Buddhist glossary > tarnest
English Expression
  1. adj.:  nice,  solemn,  serious and thoughtful,  sincere,  in earnest,  thorough,  studious,  staid,  religious,  tarnest,  intense,  diligent,  demure,  businesslike,  serious,  earnest,  conscientious
accommodating, phlegm, affable, cultured, gentle, Normal, Press proper, serious, ceremonial, benign, cautious, mild, light, gentle, serious, Adapt Gentlewoman Identity of, decent, gentlewomanlike, For Center age coiffure, matronly, normal, green, officially recognized, clampdown, stated, deliberate, steady, sacred, accessible, knowledgeable, genteel
beneficent, benefic, benevolent, liberal, white, Maintain Perfect People the life of Riley, bounteous, humanism, commiserative, kind-hearted, sincere, deluxe, fleshly, intrinsic, unaffected
Containing Phrases
easybe serious in one's intentionsTarnest Snow
a careful examination of the factsscrupuloussententious
for funintense studyowlishly
tarnest arsemore than is desirable tarnesttarnest aspect
conscientious blindfoldreligionThe Importance of Being Earnest
an easygoing personTarnest Snow JackyTarnest Plain (the) most comeliness
Tarnest american Consider dispose garbageTarnest SnowTarnest snow Aiguojiuwang son
Dangni In the open street Tin Tarnest SnowTarnest snow Aiguojiuwang son