idiom > Rencha complete a sweep
Ren 扱 include
  Explanation: All captured or eliminated analogy.
  Source: Qing Zhen "latent power of two books": "There is more Qundao, ren Qi cover can be time to take also."
No. 2
  Analogy all captured or eliminated. Qing Tang Zhen, "book two latent power": "There is more Qun Dao, Qi cover of junction may be time to take also."
Translated by Google
No. 3
  发 音 rèn xī náng kuò
  释 义 比喻全部擒获或肃清。
  出 处 清·唐甄《潜书·两权》:“天下多群盗,衽扱囊括,可次取也。”
  用 法 作谓语、定语;用于比喻句