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Refers to the area north of Yellow River
  Refers to the Yellow River area to the north. "Unsettled Guliang twenty-eight": "Wen, Hebei land." "Huai Qi popular training": "moral theory of metaphor to describe the sun and the moon are still in southern Hebei not easy to their means, Chi greedy Trinidad can not easily his office. "" Appreciative ZHAOTONG ":" ﹝ ﹞ will line Xie Lingyun, a petition to persuade cutting Hebei. "Wang Song," Hebei China "Poetry:" Hebei China, nearly two side Kuxin Health. "
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河北 省名
  Province name. Ji another name. The provincial capital Shijiazhuang.
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河北 地理位置
河北 地理位置
河北 地理位置
河北 地理位置
河北 地理位置
河北 地理位置
  Hebei is located in Beijing and Tianjin in the periphery, since ancient times, that is to be in Gyeonggi Province. As the Qing royal family "outing" place, Chengde, Hebei Province, northeast China's historical and cultural city named after the first one, here are the largest imperial Qing Dynasty classical garden Chengde, China's largest imperial temple complex - "outside Eight temple, "a place of Qing Dynasty royal hunting - Hunting. Hebei province is China's cultural relics, there are 58 national key cultural relics protection units, ranking first in the country, there is the famous city of Handan Zhao site Shexian Wa Palace, ring Grottoes, Baoding 直隶总督署, Lotus Pond, Qingxiling, Tangshan Qing Tombs, Cangzhou Iron Lion, Dingzhou tower arch bridge, positive Longxing Monastery and so on. In the long history behind the monuments, Hebei Province, there are some beautiful natural landscape with: Beidaihe, Qinhuangdao and Tangshan Nandaihe natural coastal scenery along the coast, the vast magnificent prairie, mus Laishui Yesanpo, yet dangerous beautiful Zhangshiyan ... ... mountains, water, grassland scenery matched all complementary to each other, for "Hebei Earth," added a lot of color. Parts of the ancient Jizhou, it is referred to as JI. Hebei is located in the north, the Bohai Sea, around the capital city of Beijing, Tianjin suburbs. Spring and Autumn when Yan, Zhao, the Han, Jin Ji when the home, secluded two states, Tang is Hebei Road, an executive secretariat Yuan, Ming is the capital, clear as Zhili, 1928, said before the Hebei Province. Dominates the 11 prefecture-level cities, 22 county-level cities, 109 counties, 6 counties. Opening up more than 60 cities and counties. 187,693 square km area of the province. Han, Hui, Manchu and other ethnic groups.
  【Definition Jizhou is worth mentioning that, "Ji" is the abbreviation of Hebei Province, contains the aspirations and hopes of better days. As mentioned earlier, Hebei Province, referred to as "Ji" is derived from the ancient Jizhou. Then, "Ji" mean? The legendary emperors of ancient China Yao, Shun was born in Hebei Province, County, after capital Pingyang (now Linfen City of Shanxi Province, is also a land of ancient Jizhou). Hebei Province in this central and southern events, Shun County, Dingzhou, Tang County, Wangdu, Longyao of local history, there are activities on the Emperor in the record. Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-220) of naming things when deducing the origin of a book called "Release name", it explained, "Jizhou" when the origin of the name wrote: Jizhou in the north, where the emperors lived, this place risks are easily, and confused want governance, poor and weak want to become rich and powerful, famine want a good harvest. "Ji" is a multi-meaning words have multiple meanings in Chinese, of which one meaning is "hope" means. In the Chinese written language, there is "hope," "hope," "Hope" of these words. "Release name" Jizhou explain the meaning of this name is in the "hope" in this sense used. This Jizhou, is sent to the state of hope, then, now referred to as "Ji" is placed in Hebei Province, a land of hope.
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Economic conditions
  Hebei is an important grain and cotton producing areas. 6.199 million ha of existing cultivated land, most of the areas of crops can be two crops a year, but vary widely around the farming system. The province's grain acreage of arable land more than eighty percent of the total area, the main crops are: wheat, corn, sorghum, millet, potato and so on. The most important cash crops of cotton, cotton producing province is an important base. Shijiazhuang, south of the county produce concentrated, Su said, "Jinan Cotton sea." In addition, oil, hemp, sugar beet, tobacco is also important, together with the cotton crop for the province five economies. Livestock farming industry is the province after the important agricultural sector. Hebei is one of the important fishing grounds to the coastal fishing are the main center of Qinhuangdao. Province is rich chestnut, apricot, persimmon, pear and other fruits. Major coal mines have Kailuan, Jingxing, peak and so many products are part of the output abroad. Dominated by thermal power electric power industry, Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Handan, Xingtai, Hengshui, Cangzhou, Hebei South Network formed, also participated in the composition of the Beijing-Tianjin Tang power grid (ie, Hebei North network, including the province of Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Tangshan, Langfang, Qinhuangdao and Beijing and Tianjin). Traditional handicrafts are Quyang stone carving, saddle, Yasumizu Yan and so on.
  The province's GDP in 2008 to achieve 1.61886 trillion yuan, ranking sixth in China, up 10.1% over the previous year, the growth rate down 2.7 percentage points year on year. Total revenue reached 182.08 billion yuan, up 19.1% over the previous year, the province at the end of the resident population of 6,988.8 million. Population of 45.6 million net increase in natural growth rate was 6.55 ‰, and the previous year. Per capita disposable income of urban residents reached 13,441.1 yuan, an increase of 15.0%. Among them, the wage income of 8,891.5 yuan, an increase of 6.8%; property income of 224.9 yuan, up 37.3%; transfer income was 3,946.4 yuan, an increase of 23.5%. Per capita net income of farmers reached 4,795 yuan, an increase of 11.7%. Among them, the wage income of 1,980 yuan, up 12.8%; property income of 119 yuan, an increase of 2.4%. Maintained a rapid growth in household consumption. Per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents 9086.7 yuan, up 10.3%; rural per capita consumption expenditure of 3126 yuan, an increase of 12.2%. Engel coefficient of urban households (ie household food expenses total household consumption expenditure) was 34.7%, family Engel coefficient of rural residents was 38.2%. The living conditions gradually improved. Urban area of 29.5 square meters per building, rural per capita living space of 30.7 square meters.
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Natural environment
河北 自然环境
河北 自然环境
河北 自然环境
  The northern part of North China Plain, Hebei Province, Inner Mongolia Plateau and Cross. Central province in northern economic center of Beijing and Tianjin, northern Liaoning and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for the neighborhood, west of Shanxi Province, south of Henan, Shandong borders the east Bohai Sea. The province's terrain sloping from northwest to southeast, the northwest mountains, hills and plateaus, basins and valleys during distribution, central and south-east to the vast plain. Coastline of 487 km. Hebei Province, is a temperate continental monsoon climate, four distinct seasons in most parts. In 2400 ~ 3100 hours of sunshine hours; of 70 to 200 frost-free days; average annual rainfall of 300 to 800 mm; the average January temperature at 3 ℃ below the average July temperature is 18 ℃ to 27 ℃, with four distinct seasons.
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Ethnic population
  March 31, 2009, the province's resident population reached 7,000 people. 90.8 million annual births, a birth rate of 13.04 ‰; 45.2 million deaths, the mortality rate was 6.49 ‰; a net increase of population of 45.6 million people, the natural growth rate was 6.55 ‰, and the previous year.
  Hebei is a multi-ethnic province, in addition to the Han, there Manchu, Hui, Mongolian, Zhuang, Korean, Miao, Tujia and other 53 ethnic minorities, ethnic minorities account for about 4% of the total population. Hebei Province, according to "Constitution", the implementation of ethnic regional autonomy, the existing six ethnic minority autonomous counties.
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Transport and Communications
  Beijing, the capital of Hebei Province is the transport hub connecting all over the country. After years of construction and development, Hebei Province, has formed a land, sea and air integrated transport network. 25 territory by the main trunk railway, the railway cargo turnover ranking No. 1 mainland provinces. There are 27 national trunk highways, the mainland provinces of cargo turnover ranking No. 2; highway mileage of 2,007 kilometers, ranking the first three provinces in mainland China; Hebei sea far is very convenient, from south to north, there Cangzhou Hong Kong Qinhuangdao Port, Tangshan Port, Tianjin Port and Hong Kong is building in the Caofeidian Port of Tangshan and other large sea port. Among them, the Qinhuangdao Port in throughput capacity of 2 million tons, is the largest port in mainland China 2; Tangshan Port, handling capacity has been formed 200 million tons, Tangshan Port Caofeidian Port has reached 300 million tons, the annual throughput of Cangzhou Hong Kong also exceeded 1 million tons. Shijiazhuang has opened 47 air routes, 47 cities around the country, and opened in Shijiazhuang to Hong Kong and Russia and other CIS countries on the route. Qinhuangdao Shanhaiguan Airport opened 25 routes, 27 cities around the country. Handan Airport put into service in 2007, Tangshan International Airport is also put into use, has opened in Dalian, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Xi'an, Guangzhou, Chongqing and other more than 50 routes. Beijing Capital Airport, Tianjin, Hebei International Airport can be used.
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Industry open
河北 产业开放
  Hebei Province and the world now has 170 countries and regions have established economic and trade relations, provincial and municipal sister cities reached 75 pairs. The end of 2008, the province's total actual use of foreign capital reached more than 1,000 billion, were completed and put into the "three capital" enterprises 9728, by 2008 exports 30 billion U.S. dollars. Foreign investment projects involving energy, transportation, telecommunications, raw materials, textile, machinery, electronics, clothing, utilities, real estate and other fields. Foreign investors from more than 100 countries and regions, of which more than 90 famous international companies. Production in Hebei, China Light Industry plays an important role, a great number of raw materials can be processed in Hebei.
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Administrative Division
河北 行政区划
河北 行政区划
  Provincial capital of Shijiazhuang City. The province is located in Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Handan, Qinhuangdao, Baoding, Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Langfang, Cangzhou, Hengshui and Xingtai 11 prefecture-level city. City under the jurisdiction of 172 counties (cities, districts), of which 23 county-level cities, 115 counties, 34 municipal districts. There are 1,970 towns across the province, a county area, 50,201 village committees.
  Hebei Administrative Region List of administrative divisions above the county level map
  Shijiazhuang: 0311050000 license number: Ji A
  Chang'an District, Xinhua District, east zone west of Yuhua District, Xinji Jingxing mining vitalizing Jinzhou City, the new Music City Luquan Zhengding Jingxing Lingshou Gaoyi County Luancheng Shen Zexian Xingtang County Zanhuang Promise Pingshan Yuanshi County Zhaoxian
  Handan: 0310056000 license number: Ji D
  Renaissance Zone District Han Shanqu Congtai peak into the mine Wu'an County in Handan County Daming County Shexian Linzhang Feixiang Yongnian County Qiuxian Jize Cixian wide WEI Xian County, Quzhou County, County Guantao
  Baoding: 0312071000 license number: Ji F
  New urban area south downtown Taipei City Zhuozhou Anguo given Mancheng County Gaobeidian Laishui Fuping County, Qingyuan County, Xushui County Rongcheng Laiyuan Wangdu Dingxing Tangxian Gaoyang An Lixian Quyang Yixian County along County Boye Xian Xiong County
  Chengde City: 0314067000 license number: Ji H
  Shuangqiao District Shuangluan Qu Ying Ying Zi mine hand Xinglong County of Chengde County, Longhua County Pingquan County Luanping Fengning County Manchu Autonomous County of Weichang Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County
  Tangshan: 0315063000 license number: Ji B
  Guye District, Kaiping District Lubei Lunan Qu Fengrun Fengnan Luanxian Zunhua Qian'an City ORCHARD Yutian County Luannan Laoting Tanghai County County
  Langfang City: 0316065000 license number: Ji R
  Anci District, Guang Yang District, Yongqing County, Pa Xianghe Guan City Sanhe County Dachang Hui Autonomous County ANALYSIS
  Cangzhou City: 0317061000 license number: Ji J
  Xinhua District, the Canal Zone Huanghua Botou Hejian Renqiu Cangxian Haixing County Green County, Yanshan County, Suning light Nanpi Wuqiao Xian Nationality Autonomous Region
  Hengshui City: 0318053000 license number: Ji T
  Taocheng Jizhou Wuyi County, Shenzhen City ZaoQiang Gucheng Wu Anping County Raoyang Fucheng County King County
  Xingtai City: 0319054000 license number: Ji E
  East zone west zone Shahe City, Xingtai County Nangong Lincheng County, Bo Xiang Qiu county, a county Longyao County South County Ningjin County Julu Xian Guangzong County New River County, Granville County, rural county A West County Qinghe County
  Qinhuangdao: 0335066000 license number: Ji C
  Beidaihe District Port District Shanhaiguan District Changli County Funing Lulong Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County
  Zhangjiakou City: 0313075000 license number: Ji G
  Xuanhua district east zone west zone Xuanhua County, the Lower Garden District Zhangbei Kangbao County County, Wei County Shangyi Guyuan Yangyuan County Huai Huai county to county County million Chicheng County Chongli Zhuolu County
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Ancient and Modern Masters
河北 古今名人
  1, Yao, according to legend, one of the Five Emperors of ancient China born in Tang Yao Shun County (formerly End County) Qishan Iraq, so Iraq has called on the Yaoshan Qishan. Descendants called Rhodium.
  2, Bo, do not eat millet weeks Hebei (Lulong) people.
  3, Shu Ch'i, Majapahit's younger brother, and his brother did not eat millet weeks, starved to death Shouyangshan.
  4, King Wuling of Zhao (about 340 years ago - before 295 years) were Yong, Warring States period Zhaoguo Guo Jun, an outstanding statesman, military strategist and military reformer.
  5, Zhao She, horse clothing Jun Han, "horse" surname origin. Zhao people, and Zhao were the royal family, when the session of the aristocracy. Zhao famous late Warring States Period.
  6, Get the lead, the four famous Warring States Period, Shigeyoshi generosity, courage hear the princes. Born in 327 BC and died in 243 BC, the Guo-Jie Zhao out of the military generals
  7, and Yue, Zhao people, the Warring States champion, led the five countries under the war-Qi seventy city.
  8 Lin was the Warring States were compared, Hebei Quyang County, heroic righteousness, wisdom, HTC, eternal good talk.
  9, Gong, Spring and Autumn Warring States period, thinkers. Gong, the word sub-Ping, Zhao people (now Handan).
  10, Li Mu, Zhao Guobo people (now Hebei Longyao) people, one of the Warring States Period four star, and its achievements since no need to say.
  11, Xu, reportedly ancestors for the Japanese emperor, Qin Qi Xu (Cangzhou Warring States Period is homogeneous, in Anyang, Chao Huang is the Warring States period) rate of three thousand children went to Japan, Hebei. 12, Mao Heng, Han scholars, Hebei Hejian people, "Mao study" pioneer.
  13, Mao Chang, the Western Han Dynasty Poetry, "Mao learning" to teach those, Handan people, "Book of Songs" is Daru Mao Heng Han, Mao Chang commented, "Mao." .
  14, Han Ying, Han Poetry "Han poetics" of the pioneers (Note: Book with Qilu Yan Zhao Si heritage home, but after Zhao Chang Mao, a spread so far).
  15, Dong, Han Confucian scholars, respect Confucianism and abrogate the initiator of the Western Han Dynasty in Canton (now Guangzhou Hebei ZaoQiang Chuanzhen) people. Comments Chiaki power offense.
  16, Empress Dou, famous Yi, Qinghe County (now Hebei Qinghe) people, the Han Emperor Wen of the Queen, the Han Emperor Jing's mother. From her, the Han Dynasty pushed the powerful peak.
  17, Wang Zheng-jun, Han Emperor Liu seok Queen, positive people, life has seven North Korea, at the age of 84 years, is the Queen of the oldest in history.
  18, Zu, this Laishui County, Hebei, China mathematicians, scientists. Northern and Southern Dynasties people. Emperor Yuan Jia is not born six years, died faint Hou Qi yuan two years.
  19, Li Tao Yuan, Wei geographer, essayist, Fan Yang (now Hebei Zhuoxian) people.
  20, Bian Que (BC 407 - before 310), name of Qin Yue people, who Bohai Mo (now within the Qiuxian Hebei), Spring and Autumn Period doctors.
  21, Li, Hebei Xingtai Lincheng people, arch bridge designer, a famous ancient Chinese architect.
  22, opening angle, huge deer (now Hebei Pingxiang County), Han Dynasty peasant uprising leaders. Yellow Turban rebel army leader, Peace Avenue founder.
  23, Liu Bei, Hebei Zhuozhou people, Shu Han emperor.
  24, Zhao, Hebei definite person, the three star.
  25, Zhang Fei, Hebei Zhuozhou people, three star.
  26, Li Yuan, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Gansu into a broker, and his ancestors are Zhaojun Longqing (Hebei Longyao) people.
  27, Dou Jiande, Hebei, Northeast Old City, Hebei Rebel leader Sui, Li unification of China's biggest challenger, was the winner unknown.
  28, Liu Heita, Pui state Zhangnan (now east Hebei so) people, Sui Hebei Rebel leaders.
  29, Wei Zheng, Tang Dynasty were compared, Julu people straight in the Huatie Dan Robinson.
  30, Lu Zhaolin, the famous poet, one of the Four Heroes. You Zhou Fan Yang (now Hebei Zhuoxian) people.
  31, high fitness, the word Duff. Cangzhou (now King County, Hebei Province), the famous frontier fortress.
  32, Jia Dao, word Langzhong cents, Fan Yang (now Hebei Zhuozhou) people, the famous Tang Dynasty poet.
  33, Han Yu, Tang Dynasty writer, philosopher. Hayang (now in Henan Jiaozuo Meng City) people, Han Chinese. Native of Changli, the Bank said Han Changli.
  34, Chai Rong, Xingtai, the famous emperor of the Five Dynasties Later Zhou Dynasty, King Sejong.
  35, Kuangyin, Zhuozhou Hebei native, was born in Luoyang, year round living in Kaifeng, Zhengzhou Gongyi buried in the Song Ling.
  36, three Su (Su Xun / Su Shi / Zhe), Sichuan, native objective Plan, Su Che the "Luancheng _set_" to read their ancestors.
  37, Lu Junyi, Daming County, Hebei.
  38, Yan Qing, Daming County, Hebei.
  39, Wu Song, Hebei Qinghe who fled Yanggu County for murder.
  40, Guo Shou-jing, Xingtai, the Chinese Yuan Dynasty's great astronomers, mathematicians, and experts and equipment manufacturers at home.
  41, Guan Hanqing, Baoding, Hebei security people, Yuan everyone.
  42, Ji Xiaolan, Hebei Cangzhou people, the Qing Ming Chen, "Si Ku Quan Shu" editor in chief.
  43, Zhang, Nanpi people, the Westernization Movement Sydney.
  44, Sun V gamma, Sui Hebei Qinghe, history as the first champion.
  45, Cao, native of Hebei, a great writer.
  46, Fearless, Hebei Dongguang County, a famous martial artist, Hebei paladin, a national hero.
  47, Zhao, Hebei Wei County, Boxer leaders, first led the Boxer Uprising in Shandong.
  48, five machetes Wang, Hebei Baoding, Hebei hero, the capital paladin.
  49, Swallow Lee III, Hebei Cangzhou people, chivalrous thief, reputed in China.
  50, zhao, keep the word often, Hebei black lump Laoting County village. Early leaders of the Chinese Communist Party.
  51, Han Yin Pavilion, Yongnian Tin Village, CPC directly appointed Commissioner of Nantes, the Eighth Route Army detachment commander of the Ping-Han generation hero, the legendary star.
  52, Chang Tso-lin, Wang northeast Liaoning Haicheng people, native of Hebei.
  53, Zhang Xun, big warlords, the military chief whip, the Yangtze River to make inspections, Jiangxi, native of Hebei.
  54, Pei Wenzhong, Fengnan County, Hebei Province. Prehistoric archeology, paleontologist, discoverer of Peking Man.
  55, Wang Shizhen, three heroes of the Northern dragon, Zhengding people.
  56, Feng Guozhang, three heroes of the Northern leopard, Hebei Hejian, the famous comedian Feng Gong Zeng grandfather.
  57, Feng Yu-hsiang, native of Anhui, grew up in Baoding, Hebei, Baoding dialect to maintain life.
  58, Tong Linge, the Chinese anti-Japanese general, national hero. Gao Yang Zhili (now Hebei) people.
  59, Chang, native of Hebei, rich, famous women of modern Shanghai, work any comment on the crime.
  60, Guo Xiaochuan, the modern poet. Fengning County.
  61, Langya Five Heroes, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Wei County man, hero, Yan legacy.
  62, Dong Cunrui, Huailai County of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, a national hero, Yan legacy.
  63, horse of the fasting, Hebei Cangzhou people, Muslims, Chinese anti-Japanese hero.
  64, the king for two, Baoding, Hebei Laiyuan the Village people, young anti-Japanese hero.
  65, Little Soldier, Baoding, Hebei Anxin County, young anti-Japanese hero.
  66, Rongguan Xiu, Hebei and Shan Ren, Communist Party members, the anti-Japanese heroes, won the "sons of the mother," the title of honor and so on.
  67, Yang Lu Chan, Yongnian people, Yang Tai Chi master.
  68, Feng Zhi, a famous modern poet, translator, and professor. Zhuozhou Zhili (now Hebei Zhuoxian) people.
  69, Sun Li, modern and contemporary novelist, essayist, Hebei Anping people, known as "Lotus Lake School" founder.
  70, Gai Jiaotian, opera Takefu, No. Yan Nan, buried in West Lake in Hangzhou.
  71, Yu Min, nuclear physicist, the father of China's hydrogen bomb.
  72, Teresa, Hebei great celebrity, born in Taiwan, famous singer, song after generation.
  73, Wang Meng, former Minister of Culture, a famous writer, Hong Xuejia.
  74, Tie Ning, a famous writer, the current Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association.
  75, Pei Yanling, formerly known as Pei letter. Hebei Clapper famous performing artists, and opera performances, work Takefu, native of Hebei Suning.
  76, Cui, Cui was born in Tianjin, native of Hebei, Korean, famous CCTV host.
  77, Zhou Ying Chao, native of Hebei, was born in Hebei, China popular network star.
  78, Ge You, native Raoyang County, was born in Beijing, a famous actor.
  79, Jiang Wen, a famous actor, director.
  80, Gao Yuanyuan, native of Hebei Tangshan rich, famous movie stars, "Nanjing, Nanjing," the heroine
  81, Zhang Tielin, famous movie stars, native who graduated from Tangshan.
  83, Qian Hong, Hebei Baoding, female swimmer, Olympic champion, won 51 world championship, "Butterfly Queen."
  84, Guo Jingjing, Hebei Baoding, diving athletes, the Olympic champion.
  85, Fan Fan, Taiwanese singer, graduated from Harvard University, Department of Economics, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province native Shen Zexian
  86, Yang Gong Ji, professor, is a famous social scientist, a famous expert on the history of science, Zhengding people.
  87, He Menglian, word net kiosks, Chow Kai, positive people. Qianlong Yi Hai lifts, Li Yulin officials prefect. A "type of poetry of ancient Church."
  88, Suda Nian, Hebei definite person. Hanlin editing, called Su Xueshi. Huazhu best at stone can be poetry.
  89, Wye C, (birth and death years unknown), really _set_ the monks, the Northern Song Dynasty monk, the famous scientist. Expertise in construction engineering.
  90, Liangmeng Long (? -1592), Really be (now positive definite) the person, Ming statesman, military strategist.
  91, Fanteng Feng, Hebei Xingtai were five parties phonological vowel edited by the famous Chinese sociologist who
  92, White Park, one of the four Yuan, positive people.
  93, Baoqiang, 1984, was born in Xingtai City, Hebei Province, South County famous actors, representative of "A World Without Thieves," "Soldier Attack"
  94, Lee thought, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, 80 representative, CEO of Beijing Information Technology bubble.
  95, Han Qiao, Handan people, China Central Television famous sports show host.
  96, Pang Wei, Hebei Baoding, shooting athletes, Olympic champions, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games gold winner of the second Chinese delegation.
  97, Zu Ti, Fan Yang Qiu (now Laishui County, Hebei Province) people, the Western Jin Ming Chen, Wen Ji chicken dance and blow by him from the mid-stream.
  98, Liu Kun, Hebei Promise Northeast. Poets. Young man, that is "handsome" reputation, to valiant famous. Another dancing hero chickens.
  99, Zhao Ji, Emperor mother, now Handan people.
  100, Mrs. Lee, Han concubine, was made a Takatake after the death of the Queen, "the North has beauty, masterpiece and independent, a topple the men of the city, and then topple the men of the country.
  101, Chen Mi, Hebei Wuji County, Temple name Wen Zhao Yan Queen. Yin is the beauty of the history of one of the most. Descendants called Luo.
  102, Dou Wentao, native of Shandong, was born in Shijiazhuang, Phoenix TV host.
  103, Wu, Tangshan City Fengrun people. Served as first secretary of Beijing Municipal Committee, Municipal Revolutionary Committee, the Beijing Garrison first political commissar of the other party and the country's important position.
  104. Monk line: formerly known as Sui Zhang, Xingtai Julu people, the famous Tang Dynasty astronomer, eight scientists in ancient China.
  105. Song Jing: word Quang Binh, South Xingtai person phase one of the four famous Tang Dynasty, known for blunt, is the main hero of the Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan Spirit.
  106. Chang, old: Xingtai Guangzong people, Mr. Tong Xuan Emperor seal it as, thanks to Xing Zhou Wufengshan (now Xingtai Chang, old mountain) as its practice, the later instructions from the one of the Eight Immortals.
  107. Dongzhen Tang: Xingtai New River people, the Red Army star, the original Hong Wujun commander, Hebei Province, joined the revolution died since the highest general officer positions
  108. Shang Xiaoyun: Xingtai Palace, the famous Beijing Opera artist, one of Four famous male opera.
  109. Mulan: Northern Wei Shitang positive people (now Dong Village, Xingtai County, New River), Northern Wei had for the father of the army, later left Mulan, Mulan New River County, Temple worship since ancient times.
  110. Yu Rang: for the Lord to avenge the assassination of Zhao Xiangzi moved Xingtai, failed suicide, the title of "National Scholar", Xingtai history has a shrine worship.
  111. Play the public: the fifth son of the Yellow Emperor invented the bow and arrow, surname Zhang, Qinghe, Xingtai this Conferring for Zhang ancestor.
  112. Zhanghu: Xingtai Qinghe, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty to house the word was said.
  113. Tianguang: Ancient Church Yang (now Xingtai New River) people, Yanguo Yong Shi, called Day Man, his later years living in Yandu recommended Jing Ke, who is the planning Jingkeciqin
  114. Liu Bingzhong: Xingtai people, the early Yuan Dynasty were compared, one of the highest Excellencies, is the capital and large capital (Beijing) designers
  115. Fan Quality: (911 ~ 964), the word text elements, were the city (today Xingtai Granville County) Van Camp family man. After Hou Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, Later Zhou Dynasty, Song Dynasty, five towards the official, the two Koreas for the phase, known as the "breeze prime minister."
  116. Zhang Guan: (AD 605-677), the word Zhi Gui, Xingtai City, Qinghe County, the Tang Dynasty prime minister, Zhu Guo in the first ten, known as "Ching Ho Shi Ze, Tang-phase home sound."
  117. Zhangzi Xin, Xingtai City, Qinghe County, Northern Qi Dynasty famous astronomer, the three found in ancient Chinese astronomy astronomical landmark in the history of
  118. Lau Hu: (94-125 years), father of Liu Qinghe Wang, Qinghe County, Xingtai City Health today, 13 years old to be access to the palace, Jidi Wei, is the Emperor Han'an
  119. Chang Chien: Wei Ching Ho (now Xingtai City, Qinghe County), the famous mathematician, representative of "Chang Chien Suan Jing."
  120. Obviously drunk: Name yi, also for King Hugh, one of the Eight Immortals. "Song" called him Cisheng Guang Xian Empress (Xingtai ningjin people) long brother, it said Guojiu.
  121. King Joe: Legend has it that Shu, who was Park (now Xingtai Longyao) magistrate for several years, announced after the official position works in the Hill Monastic Longyao, attained after riding a crane to heaven. The next hole after the Buddha was the first Sin.
  122. Yang Chun Zeng: Xingtai River people, Korean martyrs, was awarded the Principal hero, the Chinese People's Volunteers, a war hero, a model Communist Party of China, Democratic People's Hero title (only including Peng volunteers, including 12 officers and men to receive this award), and a national flag Korean Medal, Medal of Venus.
  123. Qinjian Bin: Xingtai Palace people to participate in the Korean War, was awarded the Principal hero, said the title of a war hero and a national flag Korean Medal, the film "heroes and heroines" in Wang's prototype, the National History Museum in Korea, and his half-length heroes statue is on display in the first row of the first volunteers.
  124. If Xin Song: 〔〕 Tang Pui state (now Xingtai Qinghe) people. The famous Tang Dynasty talented woman, good diction poetry, lofty aspirations. Dezong time has been called "degree", Consul General of Mige map by. Death, gifts Jun inland county. Author of "Female Analects" 10.
  125. Cao Xi Yun: word Chong, Xingtai ningjin people, famous Nvdao Shi Song, the World No. Cao Xian Gu, Huizong Ciming Road Chong Qing Xu Wen Chao Yi master plus, Wendell Mr. Ren Jing, representative of "Boulevard Wen Yi Cao Xian Gu Song "(" spiritual source Boulevard Song ")," Note I "," Yin Fu Jing Note "and" the West rose by Note "," Cao Xi Yun Song Poems, "and so on.
  126. Chan Po Kwong Wife: 〔〕 Han women. Huge deer (this rural county of Xingtai City) people. Woven damask work, teaching weaving method, as the inventor of the loom.
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Specialty parts
  General introduction
  Jinju Pear Peach State is booming deep candied red fruit Cangzhou, Hebei Gaocheng blood Qi Gong surface Fuping jujube
  Chestnuts Julu string sticks Zhaoxian snowflake white grape Zanhuang Apricot gold jujube Xuanhua
  Red Star Apple Chengde persimmon almond croissants are hot looking Cangzhou Ziziphus jujuba
  Cangzhou preserved vegetables Julu Yinhua Yu meters Zhuozhou Rhaponticum uniflorum Julu "01" blood Qi
  Pigs tiger horse Dingzhou Zhangbei yellow rabbit Muan Hengshui goldfish large tail sheep goat Jersey Deep Creek Meat Loaf
  Jinan beef chicken pumping sand dam tail Qinhuangdao shell carving stone embroidery painting Quyang
  Yasumizu ancient Yan Hou Tangshan Ceramic wood shop brush Cizhou Chengde
  Baoding health balls Jizhou jade carved stone bridges wrong Huanghua Clam Wuqiang New Year
  Handan Yangyuan Congtai Buddha wine apricot oat dam grape Xuanhua parrot green beans Longan
  Sang Yang Malus seaweed fern ass mouth of the West Bali sprinkle garlic beans Ping
  Large stone village Tricholoma Yuzhou Kongmy dry pepper sweet pepper Jize gold tapestry
  Paper Business Paper Zaoqiang mouth painted snuff bottles pickles Gu'an Willow Baoding Huai Mao
  Liu Ling Xu water drunk wine Fenzhou Hengshui Gaobeidian Laobaigan Jinju silk tofu salty donkey
  Caohe Donkey fire Leather Baoding in spring are not old Xinji
  Huai An Yuba Chaigou Zhangjiakou Fort bacon
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Hebei University
  Undergraduate: (classification according to the location of schools)
  Shijiazhuang: Hebei Science and Technology, Hebei Normal University of Hebei Medical University Hebei Institute of Physical Education, Hebei University of Economics, Shijiazhuang University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Institute of Media Economics, Shijiazhuang Railway Institute
  Baoding: Hebei University, Hebei Agricultural University, North China Electric Power University (211) Hebei Institute of Finance Institute of the Central Judicial Police Baoding Great Wall of China University of Geosciences Institute
  Tangshan: Tangshan, Hebei Polytechnic University, Tangshan, North China Coal Medical College Teachers College
  Qinhuangdao: Yanshan University, Hebei Normal University, Northeastern University, Qinhuangdao Branch
  Hengshui: Hengshui
  Langfang: North China Institute of Disaster Prevention Science and Technology Institute of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force Academy North China Institute of Aerospace Langfang Teachers College
  Xingtai: Xingtai Institute (formerly Zhili fourth Normal School)
  Chengde: Chengde Medical College
  Handan: Handan, Hebei University of Engineering College
  Zhangjiakou: Hebei Institute of Architectural Engineering, Hebei North University
  Tianjin: Hebei University of Technology (211)
  Vocational colleges: (classified by the location of schools)
  Baoding: Hebei Software Institute Chemical Pharmaceutical College, Hebei Baoding Vocational and Technical College of Technology College of Baoding, Baoding Hebei Vocational and Technical College Vocational College
  Tangshan: Tangshan, Hebei Institute of Energy Technology Vocational College Tangshan Tangshan Industry Polytechnic College of Science & Technology
  Qinhuangdao: Building Materials, Hebei Polytechnic University, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Vocational and Technical Vocational College of Foreign Languages
  Langfang: Hebei Institute of Petroleum Technology Vocational College, Langfang Langfang Vocational Technical Institute East
  Cangzhou: Cangzhou, Hebei Engineering and Technical College Medical College Teachers College Cangzhou Cangzhou Bohai Petroleum Vocational College Vocational College Vocational College Botou
  Hengshui: Hengshui Vocational and Technical College
  Xingtai: Xingtai Medical College Xingtai Vocational Technical College (military technical institute) Hebei Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Technology
  Chengde: National Teachers College Chengde Chengde Petroleum College, Hebei Tourism College
  Handan: Handan, Hebei Polytechnic Vocational College of Judicial Police
  Zhangjiakou: Zhangjiakou Zhangjiakou Vocational College of Technology College Education Xuanhua (formerly Xuanhua Zhangjiakou Education Campus)
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Sister Cities
  Number other country, province, city to conclude the time counties
  1 (U.S.) Iowa 1983.7.22
  2 (Japan) Nagano 1983.11.11
  3 (Japan), Tottori 1986.6.19
  4 (Italy), Veneto 1988.5.17
  5 (Belgium), East Flanders 1991.10.4
  6 (Russian) Leningrad State 1992.7.30
  7 (Argentina) Buenos Aires province 1992.5.19
  8 (U.S.) Missouri 1994.1.25
  9 (Korea) Chungnam 1994.10.19
  10 (France) on the Seine 1997.2.21
  11 (Brazil), Goiás 1999.3.24
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Government Website
  Hebei provincial government website:
  Hebei provincial government procurement network:
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  Shijiazhuang is the capital of Hebei province, the province's political, economic, technological, financial, cultural and information center, the State Council approved the implementation of policies and financial opening-up coastal cities.
  Shijiazhuang City is located in the North China Plain, north of Beijing and Tianjin, east Bohai Sea, West Hill Taihang Mountains, known as the "north-south thoroughfare, Yan Jin throat," said the national railways, highways, postal services, communications hub. Shijiazhuang railway station is one of the three largest marshalling yard is important to our passenger and cargo transit center in the north, with Beijing-Guangzhou, Taiyuan, Shi-De railway intersection of the three here, the northern city Shuohuang railway crossing; road transport accessible , Beijing, Shenzhen, Taiyuan, Shi Huang, Shi Ji Expressway and 107,307,308 in the city area until the national highways criss-crossing; Shijiazhuang Civil Aviation Airport has opened more than 20 domestic routes; local road circuit basically townships , every village access roads, forming a skeleton of national and provincial trunk highways and local roads for the mountains, criss-crossing, highway network extending in all directions. Postal communication is an important national mail processing center and hub of Beijing south of the regional communication network, now with the world's 168 countries and regions, 174 cities in each country to do express mail service; the city's total capacity of program-controlled telephone 1920000, mobile communications users reached 490,000 + Unicom, China Railcom, communication is very convenient. Has jurisdiction over 6 districts, 12 counties, 5 county-level cities and one state-level high-tech development zone, with a total area of 15,800 square kilometers, the resident population of 9,395,000, of which the urban area of 455.8 square km, population 2,313,000.
  Shijiazhuang City, with the opening of the railway and the modern rise of new cities. City is young, and her roots in this land, is ancient, it is fertile. Since the founding of new China, especially since the reform and opening up, accelerate the development of Shijiazhuang People's glow, wealthy and strong city of vitality and vigor in participating in the tide of global economic competition, and constantly create a good performance. Currently Shijiazhuang has become a significant economic characteristics, highlight the leading industry, the people living rich and broad development prospects of the major cities of northern China.
  Shijiazhuang City is rich in tourism resources, of which both the historical and cultural city, to commemorate the revolution and other modern human resources, there are mountains, lakes, hot springs and other natural resources, as well as customs, trade shopping, urban tourism, and other unique resources, not only All types and number, and the development of high value. The city has 18 national key cultural relics protection units, 105 provincial-level key cultural relics protection units, city and county are more than 240 key cultural relics protection units, all types of heritage sites are more than up to 1200; a National Scenic Area 2 (Cangyan, Zhangshiyan), two provincial-level scenic spots (closed Yongsan, days Guishan); also has historical and cultural city - positive definite, the provincial name of history and culture - Zhao Xian; and the four provincial tourism resort ( Beaulieu Lake, Mount Cangyan, Wen Tang, Zhangshiyan), National Forest Park 1 (Wu Yue Village), the provincial Forest Park 7 (Sendai Hill, Tuoliang, South Temple palm, red branch, Long Lake State, Xibaipo etc.), national and provincial patriotism education base 6; unique capital position, a more prosperous development of business tourism trade exhibition provided a good condition.
  Looking ahead, the recent 300 million Shijiazhuang clearly defined, long-term population size of 500 million "urban development goals, specifically the" Hebei Province, Beijing, Tianjin and the third most livable city and the cultural ecology "of the city for development.
  Especially in the urban space strategy, we change the over-concentration of central city development model to functional core capital to large-scale infrastructure construction for the protection, ecological restoration based Hutuohe to Zhengding protection of historical and cultural city and taste upgraded to support, expand urban development space, kicking off the city-building framework, the full implementation of space across the north, in the east of Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, west of Airport Road North Extension, Zhang Shilin Expressway Extension south east, 130 north Hutuo New construction of square kilometers of regional development, reconstruction of urban pattern, strive to build "one city, three districts, the three groups," functional space layout.
  Handan City, will build national historical and cultural city, Hebei, Shanxi Shandong and Henan in areas bordering central cities as the city's development goals. Not long ago, the fourth city of Handan City Master Plan (2010-2020) reviewed and approved by the provincial government.
  It is understood that the fourth general rules to determine the nature of Handan City: national historic cultural city, Hebei, Shanxi Shandong and Henan in areas bordering urban centers. Urban development objectives are: to achieve a comprehensive goal of building a moderately prosperous society, to enhance the city's comprehensive strength and competitiveness, and enhance border regions of Hebei, Shanxi Luyu comprehensive services to build national ecological garden city. By 2020, the city's GDP to maintain growth rate of 8% -12%, total economy reached 6,000 billion yuan, per capita GDP was 60,000 yuan, the urbanization rate has reached 58%.
  Current plan seeks to improve the city through a comprehensive integrated services to regional, focus on improving transport links with neighboring cities to achieve to create a regional center bordering Ji Jin Lu Yu city. Basis through the use of the construction zone, driving the implementation of large public facilities, opened the urban development framework to enlarge and strengthen the city center.
  Handan: To make "the south center" area of the bridgehead
  "By the financial crisis and economic downturn, such as multiple factors, with the province than any other city of Handan City economy has been the most severely affected, one steel industry led to government revenues and 20 billion." Deputies in Hebei Province, Handan Acting Mayor Guo Tai will be built in China Economic Times interview that the "Hebei proposed to promote regional economic development co-ordination, to connect Beijing and Tianjin, to create economic growth in eastern Hebei and south center pole. Handan, Hebei is located in the southernmost tip of the catch opportunity to fight for the south center area of the bridgehead. "
  "The most southern part of Hebei Handan, Shijiazhuang outside the largest prefecture-level city of the total economy. I think the south center of Handan is introduced when the new starting point the historical opportunity of Handan is necessary to identify opportunities to do their own thing, in the south center area become a regional center city as a regional logistics center, to become the bridgehead of the regional economy. "Guotai building, said the rapid development of Handan has had favorable conditions:
  First of all, access to the sea previously Handan in Rizhao Port, Tianjin Port, 600 kilometers away from both, with the Huanghua Port, the distance shortened by a third, will become the coastal city of Handan.
  Second, the Handan City in these strong advantages. Strong industrial base, and to occupy the four provinces of Shanxi-location logistics center, the south center concept proposed that as a regional center of Handan strengthened. The future in industry, will focus on the transformation of traditional industries, establishment of a modern industrial system; in logistics, Handan total flow of goods is one hundred and eighty million tons, if this billion eighty million tons of goods brought together, leading through the Huanghua Port the world, we become a real logistics center.
  Third, Zhao culture with economic development will be better tapped. The cultural industry is produced to some extent, engage in cultural industries and economic foundations, to have financial support, our economy alive, and this place will naturally become a combination of traditional culture and the center of modern culture, traditional culture has to do big.
  Political infrastructure has started in 2009, started the.
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河北 邢台
  Xingtai, referred to as "Xing", nickname "wau City", "cow town", alias "Longgang", "mandarin duck water", known as "Xing Xiang." Three thousand five hundred years history of founding of the city is the city of Hebei Province, the oldest city, has done Shang, Xing, Zhao, Chang Shan State, the capital of five dynasties, after Zhao. Different periods in history had the following names: Well side, Xing, Julu County, State County Xiang, Xing Zhou and Shun House, Shunde Road, Shunde Road, Xingtai City. Xingtai there are "mandarin duck water Longgang, Xiang ancient capital of the country, the mountain by insurance, form of victory to" the name. Administrative Map of Xingtai City
  Xingtai City, Hebei Province, located south of the southern section of the eastern foot of Taihang Mountains, the western edge of the North China Plain. Located at latitude 36 ° 50 '~ 37 ° 47', longitude 113 ° 52 '~ 115 ° 49' between the east to guard the canal across the sector and the Shandong Province, Shanxi Province, adjacent to the west by the Taihang Mountains and south of Handan City, linked to North respectively Shijiazhuang, Hengshui City border. Something about the strength of area 185 km north-south about 80 kilometers at its widest point, with a total area of 12,486 square kilometers. Municipal government seat of the provincial capital of Shijiazhuang City, 106 km north, 396 kilometers from the capital Beijing.
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河北 衡水
  Hengshui City, Hebei Province, located in the southeast sector in east longitude 115 ° 10'-116 ° 34 ', latitude 37 ° 03'-38 ° 23' between. The total area of 8815 square km. Cangzhou City, east of East County, Wuqiao County and adjacent to Dezhou, Shandong Province, west of Shijiazhuang Shen Zexian, Xinji City, which borders the south and the New River County, Xingtai City, Nangong, Wu Qinghe County and City, Shandong Province County connected with the northern city of Baoding in Yasukuni, Boye Xian, Lixian and Suning County in Cangzhou City, Xian, Botou City junction. Beijing, the capital city located 250 km south Taocheng District, 119 km west of the provincial capital of Shijiazhuang.
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  Cangzhou, Hebei Province, located in southeast, east Bohai Sea, north of Beijing and Tianjin, and Shandong Peninsula and Liaodong Peninsula across the sea. 240 km from the capital Beijing, 120 kilometers away from Tianjin, 221 kilometers from the provincial capital Shijiazhuang. Changzhou is located in the heart of the Bohai Sea, Hebei Province, to determine the "two loop" (around Beijing and Tianjin, the Bohai Sea) open line region, but also the Beijing-Tianjin route to the East coast hub. Beijing-Shanghai Railway (Beijing - Shanghai), Shuohuang Railway (Shuozhou - Huanghua Port) and the Beijing-Shanghai (Beijing - Shanghai) Expressway, Shi Huang (Shijiazhuang - Huanghua) highway intersection in Cangzhou. Beijing-Kowloon Railway (Beijing - Kowloon), Shuohuang Railway (Shuozhou - Huanghua) Suning County intersection in the city, and has a marshalling yard. National "Ninth Five-Year" key project of Huanghua Port and Shuo Huang (Shuozhou - Huanghua) completion of the railway, west east coal Cangzhou a new channel to the sea and the south center, northwest and west of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia, the Opening bridgehead, the advantage will become more apparent.
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The principal leaders of the current
  Hebei Provincial Party Secretary: Zhang Yunchuan
  Hebei Length: Hu Chunhua
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Hebei,  Hebei province
French Expression
  1. n.  Hebei ( Province )
Hebei province, Hebei, Hebei Cun
Hebei Community
Hebei Residential areas, Hebei Community residential committee
Hebei Neighborhood
Hebei Town
Hebei Xiang
Hebei Subdistrict
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