Table of Classification of Confucian classics
three T's type, terms, techniqueBook categoryBook category
Social poise and grace.Spring classesBook of Filial Piety class
Class Four BooksPrimary classConfucian class
Legalism classTaoism classBuddhism class
Confucian classics commentcivility apprehendBible Class

Parent type: Confucian classics

  Confucianism is the most influential school of ancient China. As China a manifestation of the inherent value system of Confucianism, not in the usual sense of the academic or school of thought. In general, in particular, Qin, although Confucianism is the most influential school of philosophers, but only one, and other thinkers does not matter as the status of the master-slave relationship.
  There are 13 Confucian classics of Confucianism through. The six Confucian classics, "The Book of Songs," "Book of History", "Yi Li", "music by", "Book of Changes", "Spring and Autumn." First Emperor "Fenshukengru," Qin said to the fire by a torch, "the Book" From then lost;
  On this basis, the Eastern Han added, "The Analects of Confucius", "Book of Filial Piety," by a total of seven;
  Tang added, "Zhou", "Book of Rites," "Chunqiu", "Spring and Autumn Guliangzhuan," "Ya", a total of twelve;
  SONG Shi added, "Mencius", after the Song Dynasty carved "Thirteen Classics" handed down.
  "13 The" basic works of the Confucian culture, the traditional concept, the "easy", "Poetry," "book", "Ceremony", "Spring" that the "after", "Zuo Zhuan", "public Yang Chuan, "" Guliang "belongs to" Spring and Autumn, "the" Biography "," Book of Rites, "" Book of Filial Piety, "" The Analects of Confucius "," Mencius "is" mind "," Ya "is the Han Explanations of the division for. Later, the "Four Books" that refers to the "University" ("Book of Rites" in one), "moderate" ("Book of Rites" in one), "The Analects" and "Mencius", the Five Classics refer to: "Book of Changes" "Book of History," "The Book of Songs," "Book of Rites", "Zuo Zhuan."

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