idiom > The moon loss
The moon loss
  Explanation: Full moon is missing. Analogy is the extreme development of things began to decline.
  Source: "Fan Ju Cai Ze Records biography," words said 'Japan is moving, month over the loss'. Sheng things are bad, heaven and earth constants. "
  Examples: How do you even do not know the saying a few words? Saying '~, the water overflows. 'And then said that' climb will fall heavy. '★ Qing Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions" back to the thirteenth
No. 2
  Full moon is missing. Compared the development of extreme things begin to decline. "Records Fan Ju Zeise Biography": "English said, 'Japan will shift over the month loss'. Things were bad Sheng, constants of heaven and earth." Han Zhao Ye, "Gou Wu Yue Chun returned to outsiders": "I Wen Jun Gao who ruin, Mao Ye were destroyed. Japan will shift over the month loss. "" Dream of Red Mansions, "the 13th back:" The popular saying is 'full of the deficit on the water overflows'. "
Translated by Google
No. 3
  成语 月满则亏
  发音 yuè mǎn zé kuī
  解释 月圆则缺。比喻事物发展到极点则开始衰退。
  出处 《史记·范雎蔡泽列传》:“语曰‘日中则移,月满则亏’。物盛则衰,天地之常数也。”
  示例 你如何连两句俗语也不晓得?常言‘~,水满则溢。’又道是‘登高必跌重。’ ★清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第十三回。
  用法 作宾语、定语;用于书面语
  成语名称 月满则亏 汉语拼音 yuè mǎn zé kuī 成语释义 月圆则缺。比喻事物发展到极点则开始衰退。 成语出处 《史记·范雎蔡泽列传》:“语曰‘日中则移,月满则亏’。物盛则衰,天地之常数也。” 使用例句 你如何连两句俗语也不晓得?常言‘月满则亏,水满则溢。’又道是‘登高必跌重。’
Containing Phrases
Decline after reaching the zenith Loss over the monthDecline after reaching the zenith Loss over the monthThe moon loss Water moon Zeyi