现实百态 》 万岁 Long live 》
万岁 Long live
林斤澜 Lin Jinlan
Long live
——十年十癔之八 古人有把卖茶的“堂倌”叫做博士,卖草药的“郎中”也有 叫博士的。现在南方有些古朴地方,还兴着这等“重地”称呼。 可惜近年评职称、定级别,学位是要紧条件,博士又是学位中最 高者。平常时候胡乱叫起来,倒变做玩笑。虽玩笑,大多也善。 “我博士”出身微寒,只怕连小学文凭也没有拿到过手,全 靠钻在书里,让人家叫做一条书虫。中年以后,在地方上,熬出 了文字学家的名声。把那符咒似的甲骨文钟鼎文都认得差不多。 有年,本地中学广求贤达,请他执教语文。总还要写张履历, 这位一挥五个大字:“我博士出身。”别人也说不得短长,人家 少年时候做过“堂倌”当过“郎中”,早已是市井闲谈的资料。 将就着尊称“我博士”,隐去真姓名也算得两全其美。 这条书虫活到中年,还是光身一棍。有个农村大姑娘帮他做 做饭,洗洗唰唰。屋里堆着的、捆着的、摊着的、连扔在地上的 书,都不许动。不动不动,神不知鬼不觉,姑娘的肚皮却大了起 来,养下白胖白胖撕书、啃书、尿书的小子一个。常把当妈的吓 出冷汗来,当爸爸的却只凶凶的看着当妈的。 “我博士”应承到中学来,附带一个条件:孩子他妈也来上 课当旁听生。这是从来没有过的事,校务会议一议再议决不下来, 只好打报告请示教育局,不知哪位长官拿红笔打了个勾。学校领 会勾者通过也,这是根据改卷子的习惯。 孩子他妈原名伊爱弟,爱弟和招弟、带弟、来弟、引弟同是 地方上给女孩子的通用名字,作兴和抛砖引玉的典故有些首尾也 说不定。“我博士”为上学给她取个学名,只改一个,叫伊爱我。 校务会议上笑不成声,还是校长说,有学问的人都有点怪, 有点狂,这名字也给一勾了了吧。 “我博士”不但坐着,站着走着也可以看书。不但在屋里, 在街边在街中在十字街口都可以看书。有时走过操场,左手托书, 右手翻书页,左右在打球踢球,盘杠子,跳高跳远,全无妨碍, 安详走过。 如若冒叫一声,他从书上翻眼——不抬头,光把眼珠子翻了 过来,两眼凶凶射人。次数多了,大家觉出来博士有两种眼神, 安神看书,凶神看人看世界。 博士两手细长,又留长指甲,倒是翻书页方便。这两只手安 静在书本上,像是旦角的手。若上课来了劲头,发挥起来竟像龙 爪。有回在黑板上写个“帝”字,抓住粉笔,戳过去嘭的一点, 紧跟轱辘轱辘飞转几个圈,最后自上而下一竖落地。这时,食指 的长指甲刮着了黑板,疼!左手飞过来掌握右手食指。 学生里有几个失笑两声。 博士嗖的转身,两眼直射的就不只是一个凶字了得,还当添 个暴字,暴怒暴动的暴,也叫人联想到暴君的暴那里去。 一眼就看得出来,伊爱我和别的女生不一样,她的胸前鼓鼓 囊囊,没有轮廓,也不平整,不知道外衣里边塞着块布?还是内 衣不扣,错扣,乱扣?点名册上没有旁听生的名字,一般老师都 不理就是了。有天,有位化学老师偏偏问道: “怎么没有你,你叫什么?” “伊爱我。” 女生嗤嗤笑了。 “爱我?”化学老师板着脸又问一声。 男生哈哈笑了。 化学老师仿佛领悟,赞道: “哦,爱我!” 全堂大笑。伊爱我也笑,面不改色,全不当回事。 下课后,有两个男生学着腔调:“哦,爱我!”有两个女生 正色质问: “有什么好笑,有什么好学的,也不想想看。” 这倒好了,从此没有人取笑。伊爱我老是上课铃响后,急忙 忙走进来,坐在后排位置上。刚一下课,急忙忙小跑一样回教员 宿舍去了。要去照管孩子,要去食堂打饭,要另做点小菜。有的 女生就帮忙给孩子缝点什么,带手代买点什么。 只有功课作业,没有人帮。因为伊爱我不当一回事,旁听生 考不考试也不要紧。下课铃要响未响的时候,她就把书本笔记本 水笔铅笔装到书包里,铃声一响,拎起就走。大概再也没有拿出 来过,直到第二天坐到后排课桌上。她从来不把书包挂在肩头, 也不像有的女生一上中学,就不用书包,把书本挟在胳肢窝里。 她总是拎著书包,和拎菜篮子差不多。女生中间少不了的切切喳 喳,三一堆两一伙的,她全不理会。有的女生和男生说起话来, 总有些不大一样。她可是全不论。在男生眼中,好像她也不是女 生。这倒好了,她和谁也没有矛盾,谁也可以不经大脑,随手帮 她点忙。 伊爱我忙忙碌碌的是家事,是孩子。对家事她没有埋怨,也 不显爱好,仿佛是该做的就做呗。连孩子,也不挂在嘴上,也不 抱出来让人看看。 “我博士”进出课堂,从不和伊爱我说一句话。对面相逢, 也不看她一眼。博士什么学生都不看,连他取名的“爱我”也一 样。 下课回宿舍,谁也不等等谁,前后脚也是各走各的。 有回,伊爱我没有踩着铃声进来,课上到半堂,她才悄悄闪 进来坐到后排。 “我博士”正在昂首扬眉,两臂半举,细长手指抓挠大有 “咄咄书空”的味道。忽然眼角看见了伊爱我,他就这样举着手 臂,仿佛张着翅膀飞下讲台,飞过课桌,伊爱我声音不大不小, 迎着说道: “退烧了,睡着了。” 博士两手落下来,细长手指鹰爪一样抓住伊爱我的肩膀头。 若是没有课桌隔着,若是伊爱我往前凑凑,照这势头应当是个拥 抱,至少也得是脑袋扎到胸前。不过没有,一抓就“定格”了, 这个势头半道“定”了“格”。 就这半道,也叫全堂男女学生冷不防,估不到,先是吃惊, 再是嗤嗤……“我博士”猛回身,两眼凶暴,全堂静默。也不一 定都那么害怕,倒是没了兴味。 学生认为博士是个怪人兼狂人,肯定是因为做学问当书虫, 成了这个样子,肯定。 学生又都说不好伊爱我是怎么个人呢?好像是没开化?只是 服从命运?她没有心灵还是心灵还没有发现?她全只有自己还是 全没有自己? 想象中,伊爱我在“我博士”手里,是凶暴鹰爪里的一只母 鸡,到哪里讨这个爱字去。男生女生有事没事帮伊爱我一把,因 此成了自然。 不想“浩劫”到来,中学生若不敲打敲打老师,先还叫做 “保皇党”。后来就是“黑帮狗崽子”。 那时候满街贴着“万岁”,一个人从“早请示”到“晚汇报” ——若是“黑”人,是“早请罪”“晚认罪”,不知要喊多少声 “万岁”,什么什么万岁,伟大的什么万岁,最最最伟大的万 岁……到处都发生在“万岁”上头出了错,或写错,或喊错,或 字有涂抹,或口齿不清,都会打成现行反革命,有真开打的,有 当场活活打死的,打到监狱里去还算一时太平。 伊爱我不是老师,也不算学生,本来公认是鹰爪下的母鸡, 大家都大把小把的帮过她的。这时候全变了,伊爱我戴不上“红 箍箍”。入不了兵团战斗队。大家正说得热闹,见她来了,就噤 声,扭过脸去。仿佛她是个奸细。只因为一夜之间,老师全变成 了革命对象。 学生们发现,凡喊到万岁的时候,“我博士”闭嘴,有时候 嘴皮动动不出声,有时候出声细小听不真。大家天天背诵着经典: “……赫鲁晓夫式的人物,睡在我们的身旁……”现在,提高警 惕的机会好不容易到来了。 几个人凑在博士身边,喊万岁时张嘴假喊,支起耳朵真听。 果然,听见了,高兴了,好比扣住了鸟,钓住了鱼,包围住了蛐 蛐,欢叫道: “他,嘀咕嘀咕,嘀咕两个字。” “狠毒。” “没错,我可听清楚了,是、狠、毒。” 一哄而起,男男女女,跳跳蹦蹦,快快活活拥到教员宿舍, 来到博士家门口。只见伊爱我站在门前,挺胸直腰,什么时候她 倒有了“一夫当关,万夫莫敌”的气势。 大家站住了脚,听见伊爱我喝道: “我是五代贫农!” 就在当时,可是噹噹响的金字招牌。 不但出口不凡,还拍了下胸脯。谁也没见过她这么个作派, 不禁愣怔。 有个瘦高男生缓过点劲儿来,叫道: “我们喊万岁,他嘀咕狠毒。” “是狠毒,狠毒。”几张嘴证明。 伊爱我脸一沉,只一秒钟工夫,叫道:“很多。”又一秒钟, 嗓门开了闸一样:“是很多。街上哪里哪里都是,院里墙上是, 门上是,屋里屋外全是……” 一个结结实实的女生叫道: “他嘀咕的是狠毒,何其毒也的毒。” “很多!”伊爱我斩钉截铁。冲着那女生,带几点讥笑。 “他的口音,你还有我清楚?你是什么人,我是他老婆。”转过 脸来对男生。“你们不要很多,要很少?不许多,许少?说话呀, 站出来呀,我专候在这里,听听谁敢说出个少字来……” 学生们嘀咕着:“别跟她废话。”“我们破四旧。”“这里 的四旧比哪里都多。”“四旧”指的是书,学生们在“狠毒”口 音上二唬了,转移到“四旧”上。 伊爱我抄起窗台上一根炉条: “我五代贫农!还有五代的没有?有没有四代的?没有。三 代的呢?谁是三代?”举起炉条。“五代的打四代,是打儿子。 打三代,跟打孙子一样。” 这一番大道理,经典上虽说没有,可觉得跟经典是粘连的。 成份高的先就心虚,往后缩。低的也难数到五代,往前腿软。只 好交代几句五代的祖奶奶,教育教育你们博士,就这么顺坡下驴 了。 从此伊爱我把着门口,“我博士”钻在屋里,连影子也不露。 把这风风火火的日子熬过去,学生们有的满世界串联去了。 有的人了大兵团在社会上打派仗去了。有的由路线斗争改成线路 斗争,女生钩膨体纱。男生攒半导体。 “我博士”出现在院子里,长指甲剪了,好拿铁锨。把几年 没归置的煤灰煤末,铲出来,掺上黄土,兑水,搅拌匀净了,平 摊在地上,拿铁锨竖一道道横一道道,划成无数小方块。晒干晾 干,铲起来堆起来备用。这叫煤茧。 他打的煤茧,不碎不板,好烧。 驻校的学生管老师的劳动,平常就是扫地擦玻璃洗厕所。也 有临时任务,有天,把老师们集合起来,叫刨掉院子里的老树根。 这本来是一人抱不过来的大槐树,多少年前有说是吊死过人,有 说是死了什么人给锯下来打了棺材,剩下二尺高的树桩。倒是一 个现成的棋桌子。 老师们使镐使锨,家伙也不齐全,整累了一天,刨出一丈见 方的土坑。只见下边的根子四下伸张,没有个头。有的伸到教室 底下去,岂不是还要拆房?学生们没了主意。 第二天,“我博士”指挥起来,叫使锨使镐不论使什么,把 四下伸张的根子,挑粗大的砍断。弄一根杉篙用麻绳铁丝捆住在 树桩上,两边能上多少人上多少,推磨一样往前推,推不动,往 后拽,拽不动,再往前推,推来推去半个小时,老树根活动了。 学生们也说,倒是博士出身,见的活多。 世界上的事,也和推磨似的,磨盘推到学生们身上了,该他 们去“接受贫下中农再教育”了。打着红旗,上山下乡,一下子 落到生活的最底层。三年五年,五年八年,一个个流浪汉似的流 回城市。 那瘦高的男生长出了一嘴黄毛胡子,拼命去啃中学里丢掉了 的数理化,不考进工科大学誓不罢休。但他喜欢的是文史。 那个结结实实的女生,肩膀上扛起了腱子肉。她摆摊卖牛仔 裤、健美裤、连袜裤,灯笼裤、发了财,想开冷饮热饮咖啡馆。 男朋友多些,老打架让她瞧热闹。 学生听说“我博士”单身住在城边一个小庙里。原来他要写 一部书,五代贫农伊爱我这时“后怕”了,惹火烧身还了得,不 许写。博士偷偷写了,藏在铺底下,天花板上,都叫伊爱我搜了 出来。后来一张张叠成小块,塞在墙洞里,煤球堆里,那也逃不 过伊爱我的眼睛。哪怕博士暴跳,或是恳求,跪下磕头,也挡不 住一把火烧掉。世界颠倒了,母鸡抓鹰了,说:你不要命,我还 要孩子的命。你找死,死到外边去好了。 “我博士”得了“找死死到外边去”这句真言,逃到小庙里 住下。瘦高男生找到小庙后院,举手可以摸到顶棚的小屋里,堆 着摞着摊着的书本中间,找到了老师。“我博士”干瘦了,头发 黑的还乌黑,白的又雪白,也怪。那两只手重新留起长指甲,细 长的手指老只贴在身上,更像旦角的手了。男生坐了小半天,没 有看见这双手鹰爪一样张扬过。好比递上烟去,都不摇手推辞, 却按在胸口,轻声说: “不抽了,抽不起,也好,省事。” 男生说屋子矮小,书摆不开,光线也不足,伤眼睛,还有股 子霉烂气味。 博士也没有指点江山,倒把两手合著,说: “安静就好,安静就好。” 男生问在写的是一部什么书。 博士两手按着桌上纸张,嘴里只嗯嗯两声。 男生来的目的,还是要打听这本书,就说同学们都惦记老师 的著作。 博士把细长手指抠着胸口,仿佛抓心,不说话。 男生不肯罢休,说自己喜欢文史,愿意帮着找找资料,抄抄 写写…… 博士不抬头,只把眼珠翻到眼角,可叫作斜视,也可以说是 窥探。 这时,瘦高男生发觉老师的胖瘦啦、头发啦、手势啦……其 实都不要紧,要紧的是眼神。先前那种看书的安神,没有了。看 人看世界的凶神,也没有了。现在像是六神无主吧,又像是闪闪 着什么。闪闪的像是狡猾?狡侩?狡诈?都不准。离不开一个狡 字吧,又阴森森。 瘦高男生自以为长了胡子了,不妨单刀直入,叫起来说道: “你一个人,这么一个棚子,想写成一部大书?写了又谁给 你出?同学们可以奔奔赞助,可你得告诉我,你写的是一部什么 书?” “我博士”脸上出现神秘了,说: “万岁探源。” 男生握拳举举胳膊:“万岁?” 博士两手贴胸不动,点点头,呶嘴指着对面墙上。男生早看 见墙上东一方块,西一长条,写着许是画着字——又一个也认不 得……博士呶嘴指的那张方块是: “这是最早的万字,是个蝎子。” “就是有毒的蝎子吗?” “尾巴带钩,那里最毒。这东西,古时候,繁殖起来,转眼 成千上万……旁边那个是岁字。” “看出来没有?血淋淋。” “没看出来。”男生真不明白。 “那是一把戈,能钩能砍,上下是两只脚,人的脚。古时候, 有一种刑,叫刖刑,活活的砍下脚来。过年祭祀,要砍人脚上供, 叫做‘牲品’。” “这可够狠的……”男生想起来了。“那年成天喊万岁,你 嘀咕的是‘狠毒’吧?伊爱我愣打掩护,说是‘很多’。” “我说的是狠毒,这两个字,一个毒,一个狠。可怎么成了 最尊贵最崇高的称号?又怎么闹成了只许一个,若再出来一个, 非得你杀我,我杀你……” “你探源,就是探的这个?” 博士细长手指贴胸,低头:“探的这个。” “老师!”男生一声大叫,他进屋才第一声叫老师。“我敢 说,要没有赞助,你探不成。”说罢站起就走。 瘦高男生去找结实的女生。过天,女生横着肩膀走进低矮小 屋,她和男生不一样,只扫一眼堆着摞着的书,瞄一瞄墙上的非 字非画。倒把眼睛落在小小书桌的桌角头,开动脑筋。那里一个 粗瓷绿碗,不圆,当然是等外处理品。里边一方块豆腐,渗着水, 估计洒了够多的盐了。豆腐边边变色发黄,缺一只角。女生判断: 一只角,下一天的饭。 “老师,伊爱我大姐好吗?” “她现在不叫爱我,叫饿我。” “不同意你住在这里吧?” “钱票不给,粮票也不给。饿我,饿我回去。” “这里条件是不好,饿我其实还是爱我。就是‘我博士’这 一个‘我’没有别的‘我’……” “我是什么?” 女生不明白。 博士呶嘴指着桌面。那豆腐碗旁边,有一张长方纸头,上边 是: “带把带钩带锯齿的大斧子,杀人的武器,那就是‘我’的 原形。” 那样结实的女生,也一激灵。做了个深呼吸,才又开口: “老师,你的书,我们同学都觉得深刻。可你这么饿着,坚 持不下去。让我们做做工作,让爱我大姐不撕不烧……” “她有病。一会儿明白,一会儿糊涂。糊涂起来,脸,煞白, 眼,直直。就像‘我’的锯齿,锯上了五代贫农的脖子……” 女生略一盘算,说: “老师,你信得过我吗?要信不过,我找些同学来担保。你 把已经写出来的,交给我复印一份,我们藏着。原稿还你。” 博士细长双手贴心,低头不语。 女生再一盘算。觉得目前必需来个紧急措施,进攻道: “不说别的,伊爱我大姐要是找到这里来呢?听同学说,她 要来,要来,要来……” 博士随着一个个“要来”,一步步惊慌,叫道:“你转过身 去。” 女生心想:攻着了要害。不但转身,还走到门边,面墙。听 见后边撬什么,抠什么,窸窸窣窣…… “拿去。” 女生转过身来,双手接过一个纸包。 “这是第一章:导言。” 女生这时才看见“我博士”两眼闪闪,那眼光又狡,又神秘, 又冷。赶快鞠了个躬,走了。 女生回家就打开纸包,读“导言”大约万多字,可是一会儿 就读完了。傻坐着,眼见天黑了。那样结实的身体,噤冷——从 骨子里冷出来,很想钻到被窝里去。还是挣扎起米,连夜赶到瘦 高男生家里,男生的父亲,是精神病专家。请他解释解释
- Ten years of the eight Hysteria The ancients had the selling tea in the "waiter" is called the Dr, selling herbs, "doctor" is also Dr. called. Some southern areas are simple, but this in Xing and other "powerhouse" title. Unfortunately, in recent years, professional title, given level, degree is the critical condition, degree of Doctor is the most The higher. Usually called up at random times, down turned into a joke. Although the jokes, are mostly good. "Dr. I", who slightly cold, I'm afraid even the primary school diploma did not get passed through his hands, the whole By drilling in the book, and let people called a bookworm. Middle age, at the local level, proudly The word scientist's reputation. Oracle Zhongding Wen put the spell like almost all recognize. For years, local secondary schools Careers of wide and asked him to teach languages. The total also write a resume, The wave of the five characters: "I was born, Dr.." Someone else said, not a short length, others When did young "waiter" had been a "doctor", has long been a marketplace chat information. Will the honorific title "My doctor" to conceal the real name is also considered best of both worlds. This bookworm live to middle age, or light body Yigun. There is a big girl to help him do the rural Cook, wash Shua Shua. Piled in the house, tied, and Tan Zhao, and even on the floor of the Books to Freeze. Not moving, mysteriously, the girl's belly was big from the To, the raising of the next Baipangbaipang torn books, Kenshu, urine kid a book. When the mother often threatened to A cold sweat, the father of the only Xiongxiong looked at when the mother. "Dr. I" promise to the middle school years, with one condition: Mama also come on Class when the auditors. This thing has never happened before, and then the University Council resolved that a meeting is not down, Report it had asked the Department of Education, do not know which Executive to take red pen called hook. School Link Were enacted, will hook, which is based on the test paper to change the habit. Mama was originally called his brother in Iraq, his brother and recruit younger, with younger brother to brother, younger brother of the same argument is Local common name for girls, better ideas for Xing, and some head and tail are also allusions Maybe. "Dr. I" for the school to take a scientific name for her, only to change one, called the Iraqi love me. School meeting, not a sound of laughter, or the principal said, people learned a little bit strange, A little bit crazy, this name also has the right to a hook. "Dr. I" not only sitting, standing walking can also be read. Not only in the house In the cross street corner in the street can be read. Sometimes through the playground, left hand under the book, Right hand open book pages, play around in the play, exercise on a horizontal bar, high jump, long jump, no prejudice, Quiet walk. Should take the calls out, his eyes turned from the book - do not rise, the light turned to eyeball Over, two Xiongxiong shoot people. More times, and we feel it has two eyes, Dr, Sedative reading, Xiongshen he has seen the world. Dr. slender hands, and stay long fingernails, but added easy open book pages. On these two hands Static in the books, such as female roles of the hand. If the class to the momentum, playing up the lawless Long Claws. Are back on the blackboard to write a "God" character, to seize the chalk, poke a little over the last bang, Followed by fly wheels and wheels and turn a few laps, the last top-down pricked the ground. At this time, the index finger Long fingernails scraping a blackboard, pain! Fly over the left hand grasp the right index finger. There are a few students laugh twice. Dr. wind, turn, direct the eyes is not just a fierce Zile, also when Tim A violent character, riots rage of violence, Could it be associated with violent tyrant go. One to see that Iran does not love me and like the other girls, her chest swelling Bursa sac, no outline, not smooth, do not know where the Frontier with a cloth coat? Or the Clothes do not buckle, the wrong button, arbitrary deduction? There is no point list the names of auditors, the general teacher Ignore it wants to. One day, a chemistry teacher chosen to ask: "How did not you, is your name?" "I love Iraq." Chi Chi girls laughed. "Love me?" Chemistry teacher with a straight face asked loudly. Boys laugh. Chemistry teacher if realized, praise: "Oh, love me!" Laughed the whole Church. I love laughing Iraq, without blinking an eye, all for granted. After class, two boys learn to tone: "Oh, love me!" There are two girls Stern asks: "What is funny, what are eager to learn, and not think about it." That IS good, and since no one made fun of. Iraq after the bell rang I always love a hurry Busy came in, sat in the back position. Just one class, and hurried back to the teacher as busy trot Quarters went. Going to take care of children, go to the canteen Dafan, do something to the other side dishes. Some Girls to sew something to help your child with hand on behalf of the buy something. Only homework assignments, no one to help. Wrong thing because I love Iraq, auditors Test does not test it does not matter. Not to ring the school bell rang, she put the book notebook Pen pencil onto the bag, the bell rang, picked up and left. Probably never come Been to until the next day, after arranging to sit on the table. She never put bags hanging on the shoulder, Some girls also like a high school, they do not bag, relying on the books in the armpits. She was always carrying a bag, and carrying a basket similar. Ultimately, the earnest middle girls chirp Twitter, a bunch of two group of three, and she ignored. Spoke to some girls and boys, There is always quite different. She's the whole matter. In the boys eyes, as if she was not a woman Students. That IS good, and she and no one has conflicts, who may or may not by the brain to hand to help Her point is busy. Iran is busy love my family, is a child. She did not complain of the family, but also No significant interest, as if to do to do the pictures. Even the children, do not say it, do not People hold out to see. "Dr. I" out of the classroom, and Iraq never love me say a word. Meet the opposite, Do not look at her. What students do not see Dr. even named him the "love me" is also a Sample. Class dorm, so no one who, before and after the foot is to go their. Hui, Iraq did not tread ring tones love me come in to the half-court class, she quietly flash Come sit in the back row. "I am Doctor" is proudly raised his eyebrows, his arms half-move, slender fingers scratching a great "Must we book space" flavor. Suddenly his eyes saw the Iraq loves me, he did so with his hands up Arm, as if their wings to fly under the stage, across the desk, sort of a small Iraqi love my voice, Greeting said: "Fever, and fell asleep." Dr. falling hands, slender fingers, like claws to seize Iraq's head on my shoulder love. If not across the desk, if I move closer Cou love Iraq, according to this momentum should be an owner Hold, at least have a head tie to his chest. But no, a grasp on the "freeze frame", and The momentum of a half road "_set_" a "grid." In this half-channel, also called male and female students suddenly the whole Church, Gu Budao, first surprise, Chi Chi longer ... ... "Dr. I" Meng turned around, his eyes fierce, full-court silence. Not a Its capital so afraid, I was not the interest. Dr. Frankenstein is a student and that madman would be because scholarship when the bookworm, Become like this, for sure. Students say they love me is how well the Iraqi individual? Seems to be no civilized? Only Subject to fate? She did not mind or soul has not found? Only his or her full All do not own? Imagination, I love Iraq, "Dr. I" hand, is a female inside the violent Talon Chicken, where the word love to discuss this. Something to help the Iraqi boys and girls love me a fine because This became a natural. Do not want to "catastrophe," come, if not beat high school students beat the teacher, the first is also called "Royalists." Then is the "gang pup." At that time the streets close to the "long live", a person from the "early to consult" to "late reporting" - If the "black" who is "early, confessing his sin," "late guilty plea," I do not know how much noise to call "Long live", what what Long live, long live the great what, most of the greatest million Years old ... ... everywhere in "long live" on top of wrong, or wrong, or call wrong, or Word has spread, or slurred speech, will be labeled as the existing counter-revolutionary, a true open play, there are Beaten to death on the spot, and hit the jail still am at peace. Iraq loves me not the teacher, the students are not originally recognized as the eagle under the hen, Everyone's helped a lot of small to her. That all changed when Iraq did not love me wear a "red Hoop hoop. "Unable to enter the Corps fighting team. We are right lively, seeing that she came, unable to speak Sound, turned away. As if she was a spy. Just because overnight, the teacher becomes the whole Revolutionary object. Students find, long live the time who shouted, "I Dr" Shut up, sometimes Dodo lip service does not say anything, and sometimes do not really listen to loud small. We recite every day, the classic: "... ... Khrushchev-style characters, sleeping on our side ... ..." Now, to improve police Ti chance finally arrived. Dr. Minato few people in the side, shouted long live the mouth when the false call, support ears really listen. Sure enough, hear, and happy, like withholding the birds, fish hooks, surrounded by live cricket Cricket, Huan cried: "He muttered muttering, muttering words." "Vicious." "Yes, I'm afraid I know, yes, ruthless, drug." The herd instinct, men and women, skipping, cheerfully rushed to the teachers quarters, Dr. came to the door. I saw love I was standing in front of Iraq, chest Zhi Yao, when she Down with the "man guards the pass, unchallenged," the momentum. We stopped and feet, and heard in Iraq loves me shouted: "I am Five poor peasants!" At the time, but the sound of the flagship Dangdang. Exports not only extraordinary, but also took the next chest. No one has seen such a reserving her, Can not help but Lengzheng. There is a thin and awkward boys to the pressure of cross points, cried: "Long live our cry, he whispered viciously." "Is a vicious, vicious." Proved a few mouth. Iraq loves me Lianyi Chen, only a second time, cried: "Many." Another second, Opened the gate, like voice: "a lot. Where are the street where the courtyard wall is The door is all outside the house ... ... " A sturdy girl cried: "He whispered the vicious, How toxic are toxic." "A lot!" Iraq loves me categorically. Directed at the girl, with a few laugh. "His accent, I know you have? What are you, I'm his wife." Turned Face to boys. "Do not many, to little? Not a lot, Xu less? Talk to me, Stand up, I'm the special waiting here to hear Who can say that a few words ... ... " Students to himself: "Do not talk to her nonsense." "We Four Olds." "Here The four olds more than anywhere. "" Four olds "refers to the book, the students in the" vicious "port Tone on the second fool, and transferred to the "four olds" on. Iraq loves me so he took a grate on the window sill: "I am Five poor peasants! There's no Five? Have four generations? Not. III Generation of it? Who is the third generation? "Raised grate." Five of the hit four generations, is playing son. Play three generations, with the grandson of the same play. " In spite of these major principles, though not on the classic, you can feel with the classic is the adhesion. The first component to the high guilty, the subsequent contraction. It is difficult to lower the number of the Five Dynasties, forward petrified. Only A few good account of the Five Dynasties Zu Nainai, education, educate your doctor on the ass so down slope The. From Iraq to the door of love, "Dr. I" drill in the house, even the shadow is not disclosed. Survive this day of catch, and some students went all over the world series. Some of the large formation factional battles in the community to go. Some struggle to change the line from the line Fight, girls hook bulked yarn. Boys assemble semiconductors. "Dr. I" appeared in the yard, long nail clippers, and good to get shovels. The years The coal ash did not return home late, shovel out, mixed with loess, watered, uniform mixing, and flat On the ground to take the shovel and worked across a vertical channel, divided into numerous small box. Dry air Dry, scoop up and piled for future use. Coal is called a cocoon. He hit the coal cocoon, not broken do not board, to burn. School students in the teacher's labor management, usually wash the toilet is sweeping clean the window. Also A temporary assignment, one day, the teachers _set_ up, called the plane out in the yard of the old roots. It would have been a person to hold the big locust tree, however, how many years ago, said to be hanged extraordinary, there are Who is dead, cut down to hit the coffin, and the remaining two feet high stumps. It is a most A ready-made chess table. Teachers to pick the shovel, man is not complete, the entire hard day, dig ten feet see Side of the pit. I saw below the root looked done, no head. Some out into the classroom Go under, would not have to demolition? Students out of ideas. The next day, "Dr. I" command, calling for the shovel to pick whether to make what, to Looked done in the root, choose a thick cut. Get a cedar pole with a rope tied in the wire Stump and a number of people on both sides to how much to push forward the same grind, can not move, to After the pull, pull, then push forward, push her half an hour, the old roots activity. Students also said, but added Dr origin, live to see more. Things in the world, but also, and like a millstone, millstone to the students who pushed, and the he Have to "re-education by poor peasants," the. The name of the red flag, mountains and the countryside, all of a sudden Fell to the lowest level of life. Three to five years, five years, a hobo-like flow Back to the city. That lanky boys grow a yellow Mao Huzi mouth, hard to chew lost high school The physics and chemistry, do not rest until admitted to University of Technology. But his favorite is History. The sturdy girl, shoulder meat taken up the sinew. She _set_ up a stall selling cowboy Pants, fitness pants, stockings, pants, made a fortune, wanted to start a cold drink hot coffee. Boyfriend more, the old fight to let her look lively. Students heard that "Dr. I" single edge of the town to live in a small temple. He had to write A book, Five poor peasants in Iraq loves me this time, "scared", and court disaster is also terrible, do not Xu wrote. Dr. secretly write, hidden in the bunk, the ceiling, called love I searched Iraq Out. Later, Zhang quartet built a small, plug in the hole in the wall, the pile of briquettes, it would not escape Love me through the eyes of Iraq. Even Dr. rampage, or pleading, knelt down and bowed, but also fail to do so Live in a fire burned. World upside down, hen eagle, and said: Do not order, I To the child's life. Are not prepared to die to go outside better. "Dr. I" had "to find the wearer to go outside" phrase mantra, fled to a small temple Stay. Lanky boys find temple backyard, raised their hands to touch the roof of the hut, the heap A pile of books with Tanzhe middle and found the teacher. "Dr. I" skinny, and hair Black's also black, white and white, but also strange. That two hands to re-grown a long fingernails, small Old and only long fingers attached to the body, like the hand of the female roles. Small boys sat a long time, no See this as a hands Talon publicity. Handed like to smoke, not waving decline, But pressed on the chest, said softly: "No pumping, pumping can not afford, also good, save trouble." Small boys, said the house, put the book does not open, the light is also inadequate, hurt the eyes, and shares Sub-rotten smell. Dr. not pointing Jiangshan, kept the hands co, said: "Just a quiet, quiet like." Asked the boys what is written in a book. Table according to the paper, Dr. hands, mouth, huh only twice. Boys to aim, or to find out about this book, the teacher said the students are thinking about Writings. Dr. slender fingers Kouzhuo the chest, as if grasping mind, not talk. Boys refused to give up, he said he liked literature and history, are willing to look for information on helping, copy copy Write ... ... Dr. not look up, only the eyes turn to the eyes, can be called strabismus, can also be said Snooping. At this time, thin and fat, thin, male teachers find you, the hair, the gestures ... you ... Reality does not matter, what matters is eyes. That reading the previous nerves, no. See People see the world Xiong Shen, is gone. Liushenwuzhu now like it, and like the shining Something. Shining like cunning? Cunning broker? Cunning? Are not allowed. Can not do without a cunning Word, but a gloomy. Lanky guy thinks long beard, and may wish to straight to the point, called up and said: "You're a person, such a shed, to write a big book? Write and who to You out? Students can Benben sponsorship, but you have to tell me what you write is a Book? " "Dr. I" mysterious face appeared, and said: "Long live the Origin." Boys fist, held his arm held: "Long Live?" Dr. hands Tiexiong fixed, nodded, pointing to the opposite wall bawl mouth. Early look at boys See the wall east of a box, a strip of the West, says the promise is painted with the word - they would not recognize a Dr. bawl mouth was ... ... that goes on the box are: "This is the first million words, is a scorpion." "Is a poisonous scorpion it?" "Tail hook, where the most toxic. This thing, in ancient times, multiply, instant That is thousands of years old ... ... next to the word. " "Look out yet? Bloody." "I did not see it." Boys really do not understand. "It was a Ge, can hook to cut down, top to bottom is two feet, the feet. In ancient times, There is a penalty, called the sentence cut off the feet, feet to cut alive. New Year ritual, to supply knives to injure the feet, Called 'sacrifice goods'. " "It can be cruel ... ..." boys think of it. "Shouted Long live all day that year, you Muttering the 'vicious', right? Cover for love I froze Iran, saying it was 'a lot'. " "I said, is vicious, these two words, a drug, a ruthless. May be how to become a The most prestigious title of the most noble? Into trouble, how can only one, if more out of one, You have to kill me, I kill you ... ... " "You Source, is exploration of this?" Dr. Tiexiong slender fingers, bow: "Exploration of this." "Teacher!" Male loud cry, he entered only the first Shengjiao teacher. "I'm Said, to no sponsorship, you explore accomplished. "These words, he stood up and left. Lanky boys look strong girls. Over days, the girls shoulders sideways into a small low House, she and the boys not the same, only a glance at the pile of books stacked, aiming for a non-observable on the wall Word non-painting. Kept the eyes fell upon a small desk Zhuojiao head, brains. Where a Cuci green bowl, not round, of course, endures substandard goods. Inside a box tofu, Shenzhe water Estimated spilled more than enough salt. Collage tofu yellow discoloration, missing a corner. Female judge: An angle, the next day's meal. "The teacher, love my big sister doing in Iraq?" "She is not called love me, called me hungry." "Do not agree with you stay here?" "Money does not give tickets, food stamps do not give. Hungry I am hungry, I go back." "This condition is not hungry, I actually still love me. Is, 'I Dr.' This An 'I' no other 'I' ... ... " "What am I?" Girls do not understand. Dr. bawl mouth pointing desktop. That tofu bowl next to have a rectangular sheet of paper, above Is: "The hook with a large serrated axes, killing weapon, that is, 'I' Prototype. " Girls as strong, but also a Jiling. Took a deep breath before they spoke again: "Teacher, your book, we feel deeply the students. Can you so hungry, Kennedy Who do not continue. Let us do some work, love my big sister did not tear so do not burn ... ... " "She was sick. For a while to understand, while confused. Confused face, pale, Eyes, straight. Like 'I' jagged, saw a poor peasant's neck on the Five ... ... " Little girls in a plan, said: "Teacher, do you trust me? To the letter, but I find some students to guarantee. You To have been written out and handed me a copy, we have hidden. Original is also you. " Dr. intimate slender hands, looking down in silence. Girls once again plan. Feel there must be an emergency measure to the offensive and said: "Do not say anything else, love my big sister in Iraq if the find here? Listen to the students that she Come, come, come ... ... " With a Ph.D. a "want to" step by step panic, cried: "You turn around Go. " Girls thought: attack with the point. Not only turn around, also went to the door wall. Listen See what is behind the pry, pull anything, rustling ... ... "Here." Girl turned, took a paper bag with both hands. "This is the first chapter: Introduction." But then he saw the girl, "Dr. I" eyes shining, that vision and cunning, and mysterious Cold. Sign bowed, and left. Girls home to open the paper bag and read the "Introduction" about more than words, but for a while School finished. Silly sitting, seeing dark. The body as strong, silent cooling - from Cold bones out and would like to drill into the bed to go. Still struggling from the meters, the night arrived thin High boys home, the boys father is a psychiatrist. Asked him to explain it
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