County : China > Shaanxi > Weinan > 
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Administrative area code
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Regional overview
  Chengcheng is located in central Shaanxi East House, the economic cooperation zone hinterland case the Qin Jin Henan Yellow River Golden Triangle, 180 kilometers from the provincial capital of Xi'an, the county's land area of ​​1121 square kilometers, of which 54.5% of the highland locations, ravines and hills account for 34.8%, 10.7% mountain. Has jurisdiction over 8 towns, 6 townships, 266 administrative villages, 1,486 villagers groups, with a total population of 37.8 million people, of which agricultural population of 31.2 million people, 15.5 million people in the rural labor force. 89 million mu of arable land per capita 2.8 acres, an area of ​​34.6 million mu of barren hills and slopes (which can make use of an area of ​​29.6 million acres). Low-lying north to south, four rivers county designated as a "three-beam principle. County in the Guanzhong Plain warm temperate semi-humid monsoon region, with an average annual temperature of 12 ° C, 680 mm of precipitation, frost-free period of 204 days, the temperature difference between day and night, up to 2,616 hours of annual sunshine hours, 406.9-1268 meters above sea level, south of Yan'an, Shaanxi The highest value of heat radiation, non-polluting industrial sources. The main grain-producing, cotton, oil, fruit, livestock, and is rich in natural resources, prominent regional advantages and tremendous potential for development of ecological agriculture County.
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  Chengcheng ancient county of the Yellow River Basin, dating back more than four, five thousand years of history, ancient land Yong, Spring and Autumn L. Jin, Qin Shi located North Huixian County, from the name of the county government of the Northern Wei Dynasty was founded Chengcheng County, County follow So far in 1540. Former arch original Fu after mountain Gansu, complex terrain, location impregnability ancient Tuen against an enemy strategic places. Wuqi stationed themselves in this, Guo Ziyi shuaibing the levy rebel Li Zicheng officers and soldiers to fight, Wang Zhen led Northwest Field Army fought a bloody war, and so on, have left deep footprints of ancient emblem of the earth. Soil thick water Chun, wind and vulgar beauty, original beams and downs, magnificent mountains, Emperor Wen built palace, the glimpse of the Tang name relative Weizheng this. History there had been "Chengcheng Eight now surpassed the year: the the the Pot the ladder Hill saplings forest, cypresses surround; glittering lake, Longshou dam Xuelang emptying; the antique, Yourenruzhi of the big market; Music floor, and Cheng tower chimed ranks the county.
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Agricultural production
  Chengcheng is located in the world's the Apple gold production with quality apple production base. The county's apple area of ​​30 mu, quality commercial fruit with an annual output of 300 million kilos, has entered the ranks of the semi-finals County, Shaanxi Province hundred counties nationwide, and became the only national standardization demonstration area in Shaanxi, Chinese famous fruit crown.
  Chengcheng livestock development momentum strong. Nineties is included in the Qinchuan beef cattle development base in the county, Shaanxi Province, this year identified as a World Bank loan to build a technology demonstration projects - Qinchuan beef cattle breeding County Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office of Shaanxi Province. County pig population 128,000 in 2002, population 80,000 sheep, 45,000 cattle population, the chicken population 1,350,000, of which 1.1 million cage-raised. Feedlot cattle more than the existing 50 5 125, more than 10 cattle ranchers. Relying County Qinchuan beef cattle feedlot by the provincial quarantine inspection and registration to obtain the advantages of Hong Kong and Macao for live cattle sales system, built the six townships cattle base, existing field cattle 25000, the slaughter of more than 6000 live cattle, direct supply of Hong Kong and Macau 2000 Head over. Existing for more than 20 pig farmers in 1130, more than 20 sheep farmers, 400, 510 poultry farmers in 1000, more than one hundred sheep, pig farm 230. Ancillary services, has built 5 Small Tail Han sheep propagation group, 12 cattle, sheep breeding point 35 seed swine artificial insemination. Epidemic prevention on the swine fever epidemic prevention density of 100%, 95% the Vaccine Epidemic Prevention density of Newcastle, 5 million acres planted alfalfa, rye grass, Penni_set_um grass excellent forage, silage 1.8 million tons, 300 tons of ammoniated forage. A large number of livestock leading enterprises of the county have been built Qinchuan beef cattle feedlot, the ambitious poultry company, the agriculture and animal husbandry, the Yat company, Fengyuan pig factory, the base plus farmer livestock industry initially formed.
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Industrial economy
  Chengcheng County Industrial Park, the county seat is located in the southern suburbs, the planning area of ​​60,000 square kilometers, has been identified as the focus of Weinan City "two to six parks development. Park, water, electricity, roads, telecommunications and other infrastructure facilities, a business service center, providing comprehensive, nanny services for enterprises in the park. Park development and science and technology for the pilot project as a carrier Aluminum and Power industry, chemical industry, pay attention not only to undertake the eastern industrial transfer, the development of "Supplements economic", "to fill a vacancy economic, but also pay attention to cooperation with research institutes, the introduction of The high-tech projects, the promotion of science and technology economic integration. 11 enterprises in the park, the cumulative investment of over five million, eight projects under construction after the completion of all the total economy of the park up to 10 billion yuan. Development ideas and goals, park construction project construction combine to cause "aircraft carrier" of the county industrial park to attract the project, project support the park, started the park brand, gradually playing. 
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Administrative divisions
  Chengcheng County exempted eight towns, six townships: Chengguan town, the town of Feng Yuan, Wang Zhen, Yao Town, Zhao Zhen dealings with the town, the front of the temple town, Wei Town, Ray Zhangjiawa Township, Shanhua Township, Liu Jia Va Township, Wo On Lane Township,, Luo Zhangjiawa Township, Founding Township. A total of seven neighborhood committees and 266 administrative villages.
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No. 7
  澄城县位于陕西东府中部。地理坐标为东经109°46′30〞-110°05′50〞、北纬34°55′45〞-35°27′05〞。总面积1112平方千米 / 1121平方千米。总人口39万人(2004年)。
  澄城地处陕西省渭北高原,洛河之畔,秦晋豫黄河金三角经济协作区腹地。澄城古为雍州之地,春秋属晋,汉名徵县,北魏太平年间始得其名,沿袭至今。 全县国土面积1121平方公里,其中耕地90万亩,是全国果品生产百强县和全国重点产煤县。
  澄城基础设施完备,人文环境优良。西(安)侯(马)、西(安)延(安)铁路和阎禹高速公路、 108国道、秦202线、秦106线穿境而过,交通十分便利[交通示意图]。城镇建设日新月异,古徵大街气势恢宏,园区场景蔚为壮观,公园景色秀丽迷人,各式建筑鳞次栉比,休闲广场错落有致,绿化面积逐年增加,三季有花,四季常绿。商业网点遍布城乡,电信网络覆盖全县。这里是黄河文明的重要发源地,历史悠久,物华天宝,既有令人流连忘返的壶梯翠柏和乐楼晨曦,又有全国首屈一指、叹为观止的民俗文物拴马桩石雕。深厚的文化积淀塑造了澄城人民“淳朴、勤劳”的秉性,“澄县老哥”美名远扬。
  朴实,社会和谐进步。作为国务院确定的对外开放县,新时期的澄城人更以其诚信本色营造着一流的发展环境。近年,新一届县委、县政府坚持以科学发展观为指导,统筹经济社会发展全局,努力构建“和谐澄城”。积极实施重点突破、项目带动、特色立县和可持续发展四大战略,倾力开发建设以秦202 线为轴心的农业科技产业开发带和澄城工业园区、韦庄农业产业化园区、冯原农副产品贸易园区为核心的“一带三园”,引领澄城经济社会驶入了一个快速、健康、协调发展的“快车道”。
Clear City
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agricultureAdministrationShaanxi ProvinceSalt companies
Salt Administrationexperiment Middle SchoolgeographyAdministrative villages
Containing Phrases
Chengcheng County HospitalChengcheng County MuseumChengcheng County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital
Chengcheng county orthopaedics HospitalChengcheng county suburb RestaurantChengcheng County Salt Administration
Chengcheng county Dongsheng tanneryChengcheng County maternal and child care service centreChengcheng county hygiene preventorium
Chengcheng county Chengguan zhen Suburb Fangbao InstituteChengcheng county Chengguan zhen orthopaedics HospitalShaanxi province Chengcheng County chemical works
Chengcheng county 。 mental hospitalChengcheng county Weizhuang Town Sanitation CenterChengcheng county Detach away Regrade cadre Regulate Institute