animal : Chinese herbal medicine : traditional Chinese medicine : medicine : movie song and music > black ant
Author: Hai Zhulouzhu
  一 穷途遇救入蛮荒
  二 森林之花
  三 椰树林中听狮吼 月明林下起蛮讴
  四 容易度良宵 转眼间杨柳岸 晓风残月
  五 凶犀过境
  六 奇景初呈
  七 口袋谷烈火炼群犀
  八 蟒窟中的香涎
  九 山寨惊变
  一○ 绝怜弱质无双女 旧约三生愿已虚
  一一 报亲仇忍痛嫁蛮王
  一二 智伏神巫
  一三 森林中的危机
  一四 刻骨相思谁与诉 连床赖有素心人
  一五 恐怖开场
  一六 森林鬼啸 狮声魅影
  一七 花影当窗人未起 枝头好鸟叫春晴
  一八 食人恶鬼
  一九 蛮女幺桃之谜
  二○ 森林中的女兵
  二一 杀人崖旁的奇景
  二三 古洞中的凶人
  二三 戮凶顽义释白衣女
  二四 地叱天鸣 欣逃烈火 泉甘土沃 又警凶蟖
  二五 树皮警报
  二六 问真情森林涉险
  二七 毒蚁围攻
  二八 悲欢离合总结全书
No. 2
  【Indications】 cure snake bites and boils poison throat.
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No. 3
  [Animal form] black ants ("Five mind")
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No. 4
  SUN promoted to section chief, but how she can not be happy.
  Xue into line to the North and the South, Su Yan Jie Feng, invite a go Yan Yuan, During the meeting, just like a couple of Xue Cheng and SUN appearance, but also announced that the wedding will be held in the Spring Festival, Su Yan know what to do, the mood is very complicated SUN midway leave.
  Morning forwarding long newsletter Linhe Interpol won in North and South ", the allotment Zhao Min photos attracted long question of the Municipal People's Congress of the Public Security Bureau, Jiang Juchang repeatedly guaranteed to solve the case in the period.
  Nanhe County Public Security Bureau, the phone has kindled everyone's hopes, they discovered the whereabouts of the wanted suspects Luring Zhao Min personally led his unit rushed to Nanhe, rushed the the Luring house and rushed to empty. Su Yan seriously identify Luring family photos, and finds that he is encountered in the savings bank.
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Containing Phrases
Black ant ShisheBlack ant Rehabilitate adhibitBlack ant Huoluoyou
Black ant Piecing Rehabilitate adhibit