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·shuìwénjièzì·No. 8·zhōng diǎn Chinese Dictionary
·bāo hán cí·gèngduōjiéguǒ...
fányìtǐ:  (róu ????)pīnyīn: róubùshǒu: 
zǒngbǐhuà: 9bùwàibǐhuà: 5UTF-8: E6 9F 94
UTF-16: 67D4UTF-32: 000067D4GB 2312: 4065
GB 12345: 4065Big 5: AC58cāngjié: NHD
sìjiǎomǎ: 1790.4yīzìquánmǎ: rou2maomuyīzìshuāngmǎ: romamu
yīzìdānmǎ: rmmhànzìjiégòu: shàng(zhōng)xiàhànzìcéngcì: 5
bǐhuà: 丶乛亅丿一丨丿㇏bǐshùnbiānhào: 545231234bǐshùndúxiě: zhé, nà, zhé, shù, piě, héng, shù, piě, nà
tārénbǐshùn: 545231234
bùjiànzǔgòu: 矛(予(龴(丶)????(乛亅))丿)木(十(一丨)八(丿㇏))
   zhí chū shēng 'ér nèn róu chū shēng nèn bái nèn de shǒu)。
   ruǎn yìng róu ruǎn róu rèn róu nèn róu huá
   ruǎn ruò gāng xiāng duì róu nuò róu ruògāng róu xiāng
   wēn róu shùn róu róu màn róu mèi)。 róu qíng
   huà shù: 9;
   shùn biān hào: 545231234

  Primary soft and tender plants róu: Satin (primary bud, Yu woman soft white hands). Soft, not hard: soft. Flexibility. Tender. Smooth. Weak, and "just" relative: soft cowardly. Weak. Hardness and softness. Moderate: supple. Soft. Rouman (soft and charming.) Tenderness. Just a few strokes: 9; radicals: wood; Stroke Number: 545231234
  【 xíng
  ( xíng shēngcóng , máo shēngběn : shù zhí )
   tóng běn supple;soft
   róu , zhí héng héngshuō wén》。 duàn zhù :“ fán zhě zhí , zhí zhě , yuē róu 。”
   rěn rǎn róu héng héngshī · xiǎo · xiǎo biàn
   yòu : róu ( róu ruǎn 'ér yòu jiān rèn de )
   róu ruò ; nèn〖 tender〗
   róu , ruò héng héngguǎng
   yuán qiú róu sānghéng héngshī · bīn fēng · yuè
   wēi róu zhǐhéng héngshī · xiǎo · cǎi wēi
   róu ruò zhě , shēng zhī héng héngshuō yuàn · jìng shèn
   róu ruò zhě , dào zhī yào héng hénghuái nán · yuán dào
   liǔ tiáo jiāng shū wèi shū , róu shāo fēnghéng héng míng · yuán hóng dàomǎn jǐng yóu
   yòu : róu zhī nèn ; róu tiáo ( nèn zhī ); róu hóng ( róu nèn de huā ); róu ( yòu fùzhuó de zhǒng báomó ); róu rěn ( cǎo zhī róu rèn ); róu sāng ( nèn sāng ); róu zhì ( yòu nèn )
   róu ruǎn〖 lithe;soft;flexible;supple〗
   shēn guī , róu cháng cùn chóu qiān héng héng qīng zhàodiǎn jiàng chún
   yòu : róu huá ( róu ); róu ráng ( róu ruǎn de ráng cǎo ); róu nuǎn ( róu ruǎn wēn nuǎn ); róu ( róu ruǎn fēng mǎn ); róu dùn ( róu ruǎn 'ér fēng ); róu cuì ( róu ruǎn de máo ); róu ( róu ruǎn de )
   róu ; wēn 〖 mild;gentle〗
   róu ér héng héngshū · gāo táo 》。 zhèng zhù :“ xìng xíng róu 。”
   róu ér zhènghéng héng · yuèjì
   shēng róuhéng héngshǐ · shū
   rán róu fēng gān nǎi zhìhéng héngguǎn · shí
   shì piān dǎng , róu ér jiānhéng héng shì chūn qiū · shì róng
   róu wēn zhīhéng héng · nèi
   yòu : róu jǐn ( wēn gōng jǐn ); róu huǎn ( wēn kuān hòu ); róu diào ( wēn tiáozhì ); róu yuàn ( wēn shí ); róu ( wēn rén ); róu ( wēn wén ); róu huáng ( nèn huáng ); róu liáng ( róu shùn shàn liáng ); róu míng ( róu shùn 'ér cōng míng ); róu ( róu shùn ); róu ( róu shùn 'ér zhí yán ); róu qiān ( róu qiān xùn ); róu jiā ( róu měi shàn ); róu ( róu ); róu rén ( róu 'ér rén ); róu xīn ( xìng qíng róu ); róu jiān ( biǎo miàn róu 'ér nèi xīn jiān zhà ); róu ( zhì róu de rén )
   wēn róu 〖 gentleandsoft〗
   róu qíng chuò tài , mèi yánhéng héng cáo zhíluò shén
   yòu : róu mèi jiāo qiào ( wēn róu shùn , mèi qiào ); róu wǎn ( wēn róu ); róu xián ( wēn róuxián shū ); róu é ( wēn róu de měi ); róu shàn ( xìng wēn róu de shàn liáng zhī rén ); róu qíng xiá ( wēn róu de qíng tài , xiá de xìng ); róu shū ( wēn róu xián shū ); róu è ( wài wēn róu nèi xīn 'è liè de rén ); róu huì ( wēn shùn róu ); róu ( wēn shùn xùn ); róu shèn ( wēn shùn jǐn shèn ); róu ( xùn shùn )
   ruǎn ruò ; róu ruò〖 weak;delicate〗
   zǎo jiàn 'ér xīn róu nuòhéng hénghán fēi · wáng zhēng
   yòu : róu ruò ( róu ruò de shēn ); róu màn ( róu ruò de téng màn ); róu ( róu ruò wěimǐ ); róu jīn cuì ( róu ruò de jīn ); róu ( róu ruò de zhī tiáo ); róu cuì ( róu ruò , ruǎn ruò ); róu ráo ( róu ruò miáo tiáo )
   róu měi〖 gentleandbeautiful〗。 : róu yán ( jiāo róu xiù ); róu yàn ( róu měi de huā ); róu xiān ( róu měi xiān qiǎo ); róu yán ( róu nèn de róng yán ); róu qíng chuò tài ( róu měi de qíng tài ); róu xiāng ( rén zhī jìng ); róu ( róu měi de shǒu )
  【 dòng
   ān huò píng , yóu tōng guò ràng 〖 placate〗
   róu yuǎn néng 'ěrhéng héngshū · shùn diǎn
   huái róu bǎi shénhéng héngshī · zhōu sòng · shí mài
   yòu : róu yuǎn ( ān yuǎn rén huò yuǎn fāng bāng guó ); róu yuǎn néng 'ěr ( huái róu yuǎn fāng , yōu jìn ); róu ruǎn suí huái ( ān wài fāng guī shùn zhě ); róu yuǎn zhèn 'ěr ( ān yuǎn fāng , ān dìng nèi )
   tōng guò jiā gōng shǐ biàn ruǎn〖 soften〗
   róu ròuhéng héng · nèi
   yòu : róu ; róu róng ( róng huà shǐ róu ruǎn )
   rùn 〖 moisten;lubricate〗
   zhù róng néng zhāo xiǎn tiān zhī guāng míng , shēng róu jiā cái zhě héng héngguó · zhèng
   jiàn zhě , róu héng hénghuái nán · shuō shān
   líng zhī shèng zhī , suì yīn róuhéng héng nán cháo · liáng · jiāng yānyíng sòng shén shēng
  【 míng
   tōngróu”。 chē lún de wài zhōu〖 outerrim〗
   chuí chē róuhéng héngyán tiě lùn · sàn
   hàn dài hóu guó míng〖 Roustate〗。 zhì suǒ zài jīn shān dōng shěng lín jìng nèi
   róu cháng
  〖 tenderheart〗 wēn róu de xīn cháng , duō zhǐ chán mián de qíng
   róu cháng bǎi zhé
   róu cháng cùn duàn
   róu cháng bǎi jié
  〖 deeplysorrowed〗 róu de xīn cháng liǎo shù de jiéxíng róng zhǒng zhǒng chóu jié xīn zhōng
   róu cháng cùn duàn
  〖 brokenhearted〗 róu de xīn cháng cùn cùn duàn shāng xīn zhī
   xiān zhī wáng , qiè róu cháng cùn duànhéng héng qīng · shā zhāng báizài lái shī chèn
   róu cháng
  〖 softandlong〗 ruǎn 'ér cháng
   róu cháng de liǔ
   róu dào
  〖 softapproach〗 yuán běn de xiàng yùn dòngèr rén shǒu xiāng , lèi shuāi jiāo
   róu guāng
  〖 sheen〗 zhǒng róu decháng dài cǎi hóng huò jīn shǔ de shǎn guāng , jiē jìn guāng xué shàng de fǎn shè dàn hái chā diǎn diǎn ; biǎo miàn de guāng ( kuàng shí de miàn de huò 'àn hēi máo de guāng )
  〖 soft;gentle;mild〗 róu ruǎn , wēn
   róu de guāng xiàn
   xìng qíng róu
   róu huá
  〖 softandsmooth〗 róu ruǎn rùn huá
   róu huá de
   róu jìng
  〖 gentleandquiet〗 wēn róu ér níng jìng
  ( xuě lián ) jié bái jīng yíng , róu jìng duō héng héngtiān shān jǐng
  〖 softandbeautiful〗 wēn róu měi
   zuò pǐn yòu de xìng róu zhī měi zài xīn zhōng biàn huà wéi tòu guò chūn de chéng huáng dēng guāng
  〖 softenhempinwater〗 pào zài shuǐ , shǐ biàn ruǎn
   róu máo
  〖 lithehair〗 ruǎn de máo
   róu měi
  〖 gentleandbeautiful〗 róu měi hǎo
   róu měi de chàng qiāng
   xìng yòu de róu měi
   róu mèi
  〖 begentleandlovely〗 róu 'ài
   róu mèi de wǎn xiá
  〖 meek〗∶ wēn róu shùn , tǎo rén huān
   róu nèn
  〖 tender〗 zhì róu xiān nèn
   róu nèn de yòu
   róu néng zhì gāng
  〖 gentlenesscanovercomestength〗 róu gāng , wèi róu ruò de shǒu duàn zài dìng tiáo jiàn xià zhì gāng qiáng zhě
   huáng shí gōng yuē :“ róu néng zhì gāng , ruò néng zhì qiáng róu zhě , gāng zhě zéi , ruò zhě rén zhī zhù , qiáng zhě yuàn zhī guī 。” héng hénghòu hàn shū · chén jùn chuán
  〖 softandsmooth〗 róu ruǎn
   róu qíng
  〖 tenderfeelings〗 wēn róu de gǎn qíng
   róu rèn
  〖 pliant〗 róu ruǎn 'ér jiān rèn
   yòng róu rèn de cái liào
   xiǎo róu rèn de huà shù suí fēng yáo
   róu gāng
  〖 deceivethegoodandafraidofevil〗《 shī · 》 :“ rén yòu yán : róu zhī , gāng zhīwéi zhòng shān , róu , gāng ; guānguǎ , wèi qiáng 。” kǒng yíng shū :“ jiàn qián guǎ ruò zhě qīn zhī , qiáng shèng zhě wèi zhī。” hòu róu gāng ruò qiáng , ruǎn yìng zuò gāng róu
   róu ruǎn
  〖 soft;lithe〗∶ ruǎnhuo ; jiān yìng
   róu ruǎn de diàn
   róu ruǎn de cāo
  〖 supple〗∶〖 zhì zhì róu rèn róu shùn
   zhì róu ruǎn de
   róu rùn
  〖 tenderandsmooth〗 róu róu rùn
   róu rùn
   róu ruò
  〖 delicate〗∶ cháng zhǐ ruò , gǎn láo de ; bìng de ( shēn róu ruò )
  〖 frail〗∶ róng shòu bìng huò zāi huò yǐng xiǎng de
   róu shù
  〖 jujitsu〗 běn de zhǒng yòng jìn xíng wèi de qiǎo ( quán shù huò shuāi jiāo shù ), zài hěn chéng shàng shì yòng duì shǒu de liàng zhòng liàng de yuán shǐ duì fāng shī bài huò shòu shāng
   róu shùn
  〖 gentleandagreeable;meek〗 wēn róu shùn ; wēn shùn
   jīn huā shǔ shí fēn róu shùn
  〖 (ofwomen shands)slender;whiteandtender;women’ shands〗 zhí chū shēng de jiù shí duō yòng lái róu nèn jié bái de shǒu , jiè zhǐ de shǒu
   shǒu róu héng héngshī · wèi fēng · shuò rén
   róu wǎn
  〖 gentleandsweet〗 róu shùn wǎn zhuǎn
   róu wǎn de yín chàng lìng rén zhǎng
   róu xìng
  〖 suppleness〗 róu ruǎn de huò wān de xìng zhì
   róu xìng chǔlǐ
  〖 squid〗 qiāng zéi , duō shí wàn tóu lèi zhōng de rèn zhǒng , diǎn xíng de yòu cháng 'ér zhú jiàn biàn zhǎi de shēn liǎng de wěi

  (Phonetic. From wood, spear sound. Original meaning: the trees can be curved to straight)
  With the original meaning 〖supple; soft〗
  Soft, wood is also right and wrong. - "Said Wen." Duan: "Where the wood song may direct, may direct song, said Sophie."
  EBARA stained soft wood. - "Poetry Xiaoya small Bian"
  Another example: soft wood (soft and tough wood)
  Weak; delicate tender〗 〖
  Soft, weak also. - "Guang Ya"
  Yuan Sang soft demand. - "Poetry Bin July"
  Wei also soft stop. - "Poetry Xiaoya adopt micro"
  Weak persons, students of the believers also. - "Said park Jingshen"
  Weak persons, Road to also. - "Huai Tao"
  Shu Shu will not wicker, soft tip cloak. - Ming dao "Man Travels Well"
  Another example: leaves flexilis; soft section (shoot); soft red (soft flowers); soft die of hunger (bud attached to the seed film); soft EBARA (grass leaves flexibility); soft mulberry (tender mulberry leaves); Sophie juvenile (young)
  Soft 〖lithe; soft; flexible; supple〗
  Purdah lonely, unhappy thousand Rouchang inch strand. - Zhao "point Crimson lips"
  Another example: smooth as weed (physique); soft Rang (Rang soft grass); Rounuan (soft and warm); soft delicious (soft and plump); soft blunt (soft and not sharp); soft vellus (soft coat) ; soft leather (soft leather)
  Soft; moderate 〖mild; gentle〗
  Sophie standing. - "Book of Gao Yao mo." Zheng Note: The "sexual activity and compliance."
  Soft and positive. - "Book of Music"
  The sound and the soft. - "Records of the Historian Fun Book"
  What, then even the breeze blow Kam Yu. - "Pipe seasons"
  Who is not impartial party, soft and strong. - "Lu Shi Yung"
  Rouse to Wen. - "In the Book of Rites"
  Another example: soft like (mild respectful); Rouhuan (mild generous); soft tone (gently modulating); Sophie May (mild and simple); soft kind (gentle kindness); soft Ya (mild gentle); soft yellow (yellow ); Sophie Leung (good supple); soft Ming (supple and intelligent); soft, supple (supple bridge); Sophie Lane (supple without respect); soft Qian (soft humility); Roujia (soft goodness); soft female (soft); soft kernels (soft kind); tenderness (soft temper); soft rape (inner surface of soft and treacherous); soft gas (temperament gentle people)
  Gentle〗 〖gentleandsoft
  Tenderness Chuo state, mei language. - Cao Zhi, "Goddess"
  Another example: the tender and gentle (soft rolls, charming and pretty); soften (soft); soft free (gentle, Xian Shu); soft E (gentle beauty); Roushan (kind and gentle character of the person); chivalrous tenderness (gentle modality, chivalrous character); Sophie Shu (gentle); soft evil (outside like soft inner bad people); soft benefits (gentle soft); flexible learning (tame); Sophie Shen (gentle care); Sophie Xu (tame)
  Weak; weak 〖weak; delicate〗
  See the heart of soft cowardly flea. - "Han Fei death sign"
  Another example: Skin weak body (soft body); soft Man (weak vines); soft extravagant (weak dejected); Roujin OI (weak bones); soft Ke (weak branches); Roucui (weak, weak ); soft radial (weak slim)
  〗 〖Gentleandbeautiful soft. Such as: soft yin (feminine beauty); soft Yan (soft flowers); soft fiber (soft and delicate); Sophie Ngan (soft face); tenderness Chuo state (soft modal); soft township (and woman charming environment) ; soft grip (soft hands)
  To appease or pacify, especially by concessions to placate〗 〖
  Rou Yuan to Wani. - "Shun Code Book"
  Huairou hundred God. - "When Mai Zhou Song Poems"
  Another example: Rou Yuan (or far away to appease Fang Bangguo); Rou Yuan to Er (Huairou far, the special care of near-Earth); soft Cherishing (to appease those foreign allegiance); Rou Yuan town near (to appease the distance, stability and the Mainland)
  By processing the soft soften〗 〖
  Soft the meat. - "In the Book of Rites"
  Another example: hemp; soft melt (melted to soft)
  〖Moist moisten; lubricate〗
  Vulcan was also Zhao light of heaven and earth to students who have Roujia materials. - "Zheng Mandarin language"
  Li sword who will be the soft baffle. - "Hill said Huainanzi"
  The holy spirit of, Chak Yin-year-old Sophie. - Southern Liang Yan, "shuttle rose song of God"
  Links "wheel band." Outerrim peripheral wheels〗 〖
  Vertebral car-free and soft. - "Salt and Iron Powder inadequate"
  Hou Han Roustate〗 〖country name. Linyi, Shandong Province, where this rule in the territories
  〗 〖Tenderheart tender-hearted, more lingering affection for a woman
  Rouchang pleated
  Cut, including
  Rouchang hundred Results
  〗 〖Deeplysorrowed numerous soft-hearted hit the knot. Stagnation in the hearts of all the feeling of anxiety to describe
  Cut, including
  〗 〖Brokenhearted begins to place a soft broken-hearted. Analogy is extremely sad
  Late husband of the dead, I should cut, including. - Clear sand sheets of white "and then write Poetic Prophecy"
  Sophie Long
  Soft and long〗 〖softandlong
  Stir soft long
  〗 〖Softapproach originated in Japan, a sport. Competing two-hand, similar to wrestling
  〗 〖A soft sheen, often with iridescent or metallic flash, close to the optical reflection, but also almost on the point; surface gloss (such as cleavage of ore or dark shiny black feathers)
  〖Soft; gentle; mild〗 soft, gentle
  Soft light
  Gentle disposition
  〗 〖Softandsmooth soft lubrication
  Smooth skin
  Static flexibility
  Gentle and quiet〗 〖gentleandquiet
  (Saussurea) white crystal, soft static scene. - "Tianshan scene in mind"
  Sophie Li
  〗 〖Softandbeautiful gentle beauty
  Unique works of fine women, Rou-Li in his mind the beauty of it turns into the orange light through the rain
  〗 〖Softenhempinwater hemp soaked in water to make soft
  〗 〖Lithehair hair valuables
  〗 〖Gentleandbeautiful soft beautiful
  Soft singing
  Female-specific soft
  〗 〖Begentleandlovely: soft sweet
  Lovely sun_set_
  〗 〖Meek: soft rolls, pleasant
  Soft and tender texture of fresh 〖〗
  Tender shoots
  Flexibility to the system just
  〗 〖Gentlenesscanovercomestength Yiroukegang, means that the weak uniforms under certain conditions, can be strong by
  Yellowstone Hutchison said: "Flexibility can be made just, and the weak strong. Tenderest of Germany also, just by thieves, but also help the weak of benevolence, the strong resentment of the return of the Later Han Chen Jun is also 。"--" Biography"
  Soft and delicate〗 〖softandsmooth
  Skin Rouni
  〗 〖Tenderfeelings tender feelings
  Soft, pliant and tough 〖〗
  With flexible material
  Swaying birch small flexible
  〗 〖Deceivethegoodandafraidofevil "Poetry Taiga": "people have made: the Ru of the soft, just then spit it. Victoria Zhongshan Fu, Ru is not soft, just do not spit; do not insult Jingua, defying strong Royal." Brief Account sparse: "Yu see the invasion humiliated the Front of the few weak, strong that you avoid the fear of it." after the "soft ru just spit" as a metaphor to avoid the strong bullying the weak, bully. Also as "soft ru just spit"
  〖Soft; lithe〗: soft; not hard
  Soft cushion
  Soft gymnastics
  Supple 〖〗: 〖〗 fabric texture, flexibility, supple
  Soft leather
  〗 〖Tenderandsmooth soft luster. Soft and moist
  Skin Smoothing
  〗 〖Delicate: often refers to the frail, susceptible of fatigue; easy to get sick (physically weak)
  〗 〖Frail: vulnerable to effects of disease or other disaster
  〗 〖Jujitsu, a Japanese self-defense without weapons skills (boxing or wrestling technique), to a large extent is the use of the opponent's strength and weight of the principles of failure or injury to the other side
  〖Gentleandagreeable; meek〗 gentle rolls; docile
  Chipmunk is very supple
  〖(Ofwomen'shands) slender; whiteandtender; women'shands〗 nascent buds of plants. Old woman more than a metaphor for soft white hands, but also by a woman's hand
  Hand, such as physique. - "Poetry of Wei Shuo people"
  〗 〖Gentleandsweet mildly submissive
  Soften the singing is Fuzhang
  〗 〖Suppleness or pliable soft nature
  Flexible processing
  〗 〖Gun cuttlefish squid, and many ten wrist cephalopods in any of the typical long, gradually narrowed with the body and tail on both sides
  ( xíng shēngcóng , máo shēngběn shù zhí )
   tóng běn
   róu , zhí 。 --《 shuō wén》。 duàn zhù fán zhě zhí , zhí zhě , yuē róu 。”
   rěn rǎn róu 。 --《 shī · xiǎo · xiǎo biàn
   yòu róu ( róu ruǎn 'ér yòu jiān rèn de )
   róu ruò ; nèn
   róu , ruò 。 --《 guǎng
   yuán qiú róu sāng。 --《 shī · bīn fēng · yuè
   wēi róu zhǐ。 --《 shī · xiǎo · cǎi wēi
   róu ruò zhě , shēng zhī 。 --《 shuō yuàn · jìng shèn
   róu ruò zhě , dào zhī yào 。 --《 huái nán · yuán dào
   liǔ tiáo jiāng shū wèi shū , róu shāo fēng。 -- míng · yuán hóng dàomǎn jǐng yóu
   yòu róu zhī nèn ; róu tiáo ( nèn zhī ); róu hóng ( róu nèn de huā ); róu ( yòu fùzhuó de zhǒng báomó ); róu rěn
   róu róu
   ruǎnnèn ruǎn。~ zhī
   wēn gēn " gāng " xiāng duì。~ shùnwēn~。

  Sophie (phonetic. From wood, spear sound. The original meaning of trees can be curved to straight) with the original meaning of soft, wood is also right and wrong. - "Said Wen." Qu Duan where wood may direct, may direct song, said soft. "EBARA stained soft wood. -" Poetry Xiaoya small Bian "Another example is the soft wood (soft and tough wood) weak; delicate soft, weak also. -" Guang Ya "Yuan Sang soft demand. - "Poetry Bin July" Wei also soft stop. - "Poetry Xiaoya mining micro" weak who are also students of the believers. -, "said park Jingshen" weak persons, Road to also. - "Huai Tao" wicker will not Shu Shu, soft tip cloak. - Ming dao "Man Travels Well" Another example is the soft branch leaves; soft section (shoot); soft red (soft flowers ); soft die of hunger (bud attached to the seed film); soft EBARA soft róu ⒈ soft, tender ~ soft. ~ branches. ⒉ moderate, with "just" relative ~ and. ~ shun. temperatures ~.
   róu rou
   shǒu shǒu huà 04 zǒng huà 09
  flexible; gentle; mild; soft; soften; supple; yielding;
  ( xíng shēngcóng , máo shēngběn shù zhí )
   tóng běn [supple;soft]
   róu , zhí 。 --《 shuō wén》。 duàn zhù fán zhě zhí , zhí zhě , yuē róu 。”
   rěn rǎn róu 。 --《 shī · xiǎo · xiǎo biàn
   yòu róu ( róu ruǎn 'ér yòu jiān rèn de )
   róu ruò ; nèn [tender]
   róu , ruò 。 --《 guǎng
   yuán qiú róu sāng。 --《 shī · bīn fēng · yuè
   wēi róu zhǐ。 --《 shī · xiǎo · cǎi wēi
   róu ruò zhě , shēng zhī 。 --《 shuō yuàn · jìng shèn
   róu ruò zhě , dào zhī yào 。 --《 huái nán · yuán dào
   liǔ tiáo jiāng shū wèi shū , róu shāo fēng。 -- míng · yuán hóng dàomǎn jǐng yóu
   yòu róu zhī nèn ; róu tiáo ( nèn zhī ); róu hóng ( róu nèn de huā ); róu ( yòu fùzhuó de zhǒng báomó ); róu rěn ( cǎo zhī róu rèn ); róu sāng ( nèn sāng ); róu zhì ( yòu nèn )
   róu ruǎn [lithe;soft;flexible;supple]
   shēn guī , róu cháng cùn chóu qiān 。 -- qīng zhàodiǎn jiàng chún
   yòu róu huá ( róu ); róu ráng ( róu ruǎn de ráng cǎo ); róu nuǎn ( róu ruǎn wēn nuǎn ); róu ( róu ruǎn fēng mǎn ); róu dùn ( róu ruǎn 'ér fēng ); róu cuì ( róu ruǎn de máo ); róu ( róu ruǎn de )
   róu ; wēn [mild;gentle]
   róu ér 。 --《 shū · gāo táo 》。 zhèng zhù xìng xíng róu 。”
   róu ér zhèng。 --《 · yuèjì
   shēng róu 。 --《 shǐ · shū
   rán róu fēng gān nǎi zhì。 --《 guǎn · shí
   shì piān dǎng , róu ér jiān。 --《 shì chūn qiū · shì róng
   róu wēn zhī。 --《 · nèi
   yòu róu jǐn ( wēn gōng jǐn ); róu huǎn ( wēn kuān hòu ); róu diào ( wēn tiáozhì ); róu yuàn ( wēn shí ); róu ( wēn rén ); róu ( wēn wén ); róu huáng ( nèn huáng ); róu liáng ( róu shùn shàn liáng ); róu míng ( róu shùn 'ér cōng míng ); róu ( róu shùn ); róu ( róu shùn 'ér zhí yán ); róu qiān ( róu qiān xùn ); róu jiā ( róu měi shàn ); róu ( róu ); róu rén ( róu 'ér rén ); róu xīn ( xìng qíng róu ); róu jiān ( biǎo miàn róu 'ér nèi xīn jiān zhà ); róu ( zhì róu de rén )
   wēn róu [gentleandsoft]
   róu qíng chuò tài , mèi yán。 -- cáo zhíluò shén
   yòu róu mèi jiāo qiào ( wēn róu shùn , mèi qiào ); róu wǎn ( wēn róu ); róu xián ( wēn róuxián shū ); róu é ( wēn róu de měi ); róu shàn ( xìng wēn róu de shàn liáng zhī rén ); róu qíng xiá ( wēn róu de qíng tài , xiá de xìng ); róu shū ( wēn róu xián shū ); róu è ( wài wēn róu nèi xīn 'è liè de rén ); róu huì ( wēn shùn róu ); róu ( wēn shùn xùn ); róu shèn ( wēn shùn jǐn shèn ); róu ( xùn shùn )
   ruǎn ruò ; róu ruò [weak;delicate]
   zǎo jiàn 'ér xīn róu nuò。 --《 hán fēi · wáng zhēng
   yòu róu ruò ( róu ruò de shēn ); róu màn ( róu ruò de téng màn ); róu ( róu ruò wěimǐ ); róu jīn cuì ( róu ruò de jīn ); róu ( róu ruò de zhī tiáo ); róu cuì ( róu ruò , ruǎn ruò ); róu ráo ( róu ruò miáo tiáo )
   róu měi [gentleandbeautiful]。 róu yán ( jiāo róu xiù ); róu yàn ( róu měi de huā ); róu xiān ( róu měi xiān qiǎo ); róu yán ( róu nèn de róng yán ); róu qíng chuò tài ( róu měi de qíng tài ); róu xiāng ( rén zhī jìng ); róu ( róu měi de shǒu )
   ān huò píng , yóu tōng guò ràng [placate]
   róu yuǎn néng 'ěr。 --《 shū · shùn diǎn
   huái róu bǎi shén。 --《 shī · zhōu sòng · shí mài
   yòu róu yuǎn ( ān yuǎn rén huò yuǎn fāng bāng guó ); róu yuǎn néng 'ěr ( huái róu yuǎn fāng , yōu jìn ); róu ruǎn suí huái ( ān wài fāng guī shùn zhě ); róu yuǎn zhèn 'ěr ( ān yuǎn fāng , ān dìng nèi )
   tōng guò jiā gōng shǐ biàn ruǎn [soften]
   róu ròu。 --《 · nèi
   yòu róu ; róu róng ( róng huà shǐ róu ruǎn )
   rùn [moisten;lubricate]
   zhù róng néng zhāo xiǎn tiān zhī guāng míng , shēng róu jiā cái zhě 。 --《 guó · zhèng
   jiàn zhě , róu 。 --《 huái nán · shuō shān
   líng zhī shèng zhī , suì yīn róu 。 -- nán cháo · liáng · jiāng yānyíng sòng shén shēng
   tōng róu”。 chē lún de wài zhōu [outerrim]
   chuí chē róu 。 --《 yán tiě lùn · sàn
   hàn dài hóu guó míng [roustate]。 zhì suǒ zài jīn shān dōng shěng lín jìng nèi
   róu cháng
  [tenderheart] wēn róu de xīn cháng , duō zhǐ chán mián de qíng
   róu cháng bǎi zhé
   róu cháng cùn duàn
   róu cháng bǎi jié
  róucháng bǎijié
  [deeplysorrowed] róu de xīn cháng liǎo shù de jiéxíng róng zhǒng zhǒng chóu jié xīn zhōng
   róu cháng cùn duàn
  róucháng- cùnduàn
  [brokenhearted] róu de xīn cháng cùn cùn duàn shāng xīn zhī
   xiān zhī wáng , qiè róu cháng cùn duàn。 -- qīng · shā zhāng báizài lái shī chèn
   róu cháng
  [softandlong] ruǎn 'ér cháng
   róu cháng de liǔ
   róu dào
  [softapproach] yuán běn de xiàng yùn dòngèr rén shǒu xiāng , lèi shuāi jiāo
   róu guāng
  [sheen] zhǒng róu decháng dài cǎi hóng huò jīn shǔ de shǎn guāng , jiē jìn guāng xué shàng de fǎn shè dàn hái chā diǎn diǎn ; biǎo miàn de guāng ( kuàng shí de miàn de huò 'àn hēi máo de guāng )
  [soft;gentle;mild] róu ruǎn , wēn
   róu de guāng xiàn
   xìng qíng róu
   róu huá
  [softandsmooth] róu ruǎn rùn huá
   róu huá de
   róu jìng
  [gentleandquiet] wēn róu ér níng jìng
  ( xuě lián ) jié bái jīng yíng , róu jìng duō 。 --《 tiān shān jǐng
  [softandbeautiful] wēn róu měi
   zuò pǐn yòu de xìng róu zhī měi zài xīn zhōng biàn huà wéi tòu guò chūn de chéng huáng dēng guāng
  [softenhempinwater] pào zài shuǐ , shǐ biàn ruǎn
   róu máo
  [lithehair] ruǎn de máo
   róu měi
  [gentleandbeautiful] róu měi hǎo
   róu měi de chàng qiāng
   xìng yòu de róu měi
   róu mèi
  [begentleandlovely]∶ róu 'ài
   róu mèi de wǎn xiá
  [meek]∶ wēn róu shùn , tǎo rén huān
   róu nèn
  [tender] zhì róu xiān nèn
   róu nèn de yòu
   róu néng zhì gāng
  [gentlenesscanovercomestength] róu gāng , wèi róu ruò de shǒu duàn zài dìng tiáo jiàn xià zhì gāng qiáng zhě
   huáng shí gōng yuē róu néng zhì gāng , ruò néng zhì qiáng róu zhě , gāng zhě zéi , ruò zhě rén zhī zhù , qiáng zhě yuàn zhī guī 。” --《 hòu hàn shū · chén jùn chuán
  [softandsmooth] róu ruǎn
   róu qíng
  [tenderfeelings] wēn róu de gǎn qíng
   róu rèn
  [pliant] róu ruǎn 'ér jiān rèn
   yòng róu rèn de cái liào
   xiǎo róu rèn de huà shù suí fēng yáo
   róu gāng
  róurú- gāngtǔ
  [deceivethegoodandafraidofevil]《 shī · rén yòu yán róu zhī , gāng zhīwéi zhòng shān , róu , gāng ; guānguǎ , wèi qiáng 。” kǒng yíng shū jiàn qián guǎ ruò zhě qīn zhī , qiáng shèng zhě wèi zhī。” hòu róu gāng ruò qiáng , ruǎn yìng zuò gāng róu
   róu ruǎn
  [soft;lithe]∶ ruǎnhuo ; jiān yìng
   róu ruǎn de diàn
   róu ruǎn de cāo
  [supple]∶ [ zhì ] zhì róu rèn róu shùn
   zhì róu ruǎn de
   róu rùn
  [tenderandsmooth] róu róu rùn
   róu rùn
   róu ruò
  [delicate]∶ cháng zhǐ ruò , gǎn láo de ; bìng de ( shēn róu ruò )
  [frail]∶ róng shòu bìng huò zāi huò yǐng xiǎng de
   róu shù
  [jujitsu] běn de zhǒng yòng jìn xíng wèi de qiǎo ( quán shù huò shuāi jiāo shù ), zài hěn chéng shàng shì yòng duì shǒu de liàng zhòng liàng de yuán shǐ duì fāng shī bài huò shòu shāng
   róu shùn
  [gentleandagreeable;meek] wēn róu shùn ; wēn shùn
   jīn huā shǔ shí fēn róu shùn
  [(ofwomen'shands)slender;whiteandtender;women'shands] zhí chū shēng de jiù shí duō yòng lái róu nèn jié bái de shǒu , jiè zhǐ de shǒu
   shǒu róu 。 --《 shī · wèi fēng · shuò rén
   róu wǎn
  [gentleandsweet] róu shùn wǎn zhuǎn
   róu wǎn de yín chàng lìng rén zhǎng
   róu xìng
  [suppleness] róu ruǎn de huò wān de xìng zhì
   róu xìng chǔlǐ
  [squid] qiāng zéi , duō shí wàn tóu lèi zhōng de rèn zhǒng , diǎn xíng de yòu cháng 'ér zhú jiàn biàn zhǎi de shēn liǎng de wěi
  róu  ri ˊ
   zhí chū shēng 'ér nènchū shēng nèn bái nèn de shǒu)。
   ruǎn yìngruǎn。~ rèn。~ nèn。~ huá
   ruǎn ruò gāngxiāng duìnuò。~ ruògāngxiāng
   wēn shùn。~ 。~ màn róu mèi)。~ qíng
   zhèng xsmf, u67d4, gbkc8e1
   huà shù 9, shǒu shùn biān hào 545231234

  Sophie rou
  Radical Radical Wood 04 total strokes 09 strokes
  flexible; gentle; mild; soft; soften; supple; yielding;
  (Phonetic. From wood, spear sound. The original meaning of trees can be curved to straight)
  With the original meaning [supple; soft]
  Soft, wood is also right and wrong. - "Said Wen." Qu Duan where wood may direct, may direct song, said soft. "
  EBARA stained soft wood. - "Poetry Xiaoya small Bian"
  Another example is the soft wood (soft and tough wood)
  Weak; tender [tender]
  Soft, weak also. - "Guang Ya"
  Yuan Sang soft demand. - "Poetry Bin July"
  Wei also soft stop. - "Poetry Xiaoya adopt micro"
  Weak persons, students of the believers also. - "Said park Jingshen"
  Weak persons, Road to also. - "Huai Tao"
  Shu Shu will not wicker, soft tip cloak. - Ming dao "Man Travels Well"
  Another example is the soft branch leaves; soft section (shoot); soft red (soft flowers); soft die of hunger (bud attached to the seed film); soft EBARA (grass leaves flexibility); soft mulberry (tender mulberry leaves); soft juvenile (young)
  Soft [lithe; soft; flexible; supple]
  Purdah lonely, unhappy thousand Rouchang inch strand. - Zhao "point Crimson lips"
  Another example is the smooth as weed (physique); soft Rang (Rang soft grass); Rounuan (soft and warm); soft delicious (soft and plump); soft blunt (soft and not sharp); soft vellus (soft fur); soft leather (soft leather)
  Soft; mild [mild; gentle]
  Sophie standing. - "Book of Gao Yao mo." Zheng Note sexual activity and compliance. "
  Soft and positive. - "Book of Music"
  The sound and the soft. - "Records of the Historian Fun Book"
  What, then even the breeze blow Kam Yu. - "Pipe seasons"
  Who is not impartial party, soft and strong. - "Lu Shi Yung"
  Rouse to Wen. - "In the Book of Rites"
  Another example is soft like (mild respectful); Rouhuan (mild generous); soft tone (gently modulating); Sophie May (mild and simple); soft kind (gentle kindness); soft Ya (mild gentle); soft yellow (yellow) ; Sophie Leung (good supple); soft Ming (supple and intelligent); soft, supple (supple bridge); Sophie Lane (supple without respect); soft Qian (soft humility); Roujia (soft goodness); soft female ( soft); soft kernels (soft kind); tenderness (soft temper); soft rape (inner surface of soft and treacherous); soft gas (temperament gentle people)
  Gentle [gentle and soft]
  Tenderness Chuo state, mei language. - Cao Zhi, "Goddess"
  Another example is the tender and gentle (soft rolls, charming and pretty); soften (soft); soft free (gentle, Xian Shu); soft E (gentle beauty); Roushan (kind and gentle character of the person); tenderness chivalrous ( gentle modality, chivalrous character); Sophie Shu (gentle); soft evil (outside like soft inner bad people); soft benefits (gentle soft); flexible learning (tame); Sophie Shen (gentle care); soft Xu (tame)
  Weak; weak [weak; delicate]
  See the heart of soft cowardly flea. - "Han Fei death sign"
  Again Skin weak body (soft body); soft Man (weak vines); soft extravagant (weak dejected); Roujin OI (weak bones); soft Ke (weak branches); Roucui (weak, weak) ; soft radial (weak slim)
  Soft [gentle and beautiful]. Such as the soft yin (feminine beauty); soft Yan (soft flowers); soft fiber (soft and delicate); Sophie Ngan (soft face); tenderness Chuo state (soft modal); soft township (and woman charming environment); soft grip (soft hands)
  To appease or pacify, especially by concessions [placate]
  Rou Yuan to Wani. - "Shun Code Book"
  Huairou hundred God. - "When Mai Zhou Song Poems"
  Another example Rou Yuan (or far away to appease Fang Bangguo); Rou Yuan to Er (Huairou far, the special care of near-Earth); soft Cherishing (to appease those foreign allegiance); Rou Yuan town near (to appease the distance, stability and the Mainland)
  By processing the soft [soften]
  Soft the meat. - "In the Book of Rites"
  Another example is hemp; soft melt (melted to soft)
  Moist [moisten; lubricate]
  Vulcan was also Zhao light of heaven and earth to students who have Roujia materials. - "Zheng Mandarin language"
  Li sword who will be the soft baffle. - "Hill said Huainanzi"
  The holy spirit of, Chak Yin-year-old Sophie. - Southern Liang Yan, "shuttle rose song of God"
  Through wheel band. "Wheel peripheral [outer rim]
  Vertebral car-free and soft. - "Salt and Iron Powder inadequate"
  Hou Han names [rou state]. Linyi, Shandong Province, where this rule in the territories
  [Tender heart] tender-hearted, more lingering affection for a woman
  Rouchang pleated
  Cut, including
  Rouchang hundred Results
  [Deeply sorrowed] soft-hearted hit numerous knot. Stagnation in the hearts of all the feeling of anxiety to describe
  Cut, including
  [Broken hearted] soft-hearted one begins to break. Analogy is extremely sad
  Late husband of the dead, I should cut, including. - Clear sand sheets of white "and then write Poetic Prophecy"
  Sophie Long
  [Soft and long] soft and long
  Stir soft long
  [Soft approach] originated in a sport in Japan. Competing two-hand, similar to wrestling
  [Sheen] a soft, often with iridescent or metallic flash, close to the optical reflection, but also almost on the point; surface gloss (such as cleavage of ore or dark shiny black feathers)
  [Soft; gentle; mild] soft, gentle
  Soft light
  Gentle disposition
  [Soft and smooth] Soft lubrication
  Smooth skin
  Static flexibility
  [Gentle and quiet] gentle and quiet
  (Saussurea) white crystal, soft static scene. - "Tianshan scene in mind"
  Sophie Li
  [Soft and beautiful] gentle and beautiful
  Unique works of fine women, Rou-Li in his mind the beauty of it turns into the orange light through the rain
  [Soften hemp in water] to Ma in the water, so soft
  [Lithe hair] hair valuables
  [Gentle and beautiful] beautiful soft
  Soft singing
  Female-specific soft
  [Be gentle and lovely]: soft sweet
  Lovely sun_set_
  [Meek]: soft rolls, pleasant
  [Tender] soft and tender texture
  Tender shoots
  Flexibility to the system just
  [Gentleness can over come stength] dealt with gently, that by means of weak under certain conditions, who can be strong and uniform
  Yellowstone Hutchison said the system can be just soft, and the weak strong. Sophie who is also Germany, who had just thieves, but also help the weak benevolence, the strong resentment of the return also. "-" Han Chen Jun Biography "
  [Soft and smooth] soft and delicate
  Skin Rouni
  [Tender feelings] tender feelings
  [Pliant] soft and tough
  With flexible material
  Swaying birch small flexible
  [Deceive the good and afraid of evil] "Poetry Taiga" people have made of soft is Ru, then just spit it. Victoria Zhongshan Fu, Ru is not soft, just do not spit; do not insult Jingua, defying strong Yu. "Yu Shu Kong Yingda see the invasion humiliated the Front of the few weak, strong that you avoid the fear of it." Ru soft after just spit "as a metaphor to avoid the strong bullying the weak, bully. Also spit just as soft Ru"
  [Soft; lithe]: soft; not hard
  Soft cushion
  Soft gymnastics
  [Supple]: [fabric] texture, flexibility, supple
  Soft leather
  [Tender and smooth] soft luster. Soft and moist
  Skin Smoothing
  [Delicate]: often refers to the weak, susceptible to fatigue; easy to get sick (physically weak)
  [Frail]: vulnerable to effects of disease or other disaster
  [Jujitsu], a Japanese self-defense without weapons skills (boxing or wrestling technique), to a large extent is the use of the opponent's strength and weight of the principles of failure or injury to the other side
  [Gentle and agreeable; meek] gentle rolls; docile
  Chipmunk is very supple
  [(Of women's hands) slender; white and tender; women's hands] nascent buds of plants. Old woman more than a metaphor for soft white hands, but also by a woman's hand
  Hand, such as physique. - "Poetry of Wei Shuo people"
  [Gentle and sweet] supple mildly
  Soften the singing is Fuzhang
  [Suppleness] soft or pliable nature
  Flexible processing
  [Squid] gun cuttlefish, cephalopod many ten wrist in any of the typical long, gradually narrowed with the body and tail on both sides
  róu ㄖ ㄡ
  ~ Weed plants and tender new-born (primary bud, Yu woman soft white hands.)
  Soft, not hard ~ soft. ~ Ren. ~ Tender. ~ Slip.
  Weak, and just "relative ~ cowardly. ~ Weak. Just ~ Mercy.
  Moderate ~ Shun. ~ And. ~ Man (soft feminine). ~ Love.
  Zheng code xsmf, u67d4, gbkc8e1
  9 number of strokes, radical wood, stroke order number 545231234
chén zhōng Chen focused  【 táng yùněr yóu qiē yùn】【 yùn huì】【 zhèng yùnér yóu qiē, ???? shòu píng shēng。【 shuō wén zhí 。  yòu róu zhě gāng zhī fǎn。【 · shuō guà zhī dàoyuē róu gāng。【 shū · hóng fànshěn qián gāng gāo míng róu 。【 lǎo · dào jīng fēi róu 。  yòu 'ān 。【 shū · shùn diǎn róu yuǎn néng 'ěr。  yòu 。【 zuǒ chuán · 'èr shí nián tiānchǔ zuì qiě róu zhī 。  yòu cǎo xīn shēng yuē róu 。【 shī · xiǎo wēi róu zhǐ。  yòu guó míng。【 qián hàn · zhìshǔ láng xié jùn。  zuò ????, fēi

  】 【Tang Yun Yun ear _set_ by the cut 【】 【】 【rhyme will Rhymes】 by cutting, ???? by the level tone. 【】 Wood merits of the text also says. And soft are just the opposite. Gua】 【Yi said that the Road site, said flexible and rigid. Hongfan】 【Downs just grams of the book, smart soft grams. 【I】 it not for its moral flexibility by Jesus. And secure. 【Code】 Rou Yuan Shun can book near. And service also. Zuo Xi】 【I have twenty-eight days, Chu V against himself, and the flexibility of my carry on. Said another new soft vegetation. Wei Xiao Ya】 【poem also soft stop. And country names. Geography】 【Former Han is Langya County. Popular for ????, non.
biān hào :3590 ID: 3590   zhí cóng máo shēngěr yóu qiē

  Wood is also right and wrong. From the sound of wooden spears. Ears from the cut
No. 8
  zhù jiě
  (1) ri ˊ
  (2) zhí chū shēng 'ér nèn:~ chū shēng nèn bái nèn de shǒu)。
  (3) ruǎn yìng:~ ruǎn。~ rèn。~ nèn。~ huá
  (4) ruǎn ruògāngxiāng duì:~ nuò。~ ruògāngxiāng
  (5) wēn :~ shùn。~ 。~ màn róu mèi)。~ qíng
  (6) zhèng : XSMF, U: 67D4, GBK: C8E1 : CBTS
  (7) huà shù: 9, shǒu shùn biān hào: 545231234
   cān kǎo huì
   xiáng zhù jiě
  (1)( xíng shēngcóng , máo shēngběn : shù zhí )
  (2) tóng běn [supple;soft]
   róu , zhí héng héngshuō wén》。 duàn zhù :“ fán zhě zhí , zhí zhě , yuē róu 。”
   rěn rǎn róu héng héngshī · xiǎo · xiǎo biàn
  (3) yòu : róu ( róu ruǎn 'ér yòu jiān rèn de )
  (4) róu ruò ; nèn [tender]
   róu , ruò héng héngguǎng
   yuán qiú róu sānghéng héngshī · bīn fēng · yuè
   wēi róu zhǐhéng héngshī · xiǎo · cǎi wēi
   róu ruò zhě , shēng zhī héng héngshuō yuàn · jìng shèn
   róu ruò zhě , dào zhī yào héng hénghuái nán · yuán dào
   liǔ tiáo jiāng shū wèi shū , róu shāo fēnghéng héng míng · yuán hóng dàomǎn jǐng yóu
  (5) yòu : róu zhī nèn ; róu tiáo ( nèn zhī ); róu hóng ( róu nèn de huā ); róu ( yòu fùzhuó de zhǒng báomó ); róu rěn ( cǎo zhī róu rèn ); róu sāng ( nèn sāng ); róu zhì ( yòu nèn )
  (6) róu ruǎn [lithe;soft;flexible;supple]
   shēn guī , róu cháng cùn chóu qiān héng héng qīng zhàodiǎn jiàng chún
  (7) yòu : róu huá ( róu ); róu ráng ( róu ruǎn de ráng cǎo ); róu nuǎn ( róu ruǎn wēn nuǎn ); róu ( róu ruǎn fēng mǎn ); róu dùn ( róu ruǎn 'ér fēng ); róu cuì ( róu ruǎn de máo ); róu ( róu ruǎn de )
  (8) róu ; wēn [mild;gentle]
   róu ér héng héngshū · gāo táo 》。 zhèng zhù :“ xìng xíng róu 。”
   róu ér zhènghéng héng · yuèjì
   shēng róuhéng héngshǐ · shū
   rán róu fēng gān nǎi zhìhéng héngguǎn · shí
   shì piān dǎng , róu ér jiānhéng héng shì chūn qiū · shì róng
   róu wēn zhīhéng héng · nèi
  (9) yòu : róu jǐn ( wēn gōng jǐn ); róu huǎn ( wēn kuān hòu ); róu diào ( wēn tiáozhì ); róu yuàn ( wēn shí ); róu ( wēn rén ); róu ( wēn wén ); róu huáng ( nèn huáng ); róu liáng ( róu shùn shàn liáng ); róu míng ( róu shùn 'ér cōng míng ); róu ( róu shùn ); róu ( róu shùn 'ér zhí yán ); róu qiān ( róu qiān xùn ); róu jiā ( róu měi shàn ); róu ( róu ); róu rén ( róu 'ér rén ); róu xīn ( xìng qíng róu ); róu jiān ( biǎo miàn róu 'ér nèi xīn jiān zhà ); róu ( zhì róu de rén )
  (10) wēn róu [gentleandsoft]
   róu qíng chuò tài , mèi yánhéng héng cáo zhíluò shén
  (11) yòu : róu mèi jiāo qiào ( wēn róu shùn , mèi qiào ); róu wǎn ( wēn róu ); róu xián ( wēn róuxián shū ); róu é ( wēn róu de měi ); róu shàn ( xìng wēn róu de shàn liáng zhī rén ); róu qíng xiá ( wēn róu de qíng tài , xiá de xìng ); róu shū ( wēn róu xián shū ); róu è ( wài wēn róu nèi xīn 'è liè de rén ); róu huì ( wēn shùn róu ); róu ( wēn shùn xùn ); róu shèn ( wēn shùn jǐn shèn ); róu ( xùn shùn )
  (12) ruǎn ruò ; róu ruò [weak;delicate]
   zǎo jiàn 'ér xīn róu nuòhéng hénghán fēi · wáng zhēng
  (13) yòu : róu ruò ( róu ruò de shēn ); róu màn ( róu ruò de téng màn ); róu ( róu ruò wěimǐ ); róu jīn cuì ( róu ruò de jīn ); róu ( róu ruò de zhī tiáo ); róu cuì ( róu ruò , ruǎn ruò ); róu ráo ( róu ruò miáo tiáo )
  (14) róu měi [gentleandbeautiful]。 : róu yán ( jiāo róu xiù ); róu yàn ( róu měi de huā ); róu xiān ( róu měi xiān qiǎo ); róu yán ( róu nèn de róng yán ); róu qíng chuò tài ( róu měi de qíng tài ); róu xiāng ( rén zhī jìng ); róu ( róu měi de shǒu )
   xìng biàn huà
  [ dòng
  (1) ān huò píng , yóu tōng guò ràng [placate]
   róu yuǎn néng 'ěrhéng héngshū · shùn diǎn
   huái róu bǎi shénhéng héngshī · zhōu sòng · shí mài
  (2) yòu : róu yuǎn ( ān yuǎn rén huò yuǎn fāng bāng guó ); róu yuǎn néng 'ěr ( huái róu yuǎn fāng , yōu jìn ); róu ruǎn suí huái ( ān wài fāng guī shùn zhě ); róu yuǎn zhèn 'ěr ( ān yuǎn fāng , ān dìng nèi )
  (3) tōng guò jiā gōng shǐ biàn ruǎn [soften]
   róu ròuhéng héng · nèi
  (4) yòu : róu ; róu róng ( róng huà shǐ róu ruǎn )
  (5) rùn [moisten;lubricate]
   zhù róng néng zhāo xiǎn tiān zhī guāng míng , shēng róu jiā cái zhě héng héngguó · zhèng
   jiàn zhě , róu héng hénghuái nán · shuō shān
   líng zhī shèng zhī , suì yīn róuhéng héng nán cháo · liáng · jiāng yānyíng sòng shén shēng
  [ míng
  (1) tōngróu”。 chē lún de wài zhōu [outerrim]
   chuí chē róuhéng héngyán tiě lùn · sàn
  (2) hàn dài hóu guó míng [Roustate]。 zhì suǒ zài jīn shān dōng shěng lín jìng nèi
   cháng yòng
   róu cháng
  [tenderheart] wēn róu de xīn cháng , duō zhǐ chán mián de qíng
   róu cháng bǎi zhé
   róu cháng cùn duàn
   róu cháng bǎi jié
  [deeplysorrowed] róu de xīn cháng liǎo shù de jiéxíng róng zhǒng zhǒng chóu jié xīn zhōng
   róu cháng cùn duàn
  [brokenhearted] róu de xīn cháng cùn cùn duàn shāng xīn zhī
   xiān zhī wáng , qiè róu cháng cùn duànhéng héng qīng · shā zhāng báizài lái shī chèn
   róu cháng
  [softandlong] ruǎn 'ér cháng
   róu cháng de liǔ
   róu dào
  [softapproach] yuán běn de xiàng yùn dòngèr rén shǒu xiāng , lèi shuāi jiāo
   róu guāng
  [sheen] zhǒng róu decháng dài cǎi hóng huò jīn shǔ de shǎn guāng , jiē jìn guāng xué shàng de fǎn shè dàn hái chā diǎn diǎn ; biǎo miàn de guāng ( kuàng shí de miàn de huò 'àn hēi máo de guāng )
  [soft;gentle;mild] róu ruǎn , wēn
   róu de guāng xiàn
   xìng qíng róu
   róu huá
  [softandsmooth] róu ruǎn rùn huá
   róu huá de
   róu jìng
  [gentleandquiet] wēn róu ér níng jìng
  ( xuě lián ) jié bái jīng yíng , róu jìng duō héng héngtiān shān jǐng
  [softandbeautiful] wēn róu měi
   zuò pǐn yòu de xìng róu zhī měi zài xīn zhōng biàn huà wéi tòu guò chūn de chéng huáng dēng guāng
  [softenhempinwater] pào zài shuǐ , shǐ biàn ruǎn
   róu máo
  [lithehair] ruǎn de máo
   róu měi
  [gentleandbeautiful] róu měi hǎo
   róu měi de chàng qiāng
   xìng yòu de róu měi
   róu mèi
  (1)[begentleandlovely]∶ róu 'ài
   róu mèi de wǎn xiá
  (2)[meek]∶ wēn róu shùn , tǎo rén huān
   róu nèn
  [tender] zhì róu xiān nèn
   róu nèn de yòu
   róu néng zhì gāng
  [gentlenesscanovercomestength] róu gāng , wèi róu ruò de shǒu duàn zài dìng tiáo jiàn xià zhì gāng qiáng zhě
   huáng shí gōng yuē :“ róu néng zhì gāng , ruò néng zhì qiáng róu zhě , gāng zhě zéi , ruò zhě rén zhī zhù , qiáng zhě yuàn zhī guī 。” héng hénghòu hàn shū · chén jùn chuán
  [softandsmooth] róu ruǎn
   róu qíng
  [tenderfeelings] wēn róu de gǎn qíng
   róu rèn
  [pliant] róu ruǎn 'ér jiān rèn
   yòng róu rèn de cái liào
   xiǎo róu rèn de huà shù suí fēng yáo
   róu gāng
  [deceivethegoodandafraidofevil]《 shī · 》 :“ rén yòu yán : róu zhī , gāng zhīwéi zhòng shān , róu , gāng ; guānguǎ , wèi qiáng 。” kǒng yíng shū :“ jiàn qián guǎ ruò zhě qīn zhī , qiáng shèng zhě wèi zhī。” hòu róu gāng ruò qiáng , ruǎn yìng zuò gāng róu
   róu ruǎn
  (1)[soft;lithe]∶ ruǎnhuo ; jiān yìng
   róu ruǎn de diàn
   róu ruǎn de cāo
  (2)[supple]∶ [ zhì ] zhì róu rèn róu shùn
   zhì róu ruǎn de
   róu rùn
  [tenderandsmooth] róu róu rùn
   róu rùn
   róu ruò
  (1)[delicate]∶ cháng zhǐ ruò , gǎn láo de ; bìng de ( shēn róu ruò )
  (2)[frail]∶ róng shòu bìng huò zāi huò yǐng xiǎng de
   róu shù
  [jujitsu] běn de zhǒng yòng jìn xíng wèi de qiǎo ( quán shù huò shuāi jiāo shù ), zài hěn chéng shàng shì yòng duì shǒu de liàng zhòng liàng de yuán shǐ duì fāng shī bài huò shòu shāng
   róu shùn
  [gentleandagreeable;meek] wēn róu shùn ; wēn shùn
   jīn huā shǔ shí fēn róu shùn
  [(ofwomen’ shands)slender;whiteandtender;women’ shands] zhí chū shēng de jiù shí duō yòng lái róu nèn jié bái de shǒu , jiè zhǐ de shǒu
   shǒu róu héng héngshī · wèi fēng · shuò rén
   róu wǎn
  [gentleandsweet] róu shùn wǎn zhuǎn
   róu wǎn de yín chàng lìng rén zhǎng
   róu xìng
  [suppleness] róu ruǎn de huò wān de xìng zhì
   róu xìng chǔlǐ
  [squid] qiāng zéi , duō shí wàn tóu lèi zhōng de rèn zhǒng , diǎn xíng de yòu cháng 'ér zhú jiàn biàn zhǎi de shēn liǎng de wěi
   hàn yīng
   xiāng guān
  【 zhōng shù róu róu ruǎn。《 líng shū · yōng 》:“ jiān shí shíshí zhī zhě róunǎi shí zhī zhě shēng。” róu 。《 wèn · shēng tōng tiān lùn》:“ jǐn wèi zhèng jīn róu 。” nèn。《 wèn · jiāo biàn lùn》:“ nèn cuì cǎo jiāo gǎo。” róu ruò。《 líng shū · biàn》:“ róu zhě shāng 。” zhǐ zuò yòng wēn de fāng 。《 wèn · yīn yáng yìng xiàng lùn》:“ shěn yīn yáng bié róu gāng。”
zhōng diǎn Chinese Dictionary
   róu róu   ① róu ruǎn。《 líng shū · yōng 》:“ jiān shí shíshí zhī zhě róunǎi shí zhī zhě shēng。”  ② róu 。《 wèn · shēng tōng tiān lùn》:“ jǐn wèi zhèng jīn róu 。”  ③ nèn。《 wèn · jiāo biàn lùn》:“ nèn cuì cǎo jiāo gǎo。”  ④ róu ruò。《 líng shū · biàn》:“ róu zhě shāng 。”  ⑤ zhǐ zuò yòng wēn de fāng 。《 wèn · yīn yáng yìng xiàng lùn》:“ shěn yīn yáng bié róu gāng。”
  1. v.:  soften
  2. adj.:  flexible,  gentle,  mild,  Soft,  supple,  yielding,  pliant
róu xiāng
bāo hán cí
róu ránróu wēn róuróu róu ruǎn
róu dàoróu qíngróu ruòqīng róuhuái róu
róu rènjiāo róuróu shùróu fēngróu
róu xìngróu róu wǎnróu jìngróu shùn
róu máoróu měiróu mèiróu nèn róu
xiān róuróu róu róu chángróu cháng
yōu róuróu róu rùnróu guāngróu huá
róu róu diànzhé róubāng róuxuě róu
róu róuqiū róuróu shāfán róu róu
fēng róumāo róu róuróu róu pèi
róuwáng róuqiàn róuróu sāngzhāng róu
róu shíróu jìngróu zhìróu jiāo róu
piāo róuróu róuróu zhúchén róu
tóng róuróu hànróu tángāo róukǒng róu
zhōng róuxiǎo róuquán róuxià róusòng róu
hán róuróu fēiróu méimǐn róuróu quán
róuchūn róurǎo róurén róusāng róu
shàn róuróu zhǐróu róu zhàosuān róu
wéi róuxiān róuróu róu róu xián
róu xiāngróu róu shēngróu róu xīn
róu liàngróu róu gāncéng róuróu
yán róumǐn róupáng róuróu diàoyōu róu
róuyīn róu róuqiān róuqīng róu
róu 'àiróu gāngróu róu gōngróu hàn
róu gāng róu róunìng róuróu mào
róu rènróu róu róu ráoróu nuǎn
róu qiānróu quánróu jiānróu huàróu huì
róu lánróu jiéróu mànróu bǎnróu bǎn
ruò róuróu qià róuróu shuǐ róu
bēi róuyōu róuyāo róuróu ruǎnróu ráng
róu rènróu yōngróu yíngróu yànróu yán
róu róu róu róu róu
róu xùnróu róu xiéróu róu xùn
róu xùnróu xùnyán róu róuwāng róu
wǎn róuxiān róuxùn róuxùn róuxīn róu
xié róushǒu róuróu zhìróu zhìróu
róu yuànróu róu zhōngróu zhǒngruǎn róu
róuróu yuǎnróu rángróu róu
róu róu róu míngróu mínróu
róu mànróu nìngróu róu quèróu qié