Explanation: Soil: land. Shortage far remote areas. Usage: Joint type; as subject, object, attribute; containing derogatory Source: Zeng Gong of Song "Pirates of Syria": "backcountry, Okawa length of the valleys, from the house above, sun_set_ holding money, no report of the buy us." Examples: ~, There is such a gentleman reading, he was so tortured Miser keep the foot is feeling angry. (Qing Wu Jingzi "Scholars" Di Jiuhui)
qióng xiāng pì rǎng
Remote areas, unfamiliar corner
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No. 3
Barren desolation of the area or place; Tezhi artificially create barren or desolate place
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No. 4
A quiet village, were iron manufacturers who can manufacture into a backwater of the most ugly
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No. 5
Remoteness of the place; Tezhi remote villages in southern Africa Lot
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Shortage far remote areas
Shortage far remote areas. Zeng Gong of Song "Pirates of Syria": "remote villages, rivers length of the valleys, from the house above, sunset holding money, no notice of the buy up." "The Scholars" Di Jiuhui: "backwater, there is such a gentleman reading, Code Miser been so abused. "Mao Dun" Midnight "10:" They will make their light bulbs, thermos flasks, umbrellas, soap, rubber overshoes, traveled all of China's backwater! "is for" poor corner out-of-the-way place. " When Ming Li Mian "Beijing Fu": "poor corner out-of-the-way place, not a thing of the fail."
n.: backwater, hinterland, stick, back lands, theback of beyond, back country, an obscure village, jumping -off place, by-place, waste, platteland, remote,backward place
French Expression
n. lieu reculé, village perdu
n. lieu reculé / village perdu
strait, lofty or bottomless abysm, Moluqiongtu
Three Mountains the Five Famous Mountains in China, Arcadia, famous mountains and great rivers, Sheng Sichuan mountains, Mountain water wins, scenic spots and historical sites, God's own country, Taoyuan scenic spot, Fairyland, Blessed Cave, a land of milk and honey, Fish and rice to, Yumi township