malacostracan : Peracarida > Mysidacea
No. 1
  Mysis Head
  Malacostraca overall purpose of a mesh pouch shrimp. Shrimp-shaped body. Carapace developed, on the back of a significant neck ditch; 4 thoracic section does not end with the carapace healing. Abdominal 7, the end of the tail section intact (sharp, round or flat) or notched. There stalk compound eyes. Thoracic limb outer limbs strong, big belly limb morphology. Female thoracic limbs have grown inside the base of 2,3 or 7 pairs of complex egg board, composed sterile oocysts (sterile room). Last limbs and tail section constitutes tail fan oviparous. In addition to relict Mysis a life in freshwater, the other is for the seafood. Worldwide, some 120 are more than 800 kinds, China about 100 species. Continue to discover new species.
  Mysids many live in low-salt or brackish water. Mostly planktonic life, there are many kinds of habitats on the seabed, often seabed sediment. Most species habitat in shallow water, a few species of deep-sea production. Most species are omnivorous, mainly to filter water in organic debris for a living, there are carnivorous species. Mysis delicious, fresh or fermented shrimp paste can also be used for breeding fish and shrimp feed.
  Mysis heads of two sub-orders: pleated Mysis suborder, only two families; Mysis suborder of 4 families.
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English Expression
  1. lat.:  Mysidacea,  Mysida
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