国家 : 北欧 > 
·国度·北欧国家·No. 3
·No. 4·英文解释·法文解释
  芬兰共和国(The Republic of Finland,Suomen Tasavalta)。
  【人口】523.66万人(2004年底)。芬兰有两种官方语言:93%的人口所使用的芬兰语和6%人口的母语瑞典语。少数人口包括了萨米人、俄罗斯人、犹太人等。 大多数芬兰人(89%)信奉基督教路德宗,大约1%的人口则信奉东正教。其余包括了少部分基督教新教其他教派的教徒、罗马天主教徒、穆斯林和犹太教徒。冬季战争后大约有12%的人口需要被安置。战争赔款、失业问题以及对芬兰保持独立前景的不确定曾导致了大批的移民在1970年代离开芬兰。而到了1990年代,芬兰又开始接收大批难民与移民。
  【首都】 赫尔辛基(Helsinki),人口55.9万人(2004年底)。夏季平均气温16℃,冬季平均气温-5℃。
   首都赫尔辛基素称“波罗的海明珠”,是一座 花园般现代化都市,街道宽阔,商业繁荣,现代建筑和中世纪建都具浓郁的民族特色,市内众多的各种类型的博物馆吸引着各地游人。
  【国家元首】 总统塔里娅·哈洛宁(Tarja Halonen,女,社民党人),2000年3月1日就任。2006年3月1日连任。
  【国旗】 呈长方形,长与宽之比为18∶11。旗地为白色。稍偏左侧的十字形蓝色宽条将旗面分为四个白色长方形。芬兰以“千湖之国”著称,西南临波罗的海,旗上的蓝色象征湖泊,河流和海洋;另一说象征蓝天。芬兰有三分之一的领土在北极圈内,气候寒冷,旗上的白色象征白雪覆盖着的国土。旗面上的十字表示芬兰历史上与北欧其他国家的密切关系。该国旗是1860年前后根据芬兰诗人托查里斯·托佩利乌斯的建议制作的。
  【国徽】 为红色盾徽。盾面上为一只头戴王冠的金色狮子,前爪握着一把剑,后爪踩着一把弯刀。九朵白色的玫瑰花点缀在狮子周围。狮子象征芬兰人民的勇敢和力量,九朵玫瑰花代表芬兰历史上的九个省。
  【国歌】 《祖国》
  【国花】 铃兰(百合科)
  【语言】 芬兰
  【货币】 芬兰马克
  【同北京时差】 -6.00
  【国际电话码】 358
  在瑞典的埃里克国王(King Erik)1154年将基督教带入芬兰之后,两国在700年间就一直保持着非常密切的关系。瑞典语一直是行政、教育机构的第一语言,而芬兰语直到19世纪芬兰民族主义高涨以及芬兰的第一篇民族诗史《卡勒瓦拉》(Kalevala)发表后才受到重视。 1808年芬兰被沙皇亚历山大一世的军队占领,此后芬兰就一直就是俄罗斯帝国内的自治大公国,直到1917年。1917年12月6日俄国布尔什维克革命(十月革命)后不久,芬兰宣布独立。1918年这个国家经历了一次简短但却刻骨铭心的内战。第二次世界大战期间芬兰与苏联两度交手:1939~1940年的冬季战争(这场战争中瑞典提供了芬兰部分协助)以及1941~1944年的继续战争(纳粹德国对芬兰提供了重要帮助)。1944年~1945年间的拉普兰之战中,芬兰又将德国人赶出了芬兰北部地区。1947年和1948年与苏联签署的多份条约规定了芬兰对苏联的义务与限制,芬兰也在1940年和约的基础上作出了更多的领土让步。1991年苏联解体后芬兰终于可以自己决定命运,并且在1995年加入欧盟。
   一院制,国家最高权力机关和立法机关。由选民直接选举的200名议员组成,任期4年。主要职能是立法、监督政府、监督财政。本届议会于2003年3月选举产生。中间党55席、社民党53席、联合党41席、左翼联盟19席、绿色联盟14席、瑞典族人民党9席、基督教联盟6席、正统芬兰人党3席。议长帕沃·利波宁(Paavo Lipponen,社民党),2003年4月22日当选。
  本届政府是2003年4月17日由中间党、社民党、瑞典族人民党三党联合组成。共有阁员18名,其中女阁员有8名。现任内阁成员为:总理马蒂·万哈宁(Matti Vanhanen,中间党),副总理兼财政部长埃罗·海奈卢奥马(Eero Heinaluoma,社民党)、外长埃尔基·图奥米奥亚(Erkki Tuomioja,社民党),外贸和发展部长玛丽·基维涅米(Mari Kiviniemi,女,中间党),司法部长莱娜·卢赫塔宁(Leena Luhtanen,女,社民党),内政部长卡里·拉亚迈基(Kari Rajamaki,社民党),地方事务部长汉内斯·曼尼宁(Hannes Manninen,中间党),国防部长塞波·凯里埃宁(Seppo Kaariainen,中间党),第二财长乌拉-玛伊·维德罗斯(Ulla-Maj Wideroos,女,瑞典族人民党),教育部长安蒂·卡利奥迈基(Antti Kalliomaki,社民党),文化部长塔尼娅·卡佩拉(Tanja Karpela,女,中间党),农林部长尤哈·克尔凯亚奥亚(Juha Korkeaoja,中间党),交通和通信部长苏珊娜·霍维宁(Susanna Huovinen,女),贸工部长毛里·佩卡里宁(Mauri Pekkarinen,中间党),社会卫生部长图拉·哈泰宁(Tuula Haatainen,女,社民党),社会福利部长利萨·希萨拉(Liisa Hyssala,女,中间党),劳动部长塔里娅·费拉托夫(Tarja Filatov,女,社民党),环境部长扬-埃里克·埃内斯塔姆(Jan-Erik Enestam,瑞典族人民党)。
  奥兰府 (芬兰语:Ahvenanmaan maakunta;瑞典语:Åland)
  东芬兰省 (芬兰语:Itä-Suomen lääni;瑞典语:Östra Finlands län)
  拉普兰省 (芬兰语:Lapin lääni;瑞典语:Lapplands län)
  奥卢省 (芬兰语:Oulun lääni;瑞典语:Uleåborgs län)
  南芬兰省 (芬兰语:Etelä-Suomen lääni;瑞典语:Södra Finlands län)
  西芬兰省 (芬兰语:Länsi-Suomen lääni;瑞典语:Västra Finlands län)
   最高司法机关为最高法院和最高行政法院。最高法院由院长和19名法官组成,负责审理民事和刑事案件。最高行政法院由院长和20名法官组成,负责审理政府机构和省、市(县)机构的行政案件。起诉机关是各级检察院。另设有国家法律监察官,有权出席内阁会议,监督总统、内阁和政府各部门的决定是否符合宪法规定。最高法院和最高行政法院的院长、法官以及最高检察长均由总统任命。最高法院院长葆琳·高斯科洛(Pauliine Koskelo,女),2006年1月就任;最高行政法院院长贝卡·哈尔贝格(Pekka Hallberg),1993年就任;最高检察长马蒂·库西麦基(Matti Kuusimaki),1997年就任;国家法律监察官帕沃·尼古拉(Paavo Nikula),1998年就任。议会法律监察官丽塔-莱娜·鲍尼欧(Riitta-Leena PAUNIO),2003年就任。
  (1)芬兰中间党(Centre Party of Finland):执政党,1906年成立。曾先后称农村居民联盟、农民联盟和中间力量,1988年6月改为现名。党员约20万人。二次大战后一直入阁。1987年3月议会选举后被排斥在政府之外。1991年3月议会选举获胜,以第一大党资格组阁。1995年3月议会选举失利,但仍为议会第二大党。2003年议会大选再次获胜,重新以第一大党资格组阁。主张维护农业在国民经济中的地位。对外主张裁军、缓和。主席马蒂·万哈宁(Matti Vanhanen,2003年10月当选)。
  (2)芬兰社会民主党(The Finnish Social Democratic Party):执政党,1899年成立,原名芬兰工人党,议会第二大党,党员5.9万人。曾多次执政,2003年3月议会选举后与中间党和瑞典族人民党组成多党联合政府。倡导民主、自由,主张向经济民主化发展,实行适应经济发展的社会变革,建立民主社会主义。在国际上积极从事争取维和、裁军活动。主席帕沃·利波宁(Paavo Lipponen, 1993年6月首次当选,至2002年两次连任)。
  (3)瑞典族人民党(The Swedish People's Party):执政党,1906年成立。由芬兰的瑞典族人组成,党员3万余人。对内维护瑞典族居民的社会地位和权利,对外支持芬官方外交政策。2003年议会大选后同中间党和社民党继续联合执政。主席扬-埃里克·埃内斯塔姆(Jan-Erik Enestam,1998年当选)。
  (4)民族联合党(The National Coalition Party):简称联合党,在野党,1918年成立。议会第三大党,党员约7万人。主要代表资产阶级利益,主张同西方保持紧密的经济、政治关系。1987年起连续三届执政,2003年议会大选中失败,成为在野党。主席于尔基·卡泰宁(Jyrki Katainen,2004年当选)。
  (5)芬兰左翼联盟(The Finnish Left Union):简称左联。在野党,现有党员3.42万人。1990年5月由芬兰共产党和人民民主联盟合并组成,提出今后党的政治活动和组织形式要适应资本主义社会的变化,宗旨不再是夺取政权和实行国有化,而是在资本主义制度内扩大社会主义成份。1995年3月议会选举后入阁,2003年议会大选后成为在野党。党主席苏薇-安妮·西梅斯(Suvi-Anne Siimes,女)。
  (6)绿色联盟(The Green League):在野党,由不同思想的协会和地区性协会组成,没有个人盟员。1983年3月议会选举中首次获得2个议席;5月举行第一次全国性会议。1987年秋,决定成立绿色联盟。1991年3月议会选举后议席大幅度增加,但因能源政策上分歧未能入阁。1995年3月议会选举后入阁,2002年因议会通过新建核电站计划退出政府,成为在野党。主席奥斯莫·索伊宁瓦拉(Osmo Soininvaara,2001年当选)。
  (7)芬兰基督教联盟(The Finnish Christian Union):在野党,1958年成立,盟员1.8万人,以基督教教义作为联盟的宗旨。1960年议会选举中首次获得席位。主席拜依维·莱塞宁(Paivi Rasanen,女)。
  (8)正统芬兰人党(The True Finns):原名农村党,在野党,1959年从芬兰中间力量分裂出来。党员2万人。主张维护小农、城市贫民和中小企业利益。曾自称是官方政策的坚定反对派,后来对政策进行了调整。1983年议会选举后首次参加政府。1990年8月,因提出国民养老金的预算提议未被采纳,退出政府。1991年议会选举后在野。主席蒂莫·索依尼(Timo Soini,1997年当选)。
  (9)芬兰共产党(The Finnish Communist Party):在野党,于1986年4月由原芬共中分裂出来的“少数派”组成。1990年芬共停止活动并入“左联”后,该党以芬共(团结派)的名义继续开展活动,宣称要继承芬兰共产党的传统。党员约4000人。1994年11月该党举行党代会,决定改称共产党。于尔约.哈卡宁(Yrjo Hakkanen)当选党主席至今。
  总统:塔里娅·哈洛宁,女,1943年生。法学硕士,社民党人,议员。1970年起任芬工会中央联盟法律事务顾问,1974至75年任总理秘书,1977至96年任赫尔辛基市议会议员。1979年当选国会议员,曾任议会社会事务委员会主席和大委员会主席。1987至90年任社会卫生部长,1990至91年任司法部长。1995年4月出任外长,2000年当选为芬兰历史上第一位女总统,2006年1月获选连任。70年代曾来华旅游。1995年9月率团参加北京世妇会,1996年4月陪同芬总统访华。1997年出席香港回归仪式。1998年9月以外长身份访华。2002年11月应邀对华进行国事访问。已婚,丈夫彭蒂·阿拉耶尔维(Pentti Arajarvi)。生有一女。
  议长:帕沃·利波宁,1941年出生于林场主家庭,政治学硕士,社民党主席。60年代曾任赫尔辛基大学学报和芬广播公司记者。后在社民党总部担任政策研究及国际事务书记、计划部主任,1979-1982年任总理秘书,1983年任劳工部政治秘书,1989-1991年任芬外交政策研究所所长。1964年加入社民党,并先后任区委主席、中央委员等职,1983-1987年、1991年至今任议会议员,1993年当选社民党主席。1995年4月起任总理,连任两届。2003年4月当选议长。熟悉国际问题,曾多次在其他北欧国家、西欧国家、前苏联和美国作报告或讲学,并在瑞典、英、德国报刊上撰文。1998年正式访华。夫人拜依维·利波宁(Paivi Lipponen),哲学硕士。
  80年代,芬兰经济以年平均增长3.7 %的速度持续发展。90年代初,经济出现严重衰退。1993年开始复苏,1994年以来经济总体上发展良好。芬政府90年代初完成经济结构调整,增大知识型经济在国民经济中所占比重,重视科技投入,发展高新技术和信息技术,在宏观上继续执行紧缩财政、鼓励投资、削减社会福利、降低所得税、加快国有企业私有化进程、改善就业的政策,使经济保持稳定增长。上世纪90年代中后期经济增长保持在5%左右。1999年加入欧元,2002年1月欧元正式流通,取代芬兰马克。2004年国内生产总值为1497亿欧元,比上年增长3.7%,人均国内生产总值2.86万欧元。2003、2004、2005连续3年被世界经济论坛评为年度“世界最具竞争力的国家”。
  失业率:9.0 %
  2001 2002 2003
  圆材(百万立方米)53.3 54.2 55
  纸浆(百万立方米)27.6 27.8
  (资料来源: 2004年芬兰统计年鉴)
  2001 2002 2003
  小麦48.9 56.9 67.9
  大麦178.7 173.9 169.7
  燕麦128.7 150.8 129.5
  黑麦6.4 7.3 7.3
  牛奶(亿公升)23.8 23.8 23.2
  黄油6.1 6.1 5.8
  肉类34.0 35.9 37.4
  鸡蛋5.7 5.5 5.6
  到野外采摘野浆果和野蘑菇,是领略芬兰清纯大自然的途径之一。在其他国家,你可能需要缴费,并且有地区限制,但在芬兰国家法规Everyman's Rights的保障下,可以随意采摘。
  2001 2002 2003
  收入(不包括借债) 354.26 363.53 364.13
  支出360.72 355.11 368.97
  差额-6.46 +8.42 -4.84
  (资料来源: 2004年芬兰统计年鉴)
  2001 2002 2003
  出口478 472.45 463.78
  进口358.91 356.11 367.75
  差额119.1 116.34 96.03
  2001 2002 2003
  总额4.35 4.9 4.94
  占国内生产总值百分比0.32% 0.35% 0.35%
  【军事】 总统为军队最高统帅。国防委员会是最高咨询机构。总理负责领导民政方面的国防活动。国防军总司令负责军事方面的国防活动。国防军总司令海军上将尤哈尼·卡斯凯亚拉(Juhani Kaskeala)2001年6月4日就任。实行普遍义务兵役制,服役期6-12个月。
  【教育】 教育事业发达。1921年起实行义务教育。1980年起在全国实行9年一贯制义务、免费教育。2003年全国有各类学校5103所,在校学生超过190.1万人。
  学校(所) 学生(人) 教师(人)
  基础学校3873 606600 43783
  普通高中441 131800 7480
  职业学校300 197500 13854
  专科学院30 135000 5844
  综合性大学20 166000 7728
  【新闻出版】 2003年,全国共有报纸205种,其中每周发行4-7期的日报53种;各种杂志、期刊5042种。主要报刊、创刊年及发行量:《赫尔辛基新闻》,1904年,43.96万份;《晚间新闻》,19.87万份;《晨报》,1882年,13.63万份;《晚报》,12.13万份;《图尔库新闻》,11.15万份;《首都日报》,1864年,5万份。有5家通讯社,其中最大的是芬兰通讯社,简称芬通社,1915年成立,属半官方性质,同世界主要通讯社均有业务联系。外国在芬的通讯分社有15家。
  芬兰广播公司(Finnish Broadcasting Company, YLE):1926年成立,1934年改为国营。对外用芬兰语、瑞典语、英语、德语和法语广播。1958年正式开播电视,现有电视1台、电视2台、电视3台。此外还有私营广告电视台。70年代开始有有线电视(赫尔辛基有线电视台)。
  2005 年, 中共中央政治局常委、中纪委书记吴官正,国务院副总理回良玉, 全国人大常委会副委员长路甬祥以及 四川省省长张中伟、河北省政协主席赵金铎等80余起副部级以上代表团访问或过境芬兰。2005年9月,芬总理万哈宁对上海、江苏和广东进行非正式访问。芬兰前总统阿赫蒂萨里、农林部长科尔凯奥亚、司法部长科斯基宁、文化部长卡佩拉、国防部长凯里埃宁及芬兰议会外事委员会、法律委员会、农林委员会、银行监管专员和议会秘书长代表团等分别访华。2005年2月,芬兰外交部国务秘书满萨拉来华与中国外交部副部长张业遂举行政治磋商。5月,中国外交部长李肇星在日本出席亚欧外长会议期间会见芬兰外交部长图奥米奥亚。 2005 年 5月,中国人民解放军副总参谋长许其亮中将访芬。6月,芬兰国防军总参谋长林毕中将访华。10月,芬兰国防部长凯里埃宁访华。
  2005 年,中芬贸易总额为62.54亿美元,同比增长13.4%,其中中方出口额为36.26亿美元,进口额为26.28亿美元,同比分别增长45.4%和减少13%。 芬连续第三年成为中国在北欧地区第一大贸易伙伴。 2005 年 3月和5月,两国分别签署《中芬农业合作谅解备忘录》和新的《中芬经济、工业和科学技术合作协定》。7月,芬兰国家旅游局驻京办事处正式成立。9月,芬兰航空公司开通赫尔辛基至广州直航航线。 9 月, 芬兰贸工部与浦东新区政府在上海浦东张江科技园区设立“芬中创新中心”。
  中国驻芬兰大使:张直鉴(2002年3月到任)。馆址:Vanha kelkkamaki 9-11,00570 Helsinki, Finland;网址:www.chinemb.fi;电话(国家地区号3589): 2289 0110(办公室),684 8416(商务处);传真: 2289 0168(使馆),6849595(商务处)。
  芬兰驻华大使:郭安祺(Antti Kuosmanen,2005年12月递交国书)。馆址:北京朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心南楼26层,邮政编码100020;网址:www.finland-in-china.com;电话:85298541/42/43传真:85298547;商务处电话:85298625/26/27/28传真:85298559。
  【同发展中国家的关系】 芬重视对发展中国家关系。认为发展中国家的经济和社会问题并未减少,贫困正在增加。工业国家应重视发展问题。积极支持南北对话,主张建立国际经济新秩序。2004年,芬总统访问尼加拉瓜,芬外长访问印度、吉尔吉斯斯坦、亚美尼亚,芬外贸部长访问越南、泰国、乌克兰。巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫访芬。2004年,芬大幅度提高对外发展援助资金,首次占到国内生产总值的0.7%。
  渐渐的一些乐队在商业上取得了巨大的成功,像Stratov Arius,impaled nazarene,Amorphis,children of bodom,Nightwish,Eternal tears of sorrow一个个都登上了当地最大的音乐排行榜,从此全世界的金属乐迷把目光投向了芬兰,但注意到的多数是商业痕迹很重的乐队,比如上述提到的这些乐队,对于资深金属迷来说,其中的多数乐队发展到今天已经没有任何创意和可听性可言,虽然他们曾经带领历史的潮流。旋律化是这些成名乐队的一大特点,这就是我们常说芬兰乐队重旋律的原因
  芬兰实在有太多太多的金属乐队,他们有太多的能量需要爆发?还是北欧漫长的冬日沉淀了他们阴郁的情感? 在那里你完全可以找到更自我,更纯粹的金属音乐!
  Demigod,Abhorrence,Sentenced,Amorphis,Impaled Nazarene,Yxysma,Beherit,Sarcofagus...他们对别人的影响和启发是有目共睹的,如果你喜欢芬兰金属音乐,记住这些名字吧
  近几年芬兰新生代属乐队HIM,Entwine,Charon,ToDieFor,69Eyes,Shamrain,Soulrelic组成的Finnish Metal大军更是风靡全球
  当然,芬兰人在做金属音乐的同时并没有放弃他们的传统民乐,出现了一批以Moonsorrow,Ensiferum,Finntroll(前三者统称维京三剑客),Korpiklaani为代表的将传统民乐,英雄传说,极地风光,异教力量完美融合为一体的金属乐队。类似乐队还有viikate,Tenhi(此为Dark wave),Eternal Tears of Sorrow,Calvarium等等。
  芬兰的电影在国际上并不著名,但题材也是多种多样,最著名的要属90年代初期拍摄的反应苏芬边界战争的电影《Winter War》(冬战),与中国在2006年合拍的《玉战士》,戛纳电影节评审团大奖和最佳女演员奖的《没有过去的男人》(The Man Without A Past)。
  《薄暮之光》(Laitakaupungin valot)
  《纵情欲海》( Min? ja Morrison)
  《一个人的工作/职业男人》(Miehen työ)
  《幸福背后》(Shades Of Happiness)
  《黑冰》(Black Ice)-芬兰德国合拍
  《冷钞票》(paha maa)

  Finland, officially the Republic of Finland (Finnish: Suomi; Swedish: Finland), is a Nordic country situated in Northern Europe. It has borders with Sweden to the west, Russia to the east, and Norway to the north, while Estonia lies to its south across the Gulf of Finland. The capital city is Helsinki.
  Around 5.3 million people reside in Finland, with the majority concentrated in the southern part of country. It is the eighth largest country in Europe in terms of area and the most sparsely populated country in the European Union. Finland has two national languages. Most Finns are native in Finnish, which is related to Estonian and is one of the few official EU languages not of Indo-European origin. The other national language, Swedish, is spoken natively by 5.5 percent of the population. Finland is a democratic, parliamentary republic with a central government and local governments in 415 municipalities. Greater Helsinki (including Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa) totals a million residents and a third of the GDP. Other major cities include Tampere, Turku, and Oulu.
  Finland was historically part of Sweden and from 1809 an autonomous Grand Duchy within the Russian Empire. Finland's declaration of independence in 1917 from Russia was followed by a civil war, wars against the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, and a period of official neutrality during the Cold War. Finland joined the European Union in 1995 and participates in the Eurozone.
  Finland has seen excellent results in many international comparisons of national performance such as the share of high-technology manufacturing, the rate of gross domestic product growth, and the protection of civil liberties.
  According to archaeological evidence, the area now composing Finland was first settled around 8500 BCE during the Stone Age as the ice shield of the last ice age receded. The earliest people were hunter-gatherers, living primarily off what the tundra and sea could offer. Pottery is known from around 5300 BCE (see Comb Ceramic culture).The arrival of the Battle Axe culture (or Cord-Ceramic culture) in southern coastal Finland around 3200 BCE may have coincided with the start of agriculture. However, the earliest certain records of agriculture are from the late third millennium BCE. Even with the introduction of agriculture, hunting and fishing continued to be important parts of the subsistence economy, especially in the northern and eastern parts of the country.
  The Bronze Age (1500–500 BCE) and Iron Age (500 BCE – 1200 CE) were characterised by extensive contacts with other cultures in the Fennoscandian and Baltic regions. There is no consensus on when Finno-Ugric languages and Indo-European languages were first spoken in the area of contemporary Finland.
  The first verifiable written documents appeared in the 12th century.[citation needed]
  Swedish era
  Sweden in 1658.Sweden established its official rule of Finland in the 13th century. Swedish became the dominant language of the nobility, administration and education; Finnish was chiefly a language for the peasantry, clergy and local courts in predominantly Finnish-speaking areas. The Bishop of Turku was the most socially pre-eminent person in Finland before the Reformation.
  During the Reformation, the Finns gradually converted to Lutheranism. In the 16th century, Mikael Agricola published the first written works in Finnish. The first university in Finland, The Royal Academy of Turku, was established in 1640. In the 18th century, wars between Sweden and Russia led to the occupation of Finland twice by Russian forces, known to the Finns as the Greater Wrath (1714–1721) and the Lesser Wrath (1742–1743). By this time Finland was the predominant term for the whole area from the Gulf of Bothnia to the Russian border.
  Russian Empire era
  See also: Finland's language strife and Russification of Finland
  On March 29, 1809, after being conquered by the armies of Alexander I of Russia in the Finnish War, Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy in the Russian Empire until the end of 1917. During the Russian era, the Finnish language started to gain recognition. From the 1860s onwards, a strong Finnish nationalist movement, known as the Fennoman movement, grew. Milestones included the publication of what would become Finland's national epic, the Kalevala, in 1835, and the Finnish language achieving equal legal status with Swedish in 1892.
  The Finnish famine of 1866–1868 killed 15 percent of the population, making it the last and one of the worst famines in European history. The famine led the Russian Empire to ease financial regulations, and investment rose in following decades. Economic and political development was rapid. The GDP per capita was still a half of United States and a third of Great Britain.
  In 1906, universal suffrage was adopted in the Grand Duchy of Finland. However, the relationship between the Grand Duchy and the Russian Empire soured when the Russian government made moves to restrict Finnish autonomy. For example, the universal suffrage was, in practice, virtually meaningless, since the emperor did not have to approve any of the laws adopted by the Finnish parliament. Desire for independence gained ground, first among radical nationalists and socialists.
  Civil war and early independence
  On December 6, 1917, shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, Finland declared its independence, which was approved by Bolshevist Russia.
  Months after in 1918, the violent wing of the Social Democratic Party started a coup, which led a brief but bitter civil war that affected domestic politics for many decades afterwards. The civil war was fought between "the Whites", who were supported by Imperial Germany, and "the Reds", supported by Bolshevist Russia. Eventually, the Whites overcame the Reds. The deep social and political enmity between the Reds and Whites remained. The civil war and activist expeditions (see Heimosodat) to the Soviet Union strained Eastern relations.
  After a brief flirtation with monarchy, Finland became a presidential republic, with Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg elected as its first president in 1919. The Finnish–Russian border was determined by the Treaty of Tartu in 1920, largely following the historic border but granting Pechenga (Finnish: Petsamo) and its Barents Sea harbour to Finland. Finnish democracy didn't see any more Soviet coup attempts and survived the anti-Communist Lapua Movement. The relationship between Finland and the Soviet Union was tense. Finnish ethnicity was targeted by genocides in the Soviet Union. Germany's Nazism led to a deterioration of relations with Germany. Military was trained in France instead and relations to Western Europe and Sweden were strengthened.
  In 1917 the population was 3 million. Credit-based land reform was enacted after the civil war, increasing the proportion of capital-owning population. About 70% of workers were occupied in agriculture and 10% in industry. The largest export markets were the United Kingdom and Germany. The Great Depression in the early 1930s was relatively light in Finland.
  World War II
  During World War II, Finland fought the Soviet Union twice: in the Winter War of 1939–40 after the Soviet Union had attacked Finland and in the Continuation War of 1941–44, following Operation Barbarossa, in which Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. Following German losses on the Eastern Front and the subsequent Soviet advance, Finland was forced to make peace with the Soviet Union. This was followed by the Lapland War of 1944–45, when Finland forced the Germans out of northern Finland.
  The treaties signed in 1947 and 1948 with the Soviet Union included Finnish obligations, restraints, and reparations as well as further Finnish territorial concessions (cf. the Moscow Peace Treaty of 1940). Finland ceded most of Finnish Karelia, Salla, and Pechenga, which amounted to ten percent of its land area and twenty percent of its industrial capacity. Some 400,000 evacuees, mainly women and children, fled these areas. Some were left behind and were not able to immigrate in Finland until the Soviet Union collapsed (after which they formed a large immigrant group).
  Finland had to reject Marshall aid. United States shipped secret development aid such as much of welding equipment and helped the still non-communist SDP in hope of saving Finland's independence. Establishing trade with the Western powers, such as the United Kingdom, and the reparations to the Soviet Union caused Finland to transform itself from a primarily agrarian economy to an industrialised one. Even after the reparations had been paid off, Finland continued to trade with the Soviet Union in the framework of bilateral trade.
  Cold War
  In 1950 half of the Finnish workers were occupied in agriculture and a third lived in urban areas. The new jobs in manufacturing, services and trade quickly attracted people to the towns. The average number of births per woman declined from a baby boom peak of 3.5 in 1947 to 1.5 in 1973. When baby boomers entered the workforce, the economy did not generate jobs fast enough and hundreds of thousands emigrated to the more industrialized Sweden, with emigration peaking in 1969 and 1970 (today 4.7 percent of Swedes speak Finnish). The 1952 Summer Olympics brought international visitors. Finland took part in trade liberalization in the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
  Officially claiming to be neutral, Finland lay in the grey zone between the Western countries and the Soviet Union. The YYA Treaty (Finno-Soviet Pact of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance) gave the Soviet Union some leverage in Finnish domestic politics. This was extensively exploited by President Urho Kekkonen against his opponents. He maintained an effective monopoly on Soviet relations from 1956 on, which was crucial for his continued popularity. In politics, there was a tendency of avoiding any policies and statements that could by interpreted as anti-Soviet. This phenomenon was given the name "Finlandisation" by the German press (fi. suomettuminen). Self-censorship vis-à-vis anything negative associated with the Soviet Union was prevalent in the media. Public libraries pulled from circulation thousands of books that were considered anti-Soviet, and the law made it possible for the authorities to directly censor movies with supposedly anti-Soviet content. Asylum-seeking Soviet citizens were frequently returned to the Soviet Union by the Finnish authorities.
  Despite close relations with the Soviet Union, Finland remained a market economy. Various industries benefited from trade privileges with the Soviets, which explains the widespread support that pro-Soviet policies enjoyed among business interests in Finland. Economic growth was rapid in the postwar era, and by 1975 Finland's GDP per capita was the 15th highest in the world. In the 1970s and 1980s, Finland built one of the most extensive welfare states in the world. In 1981, President Urho Kekkonen's failing health forced him to retire after holding office for 25 years.
  Miscalculated macroeconomic decisions, a banking crisis, the collapse of the Soviet Union and a global economic downturn caused a deep recession in Finland in the early 1990s. The depression bottomed out in 1993, and Finland has seen steady economic growth ever since.
  Recent history
  Like other Nordic countries, Finland has liberalized its economy since the late 1980s. Financial and product market regulation was loosened. Some state enterprises have been privatized and there have been some modest tax cuts. Finland joined the European Union in 1995, and the Eurozone in 1999.
  The population is aging with the birth rate at 10.42 births per 1,000 population, or a fertility rate of 1.8. With a median age of 41.6 years, Finland is one of the oldest countries; half of voters are estimated to be over 50 years old. Like most European countries, without further reforms or much higher immigration, Finland is expected to struggle with demographics, even though macroeconomic projections are healthier than in most other developed countries.
  The name Suomi (Finnish for "Finland") has uncertain origins but a strong candidate for a cognate is the proto-Baltic word *zeme, meaning "land". According to an earlier theory the name was derived from suomaa (fen land) or suoniemi (fen cape).
  The exonym Finland has resemblance with, e.g., the Scandinavian placenames Finnmark, Finnveden and hundreds of other toponyms starting with Fin(n) in Sweden and Norway. Some of these names are obviously derived from finnr, a Germanic word for a wanderer/finder and thus supposedly meaning nomadic "hunter-gatherers" or slash and burn agriculturists as opposed to the Germanic sedentary farmers and sea-faring traders and pirates. It is unknown how, why and when Finnr started referring to the people of Finland Proper in particular (from where the name spread from the 15th century onwards to refer to the people of the entire country).
  Among the first documents to mention "a land of the Finns" are two rune-stones. There is one in Söderby, Sweden, with the inscription finlont (U 582) and one in Gotland, a Swedish island in the Baltic Sea, with the inscription finlandi (G 319), dating from the 11th century.
  Geography and environment
  Topography and geology
  Finland is a country of thousands of lakes and islands – 187,888 lakes (larger than 500 m²) and 179,584 islands to be precise. One of these lakes, Saimaa, is the fifth largest in Europe. The Finnish landscape is mostly flat with few hills, and its highest point, the Halti at 1,324 meters, is found in the extreme north of Lapland at the border between Finland and Norway.
  The landscape is covered mostly (seventy-five percent of land area) by coniferous taiga forests and fens, with little arable land. The most common type of rock is granite. It is a ubiquitous part of the scenery, visible wherever there is no soil cover. Moraine or till is the most common type of soil, covered by a thin layer of humus of biological origin. The greater part of the islands are found in the southwest in the Archipelago Sea, part of the archipelago of the Åland Islands, and along the southern coast in the Gulf of Finland.
  Finland is one of the few countries in the world whose surface area is still growing. Owing to the post-glacial rebound that has been taking place since the last ice age, the surface area of the country is growing by about 7 square kilometres (2.7 square miles) a year.
  The distance from the most Southern point – Hanko – to the most northern point of Finland – Nuorgam – is 1,445 kilometres (898 miles) (driving distance), which would take approximately 18.5 hours to drive. This is very similar to Great Britain (Land's End to John o' Groats – 1,404 kilometres (872 miles) and 16.5 h).
  Flora and fauna
  Phytogeographically, Finland is shared between the Arctic, Central European and Northern European provinces of the Circumboreal Region within the Boreal Kingdom. According to the WWF, the territory of Finland can be subdivided into three ecoregions: the Scandinavian and Russian taiga, Sarmatic mixed forests and Scandinavian Montane Birch forest and grasslands.
  All terrestrial life in Finland was completely wiped out during the last ice age that ended some 10,000 years ago, following the retreat of the glaciers and the appearance of vegetation.
  Today, there are over 1,200 species of vascular plant, 800 bryophytes and 1,000 lichen species in Finland, with flora being richest in the southern parts of the country. Plant life, like most of the Finnish ecology, is well adapted to tolerate the contrasting seasons and extreme weather. Many plant species, such as the Scots Pine, spruce, and birch, spread throughout Finland from Norway and only reached the western coast less than three millennia ago. Oak and maple grows in nature only in the southern part of Finland.
  The Archipelago Sea, between the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland, is the largest archipelago in the world by number of islands; estimates vary between 20,000 and 50,000.Similarly, Finland has a diverse and extensive range of fauna. There are at least sixty native mammalian species, 248 breeding bird species, over seventy fish species and eleven reptile and frog species present today, many migrating from neighbouring countries thousands of years ago.
  Large and widely recognised wildlife mammals found in Finland are the Brown Bear (the national animal), Gray Wolf, elk (moose) and reindeer. Other common mammals include the Red Fox, Red Squirrel, and Mountain Hare. Some rare and exotic species include the flying squirrel, Golden Eagle, Saimaa Ringed Seal and Arctic fox. Two of the more striking birds are the Whooper Swan, a large European swan and the national bird of Finland, and the Capercaillie, a large, black-plumaged member of the grouse family. The latter is considered an indicator of old-growth forest connectivity, and has been declining due to landscape fragmentation. The most common breeding birds are the Willow Warbler, Chaffinch and Redwing. Of some seventy species of freshwater fish, the northern pike, perch and others are plentiful. Atlantic salmon remains the favorite of fly rod enthusiasts.
  The endangered Saimaa Ringed Seal, one of only three lake seal species in the world, exists only in the Saimaa lake system of southeastern Finland, down to only 300 seals today. It has become the emblem of the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation.
  Due to hunting and persecution in history, many animals such as the Golden Eagle, Brown Bear and Eurasian Lynx all experienced significant declines in population. However, their numbers have increased again in the 2000s, mainly as a result of careful conservation and the establishment of vast national parks.
  The climate in Southern Finland is a northern temperate climate. In Northern Finland, particularly in the Province of Lapland, a subarctic climate dominates, characterised by cold, occasionally severe, winters and relatively warm summers. The main factor influencing Finland's climate is the country's geographical position between the 60th and 70th northern parallels in the Eurasian continent's coastal zone, which shows characteristics of both a maritime and a continental climate, depending on the direction of air flow. Finland is near enough to the Atlantic Ocean to be continuously warmed by the Gulf Stream, which explains the unusually warm climate considering the absolute latitude.
  A quarter of Finland's territory lies above the Arctic Circle, and as a consequence the midnight sun can be experienced – for more days, the farther north one travels. At Finland's northernmost point, the sun does not set for 73 consecutive days during summer, and does not rise at all for 51 days during winter.
  Finland currently numbers 5,302,778 inhabitants and has an average population density of 17 inhabitants per square kilometre. This makes it, after Norway and Iceland, the most sparsely populated country in Europe. Finland's population has always been concentrated in the southern parts of the country, a phenomenon even more pronounced after 20th century urbanisation. The biggest and most important cities in Finland are the cities of the Greater Helsinki metropolitan area – Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa. Other large cities include Tampere, Turku and Oulu.
  The share of immigrants in Finland is among the lowest of the European Union countries. Foreign citizens comprise 2.3 percent of the population. Most of them are from Russia, Estonia and Sweden.
  Most of the Finnish people (92 percent) speak Finnish as their mother tongue. Finnish is a member of the Baltic-Finnic subgroup of the Uralic languages and is typologically between inflected and agglutinative languages. It modifies and inflects the forms of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals and verbs, depending on their roles in the sentence. In practice, this means that instead of prepositions and prefixes there is a great variety of different suffixes and that compounds form a considerable percentage of the vocabulary of Finnish. It has been estimated that approximately 65–70 percent of all words in Finnish are compounds. A close linguistic relative to the Finnish language is Estonian, which, though similar in many aspects, is not mutually intelligible with it. These languages, together with Hungarian (all members of the Uralic language family), are the primary non-Indo-European languages spoken in Europe. Finland, together with Estonia and Hungary, is one of three independent countries where a Uralic language is spoken by the majority.
  The largest minority language is Swedish, which is the second official language in Finland, spoken by 5.5 percent of the population. Other minority languages are Russian (0.8 percent) and Estonian (0.3 percent). To the north, in Lapland, are also the Sami people, numbering around 7,000 and recognized as an indigenous people. About a quarter of them speak a Sami language as their mother tongue. There are three Sami languages that are spoken in Finland: Northern Sami, Inari Sami and Skolt Sami. Other minority languages are Finnish Romani, Finnish Sign Language (spoken natively by 4,000–5,000 people) and Finland-Swedish Sign Language (spoken natively by about 150 people). The rights of minority groups (in particular Sami, Swedish-speaking Finns and Romani people) to cherish their culture and language is protected by the constitution.
  In a 2005 Eurobarometer survey studying languages of the European Union, 60% percent of residents claimed to know English, 38% claimed to know Swedish, and 17% claimed to know German. Ranking those claiming a knowledge of English, Finland ranked fifth behind Malta, the Netherlands (86%), Sweden (85%), and Denmark (83%). Relatively many Finns knew German, while relatively few knew French or Spanish.
  Religion in Finland
  religion percent
  Lutheran   84.2%
  Unaffiliated   15.1%
  Other   1.2%
  Orthodox   1.1%
  Most Finns are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland (84.2 percent). A minority belong to the Finnish Orthodox Church (1.1 percent; see Eastern Orthodox Church). Other Protestant denominations and the Roman Catholic Church in Finland are significantly smaller, as are the Muslim, Jewish and other non-Christian communities (totaling 1.2 percent). 15.1 percent of the population is unaffiliated. The main Lutheran and Orthodox churches are constitutional national churches of Finland with special roles in ceremonies and often in school morning prayers. Politicians to Lutheran Church assemblies are selected in church elections every four years.
  Over half of Finns say they pray at least once a month, the highest proportion in Nordics. However, the majority of Lutherans attend church only for special occasions like Christmas, weddings and funerals. According to a 2005 Eurobarometer poll, 41 percent of Finnish citizens responded that "they believe there is a god"; 41 percent answered that "they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force"; and 16 percent that "they do not believe there is any sort of spirit, god, or life force".
  Family structure
  Finnish family life is centered on the nuclear family. Relations with the extended family are often rather distant, and Finnish people do not form politically significant clans, tribes or similar structures. According to UNICEF, Finland ranks fourth in the world in child well-being.
  There are 307 residents for each doctor. About 18.9 percent of health care is funded directly by households and 76.6 percent by public and other insurances. Finland limits medicine sales to the around 800 licensed pharmacies. Some significant institutions include Ministry of Health and National Public Health Institute.
  The Finnish health care system has been rated the most efficient in terms of results to resources in Western countries.
  The life expectancy is 82 years for women and 75 years for men. After having one of the highest death rates from heart disease in the world in the 1970s, improvements in the Finnish diet and exercise have paid off. Finland has exceptionally low smoking rates: 26% for males and 19% for females.
  Finland's health problems are similar to other developed countries: circulatory diseases make up about half of all causes of death and cancer is the second most common cause of death.
  The total annual consumption of pure alcohol of residents is lower than other European countries, even though heavy drinking is common at parties on the weekend. However, becoming intoxicated has remained the central characteristic of Finnish drinking habits. In the working-age population, diseases or accidents caused by alcohol consumption have recently surpassed coronary artery disease as the biggest single cause of death.
  National Public Health Institute claims 54% male obesity and 38% female obesity, while other estimates put obesity rates at 70% and 50%. The rate of diabetes is predicted to grow to 15% by 2015. Finland has the world's highest rate of Type I diabetes. Suicide mortality in Finland has generally been one of the highest in Europe, especially significant among males under 35 years.
  Schools teach sports, health and hands-on cooking classes. Finnish schoolchildren have one of the lowest amounts of sport classes in the European Union and according to National Public Health Institute only a third of adults exercise enough.
  Administrative divisions
  The state organisation is divided into six administrative provinces (lääni, pl. läänit), though they have little significance. Police, prosecutors, and other state services operate under the administration of the province, which is again divided to admistratively insignificant districts. After 1997 reforms the provinces have been Southern Finland, Western Finland, Eastern Finland, Oulu, Lapland, Åland. The province of Åland Islands is autonomous.
  Municipalities and regions map of Finland (2007).
  Black borders refer to municipalities, red to regions.Municipalities (which may also call themselves towns or cities) account for half of public spending. Spending is financed by municipal income tax, state subsidies, and other revenue. As of 2008, there are 415 municipalities and most are under 5,000 residents. In Finland, state has started the Municipality and Service Structure Reform Program to reform the complex and expensive municipal system, but initiatives have encountered much opposition from local bureaucrats and interest groups. People often identify with their municipality.
  In addition to municipalities, there are complex other arrangements. Municipalities co-operate in seventy-four sub-regions and twenty regions. These are governed by the member municipalities. The Åland region has a permanent, democratically elected regional council as a part of the autonomy. In the Kainuu region, there is a pilot project underway, with regional elections. Sami people have a semi-autonomous Sami Domicile Area in Lapland for issues on language and culture.
  In the following chart, the number of inhabitants includes those living in the entire municipality (kunta/kommun), not just in the built-up area. The land area is given in km², and the density in inhabitants per km² (land area). The figures are as of January 1, 2007. Notice that the capital region – comprising Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo and Kauniainen (see Greater Helsinki) – forms a continuous conurbation of one million people. However, common administration is limited to voluntary cooperation of all municipalities, e.g. in Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council.
  Eduskuntatalo, the main building of the Parliament of Finland (Eduskunta) in Helsinki.The Constitution of Finland defines the political system. Finland is a representative democracy with a semi-presidential parliamentary. Aside from state-level politics, residents use their vote in municipal elections and in the European Union elections.
  According to the Constitution, the President is the head of state and responsible for foreign policy (which excludes affairs related to the European Union) in cooperation with the cabinet. Other powers include Commander-in-Chief, decree, and appointive powers. Direct vote is used to elect the president for a term of six years and maximum two consecutive terms. The current president is Tarja Halonen (SDP).
  The 200-member unicameral Parliament of Finland exercises the supreme legislative authority in Finland. The parliament may alter laws, the constitution, bring about the resignation of the Council of State, and override presidential vetoes. Its acts are not subject to judicial review. Various parliament committees listen to experts and prepare legislation. Proportional vote in multi-seat constituencies is used to elect the parliament for a term of four years. The Speaker of Parliament, the first person in the presidential line of succession, is currently Sauli Niinistö (National Coalition Party). The cabinet (the Finnish Council of State) exercises most executive powers. It is headed by the Prime Minister of Finland and includes other ministers and the Chancellor of Justice. Parliament majority decides its composition and a vote of no confidence can be used to modify it. The current prime minister is Matti Vanhanen (Centre Party).
  Since equal and common suffrage was introduced in 1906, the parliament has been dominated by the Centre Party (former Agrarian Union), National Coalition Party, and Social Democrats, which have approximately equal support, and represent 65–80 percent of voters. After 1944 Communists were a factor to consider for a few decades. The relative strengths of the parties vary only slightly in the elections due to the proportional election from multi-member districts, but there are some visible long-term trends. The autonomous Åland islands has separate elections, where Liberals for Åland was the largest party in 2007 elections.
  After the parliamentary elections on March 18, 2007, the seats were divided among eight parties as follows:
  Party Seats Net Gain/Loss % of seats % of votes
  Centre Party 51 –4 ▼ 25.5 23.1
  National Coalition Party 51 +10 ▲ 25.0 22.3
  Social Democratic Party 45 –8 ▼ 22.5 21.4
  Left Alliance 17 –2 ▼ 8.5 8.8
  Green League 14 +1 ▲ 7.5 8.5
  Swedish People's Party 9 +1 ▲ 4.5 4.5
  Christian Democrats 7 0 ▬ 3.5 4.9
  True Finns 5 +2 ▲ 2.5 4.1
  Others 1* 0 ▬ 0.5 2.4
  * Province of Åland representative.
  Judicial system and law enforcement
  A mounted police officer in Helsinki.The judicial system of Finland is a civil law system divided between courts with regular civil and criminal jurisdiction and administrative courts with responsibility for litigation between the individuals and the administrative organs of the state and the communities. Finnish law is codified and based on Swedish law and in a wider sense, civil law or Roman law. Its court system consists of local courts, regional appellate courts, and the Supreme Court. The administrative branch of justice consists of administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court. In addition to the regular courts, there are a few special courts in certain branches of administration. There is also a High Court of Impeachment for criminal charges against certain high-ranking offices.
  A general court of first instance (käräjäoikeus) has professional judges and in complex cases, includes non-professional lay judges (lautamies) appointed by municipal councils. Administrative courts, appeals courts and supreme courts consist of professional judges only. Like the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, Finland has no constitutional court, and courts may not strike down laws or pronounce on their constitutionality. In principle, the constitutionality of laws in Finland is verified by parliament's constitutional committee and a simple vote in the parliament.
  Around 92% of residents are confident in Finland's security institutions. Crime in Finland has some unique features. The overall crime rate of Finland is not high in the EU context. Some crime types are above average, notably the highest homicide rate in Western Europe. Crime is prevalent among lower educational groups and is often committed by intoxicated persons. A day fine system is in effect and also applied to offences such as speeding. Fines and jail sentences tend to be among the world's lowest, with an official emphasis on rehabilitation.
  Finland has successfully fought against the corruption which was larger in the 1970s and 1980s. For instance, economic reforms and EU membership introduced stricter requirements for open bidding and many public monopolies were abolished. Today Finland has a very low number of corruption charges; Transparency International ranks Finland as one of the least corrupted countries. Also, Finland's public records are among the world's most transparent. In one court case, a line was drawn when judge was convicted for accepting a 10-euro lunch. Finland has not implemented central corruption monitoring systems or agencies recommended by GRECO, citing that local corruption is too small. However, Finland is not totally free from corruption. Even some famous irregularities in the municipal sector rarely lead to investigations.
  Finland has strict libel standards, and in one case a blogger was convicted for incitement to hatred when referring to statistics about an ethnic group. The voluntary Internet censorship list, similar to other Nordic countries, is classified "nominal" censorship by the ONI. Nevertheless, Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2007 edition ranked Finland (along with Belgium and Sweden) fifth out of 169 countries.
  Foreign relations
  According to the latest constitution of 2000, the President (currently Tarja Halonen) leads foreign policy in cooperation with the government (currently Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen and Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb), except that the government leads EU affairs. In surveys, most diplomats and foreign policy experts consider the current constitution flawed because it is often unclear who is in charge. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs implements the foreign policy.
  During the Cold War, Finland conducted its foreign policy in association with the Soviet Union and simultaneously stressed Nordic cooperation (as a member of the Nordic Council). After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Finland freed itself from the last restrictions imposed on it by the Paris peace treaties of 1947 and the Finno-Soviet Agreement of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance. Although opposed by socialists and agrarians, the government filed an EU membership application three months after the dissolution of the USSR and became a member in 1995. Unlike all other post-Soviet countries in the Baltic sea and elsewhere, Finland did not attempt to join NATO, and even opposed defence cooperation.
  President Martti Ahtisaari and the coalition governments led Finland closer to the core EU in the late 1990s. Finland was considered a cooperative model state, and Finland did not oppose proposals for a common EU defence policy. This was reversed in the 2000s, when the socialist-wing trio of Tarja Halonen and Erkki Tuomioja made Finland's official policy to resist other EU members' plans for common defense. This received some criticism, because many considered that Finland would have been the largest beneficiary of defense cooperation. However, Halonen allowed Finland to join European Union Battlegroups in 2006 and the NATO Response Force in 2008. Relations with most countries except Russia have been good.
  Relations with Russia are cordial and common issues include bureaucracy (particularly at the Vaalimaa border crossing), airspace violations, development aid Finland gives to Russia (especially in environmental problems that affect Finland), and Finland's energy dependency on Russian gas and electricity. Behind the scenes, the administration has witnessed a resurrection of Soviet-era tactics. The National Security Agency, SUPO, estimates that the known number of Russian agents from SVR and GRU now exceeds Cold War levels and there are unknown numbers of others. Old methods such as KGB-style connections have been restored. Internet brigades target Finnish Internet forums. To combat Russian agents' connections with Finnish politicians, Finland has limited the time Russian diplomats can stay in the country.
  Some socialists and agrarians want to exit the EU. Right-wing politicians are more supportive of integration, with the current Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb one of the most pro-EU politicians in Finnish history and one of the first Finnish politicians to have openly supported NATO membership. After socialist parties lost elections in 2007, the term "non-allied" was dropped from the official policy publication (replicated by Sweden just months later).
  The electorate is polarized between internationalists and isolationists. Support for international cooperation, global markets, and European integration is common among the young, right-wing, urban electorate. Nevertheless, the old, left-wing, rural electorate contributes to Finland's extraordinary levels of opposition to the EU, NATO, and immigration. Studies indicate that few have knowledge about the EU or NATO, and many of the electorate's conceptions date back to the Soviet Era when both were opposed as too Western institutions. Critics sometimes call the current political era a "paused era".
  Defence Forces
  The Finnish Defence Forces is a cadre army of 16,500, of which 8,700 are professional soldiers (officers), with a standard readiness strength of 34,700 people in uniform (27,300 Army, 3,000 Navy, and 4,400 Air Force). A universal male conscription is in place, under which all men above 18 years of age serve for 6, 9, 11 (unarmed service) or 12 months. Alternative non-military service and volunteer service by women (chosen by around 500 annually) are possible.
  Finland is the only non-NATO EU country bordering Russia. Finland's official policy states that the 350,000 reservists with mostly ground weaponry are a sufficient deterrent. The military strategy is to hide in forests when attacked, perhaps abandon some regions, and attempt to defeat the enemy from forests in planned places. Most military experts call for NATO membership, but are careful to avoid politics. Finland's defence budget equals about 2 billion euro or 1.4–1.6 percent of the GDP. In international comparisons the defense expenditure is around the third highest in the EU. The voluntary overseas service is highly popular and troops serve around the world in UN, NATO and EU missions. Residents claim around 80% homeland defense willingness, one of the highest rates in Europe.
  The Finnish Defence Forces are under the command of the Chief of Defence (currently Juhani Kaskeala), who is directly subordinate to the President of the Republic in matters related to the military command. The military branches are the Finnish Army, Finnish Navy and Finnish Air Force. The Border Guard is under the Ministry of the Interior but can be incorporated into the Defence Forces when required by defence readiness.
  Finland has a highly industrialized, free-market economy with a per capita output equal to that of other western economies such as France, Germany, Sweden or the UK. The largest sector of the economy is services at 65.7 percent, followed by manufacturing and refining at 31.4 percent. Primary production is at 2.9 percent. With respect to foreign trade, the key economic sector is manufacturing. The largest industries are electronics (21.6 percent), machinery, vehicles and other engineered metal products (21.1 percent), forest industry (13.1 percent), and chemicals (10.9 percent). Finland has timber and several mineral and freshwater resources. Forestry, paper factories, and the agricultural sector (on which taxpayers spend around 2 billion euro annually) are politically sensitive to rural residents. The Greater Helsinki area generates around a third of GDP. In a 2004 OECD comparison, high-technology manufacturing in Finland ranked second largest after Ireland. Knowledge-intensive services have also ranked the smallest and slow-growth sectors – especially agriculture and low-technology manufacturing – second largest after Ireland. Investment was below expected. Overall short-term outlook was good and GDP growth has been above many EU peers. Inflation has been low, averaging 1.8 percent between 2004 and 2006.
  Finland is highly integrated in the global economy, and international trade is a third of GDP. The European Union makes 60 percent of the total trade. The largest trade flows are with Germany, Russia, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA, Netherlands and China. Trade policy is managed by the European Union, where Finland has traditionally been among the free trade supporters, except for agriculture. Finland is the only Nordic country to have joined the Eurozone.
  Companies, income and consumption
  Aleksanterinkatu, a commercial street.Notable companies in Finland include Nokia, the market leader in mobile telephony; Stora Enso, the largest paper manufacturer in the world; Neste Oil, an oil refining and marketing company; UPM-Kymmene, the third largest paper manufacturer in the world; Aker Finnyards, the manufacturer of the world's largest cruise ships (such as Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas); Instrumentarium Imaging, the creator of the Orthopantomograph (Pan X-Ray machine) and world innovative leader of dental imaging systems and software.; KONE, a manufacturer of elevators and escalators; Wärtsilä, a producer of power plants and ship engines; and Finnair, the largest Helsinki-Vantaa based international airline. Finland has sophisticated financial markets comparable to UK in efficiency. The largest foreign-headquartered companies included names such as ABB, Tellabs, Carlsberg, and Siemens.
  According to Invest in Finland, Finland's largest industrial sector is technology based and growth in recent years has been rapid. The chemical industry is Finland's third-largest industrial sector. Products produced include plastics, paints, oil products, pharmaceuticals, environmental products and petrochemicals. According to Invest in Finland, about one in ten European companies in biotechnology is Finnish. Finland has five bio-tech science parks in Helsinki, Turku, Kuopio, Tampere and Oulu. Finnish high-tech exports amounted to 18,2 % (EUR 11,2 billion) of total exports in 2006.
  The total stock of office space in the main Finnish cities amounts to some 10-11 million square meters. Of this, almost 8 million square meters is located in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Other major growth centres are Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Oulu, Tampere and Turku.
  The 40 largest Finland-registered companies by turnover in 2007 or 2006 were (Oy and Oyj abbreviations removed): Nokia Oyj, Stora Enso, Neste Oil, UPM-Kymmene, Kesko, Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta, Metsäliitto, Outokumpu, Metso, Tamro, Fortum, Sampo, Kone, Elcoteq, Rautaruukki, Wärtsilä, YIT, Varma, Cargotec, SanomaWSOY, Kemira, Ilmarinen Keskinäinen Eläkevakuutusyhtiö, TeliaSonera Finland, Luvata International, Huhtamäki, Finnair, Lemminkäinen, HKScan, Onvest, RTF Auto, TietoEnator, Ahlstrom, Konecranes, Valio, ABB, Itella, Amer Sports, Teboil AB, Elisa, and Myllykoski.
  Private sector employees amount to 1.8 million, out of which around a third with tertiary education. The average earnings per hour was 25.1 euro in 2007, before the approximately 60% median tax wedge. As of 2008 the average purchasing power-adjusted income levels are similar to Italy, Sweden, Germany, and France. In 2003, the average employment lasted 10 years in the same company and people had average 5 jobs in lifetime. As of 2006, a typical proportion of 62% works for enterprises smaller than 250 employees, they account for 49% of total turnover, and have the strongest growth. Female employment rate was relatively high, perhaps affected by various policies. Gender segregation between male-dominated professions and female-dominated professions was higher than in the US. In 1999 the proportion of part-time workers was one of the lowest in OECD.
  Employment rate 68% and unemployment rate was 6.8% in early 2008. Taxpayers subsidy early retirements and that legislation discriminates older workers, with 18% outside job market at the age of 50 and less than a third working at the age of 61. Finland has a private pension system and, while Sweden has private individual savings accounts, employer chooses the pension company in Finland. Unfunded pensions are a dominative future liability and other non-pension promises such as health insurances may add up more, even though Finland is much better prepared than countries such as France or Germany. Directly held public debt has been reduced to around 32 percent in 2007. In 2007, the average household savings rate was -3.8 and household debt 101 percent of annual disposable income, a typical level in Europe. Residents prefer keep their savings in bank accounts and only 15% has invested in stock market. 60% of population owns a dwelling.
  In 2006, around 2,381,500 households resided in Finland and the average size was 2.1 persons. Around 40 percent of households consisted of a single person, 32 percent two persons and 28 percent three or more persons. There were 1.2 million residential buildings in Finland and the average residential space was 38 square meters per person. The average residential property (without land) cost 1,187 euro per sq metre (without land) and residential land on 8.6 euro per sq metre. Consumer energy prices were 8-12 euro per kilowatt hour. 74 percent of households had a car. There were 2.5 million cars and 0.4 other vehicles. Around 92 percent has mobile phone and 58 percent Internet connection at home. The average total household consumption was 20,000 euro, out of which housing at around 5500 euro, transport at around 3000 euro, food and beverages excluding alcoholic at around 2500 euro, recreation and culture at around 2000 euro. Upper-level white-collar households (409,653) consumed an average 27,456 euro, lower-level white-collar households (394,313) 20,935 euro, and blue-collar households (471,370) 19,415 euro euro. Purchasing power-adjusted household consumption is about the same level as Italy, Spain and Greece.
  According to Invest in Finland, private consumption grew by 3% in 2006 and households purchased a substantial amount of consumer durables, especially home electronics. The current trend among consumers in Finland is that they are purchasing more expensive high quality products such as jewelry and precious metal products, or digital electronic products. Consumers are also spending more money on well-being and, for example, the use of fitness and sports facilities has increased.
  Education, science and technology
  Even though many or most schools were started as private schools, today only around 3% students are enrolled in private schools (mostly Helsinki-based schools such as SYK) compared to around 8% in Sweden, 10% in the US, and 70% in Netherlands. Pre-school education is rare compared to other EU countries. Formal education is usually started at the age of 7. The primary school takes normally 6 years, the lower secondary school 3 years, and most schools are managed by municipal officials. The flexible curriculum is set by the Ministry of Education and the Education Board. Attendance is compulsory between the ages of 7 and 16, and free meals are served. According to PISA assessments of the age group 15, students had high average results and low variation between schools or students. McKinsey has attributed the result distribution to high teacher education (Master's degree), high continuing teacher training, and emphasis on laggards. Homogeneous population may also contribute. After lower secondary school, students apply to further studies. Trade schools prepare for professions, though they can be used to enter tertiary education as well. Academically-oriented Gymnasiums prepare for Abitur and further tertiary education.
  In tertiary education, two, mostly separate and non-interoperating sectors are found: the profession-oriented higher vocational schools and the research-oriented universities. Finns used to take student loans and scholarships, but for the past decades the financial risk has been moved solely to the government. There are 20 universities and 30 polytechnics in the country. The World Economic Forum ranks Finland's tertiary education #1 in the world. Around 33% of residents has a tertiary degree, similar to Nordics and more than in most other OECD countries except Canada (44%), United States (38%) and Japan(37%). The proportion of foreign students is 3% of all tertiary enrolments, one of the lowest in OECD, while in advanced programs it is 7.3%, still below OECD average 16.5%. Finnish universities have long wanted more autonomy from political inference and the relatively low budgets available, and the government is now encouraging them to take private funding, although still very low.
  More than 30% of tertiary graduates are in science-related fields. Finnish researchers are leading contributors to such fields as forest improvement, new materials, the environment, neural networks, low-temperature physics, brain research, biotechnology, genetic technology and communications.
  Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant with two existing units. The third unit and Finland's fifth (far left) is computer manipulated and will be ready by 2011.See also: Nordic energy market
  See also: Nuclear power in Finland
  Anyone can enter the free and largely privately-owned Nordic energy market traded in Nord Pool exchange, which has provided competitive prices compared to other EU countries.
  In 2006, the energy market was around 90 terawatt hours and the peak demand around 15 gigawatts in winter. Industry and construction consumed 51% of total consumption. Finland's hydrocarbon resources are limited to peat and wood, while neighboring Norway has oil and Estonia oil shale. Finland has little hydropower capacity compared to Sweden or Norway. Most energy demand is satisfied with fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. Finland has four privately-owned nuclear reactors producing 18 percent of the country's energy., one research reactor in Otaniemi campus, and the fifth AREVA-Siemens-built reactor – the world's largest at 1600 MWe and a focal point of Europe's nuclear industry – is scheduled to be operational by 2011. Renewable energy forms (industrial and consumer wood, peat, industrial residue, garbage) make high 25 percent compared to the EU average 10 percent. A varying amount (5–17 percent) of electricity has been imported from Russia (at around 3 gigawatt power line capacity), Sweden and Norway. A new submarine power cable from Russia has been considered a national security issue and one permit application has already been rejected.
  Finland negotiated itself expensive Kyoto and EU emission terms. They are causing a sharp increase in energy prices and 1-2 billion euro annual cost, amplified by the aging and soon commissioned capacity. Nuclear power is by far the most inexpensive energy form and energy companies are already ready to file applications for several new reactors. Each reactor requires a permit from the parliament, where The Green League and a sect of The Centre Party are particularly opposed, and the discussion about the permit can take years. Some industries are excepted to exit because of the rising energy costs.
  The extensive road system is utilized by most internal cargo and passenger traffic. As of 2005, the country's network of main roads has a total length of 13,258 km and all public roads 78,186 km, of which 50,616 km are paved. The motorway network totals 653 km. The annual road network expenditure of around 1 billion euro is paid with vehicle and fuel taxes which amount to around 1.5 billion euro and 1 billion euro.
  The main international passenger gateway is the Finavia-semiprivatized Helsinki-Vantaa Airport with over 13 million passengers in 2007. Tampere-Pirkkala airport is the second largest and around 25 airports have scheduled passenger services. The Helsinki-Vantaa based Finnair (known for an Asia-focused strategy), Blue1 and Finncomm Airlines sell air services both domestically and internationally, and there are many others offering direct flights around the world. Helsinki has an optimal location for great circle routes between Western Europe and the Far East. Hence, many international travelers visit Helsinki on a stop-over between Asia and Europe.
  Despite low population density, taxpayers spend annually around 350 million euro in maintaining 5,865 km railway tracks even to many rural towns. Operations are privatized and currently the only operator is VR. It has 5 percent passenger market share (out of which 80 percent are urban trips in Greater Helsinki) and 25 percent cargo market share. Helsinki has an urban rail network.
  The majority of international cargo utilizes ports. Port logistics prices are low. Vuosaari harbour in Helsinki is the largest container port after completion in 2008 and others include Hamina, Hanko, Pori, Rauma, Oulu. There is passenger traffic from Helsinki and Turku, which have ferry connections to Tallinn, Mariehamn, Sweden and several other destination. The Helsinki-Tallinn route, one of the busiest passenger sea routes in the world, is also served by a helicopter line.
  Public policy
  Finnish politicians have often emulated other Nordics and the Nordic model. Nordics have been free-trading and relatively welcoming to skilled migrants for over a century, though in Finland immigration is relatively new. The level of protection in commodity trade has been low, except for agricultural products.
  As an economic environment, Finland's judiciary is efficient and effective. Finland is highly open to investment and free trade. Finland has top levels of economic freedom in many areas, although there is a heavy tax burden and inflexible job market. Finland is ranked 16th (ninth in Europe) in the 2008 Index of Economic Freedom. Recently, Finland has topped the patents per capita statistics, and overall productivity growth has been strong in areas such as electronics. While the manufacturing sector is thriving, OECD points out that the service sector would benefit substantially from policy improvements. The data-based IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2007 ranked Finland 17th most competitive, next to Germany, and lowest of the Nordics. The World Economic Forum report, based on loose opinion polls, has ranked Finland the most competitive country. The central government has officially given many promised such as emphasis on information technology, but critics question the central government's competency to deliver much. For instance, Finland did not have an Internet-based tax filing system as of 2007. Finland is one of the most fiscally responsible EU countries.
  Economists attribute much growth to reforms in the product markets. According to OECD, only four EU-15 countries have less regulated product markets (UK, Ireland, Denmark and Sweden) and only one has less regulated financial markets (Denmark). Nordic countries were pioneers in liberalizing energy, postal, and other markets in Europe. The legal system is clear and business bureaucracy less than most countries. For instance, starting a business takes an average of 14 days, compared to the world average of 43 days and Denmark's average of 6 days. Property rights are well protected and contractual agreements are strictly honored. Finland is rated one of the least corrupted countries in Corruption Perceptions Index. Finland is rated 13th in the Ease of Doing Business Index. It indicates exceptional ease to trade across borders (5th), enforce contracts (7th), and close a business (5th), and exceptional hardship to employ workers (127th) and pay taxes (83rd).
  According to OECD, the job market is the most inflexible among Nordic countries. Finland increased job market regulation in the 1970s to provide stability to manufacturers. In the 90s, Denmark liberalized its job market, Sweden moved to more decentralized contracts, and Finnish trade unions blocked most reforms. Finnish law forces all workers to obey the lengthy and bureaucracy-imposing country-wide contracts that are drafted every few years for each profession (copy machinist, metallurgical engineer, etc.) and seniority level, usually in Comprehensive Income Policy Agreement. Along with tax rates, the system is a key contributor to unemployment and distorted prices, and possibly slows down structural change as there are less incentives to acquire better skills. Trade unions have traditionally lobbied for anti-immigrant policies, but Finland has now made some effort to improve the economy's competitiveness and marketing as a destination for skilled workers.
  The middle income worker suffers from a nearly 60 percent tax wedge and effective marginal tax rates are very high. Value-added tax is 22 percent for most items. Capital gains tax and corporate tax are 26 percent, about the EU median. Property taxes are low, but there is a stamp duty of 4% for home sellers. Alcoholic beverages are separately taxed and highly restricted. For instance, McKinsey estimates that a worker has to pay around 1600 euro for another's 400 euro service - restricting service supply and demand - though some taxation is avoided in the black market and self-service culture. Another study by Karlson, Johansson & Johnsson estimates that the percentage of the buyer’s income entering the service vendor’s wallet (inverted tax wedge) is slightly over 15%, compared to 10% in Belgium, 25% in France, 40% in Switzerland and 50% in the United States. Tax cuts have been in every post-depression government's agenda and the overall tax burden is now around 43% of GDP compared to 51.1% in Sweden, 34.7% in Germany, 33.5% in Canada, and 30.5% in Ireland.
  State and municipal politicians have struggled to cut their consumption, which is very high at 51.7% of GDP compared to 56.6% in Sweden, 46.9 in Germany, 39.3 in Canada, and 33.5% in Ireland. Much of the taxes are spent on public sector employees, many of which are jobs-for-life and amount to 124,000 state employees and 430,000 municipal employees. That is 113 per 1000 residents (over a quarter of workforce) compared to 74 in the US, 70 in Germany, and 42 in Japan (8% of workforce). The Economist Intelligence Unit's ranking for Finland's e-readiness is high at 13th, compared to 1st for United States, 3rd for Sweden, 5th for Denmark, and 14th for Germany. Also, early and generous retirement schemes have contributed to high pension costs. Social spending such as health or education is around OECD median. Social transfers are also around OECD median. In 2001 Finland's outsourced proportion of spending was below Sweden's and above most other Western European countries. Outsourcing to free market has saved costs and increased customer satisfaction. For instance, Finland's health care is more bureaucrat-managed than in most Western European countries, though many use private insurance or cash to enjoy private clinics. Better access to private services is is very popular among voters and small reforms toward more equal marketplace have been made in 2007-2008. In education, child nurseries, and elderly nurseries private competition is bottom-ranking compared to Sweden and most other Western countries. Some public monopolies such Alko remain, and are sometimes challenged by the European Union.
  In 2005, Finnish tourism grossed over €6.7 billion with a five percent increase from the previous year. Much of the sudden growth can be attributed to the globalisation and modernisation of the country as well as a rise in positive publicity and awareness. There are many attractions in Finland which attracted over 4 million visitors in 2005.
  The Finnish landscape is covered with thick pine forests, rolling hills and complemented with a labyrinth of lakes and inlets. Much of Finland is pristine and virgin as it contains 35 national parks from the Southern shores of the Gulf of Finland to the high fells of Lapland. It is also an urbanised region with many cultural events and activities.
  Commercial cruises between major coastal and port cities in the Baltic region, including Helsinki, Turku, Tallinn, Stockholm and Travemünde, play a significant role in the local tourism industry. Finland is regarded as the home of Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus, living in the northern Lapland region. Above the Arctic Circle, there is a polar night, a period when the sun doesn't rise for days or weeks, or even months. Lapland, the extreme north of Finland, is so far north that the Aurora Borealis, atmospheric fluorescence, is seen regularly in winter.
  Outdoor activities range from Nordic skiing, golf, fishing, yachting, lake cruises, hiking, kayaking among many others. At Finland's northernmost point, in the heart of summer, the Sun does not completely set for 73 consecutive days. Wildlife is abundant in Finland. Bird-watching is popular for those fond of flying fauna, however hunting is also popular. Elk, reindeer and hare are all common game in Finland. There are many churches, cathedrals, museums and castles. Olavinlinna in Savonlinna hosts the annual Savonlinna Opera Festival. The capital city of Helsinki, on the other hand, is famous for its Grand Duchy era architecture, which resembles that of imperial St. Petersburg.
  Throughout Finland's prehistory and history, cultural contacts and influences have concurrently, or at varying times, come from all directions. As a result of 600 years of Swedish rule, Swedish cultural influences are still notable. Today, cultural influences from North America are prominent. Into the twenty-first century, many Finns have contacted cultures from distantly abroad, such as with those in Asia and Africa. Beyond tourism, Finnish youth in particular have been increasing their contact with peoples from outside Finland by travelling abroad to both work and study.
  There are still differences between regions, especially minor differences in accents and vocabulary. Minorities, such as the Sami, Finland Swedes, Romani, and Tatar, maintain their own cultural characteristics. Many Finns are emotionally connected to the countryside and nature, as urbanisation is a relatively recent phenomenon.
  Though Finnish written language could be said to exist since Mikael Agricola translated the New Testament into Finnish in the sixteenth century as a result of the Protestant Reformation, few notable works of literature were written until the nineteenth century, which saw the beginning of a Finnish national Romantic Movement. This prompted Elias Lönnrot to collect Finnish and Karelian folk poetry and arrange and publish them as Kalevala, the Finnish national epic. The era saw a rise of poets and novelists who wrote in Finnish, notably Aleksis Kivi and Eino Leino.
  After Finland became independent there was a rise of modernist writers, most famously Mika Waltari. Frans Eemil Sillanpää was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1939 – so far the only one for a Finnish author. The second World War prompted a return to more national interests in comparison to a more international line of thought, characterized by Väinö Linna. Literature in modern Finland is in a healthy state, with detective stories enjoying a particular boom of popularity. Ilkka Remes, a Finnish author of thrillers, is very popular.
  Visual arts
  Finns have made major contributions to handicrafts and industrial design. Finland's best-known sculptor of the twentieth century was Wäinö Aaltonen, remembered for his monumental busts and sculptures. Finnish architecture is famous around the world. Among the top of the twentieth century Finnish architects to win international recognition are Eliel Saarinen (designer of the widely recognised Helsinki Central railway station and many other public works) and his son Eero Saarinen. Alvar Aalto, who helped bring the functionalist architecture to Finland, is also famous for his work in furniture and glassware.
  Folk music
  Much of the music of Finland is influenced by traditional Karelian melodies and lyrics, as comprised in the Kalevala. Karelian culture is perceived as the purest expression of the Finnic myths and beliefs, less influenced by Germanic influence, in contrast to Finland's position between the East and the West. Finnish folk music has undergone a roots revival in recent decades, and has become a part of popular music.
  Sami music
  The people of northern Finland, Sweden and Norway, the Sami, are known primarily for highly spiritual songs called Joik. The same word sometimes refers to lavlu or vuelie songs, though this is technically incorrect.
  Classical and opera
  The Finnish composer Jean Sibelius (1865–1957), a significant figure in the history of classical music.The first Finnish opera was written by the German composer Fredrik Pacius in 1852. Pacius also wrote Maamme/Vårt land (Our Land), Finland's national anthem. In the 1890s Finnish nationalism based on the Kalevala spread, and Jean Sibelius became famous for his vocal symphony Kullervo. He soon received a grant to study runo singers in Karelia and continued his rise as the first prominent Finnish musician. In 1899 he composed Finlandia, which played its important role in Finland gaining independence. He remains one of Finland's most popular national figures and is a symbol of the nation.
  Today, Finland has a very lively classical music scene. Finnish classical music has only existed for about a hundred years, and many of the important composers are still alive, such as Magnus Lindberg, Kaija Saariaho, Aulis Sallinen and Einojuhani Rautavaara. The composers are accompanied with a large number of great conductors such as Sakari Oramo, Mikko Franck, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Osmo Vänskä, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Susanna Mälkki and Leif Segerstam. Some of the internationally acclaimed Finnish classical musicians are Karita Mattila, Soile Isokoski, Kari Kriikku, Pekka Kuusisto, Réka Szilvay and Linda Brava.
  Popular music
  Modern Finnish popular music includes a renowned heavy metal music scene, in common with other Nordic countries, as well as a number of prominent rock bands, jazz musicians, hip hop performers, and dance music acts such as Bomfunk MCs and Darude. Finnish electronic music such as the Sähkö Recordings record label enjoys underground acclaim. Iskelmä (coined directly from the German word Schlager, meaning hit) is a traditional Finnish word for a light popular song. Finnish popular music also includes various kinds of dance music; tango, a style of Argentinean music, is also popular. One of the most productive composers of popular music was Toivo Kärki, and the most famous singer Olavi Virta (1915–1972). Among the lyricists, Sauvo Puhtila (born 1928), Reino Helismaa (died 1965) and Veikko "Vexi" Salmi are the most remarkable authors. The composer and bandleader Jimi Tenor is well known for his brand of retro-funk music.
  Dance music
  Notable Finnish dance and electronic music artists include Jori Hulkkonen, Darude, JS16, DJ Proteus and DJ Orkidea.
  Rock and heavy metal music
  Apocalyptica's Perttu Kivilaakso playing metal music live.Finnish rock-music scene emerged in 1960s with pioneers such as Blues Section and Kirka. In the 1970s Finnish rock musicians started to write their own music instead of translating international hits into Finnish. During the decade some progressive rock groups, such as Tasavallan Presidentti and Wigwam, gained respect abroad but failed to make a commercial breakthrough outside Finland. This was also the fate of the rock and roll group Hurriganes. The Finnish punk scene produced some internationally acknowledged names including Terveet Kädet in 1980s. Hanoi Rocks was a pioneering 1980s-glam rock act that left perhaps a deeper mark in the history of popular music than any other Finnish group, giving inspiration for Guns N' Roses.
  In 1990s Finnish rock and metal music started to gain international fame with bands such as Catamenia, The 69 Eyes, Amorphis, Children of Bodom, Ensiferum, HIM, Lordi, Negative, Nightwish, The Rasmus, Sentenced, Sonata Arctica, and Stratovarius. In the later 1990s the cello metal group Apocalyptica played Metallica cover versions as cello quartettos and sold half a million records worldwide. Some of the Finland's most domestically popular rock groups are CMX and Eppu Normaali.
  In the 2000s, other Finnish rock bands started to sell well internationally. The Rasmus became more known in Europe (and other places, like South America) in the 2000s. Their 2003 album Dead Letters sold 1.5 million units worldwide and garnered them eight gold and five platinum album designations. But so far the most successful Finnish band in the United States has been HIM; they were the first band from Finland to ever sell an album that was certified gold by the RIAA. Most recently, the Finnish hard rock/heavy metal music band Lordi won the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest with a record 292 points, giving Finland its first ever victory, and the band Nightwish have sold world wide with their album Dark Passion Play. As of 2008, Finland has, according to some surveys, the most heavy metal bands in the world per-capita.
  The Tuska Open Air Metal Festival, one of the largest open-air heavy metal music festivals in the world, is held annually in Kaisaniemi, Helsinki. Ruisrock and Provinssirock are the most famous rock festivals held in Finland.
  In film industry, famous directors include Aki Kaurismäki, Timo Koivusalo, Aleksi Mäkelä and Klaus Härö. Hollywood film director/producer Renny Harlin (born Lauri Mauritz Harjola) was born in Finland.
  Media and communications
  Linus Torvalds, a famous Finnish software engineer, best known for initiating the development of the kernel of the Linux operating system.See also: Communications in Finland, List of newspapers in Finland, and List of Finnish television stations
  Until economic liberalization in the early 90s, media and communications were highly restricted. Self-censorship was common among allowed newspapers and private television channels were not allowed at all until 1993. Today there are 200 newspapers; 320 popular magazines, 2,100 professional magazines and 67 commercial radio stations, with one nationwide, five national public service radio channels, three digital radio channels. Each year around twelve feature films are made, 12,000 book titles published and 12 million records sold.
  SanomaWSOY publishes the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat (the circulation of 434,000 making it the largest newspaper), the tabloid Ilta-Sanomat, the commerce-oriented Taloussanomat, and the television channel Nelonen. The other major publisher Alma Media publishes over thirty magazines, including newspaper Aamulehti, tabloid Iltalehti and commerce-oriented Kauppalehti. Finns, along with other Nordic people and the Japanese, spend the most time in the world reading newspapers. The politically-controlled National Broadcasting Company YLE has five television channels and 13 radio channels in two national languages. YLE is funded through a mandatory license for television owners and fees for private broadcasters. In the 1990s politicians made a controversial decision to transform to a digital television standard, which has now been completed. The most popular television channel MTV3 and the most popular radio channel Radio Nova are owned by Nordic Broadcasting (Bonnier and Proventus Industrier). International newspapers such as Aftonbladet or Financial Times are available, but according to the sole importer the readership is only around 600,000 copies per year or around 2,000 on average day.
  Around 79 percent of the population use the Internet. Finland had around 1.52 million broadband Internet connections by the end of June 2007 or around 287 per 1,000 inhabitants. All Finnish schools and public libraries have Internet and a few computers. Most residents have a mobile phone. It's used mostly for contact and value-added services are rare.
  Traditional Finnish cuisine is a combination of European, Fennoscandian and Western Russian elements; table manners are European. The food is generally simple, fresh and healthy. Fish, meat, berries and ground vegetables are typical ingredients whereas spices are not common due to their historical unavailability. In years past, Finnish food often varied from region to region, most notably between the west and east. In coastal and lakeside villages, fish was a main feature of cooking, whereas in the eastern and also northern regions, vegetables and reindeer were more common. The prototypical breakfast is oatmeal or other continental-style foods such as bread. Lunch is usually a full warm meal, served by a canteen at workplaces. Dinner is eaten at around 17.00 to 18.00 at home.
  Modern Finnish cuisine combines country fare and haute cuisine with contemporary continental cooking style. Today, spices are a prominent ingredient in many modern Finnish recipes, having been adopted from the east and west in recent decades.
  Public holidays
  All official holidays in Finland are established by acts of Parliament. The official holidays can be divided into Christian and secular holidays, although some of the Christian holidays have replaced holidays of pagan origin. The main Christian holidays are Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Ascension Day, Pentecost, and All Saints Day. The secular holidays are New Year's Day, May Day, Midsummer Day, and the Independence Day. Christmas is the most extensively celebrated holiday: usually at least 23rd to 26th of December are holidays.
  In addition to this, all Sundays are official holidays, but they are not as important as the special holidays. The names of the Sundays follow the liturgical calendar and they can be categorised as Christian holidays. When the standard working week in Finland was reduced to 40 hours by an act of Parliament, it also meant that all Saturdays became a sort of de facto public holidays, though not official ones. Easter Sunday and Pentecost are Sundays that form part of a main holiday and they are preceded by a kind of special Saturdays. Retail stores are prohibited by law from doing business on Sundays, except during the summer months (May through August) and in the pre-Christmas season (November and December). Business locations that have less than 400 square metres of floor space are allowed Sunday business throughout the year, with the exception of official holidays and certain Sundays, such as Mother's Day and Father's Day.
  Various sporting events are popular in Finland. Pesäpallo (reminiscent of baseball) is the national sport of Finland, although the most popular sports in Finland in terms of media coverage are Formula One, ice hockey and football. The Finnish national ice hockey team is considered one of the best in the world. During the past century there has been a rivalry in sporting between Finland and Sweden, mostly in ice hockey and athletics (Finland-Sweden athletics international). Jari Kurri and Teemu Selänne are the two Finnish-born ice hockey players to have scored 500 goals in their NHL careers. Football is also popular in Finland, though the national football team has never qualified for a finals tournament of the World Cup or the European Championships. Jari Litmanen and Sami Hyypiä are the most internationally renowned of the Finnish football players.
  Relative to its population, Finland has been a top country in the world in automobile racing, measured by international success. Finland has produced three Formula One World Champions – Keke Rosberg (Williams, 1982), Mika Häkkinen (McLaren, 1998 and 1999) and Kimi Räikkönen (Ferrari, 2007). Along with Räikkönen, the other Finnish Formula One driver currently active is Heikki Kovalainen (McLaren). Rosberg's son, Nico Rosberg (Williams), is also currently driving, but under his mother's German nationality. Other notable Finnish Grand Prix drivers include Leo Kinnunen, JJ Lehto and Mika Salo. Finland has also produced most of the world's best rally drivers, including the ex-WRC World Champion drivers Marcus Grönholm, Juha Kankkunen, Hannu Mikkola, Tommi Mäkinen, Timo Salonen and Ari Vatanen. The only Finn to have won a road racing World Championship, Jarno Saarinen, was killed in 1973 while racing.
  Among winter sports, Finland has been the most successful country in ski jumping, with former ski jumper Matti Nykänen being arguably the best ever in that sport. Most notably, he won five Olympic medals (four gold) and nine World Championships medals (five gold). Among currently active Finnish ski jumpers, Janne Ahonen has been the most successful. Kalle Palander is a well-known alpine skiing winner, who won the World Championship and Crystal Ball (twice, in Kitzbühel). Tanja Poutiainen has won an Olympic silver medal for alpine skiing, as well as multiple FIS World Cup races.
  Some of the most outstanding athletes from the past include Hannes Kolehmainen (1890–1966), Paavo Nurmi (1897–1973) and Ville Ritola (1896–1982) who won eighteen gold and seven silver Olympic medals in the 1910s and 1920s. They are also considered to be the first of a generation of great Finnish middle and long-distance runners (and subsequently, other great Finnish sportsmen) often named the "Flying Finns". Another long-distance runner, Lasse Virén (born 1949), won a total of four gold medals during the 1972 and 1976 Summer Olympics.
  Also, in the past, Riku Kiri, Jouko Ahola and Janne Virtanen have been the greatest strength athletes in the country, participating in the World's Strongest Man competition between 1993 and 2000.
  The 1952 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XV Olympiad, were held in 1952 in Helsinki, Finland. Other notable sporting events held in Finland include the 1983 and 2005 World Championships in Athletics, among others.
  Some of the most popular recreational sports and activities include floorball, Nordic walking, running, cycling and skiing.
No. 3
  芬兰最佳旅游时间: 芬兰地处欧洲东北部,是世界上最靠北的国家之一,全国四分之一领土在北极圈内。冬季较寒冷,赫尔辛基冬季平均气温-14至3度,最低温度可达零下30度左右;北部最低温度零下50度左右。夏季气候温和,平均气温13至17度,日照时间较长,北部自5月底至8月初为极昼期,日不落。
  芬兰民俗节庆活动: 芬兰人是个喜欢享受生活的民族,所以芬兰全国一年四季都有各种节庆活动在举行。这些节庆活动中最为热闹的便是仲夏节、戴帽节以及圣诞节这三个了。此外,起源于芬兰背夫人大赛现在也成了一项颇受欢迎的国际赛事,每年都有来自世界各地参赛选手来到芬兰一显身手。
  芬兰特别提醒: 芬兰时间较格林威治标准时间(gmt)快两小时,较中国标准时间慢6小时。芬兰夏令时时,芬兰与中国相差5小时。
  货币:芬兰货币单位为欧元( 芬兰美食: 芬兰美食的独到之处是其菜肴的选料与取材。芬兰食物的很多主料都来自于芬兰丰富的山林原野资源。在这片满布森林和湖泊的大地上,充满了令人垂涎欲滴的浆果鲜菇和野味活鱼。这些原料新鲜而无污染,特别符合现代强调清纯健康的饮食潮流观点。中国游客的饮食习惯特别注重鲜甜,芬兰的地道菜式也多有接近这一偏好;还有就是北部的拉普兰地区,那里寒冷天气的时间较长, 所以其烹饪的特色就多半是味道浓郁、肥沃厚重,就像我们的京式菜系或者北方食品,在客观上都十分迎合中国游客的口味。总体来说,芬兰的食品结构以肉类、鱼类和兔肉为主,而其中肉类又以牛肉和猪肉为主。西红柿、黄瓜、胡萝卜和卷心菜等是最常见的蔬菜,而牛奶和奶酪则是主要的副食。芬兰最出名的野味是驯鹿。如果游客的运气较好,大家还可以在传统的餐厅里尝到愈来愈加普遍的熊肉菜式。
  芬兰号称“千湖之国”,并且国家的海岸线长且迂回,于是鱼类的供应就十分丰饶。其中的三文鱼、波罗的海青鱼、鲑鱼、淡水鳕鱼样样鲜美,不愧为爱吃鱼者的天堂。炮制方法有烟熏、明火烤、蒸、焗等等五花八门。中国人喜爱喝汤,这与芬兰人的习惯大致相同。清甜鲜美的三文鱼汤当是游客们的餐前首选,在冬季,人们用最肥的淡水鳕鱼煮的浓汤,也是鱼汤中的皇牌美味。此外,芬兰的鱼子酱 ( 吃的时候需添加酸奶和洋葱末 ) 、秋季的野蘑菇、嫩滑奶酪等,都是极富魅力的美食。欧洲的很多国家都出产葡萄酒,但用浆果酿酒则较少见。芬兰在这方面便独树一帜,这就可以满足中国人对新鲜事物的好奇心态,且作为特色的礼物当是上佳的绝妙选择。
  芬兰购物: 赫尔辛基是一座充满活力的北欧商业都会,这里不仅有北欧最大的室内购物中心和最大的百货公司,同时数目众多的专卖店中陈列的来自世界各地的名牌也让人眼花缭乱。在赫尔辛基购物是一件轻松而充满乐趣的事情,因为大部分商店彼此都很近。曼海姆大街(mannerheimintie)、亚历山大大街(aleksanterinkatu)和滨海大道(esplanadi)是赫尔辛基的主要商业街,各大知名购物中心、百货公司和专卖店多位于这三条街上。此外,位于南码头的跳蚤市场也是很多游客流连的地方,这里出售各种具有芬兰特色的旅游纪念品、特色小吃、时令果蔬以及生鲜海产等。
  芬兰交通: 1988年6月2 日,芬兰航空公司正式开辟了赫尔辛基至北京的直达航线,飞时间8小时,是欧洲到北京的最捷之径。随着2002年2月7日香港航线及2003年9月3日上海航线的开通,芬航在中国已成功地在华北、华南、华东构筑起方便快捷的空中网络。
  赫尔辛基——万塔国际机场(航空代码:hel)位于赫尔辛基市以北 20 公里处的万塔市,距离另一个南部主要城市艾斯堡 (espoo) 也仅有 25 公里。赫尔辛基机场虽然不大,但是因为其高效率的运转、舒适的环境和周到的服务而多次被评为世界最佳机场和欧洲最佳机场。
  赫尔辛基机场与赫尔辛基市中心的交通也相当方便。芬兰航空的机场穿梭巴士往返于机场与赫尔辛基市中心火车站旁的 finnair city terminal 之间,其发车间隔时间为15-20分钟。本地的615与617路公共汽车同样于每天6:00-23:00之间往返于机场与赫尔辛基市中心火车站。除了普通的出租车,赫尔辛基机场还有一种特别的yellow line机场出租车。这种出租车从机场前往赫尔辛基的任意一点的价格都是一样的,其价格的高低取决于乘客的人数。相互不认识的乘客可以一起共享一辆yellow line机场出租车。
  芬兰铁路全长4,000公里 ,网络覆盖了境内的主要城市。重要干线如赫尔辛基-图尔库、赫尔辛基-波里、赫尔辛基-坦佩雷、赫尔辛基-奥卢、赫尔辛基-伊萨尔米 (iisalmi) 、赫尔辛基-约恩苏等,早已全部的实现了电气化。芬兰国内铁路由国家铁路公司独家经营,其管内的火车分为郊区火车、普通列车、快速列车、城际列车/双层城际列车和高速列车5种。
  郊区火车作为公共交通的一种补充主要运行在赫尔辛基与其周边卫星城之间,通达主要居民住宅区,可以使用公交月票以及赫尔辛基卡。芬兰的高速火车是意大利生产的pendolino,可以在现有路轨的基础上最高以220公里 的速度运行。由于芬兰的铁路使用的是和俄罗斯一样的宽轨,所以其火车车厢比国内的火车要宽敞舒适,而运行也更为平稳。
  芬兰长途客车不但效率高,而且其运行也十分准时正点,服务范围覆盖了国内90%的区域。在拉普兰省,长途客车对火车路线的运营是一个很大的补充,因为它可以把游客送达到各个偏远的小村镇。运行在城市之间的长途客车主要分为两种:沿途各乡镇均有停站的普通班次(vakiovuorot) 和中途不停站的特快班次 (pikavuorot) 。长途及特快长途客车由oy matkahuolto ab营运,而普通班次的长途客车则分别由其它私人公司负责。在拉普兰,主要的长途客车由gold line公司提供。各长途客车公司通用同一个票务系统。
  芬兰住宿: 芬兰提供了多种类形的住宿给游客选择。
  由最普遍的酒店,大形连琐酒店集团或私营旅馆均分布境内不同角落。其中部份酒店更提供有预售套票,让人购买后可以较平宜价钱订得酒店住宿,但芬兰最具地道特色是当地的渡假村舍 (holiday villages/holiday cottages)和农庄住宿(farmstays)。位于湖泊、森林、群鸟间的乡农传统村屋,能给予机会游客体会北欧迷人田园山水的机会。
  对于想省钱的自助旅游人仕,芬兰有由学生宿舍短期改成的廉价夏季酒店(summer hotels)、招待所(hostels)、青年旅舍(youth hostels)、露营营地(campsites)等供考虑。
  芬兰娱乐: 桑拿
  国名:芬兰共和国(the republic of finland,suomen tasavalta)
  自然地理:面积为33.8145万平方公里。位于欧洲北部,北面与挪威接壤,西北与瑞典为邻,东面是俄罗斯,南临芬兰湾,西濒没有潮汐的波的尼亚湾。地势北高南低。北部曼塞耳基亚丘陵海拔200—700米,中部为200—300米的冰碛丘陵,沿海地区为海拔50米以下的平原。芬兰境内拥有极其丰富的森林资源。全国森林面积达2600万公顷,人均林地5公顷,居世界人均林地的第二位。全国有69%的土地被森林覆盖,其覆盖率居欧洲第一位,世界第二位。树种以云杉林、松树林和白桦林居多,茂密的丛林中到处是鲜花和浆果。南部的塞马湖面积达4400平方公里,是芬兰第一大湖。芬兰的湖泊与狭窄的水道、短河、急流相连,从而形成互相沟通的水路。内陆水域面积占全国总面积的10%。有岛屿约17.9万个,湖泊约18.8万个,有“千湖之国”之称。芬兰的海岸线曲折,长达1100公里。鱼类资源丰富。芬兰有1/3地区位于北极圈内,北部气候寒冷、多积雪。在最北部,冬季有40—50天看不到太阳,夏季5月底至7月底昼夜都可见到太阳。属温带海洋性气候。平均气温冬季-14 ℃至3℃,夏季13℃至17℃,年平均降雨600毫米。
  芬兰东面接壤俄罗斯,南面临波罗的海和芬兰湾,西面是波的尼亚湾及瑞典,西北部与北面与挪威毗邻。全国总面积共338,000 平方公里,是欧洲第七大国家。
No. 4
  芬兰共和国(the republic of finland)
  国家政要:总统塔里娅·哈洛宁 (tarja halonen) ,2000年3月就职。
  1. :  FI Finland
  2. n.:  finland,  Fenland
  1. n.  Finlande