guó jiā : měi zhōu >nán měi zhōu > 
·guódù·nán měi zhōu nán guó jiā·No. 3
·No. 4·yīngwénjièshì·fǎwénjièshì
·xiàngguāncí·bāo hán cí·gèngduōjiéguǒ...
  yòu zhè me guó 'ér yòu zhe zhàn lán de tiānchún bái de yún jīn de tài yáng 'ér de tàn qiú lìng rén táo zuìfèi ténghún qiān mèng rào yōng yòu měi de míng bái yín héng héng ā gēn tíng ......
   jiǎn jiè
   guó míng ā gēn tíng gòng guó RepublicofArgentina
   'ā gēn tíng shǒu shì nuò 'ài
   guó míng yóu láizài bān zhōng,“ ā gēn tíng liǎng xiāng tóngjūn wéibái yín”。
  1527 nián bān tàn xiǎn jiā sài 'ān · tuō shuài lǐng zhī yuǎn zhēng duì dào nán měi hòucóng kuān kuò de kǒu liú 'ér shàngshēn dào nèi tàn xiǎn jiā men xiàn dāng yìn 'ān rén pèi dài zhe hěn duō yín zhì de shì wéi dāng shèng chǎn bái yínbiàn jiāng zhè tiáo mìng míng wéi zhè chēng wéi bān zhí mín tǒng zhì zhě hòu lái yòu jiāng gǎi wéi shěng。 1816 nián 7 yuè 9 shěng xuān bìng jiāng guó míng zhèng shì dìng wéi ā gēn tíng ā gēn tíng yuán dīng wén jǐn shì zhǐ shàng de bái yíntóng shí huò ”、“ cái ”。 zhè kuài guǎng mào de shàng suī chǎn bái yíndàn yòu zhe féi de rǎngfēng mào de cǎo yuánliáng hǎo de hòuzhè shǐ ā gēn tíng chéng liǎoshì jiè de liáng cāng ròu ”, cái gǔn gǔn 'ér láiyīn zhè guó jiā chēng zhī wéi ā gēn tíng ”, zhēn shì zài qiàrúqífèn guò liǎo
   rén kǒu: 3780 duō wànzhù yào mín shì 'ōu zhōu rén yìn 'ān rén zhōng bái zhǒng rén zhàn 97 duō zhǔyì bān hòu shì nán měi zhōu guó bái zhǒng rén bǐlǜ zuì gāo de guó jiāchéng shì rén kǒu zhàn fēn zhī hùn xuè zhǒng rényìn 'ān rén rén zhǒng zhàn 3%。 guān fāng yán wéi bān mín 87% xìn fèng tiān zhù jiào de xìn fèng xīn jiào zōng jiào
   shǒu nuò 'ài BuenosAires shì měi zuì fán huá dedōu shì zhī bān wéihǎo kōng ”。 gāi shì wèi 'ànfēng jǐng xiù měi hòu rényòunán měi zhī chēngshì nèi jiē xīn gōng yuánguǎng chǎng niàn bēi zhòng duō 'ér zhù míngchéng shì jiàn zhù duō shòu 'ōu zhōu wén huà yǐng xiǎngzhì jīn hái bǎo liú yòu shì qián de bān fēng de dài jiàn zhùyòu rén kǒu 278 wàn( 2001 nián), bāo kuò jìn jiāo 19 de nuò 'ài shì gòng 1383 wàn rén (2001 nián )。
   guó ā gēn tíng guó chéng cháng fāng xíngcháng kuān zhī yuē wéi 5: 3。 shàng 'ér xià yóu qiǎn lánbáiqiǎn lán sān píng xíng xiāng děng de héng cháng fāng xíng chéngbái cháng fāng xíng zhōng jiān shì lún yuè de tài yáng”。 tài yáng běn zhāng rén liǎnshì ā gēn tíng xíng de méi yìng de 'ànyán tài yáng běn yuán zhōu děng fēn zhe 32 gēn wān zhí xiāngjiàn de guāng máng xiànqiǎn lán xiàng zhēng zhèng bái xiàng zhēng xìn niànchún jiézhèng zhí gāo shàng;“ yuè de tài yángxiàng zhēng yóu míngměi nián 6 yuè 20 wèiguó héng héng 1810 nián ā gēn tíng bào liǎo zhù míng de yuè mìngtuī fān liǎo bān zǒng kāi shǐ liǎo wěi de zhàn zhēngwèile shì zhǐ yǐn duì zuò zhànlǐng dǎo zhàn zhēng de bèi 'ěr nuò jiāng jūn qīn shè bìng zhǐ dǎo zhì zuò liǎo miàn qiǎn lán bái xiāngjiàn de zhìzhè liǎng zhǒng yán fēn bié xiàng zhēng zhe chún jié qián chéng。 1916 nián 9 yuè 9 ā gēn tíng gòng guó xuān chéng shíshēng de jiù shì zhè miàn zhìcóng bèi zhèng shì què dìng wéi ā gēn tíng guó
   huò suǒ
   guó huī ā gēn tíng guó huī wéi tuǒ yuán xíngtuǒ yuán miàn shàng lán xià báiwèiguó shàng duān yòu lún yuè de tài yáng”, tóng guó tuǒ yuán xíng zhōng yòu liǎng zhǐ jǐn zhe de shǒuxiàng zhēng tuán jiéshǒu zhōng yòu yóu zhī gān”, xiàng zhēng quán lìngzūn yán zhù quángān dǐng wéi hóng de yóu zhī mào”。 tuǒ yuán xíng 'àn yóu de yuè guì shù huán rào xiàng zhēng zhōng chéng yǒu yuè guì shù xiàng zhēng shèng guāng róng
   guó ā gēn tíng de guó jìn xíng 》 , shì dīng měi zhōu de shǒu guó 。 1813 nián 5 yuè 11 ā gēn tíng guó huì tōng guò jué què dìng yóu sēn · luò pèi · lán nèi ( VicenteLópezyPlanes,1785-1856) zuò · léi ( BlasParera, 1777-1820) de guó jìn xíng 》( MarchaPatriótica) wéi ā gēn tíng guó 。 1900 nián 'ào · luó ( JulioArgentinoRoca1843-1914。 1880-1886 1898-1904 nián wéi ā gēn tíng zǒng tǒngzǒng tǒng bān lìng guī dìng měi féng zài dìng jié xué xiào xíng de shì shàng chàng guó de zuì hòu xiǎo jié
   de shēng míntīng shén shèng de shēng yóu yóu yóu de jiā suǒ bèi bèi yóu dēng shàng bǎo zuòchōng mǎn zūn róng de bǎo zuò jīng jiàn chéngshèng guī nán fāng shěng lián méngquán shì jiè yóu rén mín huān zhù wěi guó jiā ā gēn tíngzhù wěi guó jiā ā gēn tíng
   xīn shēng de yīng xióng men jīng shén dǒu sǒuhǎo xiàng shén yàng xióng jiū jiū men xiōng huái chōng mǎn háo qíngkuò qián jìn shǐ dǒuyìn jiā rén zhèng cóng fén xǐngchóngxīn rán shāo mǎn qiāng qíng men de 'ér zhòng jiàn wǎng guó de lìng míngwǎng guó de lìng míng
   shān bēng lièchéng qiáng dǎo tānhōng lóng lóng xiǎng shēng zhèn tiān chóu zhàn zhēng de shēng dào chù piàn kuáng lánxiōng 'è de bào jūn bāo cáng zhe xīn chū lái 'è chòu nán wénshǒu hào huī zhe rǎn xuè de jūn tiǎo zhàn zhēngcán rén xìngtiǎo zhàn zhēngcán rén xìng
   ā gēn tíng rénqīn lüè zhě xiàng men tiǎo zhàn men bēi 'ér yòu 'ào mànkuáng níng xiàojiàn men de zhōng jiāng shī bàizhù dìng tóng kāng kǎi xuān shì de yǒng shìwèile yóu 'ér bēn zhàn chǎng tòng zhè qún shì xuè de láng zhì jiān qiáng tiě tóng qiáng zhì jiān qiáng tiě tóng qiáng
   yǒng gǎn de ā gēn tíng rén bēn jiāng chǎngjīng shén bǎo mǎndǒu zhì 'áng yángzhàn dǒu de hào jiǎo suí zhe pào shēng lóng lóngxiǎng chè nán fāng de zhàn chǎng shàng nuò 'ài shì kàng zhàn de xiān fēngdài lǐng zhù míng de lián méng chéng shì men jiāng huī qiáng zhuàng de shǒu jiǎo 'ào màn de zhī shījiǎo 'ào màn de zhī shī
   shèng zhī shén zhǎn kāi guāng huī de shuāng chì ā gēn tíng yǒng shìbào jūn kàn jiàn liǎo gǔn niào liúlián máng jiā zhe wěi táo zǒu jiāo chū jūn lái tóu jiàngyíng zhàn pǐnguī gōng yóurén mín zhe guāng róng de cǎi gài háo màiyáng méi 'áng shǒu gài háo màiyáng méi 'áng shǒu
   cóng nán dào běi xiǎng chè hào shēngchuán sòng shēng míng yòng měi zhōu de míng xiàng rén men fǎn huànshēng mínqǐng tīngchōng mǎn zūn róng de bǎo zuò jīng jiàn chéngshèng guī nán fāng shěng lián méngquán shì jiè yóu rén mín huān zhù wěi guó jiā ā gēn tíngzhù wěi guó jiā ā gēn tíng
   zhù guì guān zěn yàng láiràng yǒng yuǎn cún zài men shēng yòu guāng cǎi yào sǐde yòu guāng cǎi
   guó shùsài shù
   guó huācàn ruò hóng xiá de sài huāsài shù shǔ běn dòu jiá zhí zhù yào fēn zài zhōng nán měi zài bān zhí mín tǒng zhì shí de yìn 'ān rén duàn fèn fǎn kàngchuán shuōzài zhàn dǒu zhōng wèi yìn 'ān luò qiú cháng xìng zhèn wáng de 'ér 'ā tǐng shēn 'ér chūzhǐ huī zhàn dǒu bān zhí mín zhě xuè zhànzuì hòu bèi bān zhí mín zhě jiāng 'ā bǎng zài sài shù shàngyào yòng huǒ shāo ā zài xióng xióng de huǒ zhōng kāng kǎi jiù shíhuā wèi dào de shù shàng rán shèng kāi chū mǎn zhī lěi chuàn de huǒ xuè de hóng huā。 1942 nián ā gēn tíng tōng guò xiàng lìngzhèng shì què dìng sài huā wéi ā gēn tíng de guó huā
   guó niǎozōng zào niǎo
   : 7 yuè 9 ( 1816 nián
   guó qìng : 5 yuè 25 ( 1910 nián
   dǎo zhàn zhēng lǎo zhàn shì : 4 yuè 2 ( 1982 nián
   guó jiā zhèng yàozǒng tǒng nèi tuō 'ěr · luò · shí nèi 'ěr( NestorKirchner), 2003 nián 5 yuè rèn zhí
  2007 nián 10 yuè ā gēn tíng zhí zhèng lián méng hòu xuǎn rén rén · fèi 'ěr nán zài 28 de zǒng tǒng xuǎn zhōng huò shèngshùn dāng xuǎn wéi zǒng tǒng jiāng chéng wéi ā gēn tíng shǐ shàng shǒu wèi xuǎn chǎn shēng de zǒng tǒng。 12 yuè 10 jiāng zhèng shì jiē zhàng shí nèi 'ěr dān rèn ā gēn tíng zǒng tǒng
   miàn 278 wàn píng fāng gōng wéi měi 'èr guójǐn wèi nán měi zhōu dōng nán dōng bīn yángnán nán zhōu hǎi xiāng wàng tóng zhì jiē rǎngběi jiè wéi guīdōng běi guī wéi lín shì yóu xiàng dōng zhú jiàn píng shì mài mián yán wēi 'é zhuàng 'ān shān wéi zhù de shān zòng guàn nán běi 3, 000 gōng yuē zhàn quán guó miàn de 30%; dōng zhōng de pān cǎo yuán shì zhù míng de nóng běi zhù yào shì lán chá píng yuánduō zhǎo sēn línnán shì gāo yuánzhù yào shān mài yòu 'ào huò · duō shānméi shānhǎi 6964 de 'ā kōng jiā guā shānwéi nán měi zhōu wàn fēng zhī guān quán cháng 4700 gōng wéi nán měi 'èr zhù yào húpō yòu ā gēn tíng bié
   běi shǔ dài hòuzhōng shǔ dài hòunán wéi wēn dài hòu fēn nián píng jūn wēn zài 16-23 zhī jiāndōng běi jiàng shuǐ fēng pèizài 1, 000 háo zuǒ yòu běi nán wéi 250 háo xià shuǐ jiào duō - quán cháng 5, 580 gōng wéi nán měi 'èr shuǐ zhù yào zhī liú yòu guī guī děng guó jiè nán 'ān shān duō bīng shí zhù míng de xiá céng shì lǎo de yìn jiā wén huà chuán dào ā gēn tíng de tōng dàobèi chēng wéiyìn jiā zhī ”。 ā gēn tíng kuàng chǎn yuán fēng zhù yào yòu shí yóutiān rán méi tàntiě yín děngshuǐ yuán jiào fēng sēn lín miàn zhàn quán guó miàn 22%。 yán hǎi yuán fēng 。 
   quán guó huàfēn wéi 24 xíng zhèng dān wèiyóu 22 shěng、 1 huǒ dǎo xíng zhèng lián bāng shǒu nuò 'ài chéng shěng míng chēng xià nuò 'ài shèng fěi 'ěr duō mén duō mànēn léi 'ào chá lián 'ěr shèng 'āi luó 'ào nèi shèng 'ān 'ào nèi luó qiū shèng nèi kěn pān 'ào shèng
   jiǎn shǐ
  16 shì qián zhù zhe yìn 'ān rén。 1535 nián bān zài jiàn zhí mín diǎn。 1776 nián bān shè nuò 'ài wéi shǒu de zǒng 。 1810 nián 5 yuè 25 nuò 'ài rén mín xiān fǎn duì bān tǒng zhì de yuè mìng”, chéng liǎo zhèng wěi yuán huì。 1812 nián ā gēn tíng rén mín zài mín yīng xióng shèng dīng de lǐng dǎo xiàkāi zhǎn liǎo fǎn duì bān zhí mín jūn de guī zhuāng dǒu zhēngzhōng zài 1816 nián 7 yuè 9 xuān gào 。 1853 nián zhì dìng xiàn jiàn liǎo lián bāng gòng guó 'ěr dāng xuǎn wéi rèn zǒng tǒng。 1862 nián tuō luò méi · léi dān rèn zǒng tǒngjié shù liǎo hòu cháng de fēn liè dòng luàn 20 shì 30 nián dài chū xiàn jūn rén wén rén jiāo zhí zhèng de miàn。 1983 niánā fāng xīn mín xuǎn zhèng shàng táihuī xiàn zhì tuī jìn mín zhù huà jìn chéng
  1982 nián 4 yuè 2 ā gēn tíng yīng guó yīn 'ěr wéi qún dǎo zhù quán guī shǔ wèn bào liǎo dǎo zhàn zhēngtóng nián 6 yuè 14 yīng jūn bài liǎo 'ā jūn zhàn lǐng dǎo
   zhèng zhì
  1853 nián zhì dìng quán guó tǒng xiàn 。 1994 nián 8 yuè 22 xiàn jīng xiū gǎi hòu shí shīxiū gǎi hòu de xiàn guī dìng ā gēn tíng wéi lián bāng zhì guó jiāshí xíng dài zhì mín zhùnèi shì zhèng zhí xíng gòuzǒng tǒng zǒng tǒng yóu xuǎn chǎn shēngzǒng tǒng shì guó jiā yuán shǒuzhèng shǒu nǎo zhuāng duì zǒng lìngzhí zhǎng guó jiā zuì gāo xíng zhèng quánrèn nián lián xuǎn lián rèn zǒng tǒng jiān rèn cān yuàn chángxiàn hái guī dìng shè nèi zǒng zhízǒng cháng zǒng tǒng guó shū jūn yóu zǒng tǒng rèn mìng huì shì guó jiā zuì gāo gòuguó huì fēn cānzhòng liǎng yuànyōng yòu lián bāng quáncānzhòng yuán jūn yóu zhí xuǎn chǎn shēng lián xuǎn lián rèn
   ā gēn tíng chǎn ráo hòu shì féi , shì zōng guó jiào qiáng de měi guó jiāgōng mén lèi jiào quánzhù yào yòu gāng tiědiàn chēshí yóuhuà gōngfǎng zhì xièshí pǐn děnggōng chǎn zhí zhàn guó nèi shēng chǎn zǒng zhí de 1 3。 gōng zhǎn shuǐ píng měi qián lièxiàn yōng yòu 3 zuò diàn zhàngāng chǎn liàng měi qián liè zhì zào yòu xiāng dāng shuǐ píng shēng chǎn de fēi guó shì chǎngshí pǐn jiā gōng jiào xiān jìnzhù yào yòu ròu lèi jiā gōng zhì pǐnliáng shí jiā gōngshuǐ guǒ jiā gōng niàng jiǔ děng hángyèā shì shì jiè táo jiǔ zhù yào shēng chǎn guó zhī nián chǎn liàng 30 gōng shēngkuàng chǎn yuán yòu shí yóutiān rán méi tàntiěyínyóuqiānshí gāoliú huáng děngxiàn tàn míng yùn cáng liàngshí yóu 28 8 tǒngtiān rán 7635 fāng méi tàn 6 dūntiě 3 dūnyóu 2. 94 wàn dūnshuǐ yuán fēng sēn lín miàn zhàn quán guó zǒng miàn de 1/ 3 zuǒ yòuyán hǎi yuán fēng guó miàn de 55% shì chǎngnóng xùmù zhàn nóng zǒng chǎn zhí de 40%。 quán guó shēng chù de 80% zhōng zài pān cǎo yuánā shì shì jiè liáng shí ròu lèi zhòng yào shēng chǎn guó chū kǒu guó yòuliáng cāng ròu zhī chēngzhù yào zhòngzhí xiǎo mài dòugāo liáng kuí huā děngjìn nián lái ā gēn tíng chéng wéi nán měi zuì de yóu guó jiāzhù yào yóu diǎn yòu luò qiē fēng jǐng guā léi nuò bīng chuān děng
   nóng wéi shì jiè zhù yào de nóng chǎn pǐn shēng chǎn guó chū kǒu guó zhī chǎng cǎo yuán zhàn quán guó miàn de 55%, gēng zhàn 12.7%。 xùmù yòu niúyángzhūnóng chǎn pǐn yòu xiǎo mài dòugāo liáng màimián huā děngyángniú de tóu shù xiǎo mài dòu de chǎn liàng shì jiè qián liègōng chǎn zhí chāo guò nóng zhàn guó mín shēng chǎn zǒng zhí de 40% zuǒ yòugōng mén quányòu shí pǐnfǎng zhì děng nóng chǎn pǐn jiā gōng gōng jìn nián lái gāng tiě chēhuà gōngshí yóu kāi cǎi liàndiàn diàn děng mén zhǎn shèn jiāo tōng tiě quán cháng yuē 4.4 wàn gōng gōng 105 wàn gōng chū kǒu nóng chǎn pǐn wéi zhù zhōng ròu lèixiǎo mài dòu yáng máo děng zhàn chū kǒu zǒng zhí de 75-80%, jìn nián lái gōng pǐn chū kǒu yòu zēngzhǎngjìn kǒu duō wéi shè bèigōng yuán liàohuà xué pǐn děng
   jūn shì
   zǒng tǒng wéi zhuāng duì zuì gāo tǒng shuàixià shè guó fáng wěi yuán huì jūn shì wěi yuán huìguó fáng wěi yuán huì yóu zǒng tǒngnèi zhèng chángwài jiāo chángguó fáng cháng jīng cháng chéngjūn shì wěi yuán huì yóu guó fáng chángsān jūn lián cān móu cháng hǎikōng sān jūn zhǒng cān móu cháng chéngsān jūn lián cān móu cháng 'ān · luò · 'ào luò( JuanCarlosMugnolo)。 shí xíng zhì yuàn bīng zhì wéi niánxiàn zǒng bīng wéi 7.3 wàn rén。 2000 nián guó fáng kāi zhī wéi 34.4 měi yuán
   wén huà
   huá gāo liè bēn fàng detàn yuán ā gēn tíngbèi ā gēn tíng rén shì wéi guó cuì
   ā gēn tíng tàn yuán ā gēn tíng shǒu nuò 'ài de gǎng kǒu yuán fēi zhōuběi měi shèn zhì 'ōu zhōu de mín zhì liú zài gǎng kǒuxíng chéng liǎo shū de wài lái shè huì qún men duō shè huì wèi xiàshēng huó wěn dìngzài jiǔ kào chàng tiào lái xiāo shí guāng . ā gēn tíng tàn shí shàng shì zhè zhǒng shū huán jìng xià chǎn shēng de zhǒng shū shù xíng shì dǎo shì zài lóng jiāhǎbā niè kǎn dōng bèi děng měifēi zhōu děng duō zhǒng mín jiān dǎo chǔ shàng yǎn 'ér chéng de ā gēn tíng tàn shí fēi cháng tóng men kàn dào guó biāo zhōng de tàn biǎo yǎn shí shì zhǒng chàng duō tiào de shù xíng shìér qiě de chàng shì qīng nán xìngqiě dōushì chàngǒu 'ěr yòu xiǎo huá chuān chā 'áng de jiàn pán shǒu fēng qín shì bàn zòu de zhù xuán yòu de qiē fēn jié zòu zǒng shì gěi rén xīn líng de zhuàng
   ā gēn tíng tàn yòu zhe de míng chēng Milonga.
   ā gēn tíng tàn xiàng guó biāo zhōng de tàn ā gēn tíng tàn shì liǎng bàn de shēn bìng xíng zhí jīhū tiē zài jiù shì yīn wéi zhè tiē shēn dòng zuòzài tàn bèi yǐn jìn shí céng yǐn xuān rán ), bìng qiě kuài xuánzhuàn tuǐfēi zhuān rén shì hěn nán jiāng zhè xiē dòng zuò lián guàn láihuò zhèng yīn wéi tài guò nán xué qǔgāohèguǎ ā gēn tíng rén duì tàn de tài yòu xiē lèi zhōng guó rén duì jīng de kàn héng héng nián de rén zhī jìnér nián qīng rén què jìng 'ér yuǎn zhī
   ā gēn tíng de tàn yǎn yuán jīng zhǐ piāo tuōdiǎn hán de dǎo qiē fēn yīn wéi xiān míng zhēngjié zòu míng kuài de yīnyuè dài gěi men liǎo rén men de nóng hòu xīng tàn rén men rán huì xiǎng dào zài guó nèi kàn dào de guó biāo zhǔn de tàn zhǒng jié zòu gǎn qiáng de yīnyuè tóng de xuán ér guó tàn shì cóng ā gēn tíng róng tiàochàng yuèqǔ wéi de tàn zhǎn yǎn biàn 'ér lái de men zhī jiān yòu zhe rán de lián dàn shìguó zhōng de tàn jīng guī fàn huàér ā gēn tíng de tàn gèng jiā huó huān kuàihuā yàng dié chū ā gēn tíng shì tàn de xiāng ā gēn tíng rén 'ài tàn duō rén huì tiào tàn píng shí dào chù dōunéng tīng dào tàn ā gēn tíng rén tàn kàn zuò shì guó bǎoshì mín de jiāo 'ào ā gēn tíng zhèng xuān tàn shì ā gēn tíng mín wén huà chǎn fēn de fēnduì wài guó rén lái shuōtàn zhǐ shì zhǒng mèi de ér duì ā gēn tíng rén lái shuō shì shēng huó fēnróng huà zài xuè de wén huà
   tàn chàng tiào yǎn zòu shì zhǒng yīnyuè dǎo chànghè shī shēn de zōng xìng shù xíng shìyóu shì liú wén huà de chéng fēnsuǒ gèng què qiē shuōtàn yīnggāi shì guī de méng wéi rén ā gēn tíng de nuò rén gòng tóng chuàng zào de shù xíng shìshì men gòng tóng de wén huà cái dàn yīn wéi nuò 'ài shì gǎng kǒu chéng shì lùn cóng wèi zhìrén kǒu zài 'ōu zhōu de yǐng xiǎng děng fāng miàn chǔyú yōu shìyīn tàn hòu lái zài méng wéi jiù zhú jiàn shuāi luò liǎoyóu nuò 'ài dāng nián céng shì liàng mín liú de mén suǒ tàn de yīnyuè dǎoshī chàng děngdōu shòu dào guò duō zhǒng wài lái wén huà de yǐng xiǎngyóu shì 'ōu zhōu wén huà fēi zhōu wén huà de yǐng xiǎng
   yīnyuè fāng miàntàn zuì zhù yào shòu dào de shì zǎo zài 1850 nián zuǒ yòu bān shuǐ shǒu men dài lái de 'ān tàn yuē de yǐng xiǎng shì fēi zhōu hēi rén yīnyuè de yǐng xiǎngtàn yīnyuè zhōng shǐ yòng liàng jié zòu míng kuài de qiē fēn yīn jiù shì zhè yǐng xiǎng de biǎo xiànzài jiù shì gāo qiáo rén lóng jiāyīnyuè de yǐng xiǎng zuò wéi yǎn zòu tàn quē shǎo de yuèqì zhī jiù shì zhè yǐng xiǎng de biāo zhìdào liǎo 1920 nián qián hòu liàng bān děng mín de yǒng shǐ tàn yīnyuè shēng liǎo hěn biàn huàyóu zǎo huān kuài de 'èr pāi zhú jiàn biàn chéng liǎo shì biǎo yōu shāng qíng gǎnjié zòu jiào màn de pāi
   nèi róng fāng miàntàn yīn xīng biān chū de chàng zài shàng shì běn shì chū wán quán shì huān kuàikāi lǎngfēng huī xié desuí zhe bān mín de dào lái de nèi róng shēng liǎo biàn huà mín men dān zhe kāi kěnzhì de mùdì 'ér láizuì hòu zhǐ néng dìng xià lái fǎn huí tóng qīn rén tuán zhè jiù shǐ tàn zēng tiān liǎo biǎo mín niàn xiāng huái niàn qīn rén de yōu shāng gǎn liáng de nèi róng hòuyóu zuò zhě duō shì mín de hòu yīn lùn shì nèi róng hái shì zài zhōng shǐ yòng de liàng wài lái fǎn yìng zhe wài lái wén huà de yǐng xiǎng
   dǎo fāng miàntàn de chú xíng yuán ā gēn tíng mín nán zhuàng yòu de zài xíng chéng guò chéng zhōng zhù yào shì shòu fēi zhōu hēi rén dǎo de yǐng xiǎng。 18 shì 19 shì chūbiǎn mài hēi zài měi zhōu hěn shèng xíngdāng shí zài liú chū xiàn liǎo liàng fēi zhōu hēi men duì tàn dǎo zhōng de zhé yāoniǔ bǎi děng dòng zuò yuán fēi zhōu dǎo de dòng zuò wài yòu bān 'ān de yǐng xiǎng
   ā qiú yóu tuō de fēng 'ér fēngmǐ shì jièduō huò shì jiè bēi guān jūn ā gēn tíng de kǎo niú ròu shì shēng míng yuǎn yáng
   jiào jiào shuǐ píng jiào gāoshí xíng chū děng jiào 。 2000 nián wén jiào jīng fèi wéi 33.1 měi yuánwén máng shuài( 10 suì shàng rén kǒuwéi 3.8%。 6 suì héng héng 14 suì 'ér tóng xué shuài wéi 99%。 15 suì héng héng 17 suì xué shuài 80%。 ā gòng yòu 81 suǒ gāo děng xué zhōng gōng xué 36 suǒ 42 suǒzhù míng xué yòu nuò 'ài xué xué 'ěr duō xué děng
   xīn wén chū bǎnquán guó xíng lèi bào zhǐ 2062 zhǒng zhì 96 zhǒnghái yòu 250 zhǒng wài wén chū bǎn shǒu shěng zhòng yào bào zhǐ 35 jiāzhù yào bào zhǐ yòumín bào》, 1870 nián chuàng kān;《 hào jiǎo bào》, 1945 nián chuàng kān;《 shì bào》, 1963 nián chuàng kān;《 xīn wén bào》, 1869 nián chuàng kānzhòng yào zhōu kān yòushì chǎng》、《 suǒ 》、《 rén děngměi zhōu tōng xùn shè shǔ zǒng tǒng xīn wén guó shū chù lǐng dǎo ā gēn tíng xīn wén shè bào lián shè jūn wéi rén tōng xùn shètiáofú diàn tái 101 jiātiáopín diàn tái yuē 1500 jiākāi fàng shì diàn shì tái 46 jiāchāo gāo pín diàn shì tái 115 jiāwēi diàn shì tái 61 jiāyòu xiàn diàn shì tái 866 jiā
   wài jiāo
   fèng xíng zhù de duì wài zhèng jiān chí jié méng chǎng guó rén mín jué gān shè nèi zhèngzhù quán guó jiā píng děng de yuán
   zhōng guó guān
   wài jiāo guān
   zhōng huá rén mín gòng guó de chéng zài ā gēn tíng měi guó jiā zhōng yǐn jiào fǎn xiǎngzhōng guó hěn zhòng shì kāi zhǎn měi guó jiā de guān 。 20 shì liù shí nián dàizhōng 'ā mín jiān wǎng lái jiào duō jìn liǎo liǎng guó guān de zhǎn。 1972 nián 2 yuè 19 zhōng guó ā gēn tíng zhèng shì jiàn wài jiāo guān ā gēn tíng chéng wéi měi zhōng guó jiào zǎo jiàn jiāo de guó jiā zhī
  20 shì 80 nián dàizhōng 'ā zài lǐng yǒu hǎo zuò guān jìn zhǎn。 90 nián dài láiliǎng guó guān de zhǎn yòu shàng liǎo xīn de tái jiēgāo céng fǎng duànjiā shēn liǎo xiāng liǎo jiě yǒu liǎng guó zhèng jiān jiàn liǎo zhèng zhì cuō shāng zhìzài duō zhòng guó wèn shàng yòu zhe zhì huò xiāng de guān diǎn chǎngzài guó gòu zhōng yòu zhe liáng hǎo de zuò guān liǎng guó jiù jiàn zhōng 'ā 21 shì quán miàn zuò huǒ bàn guān chéng gòng shí
   jīng mào wǎng lái
   zǎo zài 20 shì 50 nián dàizhōng guó ā gēn tíng zhī jiān jiù yòu jīng mào wǎng lái, 1954 nián 10 yuè ā gēn tíng gōng shāng jiè dài biǎo tuán fǎng huá, 1957 nián 6 yuè zhōng guó rén mín yínháng dài biǎo tuán fǎng 'ā, 1958 nián 10 yuè zhōng 'ā dài biǎo zài běi jīng qiān shǔ liǎng guó yínháng jiān zhī yuē。 60 nián dàizhōng guó liàng jìn kǒu ā gēn tíng kǎo jiāo xiǎo mài。 1972 nián liǎng guó jiàn jiāo hòushuāng fāng jīng mào zuò guān yòu jiào de zhǎn。 1977 nián 2 yuè shuāng fāng qiān shǔ zhōng 'ā zhèng jiān mào zuò xié dìng, 1978 nián 5 yuè qiān shǔ hǎi yùn xié dìng, 1980 nián 6 yuè qiān shǔ jīng zuò xié dìng děngduì liǎng guó jīng mào guān de zhǎn liǎo jiào de tuī dòng zuò yòng。 2003 nián zhōng 'ā mào zǒng 'é 30 měi yuán zuǒ yòu ā gēn tíng chéng wéi zhōng guó zài měi zhù yào mào huǒ bàn zhī
   zhōng 'ā zài xué shù fāng miàn yòu zhe liáng hǎo de zuò guān 。 1980 nián 6 yuèshuāng fāng qiān shǔ liǎo zhōng 'ā zhèng jiān zuò xié dìng zuò lǐng bāo kuò píng yòng yuán néngnán kǎo chánóng yán jiū háng tiān xué yán jiū yìng yòng děngwèile xié diào tuī dòng zuò xiàng mùdì luò shíhái chéng liǎo zuò hùn wěi huì
   zhōng guó ā gēn tíng zài jīng mào zuò fāng miàn yòu zhe hěn qiáng de xìng zhǎn qián jǐng guǎng kuò
   wén huà jiāo liú
   ā gēn tíng shì měi guó jiā zhōng jiào zǎo tóng xīn zhōng guó jìn xíng wén huà jiāo liú de guó jiā。 20 shì liù shí nián dàizhōng 'ā jiān guī jiào yòu yǐng xiǎng de shù tuán fǎng jiāo liú yòu 30 duō zhōng 1953 nián 12 yuè zài ā gēn tíng xíng de zhōng guó zhù míng huà jiā bái shí de huà zhǎn, 1956 nián 10 yuè zhōng guó xíng shù tuán fǎng 'ā 1962 nián 9 yuè ā gēn tíng mín jiān shù tuán fǎng huá děngyǐng xiǎng jiào
  1972 nián liǎng guó jiàn jiāo hòushuāng fāng wén huà jiāo wǎng gèng jiā pín fán。 1980 nián 6 yuè 7 qiān shǔ liǎo liǎng guó zhèng jiān wén huà jiāo liú huàn wén, 1984 nián 8 yuè 9 qiān shǔ liǎo liǎng guó wén huà xié dìngcóng zhèng céng miàn shàng bǎo zhèng tuī dòng liǎo liǎng guó jiān de wén huà jiāo liú
   ā gēn tíng wén huà zhōng chuán guǎng de gāo qiáo chuán tǒngyōu měi làng màn de tàn shùjīng zhàn gāo chāo de qiú shuǐ píng xiān nèn kǒu de ā gēn tíng kǎo ròu děng wéi zhōng guó rén suǒ 'àiér shǐ yōu jiǔ de zhōng guó dōng fāng wén huà shòu dào ā gēn tíng rén mín de qīng lái zàn měiwén huà jiāo liú chéng wéi zhōng 'ā rén mín shì dài yǒu hǎo de qiáo liáng niǔ dài
   mín jiān yǒu hǎo
   zhōng huá rén mín gòng guó chéng hòuzhōng guó ā gēn tíng liǎng guó jiāo wǎng zhù yào biǎo xiàn zài mín jiān fāng miànmín jiān yǒu hǎo wǎng lái zēng jìn liǎo xiāng liǎo jiě yǒu dài dòng liǎo liǎng guó jiān jīng mào zhèng zhì guān de zhǎn
  1972 nián zhōng 'ā liǎng guó jiàn jiāo hòumín jiān wǎng lái gèng jiā pín fánnèi róng gèng jiā chōng shífàn wéi gèng jiā guǎng fànshè liǎng guó gōng huì qīng niánwén huàjiào děng lǐng wéi zhōng 'ā yǒu hǎo guān de zhǎn diàn dìng liǎo jiān shí de chǔ
  20 shì 90 nián dài láizhōng 'ā shuāng biān yǒu hǎo zuò guān wěn shùn zhǎnběi jīng shì tóng nuò 'ài shìshàng hǎi shì luó 'ào shì běi shěng nuò 'ài shěng lín shěng 'ēn léi 'ào shěng fēn bié qiān shǔ liǎo yǒu hǎo shěngshì guān xié
   ā gēn tíng guó jiā qiú duì shì zuì chéng gōng de guó jiā qiú duì zhī pān xióng yīng men céng duó 2 jiè shì jiè bēiào yùn jīn pái
   ā gēn tíng céng jīng jìn guò 4 shì jiè bēi jué sàibāo kuò 1930 nián 2-4 bài guī, 1978 nián 3-1 bài lán shǒu duó shì jiè bēi, 1986 nián 3-2 bài zài dēng bān jiǎng táidàn 4 nián hòu zài 0-1 wèi miǎn shī bài
   lìng wài ā gēn tíng shì duó zuì duō měi zhōu bēi guànjūn de qiú duìgòng 14 duóguàn, 2004 nián bài guī yíng 'ào yùn jīn páiér 1928 nián 1996 nián dào yín pái
   jǐn biāo bāo kuò 6 duó shì qīng bēi guànjūn( 1977 nián、 1979 nián、 1995 nián、 1997 nián、 2001 nián、 2005 nián 2007 nián), 1992 nián duó lián huì bēi
   xiàn rèn guó jiā duì zhù jiào liàn lāi
   yǐn shí
   ā gēn tíng shì mín guó jiā, 85% shàng de mín lái bān de hòu suǒ de yǐn shí wén huà chān liǎo 'ōu cān de chéngfènròu shí fāng miàn zhù yào niú wéi zhùshèn shǎo chī zhūér tàn shāo kǎo ròu shì dāng de
   zhè de zhāo pái tàn kǎo wáng zhōng wáng niú yào yān zhìzhǐ shì shàng diǎn yánzhí jiē yòng tàn huǒ kǎo zhì chéng shúwài biǎo kǎo lüè yòu diǎn jiāoròu xiāng wèi piāo sàn kāi láichī lái wài nèi nèn miàn hái bǎo liú zhe ròu zhī ā gēn tíng rén duì kǎo ròu de chī shìchī kǒu kǎo ròuzài chī kǒu shū càisuǒ zài měi fèn kǎo ròu shàng lái de shí hòu huì pèi shàng xiē xīn xiān de shū cài shā zhè yàng chī lái zhì féi tàn kǎo niú tiáo shì ròu zhì gān xiāngpèi shàng yòng yáng cōngqīng hóng jiāo qiē de xiāng liào féi xiāng nèn kǒu
   dài chá shì ā gēn tíng de shuō zhè zhǒng chá shì bèi ā gēn tíng wéiguó bǎo”、“ guó chá”, zài dāng yán zhōng dài chájiù shìxiān cǎo”、“ tiān shén chá”, yīn wéi hán yòu duō zhǒng yíng yǎng chéngfèn jǐn qīng chú dǎn chúnjiàng xuè zhīhái néng jìn xuè xún huán shén xǐng nǎo děng děngsuǒ ā gēn tíng rén rèn wéi dài chá shì bān shàng de chá men měi rén měi tiān dōuzài cóng xiǎo hái dào lǎo réncóng shì dào xiāng cūnshèn zhì yòunìngkě shí ròu néng cházhè yàng de shuō
   yuán lái dài chá de hái yòu dìng de jiǎng jiū shì xiàng bān de chá huò fēishì yào xiān yòng zhì de guǎnsháo guò sān wéi de gōng fàng jìn chōng liǎo shuǐ de chá xiān chuī kǒu rán hòu zài màn màn de qīng qīng bàn xiàdàn jīng cháng jiǎo bàn lái yòu diǎn xiàng dīng chá de wèi dào guǒ jué jiā diǎn shā tángchī kǎo ròu dài chá xiāo shǔ jiàng huǒkàn lái zhè cái shì zhēn zhèng deguǐ lǎo liáng chá”。
  1、 nuò 'ài
   nuò 'ài wèi ā gēn tíng dōng yán hǎi de de kǒu yòu 'ànquán shì fēn 1 lián bāng 、 19 chéng jiāo zǒng miàn 3885 píng fāng gōng shì nán měi zhōu zuì zuì fán róng de chéng shì nuò 'ài de jiàn zhù fēng duō cǎijīhū bāo luó liǎo 'ōu zhōu jīn jiàn zhù de quán fēng zào xíng zhōng yòu zhù míng de lóng yuàn guī shì jiè sān wèizhè hái shì nán měi zhōu zuì fán huá de shāng gōng zhōng xīnquán shì gōng chǎn zhí wéi quán guó gōng chǎn zhí de 70%, duì wài mào 'é wéi quán guó de 45%, yòu shì quán guó de jiāo tōng zhōng xīn duì wài lián de hǎi kōng gǎng kǒu
   nuò 'ài zuò wéi bān zhí mín zhōng xīn jìn 300 nián zhī jiǔ, 1816 nián ā gēn tíng shí bèi dìng wéi shǒu jīn de nuò 'ài jīng shēn shì jiè chéng shì zhī liè zhōng liǎo quán guó 35% shàng de rén kǒu, 2/ 3 de gōng chǎn zhíjìn bàn de guó mín shēng chǎn zǒng zhízhè shì zuò shí fēn 'ōu huà de chéng shì jǐn chéng shì mín jīhū dōushì 'ōu zhōu mín de hòu ér qiě chéng shì jiē jǐng mín de shēng huó fāng shìfēng guànwén huà qíng chù chù xiǎn chū 'ōu zhōu fēng qíng
   duō guǎng chǎngjiē xīn huā yuán niàn bēi diāo shì nuò 'ài chéng de shì zhōng xīn de yuè guǎng chǎngzhōng yāng chù zhe fāng jiān xíng niàn bēi zhèng miàn yòu“ 1810 nián 5 yuè 25 xǐng zhè shì ā gēn tíng rén mín tuī fān zhí mín tǒng zhì de duō zhù míng de jiē yóu guǎng chǎng chéng shè zhuàng xiàng zhōu shēn zhǎn kǎi xuán mén de jiē dào
   nuò 'ài zuì fán huá de luó jiē shì tiáo xíng shāng jiēzhè tiáo shāng jiē cháng liǎng qiān xiá zhǎi 'ér yòu yōng dàn guó nèi xiē zhù míng pǐn pái de lǎo shāng hào quándōu zài zhè hái yòu lún dūn děng shì jiè shàng duō zhù míng de gōng shè de fēn hào guāng shí de shāng pǐn lín láng mǎn tīng zǒng huìfàn guǎnyǐng yuàn děng suí chù jiànzhōng rǎng rǎng nào fēi fánhào chēngnán měi bǎi lǎo huì”。 jiàn nuò 'ài jiāo wài deér tóng gòng guó”, jīng qiǎo de jiàn zhù jiē dào yòu nóng de 'ōu zhōu dōng nán qíng diàojiàn zhù nèi chén liè zhe xiē guó jiā de huì huà děng gōng pǐn
  2、 shì jiè zhī duān 'ā
   'ā shì zuò luò zài huǒ dǎo zuì nán duān de xiǎo chéng bān ā gēn tíng rén chēng wéishì jiè zhī duān”。
  “ mài shì 'ā xiǎo chéng de zhùgàn dàozhè biān shì hǎi shuǐhǎi niǎo men zài shuǐ biān fēi xiáng shí biān shì yán shān 'ér jiàn de shì xiǎo bái qiáng hóng huò bái qiáng hēi fáng qián chuāng xià shèng kāi de xiān huā zài fēng zhōng yáo
   dào hǎi shuǐ zhī jiān shì piàn piàn de gōng yuánzài cǎo xiān huā zhōng yòu shì yàng de diāo suǒ yòu diāo 'ěr wéi dǎo yòu guānmài de jìn tóu biàn shì wén míng deshì jiè zhī duān guǎnhuǒ dǎo de shǐ jiù wēi suō zài zhāng zhāng piàn lǎo 'ér měi de shí zhōngyīn wéi měi dào qiū màn shān biàn huǒ shū de hóng cái bèi huàn zuòhuǒ zhī dǎo ”, huǒ dǎo yóu 'ér lái
   shèng dīng shì 'ā zuì nào de shāng jiēzhè méi yòu háo huá de shāng chǎngzhǐ yòu jiā 'āi jiā jīng jīng zhì zhì de xiǎo diànjiā jiādōu shì lín láng mǎn mùdì niàn pǐnzhǐ shì jià yòu xiē jīng rén
   zài 'ā dōng biān 12 gōng chùshì yòu míng de huǒ dǎo guó jiā gōng yuányóu rén zài nèi xíng yíngshāo kǎodiào děng děngzài zhè gōng yuán zuì yòu míng de shì zhǒng jiào de dòng wèile zuò men shēng shēng kěn dǎo liǎo chéng piàn de shùsuǒ yóu cháng jiàn dào chéng piàn shù zhī gānyín bái de dào dào tǎng dǎo zài de shān shàng
   zài lǎo de xiǎo huǒ chē zhànyóu rén zuò shàng 100 nián qián de xiǎo huǒ chē dào 'ā hǎi xiá biānhǎi xiá duì 'àn jiù shì zhì
  3、 luó 'ào
   ā gēn tíng 'èr chéng shì zuì gǎngwèi shèng fěi shěng dōng nán rén kǒu 100 wàn。 1852 nián shǐ jiàn, 19 shì 20 shì chū yóu guó tóu xiū jiàn gǎng kǒu hòuzhè zhú jiàn chéng wéi shì jiè shàng zhòng yào de gǎng kǒutóng shí hái shì zhòng yào de gōng chéng shìyōng yòu xiān jìn de shí pǐn jiā gōngzhì zào zhǐ xiè gōng gāi shì yòu de gōng tiě wǎng ā gēn tíng xiāng lián
  4、 'ěr duō
   ā gēn tíng sān chéng shì 'ěr duō shěng shěng huì ā gēn tíng zhōng jīng zhōng xīn。 1783 nián jiàn rén kǒu 90 wànnán měi zuì zǎo de zhī méi luó shèng luó shuǐ jiù jiàn zài zhè wéi gāi shì de gōng zhǎn gōng liǎo chōng de diàn shuǐ yuán 'ěr duō wéi ā gēn tíng zhōng tiě gōng de jiāo tōng shū niǔyòu shì zhòng yào de yóu shèng gāi chéng nèi zào xíng de 'ōu zhōu jiàn zhù jiāo wài shān de guī jǐng rén hòu yǐn liǎo wài lái yóu
   wéiyín hǎi”, wèi nuò 'ài nán 40 gōng chùshì yáng yán 'àn de hǎi bīn chéng shì ā gēn tíng rén shǒu xuǎn de jiǎ shì ā gēn tíng wéi de yǔn de chéng shìsuǒ shì zhōng xīn zuì xiǎn yǎn de jiàn zhù shì chǎng jiù jiàn zài Bristol hǎi tān shàngwéi rào de shì háo huá shē chǐ de guǎn fàn diàn
   zài měi piàn shā tān dōuyòu de míng yòu shǎo shì rén lǐng zhǐ duì rén huò chéng yuán kāi fàng de hǎi yáng yuán shì yóu men de fāng miàn suǒ yòu de dòng rén jìn zài zhǐ chǐ mǎi xiǎo kàn hǎi shī men zài shǒu xià qiǎng zuǐ chīér 'é men zhǐ juàn zài bàn gāo de duàn jiǎn zhí shēn shǒu zuì jīng cǎi de shì hǎi tún hǎi shī biǎo yǎnhǎi tún men tiào gāozuānquānxuán zhuǎndǐng qiú rén shuǐhǎi shī men gèng jué xùn shòu yuán gòng tóng biǎo yǎn 'ài qíng shì
   de lìng shì hǎi bīn shè 'ér yòu bǎi nián qián de bǎo yòu jìn dài xīn jiàn de bié shùzǒu zài yōu jìng de shè jiē dàoliǎng biān shì zuò zuò jiàn zhù xíng tài de fáng chú liǎo 'ǒu 'ér shǐ guò de chē wàijīhū méi yòu rénràng rén zǎi xīn shǎng men de jiàn zhù fēng yòu rén de huàshèn zhì mén kǒu zhǎn xiǎo xiǎo de jīng qiǎo bié zhì de mén dēng
   zài hǎi xiān de xiāng wèi chōng yíng zài yán 'àn cóng gāo dàng dào dàng de jiā fàn diàn zhōngzhè de hǎi xiān zuò bié fēng wèi shòu yóu huān yíng
   héng héng jǐng diǎn lǎn shèng
  1、 guā
   nán měi zhōu de guā shì shì jiè zhī gāi wèi ā gēn tíng liǎng guó biān jìng。 1934 nián ā gēn tíng zài guā jiàn liǎo 670 píng fāng gōng de guó jiā gōng yuán。 1984 nián guā bèi lián guó jiào wén zhì liè wéi shì jiè rán chǎn
  1542 nián wèi bān chuán jiào shì zài nán měi liú de dài lín zhōng wài xiàn liǎo guā céng céng dié dié de huán rào zhe xíng xiá páo xiào zhe qīng xiè 'ér xià de shuǐ màn zài lín shàng kōngbēn liú 'ér xià de shuǐ liú shēng gōng wài dōunéng tīng jiàn
  “ guā zài nán měi zhōu zhù mín guā rén de yán zhōngshì shuǐde yuán jìng nèi de guā zài huì zhī qiánshuǐ liú jiàn huǎnzài ā gēn tíng biān jìng kuān 1500 xiàng húpōshuǐ wǎng qián liú dǒu rán dào xiá shuǐ shùn zhe dǎo U xíng xiá de dǐng liǎng biān xiàng xià zhí xiè chū de yán shí jiāng bēn téng 'ér xià de shuǐ qiē chéng xiǎo xiǎo 270 duō xíng chéng jǐng xiàng zhuàng guān de bàn huán xíng qúnzǒng kuān 3000 zhì 4000 píng jūn luò chā 80
   guā zhòng tóng zhī chù zài guān shǎng diǎn duōcóng tóng diǎn tóng fāng xiàng tóng gāo kàn dào de jǐng xiàng tóngxiá dǐng shì de zhōng xīnshuǐ liú zuì zuì měngrén chēng guǐ hóu”。
   fēn xiá liǎng biān ā gēn tíng jiù xiá wéi jièzài ā gēn tíng guān shǎng dào de jǐng jié rán tóng ā gēn tíng zhè biān fēn shàng xià liǎng tiáo yóu lǎn xiànxià wān yán guàn chuān zài lín zhī zhōng xià 'ér shàng lǐng lüè měi duàn de hóng wěi huò mèi shuō shì 10 jǐngshàng shì shàng 'ér xià gǎn shòu fān gǔn 'ér xià de shìzài biān néng gòu xīn shǎng dào ā gēn tíng zhè biān zhù yào de quán jǐng guā shì zuì hóng wěi de guǐ hóu”, zài ā gēn tíng zhè biān shì cóng shàng wǎng xià kàn, 9 shuǐ liú páo xiào 'ér xiàjīng xīn dòng tóng shí hái wàng jiàn huán xíng qún de quán jǐngzài biān shì cóng xià wǎng shàng kànshuǐ tiān 'ér jiànglìng yòu fān gǎn shòu
   qiányóu rén miǎn fèi cān guān guā nián qián guā yóu yóu jiā rén jīng yíngzhè jiā tóu liǎo liàng jīnxiū jiàn liǎo yuē 20 gōng cháng de yóu lǎn zhàn dào shè liǎo diàn tiě yóu shè shī huàn rán xīnyóu rén mǎi mén piào jìn gōng yuán hòu chéng zuò xiǎo liè chē qián wǎng jǐng diǎnhái chéng zuò xiàng tǐng chōng jìn xià miàn tàn xiǎn
   guā chù dàiquán nián shuǐ liàng biàn huà zuì jiā cān guān jié shì 1 3 yuè
  2、 ā gēn tíng
   zhè shì zuò luò ā gēn tíng nán shèng shěng de bīng chuān miàn 1414 píng fāng gōng zhè zhù míng bīng kuài duī jǐng guān 'ér wén míng shìgāi jiē lái zhōu wéi 150 duō tiáo bīng de bīng liú bīng kuài de bīng kuài xiāng zhuàng huǎn huǎn xiàng qián dòngyòu shí xíng chéng zào xíng de bīng qiánggāo 80 zuì hòu quán huì dào ā gēn tíng chéng liǎo jié bái de bīng shān diāo pàn xuě fēng huán ràoshān xià lín mào shèngjǐng rénwéi ā gēn tíng zuì yǐn rén shèng de yóu jǐng diǎn
  3、 'ěr shān
   ā gēn tíng zhù míng de huá xuě zhōng xīnwèi 'ào nèi luó shěng de wéi 'ěr guó jiā gōng yuán zhōngměi nián 6 yuè zhì 9 yuèzhèng dāng 'ōu měi chǔyú shèng xià zhī zhè xuě fēn fēiyín zhuāng guǒchéng wéi tiān rán de huá xuě shèng 'ōu měi huá xuě 'àihào zhě fēng yōng 'ér zhìwéi fāng biàn huá xuě 'àihào zhězhè xiū yòu wán hǎo de diàn fàn diàn shè shībìng jiàn yòu kōng zhōng lǎn chēzhí jiē yóu rén zài dào shān dǐng
  4、 lóng yuàn
   zhè shì shì jiè shàng zuì 'ér qiě fán máng de yuàn yǎn chū tīng zhī zài nuò 'ài de 7 yuè 9 yuē jiē guǎng chǎng shàng zhe lóng yuànzhè shì zuò diǎn xíng de wén xīng shì de páng rán shí zǒu láng yòu shù gēn yuán zhù zūn zūn diāo xiàng pái pái jīng yíng tòu liàng de lēng xíng diào dēng yìng zhào piàn huī huáng de táng jīn guāng càn cànjiǎo xià zhe hóng tiān 'é róng tǎntòu chū pài shē huázài 2500 guān zhòng wàihái néng róng 1000 wèi zhàn zhe de guān zhòngdān shì zhèng tīng qián pái jiù yòu 632 zuò wèizuò wèi zhī jiān kuān chǎng shū shì
  5 ā gēn tíng huǒ dǎo guó jiā gōng yuán
   huái (Ushuaia), shì xiǎo chéng shì hǎi gǎng guǒ kāi shì jiè huò xuánzhuàn qiú yào xiǎng zhǎo dào de suǒ zài néng yào fèi fān zhōu zhé yào shuō chūchú nán zhī wài men zuì yuǎn de tōng rén zhèng cháng shēng huó zhù de fāng huì háo yóu xiàn de zhǔn què wèi zhì héng héng nán měi de zuì nán duānwèi mài zhé lún hǎi xiá 'ēn jiǎo zhī jiān de huǒ dǎo : terradelfuego) shàng de xiǎo chéngbèi chēng wéishì jiè jìn tóu”。 huái zài yìn 'ān zhōng shìguān shǎng luò de hǎi wānzhī
   huǒ dǎo yuán wéi yìn 'ān rén 'ào yáng gān 'ā zhù 。 1520 nián 10 yuèháng hǎi jiā mài zhé lún xiàn liǎo bìng de míng mìng míng de mài zhé lún hǎi xiá shíshǒu xiān kàn dào de shì dāng zhù mín zài dǎo shàng rán de duī duī gōu huǒsuì jiāng dǎo mìng míng wéihuǒ dǎo”。 1832 héng 1836 nián jiān cóng yīng guó shēng xué jiā chá ? 'ěr wén kǎo chá liǎo huǒ dǎo hòugāi dǎo biàn míng shēng zhèn

  Argentina (officially República Argentina Spanish pronunciation: [reˈpuβlika aɾxenˈtina]), is a South American country, constituted as a federation of twenty-three provinces and an autonomous city. It is second in size on the South American continent to Brazil and eighth in the world. Argentina occupies a continental surface area of 2,766,890 km² (1,068,302 sq mi) between the Andes mountain range in the west and the southern Atlantic Ocean in the east and south. It is bordered by Paraguay and Bolivia in the north, Brazil and Uruguay in the northeast, and Chile in the west and south. The country claims the British-administered overseas territories of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Argentina also claims 969,464 km² (374,312 sq mi) of Antarctica, known as Argentine Antarctica, overlapping other claims made by Chile and the United Kingdom (British Antarctic Territory).
  Argentina has the highest Human Development Index level and the second highest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in purchasing power parity in Latin America and its total national GDP is the 23rd largest in the world. The country is currently classified as an Upper-Middle Income Country or as a secondary emerging market by the World Bank. Argentina's nominal GDP makes it the 31st largest economy in the world.
  The name Argentina (from Latin argentum: silver) was first used extensively in the 1612 book Historia del descubrimiento, población, y conquista del Río de la Plata (History of the discovery, population, and conquest of the Río de la Plata) by Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, naming the territory Tierra Argentina (Land of Silver).
  The first signs of human presence in Argentina are located in the Patagonia (Piedra Museo, Santa Cruz), and date from 11,000 BC(Santa María, Huarpes, Diaguitas, Sanavirones, among others). In 1480, the Inca Empire under the rule of king Pachacutec launched an offensive and conquered present-day northwestern Argentina, integrating it into a region called Collasuyu. In the northeastern area, the Guaraní developed a culture based on yuca and sweet potato. The central and southern areas (Pampas and Patagonia) were dominated by nomadic cultures, unified in the seventeenth century by the Mapuches.
  Buenos Aires in 1536.European explorers arrived in 1516. Spain established a permanent colony on the site of Buenos Aires in 1580; the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata was created in 1776. During the early part of this period it was largely a country of Spanish immigrants and their descendants, known as criollos, some of them gathered in Buenos Aires and other cities, others living on the pampas as gauchos. Descendants of African slaves (See:Afro-Argentines) were present in significant numbers. Indigenous peoples inhabited much of the rest of Argentina. In 1806 and 1807 the British Empire launched two invasions to Buenos Aires, but the criollo population repelled both attempts. On May 25, 1810, after confirmation of the rumors about the overthrow of King Ferdinand VII by Napoleon, citizens of Buenos Aires created the First Government Junta (May Revolution).Two nations emerged in what is now Argentina United Provinces of South America (1810) and Liga Federal (1815) Other provinces through the reluctance of some factions and the centralist tendencies of the more radical activists delayed a combined State. In the meantime, Paraguay declared its independence in 1811.
  Military campaigns led by General José de San Martín between 1814 and 1817 made independence increasingly a reality. In 1820 Liga Federal was crushed by forces of the United Provinces of South America and Portugal armies from Brazil and its provinces absorbed into United Provinces of South America. Argentines revere San Martín, who campaigned in Argentina, Chile, and Peru, as the hero of their national independence. On July 9, 1816, a Congress gathered in Tucumán (the Congress of Tucumán) and finally issued a formal declaration of independence from Spain. Bolivia declared itself independent in 1825, and Uruguay was created in 1828 as a result of the Argentina-Brazil War.
  In 1818, General José de San Martín crossed the Andes to free Chile and Peru, thus eliminating the Spanish threat. Centralist and federalist groups (Spanish: Unitarios and Federales) were in conflict until national unity was established and the constitution promulgated in 1853. The constitution was strongly defended in moving oratory by the patriot and Franciscan Mamerto Esquiú, for whom one of the country's departments is named. From 1865 to 1870, the bloody War of Triple Alliance was fought by Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay against Paraguay.
  Foreign investment and immigration from Europe led to the adoption of modern agricultural techniques. In the 1870s, the "Conquest of the Desert" subdued the remaining indigenous tribes throughout the southern Pampas and Patagonia, leaving 1,300 indigenous dead.
  From 1880 to 1916, Argentina enjoyed increasing prosperity and prominence while emerging as one of the 10 richest countries in the world, benefiting from an agricultural export-led economy. The population of the country swelled sevenfold. Conservative forces dominated Argentine politics through non-democratic means until 1916, when their traditional rivals, the Radicals, won control of the first free-elected government. The military forced Hipólito Yrigoyen from power in 1930, leading to another decade of Conservative rule. The country was neutral during World War II. Political change led to the presidency of Juan Perón in 1946, who worked to empower the working class and greatly expanded the number of unionized workers. The economy turned to more protectionist policies and the developing of industry. The self-proclamated Revolución Libertadora of 1955 deposed him.
  President Juan Perón (1946).From the 1950s to 1970s, soft military and weak civilian administrations traded power. During those years the economy grew strongly and poverty declined (to less than 7% in 1975). At the same time political violence continued to escalate, fighting against the military government, demanding the return of Perón from his Spanish exile. In 1973, Perón returned to the presidency, but he died within a year of assuming power. His third wife Isabel, the Vice President, succeeded him in office, but the military coup of March 24, 1976 removed her from office.
  The armed forces took power through a junta in charge of the self-appointed National Reorganization Process until 1983. The military government repressed opposition and leftist groups using harsh illegal measures (the "Dirty War"); thousands of dissidents "disappeared", while the SIDE cooperated with DINA and other South American intelligence agencies, and with the CIA in Operation Condor. Many of the military leaders that took part in the Dirty War were trained in the U.S.-financed School of the Americas, among them Argentine dictators Leopoldo Galtieri and Roberto Viola. The military dictatorship (1976-1983) greatly increased the extent of the country's foreign debt. From that point the economy of the country began to be controlled more and more by the conditions imposed on it by both its creditors and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) with priority given to servicing the repayment of the foreign debt. These and other economic problems, charges of corruption, public revulsion in the face of human rights abuses and, finally, the country's 1982 defeat by the British in the Falklands War discredited the Argentine military regime.
  Democracy was restored in 1983. Raúl Alfonsín's government took steps to account for the "disappeared", established civilian control of the armed forces, and consolidated democratic institutions. The members of the three military juntas were prosecuted and sentenced to life terms. Failure to resolve endemic economic problems and an inability to maintain public confidence led to Alfonsín's early departure six months before his term was to be completed.
  The 1990s began with hyperinflation. President Carlos Menem imposed a peso-dollar fixed exchange rate in 1991 to stop hyperinflation and adopted far-reaching market-based policies, dismantling protectionist barriers and business regulations, and implementing a privatization program. These reforms contributed to significant increases in investment and growth with stable prices through most of the 1990s. However, the peso was tied to the dollar at an artificially high rate that could only be maintained by flooding the market with dollars. As a result the foreign debt increased enormously and state companies and services were privatized. The total opening up of the market to foreign goods, which up until then were produced locally, resulted in the collapse of local industry. So while part of the population was saving in dollars, traveling overseas, and purchasing imported and luxury goods cheaply, the rest of the population was experiencing an increase in both poverty and unemployment. The IMF and the world economists praised the liberalization of the Argentine market, and the country was presented as a “model student”. Toward the end of the 1990s, large fiscal deficits and overvaluation of the pegged peso caused a gradual slide into economic crisis. In 1998 a period of profound economic recession began. This was a direct result of the economic measures which dominated the decade of the 90s and which produced a false sense of stability and well being. By the end of his term in 1999, these accumulating problems and perceived corruption had made Menem unpopular.
  The Menem and de la Rúa administrations faced diminished competitiveness in exports, massive imports which damaged national industry and reduced employment, chronic fiscal and trade deficits, and the contagion of several economic crises. Unemployment reached as high as 25% of the economically active population, and another 15% had only part-time work. The Asian financial crisis in 1998 precipitated an outflow of capital that mushroomed into a recession, and culminated in economic crisis in November 2001. The governing coalition was forced to undertake a series of measures including the freezing of bank accounts. This was done to halt the flow of capital out of the country and to stem the growing debt crisis. However, a climate of popular discontent was unleashed as a result. On 20 December 2001 Argentina was thrown into its worst institutional and economic crisis for several decades. There were violent street protests, which brought about clashes with the police and resulted in several fatalities. The increasingly chaotic climate, amidst bloody riots, finally resulted in the resignation of President de la Rúa. The economic crisis accentuated the people's lack of trust in their politicians. During this time street protests were accompanied by the cry “they all should go.” The "they" referred to the politicians, especially those involved in many reported acts of corruption. They were also accused of dealing fraudulently with public goods and money, without any judicial sanctions in place to curb the corruption.
  In two weeks, several presidents followed in quick succession, culminating in Eduardo Duhalde's being appointed interim President of Argentina by the Legislative Assembly on 2 January 2002. Argentina defaulted on its international debt obligations. The peso's near eleven year-old linkage to the United States dollar was abandoned, resulting in major depreciation of the peso and a spike in inflation.
  With a more competitive and flexible exchange rate, the country implemented new policies based on re-industrialization, import substitution, increased exports, and consistent fiscal and trade surpluses. By the end of 2002 the economy began to stabilize, mainly thanks to the soybean and other cereals' boom and floating of exchange rates. In 2003, Néstor Kirchner was elected president. During Kirchner's presidency, Argentina restructured its defaulted debt with a steep discount (about 66 percent) on most bonds, paid off debts with the International Monetary Fund, renegotiated contracts with utilities, and nationalized some previously privatized enterprises. Currently, Argentina is enjoying a period of economic growth. In 2007 Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, was elected president, becoming the first woman to be elected president of Argentina. Also in 2007, Center-left Fabiana Ríos (ARI) became the first woman to be elected governor of Tierra del Fuego and first elected female governor in Argentina's history.
  The Casa Rosada, seat of executive powerArgentina's political framework is a federal presidential representative democratic republic, in which the President of The Argentine Nation is both head of state and head of government, complemented by a pluriform multi-party system. The current president (2007) is Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, with Julio Cobos as vice president.
  The Argentine Constitution of 1853 mandates a separation of powers into executive, legislative, and judicial branches at the national and provincial level.
  Executive power resides in the President and his or her cabinet. The President of The Argentine Nation and Vice President are directly elected to four-year terms, limited to two consecutive terms, and the cabinet ministers are appointed by the president.
  Legislative power is vested in the bicameral National Congress or Congreso de la Nación, consisting of a Senate (Senado) of seventy-two seats, and a Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) of 257 members.
  Senators serve six-year terms, with one-third standing for reelection every two years. Members of the Chamber of Deputies are directly elected to four-year term via a system of proportional representation, with half of the members of the lower house being elected every two years. A third of the candidates presented by the parties must be women.
  The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature. The Argentine Supreme Court of Justice has seven members who are appointed by the President in consultation with the Senate. The rest of the judges are appointed by the Council of Magistrates of the Nation, a secretariat composed of representatives of judges, lawyers, the Congress, and the executive (see Law of Argentina).
  Argentina is a member of an international block, Mercosur, which has some legislative supranational functions. Mercosur is composed of five full members: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela. It has five associate members without full voting rights: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
  Argentina was the only country from Latin America to participate in the 1991 Gulf War under mandate of the United Nations. It was also the only Latin American country involved in every phase of the Haiti operation. Argentina has contributed worldwide to peacekeeping operations, including in El Salvador-Honduras-Nicaragua, Guatemala, Ecuador-Peru, Western Sahara, Angola, Kuwait, Cyprus, Croatia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Timor Leste. In recognition of its contributions to international security, U.S. President Bill Clinton designated Argentina as a major non-NATO ally in January 1998. In 2005, it was elected as a temporary member of the UN Security Council.
  In 1993, Argentina launched the United Nations White Helmets indicative of humanitarian aid.
  On November 4-November 5, 2005, the Argentine city of Mar del Plata hosted the Fourth Summit of the Americas. This summit was marked by a number of anti-U.S. protests. As of 2006, Argentina has been emphasizing Mercosur as its first international priority; by contrast, during the 1990s, it relied more heavily on its relationship with the United States.
  Current president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, elected in December 2007Argentina has long claimed sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), the South Shetland Islands, the South Sandwich Islands and almost 1 million km² in Antarctica, between the 25°W and the 74°W meridians and the 60°S parallel. For more than a century, there has been an Argentine presence at the Orcadas Base.
  Argentina is a founding signatory and permanent consulting member of the Antarctic Treaty System and the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat is established in Buenos Aires.
  Argentina's armed forces are controlled by the Defense Ministry, with the country's President as their Commander-in-Chief. Historically, Argentina's military has been one of the best equipped in the region (for example, developing its own advanced jet fighters as early as the 1950s), but has faced expenditure cutbacks in comparison to other regional militaries. The age of allowable military service is 18 years; there is no obligatory military service and currently no conscription.
  The armed forces are composed of a traditional Army, Navy, and Air Force. Controlled by a separate ministry (the Interior Ministry), Argentine territorial waters are patrolled by the Naval Prefecture, and the border regions by the National Gendarmerie; both arms however maintain liaison with the Defense Ministry. Argentina's Armed Forces are currently undertaking major operations in Haiti and Cyprus, in accordance with UN mandates.
  Argentina is divided into twenty-three provinces (provincias; singular provincia), and one autonomous city (commonly known as the capital federal, but officially Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires):
  1. Buenos Aires (autonomous city)
  2. Buenos Aires (province)
  3. Catamarca
  4. Chaco
  5. Chubut
  6. Córdoba
  7. Corrientes
  8. Entre Ríos
  9. Formosa
  10. Jujuy
  11. La Pampa
  12. La Rioja
   13. Mendoza
  14. Misiones
  15. Neuquén
  16. Río Negro
  17. Salta
  18. San Juan
  19. San Luis
  20. Santa Cruz
  21. Santa Fe
  22. Santiago del Estero
  23. Tierra del Fuego
  24. Tucumán
  Though declared the capital in 1853, Buenos Aires didn't become the capital of the country until 1880. There have been moves to relocate the administrative centre elsewhere. During the presidency of Raúl Alfonsín, a law was passed ordering the transfer of the federal capital to Viedma, a city in the Patagonian province of Río Negro. Studies were underway when economic problems halted the project in 1989. Though the law was never formally repealed, it is now treated as a relic.
  Provinces are divided into smaller secondary units called departamentos ("departments"), of which there are 376 in total. The province of Buenos Aires has 134 similar divisions known as partidos. Departamentos and partidos are further subdivided into municipalities or districts.
  In descending order by number of inhabitants, the major cities in Argentina are Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario, Mendoza, Tucumán, La Plata, Mar del Plata, Salta, Santa Fe, San Juan, Resistencia, and Neuquén.
  Main features
  The total surface area of Argentina (not including the Antarctic claim),is as the following:
  Total: 2,766,891 km²
  Land: 2,736,691 km²
  Water: 30,200 km²
  Argentina is about 3,330 km (about 2,070 mi) long from north to south, and 1,400 km (about 870 mi) from east to west (maximum values). It can roughly be divided into four parts: the fertile plains of the Pampas in the center of the country, the source of Argentina's agricultural wealth; the flat to rolling, oil-rich plateau of Patagonia in the southern half down to Tierra del Fuego; the subtropical flats of the Gran Chaco in the north, and the rugged Andes mountain range along the western border with Chile.
  The highest point above sea level in Argentina is located in Mendoza. Cerro Aconcagua, at 6,962 meters (22,834 feet), is the highest mountain in the Americas, the Southern, and Western Hemisphere. The lowest point is Laguna del Carbón in Santa Cruz, −105 meters (−344 ft) below sea level. This is also the lowest point on the South American continent. The geographic center of the country is located in south-central La Pampa province.
  The country has a territorial claim over a portion of Antarctica (unrecognized by any other country), where, from 1904, it has maintained a constant presence.
  Geographic regions
  Source: CIA Political map of Argentina showing the area it controls. The Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) are controlled by the United Kingdom but are claimed by Argentina.The country is traditionally divided into several major geographically distinct regions:
  The plains west and south from Buenos Aires. Called the Humid Pampa, they cover most of the provinces of Buenos Aires and Córdoba, and big portions of the provinces of Santa Fe and La Pampa. The western part of La Pampa and the province San Luis also have plains (the Dry Pampa), but they are drier and used mainly for grazing. The Sierra de Córdoba in the homonymous province (extending into San Luis), is the most important geographical feature of the pampas.
  Gran Chaco
  The Gran Chaco region in the north of the country is seasonal dry/wet, mainly cotton growing and livestock raising. It covers the provinces of Chaco and Formosa. It is dotted with subtropical forests, scrubland, and some wetlands, home to a large number of plant and animal species. The province of Santiago del Estero lies in the drier region of the Gran Chaco.
  The land between the Paraná and Uruguay rivers is called Mesopotamia and it is shared by the provinces of Corrientes and Entre Ríos. It features flatland apt for grazing and plant growing, and the Iberá Wetlands in central Corrientes. Misiones province is more tropical and belongs within the Brazilian Highlands geographic feature. It features subtropical rainforests and the Iguazú Falls.
  The steppes of Patagonia, in the provinces of Neuquén, Río Negro, Chubut and Santa Cruz, are of Tertiary origin. Most of the region is semiarid in the north to cold and arid in the far south, but forests grow in its western fringes which are dotted with several large lakes. Tierra del Fuego is cool and wet, moderated by oceanic influences. Northern Patagonia (roughly Río Negro south of the homonymous river, and Neuquén) can also be referred as the Comahue region.
  West-central Argentina is dominated by the imposing Andes Mountains. To their east is the arid region known as Cuyo. Melting waters from high in the mountains form the backbone of irrigated lowland oasis, at the center of a rich fruit and wine growing region in Mendoza and San Juan provinces. Further north the region gets hotter and drier with more geographical accidents in La Rioja province.
  NOA or Northwest
  This region is the highest in average elevation. Several parallel mountain ranges, several of which have peaks higher than 20,000 feet (6,000 m), dominate the area. These ranges grow wider in geographic extent towards the north. They are cut by fertile river valleys, the most important being the Calchaquí Valleys in the provinces of Catamarca, Tucumán, and Salta. Farther north the province of Jujuy near Bolivia lies mainly within the Altiplano plateau of the Central Andes. The Tropic of Capricorn goes through the far north of the region.
  Rivers and lakes
  Major rivers in Argentina include the Pilcomayo, Paraguay, Bermejo, Colorado, Río Negro, Salado, Uruguay and the largest river, the Paraná. The latter two flow together before meeting the Atlantic Ocean, forming the estuary of the Río de la Plata. Regionally important rivers are the Atuel and Mendoza in the homonymous province, the Chubut in Patagonia, the Río Grande in Jujuy, and the San Francisco River in Salta.
  There are several large lakes in Argentina, many of them in Patagonia. Among these are lakes Argentino and Viedma in Santa Cruz, Nahuel Huapi in Río Negro and Fagnano in Tierra del Fuego, and Colhué Huapi and Musters in Chubut. Lake Buenos Aires and O'Higgins/San Martín Lake are shared with Chile. Mar Chiquita, Córdoba, is the largest salt water lake in the country. There are numerous reservoirs created by dams. Argentina features various hot springs, such as those at Termas de Río Hondo with temperatures between 89 °C and 65 °C.
  Coastal areas and seas
  Argentina has 4,665 km (2,899 mi) of coastline. The continental platform is unusually wide; in Argentina this shallow area of the Atlantic Ocean is called Mar Argentino. The waters are rich in fisheries and suspected of holding important hydrocarbon energy resources. Argentina's coastline varies between areas of sand dunes and cliffs. The two major ocean currents affecting the coast are the warm Brazil Current and the cold Falkland Current (Spanish: corriente antártica or corriente de las Malvinas). Because of the uneveness of the coastal landmass, the two currents alternate in their influence on climate and do not allow temperatures to fall evenly with higher latitude. The southern coast of Tierra del Fuego forms the north shore of the Drake Passage.
  Rural areas cover the region of Las Pampas.
  The Andean range over the southern province of Chubut.Because of longitudinal and elevation amplitudes, Argentina is subject to a variety of climates. As a rule, the climate is predominantly temperate with extremes ranging from subtropical in the north to subpolar in the far south. The north of the country is characterized by very hot, humid summers with mild drier winters, and is subject to periodic droughts. Central Argentina has hot summers with thunderstorms (in western Argentina producing some of the world's largest hail), and cool winters. The southern regions have warm summers and cold winters with heavy snowfall, especially in mountainous zones. Higher elevations at all latitudes experience cooler conditions.
  The hottest and coldest temperature extremes recorded in South America have occurred in Argentina. A record high temperature of 49.1 °C (120.4 °F), was recorded at Villa de María, Córdoba on January 2, 1920. The lowest temperature recorded was −39 °C (−38.2 °F) at Valle de los Patos Superior, San Juan, July 17, 1972.
  Major winds in Argentina include the cool Pampero blowing on the flat plains of Patagonia and the Pampas after a cold front; the Viento Norte, a warm wind that can blow from the north in mid and late winter creating mild conditions; and the Zonda, a hot and dry wind (see also foehn wind), affecting west-central Argentina. Squeezed of all moisture during the 6,000 meter descent from the Andes, Zonda winds can blow for hours with gusts up to 120 km/h, fueling wildfires and causing damage. When the Zonda blows (June-November), snowstorms and blizzard (viento blanco) conditions usually affect the higher elevations.
  The Sudestada (literally “southeastern”) could be considered similar to the Noreaster, though snowfall is rarely involved (but is not unprecedented). Both are associated with a deep winter low pressure system. The sudestada usually moderates cold temperatures but brings very heavy rains, rough seas, and coastal flooding. It is most common in late autumn and winter along the coasts of central Argentina and in the Río de la Plata estuary.
  The southern regions, particularly the far south, experience long periods of daylight from November to February (up to nineteen hours), and extended nights from May to August. All of Argentina uses UTC-3 time zone. The country does observe daylight saving time occasionally, the last summertime being started at 0:00 December 30, 2007 and being finished at 0:00 March 16, 2008.
  Extremities Argentina's eastermost continental point is northeast of the town of Bernardo de Irigoyen, Misiones (26°15′S, 53°38′W), the westernmost in the Mariano Moreno Range in Santa Cruz (49°33′S, 73°35′W). The northernmost point is located at the confluence of the Grande de San Juan and Mojinete rivers, Jujuy (21°46′S, 66°13′W), and the southernmost is Cape San Pío in Tierra del Fuego (55°03′S, 66°31′W).
  Enclaves and exclaves
  There is one Argentine exclave, the Martín García Island (co-ordinates 34°11′S, 58°15′W). It is near the confluence of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers, a kilometer (0.62 mi) inside Uruguayan waters, and 3.5 kilometres (2.1 mi) from the Uruguayan coastline near the small town of Martín Chico (itself halfway between Nueva Palmira and Colonia del Sacramento).
  An agreement reached by Argentina and Uruguay in 1973 reaffirmed Argentine jurisdiction over the island, ending a century-old dispute. Under the terms of the agreement, Martín García is to be devoted exclusively as a natural preserve. Its area is about 2 square kilometres (500 acres), and its population is about 200 people.
  Subtropical plants dominate the north, part of the Gran Chaco region of South America. The genus Dalbergia of trees is well disseminated with representatives like the Brazilian Rosewood and the quebracho tree; also predominant are white and black algarrobo trees (prosopis alba and prosopis nigra). Savannah-like areas exist in the drier regions nearer the Andes. Aquatic plants thrive in the wetlands dotting the region.
  The ceibo is Argentina's national flower.In central Argentina the humid pampas are a true tallgrass prairie ecosystem. The original pampa had virtually no trees; today along roads or in towns and country estates (estancias), some imported species like the American sycamore or eucalyptus are present. The only tree-like plant native to the pampa is the ombú, an evergreen. The surface soils of the pampa are a deep black color, primarily humus, known commonly as compost. It is this which makes the region one of the most agriculturaly productive on Earth. However, this is also responsible for decimating much of the original ecosystem, to make way for commercial agriculture. The western pampas receive less rainfall, this dry pampa is a plain of short grasses or steppe.[citation needed]
  Most of Patagonia in the south lies within the rain shadow of the Andes. The flora, shrubby bushes and plants, is well suited to withstand dry conditions. The soil is hard and rocky, making large-scale farming impossible except along river valleys. Coniferous forests grow in far western Patagonia and on the island of Tierra del Fuego. Conifers native to the region include alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides), ciprés de la cordillera (Austrocedrus chilensis), ciprés de las guaitecas (Pilgerodendron uviferum), huililahuán (Podocarpus nubigenus), lleuque (Prumnopitys andina), mañío hembra (Saxegothaea conspicua), and pehuén (Araucaria araucana), while native broadleaf trees include several species of Nothofagus including coigüe or coihue, lenga (Nothofagus pumilio), ñire (Nothofagus Antarctica). Other introduced trees present in forestry plantations include spruce, cypress, and pine. Common plants are the copihue and colihue (Chusquea culeou).
  In Cuyo, semiarid thorny bushes and other xerophile plants abound. Along the many river oasis, grasses and trees grow in significant numbers. The area presents optimal conditions for the large scale growth of grape vines. In the northwest of Argentina there are many species of cacti. In the highest elevations (often above 4,000mts), no vegetation grows because of the extreme altitude, and the soils are virtually devoid of any plant life.
  The ceibo flower, of the tree Erythrina crista-galli, is the national flower of Argentina.
  The puma inhabits the northeast of the country.Many species live in the subtropical north. Big cats like the jaguar, cougar, and ocelot; primates (howler monkey); large reptiles (crocodiles), and a species of caiman. Other animals include the tapir, capybara, peccary, bush dog, raccoon, and various species of turtle and tortoise. There are many birds, notably hummingbirds, flamingos, toucans, and parrots.
  The hornero is one of the national emblems of Argentina.The central grasslands are populated by the giant anteater, armadillo, pampas cat, maned wolf, mara and the rhea (ñandú), a flightless bird. Hawks, falcons, herons, tinamous (Argentine "partridges" or "perdiz") inhabit the region. There are also deer and foxes. Some of these species extend into Patagonia.
  The western mountains are home to different animals. These include the llama, guanaco, vicuña, among the most recognizable species of South America. Also in this region are the fox, viscacha, Andean Mountain Cat, kodkod and the largest flying bird in the New World, the Andean Condor.
  Southern Argentina is home to the cougar, huemul, pudú (the world's smallest deer), and introduced, non-native wild boar. The coast of Patagonia is rich in animal life: elephant seals, fur seals, sea lions, and species of penguin. The far south is populated by cormorant birds.
  The territorial waters of Argentina have abundant ocean life; mammals such as dolphins, orcas, and whales like the southern right whale, a major tourist draw for naturalists. Sea fish include sardines, argentine hakes, dolphinfish, salmon, and sharks; also present are squid and spider crab (centolla) in Tierra del Fuego. Rivers and streams in Argentina have many species of trout and the South American dorado fish. Outstanding snake species inhabiting Argentina include boa constrictors, and the very venomous yarará pit viper and South American rattle snake.
  The Hornero was elected the National Bird after a survey in 1928.
  Argentina benefits from abundant natural resources, a highly literate population, an export-oriented agricultural sector, and a diversified industrial base, that was once one of the wealthiest nations with a large middle class but this segment of the population has suffered by a succession of economic crises.
  Argentina's economy started to slowly lose ground after 1945 when it went from a wealthy nation with a strong and prosperous economy to a deep recession in the mid 50s, losing its place in the position of prosperous industrialized nations. The economy further declined during the military dictatorship that lasted from 1976 to 1983.
  During this period, the government took out large loans with high interest rates from the IMF and private banking institutions. The country engaged in a disorganized and corrupt rapid liberalization that marked the end of its industrial hegemony in Latin America. During the military dictatorship over 400,000 companies of all sizes went bankrupt. The economic decisions made from 1983 till 2001 failed to revert the situation. Finally, in 2001, after 3 years of recession, the economy broke down and reached its worst point in history.
  Although significant since then, the result is that, today, while a significant segment of the population is still financially well-off, they stand in sharp contrast with the millions who have seen their purchasing power drastically reduced. Since 2002, there has been an improvement in the situation of the poorer sectors and a strong rebound of the middle class.
  The urban poverty rate dropped to 26.9% by 2007, down from 48 percent observed in 2003, but is still above the level prior to the recession. From the late 1970s the country piled up public debt and was plagued by bouts of high inflation. In 1991, the government pegged the peso to the U.S. dollar and limited the growth in the money supply. It then embarked on a path of trade liberalization, deregulation and privatization. Inflation dropped and gross domestic product grew, but external economic shocks and failures of the system diluted benefits, causing the economy to crumble slowly from 1995 until the collapse in 2001.
  By 2002, Argentina had defaulted on its debt, its GDP had shrunk, unemployment was more than 25%, and the peso had depreciated 75% after being devalued and floated. However, careful spending control and heavy taxes on then-soaring exports allowed the state to regain resources and conduct monetary policy.
  In 2003, import substitution policies and soaring exports, coupled with lower inflation and expansive economic measures, triggered a surge in the GDP. This was repeated in 2004 and 2005, creating millions of jobs and encouraging internal consumption. Capital flight decreased, and foreign investment slowly returned. An influx of foreign currency from exports created a huge trade surplus. The Central Bank was forced to buy dollars from the market, and continues to do so from time to time to prevent the Argentine peso from appreciating significantly and cutting competitiveness.
  The situation by 2006 was further improved. The economy grew 8.8% in 2003, 9.0% in 2004, 9.2% in 2005, 8.5% in 2006, and 8.7% in 2007, though inflation, estimated at around 12 to 15% (official numbers are 9.8% for 2006), has become an issue again, and income distribution is still considerably unequal.
  Argentina is one of the world's major agricultural producers, ranking third worldwide in production of soybeans, fifth in maize, and eleventh in wheat. In 2007, agricultural output accounted for 10% of GDP, and nearly one third of all exports. Soy and vegetable oils are major export commodities at 32% of exports. Wheat, maize, oats, sorghum, and sunflower seeds totalled 7%. Cattle is also a major industry. Beef, milk, leather products, and cheese were 6% of total exports. Sheep and wool industries are important in Patagonia, pigs and caprines elsewhere.
  Fruits and vegetables made up 4% of exports: apples and pears in the Río Negro valley; oranges and other citrus in the northwest and Mesopotamia; grapes and strawberries in Cuyo, and berries in the far south. Cotton and yerba mate are major crops in the Gran Chaco, sugarcane and tobacco in the northwest, and olives and garlic in Cuyo. Bananas (Formosa), tomatoes (Salta), and peaches (Mendoza) are grown for domestic consumption. Argentina is the world's fifth-largest wine producer, and fine wine production has taken major leaps in quality. A growing export, total viticulture potential is far from met. Mendoza is the largest wine region, followed by San Juan. As a strike by farmers, who are protesting an increase in export taxes for their products, continued for a 13th day March 25, 2008 with no solution in sight, butchers and supermarkets were among the first hit.
  Industrial petrochemicals, oil, and natural gas are Argentina's second group of exports, 20% of totals. The most important oil fields lie in Patagonia and Cuyo. An impressive network of pipelines send raw product to Bahia Blanca, center of the petrochemical industry, and to the La Plata-Rosario industrial belt. Coal is also mined.
  Mining is a rising industry. The northwest and San Juan Province are main regions of activity. Metals mined include gold, silver, zinc, magnesium, copper, sulfur, tungsten and uranium. In only ten years exports soared from US$ 200 million to 1.2 billion in 2004, 3% of total. Estimates for 2006 are US$ 2bn, a 10 fold rise from 1996.
  In fisheries, argentine hake accounts for 50% of catches, pollack and squid follow. Forestry has expanded in Mesopotamia; elm for cellulose, pine and eucalyptus for furniture, timber, and paper products. Both sectors each account for 2% of exports.
  The Yacyretá Dam hydroelectric complex is the second largest in the world.Manufacturing is the nation's leading single sector in GDP output, with 35% of the share. Leading sectors are motor vehicles, auto parts, and transportation and farming equipment (7% of exports), iron and steel (3%), foodstuffs and textiles (2%). Other manufactures include cement, industrial chemicals, home appliances, and processed wood. The biggest industrial centers are Buenos Aires, Rosario and Córdoba.
  The telecommunication sector has been growing at a fast pace, with an important penetration of mobile telephony (More than 75% of the population)internet (with more than 16 million people online), and broadband services (4.1%). Regular telephone (with 9.5 million lines) and mail are robust.
  The service sector is the biggest contributor to total GDP. Argentina produces energy in large part through well developed hydroelectric resources; nuclear energy is also of high importance. The country is one of the largest producers and exporters (with Canada and Russia) of Cobalt-60, a radioactive isotope widely used in cancer therapy. Construction has led employment creation in the current economic expansion, and is 5% of GDP.
  Tourism is increasingly important, now providing 7% of economic output.[citation needed] Argentines are traveling more within their borders, and foreigners are flocking to a country seen as affordable, safe, and incredibly diverse:[citation needed] Cosmopolitan Buenos Aires and Rosario; the Iguazu Falls and colonial Salta; the South American indigenous Jujuy Province and fun-filled Córdoba; the wineries of Mendoza; the ski-suitable scenic Bariloche to the beaches of Pinamar; and Perito Moreno Glacier to Tierra del Fuego. 3.7 million tourists visited in 2005.
  A cargo ship in front of the Rosario-Victoria Bridge.
  Light rail in Buenos AiresArgentina's infrastructure is advanced compared to other countries in Latin America. There are nearly 215,471 km (133,887 mi) of roads of which 68,809 km are paved, and 734 km are expressways, many of which are privatized. Multilane highways now connect several main cities and more are now under construction.
  The railway network has a total length of 31,902 km. After decades of decaying service and lack of maintenance, most passenger services shut down in 1992 when the rail company was privatized, and thousands of kilometers of track are now in disrepair. Railway services are currently being reactivated among several cities.
  The country has around 3,000 kilometers of waterways, the most significant among these being the Río de la Plata, Paraná, Uruguay, Río Negro and Paraguay rivers.
  Water supply and sanitation
  Water supply and sanitation in Argentina faces five key challenges: (i) low coverage with higher levels of service provision for its income level; (ii) poor service quality; and (iii) high levels of pollution; (iv) low cost recovery; and (v) unclear allocation of responsibilities between institutions in the sector.
  The National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina (INDEC) 2001 census showed the population of Argentina was 36,260,130. It ranks third in South America in total population and 30th globally. The 2007 estimate is 40,927,301. Argentina's population density is 14 inhabitants per square kilometer. However, the population is not evenly distributed: areas of the city of Buenos Aires have a population density of over 14,000 inhab./km², while Santa Cruz province has less than 1 inhab./km². Argentina is the only nation in South America with a net positive migration rate, of about +0.4 persons.
  Cities and metropolitan areas
  As of 2005, Argentina's 20th largest metropolitan areas are:
  Cordoba city centre
  Puerto Madero Docklands, Buenos Aires
  Monument to the Argentine flag in RosarioRank City Province Population Region
  1 Buenos Aires City + 24 partidos in Buenos Aires Province 11,453,725 Pampean
  2 Córdoba Córdoba 1,513,200 Pampean
  3 Rosario Santa Fe 1,295,100 Pampean
  4 Mendoza Mendoza 1,009,100 Cuyo
  5 La Plata Buenos Aires 857,800 Pampean
  6 San Miguel de Tucumán Tucumán 833,100 NOA (northwest)
  7 Mar del Plata Buenos Aires 699,600 Pampean
  8 Salta Salta 530,400 NOA (northwest)
  9 Santa Fe Santa Fe 525,300 Pampean
  10 San Juan San Juan 456,400 Cuyo
  11 San Salvador Jujuy 400,000 NOA (northwest)
  12 Resistencia Chaco 399,800 Gran Chaco
  13 Neuquén Neuquén 391,600 Patagonian
  14 Santiago del Estero Santiago del Estero 389,200 Gran Chaco
  15 Corrientes Corrientes 332,400 Mesopotamia
  16 Bahía Blanca Buenos Aires 310,200 Pampean
  17 Río Cuarto Cordoba 144,021 Pampean
  18 Comodoro Rivadavia Chubut 140,628 Patagonia
  19 Santa Rosa La Pampa 110,640 Pampean
  20 Zárate Buenos Aires 101,271 Pampean
  21 Tandil Buenos Aires 101,010 Pampean
  Argentina is a melting pot of different peoples, both autochthonous and immigrants. Citizens of European descent make up the great majority of the population, with estimates varying from white 89.7% to 97% of the total population. The last national census, based on self-ascription, showed a similar figure, in that only 2% of the population identified as Argentine Amerindian or a first-generation Mestizo.
  Nonetheless, a genetic study conducted by Argentine, Swedish and North American institutions, established that the genetic average structure of the Argentine population, contains 79.9% of European contribution, whereas, on a study conducted by the University of Buenos Aires, the Amerindian admixture, though not fully visible in physical appearance, was estimated to be present in a high percentage of the Argentine population, close to 56%, on either paternal or maternal lineages, and 10% were shown to have Amerindian ancestors on both lineages.
  After the Spanish colonists, waves of European settlers migrated to Argentina from the late nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries. Major contributors included Italy (initially from Piedmont, Veneto and Lombardy, later from Campania and Calabria), Spain (foremost among them Galicians and Basques, and France (mostly to Buenos Aires and Mendoza).[citation needed] Smaller but significant numbers of immigrants came from Germany and Switzerland (to the Lakes Region of Patagonia; and to Córdoba), Scandinavia, (Denmark, Norway and Sweden), Greece, Lebanon, the United Kingdom and Ireland (to Buenos Aires, Santa Fé, and Patagonia; see also English settlement in Argentina), and Portugal. Eastern Europeans were also numerous from Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania and from Central Europe (Croatia (ex. President of Argentina Néstor Kirchner is of Croatian descent), Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Romania), as well as Balkan countries (Serbia and Montenegro, particularly in Chaco)[citation needed]. There is a large Armenian community, and the Patagonian Chubut Valley has a significant Welsh-descended population!
  An Argentine gaucho.Small but growing numbers of people from East Asia have also settled in Argentina, mainly in Buenos Aires. The first Asian-Argentines were of Japanese descent; Koreans, Vietnamese, and Chinese followed, now at over 60,000.
  The majority of Argentina's Jewish community derive from immigrants of north and eastern European origin (Ashkenazi Jews), and about 15–20% from Sephardic groups from Syria.[citation needed] Argentina is home to the fifth largest Ashkenazi Jewish community in the world. (See also History of the Jews in Argentina) Argentina has a large Arab community, made up mostly of immigrants from Syria and Lebanon. Many have gained prominent status in national business and politics, including former president Carlos Menem, the son of Syrian settlers from the province of La Rioja. Most of the Arab Argentines are Christian of the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches.
  The officially recognized indigenous population in the country, according to the "Complementary Survey of Indigenous Peoples" based on 2001 Census data, stands at approximately 402,921 people (about 1 percent of the total population)
  Illegal immigrants
  Illegal immigration has been a recent factor in Argentine demographics. Most illegal immigrants come from Bolivia and Paraguay, countries which border Argentina to the north. Smaller numbers arrive from Peru, Ecuador, and Romania. The Argentine government estimates that 750,000 inhabitants lack official documents and has launched a program called Patria Grande ("Big Homeland"), to encourage illegal immigrants to regularize their status; so far over 670,000 applications have been processed under the program.
  Argentina's population is very highly urbanized. About 3 million people live in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires, and 12.4 million in Greater Buenos Aires (2007), making it one of the largest conurbations in the world. Together with their respective metropolitan areas, the second- and third-largest cities in Argentina, Córdoba and Rosario, comprise about 1.3 and 1.1 million inhabitants respectively.
  Most European immigrants to Argentina settled in the cities, which offered jobs, education, and other opportunities which enabled newcomers to enter the middle class. Many also settled in the growing small towns along the expanding railway system. Since the 1930s, many rural workers have moved to the big cities.
  The 1990s saw many rural towns become ghost towns when train services ceased and local products manufactured on a small scale were replaced by massive amounts of cheap imported goods. Many slums (villas miserias) sprouted in the outskirts of the largest cities, inhabited by impoverished lower-class urban dwellers, migrants from smaller towns in the interior, and also a large number of immigrants from neighbouring countries that came during the time of the convertibility and did not leave after the 2001 crisis.
  Some urban areas appear European, reflecting the influence of European settlers. Many cities are built in a Spanish-grid style around a main square (plaza). A cathedral and important government buildings often face the plaza. The general layout of the cities is called damero (checkerboard), since it is based on a pattern of square blocks, though modern developments sometimes depart from it (the city of La Plata, built at the end of the nineteenth century, is organized as a checkerboard plus diagonal avenues at fixed intervals).
  The city of La Plata was the first in South America with electric street illumination.
  Largest metropolitan areas of Argentina view • talk • edit
   Core City Province Population Core City Province Population
  1 Buenos Aires Buenos Aires 15,052,177
  Buenos Aires
  Córdoba 7 Mar del Plata Buenos Aires 452,800
  2 Córdoba Córdoba 1,613,211 8 Salta Salta 556,400
  3 Rosario Tucumán 1,325,090 9 Santa Fe Santa Fe 534,300
  4 Mendoza Mendoza 1,109,104 10 San Juan San Juan 498,400
  5 La Plata Buenos Aires 957,800 11 Resistencia Chaco 452,800
  6 Tucumán Tucumán 903,100 12 Neuquén Neuquén 400,600
  Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y Censos (Estimates for 2006)
  Argentine culture has significant European influences. Buenos Aires, considered by many its cultural capital, is often said to be the most European city in South America, as a result both of the prevalence of people of European descent and of conscious imitation of European styles in architecture. The other big influence is the gauchos and their traditional country lifestyle of self-reliance. Finally, indigenous American traditions (like mate tea drinking) have been absorbed into the general cultural milieu.
  Argentina has a rich history of world-class literature, including one of the twentieth century's most critically acclaimed writers, Jorge Luis Borges. The country has been a leader in Latin American literature since becoming a fully united entity in the 1850s, with a strong constitution and a defined nation-building plan. The struggle between the Federalists (who favored a loose confederation of provinces based on rural conservatism) and the Unitarians (pro-liberalism and advocates of a strong central government that would encourage European immigration), set the tone for Argentine literature of the time.
  The ideological divide between gaucho epic Martín Fierro by José Hernández, and Facundo by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, is a great example. Hernández, although a federalist, opposed to the centralizing, modernizing, and Europeanizing tendencies. Sarmiento wrote immigration was the only way to save Argentina from becoming subject to the rule of a small number of dictatorial caudillo families, arguing such immigrants would make Argentina more modern and open to Western European influences, and therefore a more prosperous society.
  Argentine literature of that period was fiercely nationalist. It was followed by the modernist movement, which emerged in France in the late nineteenth century, and this period in turn was followed by vanguardism, with Ricardo Güiraldes as an important reference. Jorge Luis Borges, its most acclaimed writer, found new ways of looking at the modern world in metaphor and philosophical debate, and his influence has extended to writers all over the globe. Borges is most famous for his works in short stories such as Ficciones and The Aleph.
  Argentina has produced many more internationally noted writers, poets, and intellectuals: Juan Bautista Alberdi, Roberto Arlt, Enrique Banchs, Adolfo Bioy Cásares, Eugenio Cambaceres, Julio Cortázar, Esteban Echeverría, Leopoldo Lugones, Eduardo Mallea, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, Tomás Eloy Martínez, Victoria Ocampo, Manuel Puig, Ernesto Sabato, Osvaldo Soriano, Alfonsina Storni, and María Elena Walsh. Quino (born Joaquin Salvador Lavado), has entertained readers the world over, while dipping into the events of modern times, with soup-hating Mafalda and her comic strip gang.
  Film and theatre
  Argentina is a major producer of motion pictures. The world's first animated feature films were made and released in Argentina, by cartoonist Quirino Cristiani, in 1917 and 1918. Argentine cinema enjoyed a 'golden age' in the 1930s through the 1950s with scores of productions, many now considered classics of Spanish-language film. The industry produced actors who became the first movie stars of Argentine cinema, often tango performers such as Libertad Lamarque, Floren Delbene, Tito Lusiardo, Tita Merello, Roberto Escalada, and Hugo del Carril.
  More recent films from the "New Wave" of cinema since the 1980s have achieved worldwide recognition, such as The Official Story (La historia official), Nine Queens (Nueve reinas), Man Facing Southeast (Hombre mirando al sudeste), Son of the Bride (El hijo de la novia), The Motorcycle Diaries (Diarios de motocicleta), or Iluminados por el fuego. Although rarely rivaling Hollywood-type movies in popularity, local films are released weekly and widely followed in Argentina and internationally. Even low-budget films have earned prizes in cinema festivals (such as Cannes). The city of Mar del Plata organizes its own film festival, while Buenos Aires has its independent cinema counterpart. The per capita number of screens is one of the highest in Latin America, and viewing per capita is the highest in the region. A new generation of Argentine directors has caught the attention of critics worldwide. Additionally, Argentina is a major center of cinema, it is compared to European countries in terms of people who attend movie theaters. An example of this was Spider-Man 3 which took in 466,586 the first day a record in Argentina. In Italy it took in 400,000 and Germany 486,571, breaking all records for first day release.
  Buenos Aires is one of the great capitals of theater. The Teatro Colon is a national landmark for opera and classical performances. Built at the ending of XIX century, Teatro Colon's acoustic is considered the best in the world. Currently it is undergoing major refurbishment, in order to preserve its outstanding sound characteristics, the French-romantic style, the impressive Golden Room (a minor auditorium targeted to Chamber Music performances), and the museum at the entrance. Enrico Caruso, B.Gigli, Félix Weingartner, Artur Nikisch, Richard Strauss, Arturo Toscanini, Igor Stravinsky, Paul Hindemith, Camille Saint-Saëns, Manuel de Falla, Aaron Copland, Krzysztof Penderecki, Gian-Carlo Menotti, Wilhelm Furtwängler, Herbert von Karajan, Tullio Serafin, Gino Marinuzzi, Albert Wolff, Víctor De Sabata, Leonard Bernstein, Mstislav Rostropovich, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Karl Böhm, Fernando Previtali, Sir Thomas Beecham, Ferdinand Leitner, Lorin Maazel, Igor Markevitch, Bernard Haitink, Zubin Mehta, Marek Janowsky, Aldo Ceccato, Riccardo Muti, Kurt Masur, Michel Corboz, Franz-Paul Decker, Riccardo Chailly, Sir Simon Rattle, Claudio Abbado, René Jacobs are among the artists, composers and conductors who performed in this opera house.
  Besides the Teatro Colón (one of the great opera houses of the world), with its program of national and international caliber, Calle Corrientes, or Corrientes Avenue, is synonymous with the art. It is dubbed 'the street that never sleeps', and sometimes referred to as the Broadway of Buenos Aires. Many great careers in acting, music, and film have begun in its many theaters. The Teatro General San Martín is one of the most prestigious along Corrientes Avenue; the Teatro Nacional Cervantes is designated the national theater of Argentina. Another important theater is the Independencia in Mendoza. Florencio Sanchez and Griselda Gambaro are famous Argentine playwrights. Julio Bocca is one of the great ballet dancers of the modern era.
  Painting and sculpture
  Perhaps one of the most enigmatic figures of Argentine culture is Oscar Agustín Alejandro Schulz Solari, aka Xul Solar, whose watercolor style and unorthodox painting media draws large crowds at museums worldwide; he also 'invented' two imaginary languages. The works of Candido Lopez (in Naïve art style), Emilio Pettoruti (cubist), Antonio Berni (neo-figurative style), Fernando Fader, and Guillermo Kuitca are appreciated internationally.
  Benito Quinquela Martín is considered to be the quintesennial 'port' painter, to which the city of Buenos Aires and particularly the working class and immigrant-bound La Boca neighborhood, was excellently suited for. Lucio Fontana and Leon Ferrari are acclaimed sculptors and conceptual artists. Ciruelo is a world-wide famous fantasy artist and sculptor.
  Food and drink
  Argentine food is influenced by cuisine from Spain, Italy, Germany, France and other European countries, and many foods from those countries such as pasta, sausages, and desserts are common in the nation's diet. Argentina has a wide variety of staple foods, which include empanadas, a stuffed pastry; locro, a mixture of corn, beans, meat, bacon, onion, and gourd; and chorizo, a spicy sausage. Other popular items include facturas (Viennese-style pastry), Dulce de Leche and mate, Argentina's national beverage.
  AsadoThe Argentine barbecue, asado as well as a parrillada, is one of the most famous in the world and includes various types of meats, among them chorizo, sweetbread, chitterlings, and morcilla (blood sausage). Thin sandwiches, sandwiches de miga, are also popular. Argentines have the highest consumption of red meat in the world.
  Since 1992, Argentina has invested over 650 million dollars to modernize the wine industry. The country is an important wine producer, rated fifth in the world, with the annual per capita consumption of wine amongst the highest in the world. (Malbec has become a representative variety from Argentina). Malbec grape, a discardable varietal in France (country of origin), has found in Province of Mendoza an ideal environment to successfully develop and turn itself into the world's best Malbec. The city of Mendoza is one of the eight wine capitals of the world, and Mendoza accounts for 70% of the country total production (all varietals considered). "Wine tourism" is important in the Province of Mendoza, with the impressive landscape of Cordillera de Los Andes and the highest peak in America, Mount Aconcagua, 6952 meters high, providing a very desirable destination for international tourism.
  Ignacio Corleto of Los Pumas on his way to score a try against France in the 2007 Rugby World Cup. They beat France 34 - 10. Argentina reached third place in the tournamentFootball (soccer) is the most popular sport in Argentina, whose national team is twice FIFA World Cup Champion and one-time Olympic Gold medalist (also fourteen-time Copa América winners).
  Also widespread are volleyball and basketball; a number of basketball players participate in the NBA and European leagues. Manu Ginobili, Andres Nocioni, Carlos Delfino, and Fabricio Oberto are a few, and the national team won Olympic Gold in the Athens Olympics. Argentina has an important rugby union football team, "Los Pumas" (see Argentina national rugby union team), with many of its players playing in Europe. Argentina beat host nation France twice in the Rugby World Cup 2007, placing them third in the competition. The Pumas currently sit at third spot in the International Rugby Board's official world rankings. Argentine tennis is very competitive on the world stage, with dozens of players, male and female, in active tour.
  Other popular sports include field hockey (the top female sport, see Las Leonas), golf, and sailing. Argentina has the highest number of highly-ranked polo players in the world and the national squad has been the uninterrupted world champion ever since 1949. The Open Polo Championship of Buenos Aires is the most important polo-related event in the world. Cricket is growing in popularity due to the National Team's recent successes where they came as the underdogs and finished runner's up of the Inaugural World Cricket League Division 3. Baseball is played in a most limited fashion, as well as the Gridiron.
  Motorsports are well represented in Argentina, with Turismo Carretera and TC 2000 being the most popular car racing formats. People all over the country enjoy the races, but it is most fervently followed in small towns and rural Argentina, attracting a rather similar demographic as NASCAR in the United States. The Rally Argentina is part of the World Rally Championship (currently held in Córdoba Province). In Formula 1 racing, the country produced one world champion (Juan Manuel Fangio, five times) and two runners-up (Froilán González and Carlos Reutemann, once each)
  The official national sport of the country is pato, played with a six-handle ball on horseback.
  Tango, the music and lyrics (often sung in a form of slang called lunfardo), is Argentina's musical symbol. The Milonga dance was a predecessor, slowly evolving into modern tango. By the 1930s, tango had changed from a dance-focused music to one of lyric and poetry, with singers like Carlos Gardel, Roberto Goyeneche, Hugo del Carril, Tita Merello, and Edmundo Rivero. The golden age of tango (1930 to mid-1950s) mirrored that of Jazz and Swing in the United States, featuring large orchestral groups too, like the bands of Osvaldo Pugliese, Anibal Troilo, Francisco Canaro, and Juan D'Arienzo. After 1955 tango turned more intellectual and listener-oriented, led by Astor Piazzolla. Today tango has worldwide popularity, and the rise of neo-tango is a global phenomenon with groups like Tanghetto, Bajofondo and Gotan Project.
  Argentine rock, called rock nacional, is the most popular music among youth. Arguably the most listened form of Spanish-language rock, its influence and success internationally owes to a rich, uninterrupted development. Bands such as Soda Stereo or Sumo, and composers like Charly García, Luis Alberto Spinetta, and Fito Páez are referents of national culture. Mid 1960s Buenos Aires and Rosario were cradles of the music, and by 1970 Argentine rock was established among middle class youth (see Almendra, Sui Generis, Pappo, Crucis). Seru Giran bridged the gap into the 1980s, when Argentine bands became popular across Latin America and elsewhere (Enanitos Verdes, Fabulosos Cadillacs, Virus, Andres Calamaro). There are many sub-genres: underground, pop oriented, and some associated with the working class (La Renga, Attaque 77, Divididos, Los Redonditos). Current popular bands include: Babasonicos, Rata Blanca, El Otro Yo, Attaque 77, Bersuit, Los Piojos, Intoxicados, Catupecu Machu, and Miranda!.
  European classical music is well represented in Argentina. Buenos Aires is home to the world-renowned Colón Theater. Classical musicians, such as Martha Argerich, Daniel Barenboim, Eduardo Alonso-Crespo, Eduardo Delgado, Lalo Schiffrin, and classical composers such as Alberto Ginastera, are internationally acclaimed. All major cities in Argentina have impressive theaters or opera houses, and provincial or city orchestras. Some cities have annual events and important classical music festivals like Semana Musical Llao Llao in San Carlos de Bariloche and the multitudinous Amadeus in Buenos Aires.
  Argentine folk music is uniquely vast. Beyond dozens of regional dances, a national folk style emerged in the 1930s. Perón's Argentina would give rise to Nueva Canción, as artists began expressing in their music objections to political themes. Atahualpa Yupanqui, the greatest Argentine folk musician, and Mercedes Sosa would be defining figures in shaping Nueva Canción, gaining worldwide popularity in the process. The style found a huge reception in Chile, where it took off in the 1970s and went on to influence the entirety of Latin American music. Today, Chango Spasiuk and Soledad Pastorutti have brought folk back to younger generations. Leon Gieco's folk-rock bridged the gap between argentine folklore and argentine rock, introducing both styles to millions overseas in successive tours.
  Other notable musicians include Gato Barbieri with his seductive saxophone and free jazz compositions, and Jaime Torres and his spacious andean music.
  Argentines are predominantly Roman Catholic. Around 93% declare themselves Roman Catholic according to different surveys; the Church estimates an affiliation of 70%. According to the Constitution, the Argentine government should support Roman Catholicism. However, this does not imply that it is the official religion of the Argentine Republic, nor does it imply that people working in the government should have this faith.
  Evangelical churches have gained a foothold in Argentina since the 1980s, and their followers now number more than 3.5 million, about 10% of the total population. Traditional Protestant communities are present in most communities.
  Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) numbering over 330,300, the seventh-largest concentration in the world, are also present.
  The country also hosts the largest Jewish population in all of Latin America, about 2 percent of the population.
  Islam in Argentina constitutes approximately 1.5% of the population, or an estimated 500,000-600,000 (93% Sunni). Argentina is also home to one of the largest mosques in Latin America, serving Argentina's Muslim community.
  Approximately 12% of Argentines can be considered agnostic, and 4% are atheists.
  A phonetic study conducted by the Laboratory for Sensory Investigations of CONICET and the University of Toronto showed that the accent of the inhabitants of Buenos Aires (known as porteños) is closer to the Neapolitan dialect of Italian than any other spoken language. Italian immigration and other European immigrations influenced Lunfardo, the slang spoken in the Río de la Plata region, permeating the vernacular vocabulary of other regions as well.
  Argentines are the largest Spanish-speaking society that universally employs what is known as voseo (the use of the pronoun vos instead of tú (you), which occasions the use of alternate verb forms as well). The most prevalent dialect is Rioplatense, whose speakers are primarily located in the basin of the Río de la Plata.
  Standard German is spoken by between 400,000 and 500,000 Argentines of German ancestry, though it has also been stated that the there could be as much as 1,800,000. German today, is the third or fourth most spoken language in Argentina.
  According to one survey, there are around 1,500,000 Italian speakers (which makes it the second most spoken language in the country) and 1,000,000 speakers of Levantine Arabic, but these numbers are probably no longer current, as the newer generations mostly switch to Spanish and do not speak the ancestral language in the home. The same phenomenon applies to the Galician language that was used by many Spanish immigrants, Yiddish, and Japanese. The usage of these languages is in decline, as the respective immigration waves ended in the first half of the 20th century.
  Some indigenous communities have retained their original languages. Guaraní is spoken by some in the northeast, especially in Corrientes (where it enjoys official status) and Misiones. Quechua is spoken by some in the northwest, and has a local variant in Santiago del Estero. Aymara is spoken by members of the Bolivian community who migrated to Argentina from Bolivia. In Patagonia there are several Welsh-speaking communities. More recent immigrants have brought Chinese and Korean, mostly to Buenos Aires. English, Brazilian Portuguese and French are also spoken. English is commonly taught at schools, with Portuguese and French behind.
  After independence, Argentina constructed a national public education system in comparison to other nations, placing the country high up in the global rankings of literacy. Today the country has a literacy rate of 97% (2003 Est.)
  The ubiquitous white uniform of Argentine school children; it is a national symbol of learning.School attendance is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 17. The Argentine school system consists of a primary or lower school level lasting six or seven years, and a secondary or high school level lasting between five to six years. In the 1990s, the system was split into different types of high school instruction, called Educacion Secundaria and the Polimodal. Some provinces adopted the Polimodal while others did not. A project in the Executive to repeal this measure and return to a more traditional secondary level system was approved in 2006. President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento is overwhelmingly credited in pushing and implementing a free, modern education system in Argentina. The 1918 University reform shaped the current tripartite representation of most public universities.
  Education is funded by tax payers at all levels except for the majority of graduate studies. There are many private school institutions in the primary, secondary and university levels. Around 11.1 million people were enrolled in formal education of some kind:
  9,551,728 people attended either kindergarten, primary (lower school), or secondary (high school) establishments;
  494,461 people attended non-university level establishments (such as training or technical schools);
  1,125,257 people attended colleges or universities.
  Education in public schools (primary, secondary and tertiary) is free. Public education, which was perceived to be of the best quality during the mid 20th century,[citation needed] is now often perceived to be bad and in continuous decline because of lack of funding.[citation needed] This has helped private education to flourish, albeit it has also caused an imbalance in terms of who can afford it (usually middle and upper classes), as often private schools have no scholarship systems in place.
  There are thirty-eight public universities across the country, as well as several private. The Universities of Buenos Aires (the largest one, has 300,000 students), Córdoba (110,000 students and one of the oldest in the continent), Rosario (75,000 students), La Plata (75,000 students) and UTN (National Technological University, 70,000 students) are among the most important. Public universities faced cutbacks in spending during the 1980s and 1990s, which led to a decline in overall quality.
  Public holidays include most of the Catholic holidays, though holidays of other faiths are respected. The main historic holidays include the anniversaries of the May Revolution (May 25), the Independence Day (July 9), National Flag day (June 20), and the death of the hero José de San Martín (August 17).
  On Christmas Eve, the extended family gathers around 9 p.m. for dinner, music, and often dancing. Candies are served just before midnight, when fireworks displays begin. The evening also includes opening gifts from Papá Noel (Father Christmas or "Santa Claus"). New Year's Day is marked with fireworks as well. Other holidays include Good Friday and Easter; Labor Day (1 May), and sovereignty Day (former Malvinas Day) (2 April).
  Science and technology
  Argentina has contributed many distinguished doctors, scientists, and inventors to the world, including three Nobel Prize laureates in sciences.
  Luis Federico Leloir won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1970.Argentines have been responsible for major breakthroughs in world medicine. Domingo Liotta designed and developed the first artificial heart successfully implanted in a human being in 1969. René Favaloro developed the techniques and performed the world's first ever coronary bypass surgery, and Francisco de Pedro invented a more reliable artificial cardiac pacemaker. Medicine's Nobel laureate Bernardo Houssay, the first Latin American awarded with a Nobel Prize, discovered the role of pituitary hormones in regulating glucose in animals; Medicine's Nobel laureate César Milstein did extensive research in antibodies; and Chemistry's Nobel laureate Luis Leloir discovered how organisms store energy converting glucose into glycogen, and the compounds which are fundamental in metabolizing carbohydrates. Luis Agote performed one of the first two blood transfusions with pre-stored blood in history. Enrique Finochietto designed operating table tools such as the surgical scissors that bear his name ("Finochietto scissors"), and a rib-spreader. Roberto Zaldívar is a pioneer in laser-eye procedures and research. Argentine research has led to advancement in wound-healing therapies, heart disease, and in several forms of cancer.
  Argentina's nuclear program is highly advanced. Argentina developed its nuclear program without being overly dependent on foreign technology. Nuclear facilities with Argentine technology have been built in Peru, Algeria, Australia, and Egypt. In 1983, the country admitted having the capability of producing weapon-grade uranium, a major step to assemble nuclear weapons. Since then Argentina has pledged to use nuclear power only for peaceful purposes.
  In other areas, Juan Vucetich, a Croatian immigrant, was the father of modern fingerprinting (dactiloscopy). (see fingerprint), Raúl Pateras de Pescara demonstrated the world's first flight of a helicopter, Hungarian-Argentine László Bíró mass-produced the first modern ball point pens, and Eduardo Taurozzi developed the more efficient pendular combustion engine. Juan Maldacena, an Argentine-American scientist, is a leading figure in string theory. An Argentine satellite, the PEHUENSAT-1 was successfully launched on January 10, 2007 using the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).
  Communications and media
  The printed media in Argentina is highly developed and independent. There are over two hundred newspapers in the country, influential in their home cities and regions. The major national newspapers are from Buenos Aires, including the centrist Clarín, one of the best selling daily in the Spanish speaking world.[citation needed] Other national papers are La Nación (center-right) in the streets since 1870, Página/12 (left), Ámbito Financiero (business conservative), Argentinisches Tageblatt in German, Le Monde Diplomatique in Spanish and French and Crónica (populist). Regional papers of importance include La Capital (Rosario), Los Andes (Mendoza), La Voz del Interior (Córdoba), and El Tribuno (Salta). The Buenos Aires Herald is a well-respected English language daily.
  The Argentine publishing industry is together with those in Spain and Mexico the most important in the Spanish-speaking world. Argentina features the largest bookstore chains in Latin America, the El Ateneo and Yenny bookstores; numerous well-stocked independent stores abound. A number carry titles in English and other languages. There are hundreds of magazine publications covering a plethora of issues and hobbies, which are sold in kiosks on city sidewalks and in bookstores.
  Radio and television
  Argentina was a pioneering nation in radio broadcasting. At 9 pm on August 27, 1920, Sociedad Radio Argentina announced: "We now bring to your homes a live performance of Richard Wagner's Parsifal opera from the Coliseo Theater in downtown Buenos Aires"; only about twenty homes in the city had a receiver to tune in. The world's first radio station was the only one in the country until 1922, when Radio Cultura went on the air. By 1925, there were twelve stations in Buenos Aires and ten in other cities. The 1930s were the "golden age" of radio in Argentina, with live variety, news, soap opera, and sport shows.
  At present there are more than 1,500 radio stations licensed in Argentina; 260 are AM broadcasting and 1150 FM broadcasting.[citation needed] Radio remains an important medium in Argentina. Music and youth variety programs dominate FM formats; news, debate, and sports are AM radio's primary broadcasts. Amateur radio is widespread in the country. Radio still serves a vital service of information, entertainment and even life saving in the most remote communities.
  The Argentine television industry is large and diverse, widely viewed in Latin America, and its productions seen around the world. Many local programs are broadcast by networks in other countries, and others have their rights purchased by foreign producers for adaptations in their own markets. Argentina has five major networks. All provincial capitals and other large cities have at least one local station. Argentina boasts the highest penetration of cable and satellite television in Latin America, similar to percentages in North America. Many cable networks operate from Argentina and serve the Spanish-speaking world, including Utilísima Satelital, TyC Sports, Fox Sports en Español (with the United States and México), MTV Argentina, Cosmopolitan TV, and the news network Todo Noticias.
  International rankings
  Organization Survey Ranking
  Heritage Foundation/The Wall Street Journal Index of Economic Freedom 107 out of 157
  The Economist Worldwide Quality-of-life Index, 2005 40 out of 111
  Reporters Without Borders Worldwide Press Freedom Index 76 out of 167
  Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 105 out of 163
  United Nations Development Programme Human Development Index 38 out of 177
nán měi zhōu nán guó jiā
  nán měi zhōu nán guó jiālín yángmiàn 277 69 wàn píng fāng qiān rén kǒu 3418 wàn (1994 nián )。 shǒu nuò 'ài ān shān mài zòng guàn biān jìng dōng wéi píng yuán gāo yuánduō shǔ dài wēn dài hòuzhōng de pān cǎo yuán wéi nóng gōng zài nán měi zhōu guó jiā zhōng jiào shēng chǎn mén jiào quánnóng zài jīng zhōng zhàn zhòng yào wèizhù yào yǎng niúyángzhòngzhí xiǎo mài dòuwéi shì jiè zhòng yào liáng shí ròu lèi chū kǒu guó
No. 3
   ā gēn tíng wèi nán měi zhōu dōng nán shì yóu xiàng dōng zhú jiàn píng shì mài mián yán wēi 'é zhuàng 'ān shān wéi zhù de shān yuē zhàn quán guó miàn de 30%; dōng zhōng de pān cǎo yuán shì zhù míng de nóng běi zhù yào shì lán chá píng yuánduō zhǎo sēn línnán shì gāo yuánzhù yào shān mài yòu 'ào huò · duō shānméi shānhǎi 6964 de 'ā kōng jiā guā shānwéi nán měi zhōu wàn fēng zhī guān quán cháng 4700 gōng wéi nán měi 'èr zhù yào húpō yòu ā gēn tíng bié běi shǔ dài hòuzhōng shǔ dài hòunán wéi wēn dài hòuzhù míng de xiá céng shì lǎo de yìn jiā wén huà chuán dào ā gēn tíng de tōng dàobèi chēng wéiyìn jiā zhī ”。 ā gēn tíng kuàng chǎn yuán fēng zhù yào yòu shí yóutiān rán méi tàntiě yín děng
   ā gēn tíng shì nán měi zhōu zuì zǎo de guó jiāshǒu nuò 'ài shì nán bàn qiú zuì de chéng shì shì shāng gǎng quán guó fàng shè zhuàng tiě zhōng xīn ā gēn tíng de tiě yòu 5400 gōng cháng zhōng yòu 2 tiáo héng duàn 'ān liè shān mài ā gēn tíng jìng nèi yòu féi de píng yuánnóng shí fēn shì shì jiè liǎng niú ròu shēng chǎn guó zhī chū chǎn pǐn zhì yōu liáng de yáng máojìng nèi niú zhǐ shù rén kǒu duō bèi yòu ā gēn tíng de míng shèng zhòng duōyòu yuè guǎng chǎng luò qiē fēng jǐng guā luó léi guó jiā gōng yuán děng guā zuì kuān chù 4000 duō wéi shì jiè shàng zuì kuān de ā kōng jiā guā shān shì shì jiè zuì gāo de huǒ shān huái shì shì jiè zuì nán duān de chéng shìbèi chēng wéishì jiè jìn tóu”。 huái zài yìn 'ān zhōng shìguān shǎng luò de hǎi wānzhī
   : 7 yuè 9 ( 1816 nián
   guó qìng :5 yuè 25 ( 1910 nián
   guó : chéng cháng fāng xíngcháng kuān zhī yuē wéi 5: 3。 shàng 'ér xià yóu qiǎn lánbáiqiǎn lán sān píng xíng xiāng děng de héng cháng fāng xíng chéngbái cháng fāng xíng zhōng jiān shì lún yuè de tài yáng”。 tài yáng běn zhāng rén liǎnshì ā gēn tíng xíng de méi yìng de 'ànyán tài yáng běn yuán zhōu děng fēn zhe 32 gēn wān zhí xiāngjiàn de guāng máng xiànqiǎn lán xiàng zhēng zhèng bái xiàng zhēng xìn niànchún jiézhèng zhí gāo shàng;“ yuè de tài yángxiàng zhēng yóu míngměi nián 6 yuè 20 wéiguó ”, quán guó zài zhè tiān xíng niàn huó dòng
   guó huī : wéi tuǒ yuán xíngtuǒ yuán miàn shàng lán xià báiwèiguó shàng duān yòu lún yuè de tài yáng”, tóng guó tuǒ yuán xíng zhōng yòu liǎng zhǐ jǐn zhe de shǒuxiàng zhēng tuán jiéshǒu zhōng yòu yóu zhī gān”, xiàng zhēng quán lìngzūn yán zhù quángān dǐng wéi hóng de yóu zhī mào”。 tuǒ yuán xíng 'àn yóu de yuè guì shù huán rào xiàng zhēng zhōng chéng yǒu yuè guì shù xiàng zhēng shèng guāng róng
   shǒu : nuò 'ài ( buenosaires), rén kǒu 278 wàn( 2001 nián rén kǒu chá), bāo kuò jìn jiāo 19 de nuò 'ài gòng 1383 wàn rén (2001 nián )。 shǒu hòu wēn , 2003 nián jiàng shuǐ liàng 1542.7 háo nián píng jūn wēn 18℃。
   wèi zhì : miàn 2776889 píng fāng gōng wéi měi 'èr guójǐn wèi nán měi zhōu dōng nán dōng bīn yáng tóng zhì jiē rǎngběi jiè wéi guīdōng běi guī wéi línhǎi 'àn xiàn 4000 gōng shì yóu xiàng dōng zhú jiàn píng quán cháng 4700 gōng wéi nán měi 'èr zhù yào húpō yòu ā gēn tíng bié
   hòu : běi shǔ dài hòuzhōng shǔ dài hòunán wéi wēn dài hòu
   shǐ :16 shì qián zhù zhe yìn 'ān rén。 1535 nián bān zài jiàn zhí mín diǎn。 1776 nián bān shè nuò 'ài wéi shǒu de zǒng 。 1810 nián 5 yuè 25 nuò 'ài rén mín xiān fǎn duì bān tǒng zhì de yuè mìng”, chéng liǎo zhèng wěi yuán huì。 1812 nián jìn xíng kàng bān zhí mín jūn de zhuāng dǒu zhēng。 1816 nián 7 yuè 9 lián shěng xuān gào 。 1852 nián zhì dìng xiàn jiàn liǎo lián bāng gòng guó 'ěr dāng xuǎn wéi rèn zǒng tǒng。 1853 nián bān xiàn 。 1862 nián tuō luò méi · léi dān rèn zǒng tǒngjié shù liǎo hòu cháng de fēn liè dòng luàn 20 shì 30 nián dài chū xiàn jūn rén wén rén jiāo zhí zhèng de miàn。 1983 niánā fāng xīn mín xuǎn zhèng shàng táihuī xiàn zhì tuī jìn mín zhù huà jìn chéng
  1982 nián 4 yuè 2 ā gēn tíng yīng guó yīn 'ěr wéi qún dǎo zhù quán guī shǔ wèn bào liǎo dǎo zhàn zhēngtóng nián 6 yuè 14 yīng jūn bài liǎo 'ā jūn zhàn lǐng dǎo
   xíng zhèng huá : quán guó huàfēn wéi 24 xíng zhèng dān wèiyóu 23 shěng lián bāng shǒu nuò 'ài shì chéng
   jīng : ā gōng mén lèi quánnóng shì shì jiè liáng shí ròu lèi de zhòng yào shēng chǎn chū kǒu guó yòushì jiè liáng cāng ròu zhī chēngshàng shì chūā jīng zǒng liàng céng wèi shì jiè qián shí míng。 80 nián dài yīn zhài wēi jīng shuāi tuì。 1991 nián méi nèi zhèng kāi shǐ shí shī yòu huà wéi xīn de xīn yóu zhù jīng zhèng shí xíng suǒ duì měi yuán 1: 1 dìng huì shuài zhìā jīng chóngxīn zēngzhǎng guǐ dào, 1991 héng 1998 nián nián jūn zēngchánglǜ 6%。 shòu dōng nán jīn róng wēi jīn róng dòng dàng chōng ā jīng 1998 nián xià bàn nián kāi shǐ huá guó jiā fēng xiǎn zhǐ shù biāo shēngwài zhài dān chén zhòngjīn róng tǒng bīn lín bēng kuì。 2001 nián ā zhèng xuān zàn shí dòng jié yínháng cún kuǎnyǐn guī shè huì sāo luàn bìng zuì zhōng dǎo zhì zhèng kuǎ tái 'ā 'ěr zǒng tǒng 2002 nián shàng tái hòucǎi zàn tíng cháng hái wài zhài xiāo dìng huì shuài zhì děng zhòng cuòdàn 'ā jīng réng zài pái huái měi yuán jià de guó nèi shēng chǎn zǒng zhí yán zhòng suō shuǐdāng nián jīng zēngchánglǜ wéi -11%。
   shí nèi 'ěr zhèng shàng tái hòujiā qiáng guó jiā hóng guān tiáokòngshí xíng shěn shèn de cái zhèng huò zhèng yán jīn róng zēng shōu jié zhī chū kǒutóng shí jiě jué zhài wèn qiú tōng guò zhú jiǎn shǎo zhài dānhuī jīng zhù zhǎn qián 'ā hóng guān jīng yùn xíng wěn dìngjīng bǎo chí kuài huī xìng zēngzhǎng shì tóucái shuì zhǐ biāo wán chéng liáng hǎojīn róng zhú huī guó shōu zhī chí gǎi shàn。 2004 nián guó nèi shēng chǎn zǒng zhí( gdp) zēngzhǎng 9%。 cóng 2002 nián 'èr zhì 2004 nián shí xiàn gdp lián 11 zēngzhǎnglěi zēngzhǎng 24%。
   wén huà :“ tàn shì ā gēn tíng de guó yòutàn zhī chéngzhī chēng de nuò 'ài shì xīn mín hěn duō de chéng shìshēng huó de shè huì zhōng xià jiē céng de rénwéi zhuǎn shēng huó zhōng de tòng zhǎn chū tàn yīnyuèxīn mín bāo kuò lái 'ōu zhōu fēi zhōuwén huà bèi jǐng xiāng tóng de rén yīn lùn zài xián jié zòuyuèqì děng fāng miàntàn róng liǎo zhǒng wén huà de zuì zǎo de tàn zhù duō bàn shì guān shēn biān de nán rénér zhè xiē duō bàn yín huìdào liǎo 1912, zhù jiàn fēng èr shí shì chūtàn zài zào chéng liú xíngzhè shǐ tàn de shēn fèn wèi xiāng tóngkāi shǐ jìn shàng liú shè huì 1885 nián zài nuò 'ài shì nán de jiā gǎng dàn shēng láiguǎng fàn liú chuánfēngmǐ shì jiè chéng shìcóng zhòng huà de xíng shì zhǎn chéng dēng shàng zhī táng de gāo shù
   ā gēn tíng chū liǎo duō yòu míng de tàn shǒu jiǎ dài 'ěr( carlosgardel)、 suǒ ( astorpiazzola) děngjīng guò duō niántàn réng rán zài ā gēn tíng chù chù jiànzài ā gēn tíng de fēn chéng shì dōuyòu jiào dǎo tàn de zhuān mén xué xiào yuán ā gēn tíng nóng gōng jiē de tàn xiàn zài shì quán shì jiè rén men de chǒng 'ér
No. 4
   ā gēn tíng zuì jiā yóu shí jiān ā gēn tíng chù nán bàn qiú guó jié xiāng fǎnā běi shǔ dàizhōng shǔ dàinán shǔ wēn dài hòuběi nián jiàng 1000 zhì 1200 háo nán 250 háo shǒu fēn míngnián píng jūn wēn 24
   nián jiē xíngruò qián wǎng huǒ dǎo bīng chuān fēn shí jiān shì dōng tiānxià shì zuì shì de shí jiān yào wàng dài shàng mián ruò qián wǎng guā zuì shì de shí jié shì chūndōng tiān shí de hòu wēn chā ā gēn tíng mín jié qìng huó dòng ā gēn tíng xīn nián yào jìn xínghuā hǎi wéi diào gòu huì huàn lái shēn xiáng guìměi nián 2 yuè 22 héng 3 yuè 9 xíng shèng de táo jiézài jié zhòngxuǎn chū táo huáng guān de huò zhě
   xīn nián: 1 yuè 1
   shòu nán : 4 yuè 5
   láo dòng jié: 5 yuè 1
   guó qìng jié: 5 yuè 25
   guó : 6 yuè 24
   : 7 yuè 9
   shèng dīng shì shì niàn : 8 yuè 17
   lún : 10 yuè 12
   shèng shēn huái tāi : 12 yuè 8
   shèng dàn jié: 12 yuè 25 ā gēn tíng bié xǐngdào ā gēn tíng wài chū yóu shí bié zhù xià shì xiàng
  1、 suí shēn xié dài zhào bèi jiǎn chábìng suí shí chá kàn qiān zhèng shì fǒu guò
  2、 jìn liàng shǎo xié dài xiàn jīndào rén liú jiào zhōng de fāng chǎng guǎnshāng diàncān tīng děng yào bǎo guǎn hǎo de suí shēn pǐnfàng zài xiōng qiánshì xiàn de fāng
  3、 ruò yòu qún rén cháo kào jìn shí shí yào xiǎo xīn zhù jìn liàng kāicháo 'ān quán de fāng zǒu yóu zhōng zuì hǎo yòu bàn tóng xíng xiāng zhào dān chū xíng de yóu tōng cháng shì xiǎo tōu zuì huān xià shǒu de duì xiàng
  4、 qián dìng hǎo wǎng fǎn piàochē piào guǎn。 5、 miǎn qián wǎng shì nèi shǎo shù pín kùn mín jiào wéi zhōng de chéng jiān wài chū bié duō jiā xiǎo xīn
  5、 zhòng yào diàn huà : huǒ jǐng: 100, jǐng chá : 101, ér zhāng bǎo : 102, liáo jiù: 107, yóu jǐng :( 11) 43465770
  6、 gēn gēn tíng hǎi guān yòu guān guī dìng néng xié dài shuǐ guǒròu zhì pǐnkūn chóngdòng zhí děng děng jìng shíqǐng xiáng tián xiě zài fēi shàng fàng de jìng dēng bìng lián tóng zhào bèi ā gēn tíng hǎi guān jiǎn chá ā gēn tíng měi shí ā gēn tíng shì shì jiè shàng táo jiǔ de shēng chǎn xiāo fèi guó táo jiǔ tián de miàn yuē zhàn quán shì jiè de 3%, xiāng dāng nán bàn qiú táo tián zǒng miàn de sān fēn zhī táo jiǔ chǎn liàng zài quán qiú wèi zhī jiān bǎi duō nián táo jiǔ shǐ jiàn zhèng shǐ men hěn nán jiāng ā gēn tíng liè wéi xīn xīng táo jiǔ shēng chǎn guó
   ā gēn tíng měi nián píng jūn yòu 300 qíng tiānjiàng liàng shī shǐ bìng huī cóng shēngzhǎnghuà xué yào de shǐ yòng liàng xiāng duì liàng jiǎn shǎo ; táo chōng fēn chéng shú ā gēn tíng shì quán shì jiè zhòng yào de nóng suō táo zhī concentratedmust/moutconcentre shēng chǎn guó zhī zhè zhǒng nóng suō táo zhī tòu míng yòng zēng jiā táo jiǔ de jiǔ jīng nóng shòu dào 'ōu zhōu mín de yǐng xiǎngjué duō shù tōng de 'ōu zhōu pǐn zhǒngzài ā gēn tíng dōubù nán xiàn
   dāng rén ròu lèi wéi zhù shídàn yòu lèi shū cài fàn diàn gōng de zhù yào shì shì cān yǐnhái yòu shǎo mài dāng láo zhà diàn bié tuī jiàn zhù shì kǎo ròu diànròu xiàn kǎoshū cài zhùyǐn liào dān suàn bān měi rén 8-10 suǒ gòuzài guā chī kǎo ròufēng wèi tóng huān tián shí de rényìng pǐn cháng de qiǎo bīng línhuā tóng yàng de qiánhuì dào běi měi 'ōu zhōu bèi de dōng
   ā gēn tíng gòu zài ā gēn tíng shǒu zuì zhù míngzuì shì yóu zhě gòu de diǎn shì luó jiē shì shèng fěi dàoyóu rén huì zài léi léi jiēkàn dào zuì guì de mài liú xíng zhuāng de xiǎo diàn shì nuò 'ài zuì gāo dàng de jiē héng héng zhù yào shì yán zhe 'ài 'ěr wéi 'ājīn 'ā qiǎo de xiē zhǎi jiēshì zuì hǎo de zhū bǎo diàn zài luó jiē de diǎn chùwèi 'ài 'ěr wéi 'ā dào shàngbìng qiě 'ēn zuò luò zài xiè dùn fàn diàn de tīng zhōngwàn shì tiáo yòu míng de zhuāng jiēér qiě chéng zuò chū dàoguān dǒngzuì zhī míng de shì shǐ shàng zhù míng de shèng 'ěr fāng xíng zhèng ā gēn tíng jiāo tōng ā gēn tíng hǎikōng yùn jūn jiào jiāo tōng yùn shū yùn wéi zhùquán guó gòng yòu chǎng 400 duō zhōng 80 duō wéi zhù yào chǎng shěng zhù yào chéng shì zhòng yào yóu diǎn měi tiān jūn yòu háng bān wǎng láiguó háng xiàn 26 tiáonián yùn liàng 370 wàn rén zhòng yào guó chǎng yòu shǒu 'āi sài guó chǎng
   ā gēn tíng jìng nèi de háng kōng jiāo tōng yóu dāng háng kōng gōng bāo bàn yòu ā gēn tíng háng kōngguó guó nèi háng xiàn), austral( guó nèi háng xiàn), dla( guó nèi běi háng xiàn) tan( guó nèi nán běi háng xiàn lade( guó nèi háng xiàn)。 guó nèi xiàn de chǎng shuì wéi měi jīn 3 yuándàn zài qià bèi chǎng (chapelco) zhǐ 1.5 měi yuán
   ā gēn tíng jiào jiāo tōng dào jiào píng tǎn kuān kuògōng gòng jiāo tōng tiě wǎng luò jiào wéi biàn ā gēn tíng guó yàng shí xíng zuǒ duǒ xíng chēdào dān xíng xiàn wéi zhù ā gēn tíng rén xíng chē kuàibìng xiànchāo chē biànyīn yào bié zhù jiāo tōng 'ān quánxíng rén dēng liàng shí fāng chuān yuè qièjì héng chuānměng páo miǎn shēng jiāo tōng wài
   yóu lǎn nuò 'ài shì dào chù dōushì chē zhàn chē mùdì biāo de hěn qīng chǔyóu xuǎn zuò gōng gòng chē xuǎn tiě tiě yùn xíng hěn kuài bān huì chāo guò 25 fēn zhōng yóu zhě zhù yào jǐng bǎo wèi shēn de 'ān quán ā gēn tíng zhù ā gēn tíng yòu zhǒng xīng fàn diànqīng nián guǎn bān xīng fàn diàn dōuyòu diàn shì wèi shè bèi zhǒng cān tīng děng qīng nián guǎn tōng cháng zhǐ zài xià tiān kāi fànglìng wài hái yòu xiē piányí guǎn: casadefamilia、 hospedajes、 pensiones、 residenciales。 ā gēn tíng mín jiān dǎo tàn liú xíng bìng bèi ā gēn tíng rén shì wéi guó bǎotàn yuán 19 shì de nuò 'ài shì yīnyuè dǎo chàngshī de zōng shùtàn yīnyuè jié zòu míng kuài de qiē fēn yīn shì xiān míng de diǎntàn de huá gāo liè bēn fàngtàn zuò wéi ā gēn tíng rén cháng shēng huó de shù xíng shì diǎn gòng shǎng de shù mèi shēn shòu rén men 'ài
  1. :  AR Argentina
  2. n.:  Argentina
  1. n.  Argentine
qiú xīng qiú qiú wáng rén yùn dòng yuán lán qiú yóu
chūn guāng zhà xiè yīng guó shǐ zhàn zhēng 'ěr wéi qún dǎo wǎng qiú
shī sài zuò jiā shī rén wén xué guó lán qián fēng yáng
qún dǎo zhēng bǎi quán huáng jiā sài luó gèng duō jiēguǒ ...
bāo hán cí
ā gēn tíng gǎngā gēn tíng lóngā gēn tíng
ā gēn tíng ā gēn tíng niǎoā gēn tíng
ā gēn tíng rénā gēn tíng quǎnā gēn tíng duì
ā gēn tíng ā gēn tíng 'áoā gēn tíng kǎo
ā gēn tíng shāoā gēn tíng ā gēn tíng jiǎn
ā gēn tíng zōng ā gēn tíng jiāo shǔā gēn tíng lǎo
ā gēn tíng ā gēn tíng gāng huāā gēn tíng shā
ā gēn tíng háng kōngā gēn tíng yīnyuèā gēn tíng wén xué
ā gēn tíng shǐā gēn tíng jìng ā gēn tíng suǒ
ā gēn tíng niǎoā gēn tíng xiàng guīā gēn tíng
ā gēn tíng tàn ā gēn tíng měi shùā gēn tíng jiào
ā gēn tíng guó huīā gēn tíng ā gēn tíng
ā gēn tíng guó ā gēn tíng mèng xiǎng 'ā gēn tíng
ā gēn tíng hǎi pénā gēn tíng zǒng tǒngā gēn tíng diàn yǐng
ā gēn tíng zuò jiāā gēn tíng guó jiǎoā gēn tíng huá qiáo
ā gēn tíng xiǎo jiěā gēn tíng shǐā gēn tíng qiú yuán
ā gēn tíng xuéā gēn tíng yuān ā gēn tíng láng
ā gēn tíng kǎo ròuā gēn tíng chuán tǒngā gēn tíng shāo kǎo
ā gēn tíng lián sàiā gēn tíng jiá niánā gēn tíng
ā gēn tíng xiǎo ā gēn tíng biǎn shāā gēn tíng cǎo yuán
ā gēn tíng ā gēn tíng xuěā gēn tíng yóu fēi
ā gēn tíng zhū jiāng běi 'ā gēn tíng lóngā gēn tíng shǔ 'ěr
ā gēn tíng cháng zhǎo shǔā gēn tíng píng yuán shǔā gēn tíng dài shòu
ā gēn tíng táo jiǔā gēn tíng yǎng fēng ā gēn tíng qīng nián rén
ā gēn tíng tàn quǎnā gēn tíng zǒng tǒng ā gēn tíng pān quǎn
ā gēn tíng huáng guān cǎoā gēn tíng jǐng guīā gēn tíng zhèng dǎng
ā gēn tíng jìn dǎngā gēn tíng shì jiè bēiā gēn tíng gòng chǎn dǎng
ā gēn tíng mín jiéā gēn tíng guó jiā duìā gēn tíng gāo quǎn
ā gēn tíng shé jǐng guīā gēn tíng chǎngā gēn tíng gòng guó
ā sēn 'ā gēn tíngā gēn tíng fáng wèi zhěā gēn tíng chū xuè
ā gēn tíng chuān zhī ā gēn tíng cuò jiá niánā gēn tíng 'èr nián
ā gēn tíng de jiāo 'àoā gēn tíng hóu niánā gēn tíng
ā gēn tíng píng tóu ā gēn tíng shēn hǎi yáoā gēn tíng xuě
běi 'ā gēn tíng lóng ā gēn tíng cháng 'ěr tún shǔā gēn tíng píng yuán shǔ shǔ
ā gēn tíng chán wěi shǔ shǔā gēn tíng lín zhī ā gēn tíng zhài wēi
ā gēn tíng diàn gōng ā gēn tíng diàn shì chǎngā gēn tíng nóng jīng
ā gēn tíng qiú xiān shēngā gēn tíng guó mín yínhángqiē · : ā gēn tíng
ā gēn tíng huá qiáo shāng huìā gēn tíng lán jiàoā gēn tíng guó huì shà
ā gēn tíng jiá lián sàiā gēn tíng zhuī wěi yīng ā gēn tíng jīn róng wēi
ā gēn tíng yuè mìngyān yún · ā gēn tíng ā gēn tíng qiú lián sài
ā gēn tíng yùn dòngā gēn tíng shēng xué jiāā gēn tíng hēi bái tài jiā
ā gēn tíng qiú xié huìnián 'ā gēn tíng shì jiè bēitān shí 'ā gēn tíng mián wèi
shì 'ā gēn tíng mián wèibàn huā 'ā gēn tíng ā gēn tíng jiá nián
ā gēn tíng zhī ā gēn tíng shàng xiàng niánā gēn tíng yín hàn
ā gēn tíng yóu niánā gēn tíng láng mián wèiā gēn tíng jié yóu nián
qiē 'ā gēn tíngchāo 'ā gēn tíng gōng zhōng jié 'ā gēn tíng gōng
ā gēn tíng zhù cān tīngā gēn tíng chuáng chǎngā gēn tíng bié wèiwǒ
ā gēn tíng liù duī tóng xiāng huìā gēn tíng tái wān tóng xiāng huìā gēn tíng huò tóng méng
ā gēn tíng guó jiā qiú duìā gēn tíng shí huà zhēn shùā gēn tíng lán qiú yùn dòng yuán
zhōng guó 'ā gēn tíng ( zhōng wén bǎn )ā gēn tíng duǎn wěn shī ā gēn tíng tuó bèi chǐ zhī
'ā gēn tíng ā gēn tíng duǎn shí shǒu ā gēn tíng zhèng quàn wěi yuán huì
ā gēn tíng shāo kǎo cháng níng diànā gēn tíng shāo kǎo huì diànchāo 'ā gēn tíng náo zhě
ā gēn tíngbié wèiwǒ ā gēn tíng wēi de huí kǎoā gēn tíng zhèng zhù yán jiū
ā gēn tíng jìng qiú ā gēn tíng guó jiā háng kōng gōng ā gēn tíng háng kōng yùn shū gōng
zhōng guó héng 'ā gēn tíng ( zhōng wén bǎn )ā gēn tíng 'ài 'ěr · chá yǔn shízhōng guó - ā gēn tíng ( ā gēn tíng )
ā gēn tíng jìn gōng mín lián méng ā gēn tíng gòng guó zhōng yāng yínhángā gēn tíng 'ěr duō xué
ā gēn tíng qiú xié huì( afa)1978 nián 'ā gēn tíng shì jiè bēiā gēn tíng qiú jiá lián sài
ā gēn tíng qiáo xiào jiào shī lián huìā gēn tíng tái wān jiào huìā gēn tíng zhōng huá zhēn jiǔ xué huì
ā gēn tíng tái wān shāng xié huì ā gēn tíng yóu huá qiáo lián huìā gēn tíng zhōng guó wén huà xué huì
ā gēn tíng zhōng huá jiào zhǎnglǎo huì ā gēn tíng guó jiā nán lán qiú duìā gēn tíng guó jiā xué
ā gēn tíng FAL5.56mm qiāng ā gēn tíng PA3-DM shì 9mm chōng fēng qiāngā gēn tíng bīng chuān guó jiā gōng yuán
ā gēn tíng FN7.62mm qiāng1921 nián jiè ā gēn tíng měi zhōu bēi1916 nián jiè ā gēn tíng měi zhōu bēi
ā gēn tíng gòng guó guó jiā shū guǎn ā gēn tíng kōng jūn de zhàn dǒu yīng ā gēn tíng wéi zhàn liè jiàn
ā gēn tíng jìn dǎng qīng nián tuán ā gēn tíng rán xué guǎnā gēn tíngcuì niǎodǎo dàn
nián jiè ā gēn tíng měi zhōu bēinián jiè ā gēn tíng měi zhōu bēiā gēn tíng BayerSA
ā gēn tíng LaboratoriosBagoSAā gēn tíng TRBPHARMASAzhōng guó 2010 nián shàng hǎi shì huì ā gēn tíng guó jiā guǎn
ā gēn tíng FMK héng 3 gǎi jìn 2 xíng 9mm chōng fēng qiāng ā gēn tíng 'ěr kǒng M.L.63 shì 9mm chōng fēng qiāng