提到麯,人們一般都認為就是指元麯,實際上在這裏談到的麯是廣義的戲麯。戲麯藝術在中國文學史上乃至整個中華文化中都占有非常重要的地位,它的成就並不遜於詩、詞和賦。 談及戲麯,人們難免就會聯想到一個“俗”字。當然,這裏所說的“俗”,並不是指俗氣、鄙陋,它們相對於高雅、雅緻的“雅”而言,是指通俗、質樸。戲麯不衹有俗的一面,同時也有雅的一面,是有雅有俗、雅俗共賞的。
(1) 樂麯,歌麯 [music of song]
莫辭更坐彈一麯,為君翻作琵琶行。——唐· 白居易《琵琶行(並序)》詩
五更轉麯。——清· 邵長蘅《青門剩稿》
(2) 又如:聶耳作麯,田漢作詞;編麯
(3) 一種韻文形式,盛行於元代,又稱元麯 [ qu ,a type of verse in singing]
不復能終麯。——清· 侯方域《壯悔堂文集》
(4) 是受民間歌麯的影響而形成的,句法較詞更為靈活,多用口語,用韻也更接近口語。一支麯可以單唱,幾支麯可以合成一套,也可以用幾套麯子寫成戲麯。廣義的麯泛指秦、漢以來各種可以入樂的樂麯。如:漢大麯、唐宋大麯、民間小麯等
戲麯音樂名詞。 樂麯結構名。 若幹樂麯成套的組合。 中西音樂均有套麯形式, 但組合的方式多種多樣。 在我國傳統音樂中, 套麯是大型麯式的主要形式。 連麯體的套麯被稱為套數。 即由同一宮調或同一笛式的若幹麯牌相連成套, 有起有訖。 藉用其它宮調的稱為藉宮或犯調。 南北麯分別組套, 但也另有南北合套形式。 散麯的套數又稱散套。 板腔體的套數則被稱為成套唱腔, 一般均為同一腔係的各種板式聯綴組成。 傳統套麯的顯著特點, 是遵循節拍,速度上的散——慢——中——快——散, 構成漸層發展的結構模式。
Song and Drama
That song, it was generally agreed that refers to the Yuan Dynasty, in fact, talking about the song here is the broader drama. Opera in the whole history of Chinese literature in Chinese culture has played a very important position, and its success is not inferior to poetry, words and Fu. Turning to drama, people would inevitably think of a "vulgar" words. Of course, here called "popular" does not mean vulgar, superficial, with respect to the elegant, refined "Elegance" is concerned, is the popular, simple. Opera is not only the vulgar side, but also have elegant side, there is a vulgar elegant, tastes of.
(1) music, songs [music of song]
Mo speech even sit Danyi Qu, King and Fanzuo Pipa. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)," Poetry
The number of fast missile song.
The music collection call.
Dawn song transfer. - Qing Shao-heng, "Green left the door draft"
(2) Another example: composer Nie Er, Tian Han lyricist; Arranged
(3) a verse form popular in the Yuan Dynasty, also known as Yuan Dynasty [qu, a type of verse in singing]
No longer able to finale. - Qing Hou "strong regret Hall Collection"
(4) is subject to the influence of folk song form, the syntax is more flexible than words, more verbal, more close to the spoken rhyming. A single song can be sung, a few pieces of a song can be synthesized, it can be several sets of tunes written drama. The song refers to generalized Qin and Han can enter all kinds of music since the music. Such as: Chinese starter, Tang Daqu, folk ditty, etc.
A kind of movement by the combination of large-scale multi-instrumental music or musical instrument