a two-part allegorical saying : Analects of Confucius : Mencius : Fire Department Word : Fire Department > 
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Simplified Chinese:  ()Traditional Chinese:  (???? )Pinyin: rán
Header: 灬火Total Strokes: 12Extra Strokes: 8
UTF-8: E7 84 B6UTF-16: 7136UTF-32: 00007136
GB 2312: 4027GB 12345: 4027Big 5: B54D
Cangjie: BKFFour Corner Code: 2333.3One word full code: ran2ruquanhuo
One word double code: raruquhuOne word single code: rrqhCharacter structure: Top (left-right)-bottom
Level of decomposition: 5Strokes: 丿????丶丶一丿㇏丶丶丶丶丶Stroke sequence: 354413444444
Stroke Description: downwards-left, turning, downwards-right, downwards-right, horizontal, downwards-left, downwards-right, downwards-right, downwards-right, downwards-right, downwards-right, downwards-rightOthers' sequence: 354413444444
Structure of components: (????(丿????)⺀(丶丶))犬(大(一人(丿㇏))丶)灬((丶丶丶)丶)
Simple Explanation
  However rán Yes, it is: this through. Not. Not. That the pair agreed to adhere to: Ran satisfied (that of the adoption.) Pledge (promise, keep its promises.) In this way, so: of course. Then. What, then. Said a voice (a. Table the decision, Utah Yan, such as "Gua Ren would like to have made natural"; b. Table match, still the general statement such as "natural as reflected in its liver lung"). For ending that state: obviously. Suddenly. Coast. Old with the "burning." Stroke: 12; radicals: 灬; stroke number: 354413444444
Detailed Explanation
  (Knowing the sound and shape. The next-shaped, rising tone. Four-point deformation of the fire. Phonetic reading yàn, is the meaning of dog meat, dog meat underneath the fire to roast. Original meaning: The Burning)
  With the original meaning. "Ran" is the "burning" burn〗 〖of the words
  However, burning also. - "Said the text"
  Folk characters as "burning"
  However, if the beginning of the fire. - "Mencius"
  Steam room steam capacity, then the next person at Yan. - "Pipe disciples job"
  However, according to the night outside the city fat. - "Three Kingdoms Liu Fu-Chuan"
  Another example: natural sea (ancient legends of the sea of oil, its water, fuel); natural fat (point grease or candle lighting); natural gray (revival); natural than (burned); natural fire (fire); then torch (lit Torch); natural fat (refers to light the torch); natural rhino (rhinoceros horn legend lit one can see the monster. to see the truth behind the transaction is contingent upon rhino); natural light (lighting)
  Understand〗 〖understand
  Sui make fire on the day of her husband, Tsz cited stone iron, crabs lost paint on Kwai village, although sensible, Funeng ran. - "Huainanzi Glance Underworld"
  Yao; shine〗 〖dazzle
  However, the eye-chi, crack Xin nose. - Yang Hyun "Zhengshi Luoyangqielanji Temple"
  That ... on; agreed to agree〗 〖
  Wide that it does. - "Historical Records Chenshe family"
  愬 ran it. - "Mirror Tang Ji"
  Another example: Ran satisfied (agreed to accept); then suspected (doubtful, hesitant); ran like (agree); then natural cacao (still stuck); then may (consent); pledge (promise, promise); then Xu (However, the letter. promise; keep his promise); then the letter (pledge, promise); then to (answer)
  〗 〖Form form
  Ying of the Ming said: no residual Hu said, the disaster will be natural. - "The Rites"
  Appropriate; the right fit〗 〖
  The so-called non-dead person, because then also the phase properties. - "Huainanzi"
  Even】 【
  But, however, but〗 〖
  Tiger〗 〖very afraid, however, as the exchanges, it feels no different from those who can afford. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "three-ring"
  However, since the meaning can not be broken off into the Qin. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji"
  Another example: Ran and (yet; Shangqie); however, such as (but)
  Though. Surely, although〗 〖. Such as: However, (though); However, although (although)
  So〗 〖thereupon
  Confucius said: "The men are dead ambition, the woman is guaranteed and the River of the blog. Wusuo cutting, but those four or five people." Duke Ling said: "Good." However, not cutting Po. - "Historical Records"
  Then; before〗 〖then. Such as: natural is the (then); then start (still then)
  Is that for under the guise of the Ran〗 〖yes.
  Of course, should be also. - "Guang Ya"
  Confucius said: Ran. - "Analects, XVII"
  Who does not invade the pledge also. - "Shi Ji Zhang Er Chen remaining Biography"
  The public see his wife said: "Within this sub-sub-evil?" Yan answered: "Of course, is also 。"--" Yan"
  Generation】 【
  So, so, so 〖so; likethat〗
  Although violence is issued, no longer quite who wheel band so ran. - "Zi Encouraging Learning"
  Hanoi fierce, the shift of its people in the east, move the corn in Hanoi; east fierce versa. - "Mencius"
  Another example: a matter of course; it is not true
  As an adjective or adverb ending that state, the "like" the meaning of
  Monster also. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "three-ring"
  Kang Su-Fen Ran said. - Song Xiu "oil peddler"
  Another example: a sudden; striking; pleased; kindly; hastily; Ran
  Modal end of the sentence for that analogy, the "... the way" means. Often associated with "if", "if" used in conjunction, the "If ... the general," "the same as the ..." means
  As the person has, as reflected in its liver then lung, then He Yiyi? - "Book of Rites"
  Modal end of the sentence for that determination or decision, the equivalent of the ancient Chinese, "Yan", "also"
  Mugong then called and asked sub-county. - "Book of Rites"
  〖Yet; however; but〗 the other hand, - said the turning point between
  Music stopped, but no one left the meeting
  However, Ruyi is not human. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Mei Man Festival"
  〖Then; afterthat〗 Shun Cheng complex sentence for the latter clause of the sentence or paragraph at the beginning, that after the occurrence of an action or situation, followed by another action occurrence or cause or circumstances, and some in front of a clause in the "first", "first" echoes
  Then the meaning of the emperor and Kang less before they can pass. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography"
  〗 〖Promise promise promise. - No matter how the expression of the future will not happen to occur or do something to ensure that
  The commoner, who, _set_ to take to the pledge, Trinidad chant meaning. - "Ranger Historical Biography"
  Commoner phase, the body assumes there is no pledge of faith. - "Biography of the Later Han Gang Shentu"
  What, then
  〗 〖Then conjunction with the beginning of the sentence, saying, "If so, then ..."
  Is also into the worries, retirement worries also, What, then when the music yeah. - Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower"
More Simple Explanation
  However, (knowing the sound and shape. The next form, rising tone. Four-point deformation of the fire. Is the meaning of dog meat, dog meat underneath the fire to roast. The original meaning of combustion) with the original meaning. However, "is burning" of the word natural, and burning also. - "Said the text" folk characters as fuel, "however, if the beginning of the fire. -" Mencius "steam room steam capacity, then the next person at Yan. -" Tube disciple level, "according to the night outside natural fat. -" San Guo Zhi Liu Fu-Chuan, "and if natural sea (ancient legends of the oil sea, the water fuel); natural fat (point grease or candle lighting); natural gray (revival); natural than (burned); natural fire (fire); then torch (light the torch); natural fat (refers to light the torch); then rhinoceros (rhinoceros horn legend light one can see the monster in order to see the truth behind the transaction is contingent ◇ rhino); natural light (lighting) to understand the make fire on the day her husband Sui, However rán ⒈ is that for that ~. ⒉ so, so that when ~. not the ~. ⒊ (that turns) But, but, but ~ and. ~ after. ⒋ (expressed into the floor), then, so ~ is. ⒌ in the ending.    state suddenly ~. was ~. Yan ~. even ~. ⒍    General "burning." burning.
More Detailed Explanation
  Then ran
  Radical Radical 灬 total strokes 12 strokes 04
  but; correct; however; like that; right; so;
  (Knowing the sound and shape. The next-shaped, rising tone. Four-point deformation of the fire. Phonetic reading yàn, is the meaning of dog meat, dog meat underneath the fire to roast. The original meaning of combustion)
  With the original meaning. However, "is burning" of the word [burn]
  However, burning also. - "Said the text"
  Folk characters as fuel "
  However, if the beginning of the fire. - "Mencius"
  Steam room steam capacity, then the next person at Yan. - "Pipe disciples job"
  However, according to the night outside the city fat. - "Three Kingdoms Liu Fu-Chuan"
  Another example is the natural sea (ancient legends of the sea of oil, its water, fuel); natural fat (point grease or candle lighting); natural gray (revival); natural than (burned); natural fire (fire); then torch (the torch lit ); natural fat (refers to light the torch); then rhinoceros (rhinoceros horn legend light one can see the monster in order to see the truth behind the transaction is contingent ◇ rhino); natural light (lighting)
  Understand [understand]
  Sui make fire on the day of her husband, Tsz cited stone iron, crabs lost paint on Kwai village, although sensible, Funeng ran. - "Huainanzi Glance Underworld"
  Yao; shine [dazzle]
  However, the eye-chi, crack Xin nose. - Yang Hyun "Zhengshi Luoyangqielanji Temple"
  That ... on; agreed to [agree]
  Wide that it does. - "Historical Records Chenshe family"
  愬 ran it. - "Mirror Tang Ji"
  Another example is then satisfied (agreed to accept); then suspected (doubtful, hesitant); ran like (agree); then natural cacao (still stuck); then may (consent); pledge (promise, promise); Ran Xu ( However the letter. promise; keep his promise); then the letter (pledge, promise); then may (answer)
  Form [form]
  Ying of the Ming Yue Wu Yue Wu residues, the disaster will be contingent. - "The Rites"
  Appropriate; right [fit]
  The so-called non-dead person, because then also the phase properties. - "Huainanzi"
  But, however, [but]
  [Tiger] is very afraid, however, as the exchanges, it feels no different from those who can afford. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "three-ring"
  However, since the meaning can not be broken off into the Qin. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji"
  Another example is the natural and the (yet; Shangqie); however, such as (but)
  Though. Surely, [although]. However, as is (though); However, although (although)
  So [thereupon]
  Confucius said its men had died of the blog, the woman is guaranteed and the River of the blog. Wusuo cutting four or five people who, however. "Ling said the public good." However, not cutting Po. - "Historical Records"
  Then; only [then]. However, as is the (then); then start (still then)
  Is that for [yes] under the guise of the Yao.
  Of course, should be also. - "Guang Ya"
  The Master said, however. - "Analects, XVII"
  Who does not invade the pledge also. - "Shi Ji Zhang Er Chen remaining Biography"
  See his wife said the public within this sub-sub-evil? "On the said Ran Yan, Yan is also 。"--""
  So, so, so [so; like that]
  Although violence is issued, no longer quite who wheel band so ran. - "Zi Encouraging Learning"
  Hanoi fierce, the shift of its people in the east, move the corn in Hanoi; east fierce versa. - "Mencius"
  Another example is a matter of course; it is not true
  As an adjective or adverb ending that state, like "the meaning of
  Monster also. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "three-ring"
  Kang Su-Fen Ran said. - Song Xiu "oil peddler"
  Another example is the sudden; striking; pleased; kindly; hastily; Ran
  Modal end of the sentence for that match, there is ... the way "means. Often associated with such as" if "used in conjunction, like ... the general," the same as the ... "means
  As the person has, as reflected in its liver then lung, then He Yiyi? - "Book of Rites"
  Modal end of the sentence for that determination or decision, the equivalent of the ancient Chinese Yan ", also"
  Mugong then called and asked sub-county. - "Book of Rites"
  rán ér
  [Yet; however; but] on the other hand - that transition between
  Music stopped, but no one left the meeting
  However, Ruyi is not human. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Mei Man Festival"
  [Then; after that] for the smooth bearing a clause complex sentence after the sentence, or a beginning of an action or situation that occurred, followed by another action occurrence or cause or circumstances, and some in front of a clause The first "first" echoes
  Then the meaning of the emperor and Kang less before they can pass. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography"
  [Promise] promise, promise. - No matter how the expression of the future will not happen to occur or do something to ensure that
  The commoner, who, _set_ to take to the pledge, Trinidad chant meaning. - "Ranger Historical Biography"
  Commoner phase, the body assumes there is no pledge of faith. - "Biography of the Later Han Gang Shentu"
  What, then
  [Then] conjunction with the beginning of the sentence, said that since the case, then ... "
  Is also into the worries, retirement worries also, What, then when the music yeah. - Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower"
  rán ㄖ ㄢ
  Yes, it's ~ not. Not ~. Do not think ~.
  That right, promised to keep ~ satisfied (that of the adopted.) ~ Promise (promise, keep its promises.)
  In this way, so when the ~. ~ Later. ~ Is.
  Said a voice (a. Table the decision, Utah Yan, such as Gua Ren would like to have made ~ "; b. Table match, still the general statement, such as lung as reflected in its liver ~").
  For the ending, said the state was ~ ■ ~. Durian ~.
  Old with the fuel. "
  Zheng code rssu, u7136, gbkc8bb
  12 number of strokes, radical 灬, stroke order number 354 413 444 444
Kangxi Dictionary
Pat-focused  〔〕 ???? Ancient Tang Yun】 【【】 【Ji Yun Yun class articles will】 【】 【】 ???? such delay is cutting rhyme, sound 䔳. Wen also said】 【burning. 【Note】 Popular Xu Xuan said, as fuel. Cover increased future generations. Mencius】 【However, if the beginning of the fire. 【】 Steam pipe free content disciples steam level, then at the next person. 【】 Old Man who said Liu Ji, Beam paid steamed that candle. Steam, fine paid also. Slightly wider the beam, making it free to the capacity of a steam distilled in order to pass anger. Also to those already living under the Weiran those living on the fire easy to also-ran. Tong Yun】 【_set_ as 䕼. Posts】 【Yu Hsu and also, in the case also. Ying expressed. Records of Zhang Er Chen Yu Chuan】 【solid Zhao Guoli this name who does not invade the pledge also. Also Guangyun】 【Language support. Li Tan Gong】 【drought years, Mugong then called and asked sub-county. 【Note】 Yan Ran words also. Also】 【Guangyun as well. Poetry Bei Feng】 【kindly willing to come. Li Tan Gong】 【hastily come. Also bearing on the take over language. Qu Li】 【ceremony and then take off. What, then He has】 【Tan Gong line almost. Wen Wang Shizi】 【all know that the parent Zi carry on, however. Ritual sacrifice and righteousness】 【people be gratified, then said: Kazuya has a son so fortunate. 【Note】 However, while still also. And indeed, animal names. 【】 Zhou Chun official towel car ran. ???? Xiu ornaments. 【Note】 However, it really has. ◎ Anpiyazuo ????. Note the word dog Department ???? details. Also Lvran, snake names. Nine grandchildren to articles】 【Shuairan who Changshan of snakes. Hit his first, then the tail to. Hit its tail, is the first to. Hit them, then the sum of all to. And even then, the county name. Geography】 【Former Han Yi-gun, even though there is yanguan. And Yan Ran, mountain name. 】 【Former Han Hun Chuan Wu Yan Ran to the speed of the evil mountain. Another name. Ran Zuo】 【Dan Chu. However, Cheng Ming. And leaves the o-cut, sound people. 【】 Qi Liu Xiang out women like mother of female Fu, anti-female Weiran, Zhuang Jiang is also material, Death to self-cultivation. Ma Rong 【Song】 East Tour calipering San Qi Bi, the more wing really good time, oak ritual bonfire by product, then the fire burnt. Research: 〔】 【steam pipe disciples idle capacity steam level, then at the next person. By Yin Yue Zhao】 【old who bundle paid steamed that the candle. Steam, fine paid also. Slightly wider the beam, making it free to the capacity of a steam distilled in order to pass anger. Also to those already living on the Weiran those living under the fire easy to also-ran. 〕 Would like to have by word by the tube frontispiece who are Liu Ji language, use of non-Zhao Yin language. Legend will be like, according to Zhao said four words was replaced by Yin Liu Ji said. Who by then living on the two lines already are living under the meaning of relieved, so that on the cover Thereby those already living under the Weiran those living on the fire easy to also-ran. Move as the context will already under sentence of the words on the word. Weiran the next sentence with the words on the word.
Explain Word
ID: 6387  Burning also. Ran from the sound of the fire. Such as the extension of cut
  (1) ㄖ ㄢ
  (2), is: ~ not. Not ~. Do not think ~.
  (3) that the pair agreed to adhere to: ~ is satisfied (that of the adoption.) ~ Promise (promise, keep its promises.)
  (4) Classical multi translated: like, such as the mammoth, the great look.
  (5) so that: when ~. ~ Later. ~ Is.
  (6) that a tone (a. table the decision, Utah Yan, such as "Gua Ren would like to have words ~"; b. Table match, still the general statement such as "as reflected in its lung liver ~").
  (7) for the ending, that that is "the way ~": was ~. Suddenly ~. Durian ~.
  (8) Ancient with the "burning."
  (9) Zheng code: RSSU, U: 7136, GBK: C8BB
  (10) stroke: 12, Radical: 灬, stroke number: 354413444444
Translated by Google
Then [action]
  (1) (knowing and shape the sound. The next form, rising tone. Four points are the deformation of the fire. Phonetic reading yàn, is the meaning of dog meat, dog meat underneath the fire to roast. Original meaning: The Burning)
  (2) with the original meaning. "Ran" is the "burning" of the word [burn]
  However, burning also. - "Said the text"
  (3) folk characters as "burning"
  However, if the beginning of the fire. - "Mencius"
  Steam room steam capacity, then the next person at Yan. - "Pipe disciples job"
  However, according to the night outside the city fat. - "Three Kingdoms Liu Fu-Chuan"
  (4) Another example: natural sea (ancient legends of the sea of ​​oil, its water, fuel); natural fat (point grease or candle lighting); natural gray (revival); natural than (burned); natural fire (fire); then torch (light the torch); natural fat (refers to light the torch); then rhinoceros (rhinoceros horn legend light one can see the monster. to see the truth behind the transaction is contingent upon rhino); natural light (lighting)
  (5) understand [understand]
  Sui make fire on the day of her husband, Tsz cited stone iron, crabs lost paint on Kwai village, although sensible, Funeng ran. - "Huainanzi Glance Underworld"
  (6) Yao; light [dazzle]
  However, the eye-chi, crack Xin nose. - Yang Hyun "Zhengshi Luoyangqielanji Temple"
  (7) that ... on; agreed to [agree]
  Wide that it does. - "Historical Records Chenshe family"
  愬 ran it. - "Mirror Tang Ji"
  (8) Another example: Ran satisfied (agreed to accept); then suspected (doubtful, hesitant); ran like (agree); then natural cacao (still stuck); then may (consent); pledge (promise, promise) ; Ran Xu (contingent letter. promise; keep his promise); then the letter (pledge, promise); then to (answer)
  (9) to form [form]
  Ying of the Ming said: no residual Hu said, the disaster will be natural. - "The Rites"
  (10) should be; fit [fit]
  The so-called non-dead person, because then also the phase properties. - "Huainanzi"
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However, [with]
  (1) but, however [but]
  [Tiger] is very afraid, however, as the exchanges, it feels no different from those who can afford. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "three-ring"
  However, since the meaning can not be broken off into the Qin. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji"
  (2) Another example: Ran and (yet; Shangqie); however, such as (but)
  (3) though. Surely, [although]. Such as: However, (though); However, although (although)
  (4) then [thereupon]
  Confucius said: "The men are dead ambition, the woman is guaranteed and the River of the blog. Wusuo cutting, but those four or five people." Duke Ling said: "Good." However, not cutting Po. - "Historical Records"
  (5) then; before [then]. Such as: natural is the (then); then start (still then)
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However, [form]
  Is that for [yes] under the guise of the Ran.
  Of course, should be also. - "Guang Ya"
  Confucius said: Ran. - "Analects, XVII"
  Who does not invade the pledge also. - "Shi Ji Zhang Er Chen remaining Biography"
  The public see his wife said: "Within this sub-sub-evil?" Yan answered: "Of course, is also 。"--" Yan"
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However, [generation]
  (1), so, so, so [so; like that]
  Although violence is issued, no longer quite who wheel band so ran. - "Zi Encouraging Learning"
  Hanoi fierce, the shift of its people in the east, move the corn in Hanoi; east fierce versa. - "Mencius"
  (2) Another example: a matter of course; it is not true
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However, [help]
  (1) as an adjective or adverb ending that state, the "like" the meaning of
  Monster also. - Tangliu Zong Yuan "three-ring"
  Kang Su-Fen Ran said. - Song Xiu "oil peddler"
  (2) Another example: a sudden; striking; pleased; kindly; hastily; Ran
  (3) as a sentence, Modal, that analogy, the "... the way" means. Often associated with "if", "if" used in conjunction, the "If ... the general," "the same as the ..." means
  As the person has, as reflected in its liver then lung, then He Yiyi? - "Book of Rites"
  (4) as a sentence Modal, that determination or decision, the equivalent of the ancient Chinese, "Yan", "also"
  Mugong then called and asked sub-county. - "Book of Rites"
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However, [name]
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  [Yet; however; but] on the other hand - that transition between
  Music stopped, but no one left the meeting
  However, Ruyi is not human. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Mei Man Festival"
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  [Then; after that] for the smooth bearing a clause complex sentence after the sentence, or a beginning of an action or situation that occurred, followed by another action occurrence or cause or circumstances, and some in front of a clause The "first", "first" echoes
  Then the meaning of the emperor and Kang less before they can pass. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography"
Translated by Google
  [Promise] promise, promise. - No matter how the expression of the future will not happen to occur or do something to ensure that
  The commoner, who, _set_ to take to the pledge, Trinidad chant meaning. - "Ranger Historical Biography"
  Commoner phase, the body assumes there is no pledge of faith. - "Biography of the Later Han Gang Shentu"
Translated by Google
What, then
  [Then] conjunction with the beginning of the sentence, saying, "If so, then ..."
  Is also into the worries, retirement worries also, What, then when the music yeah. - Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower"
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English Expression
  1. n.: v. pledge
  2. v.: n. promise
  3. adj.:  correct,  right
  4. adv.:  like that,  so,  thus,  like this,  certainly
  5. int.:  yes
  6. conj.:  but,  however,  nevertheless
  7. suff.:  -ly
Containing Phrases
Rourancasualnessartlessnessdazewell and in good shapesavageness
suddenlyhappy and carefreeneverthelessconsequentialnessnot soinasmuch
apparentlyasideDefinitelychange quickly and completelyin general audiencedecidedly
leisurelinessafterwardin a dazedelectationhave no misgivingaplomb
sorrowfulimpressivelyloftilygentlein commotionalive
indeedsuddenlyin terrorwith consternationrushedsuddenly
definitelyquietdulltearfullyfarmelt away
accidiecompletelysuddenlyin vainneatly arrangedupset; disappointed
beamingagitatedlysuddenlyto understand clearlyunnecessarilynotwithstanding
admittedlyaflamedespondentsorrowfullyslamtowering; lofty
(usu.of tears)fallstunnedScreechingyanranweiranlinran
huoranMoranhuoranhanranXi Rankeran
feirangarananranwith a sudden shockdetachmentsoughing
agreeablysilence reighsneverthelesstake preventive measureshave already become a factprofusely
impressivelydefinitelyobviousfeel relievedbe struck dumb with amazement; gasping with astonishmentlikelihood
complete; absolutecompletelyrashlyrelaxedunshakableflourishing
in angeroutstandingtowering; majesticfirmly(of a mountain) high and pointedappear vividly
wildopen and quietigorantmightycompletely or fully this wayturbulent
thendejectedunperturbedmerry and livelypromisesuddenly
clangwith deep feelingthudchange quickly and completelysheer3 then
demonstrablyfeel safestartledsuddenlyroarwith a loud crash
angrystill; calmsuddenlykindlyas ifwithout a worry in the owrd
suddenlyas the bird spreads its wingscalmspontaneouslyworryingunhappy
fearful and vigilantunderstand wellwakeful appearancebe angryshowing a sudden change of expressionrespectfully
raise-highharmonious and happybangcoldmarkedly differentin all ages
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