World heritage : education of geography : build configuration : urban architecture : structural engineering > town or city with a harbour, esp one where ships load and unload cargo and where customs officers are stationed
English Expression
  1. :  port city
  2. n.:  town or city with a harbour, esp one where ships load and unload cargo and where customs officers are stationed
seaport, embankment
Related Phrases
La République du BéninBond Export harborcity
industrial citySea-shore, river-shore, border-shore opening-up Cityold northeast industrial base
Homer epochcheck classical
Containing Phrases
Sri Lanka town or city with a harbour, esp one where ships load and unload cargo and where customs officers are stationedTown or city with a harbour, esp one where ships load and unload cargo and where customs officers are stationed growing dynamic research
Valparaíso town or city with a harbour, esp one where ships load and unload cargo and where customs officers are stationed History DistrictNorway Bel base Town or city with a harbour, esp one where ships load and unload cargo and where customs officers are stationed Bulvgen
liverpoolmyristic acid Coastal harbor City reach Special economic zone(sez) Development character Accommodation plan