landscape plant : Chinese herbal medicine : angiosperms > meconium
No. 1
  The opium poppy. Biennial herb, flower pink red ﹑ ﹑ white, for ornamental, fruit spherical, can be used as medicine.
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yīng sù
  A kind of upright is a herbaceous annual opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), whole plant has powdery mildew, leaf heart-shaped, serrated edge of a rolling, flower large, white, red, pink or purple, sometimes double petals, growth in the long hard peduncles have cultivated since ancient times, when immature fruit juice emulsion whichever opioid system. As the source of opium, the seed oil, edible flowers for the viewing
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No. 3
  Biennial herb. Leaves oblong. Summer flowers, petals 4, red, purple or white. Pierced the skin of immature fruit when, out of milky white liquid, can be prepared opium, with morphine and other alkaloids have analgesic, antitussive and antidiarrheal effect, but common to addiction. Shell is also used as medicine. Flowers for the viewing.
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No. 4
  Poppy: a poppy. Biennial herbs, flowers red, pink, white, for ornamental, fruit spherical, can be used as medicine. Song Su Che "kind of medicine Tony," Poems cited: "or teaching to the kind of poppy, Cassia, to complement its deficient." Ming Gu Yuan from "visiting and Tibetan flowers": "large and color less poppy, corn poppy flower small color prosperity. "
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  Poppy (yīng sù)
  Latin: papaver somniferum l
  Alias: vase son millet, A hibiscus, Royal meters, like grain, rice bag, bag child, Ying Su
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Families and genera
  Family: Papaveraceae are: opium poppy is
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罂粟 性状
  Biennial herb. Leaves smooth, long oval-shaped, with short and jagged crack, alternate.
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Pharmacopoeia records
  "Materia Medica" made him very successful lush, March and April pumping stem, knot green bud, bloom the bud off, as big as a god lamp, vase in flowers to be wrapped in the core. Flowers large and bright, with red, pink, red violet, pure purple, pure white, a color but a few. Xie three days that the flowers, stems and vase in the head, on the cover under the pedicle, hearted, such as wine, opium, rice in fine. Capsule, also known as rice flower, imperial rice flower. More ancient chant from poppy flower, also known as rice bag Zhaobi.
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Related poetry
  Such as Tang Guo poem: "Wen Hua Kongdao better than grass, strong economy ever get the people?" Song Yong Yang Wanli poppy poem: "Dongjun Yu Wei-free supply, controlled by the spring ten diet."
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Poppy legend:
  In ancient Egypt, the poppy was known as the "god of flowers." The ancient Greeks in order to express the praise of opium poppy, so that the Secretary of Agriculture in charge of the goddess holding a poppy valley. Ancient Greek mythology, the story also spread poppy, there is a unified management of the god of death called the devil promised Hypnos, the son of Mary holding poppy fruit Fez, guarding the sleeping father, so he was awakened.
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Poppy's origin:
  Originating in the mountainous eastern Mediterranean, Asia Minor, Egypt, Iran, Turkey and other places, in the 7th century by the Persian into China.
  Now with India and Turkey as two major origin; Asia, China, Thailand, Myanmar, the Golden Triangle border region as the main illicit cultivation.
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Poppy's appearance:
  Annual or biennial grass, plant height 60-100cm. Stems smooth, is a white powder. Leaves alternate, gray-green, sessile, amplexicaul, oblong. Flower buds often drooping, solitary, upright when open, large and beautiful flowers, sepals 2, green, early fall; petals 4, white, pink or purple. Fruit oblong or pot-shaped, about half a fist-sized, brown or light brown, smooth, with a vertical pattern. Most seeds, much like the seeds die, a small, kidney-shaped, flowering April to May, the fruit from June to August.
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Poppy medicinal value:
  Milk (ie, opium) containing a variety of alkaloids, morphine (morphine), codeine (codeine) and thebaine (thebaine), on the central nervous excitement, analgesic, antitussive and hypnotic effects. Papaverine (papaverine), it can Ting (narcotine), then broken by (narceine) so obviously on the smooth muscle spasm;
  Shell (ie poppy), slightly cold, sour taste, a small drug, with a low amount of morphine and other alkaloids. Another polysaccharide containing about 2.4% hydrolysis of lactose was 10%, 6% arabinose, xylose, 6%, 4% rhamnose, galacturonic acid (galacturonic acid) 60% ,4-0-methyl glucuronic acid ( 4-0-methylglucuronic acid) 4%, traces of fucose (fucose) ,2-0-methyl fucose (2-0-methylfucose) ,2-0-methyl xylose (2-0-methylxylose) and glucuronic acid (g-tucuronic acid), Sedum g sugar (sedoheptulose), d-Gan Lugeng ketose (d-mannoheptulose), d-glycerol-d-mannose octanone sugar (d-glycero-d-mannooctulose ), meso-inositol (mesoinositol), erythritol alcohol (erythritol). A convergence lung, intestinal astringent, analgesic effect. For chronic cough, Chronic Diarrhea, rectal prolapse, abdominal pain. This product is easy to addiction, should not be dressed in uniforms.
  Poppy medicine with traditional Chinese medicine, prescription, also known as "Yu-meter shell" or "vase shell." In the summer, "cut tobacco" after harvest, stalks and seed heads, dried Cuchao or Mizhi spare. 50% of seed oil, oil can be pressed. Poppy natured taste sour, poisonous, containing morphine, codeine, it can Ting, papaverine and 30 types of alkaloids, as pain, cough, diarrhea medicine, not only for lung deficiency chronic cough, chest muscle a variety of bone pain, diarrhea often more than Jiu Li; also for kidney caused by emission, Hua Jing embolism.
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Poppy hazards:
  Poppy is to extract the source of heroin, the major drug plants, long-term application is easy to addiction, chronic poisoning, serious harm, as people often say "opium addict." Severe breathing difficulties and also because of killed. It marijuana, coca and plant known as the three drugs. Therefore, strict control on opium poppy cultivation in China, in addition to medical research, the plant shall be prohibited.
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Harmful abuse of poppy way:
  Stem and leaves contain a small amount of alkaloids, dry and cut into mature tobacco smoking; whichever immature capsule separated milk, dry opium solidified into a long tube with attached Yan Daiguo suction, split capsules mature self-coagulation of milk in a Nutshell become the opium of the original body.
  Taboo will be more than rentier two, moving the gas bladder.
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  Poppy (yīng sù)
  Latin: Papaver somniferum L
  Alias: vase son millet, A hibiscus, Royal meters, like grain, rice bag, bag child, Ying Su Division is a Division: poppy is: Poppy property like biennial herb. Leaves smooth, long oval-shaped, with short and jagged crack, alternate. Pharmacopoeia records "Materia Medica" made him very successful lush, March and April pumping stem, knot green bud, bloom the bud off, as big as a god lamp, vase in flowers to be wrapped in the core. Flowers large and bright, with red, pink, red violet, pure purple, pure white, a color but a few. Xie three days that the flowers, stems and vase in the head, on the cover under the pedicle, hearted, such as wine, opium, rice in fine. Capsule, also known as rice flower, imperial rice flower. More ancient chant from poppy flower, also known as rice bag Zhaobi. Tang Guo-related poetry as poetry: "Wen Hua Kongdao better than grass, strong economy ever get the people?" Song Yong Yang Wanli poppy poem: "Dongjun Yu Wei-free supply, controlled by the spring ten diet." Poppy legend: In ancient Egypt, the poppy was known as the "god of flowers." The ancient Greeks in order to express the praise of opium poppy, so that the Secretary of Agriculture in charge of the goddess holding a poppy valley. Ancient Greek mythology, the story also spread poppy, there is a unified management of the god of death called the devil promised Hypnos, the son of Mary holding poppy fruit Fez, guarding the sleeping father, so he was awakened. Poppy Origin: native to the mountains of eastern Mediterranean, Asia Minor, Egypt, Iran, Turkey and other places, in the 7th century by the Persian into China.
  Shell (ie poppy), slightly cold, sour taste, a small drug, with a low amount of morphine and other alkaloids. Another polysaccharide containing about 2.4% hydrolysis of lactose was 10%, 6% arabinose, xylose, 6%, 4% rhamnose, galacturonic acid (Galacturonic acid) 60% ,4-0-methyl glucuronic acid ( 4-0-Methylglucuronic acid) 4%, traces of fucose (Fucose) ,2-0-methyl fucose (2-0-Methylfucose) ,2-0-methyl xylose (2-0-Methylxylose) and glucuronide (G-tucuronic acid), Sedum heptose (Sedoheptulose), D-Gan Lugeng ketose (D-Mannoheptulose), D-glyceryl-D-mannose octanone sugar (D-Glycero-D-Mannooctulose ), meso-inositol (Mesoinositol), erythritol alcohol (Erythritol). A convergence lung, intestinal astringent, analgesic effect. For chronic cough, Chronic Diarrhea, rectal prolapse, abdominal pain. This product is easy to addiction, should not be dressed in uniforms.
  Poppy medicine with traditional Chinese medicine, prescription, also known as "Yu-meter shell" or "vase shell." In the summer, "cut tobacco" after harvest, stalks and seed heads, dried Cuchao or Mizhi spare. 50% of seed oil, oil can be pressed. Poppy natured taste sour, poisonous, containing morphine, codeine, it can Ting, papaverine and 30 types of alkaloids, as pain, cough, diarrhea medicine, not only for lung deficiency chronic cough, chest muscle a variety of bone pain, diarrhea often more than Jiu Li; also for kidney caused by emission, Hua Jing embolism. Dangers of opium poppy: opium is the main drug of heroin, extract the source plant, long-term application is easy to addiction, chronic poisoning, serious harm, as people often say "opium addict." Severe breathing difficulties and also because of killed. It marijuana, coca and plant known as the three drugs. Therefore, strict control on opium poppy cultivation in China, in addition to medical research, the plant shall be prohibited. Harmful abuse of poppy way: stem and leaves contain a small amount of alkaloids, dry and cut into mature tobacco smoking; whichever immature capsule separated milk, dry opium solidified into a long tube with attached Yan Daiguo suction, split mature capsule self-coagulation of milk in the shell to become the opium of the original body.
  Taboo will be more than rentier two, moving the gas bladder.
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Harmful abuse of poppy way:
  Stem and leaves contain a small amount of alkaloids, dry and cut into mature tobacco smoking; whichever immature capsule separated milk, dry opium solidified into a long tube with attached Yan Daiguo suction, split capsules mature self-coagulation of milk in a Nutshell become the opium of the original body.
  Taboo will be more than rentier two, moving the gas bladder.
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No. 18
  ("This sketch by")
  [Synonym] vase son millet ("Herbal Supplements"), Royal meters, like Google, rice bag, bag child ('Kai Bao Materia Medica "), Su Ying (" Southern Yunnan Materia Medica ").
  [Source] of poppy plants opium poppy seeds.
  [Form] of poppy plants
  Country of Origin Southern Europe and Asia.
  The tender shoots of plants (poppy shoots), fruit milk (opium), shell (poppy husk) and also for medicinal purposes, the details of special section.
  Chemical Composition】 【seeds contain a small amount of papaverine, morphine, and traces of it can Ting, with a considerable number of germinating seeds that can Ting; According to another report also includes morphine, codeine and thebaine. Seeds still contain 11 - thirty oxygen acid.
  [Taste] ① "Kai Bao Materia Medica ':" sweet, flat, non-toxic. "
  ② "This sketch by": "cold."
  [Function] rule attending nausea, abdominal pain, Xie Li, rectal prolapse.
  ① "This sketch by the ':' main-line culture, the expulsion of evil heat, cure nausea chest phlegm stagnation."
  ② "outline": "rule Xie Li, moistening."
  ③ "Doctor Lin compile to": "In addition to stomach heat."
  Usage and Dosage】 Oral: decoction, 1 to 2 money; or into pills.
  [Taboo] "was equipped with Materia Medica ':" The more rentier two will be, moving air bladder. "
  [] ① cure nausea election party no less than food: white poppy meters two together, the end of the three major money ginseng, raw potato, five-inch long (fine-cut, Research). Three things to water one liter two together, Zhuqu Luhe, Yanhua into the ginger juice and a little, stir well, sub-two, excluding eat sooner or later, may also wish to do service dumplings. ("Southern Tang fresh medical side" Poppy porridge method)
  ② rule red white diarrhea: poppy (to Rang, pedicle of the net, Sunburn yellow), poppy seeds (fried to make micro-black). The same as the fine, refined honey for the pills, such as small beheaded large, each serving a ten to fifteen pills pills. Dysentery, licorice soup the next; white diarrhea, dry ginger next; diarrhea, rice drink. Children, Wanru corn large amount of clothes the size of addition and subtraction. ("Hundred election party.")
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  Papaver somniferum
  Poppy (Papaveraceae) poppy is a herbaceous annual or biennial. Song 'Kai Bao Materia Medica, "said vase sub-Su, also known as Royal meters, meters, sub-sac. Country of Origin Southern Europe and Asia Iran, Turkey and other places. Dried fruit in the leaking of milk, said after the opium. In the 7th century by the Persian (now Iran) into China. Chinese medicinal poppy cultivation by the state under the strict control of opium, just as narcotic drugs.
  100 to 150 cm height, whole plant glabrous, stems erect, with white powder. Leaves alternate, lower leaves with a short handle, upper leaves sessile. Leaves oblong or long oval, base amplexicaul, margin irregularly toothed or pinnately lobed thick. Summer flowering, flowers solitary Acremonium, with long stems, often drooping buds, sepals 2, early fall; petals 4, white, red or purple. Capsule oval or spherical, brown when mature, well split. Most seeds, small, kidney-shaped, brown. Like warm weather, cold, fear of floods, rich in humus sandy loam planting appropriate. Seed propagation, in southern China in early September to early October planting, 3 northern mid-to late planting when the soil thawed. Bunch row spacing 30 × 30 cm. Drill row spacing 20 cm. During the seedling 2 seedlings. Growing season dressing 2 or 3 times. And Sclerotinia diseases are damping-off. May and June when the fruit growing and not yet fully mature shallow cut with a knife, to be a little out of the milk solidified, scraped applied to the glass, collecting dried, Serve opium. A fruit can be taken 3 to 4 times. June-August harvest the mature fruit of milk has been removed, cut open, remove the seeds, respectively, and dried.
  Opium alkaloid content of about 20%, due to time and place of origin and cutting systems have different methods. The main components of morphine, and codeine, it can Ting, thebaine, papaverine, then broken by 20 kinds of alkaloids. Has analgesic, antitussive and antidiarrheal effect, but will often addictive. Seeds used as medicine for treating nausea, abdominal pain, Xie Li, prolapse embolism, and oil extraction for human consumption and for drawing oil. Shell medicine called "poppy" or "rice shell." To chronic cough, Chronic Diarrhea, abdominal pain and sickness.
  (Sun Hok)
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English Expression
  1. :  opium poppy
  2. n.:  meconium,  poppy,  flowers, milky juice and small black seeds
French Expression
  1. n.  pavot (Papaver); pavot somnifère (Papaver somniferum)
  2. n.  1. pavot (Papaver); 2. pavot somnifère (Papaver somniferum)
Related Phrases
fffinal fantasyXia village YangziPapaveraceae
vegetationpoerennial flowers and plants
Containing Phrases
PapaveraceaeyingsuziMeconium flowerPoppy CapsulePapaverales