african-wild-dog - 非洲野狗
學名:lycaon pictus
種類: 哺乳動物
食譜: 肉食
平均壽命: 11 年
尺寸: 75-110 cm
體重: 18-36 kg
the african wild dog, also called cape hunting dog or painted dog, typically roams the open plains and sparse woodlands of sub-saharan africa.
these long-legged canines have only four toes per foot, unlike other dogs, which have five toes on their forefeet. the dog's latin name means "painted wolf," referring to the animal's irregular, mottled coat, which features patches of red, black, brown, white, and yellow fur. each animal has its own unique coat pattern, and all have big, rounded ears.
african wild dogs live in packs that are usually dominated by a monogamous breeding pair. the female has a litter of 2 to 20 pups, which are cared for by the entire pack. these dogs are very social, and packs have been known to share food and to assist weak or ill members. social interactions are common, and the dogs communicate by touch, actions, and vocalizations.
african wild dogs hunt in formidable, cooperative packs of 6 to 20 (or more) animals. larger packs were more common before the dogs became endangered. packs hunt antelopes and will also tackle much larger prey, such as wildebeests, particularly if their quarry is ill or injured. the dogs supplement their diet with rodents and birds. as human settlements expand, the dogs have sometimes developed a taste for livestock, though significant damage is rare. unfortunately, they are often hunted and killed by farmers who fear for their domestic animals.
african hunting dogs are endangered. they are faced with shrinking room to roam in their african home. they are also quite susceptible to diseases spread by domestic animals.
非洲野狗學名非洲獵狗因為讀音與鬣狗混淆,改叫野狗。非洲野狗毛色有橙、黑、白三種。曾廣泛地分佈於非洲全境。 因為花色斑斕俗稱三花犬.非洲野狗身上黑、白、黃、棕數色混雜的彩斑花紋非常美麗,引人註目,也令人生畏。在草原殺手排名中僅排在獅子和斑鬣狗之後位於第三。非洲野狗為了爭奪食物經常與斑鬣狗發生衝突,它們擅長兩三衹組成一個戰鬥小組,配合默契,斑鬣狗也是群體行動但是戰鬥中協作能力略遜一籌。
鴕鳥的速度是72.8千米/時,非洲野狗的速度是56千米/時。非洲野狗是一種野蠻、強悍的食肉動物,它們比獵豹還要兇猛,而且它們擅於依靠自己的群體力量,能圍剿追殺比自己大十倍的野牛。 |