在佛罗里达第2大产业是农业,尤其是柑橘类。在美国,大多的柑橘水果都产自于佛罗里达州占了全国生产量的67,百分之74的橘子和百分之58的柑橘,54的葡萄柚。 About 95 percent of commercial orange production in the state is destined for processing (mostly as orange juice, the official state beverage). Citrus canker continues to be an issue of concern. Other products include sugarcane and celery. The Everglades Agricultural Area is a major center for agriculture. The environmental impact of agriculture — especially water pollution— is a major issue in Florida today.
Phosphate mining, concentrated in the Bone Valley, is the state's third-largest industry. The state produces about 75 percent of the phosphate required by farmers in the United States and 25 percent of the world supply, with about 95 percent used for agriculture (90 percent for fertilizer and 5 percent for livestock feed supplements) and 5 percent used for other products.
Since the arrival of the NASA Merritt Island launch sites on Cape Canaveral (most notably Kennedy Space Center) in 1962, Florida has developed a sizable aerospace industry.
In addition, the state has seen a recent boom in medical and bio-tech industries throughout its major metropolitan areas. Orlando was recently chosen as the official site for the new headquarters of the Burnham Institute, a major bio-tech and medical research company.
The state was one of the few states to not have a state minimum wage law until 2004, when voters passed a constitutional amendment establishing a state minimum wage and (unique among minimum wage laws) mandating that it be adjusted for inflation every six months. Currently, the minimum wage in the state of Florida is $6.79 as of January 1, 2008.
Historically, Florida's economy was based upon cattle farming and agriculture (especially sugarcane, citrus, tomatoes, and strawberries). In the early 1900, land speculators discovered Florida, and businessmen such as Henry Plant and Henry Flagler developed railroad systems, which led people to move in, drawn by the weather and local economies. From then on, tourism boomed, fueling a cycle of development that overwhelmed a great deal of farmland.
In 2004 and 2005, key industries along the west coast — commercial fishing and water-based tourist activities (sports fishing and diving) — were threatened by outbreaks of red tide, a discoloration of seawater caused by an efflorescence of toxin-producing dinoflagellates.
Florida is one of the nine states that do not impose a personal income tax (list of others). The state had imposed a tax on "intangible personal property" (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money market funds, etc.), but this tax was abolished after 2006. The state sales tax rate is 6%. Local governments may levy an additional local option sales tax of up to 1.5%. A locale's use tax rate is the same as its sales tax rate, including local options, if any. Use taxes are payable for purchases made out of state and brought into Florida within six months of the purchase date. Documentary stamps are required on deed transfers and mortgages. Other taxes include corporate income, communication services, unemployment, solid waste, insurance premium, pollutants, and various fuel taxes.
年份 人口
1830 34,730
1840 54,477
1850 87,445
1860 140,424
1870 187,748
1880 269,493
1890 391,422
1900 528,542
1910 752,619
1920 968,470
1930 1,468,211
1940 1,897,414
1950 2,771,305
1960 4,951,560
1970 6,789,443
1980 9,746,324
1990 12,937,926
2000 15,982,378
* 佛罗里达大学 University of Florida
* 佛罗里达州立大学 Florida State University
* 佛罗里达农工大学 Florida A & M University
* 佛罗里达亚特兰大大学 Florida Atlantic University
* 佛罗里达国际大学 Florida International University
* 中佛罗里达大学 University of Central Florida
* 北佛罗里达大学 University of North Florida
* 南佛罗里达大学 University of South Florida
* 西佛罗里达大学 University of West Florida
* 佛罗里达理工学院 Florida Institute of Technology
* 安柏瑞德航空大学 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
* 迈阿密大学(University of Miami)
* 佛罗里达南方大学(Florida Southern)
* 洛林斯学院(Rollins College)
* 西勒大学 (Schiller International University)
* 史丹森大学(Stetson University)
* 坦帕大学(University of Tampa)
* 杰克森维尔大学(Jacksonville University)。
o 杰克逊威尔美洲虎 (Jacksonville Jaguars)
o 迈阿密海豚 (Miami Dolphins)
o 坦帕湾海盗 (Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
o 佛罗里达州立大学 (Florida State University) / FSU (Seminoles)
o 佛罗里达大学 (University of Florida) (Gators)
o 迈阿密大学 (University of Miami) (Hurricanes, 'Canes)
* 大联盟 MLB
o 坦帕湾光芒 (Tampa Bay Rays)
o 佛罗里达马林鱼 (Florida Marlins)
* 小联盟 Minor Leagues
o 杰克逊维尔太阳(Jacksonville Suns,2A级南方联盟,母队:洛杉矶道奇)
o 棕榈滩红雀(Palm Beach Cardinals,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:圣路易红雀)
o 坦帕洋基(Tampa Yankees,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:纽约洋基)
o 萨拉索它红人(Sarasota Reds,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:辛辛那堤红人)
o 麦尔斯堡奇迹(Fort Myers Miracle,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:明尼苏达双城)
o 湖地市老虎(Lakeland Tigers,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:底特律老虎)
o 顿尼丁蓝鸟(Dunedin Blue Jays,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:多伦多蓝鸟)
o 清水市长尾鲛(Clearwater Threshers,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:费城费城人)
o 丘比特榔头(Jupiter HammerHeads,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:佛罗里达马林鱼)
o 圣路西大都会(St. Lucie Mets,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:纽约大都会)
o 维洛海滩道奇(Vero Beach Dodgers,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:洛杉矶道奇)
o 布罗瓦县海牛(Brevard County Manatees,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:密尔瓦基酿酒人)
o 德多那小熊(Daytona Cubs,高阶1A级佛州联盟,母队:芝加哥小熊)
o 湾岸联盟(新人级)
佛罗里达大学 University of Florida
佛罗里达州立大学 Florida State University
佛罗里达农工大学 Florida A & M University
佛罗里达亚特兰大大学 Florida Atlantic University
佛罗里达国际大学 Florida International University
中佛罗里达大学 University of Central Florida
北佛罗里达大学 University of North Florida
南佛罗里达大学 University of South Florida
西佛罗里达大学 University of West Florida
安柏瑞德航空大学 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
迈阿密大学(University of Miami)
佛罗里达南方大学(Florida Southern)
洛林斯学院(Rollins College)
西勒大学 (Schiller International University)
史丹森大学(Stetson University)
坦帕大学(University of Tampa)
圣-托马斯大学(St. Thomas University)
杰克森维尔大学(Jacksonville University)。
位于沙拉索塔的约翰与梅波润格林艺术博物馆(John and Mable Ringling Museum of Arts)
位于迈阿密大学的洛尔艺术博物馆(Lowe Art Museum)
位于杰克森维尔的库莫尔艺廊(Cummer Gallery of Art)
位于迈阿密的美术中心(Center for the Fine Arts)
位于奥兰多的洛克海文艺术中心(Loch Haven Art Center)
位于盖恩司维尔的佛罗里达州立博物馆(Florida State Museum)
位于麦尔斯堡的爱迪生博物馆(Edison Museum)、位于沙拉索塔的马戏博物馆(Museum of the Circus)
位于潘萨寇拉的海军飞行博物馆(Naval Aviation Museum)。
佛罗里达以其海滩、温暖的气候、与阳光普照的天气而闻名。佛罗里达的迈阿密是美国人心目中的最佳避寒胜地,老年人更把它当作安渡晚年的美好家园。 作为中南美的门户,迈阿密地理位置十分重要,对美国的经济更是有举足轻重的影响。迈阿密地区也是华人居住较多的地区之一。漫步迈阿密的街头,时时听到的是富有乐感的西班牙语,随处可见的是异国风情浓郁的各式建筑。佛罗里达温暖的气候,迈阿密迷人的海滩一定会给你留下美好的回忆。
该州有九十二座州立公园与纪念公园、四座州立森林、两处国家海岸、以及一些国家野生生物保留区。大沼泽国家公园 ( Everglades National Park) 涵盖了该州南部大部份的地区,是北美洲最大的亚热带野生地带。其他在成为美国国土之前,佛罗里达曾被法国、英国以及西班牙占领过。西元一九六九年,第一艘将人类送上月球的太空船阿波罗二号(Apollo II),于佛罗里达的卡纳维拉尔角(Cape Canaveral)发射。华特迪士尼世界(Walt Disney World)于一九七一年,在奥兰多附近开幕。