达到 【拼音】dá dào
【释义】到(多指抽象事物或程度):达得到/达不到 目的没有达到达到国际水平
【英文】1.to reach (a figure) 2.to achieve an objective 3.to get up to; to attain to; to gain; to arrive at; to come to
n.: culminate in, come at, come to, come up to, go to the extreme of, measure up to [with], notch up, arrive at, attainment, at the zenith of, success in reaching, arrival, achievement, come up with/to, accomplishment, run into, up to, be of an age, amount to
v.: the number of, go, the extent that, reach, achieve, attain, reach, total, accomplish, achieve, arrive, come, attain