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Simplified Chinese:  ()Traditional Chinese:  ( )Pinyin: fēn, fèn, fén, bàn
Header: Total Strokes: 4Extra Strokes: 2
UTF-8: E5 88 86UTF-16: 5206UTF-32: 00005206
GB 2312: 2354GB 12345: 2354Big 5: A4C0
Cangjie: CSHFour Corner Code: 8022.7One word full code: fen1badao
One word double code: febadaOne word single code: fbdCharacter structure: Top-(middle)-bottom
Level of decomposition: 3Strokes: 丿㇏????丿Stroke sequence: 3453
Stroke Description: downwards-left, downwards-right, turning, downwards-leftOthers' sequence: 3453
Structure of components: 八(丿㇏)刀(????丿)
Simple Explanation
Sub differences, to identify ~ discernible. District ~. ~ Do not. grains do not ~. ~ clear enemy. ⒉ to, with the deployment of ~ to. ~ enjoy. ~ with work. ~ to send the task. ⒊ a portion from the whole , institutions have divided into twenty thousand dollars under her ~. ~ will. ~ line. ⒋ ①】 【wait and bottom line results or do not know ~ dawn. ② clearly understand what you ask a ~ dawn. ③ ~ Xiao reason this is not the case. ⒌ 【】 ① clearly distinct functions ~ out. ② ~ tomorrow is her obvious lie. ⒍ 【】 ① differentiation evolved into a variety of things, things, or the nature of the development of the same things as the nature of different things, "he" of the word ~ as "he" "she," "it." polarization ~ of. ② ~ of the collapse of the enemy to divide. ⒎】 【analysis of the objects, phenomena, concepts broken down into simple parts, to find out its essence, attributes or ~ Analysis of factors related to the pros and cons. ~ Analysis Laboratory. ⒏】 【measured words, the appropriate standard or limit things to do this should be ~-inch. ⒐】 【distinction by the scope, boundaries. ⒑ 【Score】 ① percentage of 90% (one hundred Ninety per). ② divisor formula, draw a horizontal line, online is the dividend is called "elements", line division called the "denominator" 3 / 5 (three fifths). 【】 and molecular of an object into the original nature of the smallest particles without losing. If a water ~ son, including two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. "elements" see "points ⒍". ⒒ Unit Name ① municipal system length, ten ~ to one inch. ② municipal system the plot of ten ~ to an acre. ③ weight of the municipal system, ten ~ for the money. ④ time, sixty ~ for one hour. ⑤ angle, circumference, and sixty ~ as once. ⑥ currency, ten ~ to the corner. ⑦ interest rates by one per cent monthly interest calculated a ~, a ~ Facilitation calculated by one-tenth. ⑧ results, as the number of math 98 ~. IX ~ harvest. ⒓ 【】 ① a decomposition compounds are divided into two or more elements or compounds. ② mediate, resolve disputes ~ solution. Easy ~ solution. ③ elaborate, detailed classification see the next time ~ solution. sub fèn ⒈ fame, terms of the scope of name ~. level ~. ~ in the matter. ⒉ limit is none other than ~. ⒊ composition of water ~. salt ~. ⒋ relationship or feelings of love ~. ⒌】 【exceptionally special, extra ~ outside Johnson. ~ outside of work. ⒍】 【molecular elements. belong to a certain class, class, group or person has some characteristics of knowledge ~ son. advanced ~ son. "elements" see "i sub ⒑ 【Score】."
Detailed Explanation
Sub-fen Radical Radical knife 02 total strokes 04 strokes Points cent; centavo; centimo; chon; dispart; marking; minute; rappen; Together; total; , 1 fēn (1) (Knowing. From eight, from the knife. Eight "is the point; from the knife", is a knife split, thus making the separation means. The original meaning into two) (2) With the original meaning. Separated into, the separation of, and cooperation "relative [divide; separate] Points, do not have. - "Said the text" Death zoning. - "The Book of Rites order" What, then why points? - "Propriety of" The Qi points, mailer and inadequate. - "Xunzi Zhong Nepal" Three all bad, can not be identified. The meat soup is divided burial. - Jin Gan Bao "Immortals" River and one for the South River Hukou points. - Lu Song "over Xiaogushan Dagushan" Wenguanwujiang ... two lines into the room. - "Three Kingdoms" (3) Another example is the analysis and synthesis (separate and combined); subdivision (division of land; Packet land); partitioned (separated, interval); sub-foci (separation of the live) (4) Identify, differentiate [distinguish] The journey, who for Master! - "Analects XVIII," To have, whatever the outcome, regardless of what is to you! - Yuan Guan Hanqing "Snow in Midsummer" (5) Another example is the sub must (difference; separated); division (distinction; division); Differentiation (distinction; difference); sub-years (age difference) (6) Distributed to, distribution [distribute; assign; allot] Fed and clothed and safe, Fugan professionals also, will be to point people. - "Zuo Zhuang Years" The officers and officials split carry on. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary" (7) Another example is the point with (divided); points Mao cracked soil (Packet nobility of ancient emperor, press the fief with the direction of earth to give a glimpse of who Imperata package) (8) Left; farewell [part; leave] The hand lane to go, their home also. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife" (9) Another example Fenmei (breaking up, separation); points North (separation); points first (separation); sub violation (separated. Parting) (10) Distribution, a person appointed to a position up or a particular office [assign]. Such as sub-tasks; sub-working (11) Dispersion [disperse] Times the points, the enemy is able to fight it. - "Grandson seek to attack" (12) Another example is the sub-loss (dispersion, reduced); sub-Phi (loose; distributed) (13) Separated by half the ... [halve] When the North-South score in the ancient Great Wall. - Qing Yao Nai, "Goldenthal Mountain in mind" Since the non-kiosk midnight hours, but not Xi months. - Li Tao Yuan, "Three Gorges" (14) Another example is the boundaries of brand (yang, respectively, and the underworld (birth and death) of the landmark); sub-ink (carved in ink. Equivalent to the design of the center line) (15) Resolve, reconcile contradictions [mediate] Uncertain world, the two tigers Andhra Sidou, today I per carry. - "Han" (16) Sharing a common commitment to [enter into] Keep the city has been divided. - Qing Shao-heng, "Yan Code History Biography" (17) Another example is divided over (sharing negligence, fault); points slander (defamation shared by others) Points fēn (1) That fraction [fraction]. If one-third; four-fifths (2) Counts one-tenth of [one tenth]. If dB; his achievements (3) Section designate names [equinox]. Such as the vernal equinox; Autumnal Equinox Points fēn (1) Unit of time equal to 1 / 60 hours, or 60 seconds [minute] (2) Angle measurement, equal to 1 / 60 or 60 seconds [minute] (3) Unit of length, one-tenth inch [1 / 3 centimetre] Inclusive of about eight and strange boat. - Ming Wei Yi School "nuclear Zhou Ji" (4) Value of the currency unit of a particular unit of one per cent [cent] (5) With numbers indicate the quality level [score] (such as the level of animals or butter); often divided into the highest levels of 100 and in accordance with certain provisions of the program, an important feature for some specified (eg, shape, fur situation, flavor, etc. ) distribution of scores, total score exactly 100 points Points fēn (1) Separately; were [respectively; separately] Any of my points with a single step. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography" Baylor and it will be slightly contingents southeast counties. - Qing Shao-heng, "Yan Code History Biography" (2) Again split (respectively _set_); sub-system (Command, respectively); sub-palm (in charge); sub-rule (respectively governance) Points fēn
(1) Separation of the (partial) [branch]. Such as branches; semicolon; branch; score card (sub station) (2) Fun Pass. "Chaotic, miscellaneous [disorderly] Sub-division of its congregation, who lost both Mountain, will it be death, death of the road also. - "Tube potential" (3) Another example is the wrong points (chaotic jumbled) See fèn Decibel fēnbèi (1) [Decibel] (2) [Telecommunications] (1): that two kinds of power or a ratio of sound power unit, which is equal to power ratio of 10 times the common logarithm - abbreviated as db (2): that two kinds of voltage or current value, or similar volume (such as sound pressure or particle velocity) of a ratio, equal to the voltage or current ratio of 20 times the common logarithm, if the two voltage or current is measured in the same resistor then (3) Measuring the relative loudness of a sound unit, approximately equal to the human ear can generally be perceived loudness difference between the minimum value; human ear can detect differences in the range of loudness, about including the most weak and begin to be heard this is 1 on the scale The 130 dB Disintegrate fēnbēng-líxī [Break up; come apart; fall to pieces] apart, described the country, the disintegration of the Group and other State can not keep falling apart too. - "The Analects of Confucius Jishi" Resolution fēnbiàn (1) [Differentiate; distinguish]: to identify distinguishing Can not distinguish the difference between right and wrong World also! Only together to distinguish voicing can be confused Pirates of the plantar Zensheng Yan Yuan? - Yuan Guan Hanqing "Snow in Midsummer" (2) [Exculpate]: Poubai [person] is not the alleged fault or guilt Focus on countries to distinguish the fire caused no special responsibility for the disaster Differentiate fēnbiàn [Defend oneself against a charge] to eliminate misunderstanding, to exculpate the accused No need to differentiate Were fēnbié [Difference] between different No different Were fēnbié (1) [Leave each other]: separation Were met less than a year after (2) [Distinguish]: to identify Primary and secondary, respectively, Deciduous tree first, not complex, respectively, taking the number of scan bucket return. - San Guowei Handan Chun "Humor" Were fēnbié (1) [Separately]: each; individual They should be treated separately (2) [Respectively]: separately, each, not together, not together President and the Secretary-General met with him respectively, Guard forces were divided fēnbīng-bǎshǒu [Divide up one's forces for defence]: dispersion forces, defensive everywhere Distribution fēnbō (1) [Allot]: carved out of allocated; transfer; allocation Reasonable allocation of funds (2) [Apportion]: distribution Allocation of substantial human assault bridge construction (3) [Group]: children were divided into several call Allocation of labor Distribution fēnbù [Be distributed (over an area) be dispersed; be scattered] refers to a certain region or area distribution Distribution of all factories in the city Reported that the distribution of copper in such rocks Dining fēncān [Separately eat by dishes] diners were eating their way to a dinner dishes. With the _set_ meal of "relative Volume fēncè [Fascicle; a separately published part of a book] in several parts of a book published in one volume Bifurcation fēnchà (1) [Fork]: that at a particular point or the match into or develop into something as a fork or branch (2) [Zigzag]: A chevron, z-shaped or winding roads or fence Railway bifurcation (3) [Ramification]: See branch " Bifurcation fēnchà [Branch out] can be compared for the branches of trees grow out of any development or material, but also to be compared to the main fork of a tree growths split Into fēnchéng (1) [Divide into]: money and goods according to the percentage proportion Panax into (2) [Break into]: into smaller units, parts or processes Divided into numerous small bands (or small band) Segmentation fēncí [Participle] verbs and adjectives with the words between the two features; especially to-ing or-ed,-d,-t,-en or-n at the end of the English adjectives, verbs, adjectives function with the same time the performance of a variety of verb characteristic, such as tense, voice, band performance and the language of the modifier with the performance of the predicate Measured fēncùn [Proper limits for speech or action; sense of propriety] speak or do things that the appropriate standard or limit Not measured Measured do not speak Share fēndān (1) [Share; share responsibility for]: the burden, respectively; responsible for part of the Risk-sharing (2) [Fare and share alike]: shared responsibility Housework Sub-file fēndàng [Classify the files] separate grade Folk Songs of fresh air "concert by a man to break the traditional methods of file own choice ... -" Wen Wei Po " Split fēndào-yángbiāo (1) [Separate and go different ways] Yang Biao rode forward (2) Refers to the line shunt (3) Different purposes and were compared inclination to act Branch fēndiàn [Branch store] under the main store of its kind outside the shop Section fēnduàn (1) [Fragmenting]: the article is divided into different parts (2) [Section]: in the textile preparation (such as warping, yarn volume, sizing) in the various parts of the warp into Unit fēnduì (1) [Detatchment; gang]: under the command of the same work or group of people who perform the same task Immigrants were divided into units in the forest, mining, or the fields of labor (2) [Platoon]: Army battalion formed unit and its equivalent units collectively Divide and rule fēn érzhìzhī [Divide and rule] to be separated for treatment, punishment, etc. Distribution fēnfā (1) [Distribute; hand out; issue] (2) Sent one by one Distribution of prizes Distribution of fruit to the picnic people Distributed according to the procedure prescribed (3) Refers to personnel assigned to work units; distribution They distribute the work in Yunnan Split up the spoils fēnféi [Share out ill-gotten gains; divide booty] points to take interest. Multi-finger rake (usually illegitimate) If the illegal salt into himself, or with the labor split up the spoils ... dollars stolen punishment. - "Code examples will be clear" Packet fēnfēng [Subinfeudate grainting of titles; territories, slaves to the nobility; enfeoffment] king Monkey REGION Dispatched fēnfù [Leave for different destinations] run to different places Dispatched to different jobs Segmentation fēngē [Cut apart; break up] the whole or a forced separation of related things Isolated and surrounded fēngē bāowéi [Division encirclement] will be split into several pieces of the enemy, attack operations were surrounded Separated fēngé [Separate; divide] from which separated, so that is not linked Separated into 20 to the hold compartment to the sailors Division of work fēngōng [Divide the work; division of labour] or social demands by different skills do vary but are complementary to the work of the Social division of labor Charge fēnguǎn [Be assigned personal responsibility for; be put in charge of] certain aspects of the work by division of labor Investigation Department in charge of your range, you hand in dealing with it! - "People's Literature" in 1979, 5, 37 Branch fēnháng [Branch (of a bank)] bank branches Domestic branches Folks fēnháo-bùchà [Without the slightest error] without any errors Tai Yin reported the wound, the volume of view, exactly right. - Ming Feng Meng, "Awaken the common saying" Semicolon fēnhào [Semicolon] A punctuation mark (;) Semicolon fēnhào [Branch (of a firm, etc.)] Under the branches outside the main shop Century-old, thousands of semicolon Dividend fēnhóng (1) [Share out bonus]: the distribution of profits (2) [Draw extra dividends; receive extra profits] (3) Regularly assigned work that scores of members (4) Collective enterprises, retained earnings (5) Divided by shares of joint-stock company profits Flood fēnhóng [Flood diversion; mitigate the flood] so that the upstream flood diversion into other rivers, to protect against floods downstream sides Differentiation fēnhuà (1) [Split up]: do work to make it collapse Differentiation of the enemy (2) [Become divided]: divided into (3) [Break up]: leading to partial decomposition or destruction of a unified Differentiation fēnhuà [Differentiation] of the same nature to split things into things Branch fēnhuì (1) [Branch association]: a branch of the common interests of human tissue Modern Chinese branch (2) [Branch committee]: an organization or committee representative A branch of Student Union Ext fēnjī [Extension] switchboard unit under They have a phone in the downstairs, and each bedroom has an extension Rating fēnjí [Classify; grade] in accordance with established standards such as size, function, color, classification of matter Separation fēnjiā (1) [Divide up family property and live apart]: a family divided into several living (2) [Division of a whole part]: refers to a whole separate Minutes of arc control fēnjiǎoqì [Angle divider] an equally divided angle or Square Section fēnjié (1) [Segmentation]: the form of an animal's body structure, arranged by the linear series of similar parts, each part of a somite (2) [Abjoint]: _truncate_d made (such as separation from the mother cell) for a nodule (3) [Subchapter]: [such as regulations, etc.] section within the chapter Decomposition fēnjiě (1) [Resolve; break down; disintegration; dissociation]: the whole into parts Decomposition of force (2) [Decompose]: to make into several simpler compounds; to be divided into components or elements Bacterial decomposition of organic matter in the role of (3) [Recount; disclose]: explanation, common in novels Listen next time decomposition Boundaries fēnjiè [Have as the boundary; be demarcated by] delineating Canal dividing the two counties Boundaries fēnjiè [Dividing line] played the role of the line of distinction (eg, regional) Line fēnjièxiàn (1) [Boundary]: border, border (2) [Separation; line of demarcation]: demarcation of the border, borders, sports, and so the line region Fenjinbailiang fēnjīn-bāiliǎng (1) [Pinch pennies; be so stingy as to count pennies] kg also for gold. "Metaphor preoccupied Such a little thing, not points to the value of two pounds to fight for the breaking off (2) Have also been divided over two pounds " Sub-coordinated attack fēnjìn-héjī [Attack from various directions; diverging advance and converging attack] a few shares of strength from a few lines to attack a target, surround and annihilate the task completed in cooperation Separation fēnjū (1) [Live apart]: a family living apart (2) [Limited divorce]: refers to retain more than husband and wife relationship is not living together Branch fēnjú [Suboffice; subbureau] such as the post office or bank branch or head office are often only part of General Services Separate fēnkāi [Separate; divide] to separate from each other, together or leave each other sub- Stone walls to separate fields Subject fēnkē [Departmentation] For efficiency and to adjust the business process is divided into sectors; by sector and sub-tasks and a division of the grant of authority to complete the task Categories fēnlèi [Classify; assort] in accordance with the type, class or nature of the classified separately The mail classification Separation fēnlí (1) [Separate]: isolate from the mixture Isotope separation (2) [Segregate] (3) And the other part or whole, the main separation Separation of pure vitamin resume his studies (4) A taxonomic unit to another unit from the same sub-out level From the old system of separate Are justified fēnlǐ [Process] to undergo rapid testing and treatment to dispose of routine details (such as the record of the preliminary data, etc.) Are justified for the library books Branch fēnlǐchù [A small local branch (of a bank)] a small bank branch Contribute fēnlì [Component (of force)] a force along the direction of any particular part of the decomposition Breakdown fēnliè [Code] in accordance with the grading or classification criteria, especially in order to facilitate tabulation ... Points as the number of words in order to answer hit the tab card and a machine made sheet Split fēnliè (1) [Split; divide; break up; fission; division]: the whole thing apart, but also ordered a whole separate Secession Each chromosome was divided into two groups of vertical A quarrel split the party Trampled upon the world, splitting mountains and rivers. - Han Jia Yi "on the Qin" (2) [Disperse; decentralize]: scattered, not unified Split the world, and Tang Shi solid to micro-carry on. - Song Su "teach defensive war" Shunt fēnliú (1) [Divide]: separated flow; dispersed flow Shanghai area, whether vertical or horizontal road, lines and more space is small, is perfectly placed to implement pedestrian and vehicular traffic ... (2) [Branch off]: part of the flood season will flow into another river or the sea Fractionation fēnliú [Fractional distillation] of several separate components of different boiling points of volatile mixture of a method; mixture of the first distillation of the lowest boiling point, until the vapor temperature rise before the distillate as a component to be collected. Said vapor mixture temperature rises to a higher boiling point components sub-beginning of distillation. Then collected separately from this group Shunt fēnlù (1) [Shunt]: two points connected circuit conductor, to form part of the current which flows parallel or shunt pathway (in the main circuit in order to rectifier) (2) [Divided circuit]: an extension to more than one receiving station of the telegraph lines. Each receiving station receives the signal sent by Shunt fēnlù [Along separate routes] the way to go in different directions Categorized fēnmén-biélèi (1) [Put into different categories; categorize; classify out into categories]: divided into various categories (2) [Classify]: the ... classification, the ... sub-grade (usually based on the relationship between a generic or common characteristics of public property) Decimeter fēnmǐ [Decimeter (dm.)] metric unit of length equal to one meter is m Secretion fēnmì [Secretion] by the glands in vivo or cells to produce and release process of a substance Childbirth fēnmiǎn (1) [Parturition]: the act or process of the birth of offspring (2) [Childbirth]: from the mother emerged as a new individual; especially the fetus from the mother as the existence of the individual alone and process period Every minute fēnmiǎo [A minute and a second] to minutes and seconds in a very short time Treasure every minute Every second counts fēnmiǎo-bìzhēng [Seize every minute and second; do not lose a minute; race against time] seize the time, not sparing a single minute This is a battle against the clock Clear fēnmíng (1) [Clearly]: know (understand) like July Full Moon of this matter also, Ru in nine of the original, when clearly remember it. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Mei Man Festival" (2) [Plainly]: a clear, concise This is obviously not (3) [Clearly demarcated]: a clear plan to open boundaries Denominator fēnmǔ [Denominator] score in the written law in the following number of scores, such as 2 / 5 of 5 Assignment fēnpài (1) [Assign (to different persons)]: each nominee to do something Assigned him to the feeder (2) [Put on]: Allocation of work or activity Was assigned to the wasteland Distribution fēnpèi (1) [Distribute]: distributed in proportion, especially distributed in proportion to the members of a group The allocation of housing (2) [Share]: press were divided by In distributing the estate, heirs (3) [Divide]: divided into sections and allow for a variety of distribution or disposal, care, or activities organized by the And golf courses in the office of his time between the allocation of (4) [Assign according to plan]: mandatory employment of college graduates Batch fēnpī (1) [In batches]: batch number, a group of a group (of people or things) (2) [In turn]: turn to the [TC] Stage fēnqī [By stages] stages, batches Installment Spread delivery In batches fēnqī-fēnpī (1) [By stages and in groups]: phased into groups to (2) [Group after group at different times]: a _set_ of different times to take a group of Distinguish fēnqīng (1) [Distinguish; differentiate; draw a clear line between]: identify; as separate or different to the Council Under normal circumstances can distinguish the sounds would be confusing (2) [Discriminate] (3) To see or show [object, thought or nature] to distinguish between differences in their The mind can not distinguish good and bad (4) Difference; precise distinction Distinguish between fact and fantasy Zoning fēnqū (1) [Zone]: light industry, heavy industry, residential, office buildings and other buildings in the general layout of land use signs on the map (2) [Subregion]: a zone of cell Economic Division Zoning fēnqū [District] is divided into areas or organized into areas This area is just to partition based on population figures Decentralization fēnquán (1) [Separation of powers]: executive, legislative and judicial powers independent of each other sectors of the exercise by the principle of (2) [Division of powers]: the central government and the principle of separation of powers between the provinces Dispersed fēnsàn [Disperse; scatter; decentralize] points in various places; not focus The crowd dispersed when the first tone of the shot Separations fēnsè (1) [Colour separation] (2) Printed materials must be a _set_ of color printing and fisheries. Photographic plate camera with color film is colored filter through the system or electronic color separation into, it also uses electronic lithography machines, gravure engraving machine engraving on the original scan directly in the fishing forum (3) To copy the color screen, need to prepare for monochrome screen, gravure, or the process of film Lens color fēnsè jìngtóu [Process lens] Fine corrected apochromatic lens, used to separate the work of three colors Divided fēnshè [_Set_ up in a smaller unit] were _set_ up Bureau of the Ministry of the following is divided into ten Avatar fēnshēn [Spare time from one's main work to attend to sth.else] out effort to take care of something else Can not spare Distracted fēnshén [Give some attention to] asked people to worry about, some spirit points (if asked when the _set_s of words) Please take care of the child distracted Time-sharing fēnshí [Time-share] in the high-speed processor with a cross-process operations through almost the same time to the process of implementation of mutually independent Break up fēnshǒu (1) [Say good-bye]: goodbye (2) [Part company]: respectively, separated This break (3) Lovers often refers to drift apart Score fēnshù (1) [Fraction]: using a formula expressed by another addition to the commercial formula (2) [Mark; grade]: assessment of results or outcome in mind when the number of sub-children (3) [Honor]: Medium or higher credits granted to an outstanding student, academic title or reward Watershed fēnshuǐlǐng (1) [Watershed]: the two separate mountain waters (2) [Divide]: two upland watershed between the basin or watershed ridge or profile. Also known as the watershed " (3) [Water parting]: two separate drainage channel or two coastal ridge line or boundary region (4) [Boundary; demarcation line]: used to describe the same thing with different things, or between the boundaries between the different stages Watershed fēnshuǐxiàn [Watershed] of the boundary separating the two waters, the highest point of connection for the watershed Takahashi fēnshuō [Explain matters] resolution, description, detail, clearly the ... (more can not be used in the "not help" after the words such as negative) Within a few minutes, said Tixia, we lug the burden of a hundred pounds to be better than you to go empty-handed. "-" Water Margin " He got to his feet ... with a smile, without any explanation to Wang Menwai gallop. - "The Scholars" Takahashi fēnshuō [Explain in different categories] different categories (or sub-ground) state, and always said "relative Always said before, after Takahashi Distribution fēnsòng (1) [Send]: sent were sent (2) [Distribute]: Distribution Sharing fēntān [Share] share; assessed Cost-sharing Rival fēntíng-kànglǐ [Stand up to an equal; act independently and defiantly; make rival claims as an equal; match one's wits; treat sb. As an equal] fairly resistant to the other, but also for Kang. "Intended for the host and guest sub-offices on both sides of the courtyard relative _set_ ceremony, the gift of equality means equal treatment ◇ Yu, against each other Side, according to a dual, rival Separately fēntóu [Separately] linked a number of aspects of some people at the same time sub- Separately prepared Separately fēntóu [Parted hair] a way to separate the short hair, comb the hair to the side Fenwenbuqu fēnwén-bùqǔ (1) [Not take a single cent; be given gratis]: For a given price point and do not pay or (2) [Free of charge]: Free Analysis fēnxī [Analyse] the things and phenomena, the concept of different categories, from the nature of their internal relations precipitation Share fēnxiǎng [Share; partake of] and divide it among others to enjoy, use, exercise Let him in here to share my joy of victory Outlets fēnxiāodiàn [Retail shop] retail sales of goods Remains to be seen fēnxiǎo (1) [Outcome]: the logic or reasoning things according to (2) [Solution]: answer; an answer to the question, the results Who win, see the outcome after January, (3) [See or understand clearly]: know, understand Asked a wait and (4) [Reason]: reason - used for Negative Not be known if Campus fēnxiào [A branch school, etc] college, school or university, a part of the staff and physical facilities as a whole, but under the same principals and administrative agencies Distraction fēnxīn [Divert one's attention; distract] do not focus; distraction Distracted by family responsibilities so that he Fenxingbailiang fēnxīng-bāiliǎng [Clear; in detail] bit by bit, great detail. Star also said that breaking the two points I asked him a star breaking off two points, said a start to finish. - Yuan Li Shouqing "Wu member Chuixiao" When you follow the first thread will have divided the two stars breaking, responsible for real-like strokes. - Yuan Meng Hanqing "magic co-Lo" Share care fēnyōu [Share sb. 'S cares and burdens; help sb. To get over a difficulty] to share, resolve worry, it out of the woods Share care for the country Spoils fēnzāng [Share the loot; devide the spoils] divide come with dirty money and goods means Strife fēnzhēng (1) [Have a dispute]: dispute resolution Avoid unnecessary strife Management strife, according to (2) [Break up and struggle for hegemony]: Segmentation hegemony This four-divided, Bingge tenor. - "Three Kingdoms" Branch fēnzhī [Branch] From the total or part of a system of separation of Points to points fēnzhìdiǎn (1) [Divergent]: vernal equinox, autumnal equinox, summer solstice, winter solstice in the general (2) [Have difference]: a difference Theoretical point-to-point To the point of view points Subpackage fēnzhuāng [Load] as a transport unit and a certain amount of packaging material, sometimes with special requirements or arrangements Fifty-one ... a small glass carved Disc loading Molecular fēnzǐ (1) [Molecule]: materials unit, able to maintain consistency with the original material of chemical elements in the smallest particles or chemical combination of the smallest atomic particles (such as compounds) (2) [Numerator]: fraction above the line in that part of the Molecular Weight fēnzǐliàng [Molecular weight] in grams of 1 mole of a substance's weight, it can calculate the sum of the atomic weight of atomic composition obtained Molecular Formula fēnzǐshì (1) [Molecular formula]: based on analysis and molecular weight chemical formula (2) [Formula]: a representation of chemical composition or the composition of the symbolic expression, from which the element appears composed of symbols and subscript, used to identify a molecule that appears in the relative number or the total number of atoms Group fēnzǔ (1) [Divide into groups]: divided into various groups to ... (2) [Subgroup]: small groups to ... Sub 2 fèn (1) The material points, the overall part of the [component; part] Who kill one third of the city who do not pull out of this siege of the disaster also. - "Grandson seek to attack" (2) Another example is the stock from; part; sub-owned (or do the common things gifts each person's share of the money); sub-cases (or used to distribute the required one for each of the money or property); points are (the points are equal) (3) Distinction between, the appropriate boundaries [demarcation line] To the distinction between the two are fighting. - "Water Margin" (4) Another example is the distinction between (a critical juncture; level; point; nothing); minutes straight (points Qi. Still the distinction between) (5) Components. Contains specific substances, the amount provided or produced [component]. Such as water; salt; nutrients; fields as a nutrient (6) Ministry; sub [duty, what is within one's duty] The minister reported that the late emperor so, and loyalty from His Majesty the ministry also. - Another "Inst" (7) Another example is the sub; sub-Shou (duty); sub-things (ministry); sub-prime (s office confirmed) (8) Principles; principle [principle] Kings of the road conditions husband, justice and humanity of the system, ritual poetry and literature of the sub-Down? - "Zi" (9) Status [status]. If points on the (sub within; sensibilities; a face, who can intercede); sub-Li (dubbing and common sense); sub-limit of (sub); sub-potential (position power) (10) Qualification [natural endowments] Smart husband who is also the British divided, the gallbladder is not hung said no; bile were male and the points have not the wisdom of Britain is nothing will be accomplished. - "Figures" (11) Fate; fate; opportunities [lot]. If sub-fu (blessing); points margin (fate) (12) Mutual affection [mutual affection] Loving do otherwise would lose, in the far points on the pro. - Cao Zhi, "presented white Ma Wangbiao" (13) Another example is divided into many (brotherhood, friendship) Points fèn (1) Willing; satisfaction [content] Regardless of peach Hongshenghuo Jin, students hate Liu Xubai in cotton. - Du Fu's "Six Shi Yu Ruchao sending Way" (2) Another example is the sub-Gan (willing) (3) Surprise; expect [anticipate] Since the sub is dead for some time now. - "Han Su Wu Chuan" (4) Another example is the sub-_set_ (fate) See fēn Points when fèndāng [It should be] in accordance with the ministry should be; they should be To the point when the cited decisions, however, forbear to the line. - Song Wen Tianxiang "guide recorded after the sequence" Component fènliàng (1) [Weight]: the value of metaphor, the role of judging the strength of influence Always great weight to their views (2) [Measure]: weight; to the number of standard The weight of this bucket is full of milk Since the beginning of fènnèi [One's job; one's duty] within the scope of my Regardless of their fair share exceptionally Till the dawn to Handan Flower ... this is since the beginning of things in flower in the man who should have the information also. - Ming Li Yu, "Xian Qing Ou Ji planting Ministry" Exceptionally fènwài [Especially] in particular; particularly Exceptionally pleased Exceptionally fragrant Wrapped in red fitted, lovely looking. - Mao Zedong's "snow" Exceptionally fènwài [Not one's duty] than sub- Regardless of my work since the beginning and the exceptionally Molecular fènzǐ [Member; element] of the individuals constituting a whole; attribution of a social group of people Laogai molecular Activists , 1 fēn ㄈ ㄣ ˉ (1) Open ~ open division. Plan ~. ~ Wild (by range). ~ Community. ~ Ming. Article ~ strand analysis. ~ Solution. (2) Remove from the whole or part to produce ~ hair. ~ Sad. ~ Heart trouble. (3) Out by the organization part of ~ will be independent. ~ Line (háng). (4) Scattered from ~ crack. ~ Away. ~ Do not. ~ Avalanche segregation. ~ Door in other classes. (5) Identify areas ~. ~ Analysis. (6) Formed part of the division two to one. (7) Half a century of life, day and night all ~. Spring ~. Autumn ~. Zheng code oyd, u5206, gbkb7d6 Stroke number 4, radicals knives, stroke order number 3453 cent; centavo; centimo; chon; dispart; marking; minute; rappen; Together; total; Sub 2 fèn ㄈ ㄣ ╝ (1) Fame, duties, rights, limits ~ which, of course. Body ~. ~ Inside. Just as the ~. An ~ keep yourself. (2) Constitute the substance of things or factors into different ~. Days ~ (talent). Love ~ (friendship). (3) Expect from the ~ dead for some time now. " (4) With copies of "belonging to a certain class, group or person has some characteristics of knowledge ~ son. Zheng code oyd, u5206, gbkb7d6 Stroke number 4, radicals knives, stroke order number 3453
More Simple Explanation
  1.開;割。 2.出;派。 3.支,從主體出的部份。 4.離;散。 5.配;給與。 6.擔。 7.異;區別。 8.明;清楚。 9.解;辯白。 10.一半。 11.古代指春、秋。 12.成數。一及一成,通常指十之一。 13.量詞。長度,尺的百之一。重量,兩的百之一。 14.紛亂貌。 15.姓。 16.所之物。整體中的一部。也作「份」。 17.成。 18.度;量。 19.制;原則。 20.職。 21.身。 22.資質。 23.緣;命運;機遇。 24.情。 25.料想。 26.該;應當。 27.量詞。今也作「份」。 28.律謂之。 29.地名。 30.同「瓣」。瓜類的子實。
Kangxi Dictionary
Sub_set_ of the next  House】 【Tang Yun Yun Man cut 【】 【_set_】 Fang Yun will be cut, ???? sound Fen. Do not have Culture】 【said. From eight knives, knife to take things respectively. Yi Xi Ci】 【things the same group. Yun】 【crack growth and also, the contractor also. 】 【Guang Yun Fu and also, Shi also. 【】 And also by rhyme. And jade articles】 【separated also. Before the Han Dynasty and Li Zhi 【】 a breadth of millet as a sub. Points are from three slightly from book, also respectively. And a half too. 【Normal】 years Gongyangzhuan funeral points Zhuang Yan. Nepal articles】 【Xunzi Zhong Qi points to, mailer and inadequate. And over also. Zuo Ai】 【first year were sub-cooked food, and then dare to eat. Also with the Fun Pass. Posts】 【Xunzi Ru efficiency has beginning and end points divided by his too. Bartholomew said the training】 【Huainanzi disaster is born Points. 【Note】 still have. Official】 【Zhou days and to be awarded bandit country. 【Note】 bandit read as points. 【Tang Yun and Fu Q cut 【】】 【Ji Yun Yun Fu Q will】 cut, ???? Fen falling tone. Birthright too. Li Li Li Yun】 【up the points given. They are also, sub-agent also. Li Song Li】 【points not find much. Divided bit too. Inst】 【Han Liang Chen Therefore this report late emperor, and loyalty from His Majesty the ministry also. Yun】 【_set_ square and asked the cut, falling tone Fun. Are also. Zuo Xi 【】 to save the first year of disaster risk points. Rhymes】 【government and kiss cut, tone powder. 【Mailyard Transmitter law that distinction. 【Note】 crossover powder, pitch pipe can be divided into gas. Also make】 【Yun Yung leaves skin cut, rich sound. Cao Kai】 【Tai Chi seven beginning of chaos undivided. Fun things wrong, and Tao Ju Long. And leaves cut skin sleep, the sounds all over. Ban Gu】 【Kowloon City West Ode opening, goods do not force points. May not care, cars not spin. Word of the original carved from ???? disaster.
Explain Word
Number: 708  Do not have. From eight from the knife, knife to take things respectively. Fu Man cut
No. 7
  】 【Fen
  cent; centavo; centimo; chon; dispart; marking; minute; rappen;
  Together; total;
  , 1
  (Knowing. From eight, from the knife. "Eight" is the point; from the "knife", is a knife split, thus making the separation means. Original meaning: one divides into two)
  With the original meaning. Separated into, the separation, and "Combination" relative [divide; separate]
  Points, do not have. - "Said the text"
  Death zoning. - "The Book of Rites order"
  What, then why points? - "Propriety of"
  The Qi points, mailer and inadequate. - "Xunzi Zhong Nepal"
  Three all bad, can not be identified. The meat soup is divided burial. - Jin Gan Bao "Immortals"
  River and one for the South River Hukou points. - Lu Song "over Xiaogushan Dagushan"
  Wenguanwujiang ... two lines into the room. - "Three Kingdoms"
  Another example: analysis and synthesis (separate and combined); subdivision (division of land; Packet land); partitioned (separated, interval); sub-foci (separation of the live)
  Identify, differentiate [distinguish]
  The journey, who for Master! - "Analects XVIII,"
  To have, whatever the outcome, regardless of what is to you! - Yuan Guan Hanqing "Snow in Midsummer"
  Another example: points must (difference; separated); division (distinction; division); Differentiation (distinction; difference); sub-years (age difference)
  Distributed to, distribution [distribute; assign; allot]
  Fed and clothed and safe, Fugan professionals also, will be to point people. - "Zuo Zhuang Years"
  The officers and officials split carry on. - Qing Fang Bao "Prison Diary"
  Another example: points with (divided); points Mao cracked soil (Packet nobility of ancient emperor, press the fief with the direction of earth to give a glimpse of who Imperata package)
  Left; farewell [part; leave]
  The hand lane to go, their home also. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
  Another example: Fenmei (breaking up, separation); points North (separation); points first (separation); sub violation (separated. Parting)
  Distribution, a person appointed to a position up or a particular office [assign]. Such as: sub-tasks; sub-working
  Dispersion [disperse]
  Times the points, the enemy is able to fight it. - "Grandson seek to attack"
  Another example: sub loss (dispersion, reduced); sub-Phi (loose; distributed)
  Separated by half the ... [halve]
  When the North-South score in the ancient Great Wall. - Qing Yao Nai, "Goldenthal Mountain in mind"
  Since the non-kiosk midnight hours, but not Xi months. - Li Tao Yuan, "Three Gorges"
  Another example: boundaries card (yang, respectively, and the underworld (birth and death) of the landmark); sub-ink (carved in ink. Equivalent to the design of the center line)
  Resolve, reconcile contradictions [mediate]
  Uncertain world, the two tigers Andhra Sidou, today I per carry. - "Han"
  Sharing a common commitment to [enter into]
  Keep the city has been divided. - Qing Shao-heng, "Yan Code History Biography"
  Another example: sub too (sharing negligence, fault); points slander (defamation shared by others)
  That fraction [fraction]. Such as: one-third; four-fifths
  Counts one-tenth of [one tenth]. Such as: decibels; his achievements
  Section designate names [Equinox]. Such as: Spring Equinox; Autumnal Equinox
  Unit of time equal to 1 / 60 hours, or 60 seconds [minute]
  Angle measurement, equal to 1 / 60 or 60 seconds [minute]
  Unit of length, one-tenth inch [1 / 3 centimetre]
  Inclusive of about eight and strange boat. - Ming Wei Yi School "nuclear Zhou Ji"
  Value of the currency unit of a particular unit of one per cent [cent]
  With numbers indicate the quality level [score] (such as the level of animals or butter); often divided into the highest levels of 100 and in accordance with certain provisions of the program, an important feature for some specified (eg, shape, fur situation, flavor, etc. ) distribution of scores, total score exactly 100 points
  Area unit, one-tenth acre.
  Nine subdivision.
  Separately; were [respectively; separately]
  Any of my points with a single step. - Qing Liang "Tan Biography"
  Baylor and it will be slightly contingents southeast counties. - Qing Shao-heng, "Yan Code History Biography"
  Another example: split (each _set_); sub-system (Command, respectively); sub-palm (in charge); sub-rule (respectively governance)
  Separation of the (partial) [branch]. Such as: shops; semicolon; branch; score card (sub station)
  Through "Fun." Random, miscellaneous [disorderly]
  Sub-division of its congregation, who lost both Mountain, will it be death, death of the road also. - "Tube potential"
  Another example: sub error (confusion mixed)
  See fèn
  [Telecommunications] (1): two electric or acoustic power, said the ratio of a unit of power ratio is equal to 10 times the common logarithm - abbreviated as dB (2): that the two voltage or current value, or similar volume (such as sound pressure or particle velocity) of a ratio, equal to the voltage or current ratio of 20 times the common logarithm, if the two voltage or current is measured in the same resistor then
  Measuring the relative loudness of a sound unit, approximately equal to the human ear can generally be perceived loudness difference between the minimum value; human ear can detect differences in the range of loudness, about including the most weak and begin to be heard this is 1 on the scale The 130 dB
  [Break up; come apart; fall to pieces] apart, described the country, the disintegration of the Group and other
  State can not keep falling apart too. - "The Analects of Confucius Jishi"
  [Differentiate; distinguish]: to identify distinguishing
  Can not distinguish the difference between right and wrong
  World also! Only together to distinguish voicing can be confused Pirates of the plantar Zensheng Yan Yuan? - Yuan Guan Hanqing "Snow in Midsummer"
  [Exculpate]: Poubai [person] is not the alleged fault or guilt
  Focus on countries to distinguish the fire caused no special responsibility for the disaster
  [Defend oneself against a charge] to eliminate misunderstanding, to exculpate the accused
  No need to differentiate
  [Difference] between different
  No different
  [Leave each other]: separation
  Were met less than a year after
  [Distinguish]: to identify
  Primary and secondary, respectively,
  Deciduous tree first, not complex, respectively, taking the number of scan bucket return. - San Guowei Handan Chun "Humor"
  [Separately]: each; individual
  They should be treated separately
  [Respectively]: separately, each, not together, not together
  President and the Secretary-General met with him respectively,
  Guard forces were divided
  [Divide up one's forces for defence]: dispersion forces, defensive everywhere
  [Allot]: carved out of allocated; transfer; allocation
  Reasonable allocation of funds
  [Apportion]: distribution
  Allocation of substantial human assault bridge construction
  [Group]: children were divided into several call
  Allocation of labor
  [Be distributed (over an area) be dispersed; be scattered] refers to a certain region or area distribution
  Distribution of all factories in the city
  Reported that the distribution of copper in such rocks
  [Separately eat by dishes] diners were eating their way to a dinner dishes. And "_set_ meal" relative
  [Fascicle; a separately published part of a book] in several parts of a book published in one volume
  [Fork]: that at a particular point or the match into or develop into something as a fork or branch
  [Zigzag]: A chevron, Z-shaped or winding roads or fence
  Railway bifurcation
  [Ramification]: see "branch"
  [Branch out] can be compared for the branches of trees grow out of any development or material, but also to be compared to the main fork of a tree growths split
  [Divide into]: money and goods according to the percentage proportion
  Panax into
  [Break into]: into smaller units, parts or processes
  Divided into numerous small bands (or small band)
  [Participle] verbs and adjectives with the words between the two features; especially to-ing or-ed,-d,-t,-en or-n at the end of the English adjectives, verbs, adjectives function with the same time the performance of a variety of verb characteristic, such as tense, voice, band performance and the language of the modifier with the performance of the predicate
  [Proper limits for speech or action; sense of propriety] speak or do things that the appropriate standard or limit
  Not measured
  Measured do not speak
  [Share; share responsibility for]: the burden, respectively; responsible for part of the
  [Fare and share alike]: shared responsibility
  [Classify the files] separate grade
  "Folk Songs of fresh air" concert by a man to break the traditional methods of file own choice ... - "Wen Wei Po"
  [Separate and go different ways] Yang Biao: rode forward
  Refers to the line shunt
  Different purposes and were compared inclination to act
  [Branch store] under the main store of its kind outside the shop
  [Fragmenting]: the article is divided into different parts
  [Section]: in the textile preparation (such as warping, yarn volume, sizing) in the various parts of the warp into
  [Detatchment; gang]: under the command of the same work or group of people who perform the same task
  Immigrants were divided into units in the forest, mining, or the fields of labor
  [Platoon]: Army battalion formed unit and its equivalent units collectively
  Divide and rule
  fēn érzhìzhī
  [Divide and rule] to be separated for treatment, punishment, etc.
  [Distribute; hand out; issue]
  Sent one by one
  Distribution of prizes
  Distribution of fruit to the picnic people
  Distributed according to the procedure prescribed
  Refers to personnel assigned to work units; distribution
  They distribute the work in Yunnan
  Split up the spoils
  [Share out ill-gotten gains; divide booty] points to take interest. Multi-finger rake (usually illegitimate)
  If the illegal salt into himself, or with the labor split up the spoils ... dollars stolen punishment. - "Code examples will be clear"
  [Subinfeudate grainting of titles; territories, slaves to the nobility; enfeoffment] king Monkey REGION
  [Leave for different destinations] run to different places
  Dispatched to different jobs
  [Cut apart; break up] the whole or a forced separation of related things
  Isolated and surrounded
  fēngē bāowéi
  [Division encirclement] will be split into several pieces of the enemy, attack operations were surrounded
  [Separate; divide] from which separated, so that is not linked
  Separated into 20 to the hold compartment to the sailors
  Division of work
  [Divide the work; division of labour] or social demands by different skills do vary but are complementary to the work of the
  Social division of labor
  [Be assigned personal responsibility for; be put in charge of] certain aspects of the work by division of labor
  Investigation Department in charge of your range, you hand in dealing with it! - "People's Literature" in 1979, 5, 37
  [Branch (of a bank)] bank branches
  Domestic branches
  [Without the slightest error] without any errors
  Tai Yin reported the wound, the volume of view, exactly right. - Ming Feng Meng, "Awaken the common saying"
  [Semicolon] A punctuation mark (;)
  [Branch (of a firm, etc.)] Under the branches outside the main shop
  Century-old, thousands of semicolon
  [Share out bonus]: the distribution of profits
  [Draw extra dividends; receive extra profits]
  Regularly assigned work that scores of members
  Collective enterprises, retained earnings
  Divided by shares of joint-stock company profits
  [Flood diversion; mitigate the flood] so that the upstream flood diversion into other rivers, to protect against floods downstream sides
  [Split up]: do work to make it collapse
  Differentiation of the enemy
  [Become divided]: divided into
  [Break up]: leading to partial decomposition or destruction of a unified
  [Differentiation] of the same nature to split things into things
  [Branch association]: a branch of the common interests of human tissue
  Modern Chinese branch
  [Branch committee]: an organization or committee representative
  A branch of Student Union
  [Extension] switchboard unit under
  They have a phone in the downstairs, and each bedroom has an extension
  [Classify; grade] in accordance with established standards such as size, function, color, classification of matter
  [Divide up family property and live apart]: a family divided into several living
  [Division of a whole part]: refers to a whole separate
  Minutes of arc control
  [Angle divider] an equally divided angle or Square
  [Segmentation]: the form of an animal's body structure, arranged by the linear series of similar parts, each part of a somite
  [Abjoint]: _truncate_d made (such as separation from the mother cell) for a nodule
  [Subchapter]: [such as regulations, etc.] section within the chapter
  [Resolve; break down; disintegration; dissociation]: the whole into parts
  Decomposition of force
  [Decompose]: to make into several simpler compounds; to be divided into components or elements
  Bacterial decomposition of organic matter in the role of
  [Recount; disclose]: explanation, common in novels
  Listen next time decomposition
  [Have as the boundary; be demarcated by] delineating
  Canal dividing the two counties
  [Dividing line] played the role of the line of distinction (eg, regional)
  [Boundary]: border, border
  [Separation; line of demarcation]: demarcation of the border, borders, sports, and so the line region
  [Pinch pennies; be so stingy as to count pennies] kg: Also called "gold." Analogy preoccupied
  Such a little thing, not points to the value of two pounds to fight for the breaking off
  Also as "sub-jin than two"
  Sub-coordinated attack
  [Attack from various directions; diverging advance and converging attack] a few shares of strength from a few lines to attack a target, surround and annihilate the task completed in cooperation
  [Live apart]: a family living apart
  [Limited divorce]: refers to retain more than husband and wife relationship is not living together
  [Suboffice; subbureau] such as the post office or bank branch or head office are often only part of General Services
  [Separate; divide] to separate from each other, together or leave each other sub-
  Stone walls to separate fields
  [Departmentation] For efficiency and to adjust the business process is divided into sectors; by sector and sub-tasks and a division of the grant of authority to complete the task
  [Classify; assort] in accordance with the type, class or nature of the classified separately
  The mail classification
  [Separate]: isolate from the mixture
  Isotope separation
  And the other part or whole, the main separation
  Separation of pure vitamin resume his studies
  A taxonomic unit to another unit from the same sub-out level
  From the old system of separate
  Are justified
  [Process] to undergo rapid testing and treatment to dispose of routine details (such as the record of the preliminary data, etc.)
  Are justified for the library books
  [A small local branch (of a bank)] a small bank branch
  [Component (of force)] a force along the direction of any particular part of the decomposition
  [Code] in accordance with the grading or classification criteria, especially in order to facilitate tabulation
  ... Points as the number of words in order to answer hit the tab card and a machine made sheet
  [Split; divide; break up; fission; division]: the whole thing apart, but also ordered a whole separate
  Each chromosome was divided into two groups of vertical
  A quarrel split the party
  Trampled upon the world, splitting mountains and rivers. - Han Jia Yi "on the Qin"
  [Disperse; decentralize]: scattered, not unified
  Split the world, and Tang Shi solid to micro-carry on. - Song Su "teach defensive war"
  [Divide]: separated flow; dispersed flow
  Shanghai area, whether vertical or horizontal road, lines and more space is small, is perfectly placed to implement pedestrian and vehicular traffic ...
  [Branch off]: part of the flood season will flow into another river or the sea
  [Fractional distillation] of several separate components of different boiling points of volatile mixture of a method; mixture of the first distillation of the lowest boiling point, until the vapor temperature rise before the distillate as a component to be collected. Said vapor mixture temperature rises to a higher boiling point components sub-beginning of distillation. Then collected separately from this group
  [Shunt]: two points connected circuit conductor, to form part of the current which flows parallel or shunt pathway (in the main circuit in order to rectifier)
  [Divided circuit]: an extension to more than one receiving station of the telegraph lines. Each receiving station receives the signal sent by
  [Along separate routes] the way to go in different directions
  [Put into different categories; categorize; classify out into categories]: divided into various categories
  [Classify]: the ... classification, the ... sub-grade (usually based on the relationship between a generic or common characteristics of public property)
  [Decimeter (dm.)] metric unit of length equal to one meter is m
  [Secretion] by the glands in vivo or cells to produce and release process of a substance
  [Parturition]: the act or process of the birth of offspring
  [Childbirth]: from the mother emerged as a new individual; especially the fetus from the mother as the existence of the individual alone and process period
  Every minute
  [A minute and a second] to minutes and seconds in a very short time
  Treasure every minute
  Every second counts
  [Seize every minute and second; do not lose a minute; race against time] seize the time, not sparing a single minute
  This is a battle against the clock
  [Clearly]: know (understand) like
  July Full Moon of this matter also, Ru in nine of the original, when clearly remember it. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Mei Man Festival"
  [Plainly]: a clear, concise
  This is obviously not
  [Clearly demarcated]: a clear plan to open boundaries
  [Denominator] score in the written law in the following number of scores, such as 2 / 5 of 5
  [Assign (to different persons)]: each nominee to do something
  Assigned him to the feeder
  [Put on]: Allocation of work or activity
  Was assigned to the wasteland
  [Distribute]: distributed in proportion, especially distributed in proportion to the members of a group
  The allocation of housing
  [Share]: press were divided by
  In distributing the estate, heirs
  [Divide]: divided into sections and allow for a variety of distribution or disposal, care, or activities organized by the
  And golf courses in the office of his time between the allocation of
  [Assign according to plan]: mandatory employment of college graduates
  [In batches]: batch number, a group of a group (of people or things)
  [In turn]: turn to the [TC]
  [By stages] stages, batches
  Spread delivery
  In batches
  [By stages and in groups]: phased into groups to
  [Group after group at different times]: a _set_ of different times to take a group of
  [Distinguish; differentiate; draw a clear line between]: identify; as separate or different to the Council
  Under normal circumstances can distinguish the sounds would be confusing
  To see or show [object, thought or nature] to distinguish between differences in their
  The mind can not distinguish good and bad
  Difference; precise distinction
  Distinguish between fact and fantasy
  [Zone]: light industry, heavy industry, residential, office buildings and other buildings in the general layout of land use signs on the map
  [Subregion]: a zone of cell
  Economic Division
  [District] is divided into areas or organized into areas
  This area is just to partition based on population figures
  [Separation of powers]: executive, legislative and judicial powers independent of each other sectors of the exercise by the principle of
  [Division of powers]: the central government and the principle of separation of powers between the provinces
  [Disperse; scatter; decentralize] points in various places; not focus
  The crowd dispersed when the first tone of the shot
  [Colour separation]
  Printed copies to be printed _set_ of color plates. Photographic plate camera with color film is colored filter through the system or electronic color separation into, it also uses electronic lithography machines, gravure engraving machine engraving on the original scan directly to the layout of the plate
  To copy the color screen, need to prepare for monochrome screen, gravure, or the process of film
  Lens color
  fēnsè jìngtóu
  [Process lens] Fine corrected apochromatic lens, used to separate the work of three colors
  [_Set_ up in a smaller unit] were _set_ up
  Bureau of the Ministry of the following is divided into ten
  [Spare time from one's main work to attend to sth.else] out effort to take care of something else
  Can not spare
  [Give some attention to] asked people to worry about, some spirit points (if asked when the _set_s of words)
  Please take care of the child distracted
  [Time-share] in the high-speed processor with a cross-process operations through almost the same time to the process of implementation of mutually independent
  Break up
  [Say good-bye]: goodbye
  [Part company]: respectively, separated
  This break
  Lovers often refers to drift apart
  [Fraction]: using a formula expressed by another addition to the commercial formula
  [Mark; grade]: assessment of results or outcome in mind when the number of sub-children
  [Honor]: Medium or higher credits granted to an outstanding student, academic title or reward
  [Watershed]: the two separate mountain waters
  [Divide]: two upland watershed between the basin or watershed ridge or profile. Also known as "watershed"
  [Water parting]: two separate drainage channel or two coastal ridge line or boundary region
  [Boundary; demarcation line]: used to describe the same thing with different things, or between the boundaries between the different stages
  [Watershed] of the boundary separating the two waters, the highest point of connection for the watershed
  [Explain matters] resolution, description, detail, clearly the ... (more used in the "not", "not help" after the words such as negative)
  Within a few minutes, said: "Tixia, we lug the burden of a hundred pounds to be better than you to go empty-handed 。"--" Water Margin"
  He got to his feet ... with a smile, without any explanation to Wang Menwai gallop. - "The Scholars"
  [Explain in different categories] different categories (or sub-ground) state, and "always said" relative
  Always said before, after Takahashi
  [Send]: sent were sent
  [Distribute]: Distribution
  [Share] share; assessed
  [Stand up to an equal; act independently and defiantly; make rival claims as an equal; match one's wits; treat sb. As an equal] anti: on such a considerable, but also as "Kang." Division for the two sides intent on both sides of the courtyard, and the relative _set_ up ceremony, the gift of equal treatment. After the metaphor refers to an equal footing, mutual antagonism
  Side, according to a dual, rival
  [Separately] linked a number of aspects of some people at the same time sub-
  Separately prepared
  [Parted hair] a way to separate the short hair, comb the hair to the side
  [Not take a single cent; be given gratis]: For a given price point and do not pay or
  [Free of charge]: Free
  [Analyse] the things and phenomena, the concept of different categories, from the nature of their internal relations precipitation
  [Share; partake of] and divide it among others to enjoy, use, exercise
  Let him in here to share my joy of victory
  [Retail shop] retail sales of goods
  Remains to be seen
  [Outcome]: the logic or reasoning things according to
  [Solution]: answer; an answer to the question, the results
  Who win, see the outcome after January,
  [See or understand clearly]: know, understand
  Asked a wait and
  [Reason]: reason - used for Negative
  Not be known if
  [A branch school, etc] college, school or university, a part of the staff and physical facilities as a whole, but under the same principals and administrative agencies
  [Divert one's attention; distract] do not focus; distraction
  Distracted by family responsibilities so that he
  [Clear; in detail] bit by bit, great detail. Star also said that breaking the two points
  I asked him a star breaking off two points, said a start to finish. - Yuan Li Shouqing "Wu member Chuixiao"
  When you follow the first thread will have divided the two stars breaking, responsible for real-like strokes. - Yuan Meng Hanqing "magic co-Lo"
  Share care
  [Share sb. 'S cares and burdens; help sb. To get over a difficulty] to share, resolve worry, it out of the woods
  Share care for the country
  [Share the loot; devide the spoils] divide come with dirty money and goods means
  [Have a dispute]: dispute resolution
  Avoid unnecessary strife
  Management strife, according to
  [Break up and struggle for hegemony]: Segmentation hegemony
  This four-divided, Bingge tenor. - "Three Kingdoms"
  [Branch] From the total or part of a system of separation of
  Points to points
  [Divergent]: vernal equinox, autumnal equinox, summer solstice, winter solstice in the general
  [Have difference]: a difference
  Theoretical point-to-point
  To the point of view points
  [Load] as a transport unit and a certain amount of packaging material, sometimes with special requirements or arrangements
  Fifty-one ... a small glass carved Disc loading
  [Molecule]: materials unit, able to maintain consistency with the original material of chemical elements in the smallest particles or chemical combination of the smallest atomic particles (such as compounds)
  [Numerator]: fraction above the line in that part of the
  Molecular Weight
  [Molecular weight] in grams of 1 mole of a substance's weight, it can calculate the sum of the atomic weight of atomic composition obtained
  Molecular Formula
  [Molecular formula]: based on analysis and molecular weight chemical formula
  [Formula]: a representation of chemical composition or the composition of the symbolic expression, from which the element appears composed of symbols and subscript, used to identify a molecule that appears in the relative number or the total number of atoms
  [Divide into groups]: divided into various groups to ...
  [Subgroup]: small groups to ...
  Sub 2
  The material points, the overall part of the [component; part]
  Who kill one third of the city who do not pull out of this siege of the disaster also. - "Grandson seek to attack"
  Another example: equity in; part; sub-owned (or do the common things gifts each person's share of the money); sub-cases (or used to distribute the required one for each of the money or property); points are (the points are equal )
  Distinction between, the appropriate boundaries [demarcation line]
  To the distinction between the two are fighting. - "Water Margin"
  Another example: the distinction between (a critical juncture; level; point; nothing); minutes straight (points Qi. Still the distinction between)
  Components. Contains specific substances, the amount provided or produced [component]. Such as: water; salt; nutrients; fields as a nutrient
  Ministry; sub [duty, what is within one's duty]
  The minister reported that the late emperor so, and loyalty from His Majesty the ministry also. - Another "Inst"
  Another example: sub; sub-Shou (duty); sub-things (ministry); sub-prime (s office confirmed)
  Principles; principle [principle]
  Kings of the road conditions husband, justice and humanity of the system, ritual poetry and literature of the sub-Down? - "Zi"
  Status [status]. Such as: points on the (sub-within; sensibilities; a face, who can intercede); sub-Li (dubbing and common sense); sub-limit of (sub); sub-potential (position power)
  Qualification [natural endowments]
  Smart husband who is also the British divided, the gallbladder is not hung said no; bile were male and the points have not the wisdom of Britain is nothing will be accomplished. - "Figures"
  Fate; fate; opportunities [lot]. Such as: sub-fu (blessing); points margin (fate)
  Mutual affection [mutual affection]
  Loving do otherwise would lose, in the far points on the pro. - Cao Zhi, "presented white Ma Wangbiao"
  Another example: sub good (brotherhood, friendship)
  Willing; satisfaction [content]
  Regardless of peach Hongshenghuo Jin, students hate Liu Xubai in cotton. - Du Fu's "Six Shi Yu Ruchao sending Way"
  Another example: sub-Gan (willing)
  Surprise; expect [anticipate]
  Since the sub is dead for some time now. - "Han Su Wu Chuan"
  Another example: sub-_set_ (fate)
  See fēn
  Points when
  [It should be] in accordance with the ministry should be; they should be
  To the point when the cited decisions, however, forbear to the line. - Song Wen Tianxiang "guide recorded after the sequence"
  [Weight]: the value of metaphor, the role of judging the strength of influence
  Always great weight to their views
  [Measure]: weight; to the number of standard
  The weight of this bucket is full of milk
  Since the beginning of
  [One's job; one's duty] within the scope of my
  Regardless of their fair share exceptionally
  Till the dawn to Handan Flower ... this is since the beginning of things in flower in the man who should have the information also. - Ming Li Yu, "Xian Qing Ou Ji planting Ministry"
  [Especially] in particular; particularly
  Exceptionally pleased
  Exceptionally fragrant
  Wrapped in red fitted, lovely looking. - Mao Zedong's "snow"
  [Not one's duty] than sub-
  Regardless of my work since the beginning and the exceptionally
  [Member; element] of the individuals constituting a whole; attribution of a social group of people
  Laogai molecular
  , 1
  fēn ㄈ ㄣ ˉ
  Open division: ~ open. Plan ~. ~ Wild (by range). ~ Community. ~ Ming. Article ~ strand analysis. ~ Solution.
  Remove from the whole or part of produce: ~ hair. ~ Sad. ~ Heart trouble.
  Out by a separate part of the organization: ~ will. ~ Line (háng).
  Scattered from the: ~ crack. ~ Away. ~ Do not. ~ Avalanche segregation. ~ Door in other classes.
  Identify: District ~. ~ Analysis.
  Formed part of the division: two to one.
  Half: a century of life, day and night all ~. Spring ~. Autumn ~.
  Zheng Code: OYD, U: 5206, GBK: B7D6
  Stroke: 4, radicals: knives, stroke order number: 3453
  cent; centavo; centimo; chon; dispart; marking; minute; rappen;
  Together; total;
  Sub 2
  fèn ㄈ ㄣ
  Fame, duties, rights, limits: ~ of the course. Body ~. ~ Inside. Just as the ~. An ~ keep yourself.
  The material composition of different things or factors: as ~. Days ~ (talent). Love ~ (friendship).
  Expect: "Since the ~ dead for some time now."
  With the "copy", belonging to a certain class, group or person has some characteristics: knowledge ~ son.
  ① refers to the muscle texture. See muscle Cou article.
  ② the old weights and measures, determining equal to one ten points, one point about 0.3125 grams.
Translated by Google
Chinese Dictionary
  Points ① of muscle texture. See muscle Cou article. ② the old weights and measures, determining equal to one ten points, one point about 0.3125 grams.
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. n.:  centavo,  measure word,  fen,  mark,  fraction,  share,  branch,  point,  Cts.,  one tenth,  distribution,  small unit of time etc.,  part,  (a unit of length = 0.33 centimeter),  division,  dividing or being divided,  minute,  marking,  centimo,  cent
  2. v.:  separate,  rappen,  dispart,  partition,  distribute,  assign,  fritter,  divide
detach, partition, dismember, compartmentalization
Related Phrases
Renminbi (RMB)assist circulationthe People's Republic of Chinaseismic belt; earthquake belt
Containing Phrases
clausefractionateoffsetsectornot one's dutyallot
bifurcationdismemberexcreteextremely; very muchallocatedetach
dividebe contented with one's lotsomekarmapartdemarcation
distribute dividends; receive dividendsdifferentialdecibelscopeclearlybranching
friendshipproper limits for speech or actiongradingone's job; one's dutyresultdifferentiation
seniority in the family or clandiscriminate...from...apportionmentdecernchalkcentury
heftFrom the sub-typinggradingdividerdichotomize
autumnal equinoxbasketBifurcatecompartmentalizedelaminatemitigate the flood
classa whole [half, quarter] noteallocategeniusdemarcationbraiding
branchdistractmidnightto act according to one's dutyashabbreviate
decimetermoisture contentgameseparation of powersboltingcomponent (of force)
subtopicdivergeparticipledivide up family property and live apartba fen ,the clerical official script in chinese calligraphyfractionate
separately eat by dishestieschizocarppaginationdichotomysegregate
subunderwriting, distributionbranchingsubsectionhive offdistillatereduce
be -fied asbillabongsubleasebranchingpartial pressuremark
itemizeacesalinityto part, or separate (said of friends)goodnessdisengaging
natural property, disposition and endowments of a personallotdeciliterchapterbranch campusoutcome
Extensiondivertedbranch storescaleshare sb.'s cares and burdensbe part of one’ s job
Brancha very short whilecreditdifferenceinborn abilitysubinfeudate grainting of titles
detachmentthe years one spends in an endeavor or jobseparatelya modicmexplain mattersbe assigned personal responsibility for
good fortunetrichotomysubofficebranchworkpointcolour separation
discretionprocessspare time from one's main work to attend to sth.else(person)not intimate enoughtime-sharepart
comminutemarkingdeduct school marksmelon cuttingcolumniationpresumptuous
batchexculpationdetachc. p. m.variationdiverge
be law-abidinghang, draw and quarter (=hanged, drawn and quartered)bifurcationto share blameto share or have a share of (a fortune, profit, etc.)deal
most probablyrole or duties proper to one's titlefirst-classdichotomizedispensationleave for different destinations
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