714) was into the "History of the Ming (Biography section)" two hundred and five volumes, which is actually in the million's "History of Ming," made on the basis of omissions. To the Yongzheng reign (1723) in June, Wang Hongxu was once again into the "History of Ming", including Ji, Chi, tables, pass, a total of three hundred ten volumes, this is Wang's "History of Ming", later called Inscription "History of the Ming Wang Yun-Shan people." Qianlong four years (1739), the Qing government to modify a third time next History of organization staff, this final form of the "History of the Ming." President of the repair because the book is Zhang Tingyu, so now prevailing "Ming Dynasty" entitled Zhang Tingyu Dengzhuan. Wang Hongxu deep in history, two general compiling "Ming Dynasty", it into the "History of Ming", is the author of the majority Wan Sitong. Xiu Zhang Tingyu so later, "Ming Dynasty", the Take it as a master copy, to be additions and deletions. And through medicine, with a "Wang Hongxu surgery." Poems written by a "give Jinyuan Wen Collection" (60 volumes), "Wang Shi Gao Yun-Shan people," and so on. Wan Sitong (1638-1702) of Yu-quarter field, scholars call him Mr. Shi Yuan. Min Wan Sitong born different, reading never forget. Age of eight, in front of guests able to recite "Yangtze Saying", the final chapter without losing the word; to fourteen, five books read over the possession of the house, after specializing in the history of the twenty-first, and by the industry in eastern Zhejiang famous historian xi, Tianyi Pavilion Expo later books, knowledge Rui Jin. Xi Wan Sitong the same as his teacher, very national integrity. Seventeen years of Kangxi (1678), the Qing court Chao xi repair your "Ming Dynasty", was xi rejected. The ministers will be elected David Wan Sitong learned the word for the Division, Wan Sitong do not have strong speech. Later, as the scholar Xu Yuanwen repair "Ming Dynasty" president, but also recommended him into the history of Council. Xi think repair "Ming Dynasty" is related to the judge and the sub-Sun Houshi Faithfulness to the cause, there is Wan Sitong to participate, you can rest assured. Wan Sitong to Beijing will be mobilized, and the Valedictory poem to "go out four-worth of water, generation of rape Yin Taub clothes" phase Mian. At that time, those who enter the Department of History of the Imperial Academy Board Compilation titles, seven products granted salary. Xi Wan Sitong asked to comply, to Beijing in Xuyuan Wen home after the resident would prefer, not the Department of title, without pension, to a commoner into the history of Council, the revised "History of Ming Dynasty", after nineteen years. History of the Ming Shi Ming manuscript written in 500, these articles are all under the rule of former xi Yang sent the file through the tribunal after the write, the hard exception, a model for the Chinese historian, he said: "The long history of unspeakable now! likes and dislikes by heart, along with praise or blame. a matter of, three speakers, while the mass varies, not to mention hundreds of years where almost ?!.... Record details of those difficulties, I certificates in his book, his book abuse framed by, I cut the income of those in the Record, although not told that all credible, but in vain were fresh now! disease Fan Wu Xi Song, and I described the times of Yan. not know who Jane is expensive, but do not take choosing the non-being to the truth and the word is also not beneficial! " He is familiar with the following system of Chinese History and Historical Events of Ming Dynasty. At that time, participated in fifty or sixty Compiling officials who wrote the first draft of each post. Wan Sitong are sent to the Department for review. Wan Sitong read the first draft of each article. Compiling told editors, take a book to a page of a paper, there is something should be added to; to take a book to a page of a paper, something should be verified, no one fallacy. Xu Yuanwen after the scholar Zhang Yushu, Rhythm of the Fifth, as the Book of Wang Hongxu have Compiling "History of Ming Dynasty," the president is still sent for Wan Sitong to repair "the Ming Dynasty." Not Murong Li Wan Sitong life, attitude, humility, with people all claiming to be "Commoner Wan Si tong." But in Beijing, down to the students on to the kings, all call him "Mr. Wan." He lectures in Beijing several times, through ancient and modern historical facts, fair comment. Well-known scholar Li Guang Qing, the judge talent rather stringent world of Wan Sitong is extremely appreciated. He said his life seen, but the number of children, such as Gu Ning people (Yan Wu), quarter million wild, Yan century poem "True enough choice for consultants who prepared Shiqu also." Change the draft after three time-consuming for decades. "Ming Shi" does have a lot of strengths. First, it rigorous style, the narrative clear, concise text, layout properly. Zhao Yi Shi critics in the "History of Notes Nianer", it has the Song,, Jin, Yuan Zhu history and the "Ming Dynasty" made the comparison, that "not as" clear history "of the perfect person." Secondly, the "History of Ming Dynasty," the historical data is more abundant. At that time can be a lot of information first-hand testimony, in addition to a complete _set_ of the Emperor Ming "Record" inside out, there are Dibao, local history, anthology, and a large number of private Shicheng. When Zhu Yizun Writing History, "the president of the second book," said the country's only hidden in the National Library Chronicles, that is much in excess of three thousand volumes. In addition, Ming Wang Shizhen writings of the "silk clothing Chi", "the official test," and so on, and the eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty ruled the disadvantages of agents systematically introduced. These are the history of the Ming dynasties Xiuzhuan those who repair junkman of history than those who have highly favorable conditions. Third, the "Ming Dynasty" of the fair held in some places, but also Bing-zhi writing. If Yuanchonghuan was discord among the Qing Taizong killing of design, and Xiong Tingbi's work on the crime records, are a valuable reference. Fourth, the "Ming Dynasty" in the Style of a new creation, the special train in the biography of the "Yandang", "Liuzei" and "supervisor" three projects. Ming dynasty eunuch history of dictatorship is a major problem, "Yandang Biography" documented Wang, Liu Jin, Wei Zhongxian disastrous gang crimes and other eunuchs. "History of Ming Dynasty," the authors of Rereading, Chang Hsien-chung and other leaders of the peasant uprising hold the attitude of hostility and hatred, in their biography also falsely accused as "Liuzei." This is determined by the position of the class, the purpose is to sum up experience and the rulers: "The death of the Ming and destroy ask mistake, as Gordon Kam feet." However, objectively preserved for posterity some of the late Ming peasant war and reliable historical data. "Chieftain Biography" special situation of minorities in Southwest China to write, sub Hubei and Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi five toast pass. The biography, though insisted the position of national oppression, vilification of ethnic minorities have many words, but save a lot of this with a minority of the important information. Today, the history of national minorities, more than half can be traced back to the early Ming Dynasty. In addition, the "Ming Dynasty" other parts of the chapter, but also for future generations save a lot of valuable historical data, such as "Study of Law," in the plant Wei Ming narrative secret service, have helped future generations study the history of research on this . A total of twenty-four volumes of this century, to the number of volumes is concerned, "History of Ming Dynasty" book of the century less than one-tenth of the share, if word terms, the share of less than twenty fifth book. It can be seen in this discipline in the "History of Ming Dynasty," a very small proportion, which is "clear history" in the compilation of a characteristic style. The discipline in the biographical history books, is a chronological form of Syrian history section, "History of Ming Dynasty" is obviously to the discipline as a whole history of the key link to a concise manner, the first out in the book before, people in the read, this historical time First, understand the history of the Ming Dynasty, profile, rather than people reading the review of the record when it unavoidably overlooking the best of the knowledge. This should be regarded as "History of Ming Dynasty" Compiling the overall design is unique. "Ming Dynasty" Another feature of this discipline, respect for facts, not to be History of the Ming Dynasty as an example. Reign as Emperor Jianwen, after the Chengzu wins, get rid of, only four-year Record of dollars, two, three and thirty-five years of Hongwu, attached to the "Ming Tai Zu Record" after. "Ming Dynasty" in the post-up "Emperor Gong Min Ji," a roll, very decent. Another example is cut Yingzong No. Jingtai Timor, the situation is similar with the construction of Wen Shi, "Ming Dynasty" has also done properly. Qing Qian Daxin historian who argues: "The history of the patients had no prior record who. Such as" Hidemune Record "with Jingtai seven things, said Cheng brutal king, and cut the Temple name, this was Shichen writing technique. both before and after this point Hidemune the century, the century in the column emperor, the most appropriate to do good. "(Qian Daxin:" Ten new record raising drive fast, "Book Nine) Prince Edward Zhu Wen Ming-Hong Wu Zhongyi standard, because of early death no time to the throne, Jianwen first year (1399) Zhuizun as Takayasu Emperor Temple name Xingzong. Chengzu wins, after the number of waste Temple name of its emperor, Fu Yi-Wen said the Prince. God is overcoming this number, without Gaiyuan Teng pole, it would not join in this century, into the room biography, but the number had emperor, is also historical facts, but also with all the different transmission, especially in the Empress Biography, biographies of the kings before transmission. Those associated with the column, but also the father of Emperor Jia Jing, Xing Xian Yu Yuan Wang Zhu. Jiajing ZTE Ritual, special respect for his father as Emperor Rui Zong Xing Xian is also a just God number only. "Ming Dynasty" This discipline is not listed Xing Zong, Rui Zong, is their discipline as described in the history of the Ming Dynasty on the outline. Mitsumune that forty-eight years in Wanli (1620) who started in August, died in September who started in place only in January and less reign title, then _set_ Yishi Taichang after the first year in August. "Mitsumune of the Millennium" so attached to the "Shen-Ji" after, not stand-alone volume, had referred only a few hundred words, after the outline of the make. "Ming Shi Tianwen Chi sequence," said: "Since Sima Qian" Tian official ", and for the history of ancient astronomy blog by key. However," Liao Dynasty, "Independent No, that Sky Zhao down through the ages as one, a solar eclipse, the day changed not only the The discipline, the "astronomical records," near Yan. they said that rather when. .. However, astronomy is not so Sui Fei Chi, is not well. planetarium ancient and modern, although no differences, and talk of home, measuring device days, often after the victory in the former. not to mark it, to obliterate the meaning of making a generation without transmission Yan is also the gaps in the history of law also. .. Ming Shenzong when Matteo Ricci and other Westerners into China, specializes in astronomy and calendar of the school, The Micro illustrates Austria, operations controller, this was never before also.'re drop-it should be, with the articles of. " Remove the "astronomical annals", the Tang Bin has also authored the "Five Elements Chi" and "Li Chi" compilation. "Five Elements Chi Ming Dynasty," the success of the compilation is not enough, one simple and too many gaps, such as earthquakes and drought and other disasters; second, more inaccurate account of the Department have even credited rumor in order to increase its mysterious, so many historians believe that its "no big users." ① "Li Chi" of nine volumes. Ming calendar, when the switch to Western Chongzhen new law and innovation. The "Calendar History" volume, Zhu Zaiyu "Shengshou calendar," "Law Calendar Accommodation" more detailed description, such as the Governor Xu repair after the calendar, attention to the Western calendar, but also many words. It is of "History of Ming Li Zhi" is a major feature. "Li Chi" the second feature is in addition to the table while outside the map, with all the history of different. There were five plans, annexed to the "big system calendar" at home. A "vector map arc cutting", "its side of the map", "flat as the map", "length difference on Road Map", "two to figure out bad." Gazetteer in large calendar-based system, namely, two, three, four, five, six a total of five volumes, supplemented by Hui calendar, namely, seven, eight, nine total of three volumes. "Li Chi" Although the details of the above matter, because the knowledge involved in the calendar, there are other ancient and modern, and used in the Ming Dynasty, "Great Commission Calendar" and "Hui Li" of difference, which is quite difficult to read. ① Chai De Geng: "Examples of historical records." "Li Chi" after the "Geography" "Geography" a total of seven volumes. Seven volumes among the southern and northern Beijing roll, Shandong, Shanxi roll, Henan, Shaanxi, roll, Sichuan, Jiangxi volume, Hubei and Hunan, Zhejiang and roll, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi roll, Yunnan, Guizhou roll . Southern and Northern thirteen administrative commissioner's office in Beijing and have a summary, remember their history, are "Yu Gong" states were based. Overview, the then government, state, county are described. Attached are the Secretary for Health, the evolution of the _set_, the content is quite comprehensive desirable, nevertheless wrong place between the tainted, and their descendants who have made Textual Corrections. "Li Chi" fourth volume, written by Wu Yuan. Ceremony, music for the dynasty rulers seriously, decency and propriety of the rule of the people. Rituals reflect a time of political and social living conditions. Also be used as a feudal etiquette supplement the Criminal Code. The late Ming Dynasty is the dynasty of Chinese feudal society, with social, political economic and cultural changes have taken place in ritual the more obvious changes, especially Zhengde, Jiajing after recovery of "Ceremony Disintegration" trend, the so-called " Ceremony Disintegration "is precisely the time of social change. "Ming Shi Li Zhi" will inevitably reflect this content. "Li Chi" above, the first gift for the guitar, that is worship of the Code, including the worship of various world forums, various temples, a total of six volumes. Times for the Skyline to the main palace of the ceremony, with local "this ritual", a total of more than three volumes. After the ceremony for the guests, Skyline, in addition to guests of the ceremony, the officials and people meet is also the list of the ceremony. Bin Li with Skyline, the article is only half of the volume. Salute after a roll. After three volumes was Xiong Li again, state cemetery funeral system. Five is the ancient ritual of the system operator. "Li Chi" is described in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of Government and the people of the ceremony is over, Jane, and described in etiquette, difficult to read out, to be with the "Ming Hui Dian" Zhu Shu coherent and read. "History of the Ming Music" three volumes, the main account of the Ming Dynasty, the system of musical instruments and music, courtesy oriented music with the gift line. Ming music music system not mentioned, but it is still etiquette. Ming Zhu Zaiyu home has temperament for the celebrity founder of modern music, but unfortunately they create, not "Music" above. "Yi Wei Zhi" roll, "Yu Fu Zhi" four volumes, contents and etiquette related to a more detailed account. "Ming Shi" imitation "Song" style, "Li Chi", "Music", "Yi Wei Chi", "Yu Fu Chi" were established and are described, various Shisuo Li is more than the previous all good. "Electoral" three volumes, as described in quite characteristic. The preamble says: "Election of the law, large slightly IV: said the school, said subjects, said, recommend, said Civil election. Schools to education, subject to board into it, recommend to the next move, choose the fabric out in the Civil, talent to do so carry the world. " Therefore, "Ming History records," the first volume for the school, second volume for the subjects, three volumes will recommend, any elected official Civil Investigation. Re-recommend the early Ming, Yongle later; subjects burgeoning, recommend day light, such changes are clearly described in Yu Zhi, the style of a narrative for the system with the case, people read to understand at a glance. "Electoral" from the hands of Rou Lu, Lu Chin Rou origin, was chosen learned ru, key in the election, since when have experience, so the above history is quite decent. "Occupational Shangguan," five volumes, as the "Ming Dynasty" Zhu Zhi in the focus. The early Ming Dynasty emperor stop the prime minister or the rank of six, _set_ before the Cabinet Chengzu Zhu Di, the Chinese Civil Service System in the history of this point for a period of great change, but also the design and bureaucratic eunuch different dynasties, and its characteristics are obvious. "History of the Ming grade Shangguan," taken from the court to place the text and by the military, and the edges from the inside account of methods. North and south of Beijing government offices, mainly in Beijing, Nanjing officials designed stand, the state recorded quite simple. The volume referred to is: who were the government, Excellencies three isolated, three little Prince three divisions, the Cabinet, officials, families, courtesy, military, criminal, workers six. Two volumes: Censorate, through the Chief Secretary, supreme court, Zhanshi House, the Imperial Academy, Imperial College, Yansheng Gong. Three volumes: Chang Temple, Guanglu Temple, Tai Pusi Administrations for Frontier Minorities Temple, still treasure Division, six subjects, the book Scheeren, pedestrian Division, Astronomical, too hospital, Shanglin Parkland prison, five cities Maybe Mars , Shuntian, martial arts, monk recorded the Secretary, Education Secretary Square, eunuchs, female officer. Four volumes: the Nanjing government, should Tianfu, royal Eliot Secretary, Chief Secretary, Justice, the Road, traveling Taipu Si, Yuan Ma Temple, all transport of salt to the Secretary, the Secretary for the Salt lifting, lifting of Merchant Shipping Division , Tea-Horse Division, the government, state, county, Confucianism, Inspection Division, Station, Tax Section Secretary, warehouses, weaving, dyeing Bureau, Riverbed, approved laboratories, the delivery operation, the iron smelting, medicine, yin and yang school, Monk Gang Division, said Ji Division. XXV: Public Hou Bo, consort Commandery, five Army Military Government, Beijing camp, Jing Wei, Jin Yiwei, Nanjing garrison, five Army Military Government in Nanjing, Nanjing Wei, royal guard, Chief General Officer Secretary stay, all Division The Guardian, all that, Xuanwei Si, Xuan Fusi, An Fusi, Zhao Tao Division, long case, military and civilian government. "Occupational Guan Zhi" in the description in the cabinet is unknown, and to six as the most important, is the result of Ming Dynasty Bureaucracy six main, but the role of the Ming Dynasty the large cabinet, _set_ the prominent, should be more solid state. Department of the change of the original Imperial Censorate _set_ for the beginning of the Ming Dynasty _set_. Censor level wind Ji Gang are off the Constitution, is particularly important. Have the post of governor, as are any external censor, and economic strategy for the Prime Minister, like management, inspection, ask governance names; monitoring Censor there Xunan the system. Therefore Censorate placed first in the second volume, while the share of the longest, which is also the history of pens carefully. And the eunuch, the additional comments text, seventeen years from the first Ming Hongwu (1384) Cast card "shall not interfere in internal affairs minister, made by cutting off" to Paradise in the official after four, Wang, Wang Zhi, Liu Jin, Wei Zhongxian the exclusive right until the Ming Dynasty, quite summary. Qing this as a warning, then no interference in domestic affairs eunuch of the machine, this is really learning from history. Tusi System of Ming Dynasty, is also a feature at that time, it is the end of special legislation Officials of local officials, the text, while small, is to give people a sense of sound. "History of the Ming Food and Money" a total of six volumes, from the hand of Pan Lei. In fact, by Pan Lei, Wang evidence "Ming Food and Money" from. However, according to Pan Lei recorded on the compilation of "Food and Money," the ground force, "to a million from the Hongwu Reign Record of the relevant food and goods were a total of more than sixty of the notes, dense line of fine words, each more than four dozen of the paper, paper is also less than twenty, and he is not in the Compilation is "①. Lei Pan had many enemies that there is food and goods for the draft, or for a long series. Compiling after Wang into the Academia Historica, "Food and Money" is seen in "Learning Um draft class" in the "Ming Food and Money", as if they had used on ancient Lei Pan, not Ke Deer cicada. Wang "Ming Food and Money" twelve volumes: Volume I: Chi sequence, Nongsang. Volume II: Accounts. Volume III: field system (with Tuen Administration). Volume IV: Taxes and (with Famine.) Kango: water transport (with shipping). Juan Liu: Warehouse (with stables, warehouses field). VII: Salt. Juan Ba: banknote. Book Nine: Tea alum. Volume Ten: taxation. Juan Shiyi: altar made mining. Volume Twelve: Accounting (with pension rates.) Wang Hongxu are on the "History of Ming," notes this in addition to the "accounting" into the "reference by mining-made" and save eleven volumes, the content and Wang "Ming Food and Money" are almost identical. "History of the Ming Food and Money" a total of six volumes. "Canals records," six volumes, the history of the case is still divided the river above. Yellow River at the upper and lower, a total of two volumes, also points up and down the canal, but not enough to Volumes I and II, with half of the volume shipping. "Ming Food and Money" is attached to water transport in the ocean after the original. Huai, Jia, Wei Zhang, Qin, Hutuo, Sang dry rivers Jiaolai total volume, the other for the Provincial Water Conservancy roll straight. Obviously, "canals Zhi" is not the purpose of channel and water, focusing on river and water transport. Its content and food goods to complement each other. "Soldier," four volumes, note the details of the Ming Dynasty military. First volume in mind: Beijing camp, the military guards on the straight (with Imperial guards, Beijing policeman), four satellite camps. II in mind: Guards and military classes. The third volume in mind: frontier defense, sea (with Jiang Fang), Zhuang people, soldiers (with rural soldiers). Volume IV in mind: cleaning up a soldier, training, reward power, firearms, travel, Ma government. Prominent features of the Ming military system, centralization of the first Ming mainly heart. The so-called "martial arts _set_ out to the world, leather per the old system, since the capital of the counties, are established garrison. Are outside the system of the Division, within the military system in the five governorates, while the second guard to the emperor who is not pro-military and Yan "②. This was the Tang Mansion Army System Department of the left Italy and more Xiangmi. ① Yang Chun: "Checklist on the Reflection for Hall, president book." ① "Ming Dynasty" Volume seventy-seven "Food and Money Order." ② "Ming Dynasty" Volume eighty-nine "Soldier order." Ming Dynasty, trapped in the southern Japanese North "prisoner", the military is important, but the situation has forced the military system which repeatedly changed even more. During this period of evolution, "Soldier" in the account is quite clear, only the first volume of the camp on account of Beijing and "post Shangguan" cross each other, using methods with which complement each other only briefly. Since the "Han Dynasty History," "Sui Zhi" repair, collecting ancient books, test their survival, as consolidation of the great deeds of bibliography. "History of the Ming Dynasty History" Compilation of use of such methods do not specifically take the book of the Ming Dynasty, it seems simple but real long, who really is quite hard. However, percentage wise to consider, one can not help but lose, as its recording in the World Tang name "Ancient and Modern Books differentiation name" forty volumes, is the Song of making, in terms of its style, the book will be recorded in error. "Ming Dynasty" Biography of the basic history along the old style, but they have their innovations. "Si Ku Quan Shu" volume IV VI "Ming Dynasty" in the said Article Summary: "Thirteen Tales from the old cases who, innovation, those three cases, said," Yan Dang ", said" Liuzei ", said" toast. "Cap ferret pendant of the disaster, although the Han, Tang and the following and recent trends of the literati with the smell of mutton, but clearly people are the most gang. its pernicious influence the world, also Cool. not as a biography, so the death was the source of chaos, not only to punish but also shows the ax . Chuang, offering two bandits, as die tomorrow, destroy ask mistake, enough for the Gordon Kam, not his clown ratio, the ratio is not separatist warlords, so do not stand it. As for the toast, the ancient states that Jimi. not in nothing more, easy to sprout blood in sacrifice gap. probably more built in the Yuan, and Zi Wan in the next. controlled Yu Tao, and pastoralists special, and resist the enemy countries are special, so from a class of Yan. "It should be said, the creation of" Yan Dang "" Liuzei "," Chieftain "three pass, meets the actual situation in the Ming Dynasty, which created the table with all the" seven QING table "would be similar. Ming Dynasty eunuch of interference in domestic affairs, was not as Han and Tang all move toward a dethronement, but the doctor outside the Ting Shi Yan in castrated eunuch base knees, from a moment of arrogance, was not eternal. "Yandang Biography" Forty-six people listed, who is a party of seven Liu Jin, Yu Wei Zhongxian all of the party. Read "Biography Yandang Order" shows Morohito Historica warning to Shen Tong in the Ming Dynasty and generously. However, with the "Liuzei Biography" compared to the feeling there is different, relegated to "Liuzei mass order" since the Tang Dynasty 赛 children since the uprising on until the Li Zi Cheng, Chang Hsien-chung of the death of Ming, Wen said: "Since the Tang 赛 children below the cart before the horse is easy actually, what with suppressing thief Zhu Chen Chuan. independent blog the death of the world who stand "Li Zi Cheng, Chang Hsien-chung Chuan". "which" Rereading Biography "more than made up for the" Ming Dynasty "in the various mass the longest. Although from the perspective of a history of major repair as a warning to future generations, but more so to retain records related to the rich, but not to spread "Suppression Thieves" Zhu Chen Chuan. "Ming Dynasty" in the various biographies, but also to do with transfer of the more common style. Volume eighty-nine such as "Xia Liangsheng Biography", accompanied by the Zhao Yu those million Chao, Chen Jiuchuan, Zhang Yanrui, Jiang Long, Xu Ao, Yao following the rock mass, are made into the remonstrance petition only Wu Zongnan patrol person. Volume II ○ six "horse catalog Biography" with Yan Ting Yi, Nie Yin, Mu Tang, Liu Qi, Lu Qiong Shen Han, Wang Ke, are Jiajing in the "Li Fuda of hell," led by the people. Censor Unified Taxation as sparse in Long Khanh said: "According to Lee with the prison, the crime synergetic Fuda, and pernicious Gentry was more than four people, dressed the disaster, can be described as tragic." The attached comments Biography historian quoted in Members of the mass that is also attached. Pass such laws, in the "History of Ming Dynasty" in the list goes on. "Ming Dynasty" biography, the "foreign Biography" and the "Western Regions", reflected the tribal areas and other foreign countries and the link, save a lot of other places in Southeast Asia and Central Asia, historical data, is to study their history and foreign relations history a better reference. In Twenty-Four Histories, the "Ming Dynasty" to compile decent, well-informed, narrative sound, concise language of historians called for the Road, is a high level of history books. This reflects the editor's textual research on historical data, the use of historical materials on the history of things through, ability to control the language has reached a higher level. Although it is second only to the length of the Twenty-Four Histories "History of the Song," but it does not feel long and boring. "Ming Dynasty" Despite the high historical value, also known as the "most perfect" work. However, as an Official in the official history, its shortcomings are obvious. Zhao Yi for "Nianer Literary History", has been on the "History of Ming Dynasty" in the absence of some comments, just because the amendment of the official history of scruples, but dare not denounce the speech added. Modern historians, Professor Chai De Geng pointed out: "such as 'Zhou Yanru the pass into the traitor', a premise, should be an 'inappropriate' word, only with the content is in line, but omitted '. Liu Ji Liao Yongzhong other mass' Article missed under the 'sparse mistaken' word, 'Qiao Yunsheng Liu Feng-_set_ter', missed the next 'repeat' word, this is not denigrating those who have called it. "① Zhao Yi original though tactful," Zhou Yanru the transmission into a traitor "in Yiyun:" Yong Zhou Yanru than one phase ear and take it into the "traitor Biography", too little too. .. This is not a very Yanru to evil, by their identity has changed Yanru. "" Liu Ji Liao Yongzhong so Biography "one, the history of the state of uncertainty. Zheng Chen Youliang battle to the emperor, "Ji Dynasty" in mind: "Reform Movement, Amor celebration. Renyin, sub Hukou, defeated Youliang in Jiujiang, grams of the city, Wuchang Youliang Ben." "Chen Youliang Biography" of the mind come first . "Liaoyong Zhong Chuan" add to the Anqing, breaking the kiosk, then Amor celebration. Amor short celebration before them registering, after the grams of Jiujiang. The "Liu Ji Biography" has in mind, the division attack Anqing, since Dan and evening high, please diameter trend Jiangzhou Liu Ji, pound their nests. Click here to say that the _set_tlement before the Jiangzhou, Anqing, not grams. Written substandard. With this class, "Chang Yu-Chuan" Remember the Battle of Fairmont, Chengzu be Shengyong army surrounded the battle out. Chang Yu-I do not know, highlight the array Yujiu Chengzu, the battle to death. And "Zhu to pass," but said Chengzu siege, Chang Yu-force battle death, Zhu battle to force perimeter ratio, save Chengzu out. Chang Yu died Chengzu whether before or break after break, the second sub-transmission is written. Although things are not important, but do not rigorous for the state's loss history of leakage. "Ming Shi Zhuojing Biography" in mind Jingzhi Zhuo was killed, said Chengzu want to live it, but respect a hero and Zhuo Yao Guangxiao gap, kill the sidelines into the statement advised. This is unofficial, according to Ming Biography, consider the facts, not from the Chengzu wide implementation of Xiao Chai De Geng ①: "Examples of historical records." Division into Nanjing, no respect from slander to kill Cho. "Ming Shi" recorded leftover things Jianwen, in recognition of loyalty, more collecting, unofficial rumors were also used, inevitably wrong. Sichuan Liao Mazi, Cao Fu uprising, was killed by Cao just recorded some of the discord between. "Bells Biography" recorded it as Liao Mazi killed, "Lin Jiun-Chuan" is recorded by Cao Yin Lee sack for the command. "History of the Ming Dynasty History," History is quite respected, then the Department which has a lot of mistakes, the former record held by Deng Ming-shi "Ancient and Modern Books differentiation name" forty volumes, is the Song of making, strayed into the blog. Another example of the recording in Chen Renxi "Zhou sentence solution," six volumes, according to test plagiarism rustic style text and more complex, the Department of Fair Jiatuo name, rather than the Chen Renxi hands. Local Records who does not appear to see the original book and records. From Yuan Gu, "said Strategy," also applies to this, "Treatise" for sixty volumes, and Gu Yuan from the preface in mind, the book only thirty volumes recorded sixty wrong blog. Another example is "Treatise" was recorded in Shen "ink tank Suo Lu" Volume 1, "calligraphy" Volume 1, "Duanbei Collection" Volume 4, while the omission of "paintings", Volume 1, estimated that when no time is a chapter carefully revised the rules. Different between the history of the state, there are tables, pass the sub. Such as Wu Mourning the death of Wang Yun Tong, Volume ○ Three "Kings World Table" for thirteen years Yongle died. Volume eighteen "Wuwangyuntong Biography" is for "Yongle death fifteen years." "Saisuke Chronology," Wang Guang Yang, Hongwu years Zuocheng. The "Wang Guang Yang Chuan" is mistakenly recorded as Youcheng. Lee Hyun-first year of the Board of Civil Shilang Erik, when according to the "Lee Hyun-Biography" assistant minister for the left. Also interested, mass irregularities, such as in "Xu Biography" into the mind of the "follow precedent calendar day refers to" roll, "Treatise" for the four volumes; "pass rate table" volume, "Treatise" as vols. Are substandard. Such small flaws, too numerous to mention. To "clear history" as many as three hundred, despite falling compilation, it is inevitable that mistakes of the Department, all in a book, or have not taken into account, is inevitable. The "History of Ming Dynasty" in the place a real loss not only in the drain, but concealed facts in its intention. Early repair "Ming Dynasty", so there shall be hidden the fact that in itself is the relationship between the Qing and Ming. It was hidden by two: First, before the founding of hidden Qing Chen Yu Ming; second, hidden entry Hounan Ming Zhu Qing court the existence of the facts. Fat Qing Dynasty, about the same time with the establishment of the Ming Dynasty. Qing Zhao Zu as Zhuizun into the Imperial Ancestral Temple in the beginning. Zhaozu Jitongmengge Timur. Yuan million first hit the post, go after the Ming dynasty, granted statehood Left command, rose ① Zhao Yi: "Nianer Literary History." Captaincy. Qing said the military governor Meng Temu, Zhuizunzhaozu. According to "Ming Taizong Record" written, between the Yongle that the record on fierce brother Timur. Modern Qing experts Monson (heart history) had cleared the descent as Mr. has Textual: "clear the beginning of the Department of statehood for the next Left. The beginning of the fierce level of grant Left brother Timur, but also in its Guzi Mei there into the Ming Palace Weifei example, who, as the pet of it, to rise captaincy title, clear record that the military governor Meng Temu. "① entry into statehood in the Ming Dynasty Jurchen Jin Jian, tribute, hit for, change, and grant many relationship with the surrounding activities, but this after all the Qing Ming Fat evidence of the minister, the Qing government taboo, so the "Ming Dynasty", not only allowed to see the statehood Jurchen, and any "Jurchen" are in the limb, "So the service and ask Jurchen word, rebellion and conquered, Lei Zhao of Mathias, Zhu Chen of the merits and demerits, the Jurchen were tied, trimmed of all." ① Since ancient times, who easily replaced in the occasion of the previous generation after generation of repair history, relationship to a new place toward the DPRK and the old, it is inevitable there is no writing technique. But generally speaking, most of the phase involved more than the age, place of its cover, read a history which can also sense reasons, never like the relationship between the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, this has always been, "a hidden history of the Sui and the generation of all" persons. Where Zhu Chen Ming Chiang, who has governors and other officials who patrol the town, cut all the stories in Liao. Such as Wang Ao, LI Bing, Zhao Fu, Peng Yi, Cheng and others believe, "Ming Shi" in both their own biography, but ask in a rule or statehood campaign against the results at the "Ming Dynasty" were omitted in the above , between twelve languages involved, why the tribe is not specified to what causes Qi Xin, the historical truth, no watch. Another example is Marvin rose to ask An Dong Yi, from the special secretary of the event, were "ask security Dongyi mind" in the book when the main account of the Jurchen and its fully integrated relationship with the Ming Dynasty, there are accounts of more than Jurchen You Duihai West . "Ming Dynasty" volume one hundred eighty-two "Marvin l Biography" also remember the "Where the three to Liao," the story, then read the Jurchen but does not know as a matter of statehood, the word obscure the text, only the outline of its active it had something Liao . Eunuch Wang Zhi, and Marvin rise or not, want to do meritorious deeds Liao, but the pass is not as clearly stated. According to various historians to research, "Ming Shi" recorded in the Jurchen taboo things, also of negligence, such as "Ji Xian Zong" and "Wang forward pass", there is a volt when the gal. V when the gamma of a leader for its name when the Jurchen statehood, historian I do not know why the Department of Emirates volts when the gamma collar, leaking the name of anti-Chang cover the writing technique in reality. Located in the Heilongjiang River in the early Ming slave children were Secretary of dry matter, "History of the Ming Geography" in the leak but not above, I saw in the "Soldier", said: "Hongwu, Yongle allegiance to those between the outside edge, the official length, for the captaincy all command, command, thousands of households, Zhenfu other official, thanks to Chi Shu mark, _set_ by the Secretary for Health have. "the following:" all Division I (Division slave children are dry) ", and then three hundred eighty-four Gleevec. The so-called "outer edge of allegiance to those" that Jurchen ① Monson: "History of the Ming notes" chapter. Ministries. As for Mongolia, Zephaniah, and both the book its name straight. Speaking of the history of the early Qing Xiu taboo, the way to outline the early Qing literary inquisition. Early well-known literary inquisition, a case for the village's history, seven more than ten people who suffer abuse, the dead body profile coffin nail file, the living extension of the neck to kill, Wife and Children very edge of exile as a slave. The concept of the original book, has not been too involved in Qing Shi Shanbang of the language, but in Qingbingruguan things, until the book as "barbarians atmosphere", "barbarian bandits", the "slave Emirates (efforts to children Huggins) "name, not containing added trace taboo. Defending the pass in and said beam are fed into the Nurhaci as: "Yi Er and his killing vector field and the teaching units in Afghanistan under the city. He is the Qing Dynasty are also sub-vector to child may die, lien given them." This is the most taboo things Qing Zhuang Ji Zhu's repair history of the person because it was disaster. This is related to the history of things clear before entering the literary inquisition. Involved in the Southern Ming emperors are wearing the famous name of the world literary inquisition "Nanshan _set_" prison. Dai Shi, word Tian, No. brown husband, do not worry about No. Um. Scholars between the Qing Emperor Kangxi, the official editing. Pay attention to the history of the Ming Dynasty thing, the quest for Sanyi, visited survivors of the Ming, Heritage of test requirements. The "Nanshan _set_", with the Southern Ming Yongli reign, in order to keep the Ming system threads, for the left are the censor impeach Joe Zhao Shen, On the cut. Where is "Nanshan _set_" as a preface, such as Fang Bao and others, were implicated, reaching as many as dozens of people. Early this was another major literary inquisition. It can be seen imperial reach these two is not a taboo. Historian will dare take the impending massacre and the fact the book? Even with the wind of Dong Hu, Qing Wen to the strict ban, how can a word in the officially left into the history books? Conceal the facts is, of course, "History of Ming Dynasty," a big loss, but also the inevitable result. How to give "clear history" a general verdict? Previous comments, basically in terms of its own content, but to give "clear history" a general assessment, will have to put it in history, the place to see the entire history of Chinese History. Lu Tian Qing Dynasty in its "cold House Miscellanies" in such comments: "Ming Dynasty" style of very fine, Yao Guangxiao into the biography, also promised not to monks. Qin Liangyu into the biography, not to women As the also. Yan Dang, sycophants, a traitor after the Liuzei out in the eunuch before has the envy of the deep, while the devaluation of the also Zhiyi. Turning to the Ming and Qing Zhang Binglin Zhedong History, said: "Since the Ming had eastern Zhejiang Theory. Vance big, Sri Lanka with the brothers, both Yin people, teachers included Yuyao xi, said that after ceremony, smells Han Song The history of Sri Lanka Act with the Domination. "Therefore," the Ming Dynasty, "although the last _set_ published in the Qianlong, but not completely caught in the wind into textual criticism. Professor Bai Shouyi said: "Wan Sitong, Quan on the" History of Ming Dynasty, "the work, its interest is the preservation of the Ming Dynasty literature, they are clear for beginners as well as the national ideology." Thus, "Ming Shi" It was a round History of the last one, but it still inherits the history of the previous generation of various styles, This is not merely in style, but also the history of performance in pursuit of the above. To complement the "Ming Dynasty" describes the lack of descendants for some supplement. If Liuting Xie's "Building on the occasion of the country Manson table." Huang Dahua's "Saisuke Ming Dynasty" and "Seven Qing Ming Dynasty," Wu Tingxie "Ming governors Chronology," Fu courtesy of the "residual Ming Saisuke chronology" and "residual Ming Li Datong," etc., are collected in "Twenty-five Histories Supplement". Qianlong four years, following the alterations to the Qing Dynasty "Ming Dynasty", after the century on, he was sensitive, the money Ruwei as the president of the history of test certificate, but did not print and publish. Guang Xu, the Hubushilang Wang Chung Wei into the value of the aircraft, test to see proof of the history of the manuscript, was the original and progress has been more incomplete. Chung Wei Wang to compile an inventory, as "research Mei Yat Ming Dynasty" Forty-two volumes, the Republic of China five years (1916) income "Ka Yip Hall Series." Now prevailing "Ming Dynasty" Wu Yingdian version of the original printed edition Qianlong four years, according to the 1974 Zhonghua Book Company and collation, punctuation, letterpress printing publication.

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