idiom > Role, and supper withhold
Pinyin: yōng sūn bù jǐ

Explanation: 一日三餐不能自给。形容穷苦。同饔飧不继”。

Source: 明·朱国帧《涌幢小品·天下策一》转大冶主簿,故苗地,长吏多不乐往,代行令事,多方抚恤,尽却例金,锱铢无所取,至饔飧不给,部民有雷粲者。”

Example: 衰国之民,~,裿褐不完。★清·谭嗣同《仁学》二四

No. 2
  Three meals a day can not be self-sufficient. Described as poor. Ming Zhu Guozhen, "Chung buildings Essay best in the world": "Zi Zhu nothing to take, to role, and supper is not given, the Department of People have fed those white charm, but the serious." Qing Ye Ting Guanxi "Ou Pei Yue words <Fan Shifu old friends chido> Postscripts ":" hire Apartments with City, do not cover wind and rain, role, and supper not to. "is also a" role, and Can not Leave. " Qing Tan, "Benevolence" 24: "bad country people, role, and Sun do not give, caftan brown finish."
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No. 3
  成语 饔飧不给
  发音 yōng sūn bù jǐ
  解释 一日三餐不能自给。形容穷苦。同“饔飧不继”。
  出处 明·朱国帧《涌幢小品·天下策一》:“转大冶主簿,故苗地,长吏多不乐往,代行令事,多方抚恤,尽却例金,锱铢无所取,至饔飧不给,部民有馈白粲者。”
  示例 衰国之民,~,裋褐不完。 ★清·谭嗣同《仁学》二四
  用法 作谓语、定语、宾语;用于生活
  成语名称 饔飧不给 汉语拼音 yōng sūn bù jǐ 成语释义 一日三餐不能自给。形容穷苦。同“饔飧不继”。 成语出处 明·朱国帧《涌幢小品·天下策一》:“转大冶主簿,故苗地,长吏多不乐往,代行令事,多方抚恤,尽却例金,锱铢无所取,至饔飧不给,部民有馈白粲者。” 使用例句 衰国之民,饔飧不给,裋褐不完。
Yongsun withhold