idiom > Luanjiaofengchou
  Explanation: See "cross-Feng Luan Friends."
  Source: Qing Li Yu, "Shen-luan, but the media pay" in the house of unloading, they do pay Luan Feng Chou; quilt coverlet with less, they do swallow warbler habitat tour. "
No. 2
  See "Luan Feng You pay."
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No. 3
  Excellent analogy married people dating or Romantic. With "phoenix pay Luan Friends."
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No. 4
  成语 鸾交凤俦
  发音 luán jiāo fèng chóu
  解释 比喻优秀人物交友或才子佳人结为夫妻。同“鸾交凤友”。
  出处 清·李渔《慎鸾交·却媒》:“中宫位卸,便做鸾交凤俦;衾裯伴少,便做莺栖燕游。”
  示例 清·李渔《慎鸾交·却媒》:“中宫位卸,便做鸾交凤俦;衾裯伴少,便做莺栖燕游。”
  用法 作宾语;比喻情侣、夫妻