To achieve a purpose or achieving a goal, a conscious effort especially
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No. 2
Many attempts to reach understanding
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No. 3
After discussion consensus
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No. 4
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No. 5
Disputes be resolved through the efforts
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No. 6
Reached a compromise agreement ending the dispute
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Achieved; be
Achieved; be. The result was that after more talks. Zhou Enlai, "complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons": "As a first step, countries summit should reach an agreement that countries possessing nuclear weapons and nuclear-weapon States soon may have an obligation not to use nuclear weapons."
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English Expression
n.: achievement, crown, bring about, arrive at, close
v.: manage, conclude, work out, reach, formally and finally, attain, reach (an agreement), accomplish, accomplish
vt.: procure
French Expression
v. parvenir, arriver à (un accord)
resolve, adjudicate, conclude, treaty, face to face, bent, consider and come to a conclusion, Duimou character, ascertain reach, contact, realize, accomplish one's object, accomplish, acquire, acquire, do triumph, model, Perform, execute, implementation, accomplish, execute, Zhenyu completeness, work, enlist, enlisting or being enlisted, Perform, cause, earn, impact, validity, procure, recruit, take, snatch, triumph, accomplish, arrive, bonanza, victory Dacheng Village