Position in the biology of bacteria and protozoa ranged between. It is similar with the bacteria is: has the similar bacterial cell wall, lipopolysaccharide, and muramic acid containing, split two ways to reproduce, amorphous core (type cells are prokaryotic), sensitivity to antibiotics; and the similarity of parasite Department are: soft body, between the cell wall and membrane elastic around the axoneme, with its lively movement to flexion and contraction, bile or bile salts dissolve easily. In the taxonomy of bacteria as closer to the vest in the scope of the bacteria. Burgdorferi is widely distributed in nature and animals, divided into 5 genera: Borrelia body is (borrelia), also known as Borrelia genus Treponema genus (treponema), Leptospira (leptospira), spinal spirochete genus (cristispira) , spiral case (spirochaeta). In the first three are caused by people suffering from relapsing fever, syphilis, leptospirosis bacteria, the latter two are not pathogenic. Borrelia genus (borrelia) 5 ~ 10 sparse and irregular spiral, in which the human disease have relapsing fever spirochetes and Fen Sen spirochetes, relapsing fever caused by the former, the latter often associated with prism symbiotic bacteria, a common cause angina, ulcerative stomatitis. Genus Treponema (treponema) 8 ~ 14 more delicate and rules of the spiral, the main human pathogenic spirochetes of syphilis, spirochete of yaws, pinta spirochetes, the last two also spread through contact, but not sexually transmitted diseases. Leptospira (leptospira) Larger number of spiral, spiral more dense than the more delicate and Treponema rules, cell one or both ends bent hook, the part is in people and animals can cause leptospirosis.
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Spirochete spirochaeta A class of slender, soft, curved spiral organisms. Most bacteria than the large, lively movement, in the biology of bacteria and protozoa between position between. With all of the basic structure of bacteria, the lipopolysaccharide cell wall and wall acid, amorphous cores, binary fission reproduction. And protozoa similarities, no flagella outside the cell, but between the cell wall and membrane, with the axoneme axoneme buckling and contraction to have freedom and lively movement. Spirochetes in nature and animals is widespread, many different types. According to spiral the number, size and extent of the rules, and the distance between the two helical spiral can be divided into five genera. Pathogenesis of people are: ① Borrelia genus; ② Treponema genus; ③ Leptospira.