b语言是贝尔实验室开发的一种通用的程序设计语言,它是于1969年前后由美国贝尔实验室的电脑科学家肯·汤普森(ken thompson)在丹尼斯·利奇(dennis ritchie)的支持下设计出来。后来,丹尼斯·利奇以b语言为基础开发出c语言——目前世界上最常用的程序语言之一。自从被c语言取代之后,b语言几乎已遭弃置。
下面是来自ken thompson的b语言用户手册的例子:
/* the following function will print a non-negative number, n, to
the base b, where 2<=b<=10,this routine uses the fact that
in the anscii character set, the digits 0 to 9 have sequential
code values.*/
printn(n,b) {
extrn putchar;
auto a;
if(a=n/b) /* assignment, not test for equality */
printn(a, b); /* recursive */
putchar(n%b + '0');
下面是来自Ken Thompson的b语言用户手册的例子:
/* The following function will print a non-negative number, n, to
the base b, where 2<=b<=10, This routine uses the fact that
in the ANSCII character set, the digits 0 to 9 have sequential
code values. */
printn(n,b) {
extrn putchar;
auto a;
if(a=n/b) /* assignment, not test for equality */
printn(a, b); /* recursive */
putchar(n%b + '0');