idiom > to be adequate for and happy with a job
  Explanation: Competence: capacity sufficient to serve. That have the ability to play a particular task or job and well done.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate, object; containing derogatory
  Source: Qian Han, "Historical Records ruthless official biography": "When is the time, official Yan Yang boiling if the rescue, non-military health harsh, evil can win their office and pleasant peace?"
  Examples: Ming shook knight sat dumb, but it still can - although some people met, feel that this is funny. (Lu Xun's "quasi-brothels on red")
Have the ability to successfully undertake and complete the task with pleasure
  Have the ability to successfully undertake and complete the task with pleasure. "Oppressive officials Preface": "When is the time, official if the fire Yang boiling, non-military health harsh, evil, happy to win the office almost!" Qingxu Fang "and Yang Mingyuan book": "Cheng-life care on behalf of brother brother books ... ... fear not competently. "Lao She," Four Generations Living Together "on March 7:" Looking at it he felt competent at the Exhibition of statecraft can be. "
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No. 3
  词 目 胜任愉快
  发 音 shèng rèn yú kuài
  释 义 胜任:能力足以担任。指有能力担当某项任务或工作,而且能很好地完成。
  出 处 西汉·司马迁《史记·酷吏列传》:“当是之时,吏治若救火扬沸,非武健严酷,恶能胜其任而愉快乎?”
  示 例 骑士坐在上面喑呜叱咤,却还很能~,虽然有些人见了,难免觉得滑稽。(鲁迅《准风月谈·冲》)
English Expression
  1. v.:   be adequate for and happy with a job
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak., force incapacity, unable to take effective action, one's intentions and wishes are good but laziness, love of pleasure, etc prevent one from acting according to them, cannot say bo to a goose, Have one's hands tied And feet, Have one's hands tied Beam foot, helplessness
Containing Phrases
a brisk and efficient manner