idiom > Act like an absolute monarch
Act like an absolute monarch
  Explanation: Solitary, widowed: the ancient emperors claimed. Refers to himself as king. Also used to refer to leaders of arrogance in itself.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate; negative, suggesting an analogy arrogant, do whatever they want
  Source: "Vision and the Heritage of the" pre _set_: "the emperor said: 'we generation eight children act like an absolute monarch.'"
  Examples: Wang was born in troubled times like money, dominate the party, made king of fourteen states, ~, no small matter. (Ming Feng Meng "Ancient and Modern Novel" XXI)
chēng gū dào guǎ
  Means living in imperial position, jump to head of metaphor itself (the ancient monarch himself "alone" or "Gua Ren")
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That considered itself to the emperor
  That considered itself to the emperor. "Vision and Kingdoms" before the assembly: "Imperial Road: 'Zan eight-generation children act like an absolute monarch.'" "Han Ping before the words" Volume: "Add this to the world a letter to the king, the right to print 400 thousand soldiers, sitting alone corner house, act like an absolute monarch, the top executive Gui crown. "" Twenty years have witnessed the strange status quo, "the eighth one back:" open the magistrate court trial, he was still there, act like an absolute monarch. "
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No. 4
  称孤道寡 ( chēng gū dào guǎ )
  解 释 孤、寡:古代君王自称。指自封为王。也比喻狂妄地以首领自居。
  出 处 元·关汉卿《关大王独赴单刀会》三折:“俺哥哥称孤道寡世无双,我关某疋马单刀镇荆襄。”
  用 法 联合式;作谓语;含贬义,比喻狂妄自大,为所欲为
  示 例 象钱王生于乱世,独霸一方,做了一十四州之王,~,非同小可。(《古今小说》第二十一卷)
  近义词 独霸一方、独断专行、横行霸道
  反义词 低声下气、谦虚谨慎、克己奉公
  英 文 style oneself king <address oneself emperor>
unworthy successors, May you have no male heir!may you be the last of your line, Subsequence Plea, may you die without sons curse
Dutiful son Chi Sun, worthy progeny, Dutiful son Shun Sun