Catch the wind firewood [Latin name] callicar pa nudiflora hook. Et arn. [Catch wind firewood efficacy introduction]: Catch the wind firewood ("Lingnan herbs recorded") Synonyms】 【Jiejiehong ("Nanning drugs Chi"), rice soup leaves, Asian Village where, Taipan dove meters ("Guangxi Medicine Plants List"). [Source] verbena leaves with twigs plants Luohuazizhu of. Plant morphology] Luohuazizhu shrub to small tree. Twigs childhood was shaped hull hair, bald old branches possessed lenticellate net. Leaves lanceolate or oblong, 12 to 22 cm wide and 3-8 cm, apex acuminate, base obtuse or rounded, margin serrate, dark green above, becomes black when dry, is grayish brown hairs below , lateral veins 14 to 18 pairs. Cymes grow 8 to 12 cm diameter, 7 to 9 branches; peduncle length from 6 to 9 cm; pedicel about 1 mm; bracts linear, caducous, sometimes showed lobular; calyx small, bald net, _truncate_d shape; corolla purple, 2.5 mm long, tubular, 4-lobed, bald net; stamens 4, highlighting, chamber diastema; ovary superior, room 4. Fruit spherical diameter of 1.5 to 2 mm, black when dry. Flowering throughout the year. Distribution south of the country. Pharmacological effects ① hemostatic effect Luohuazizhu whole plant (mainly leaf) decoction can shorten bleeding time in rabbits, but the clotting time was not affected rabbits and mice, rabbits injected Luohuazizhu After the extraction solution, the time to clot retraction, see shortened without affecting the quality and quantity of visible platelets, this also can not be shortened to extract the recalcification time of platelet-rich plasma, thus in case of lack of blood platelets, can not play the role of procoagulant , hemostatic principle Luohuazizhu may be due to capillary contraction due. Another report naked flowers can shorten the injection tube Callicarpa sheep blood clotting time, the dog intravenous or intramuscular injection can also shorten the bleeding and clotting time. ② on smooth muscle Luohuazizhu whole plant extracts from the intestine of mice stimulant, can make blood vessels perfused rabbit ear, which may be caused by bleeding on the role of the digestive tract and blood vessels by mechanical pressure. ③ antibacterial effect in the whole herb decoction Luohuazizhu vitro against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi better inhibitory effect on vice Escherichia coli, Shigella Freund also has some antibacterial effect, with flowers, Ye better, in addition to promoting leukocyte phagocytosis. Toxicology Luohuazizhu whole plant on mice and dogs acute toxicity test proved that no significant toxicity, does not cause hemolytic reaction, but the larger local irritation, intravenous injection can cause thrombosis. [Taste] ① "Nanning Drug Chi": Xin astringent. ② "Guangdong medicine" Ⅱ: bitter, flat. 【Indications - catch the wind firewood effect] bleeding, inflammation, stasis, and relieve pain. Zhifei out of the blood caused by leptospirosis, tuberculosis, lung abscess, lobar pneumonia caused by bleeding, ulcer disease and other gastrointestinal bleeding, thrombocytopenic purpura, hematuria, bleeding wounds, flu, burns, purulent skin ulcers, cervical erosion, bruises, rheumatism. ① "Lingnan herbs recorded": Leaves: fried Washed down injured, to blood and new students. In case of wind swelling, fry the leaves washed, whichever terrier and pig meat decoction can carminative swelling. ② "Nanning Drug Chi": bleeding, pain. Cure bruises, gunshot wounds. ③ "medicine plant in Guangxi List": rheumatism. [Usage and dosage] Oral: decoction, 0.5 to 1 two; or made from extract. Topical: fried washing, dressing or powder transfer deposited pound, Clinical application ① bleeding has been observed on nearly 200 cases of lung Luohuazizhu preparations hemorrhagic leptospirosis, tuberculosis, lung abscess, lobar pneumonia caused by bleeding, ulcers caused by gastrointestinal disease bleeding, thrombocytopenic purpura, hematuria, etc. are some of hemostasis. Can replace agrimonine as a regular medication. For bleeding cases, supplemented by other hemostatic agents. Usage: for hemoptysis and hematuria 2% Callicarpa intramuscular injection every 4 to 8 ml, 2 to 3 times a day. For upper gastrointestinal bleeding, with 50% Luohuazizhu from oral or tube feeding solution; or aluminum with a rubber compound Luohuazizhu (1:1 Luohuazizhu liquid 100 ml, 100 ml aluminum hydroxide gel Baiji scattered four grams, belladonna extract 0.15 g), each 15 to 20 ml, for 3 to 4 times a day. In addition, with a 2:1 Luohuazizhu decoction soaked gauze, oppression incision surgery for bleeding wounds, according to preliminary observation of 301 cases, mostly in the 1 to 3 minutes to stop bleeding. In Luohuazizhu tooth powder instead of the lap record for hemostasis, it was observed that 500 cases of 800 teeth, the effective rate of 99%, generally medication 2 to 3 minutes to stop the bleeding. ② treatment of burns to Luohuazizhu decoction 1:1 burn wound treatment, prevention and treatment of wound infection, reduce the incidence of sepsis, reduce leakage to prevent the loss of body fluids, as well as to promote rapid wound healing effect. It was observed that 104 cases of various degrees of burn patients, the cure rate was 97.12%. Average length of stay 19.15 days. Usage: A Spray Method: Luohuazizhu liquid sprayed directly on the wound, 2 to 3 times a day. Suitable for large area, special parts, pediatric burn or wound gauze sticking off easily and so on. Two small gauze sticking method: 3 × 2 centimeter (children 1 × 1 centimeter) single sterile gauze small pieces, soaked with liquid after Luohuazizhu sticking to the wound required between each piece of gauze left 0.5 gap of 1.0 cm to facilitate drainage. The first few days of treatment, on day 1 or 2 times spraying gauze, to maintain a certain humidity, and the wound to be snapping, during which no accumulation of pus, they can stop the medication. Gauze gap if exudate, need time to clean up, if empyema under gauze, gauze should be replaced, remove the pus. After wound healing, gauze off on their own, not artificial avulsion. Suitable for medium and small burn. Three wet coating method and the Law: The Luohuazizhu liquid directly applied on the wound, 1 or 2 times a day. Applied to small wounds. As for the small area of wound infection, and sometimes medication can be wet cotton pad soaked in liquid handling, replacement of 1 to 2 times daily until the infection and then switch to reduce the coating method. In addition, for deep Ⅱ or Ⅲ degree burn wounds based, in addition to topical medication can be taken orally 50% Luohuazizhu decoction or intramuscular injection Luohuazizhu, 3 to 4 times a day; if necessary blood transfusion, infusion, or application of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Application Luohuazizhu liquid disadvantage is: after wound treatment, short-term pain; wounds dyed purple, the depth of the wound changes, early difficult to identify. In addition, after extensive use, the urine will be presented lavender, but according to animal experiments proved harmless to the body. ③ treatment of suppurative skin ulcers with Luohuazizhu 3:1 decoction made from the dried leaves topical. Premedication first clean the wound, and then take a single layer of gauze soaked in liquid, cover the wound. Wounds were too small to be used directly Luohuazizhu liquid coating. Exposure or exposure therapy using a half. Treatment of 232 cases (including 32 cases of chronic skin ulcers), 228 cases were cured, improved in four cases. The average number of days to 9.87 days to cure. According to clinical observations, Luohuazizhu significant bactericidal anti-inflammatory effect. Usually in 2 to 3 days after treatment wound purulent discharge disappeared, inflammation and edema subsides, the pale granulation tissue into fresh. Wound exudate culture negative for 3 to 5 days. Since Luohuazizhu contains tannin, so the wound can form a layer membrane after treatment, there is so wound dry, keep the granulation tissue and promote ulcer healing. ④ treatment of cervical erosion made by Luohuazizhu suppository into the vagina at sticking to erosion. 1 day, 7 to 10 days for treatment. Before the first drug to 1:5000 potassium permanganate solution, rinse the vagina with sterile gauze wipe. Excessive secretions, which can extract tablets oral Luohuazizhu 1.25 g, 3 times a day. Total treatment of simple, follicular, papillary cervical erosion in 26 cases, 15 cases were cured, improved in 9 cases, 2 cases. Healer average length of stay of 12 days. ⑤ treatment of influenza with 0.25 g Luohuazizhu extract tablets orally, every 1.25 g, 3 times a day. 26 patients were cured, the average length of stay of 8 days. Temperature dropped to normal time average of 3.5 days; headache, dizziness, cough were 2 to 3 days to disappear. ⑥ treatment of acute infectious hepatitis orally 50% Luohuazizhu decoction 40 ml, or extract tablets 1.25 to 2 g, three times daily average. While using general therapy, including oral yeast tablets and vitamin c. Severe jaundice or alanine aminotransferase were high, individual plus prednisone with hypertonic glucose intravenously and orally. Jaundice were treated with and without jaundice, acute infectious hepatitis 124 cases, the cure rate of 34.7%. Cure those symptoms, signs and liver function has returned to normal are the average hospital stay 42.4 days. Think Luohuazizhu can promote the metabolism of bile pigments and proteins, alanine aminotransferase levels decreased rapidly. ⑦ infection prevention after surgery with a 300% Luohuazizhu intramuscular injection every 2 to 4 ml, 3 to 4 times a day; or Luohuazizhu extract tablets, each 1.25 g, 2 times a day. Try on hundreds of cases of surgical and obstetric surgery, had the effect of preventing postoperative infection. ⑧ used to disinfect Luohuazizhu 1:1 decoction made for injection or oral surgery before local skin, mucous membrane disinfection, and surgical foam hand, had better results. It has been observed: an injection for a variety of skin disinfection 11,844 passengers, no cases of pyogenic infection; two oral mucosa surgical sterilization 1540 cases, except one case of postoperative infection apical abscess, the rest are healing well; three for foam hand surgery, 200 cases were doing all kinds of surgery, except one case of intestinal anastomosis cut stitches wound dehiscence at the time, but healed. Think basically can replace iodine, alcohol, benzalkonium bromide use. In addition, Luohuazizhu preparation has been widely used in a variety of infectious diseases, as respiratory infections, acute purulent inflammation flat pick body, lobar pneumonia, lung abscess, bronchitis, colitis, biliary tract infections, urinary tract infections, lymph nodes inflammation, sty, alveolar abscess, have a certain effect. But too few cases, continue to be observed. Luohuazizhu preparations in clinical application process, the number of cases of allergic reactions have occurred, are in patients with a history of allergy, it should be noted when used.
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No. 2
Catch the wind firewood ("Lingnan herbs recorded") Synonyms】 【Jiejiehong ("Nanning drugs Chi"), rice soup leaves, Asian Village where, Taipan dove meters ("Guangxi Medicine Plants List"). [Source] verbena leaves with twigs plants Luohuazizhu of. Plant morphology] Luohuazizhu Shrub to small tree. Twigs childhood was shaped hull hair, bald old branches possessed lenticellate net. Leaves lanceolate or oblong, 12 to 22 cm wide and 3-8 cm, apex acuminate, base obtuse or rounded, margin serrate, dark green above, becomes black when dry, is grayish brown hairs below , lateral veins 14 to 18 pairs. Cymes grow 8 to 12 cm diameter, 7 to 9 branches; peduncle length from 6 to 9 cm; pedicel about 1 mm; bracts linear, caducous, sometimes showed lobular; calyx small, bald net, _truncate_d shape; corolla purple, 2.5 mm long, tubular, 4-lobed, bald net; stamens 4, highlighting, chamber diastema; ovary superior, room 4. Fruit spherical diameter of 1.5 to 2 mm, black when dry. Flowering throughout the year. Distribution south of the country. Pharmacological effects ① hemostatic effect Luohuazizhu whole plant (mainly leaf) decoction rabbits can shorten bleeding time, clotting time but had no impact on rabbits and mice, rabbits after injection Luohuazizhu extract clot retraction shortening the time to see the visible does not affect the quality and quantity of platelets, this also can not be shortened to extract the platelet plasma recalcification time, so in case of lack of blood platelets, can not play the role of promoting coagulation, hemostasis Luohuazizhu Principles may be due to capillary contraction due. Another report naked flowers can shorten the injection tube Callicarpa sheep blood clotting time, the dog intravenous or intramuscular injection can also shorten the bleeding and clotting time. ② effect on smooth muscle Luohuazizhu whole plant extracts from the intestine of mice stimulant, can make blood vessels perfused rabbit ear, its effects on the digestive tract bleeding may be caused by mechanical pressure and vasoconstriction. ③ antibacterial effect The whole herb decoction Luohuazizhu tubes on Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi has good antibacterial effect on E. coli deputy, Freund Shigella have a certain inhibitory effect, with flower, leaf effect is more Well, in addition to promoting leukocyte phagocytosis. Toxicology Luohuazizhu whole plant on mice and dogs acute toxicity test proved that no significant toxicity, does not cause hemolytic reaction, but the larger local irritation, intravenous injection can cause thrombosis. [Taste] ① "Nanning drug records": "Xin astringent." ② "Guangdong medicine" Ⅱ: "bitter, flat." 【Indications】 bleeding, inflammation, stasis, and relieve pain. Zhifei out of the blood caused by leptospirosis, tuberculosis, lung abscess, lobar pneumonia caused by bleeding, ulcer disease and other gastrointestinal bleeding, thrombocytopenic purpura, hematuria, bleeding wounds, flu, burns, purulent skin ulcers, cervical erosion, bruises, rheumatism. ① "Lingnan herbs recorded": "Ye: fried Washed down injured, to blood and new students in case of wind swelling, fry the leaves washed, whichever terrier and pig meat decoction can carminative swelling.." ② "Nanning drug records": "bleeding, pain cure bruises, gunshot wounds.." ③ "medicine plant in Guangxi List": "rheumatism." [Usage and dosage] Oral: decoction, 0.5 to 1 two; or made from extract. Topical: fried washing, dressing or powder transfer deposited pound, Clinical application ① bleeding It was observed that nearly 200 cases of lung Luohuazizhu preparation of the blood caused by leptospirosis, tuberculosis, lung abscess, lobar pneumonia caused by bleeding, ulcer disease and other gastrointestinal bleeding, thrombocytopenic purpura , urine, etc. are some of hemostasis. Can replace agrimonine as a regular medication. For bleeding cases, supplemented by other hemostatic agents. Usage: for hemoptysis and hematuria 2% Callicarpa intramuscular injection every 4 to 8 ml, 2 to 3 times a day. For upper gastrointestinal bleeding, with 50% Luohuazizhu from oral or tube feeding solution; or aluminum with a rubber compound Luohuazizhu (1:1 Luohuazizhu liquid 100 ml, 100 ml aluminum hydroxide gel Baiji scattered four grams, belladonna extract 0.15 g), each 15 to 20 ml, for 3 to 4 times a day. In addition, with a 2:1 Luohuazizhu decoction soaked gauze, oppression incision surgery for bleeding wounds, according to preliminary observation of 301 cases, mostly in the 1 to 3 minutes to stop bleeding. In Luohuazizhu tooth powder instead of the lap record for hemostasis, it was observed that 500 cases of 800 teeth, the effective rate of 99%, generally medication 2 to 3 minutes to stop the bleeding. ② treatment of burns 1:1 Luohuazizhu decoction treatment of burn wounds, prevention and treatment of wound infection, reduce the incidence of sepsis, reduce leakage to prevent the loss of body fluids, as well as to promote rapid wound healing effect. It was observed that 104 cases of various degrees of burn patients, the cure rate was 97.12%. Average length of stay 19.15 days. Usage: (i) Spray Method: Luohuazizhu liquid sprayed directly on the wound, 2 to 3 times a day. Suitable for large area, special parts, pediatric burn or wound gauze sticking off easily and so on. (Ii) small gauze sticking method: 3 × 2 centimeter (children 1 × 1 centimeter) single sterile gauze small pieces, with the liquid soaked Luohuazizhu sticking to the wound, every piece of gauze between the need to leave 0.5 gap of 1.0 cm to facilitate drainage. The first few days of treatment, on day 1 or 2 times spraying gauze, to maintain a certain humidity, and the wound to be snapping, during which no accumulation of pus, they can stop the medication. Gauze gap if exudate, need time to clean up, if empyema under gauze, gauze should be replaced, remove the pus. After wound healing, gauze off on their own, not artificial avulsion. Suitable for medium and small burn. (Iii) coating method and wet method: the Luohuazizhu liquid directly applied on the wound, 1 or 2 times a day. Applied to small wounds. As for the small area of wound infection, and sometimes medication can be wet cotton pad soaked in liquid handling, replacement of 1 to 2 times daily until the infection and then switch to reduce the coating method. In addition, for deep Ⅱ or Ⅲ degree burn wounds based, in addition to topical medication can be taken orally 50% Luohuazizhu decoction or intramuscular injection Luohuazizhu, 3 to 4 times a day; if necessary blood transfusion, infusion, or application of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Application Luohuazizhu liquid disadvantage is: after wound treatment, short-term pain; wounds dyed purple, the depth of the wound changes, early difficult to identify. In addition, after extensive use, the urine will be presented lavender, but according to animal experiments proved harmless to the body. ③ treatment of suppurative skin ulcers With Luohuazizhu 3:1 decoction made from the dried leaves topical. Premedication first clean the wound, and then take a single layer of gauze soaked in liquid, cover the wound. Wounds were too small to be used directly Luohuazizhu liquid coating. Exposure or exposure therapy using a half. Treatment of 232 cases (including 32 cases of chronic skin ulcers), 228 cases were cured, improved in four cases. The average number of days to 9.87 days to cure. According to clinical observations, Luohuazizhu significant bactericidal anti-inflammatory effect. Usually in 2 to 3 days after treatment wound purulent discharge disappeared, inflammation and edema subsides, the pale granulation tissue into fresh. Wound exudate culture negative for 3 to 5 days. Since Luohuazizhu contains tannin, so the wound can form a layer membrane after treatment, there is so wound dry, keep the granulation tissue and promote ulcer healing. ④ treatment of cervical erosion Made with Luohuazizhu suppository into the vagina at sticking to erosion. 1 day, 7 to 10 days for treatment. Before the first drug to 1:5000 potassium permanganate solution, rinse the vagina with sterile gauze wipe. Excessive secretions, which can extract tablets oral Luohuazizhu 1.25 g, 3 times a day. Total treatment of simple, follicular, papillary cervical erosion in 26 cases, 15 cases were cured, improved in 9 cases, 2 cases. Healer average length of stay of 12 days. ⑤ treatment of influenza To 0.25 g Luohuazizhu extract tablets orally, every 1.25 g, 3 times a day. 26 patients were cured, the average length of stay of 8 days. Temperature dropped to normal time average of 3.5 days; headache, dizziness, cough were 2 to 3 days to disappear. ⑥ treatment of acute infectious hepatitis Oral 50% Luohuazizhu decoction 40 ml, or extract tablets 1.25 to 2 g, three times daily average. While using general therapies, including yeast tablets with vitamin C orally. Severe jaundice or alanine aminotransferase were high, individual plus prednisone with hypertonic glucose intravenously and orally. Jaundice were treated with and without jaundice, acute infectious hepatitis 124 cases, the cure rate of 34.7%. Cure those symptoms, signs and liver function has returned to normal are the average hospital stay 42.4 days. Think Luohuazizhu can promote the metabolism of bile pigments and proteins, alanine aminotransferase levels decreased rapidly. ⑦ surgical infection prevention With 300% Luohuazizhu intramuscular injection every 2 to 4 ml, 3 to 4 times a day; or Luohuazizhu extract tablets, each 1.25 g, 2 times a day. Try on hundreds of cases of surgical and obstetric surgery, had the effect of preventing postoperative infection. ⑧ used for disinfection Luohuazizhu 1:1 decoction made for injection or oral surgery before local skin, mucous membrane disinfection, and surgical foam hand, had better results. It was observed that: (i) for a variety of injectable skin disinfection 11,844 passengers, no cases of pyogenic infection; (ii) the oral mucosa surgical sterilization 1540 cases, except one case of postoperative infection apical abscess, the rest are healing well; (iii) for foam hand surgery, 200 cases were doing all kinds of surgery, except one case of intestinal anastomosis cut stitches wound dehiscence at the time, but healed. Think basically can replace iodine, alcohol, benzalkonium bromide use. In addition, Luohuazizhu preparation has been widely used in a variety of infectious diseases, as respiratory infections, acute purulent inflammation flat pick body, lobar pneumonia, lung abscess, bronchitis, colitis, biliary tract infections, urinary tract infections, lymph nodes inflammation, sty, alveolar abscess, have a certain effect. But too few cases, continue to be observed. Luohuazizhu preparations in clinical application process, the number of cases of allergic reactions have occurred, are in patients with a history of allergy, it should be noted when used.