cord : mechanical engineering : waterpower : project programme > Parts
bù jiàn
  An integral part of the machine. By a number of parts assembled.
  There are two parts to explain, a mechanical part. One is the linguistic term.
  Parts (assembly unit) mechanical part, by a number composed of the parts fit together. In the mechanical assembly process, these parts are assembled into the first part (part assembly), then enter the general assembly. Some parts (called sub-components) before entering the general assembly has first and other parts and components assembled into larger components. Assembled by several sub-components, and larger parts with separate functions in the automotive and mechanical industries as some other assembly.
  Chinese compound characters stroke by more than one composition of the group can be independently written word units.
  Most of the characters is put together by a structure made of several groups of strokes, these strokes relatively independent structure called "parts." Parts is greater than the basic strokes (for example: point, horizontal, write, Na, etc.) and less than or equal to the radical structural units. Such as "test" the word has three parts: "Rui", "shell" and "Dao." Components do not necessarily have the pronunciation and meaning.
Translated by Google
GB13000.1 Chinese character set standard parts table
  1 2 1 3 4 Ha eight
  5 wood 6 Pin 8 7 ???? body surgery
  9 10 ⺜ onto the scene, said 11 Mao helmet at the end of 12
  Into the soil 15 13 14 16 Lv Shi
  Rui Ren 18 17 19 20 ⺝ blue end
  21 ⺼ Ban next 22  Sunburn first 23  Gen waist 24 Xiangxi
  25 Gold 26 Guoqi 27 ten 28 fields
  29 Dayin 30 Si 31 Si 32  wire angle
  Unitary 34 33 35 Fan 36 Fan Man
  Pui Pui 39 37 38 40 For additional seven
  41  next 42 dagger cut it at the end of 43  side than the next 44  of
  45  north side 46 and 47  48 Tou Jing Ji first angle
  49 is 50 only 51? 52 龰 foot extension of the heart
  53  Zou bottom end 54  Li 56 F 55 Rolling
  57  corner point 58 Mian Dian 60 Pie 59
  61 made 62 runs in 63 Mi 64 worms
  Fire 66 65 67 ⺆ Jiong bounding box with 68  Huan waist
  69 䒑 ahead 71 Si 72 70 Mountain King
  Bao Jade 74 75 73 76  Christine at the end of the heart
  Putting 77 small 78  80 79 Di Li
  81 Wo 82  Bird Bird head 84 head 83  clothing
  85 Yi 86  clothes at the end of 87 short-tailed bird Right 忄 88 
  Bamboo 89 Bamboo 90  Chuo Head 92 Head 91
  A few 95-inch 94 stone 93 96 imports
  97 cars 98 cars 99 Dao 100  class heart
  101  division next 103 next 102  Factory Pro 104 four
  Luo Si 105 head 107 head 106  afternoon wide White 108
  109 work 110 qe 111  Tau Tau 112 
  Min power 114 113 115  116 米
  Show 118 117 119 120 Woo
  121, C, and head towel 123 122 124 Diao knife
  125 had 126 has 127 has 128 
  129  change next to the 130  Yi Gu next 131  dead heart 132
  Zhao claw 134 135 133 136 sub 彡
  Relic 139 138 137 epileptic 140 larvae ear
  141 Bu 142 ⺊ * 143 sheep 144  total head
  145  146 Bing 147 ⺀ U.S. head end 148 Wu Dong
  Children 151 150 149 iuiu body bust of Quan 152 
  153  sub-body 154 155  156 Qian Niu
  Yu Xi 158 159 157 160  Ge can head
  161  162 rain 164 163 European allies get at the end of the twentieth
  165  166 Ya 167  168 left foot at the end of this
  Fu Xi 170 169 172 171 party food
  Shi Shi 174 173 176 175 unitary water
  177 Shui 178  rhino heart 179  Da Qing head end 180 
  181 182 Yin stripe of a tiger killed at the end of 184 hog 183 ????
  185  Tuan Chu pecking side end 187 186 end 188 River some two
  189  flow angle 190 angle 192 Kuai Zi Chuan 191
  193 next to 195 dry 194  Jian Xi contraband zone box 196
  Yu-law edge 198  197 books 199 ???? head body 200 Nie Tang Su heart
  201  end of the heart 203 202  yung body voltage 204 scribe ⺺
  205 West 206 Xi Ya 208 pounds to 207 head
  210 Burgundy 209 mortar that is next to the 212 Ji 211 
  213  recorded 215 head 214  Jie Shou-Feng 216  body
  217 218 see 219 see 220 Jie Gong
  221 E 222 Yue old man more side 223 Uu 224 D
  225 dog 226 227  Po Che succeed Wei bottom end 228 
  KOBE 231 229 230 232 leather the next
  233  mourning the end of 234  丨 235 236 Jue trip angle
  237 from the 239 long 240 long 238 You
  241 Chang cover bottom 242  do not mind that at the end of 244 boat 243 
  245  deer 246  section at the end of 247  reported 248 bad angle
  249 250 251  border erase heart 252  flat bones
  253 Gua 咼 Box 254  after 255 and 256  against his head
  257 Chen 258? Anti-Chen 259 Industry 260  humbly
  261 not 262 since the end of 263 264 non-
  Hair style box 265 267 266 ???? twenty Pakistan 268
  269 ​​ cold waist 270 and 271 spear 272 Fou
  One thousand 274 273 276 275 Fu's
  277  Qi Su 278  end to the head box 280 bundle 279 
  281? Zao in the first 282 284 283 Yin mother
  285 Wu Yi 286 287 288 no consistent first hand
  289  waist thanks to scribe next 290  291 Long 292? Long Right
  293 Bo Deng head 294 with head 296 B 295  Zhuang
  297 298  one end of World 299 300 skins
  301 303 black 302 watt 304  enthusiasm death
  305  Wei Security head 306  spring head 308 head 307  also
  309 in 312 balls in 310 not 311
  313 315 parent 314  was back on the fruit 316
  317 Shang (on) 318  step at the end of 319  left side of head 320, J Liu
  321 Mao 322  stay colorful interpretation of the first side 324 ghost 323
  325  school sub-frame 326 327 328 亜 Asia
  329 331 330 㐆 Yin side is 332? Free end
  333? And the bottom end 334  Methane 335 Jian 336  next pick
  337 Yu head even Division side 338  also end 339 nine 340 
  341  waist 342  change view angle 343 electrical power at the end of 344 
  345?亀 at the end of each 346 gas 347 Ji humble head end 348 
  349 万 350  with the body 351? Gou Ran ran Box 352
  353 Dan ran 354 356 Central 355  Zhi rat at the end of
  357 358  Fu Ji either side of head 359 head 360 Zanqi
  Zhao Lei 362 363 361 364 will first
  365 366  Gan Hui head 367  Hai Yu-back two frames 368
  369 Tun 370  Ge 372 heart 371  Lou giant head
  373 teeth 374 375 376  false melon angle
  I weight 378 379 377 380 Dover Yin
  381 Hill 382 while hanging Diao Ji give me 383 384 bottom five
  385  Qi at the end of 386  brow official end of 388 387 people
  389 ㇏ Na Ya 390 ???? dare angle 391 392 Rou
  393 Shen 394  worn next to the fight at the end of 396 at 395 
  397 398 under 400 angle Qi Xia 399  You pillow
  401 East 402 East 403  404  thy false heart
  405 Jue 406? Viola Township, 408 and 407 end
  409 410 ???? more deep right-center positions 412 to 411 
  A 414 413 415  Yue old man head 416
  417 418 419 420 ugly
  421 Xi heart halogen-free 423 back 422  seeking 424 down
  425 toad rope edge 426  d next 427  428 ???? Cao Cao head head
  429 feet 430? China, 432 bottom 431  head lice? Hasty heart
  Wei thirty 435  433 434 436  take the lead in the lead
  437 Shi 帯 head 438 head 440 almost 439  Dan Yao
  441 yen 443 442 ???? Yang side edge 444 㦮 Qian Qian stuffy side
  446 445 ???? Yu next? Aconitum 447? Additional constraints Aconitum 448
  449  Code razed 451  the first 450 candidates through the corner angle 452 
  453 Jie Fan 454 Bi 456 Bi 455 years? Agriculture head
  457 of 458 Well 459  460  Li Han-side corner
  Smoked 461 462 463 Jiu Yu received next to the 464
  465  string capsule head 466 467 468 skewer meat
  469 Wing 470? Jia head 471  printed next to the child heart 472 
  473  Chuang Pei market bottom 474 edge 476 edge 475  Shi? Wife head
  477  section next to the 478  next 479  Yi Yi Yu 480 next
  481  dogwood near the end of 482  Zhong 483 E 484 shaggy dog ​​food corner
  485 as 486 488 was 487  Jun bottom two
  489  Yang Cheng waist next 490  492 491  dump bucket next fight fan
  493  exclusion of 495 to 494 next? G 496  system next to the heart
  497? Hu heart 498 State 499? Tripod base 500  heart failure
  501? Mino heart music 503 502 504 ???? percent drag edge
  505 Yin side of the public at the end of 506 507 three 508 Ji Jie Guan Gou head
  509  night angle 510?検 511 ???? Wu angle head and waist 512 
  Blade 514 fly 515 fly 513 516 special
  517 518 hideaway 519  husband that next 520 years
  521 Turtle 522 Jiye bottom end 523 Fuji 524? Departure at the end of
  History 525 beggar 526 528 527 tuft of hair associated angle? Lead
  529 531 do 530 Shi? Xi Bao did not angle the end of 532
  534 533 Zelie concave bottom 535? The heart of battle next to the 536  Dou
  537 Yu dirty side of the heart 539 538  rejection? Cocoon Box 540  Pro Corner
  Officials swastika 542 543 541 544 Wan Ping
  545 x 546 ???? Cha edge 547 ???? slotting 548  Hudi
  549  Hu at the end of 552 550 Wu 551 NIE
  553 555 books 554  Lie angle convex 556? Head life
  557? Abandoned at the end of bearing 559 558 560  Den 㐁 Bi side heart
Translated by Google
  assembly unit
English Expression
  1. :  subassembly,  trimmings
  2. n.:  block,  assembly,  components,  any one of a number of parts that can be fitted together to make a structure,  any of the parts of which sth is made,  piece,  part,  element,  construction parts,  unit,  hardware,  feature,  device
  3. adj.:  rotary
  4. pref.:  topo-
device, Device, appliance, covey Device, armamentarium, parcel, block
part, contingent, sector
balteum, banding, extent, zone, profile, ambit, cord, distribute, region, terrain, range, variety from which to choose, ambit, boundary, verge, point at which sth is ended, clear statement, limit or boundary, esp between types of work considered by trade unions to belong to workers in different trades, Half, volume, extent, extent, acreage, length, border, era, official ranking, end, circumscription, extent, duly, balustrade, fence, determinant, percentage, scale, allow, analogy, abstain, abnegate, scale, rising rung, classification, landform, geography, face, tract, maximality
accessary, part, accessories, accessary, appendix, accessory, adjoin, absorb, ingredient, minor piece of property, ingredient, momentum, ingredient, complication, Spare Parts, spare
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