idiom > Losing,
Playing with toys
  Explanation: Spear feather: feather destroy the ups and downs, compared failure or unsuccessful. A failed or unsuccessful and go.
  Source: Southern Song Bao Zhao, "assistant minister memorial prayer," Sha Yu violence scales, see an inverted jump. "
  Examples: Chop the tentacles ,"~", this group of another group and break out. (Mu "hand stretched Mo")
No. 2
  成 语 铩羽而归
  拼 音 shā yǔ ér guī
  解 释 铩羽:翅膀被摧毁,比喻失败或不得志而归。 铩:摧残,伤害。
  出 处 南朝宋·鲍照《拜侍郎上疏》:“铩羽暴鳞,复见翻跃。”
  示 例 这一批被斩了魔爪,“~”,另一批又破门出来。(秦牧《手莫伸》)
Pack will be damaged soldiers
Come up with/to Suopan, circumstances Have no choice but block, be imperative, all things tend in one direction, Online games it circumstances Have no choice but block, can't be held back