cord : geology : Biology : finance and economics : Finance : securities : Polypropylene : metallurgy > compactness
No. 1
  ① material weight and 4 ℃, the weight of water with volume ratio, called the proportion of the substance. ② share one thing in the whole weight of our industry in the whole national economy ~ year to year.
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bǐ zhòng
  The density of a substance taken as standard with a substance (for example, its maximum density at 4 ° C when the temperature of water) density ratio (both weighing in air density are obtained)
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No. 3
  Share something in the overall weight of
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No. 4
  Industry's share in the national economy
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No. 5
  The weight of the object and its volume ratio. Some countries object to the provisions of the proportion of the weight and the same volume of pure water at 4 ℃, the ratio of the weight. For example, the proportion of gold is 19.3, the proportion of mercury is 13.55.
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No. 6
  Share one thing in the overall weight. Mao Zedong's "On the Ten Major Relationships" Three: "The first five-year plan period, the military and political costs in the state budget, 30 percent of total expenditures. The proportion too."
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No. 7
  比重 specific gravity
  也称相对密度,固体和液体的比重是该物质的密度与在标准大气压,3.98℃时纯H2O下的密度(999.972 kg/m3)的比值。气体的比重是指该气体的密度与标准状况下空气密度的比值。液体或固体的比重说明了它们在另一种流体中是下沉还是漂浮。比重是无量纲量,即比重是无单位的值,一般情形下随温度、压力而变。比重简写为s.g.
  补充:中国在有些书籍中,把单位体积内所含物质的重量也译成比重。它大体也能指示物体在水中的沉或浮,现在通称它为单位体积重量,可用符号ω表示。ω和s.g.有所不同。ω和密度ρ之间的关系为ω=ρg,式中g为该地的重力加速度。g 随地区和高度不同而变化,所以ω也随着变化。
  La Cumparsit出品
  specific gravity
English Expression
  1. :  mass of any substance in relation to an equal volume of water,  SP.g.r. specific gravity,  specifie weight,  specific weight,  specific density
  2. n.:  compactness,  density,  specific gravity,  proportion
French Expression
  1. n.  poids spécifique; proportion
Related Phrases
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Wikipedia Daquanphysicscompactness admeasurement