mps-Marketing Professional Services是国际盛行的专业营销服务。全称是营销专业服务。M.P.S.服务客户于:提供高质量的服务、获取和使用营销信息、在线营销、市场细分、市场选择及市场定位、了解作为个体的客户、专业服务定价、使服务容易获取、整合营销传播、客户保持与客户关系战略。
近年来,荷兰观赏植物生产环保计划(mps)一直在为创立公平花卉(Fair Flower & Plants,简称FFP)认证系统而与国际花卉批发商协会(Union Fleurs)、零售商组织以及相关的商会组织进行合作。最近,荷兰园艺产品委员会(Dutch Product Board f or Horticulture)宣布,将对创立公平花卉认证系统的工作给予大量的经济资助。同时,欧盟委员会也将于11月决定是否在欧洲各国对这项工作给予资助。这样,公平花卉的创立工作就进入了一个新的阶段。
凡是获得了公平花卉标签的产品,也就保证了这种产品在生产过程中,不但充分保障了雇员的合法权益,也最大限度地保护了环境。获得这个标签的最基本条件是荷兰观赏植物环保计划的A级(mps-A )标准和满足该计划的社会条款(mps-GAP)或是与之相对应的标准。不久之后,公平花卉将在瑞典、德国、奥地利和英国推行。荷兰观赏植物环保计划也将很快为此提供相应服务。
mps的另外一个含义:mps MultiProcessins System.即多处理器系统。SMP是构成mps的一种技术.
主生产计划(Master Production Schedule, 简称mps)
mps的再一个含义:物质产品平衡表体系(System of Material Product Balances)。从20世纪20年代中期开始,在社会化大生产要求下,前苏联为适应计划经济管理的需要,开始编制国民经济平衡表,30年代初形成了体系,50年代末基本定型,并逐步推广到原经互会国家。
边际储蓄倾向 mps ( marginal propensity to save)
mps=Δs/Δy= ds/dy
mps =S/Y= 26-20/120-100= 0.3
mps(曼普思)早早孕处理技术是微创(Minimally invasive)、无痛(Painless)、私密(Private)、安全(Security)、便捷(Speedy)的英文缩写,是由中国老教授协会千名妇科专家一致推荐的解决意外怀孕手术标准。此技术的成功应用,成为早早孕处理技术的安全标准。检查先进,准确快捷:mps(曼普思)运用血HCG(绒毛膜促性腺激素)检查,在受孕一周后即可查出,比普通的尿检更快,更准确。
mps 芯源系统有限公司
Monolithic Power Systems
主要产品:Audio ICLCD Driver ICPower Management ICPWM ICTFT LCD Panel
Monolithic Power Systems (mps) is a high performance analog semiconductor company headquartered in San Jose, California. Formed in 1997, the company has three core strengths; deep system-level and applications knowledge, strong analog design expertise, and an innovative proprietary process technology. These combined advantages enable mps to deliver highly integrated monolithic products that offer energy efficient, cost-effective solutions.
mps’ systems and applications expertise stems from a team of industry veterans who possess a combination of highly-technical electronics knowledge, sophisticated system and IC level design capabilities and extensive customer application experience. This allows the company to work closely with customers to identify new product opportunities, reduce time-to-market and effectively support its applications. In addition, mps has developed a portfolio of intellectual property and proprietary wafer fabrication processes that enhance its products and market share.
mps design teams hail from distinguished analog semiconductor companies and top universities with extensive experience per designer. The teams have brought many innovative product suites to market and helped increase the company’s annual revenue by an average of 41% between 2004 and 2007. These talented individuals, coupled with mps’ technology advantages, have created an emerging leader in the future of analog technology.
mps’ proprietary BCD Plus™ process technology is key to its competitive advantage. Many conventional analog technologies are handicapped by an inability to support the integration of power devices at high power levels. This results in unacceptably large semiconductors and/or significant levels of power loss. High power loss results in significant heat dissipation. This must be managed to avoid damaging or reducing the overall performance and efficiency of the system.
Other analog semiconductor vendors rely on multiple chip solutions to avoid these issues. In contrast, mps’ BCD Plus process technology resolves each of these issues. Implemented at standard CMOS foundries, this unique process integrates BiCMOS signal transistors with a highly efficient DMOS power transistor. This allows mps to design and deliver smaller, single-chip power management ICs that are highly efficient and accurate. In addition, mps’ single process technology simplifies the design process, and is applicable across a wide range of analog applications. The result is higher productivity and significant cost advantages for any mps customer.
mps’ product families include: DC/DC converter ICs that provide the supply voltage to a variety of electronic devices. LED driver ICs, used in lighting displays, such as those found in cellular handsets and handheld computing devices. Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (CCFL) backlight inverter ICs, used in lighting LCD displays, such as those found in notebook computers, flat panel displays and televisions Class D audio amplifier ICs, that are well-suited for small form factor and portable electronic devices Linear ICs including Operational and Current Sense Amplifiers Battery Chargers and Protection Devices Power over Ethernet (PoE) PD Solutions mps is a fabless semiconductor company, working with third party foundries. However, in contrast to many other fabless companies that use standard process technologies, mps works with its foundry partners to install its own proprietary process technology in their facilities for use solely by mps.
mps employs over 550 employees worldwide, located in the United States, Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan and across Europe.
马自达mps,又称马自达SPEED ,是马自达的运动型号相当于斯巴鲁SUBARU的STI型号。在欧洲称为mazda mps,在美国称为mazdaspeed. Mazda Performance Series 属于马自达高性能系列,缩写为mps.在极品飞车10(卡本峡谷)中出现过. |