Beat with a whip. Also used as a metaphor. "History of Wei Ji Wuxiao North Emperor": "Japanese Yen also house to the back door before the horse did not panic, whipped into." Shen "bull": "This night, there are many cattle the total faint about mind ... ... some see as long as one and the owner left, the situation is a bit wrong, I am afraid the pain received more than a Zuma whipped up with. "s" Family "4:" word could not help her heart beat, she in bed crying. "
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English Expression
n.: lace into, shellacking, strap, strapping, tanning, thrash, thrashing, whip, whiplash, whipping, stick, oil of birch (=strapoil), chastise with scorpions, flog lash, blow given with or as with a whip, etc, whipping or beating, blow with a whip, stroke, with a whip, esp as a punishment, caning, flogging, hiding, jacketing, lacing, flagellation, lash, lashing, licking, milling