中国经典 》 jīn píng méi Golden Lotus 》
dì yī huí xī mén qìng rè jié shí dì xiōng wǔ 'èr láng lěng yù qīn gē sǎo
lán líng xiào xiào shēng Lan Lingxiaoxiaosheng
第一回 西门庆热结十弟兄 武二郎冷遇亲哥嫂 第一回 西门庆热结十弟兄 武二郎冷遇亲哥嫂 第一回 西门庆热结十弟兄 武二郎冷遇亲哥嫂 第一回 西门庆热结十弟兄 武二郎冷遇亲哥嫂
中国明代长篇小说。成书约在隆庆至万历年间。作者署名兰陵笑笑生 。兰陵今属山东枣庄 ,作者大约是山东人 。《 金瓶梅 》共 100 回 ,其版本有二 :一是万历 四十五年(1617)东吴弄珠客作序的《金瓶梅词话》;另一是天启年间刻的《原本金瓶梅》。两种版本内容基本相同,后来的刻本,基本上属于天启刻本系统。
《金瓶梅》借《水浒传》中武松杀嫂一段故事为引子,通过对兼有官僚、恶霸 、富商 3种身份的封建时代市侩势力的代表人物西门庆及其家庭罪恶生活的描述,暴露了北宋中叶社会的黑暗和腐败,具有较深刻的认识价值。《金瓶梅》描绘了一个上自朝廷内擅权专政的太师,下至地方官僚恶霸乃至市井间的地痞、流氓、帮闲所构成的鬼蜮世界。西门庆原是个破落财主、生药铺老板。他善于夤缘钻营,巴结权贵,在县里包揽讼事,交通官吏,知县知府都和他往来。他不择手段地巧取豪夺,聚敛财富,荒淫好色,无恶不作。他抢夺寡妇财产,诱骗结义兄弟的妻子,霸占民间少女,谋杀姘妇的丈夫。为了满足贪得无厌的享乐欲望,他干尽伤天害理的事情。但由于有官府做靠山,特别是攀结上了当朝宰相蔡京并拜其为义父,这就使他不仅没有遭到应有的惩罚,而且左右逢源,步步高升。这些描写,反映了明代中叶以后,朝廷权贵与地方上的豪绅官商相勾结,压榨人民、聚敛钱财的种种黑幕。
《金瓶梅》是中国文学史上第一部由文人独立创作的长篇小说。从此 ,文人创作成为小说创作的主流。《 金瓶梅》之前的长篇小说,莫不取材于历史故事或神话、传说。《金瓶梅》摆脱了这一传统,以现实社会中的人物和家庭日常生活为题材,使中国小说现实主义创作方法日臻成熟,为其后《红楼梦》的出现做了必不可少的探索和准备。
23、日本研究金瓶梅论文集 (黄霖 王国安 选编 齐鲁书社1989年版)
24、金瓶梅西方论文集 (徐朔方 选编 上海古籍出版社1987年版)
25、金瓶梅研究 复旦大学出版社
这样的人物形象,是过去的小说中所没有的。就是西门庆,固然是个恶人,但他的“恶”也不是以简单的符号化的形式表现出来。他的慷慨豪爽、“ 救人贫难”,多少表现出市民阶层所重视的品德。他对妇女从来就是贪得无厌地占有和玩弄,但当李瓶儿病死时,他也确实表现了真诚的悲痛。小说对这一事件的描写十分细致。一方面,西门庆不顾潘道士提出的“恐祸将及身”的警告,坚持要守在垂危的李瓶儿的身旁,当她死后,不顾一切地抱着她的尸体哭叫:“宁可教我西门庆死了罢,我也不久活于世了,平白活着做什么!”另一方面,作者又借西门庆心腹玳安之口指出:“为甚俺爹心里疼?不是疼人,是疼钱。”但这里并不是说西门庆的感情是虚假的,而是说这种感情与李瓶儿嫁他时带来了大量的钱财有极大关系,贪财是他的感情的重要基础。而这种真诚的一时冲动的感情,却又不能改变西门庆好色的无耻本性,小说接着又写他为李瓶儿伴灵还不到“三夜两夜”,就在灵床的对面奸污了奶子如意儿(第六十二至六十五回)。西门庆的形象就是在这样丰富的性格层次中塑出来的,所以能够给人以活生生的感觉。
而且,《金瓶梅词话》描写人物性格,不是把它当作一种单纯的个人天性来看待,而是同人物的生存环境、生活经历联系起来。譬如潘金莲,可以说是小说中最富于邪恶品格的女人,同西门庆真可谓天生一对。但仔细读小说,我们就会发现,她的邪恶是在她的悲惨的命运中滋长起来的。潘金莲出生在一个穷裁缝的家庭,九岁就被卖到王招宣府中学弹唱,学得“做张做势,乔模乔样”;后来又被转卖给张大户,年方十八就被那老头儿收用了;再后来她又被迫嫁给“人物猥獧 ”的武大。她美貌出众,聪明伶俐,却从来没有机会在正常的环境中争取自己做人的权利。来到西门庆家中,她既不像吴月娘那样有一个尊贵的主妇身份,也不像李瓶儿、孟玉楼那样有钱,可以买得他人的欢心,但她又不甘于被人轻视,便只能凭藉自己的美貌与机灵,用尽一切手段来占取主人西门庆的宠爱,以此同其他人抗衡。她的心理是因受压抑而变态的,她用邪恶的手段来夺取幸福与享乐,又在这邪恶中毁灭了自己。
第一回 西门庆热结十弟兄 武二郎冷遇亲哥嫂
Chinese Ming Dynasty novel. A book about Long Khanh to Wanli. Authorship Lan Ling Xiao Xiao Sheng. Lan Ling this is Zaozhuang, Shandong of people around. "Golden Lotus" 100 back, its version is twofold: first, forty-five years Wanli (1617) A Pearl Alley Soochow preface of the "Golden Lotus"; the other is engraved revealed between the "original Golden Lotus." Basically the same content in two versions, the later edition, is essentially a revelation edition system.
"Golden Lotus" by the "Water Margin" in Law from a story in the introduction, both by bureaucrats, tyrants, rich three kinds of feudal times as a representative figure of Ximen philistine forces and their families described life of crime, exposure to the Northern Song the middle of the darkness and corruption of society, has a more profound understanding of values. "Golden Lotus" depicts a court within the good at the right of self-Taishi dictatorship, bureaucratic bullies down to the local marketplace as well as between the local ruffians, hooligans, hack posed by the demon world. Ximen rich man was originally a run-down, raw herbal medicine shop owner. He was good at Yinyuan personal gain, curry favor with powerful, taking litigation in the county, transportation officials, the magistrate prefect are with him. He unscrupulously ripping and wealth, licentious lust, evil. He robbed the widow of property, lured sworn brother's wife, occupation of private girls, murder concubines of the husband. To meet the insatiable desire for pleasure, he did do wicked things. However, because of official backing, in particular, have taken the bait towards the prime minister Cai Jing climbing Results and worship it as foster parent, which makes him not only not been duly punished, and the best of both worlds, rise higher and higher. These descriptions reflect after the middle Ming Dynasty, the court on the landlord and the local elite in collusion between officials and businessmen, press people, and amass all sorts of shady money.
"Jin Ping Mei" in Chinese literary history of the first novel by the author independently created. Since then, scholars writing novels to become mainstream. "Golden Lotus" before the novel, everyone based on historical stories or myths, legends. "Golden Lotus" out of this tradition to the real world the characters and family life as a theme, the Chinese novel Realistic creation maturity, after his "Dream of Red Mansions" appears essential to explore and do preparation.
Thought Content:
"Golden Lotus" is a description of family life to the theme of realist masterpiece, it pretensions Song old things, in fact, show that the late Ming politics and society's ugly face, with deep connotation of the times.
Third, the "Golden Lotus" there are serious flaws, mainly in three aspects: First, Heaven has a strong ideological fatalism cycle, making the color of the second half is full of nothing; Second, there is a lot of low-level description of the vulgar, dilute exposure to the novel's strength; three even more important is the lack of writers should have the conscience and sense of responsibility, in the trial "ugly" and addicted to "ugly" wandering between, making the ideal work completely lost the spirit of the book the characters are sick, deformed, and the whole work did not see the light and hope.
"Golden Lotus" Artistic Achievement
As a means of realism with a modern literary masterpiece, "Golden Lotus" is a milestone in the development of ancient Chinese novels. It breaks the traditional pattern of Chinese novels, in art than in previous novels have a wide range of development and innovation, the evolution of ancient Chinese novels have made historic contributions.
First, subject matter, from the description of heroes, gods demons turned to family life and ordinary people. It is the first state to family life and the world as the theme of the novel human, primarily through the life experience of ordinary people to express social changes, the reality of a strong, clear the times, which marks the gradient of the ancient art of the novel increasingly mature and realistic writing major development methods, this novel after the world situation the world has opened up broad themes, and making it mainstream novel since.
Second, the creation is, from conception praises vision into focus expose the dark, ugly performance from the performance into the United States. "Golden Lotus" before the novel, the criticism of society's dark at the same time, more of a focus on celebrating the beautiful idea, showing a strong romanticism; and "Golden Lotus" is achieved the concept of the Chinese classic novels of great change, great Write the worldly evil, ugly life, is a thorough exposure to literature. Performance when it is ugly, often with a line drawing techniques, figures reveal the contradictions between words and actions to achieve the effect of the strong irony that after writing this satire have a great impact.
Third, characterization, from a single tone into a multi-tone shift from the plane of the three-dimensional. "Golden Lotus" the narrative focus from the past to the organization of the story oriented to describe the main characters, and the novel character to overcome the previous single, coagulation tendency, focusing on various aspects, characterization of multi-level character, to reveal detailed figures, such as micro-complex inner world of characters appearing in some of the contradictions of both beauty and ugliness portfolio, writing a character's richness, mobility.
Fourth, the narrative structure, from linear development to network intertwined. Prior to the novel is essentially linked together by a story, using the structure is linear, and "Golden Lotus" starting from the complexity of life, the development of network structure. Rise and Fall of the book, a history of around Ximen carried out, and to the center of radiation to the entire community, so that views are intricately linked to form a book, the plot interlinked web of life, both the multitude of things, but also seamless.
Fifth, in the language arts, from Storytelling spoken language development for the marketplace. Prior to the language of the novel by "talking" the artistic skills of "Three Kingdoms" is the mixed white Kingdoms of language, to the "Water Margin", "Journey to the West," the maturing of the vernacular language, but also towards the standardization and Ya-domesticated direction, and "Golden Lotus" it represents the development of novel language on the other hand, that follow the colloquial, vulgar in the direction of development. It is fresh and vivid use of public speaking, the marketplace is full of rich flavor dripping, especially good at the language used to characterize individual character, and looked all look very much like tone.
"Golden Lotus" version and 80 years since the publication of case
"Golden Lotus" version can be divided into two systems:
1. If the word is also called Wanli this (that is, the Ming Dynasty edition "Golden Lotus"), is an early version, there are folk rap color, language, narratives are more primitive, with the original style.
2. Illustrated (Zhang Comments) This, also known as Chongzhen this (that is, between Chong edition), this book has 200 woodcut illustrations, the full name of the "new criticism of Juan Illustrated Golden Lotus," it said, Illustrated book, is then processed through the literary polish , a fairly standard text, literary stronger, but the early primitive style has been affected, some literati preaching colors. Later Qing Zhang Zhupo a Comment on this version, after the popular commentaries, Chongzhen the assessment will be the replacement for Zhang, now Chongzhen are basically sheets of the Commentary.
Words of the system (Wanli this)
First, the "new engraved words ending in" social issue by 1957, according to ancient literature in October 1933, "Beijing will print and publish Lost Ancient Novel," reprinted copy of two letters twenty-one, 200 illustrations combined into one.
Second, the "Golden Lotus" Daihong Sen School, People's Literature Publishing House in May 1985 edition, abbreviated version, all volumes, 10,000 print run.
Third, "Jin Ping Mei School Note" Yong Feng their advisers, Bai Weiguo, Jian Pu school note, Yuelu bookstore in August 1995 edition, all four volumes of a letter, printing of 3,000 copies.
Fourth, "Jin Ping Mei" with (a) of the People's Literature Publishing House, according to copies of the reprinted 1957, April 1988 edition. Two-letter 21, Figure 1, wire-bound.
Fifth, the "Golden Lotus" with (b) Dai Hongsen School, People's Literature Press, 2000. All volumes for the "Library of World Literature" series.
Illustrated in this system (Chongzhen this)
Sixth, the "new criticism carved Illustrated Golden Lotus," Peking University Press. Rare Books of the Peking University Library, according to the Beijing University library copy. August 1988 edition, printed volume is not marked. 4 letter and 36, each time two illustrations, book is 200. Text page 20, line 22 characters punctuate the text there, the line between approved and a head notes folder.
Seven, the "new criticism carved Illustrated Golden Lotus", "The Complete Works of Li Yu" (the first edition of 20) The book included 12,13,14. Zhang Bing, the more points the school Gu, Huang Lin validation, Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House in August 1991 edition, printed volume of 3,500 units. Illustrations 100, attached to the frontispiece. A _truncate_d, but not specify number of words, _delete_ the text to "□" marked. (Second Edition 12 of the "Complete Works of Li Yu" with two included, this is the Chongzhen this)
Eight, "Jin Ping Mei" Chongzhen the full version will be the school, Wang Rumei will be school, Qi Lu Press June 1989 edition. The book is based on documents approved by the State Press and Publication Administration, as published in academic research needs. This is the "Golden Lotus" Chongzhen the first published since the advent of typography of this, word for word deletion, 200 illustrations according to original copy.
Photo Review of the system (Zhang Zhupo Commentary)
Nine, "Study of the Comments First Masterpieces Golden Lotus" Wangru Mei, Li Zhao Xun STUDIES IN tree school points. Qi Lu Press, 1987 edition, all volumes, printed volume of 10,000 units. (This is a Photo Review of the) abbreviated version, indicate the number of words _delete_d from the book were _delete_d 10,385 words.
Ten, "Gao Tsurudo critical first Masterpieces Golden Lotus" Wang Rumei School Notes, Jilin University Press, October 1994 edition, printed volume of 3,000 units, all two, every time a school record comments. Abbreviated version, not indicated in the words, deletion of "..." marked. (This is the Photo Review B)
Will be based
XI, "The Golden Lotus will be based," Zhonghua Book Company, March 1998 edition. All three volumes. The book is the People's Literature Publishing House in May 1985 edition Daihong Sen School, Chongzhen this, Zhang assessment will be a book of the three schools, with deletions at the original book.
Golden Lotus of the research data and
1, the bottle Zhiyan (consonance with Yao, Tianjin Books 1940 Edition)
Research papers and book is divided into two parts, the words to explain, is the first "Golden Lotus" research monographs, reflecting the half of the twentieth century, the level of research.
2, Golden Lotus research (Zhu star forward, Baihua Literature and Art Publishing House 1980 Edition)
The book of the "Golden Lotus" version, of issues such as Dynasty, was published after the founding of the first "Golden Lotus" research monographs, and its publication represents a new research era.
3, Jin Ping Mei compiled young things (Wei Ziyun the Taiwan Sage Books 1981 edition)
The book will be "Golden Lotus" were arranged in chronological story, looking for clues to solve the author, writing the times and other issues. Wei Ziyun most productive for the twentieth century the "Golden Lotus" expert, Author of nearly twenty "Golden Lotus" Research Monographs.
4, on the Jin Ping Mei (Wu Han and others, Wen-Bin Hu, Zhang Qingshan _Select_ed, arts and culture Press, 1984 Edition)
Featured twentieth century, the book 80 years ago a representative of the papers, is a large influence, "Golden Lotus" research papers.
5, Golden Lotus compilation (Zhu Yixuan series, Nankai University Press, 1985.)
Book is divided into skill, the author, version, comment, the impact of five parts, featuring information about the research Golden Lotus, Golden Lotus is the first compilation.
6, The Golden Lotus of the world (Wen-Bin Hu Code, Northern Arts Press, 1987.)
_Select_ the book collection of overseas scholars, "Jin Ping Mei," the paper 20, reflecting the eighties of the twentieth century than overseas "Golden Lotus" case study.
7, "Jin Ping Mei Dictionary" (Wang weapon editor, Jilin Literature and History Press, 1988 edition.)
The book included "Golden Lotus" all kinds of words 4588, to explain, to read the works provide a great convenience.
8, Golden Lotus study (first series, the Chinese Society of Golden Lotus series, Jiangsu Ancient Book Publishing House, 1990 edition)
This is the only kind of "Golden Lotus" research journals, published from time to time, has been out to the eighth series. Representative of the twentieth century the level of research since the eighties, reflecting the boom in this period of Jin Ping Mei scene.
9, Golden Lotus material sources (Zhou Jun Tao a, Academic Press, 1991 Edition Books)
The book of the "Golden Lotus" creative material for the system, comprehensive analysis and discrimination, contribute to the "Golden Lotus" the author, writing situation, trends of thought and art features such as understanding of the situation.
10, I and Golden Lotus - Readme scholars across the Taiwan Strait (Zhou Jun Tao, Lu song editor, Chengdu Press, 1991 edition)
The book contains 23 "Golden Lotus" research written by experts in the readme, we can see that their scholarship experience and decades, "Golden Lotus" of the situation.
11, Jin Ping Mei Dictionary (edited by Lin Huang, Shu Tract 1991 edition)
The book is a comprehensive dictionary, covering the "Golden Lotus" in all aspects of reading, appreciation and study the novel has great help.
12,20 Century History of the Study Programme Jin Ping Mei (Wu'm with, Wenhui Press, 2003)
The book of the 20th century home and abroad, "Jin Ping Mei" study the situation of systematic, comprehensive introduction, is an informative, data-rich "Golden Lotus" of history.
13, the art of Jin Ping Mei (Sun Shuyu the Taipei Times Publishing Company 1978 edition)
The book contains fifteen papers on the "Golden Lotus" Art features a comprehensive, in-depth discussion, somewhat expanded in the research field, is an earlier study from the artistic point of view, "Jin Ping Mei" monograph.
14 characters of The Golden Lotus (Mengchao the Guangming Daily Press, 1985 edition)
The book on the works of 27 major figures in the analysis, is a research "Golden Lotus" characters in the books. This was written in 1948 in Hong Kong, "Wen Wei Po" serial.
15, a book with the version of Jin Ping Mei (Liu Hui was, Liaoning Education Press, 1986 edition)
The book contains nine papers, and on the "Golden Lotus" book, with versions, commentaries and other issues hackles and Dynasty, and disclosed a number of new data.
16, Golden Lotus Dynasty (Huang Lin book, Liaoning Education Press, 1989 edition)
The book contains 28 papers, both on the author, a book version of the Dynasty, but also on the characters, explore the artistic properties, made a number of noteworthy views.
17 Endless Golden Lotus (Zong Ning a significant, Tianjin Social Sciences Press, 1990 Edition)
The book from the novel concepts, novel type of ugliness, of sexual description, etc. "Golden Lotus" contribution to the aesthetics of Chinese fiction, there are many new insights.
18, "Golden Lotus" and Chinese culture (Tian Ping Ngok the Jiangsu Art Press, 1992)
Book the evolution of cultural development in China under the background of "Golden Lotus" and the canal culture, wine culture, the relationship of culture, focusing on mining work culture, expanded research space.
19, the Art of Jin Ping Mei (Zhou Zhongming the Guangxi Education Press, 1992)
The book idea from art, satire, line drawing art, characterization, psychological description, language arts, structure and layout and other aspects of "The Golden Lotus," the artistic achievements of all-round.
20, Golden Lotus sixty title (Chen Chao was, Shanghai Bookstore, 1993)
The book to start with small, sub-sixty topics, related to "Jin Ping Mei" in all its aspects. Book length short, lively style, with a strong readability.
21, and the world around the world situation (with Yin Christine Hong, Chinese Press, 1997)
The book will work on the late Ming era of cultural background, their culture and Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism culture, cultural, political culture, family culture, ethical culture, urban culture, the relationship between a comprehensive, in-depth analysis.
22, Lines of Flight of The Golden Lotus (Tian Xiaofei the Tianjin People's Publishing House 2003)
On the face of the original directly on the work carried out by a very fine back to the interpretation point of view and unique, innovative fold out, reading is a refreshing feeling.
23, Japan, Proceedings of Jin Ping Mei (Huang Lin Wang Guoan _Select_ed Qi Lu Press 1989 edition)
24, Proceedings of Western Jin Ping Mei (Xu Shuofang _Select_ed Shanghai Ancient Books Press, 1987)
25, The Golden Lotus of Fudan University Press
"Jin Ping Mei" is the first family as the material of the novel daily life. It is the beginning of the "Water Margin" the story of Ximen and Pan, Pan is not written to kill Wu, married Ximen concubine, which transferred to the main part of the novel, occurring in the family described Ximen a series of events, and colorful characters and society Ximen contacts indulgence until he died, his family ruined, all the concubine diaspora situation. Title of the novel in the three main female (Pan, Li Pinger Chunmei) the name of synthesis.
In Dynasty, has "Golden Lotus" copy circulation. Twenty-four years, according to Yuan Zhonglang in Wanli (1596) a letter addressed to Dong Qichang, he had copied from the Board Office was part of the book; Also, according to "Wanli wild allocated", SHEN Fu thirty-seven years in Wanli (1609) Yuan was from the copy at all the middle, carrying to Wu, after about over several years and only edition circulation. Now can see the first edition, frontispiece there is a forty-five years Dimba Wanli (1617) A Pearl Alley Wu Shin sequence and sub-sequence of the "Golden Lotus", a hundred and back, and some researchers think this may be the beginning of edition. Between print and publish Chongzhen subsequently the "new criticism carved Illustrated Jin Ping Mei", is generally considered the former to the commentary. Change its original purpose is mainly to change back, change some of the plot, modified text, and cut the traces of the original words in the word. Qing Emperor Kangxi, Zhang Zhupo Comment "Golden Lotus" was published (the book title page inscribed "First Masterpieces," the word, it is also known as the "first Masterpieces"). It is based on the master copy of the Chongzhen, slightly modified the wording, together with Zhang's back to the assessment, approved the folder, and frontispiece with a "po gossip", "Jin Ping Mei reading method", "Jin Ping Mei meaning that" other monographs . The most widely circulated book in the Qing Dynasty.
"Golden Lotus" the author, according to frontispiece, "Showtime child" order, said the "Lan Ling Xiao Xiao Sheng." With the ancient name "Lan Ling" in two places, one in the now Shandong Yicheng county, Jiangsu Wujin county in this to what is is inconclusive. The "Xiao Xiao Sheng," Why study people, and still not be confirmed. SHEN De-Fu in "Wanli wild allocated," said the author is "Jiajing between the big celebrities," Yuan Zhongdao in the "Living Around persimmon recorded," said the author is "Shaoxing old Confucianism," Xie Zhaozhi "Jin Ping Mei Postscript," that the author was "Kingo Qi in the "follower, are vague. Future generations to make this speculation and push test, there have been Shizhen, Lee first, Tu Long, Xu Wei, Tang, Li Yu and so on several different views, but there is no one view can become conclusive. Writing's on, there are two Jiajing and Wanli said researchers generally believed that the latter is. As referenced in the novel "sacrifice headscarf culture", Department of Wanli of the well-known scholars as Tu Long; Ximen feast were written with "Suzhou actors", "sea salt children" acting only after the culture for the Wanli, can be used as evidence .
Although the "Golden Lotus" the author is unknown, but it can still be inferred to be China's first independently created by the literary novel. Some people think that, under the "Golden Lotus" retain more traces of the art of rap, the book is quite discord around the plot and characters, many citing previous works, etc., when the novel and the "Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin Biography ", etc., is by a scholar at the basis of folklore adapted from, but this argument untenable. And the "Three Kingdoms" and so different, "Jin Ping Mei" before the invention, there is no content similar to the spread of the prototype works, but according to "Wild Wanli be allocated," the record of view, knowledge of the SHEN Guang Fu Wen Bo, without reading this Before the novel, do not know what this is a book, this one; "Golden Lotus" is a large number of trivialities of everyday life depicted in the novel, not the legendary, story is not strong and not easily divided into relatively independent unit, although the novel widely popular gradually after, there are also pieces for the rap material whichever is the case, but the book, it is not appropriate as a folk rap master copy, the second. The art retains traces of rap and can only be said to be interested in modeling and personal preferences of the performance.
Second, the "Golden Lotus" Content and the characteristics of realism
"Golden Lotus" First thing to note is that it describes the relationship between officials and businessmen and money to the erosion of feudal politics. In discussing the book Han Yi, Chao Cuo's political papers, had already pointed out: China's feudal society, the long-term adherence to the "Restraining Commerce" policy, there is the power of businessmen have enough money to political power of the core destruction of the feudal hierarchical order form. With economic development, the rise of urban industry and commerce, the damage and after all, is inevitable. It is a late Ming era. From the "Golden Lotus", we see that the early Ming emperor promulgated the "Minglv" on premises, utensils, clothing and other aspects of the provisions of class distinction, when the already useless. Ximen enjoy a matter of luxury, far beyond the bureaucracy in general, as well as their wives and walking in the street, pedestrians will be discussing as "(a) given that the public is out of the house Houfu bit dependents," "is your Qi Huang Sun Jiayan concubine. " The face of this money power of bureaucracy, respect the cops you have to drop. Forty-ninth Cai Yushi write-back romantic literary talent in the Ximen guest, by the generous hospitality, had to accompany the two singing girls night, for his various illegal demands all a promise. The bit most ministers Tsai Taishi, also for accepting the Ximen's gift, gave him a five-title product post of the rationale for punishment Thousand (thirty-back), made a trade power for money; in the past birthday, even more than treatment "Manchao civil and military officials," the courtesy to bring a lot of money the property received to recognize God's House of dry business. As for the bribery of officials, tax evasion, in Ximen is an easy task. Feudal state apparatus in the corrosion of money traders, has lost its original operating capability.
And it is with its money and buy Ximen political power, do whatever they want within a certain range, even given this kind of "rhetoric":
We have just heard that Fozu Xi-day, but to the gold shop, the house also some nether Chu offerings ten business requirements. It takes only furniture we do good work widely to the rape of the Chang, and rape of the Weaver, abducted by Xu Feiqiong, Pirates of the Queen Mother's daughter, also diminished wealth I splashed day! (Fifty-seventh back)
In this regard the novel, although not fully developed, but we can already see: the late Ming Ximen If a representative of the public sectors, then these figures even though it can part with money to buy political power for their own use, but not enough fundamentally affect the strength of this state machine. As a social force, they are neither independent nor active resistance; when they rise, it has been drawn into the corruption of the feudal regime, the process went. Therefore, the vitality of the wantonly abuse the vent, as this type of Ximen object recognition and performance of their own people the way there.
To reveal the political corruption, the dark aspects of society, "Jin Ping Mei" is not just involved in collusion, money trading, but very wide and very deep. Although in the past novels have made efforts in this regard, but, as Wang Guowei, "Dream of Red Mansions," said the China Opera, one of the characteristics of the novel is "poetic justice is often said, good man must have its end, and wicked will suffer the punishment. " Even if the praise of the struggle of civil resistance, "Water Margin", and let justice be done in different forms (including the death of God into the spirit of this type of comfort to the reader to form), this number to the kind of cast a dark society layer idealistic. In the "Golden Lotus", we have seen many reports of Chen Yuan-free, hard snow injustice: Ximen poisoned Wuhan University, married Pan, impunity, even if the hero Wu Song told him Mokenaihe; seedlings were killed outside members , a principal has therefore become rich young seedlings; Song Huilian victims died, her father wanted to avenge his daughter, the results have been persecuted to death ... ..., that innocent people suffered the torment of the tragic death, no cover story in the novel abound. And that's Ximen all kinds of evil, but enjoy a lifetime of great wealth. He died last indulgence, even if there are teaching people self-examination means that the beam, is not really "evil with evil"; even his reincarnation, it is still doing well-off. Real heavy and dark, so that readers feel the great depression, and thus more likely to recognize the nature of feudal society. This description, one end of the world because of the feudal political chaos did exceptionally, on the other hand also because the author has completely lost confidence in traditional moral, no longer believe that it can effectively restrain the ruling class of society to provide justice ideal.
Associated with the above, "Jin Ping Mei," not only reflects the social and political darkness, but also a lot of time in describing the kind of general weakness and ugliness of human nature, especially the distortion of human nature is money. In this novel a hundred back, almost none of the usual sense of "positive people", where everyone infighting and mutual oppression. Ximen home queens of flowers, but all the rivalry between the wives and even with taking slaves, doing their utmost to show that the polygamy marriage chill in female psychology. Ximen wrote many novels colored woman in the possession of one hand have fun, lend a hand to discuss the property, gender relations and become a naked money in the transaction. Also, write-back hack like Fifty-six regular season because of the role of money to support their families, Stanford mouth by his wife abuse, until a dozen had two silver Ximen Zhou Ji, return it arrogance, and his wife also immediately become humble. These descriptions are sharply reflected in human nature is driven by money, how sad and pathetic. And, obviously conscious of the description between the sexes in about is money, the large number of references to those words when dealing mining gorgeous and full of loving poetry, words, music, people feel: the kind of society, not only in politics Wang Guowei side does not exist so-called "poetic justice" in the relations between men and women there was very little warmth there is poetry.
The evolution of history is a complex process. On the one hand, as we said before, and certainly "good goods", "lust" is the significance of the late Ming era of progressive new ideas, but on the other hand, in the new social forces far from strong, with a positive meaning of the new Ethics is difficult to establish the circumstances, this trend of thought in social life (especially in a class of people who Ximen) is often manifested in the form of evil. "Words ending in" with the ideological content of the historical variability and therefore the complexity of the period. Preface for the novel's "Showtime Son" (Many researchers think that this is another of his real name), said the book's purpose is to "Ming-lun, ran prostitution ring, sub-Shu evil thought, of good and evil", but this is only a kinds of conscious and routine advertised, the novel itself is rarely based on traditional moral teachings; on the one hand revealed the expansion of material desires and passions tend to be people of greed ugly, but also faithfully reflects the desire to meet the pursuit of these but the power of human nature can not be suppressed. Money and passion instead of being simply negative, but at the same time be regarded as both a source of evil, but also a source of joy and happiness. Li Pinger to the description of an example, she first married Huazi Xu, love each other no, and later married Jiang Zhushan, still not satisfied, in this period of life, her character more reflected by immorality and even cruel;
Married Ximen, the desire to be met, but also had a son, she would express more gentle and virtuous women to. This clearly shows that: over-indulgence is certainly not desirable, but the suppression of natural desires, it will only lead to more serious deterioration of human nature. Although the authors in a proper manner is difficult to deal with the contradictions of human nature, and the ultimate emptiness and disillusionment can only come to the end of his story, but at least his view of human nature is no longer a simplistic.
"Golden Lotus" by the descendants of the most criticized, is the novel there are a lot of description of sexual behavior. This description and very coarse, almost never from the aesthetic to consider before, so he seems unbearable, the novel's artistic value, subject to certain weakened. Generally believed that, when the ruling class in society from the highest to the literati and the general public are not things to be ashamed about the Housing Quarters, this description of the novel, was a product of social conduct. However, should also be noted that this, and certainly the late Ming dynasty, "lust," the thought of great relevance, it is the thought of a crude and vulgar form of expression.
"Jin Ping Mei" in Chinese history of fiction has many groundbreaking, marking the Chinese classical novel development of a new beginning.
Popular Novels in the past, the main story is the history, folklore as the material in the folk of "talking" art after a long deliberation, the formation of transformation, focusing on the legendary, story lines, characters good and evil in the sub-sub- simple and clear, constitutes a common feature of these novels. The "Golden Lotus" as an independent literary creation, was broken through the above paradigm. It come out soon to make private copies of the dao, Yuan middle, Dong Qichang, SHEN De-Fu and other famous scholars of contemporary hand, it also shows the History of the novel.
From the derived, in which the highest achievements of three previous novels -
"Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin", "Journey to the West", were prominent figures in history, folk heroes, mythological figures as the center, summed up, to say they are writing the remarkable career of extraordinary people and extraordinary stories, is a legendary novel.
Can say, "Jin Ping Mei", compared with the previous novels, has been the focus shift from story to characters up, this is an important step forward.
Over the past from people "speak" of popular fiction developed in order to make the audience and cultural level is not high, the reader can easily grasp the character, the character is generally simple and clear-cut, bad everything is bad, good even though some disadvantages (such as "Water Margin Biography "Li Kui, Lu Zhishen do), would not harm their basic quality. However, although this figure likely to be accepted, as opposed to complex real life, it is simplistic. "Golden Lotus" written characters, is no longer such a simple treatment.
Speaking in front of us, this novel is almost non-existent in the usual sense of the "positive character", but also the novel is almost non-existent in the usual sense of the "villain." Li Pinger as writing novels, both forceful, fierce, for his own purposes desperate side, but in more occasions, she showed kindness, cowardice and compassionate side of her character is extremely rich. Another example is the slave to the wife of Wang Zhangzhupo, is a pretty, frivolous, shallow woman, she was flirting with Ximen, they get carried away, bent out of husband, wife and a small climb in the Ximen seat house. But to Wang is Ximen framed, she was extremely up_set_ and indignant, "said the night the couple hundred thousand night Well, Wan also said that there are a hundred paces wandering hand in hand meaning" and remembered their lives in the poor and lowly in good faith built up feelings. She laid Ximen: "You get people but it was a butcher, used to man buried alive. Kill people, but also look at the funeral!" Ximen sorts of persuasion, she never refused to give in, and finally committed suicide (Article six back). She really is just for the sake of money and vanity, humble character, but in the back, but kept a certain something noble in human nature.
Such characters, in the past that are not novel. Ximen is, of course, is a villain, but his "evil" is not a simple symbolic forms. His generous, "to save poor difficult," to show how much attention the public sectors of the character. He has always been greedy for women to occupy and play, but Li Ping'er died, he does show a sincere grief. Novel description of this incident very carefully. On the one hand, regardless of Pan Daoshi Ximen's "fear of evil will and body," the warning, insisting Li Pinger keep the side in the dying, when she died, desperate to hold her body crying: " I would rather teach Ximen dead stop, and I live long known to the world, and no reason to do live! "On the other hand, trying to use Ximen confidant of the mouth of turtle safety said:" staggering Andie heart pain? not hurt people, is the pain of money. "But here is not to say the feelings of Ximen is false, but that such feelings Li Pinger marry him and brought a lot of money has a great relationship, love of money is an important basis for his feelings . And this genuine feeling of impulse, but can not change the nature of Ximen shameless lust, to write his novels followed Ling Li Pinger with less than "three nights and two nights," opposite in spirit raped bed breast wishful children (sixty-twelve to sixty-five back). Ximen the image is so rich in the plastic out of character levels, so that gives a real feeling.
Moreover, the "Golden Lotus" character description, not to use it as a purely personal nature to look, but with the characters living environment, life experiences linked. Such as Pan, the novel can be said that the most evil character rich woman, with Ximen described as a natural fit. But a closer reading of the novel, we find that she was evil in the tragic fate of her grow up. Pan was born in a poor tailor's family, was sold to Wang Zhaoxuan House-year-old high school playing and singing, to learn, "Zhang made the potential to do, like Joe, Joe-mode"; later was sold to large sheets, the annual party was that eighteen received by the old man; then later forced to marry her, "People rustic Chuan," the Wuhan University. Her outstanding beauty, bright, but never had the opportunity in a normal environment in the fight for basic human rights. Ximen came home, she did not like Miss Bright Moon, as a noble housewife, nor Li Pinger Meng Yulou that money can buy other people's favor, but she was not willing to be despised, it is only by virtue of their beauty and ingenuity, the owner exhausted all means to be allowed to crowd Ximen's favor, in order to compete with others. She is due to depression and abnormal psychology, and she means to seize the evil of happiness and enjoyment, but also in the destruction of evil in himself.
I saw the two sing dressed, stand in order, the former head squid move Zhan nibbling. Cai Yushi see, want to enter can not, not to retreat, he said: "The four springs, how do you love it and so fear of useless." Ximen laughed: "The visit with the old Dongshan, and He Biehu?" Cai Yushi said: "The only fear I might as well Ashmore, and Jun Wang Youjun have high induced carry on." So the next month together with two prostitutes, tantamount to reminding us of scenes into the roof of Mrs Nguyen. Villa in for entering, see relics still, because of cable pen and paper, to leave questions. Ximen main role nunnery, hastened the end of the ink stream Yan Research thick, whisk the next Jinjian. This is the champion of Cai Yushi before the end, twist pen in hand, Wenbujiadian, word to go snakes, lamp one go, for the poem.
The elegant and vulgar form of psychological knot in together. Of one's intentions, tried to write on both sides. This style of writing, and later in "The Scholars" tremendous growth.
"Golden Lotus" handed down not only wide, there have been some continued along with the book. According SHEN Fu "Wanli wild allocated," said, there is a called "Jen Lee", and "cross-Earned Bifeng pleases, like is better than" Golden Lotus "," does not exist so far completed. Another Qing Ding essays, "continued Jin Ping Mei", etc., but not all good.
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