prose in the classical literary style : cameo > Politically stable and harmonious
Politically stable and harmonious
  Explanation: Mastery affairs, people rolls. Describe the stability of the country, the people peace and happiness.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate; with compliment
  Source: Song Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower" more next year, the harmonious, Full-scale reconstruction is under way. "
  Examples: And pull Shou Yan Ling, ~, before engaging in jujube. ★ Qing Bao Tingbo "Green Chronicle of the moment"
Government affairs well, the people and the music
  Government affairs well, people and music. Song Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower": "harmonious, Full-scale reconstruction is under way." Qing Qian Yong "fulfill Park Cong Wu left the village, then old news": "stability, harmony and sense of Dai people." Qing Bao Tingbo "Green the moment <Strange> Chronicle ":" and pull out Shou Yan Ling, stability, harmony and began to engage in the jujube. "
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No. 3
  政通人和 ( zhèng tōng rén hé )
  解 释 政事通达,人心和顺。形容国家稳定,人民安乐
  出 处 宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:“越明年,政通人和,百废俱兴。”
  用 法 联合式;作谓语;含褒义; 指政治局面。
  示 例 清·鲍廷博《青本刻<聊斋志异>纪事》:“及擢守严陵,~,始从事于梨枣。”
  近义词 安居乐业、政修人和、国泰民安
  反义词 颠沛流离 流离失所 生灵涂炭
  成语名称 政通人和 汉语拼音 zhèng tōng rén hé 成语释义 政事通达,人心和顺。形容国家稳定,人民安乐。 成语出处 宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:“越明年,政通人和,百废俱兴。” 使用例句 及擢守严陵,政通人和,始从事于梨枣。
A good conscience is a constant feast., indolence, dawdle, bugger about, eat one's own flesh, purge one's mind of desires and ambitions, Save worry Shao Yu, quiet have few desires, generous to others and lacking greediness, to enjoy while one can, Unencumbered, Without thinking without worry, do A day Bonze bump A day clock, Administrative Amendment favorable climatic, geographical and human comditions, S-today and starve tomorrow., twiddle one's thumbs move one's thumbs round each other with one's fingers or waste one's time doing nothing
round the clock, whither, rise early in the morning and late, work from morning till night, Always Bandit Solutions, P-is no plague., At night fall asleep, Day and night, neglect one's meals and sleep, just indicate the motions, toil night and day, On Star with Phi, travel or toil night and day, Choose from hi, round the `clock all day and all night, pass from night to morning, rest on one's arms, Zhengezuojia, pillow on a weapon and sleep on an armour, lie on one's arms, toss, recur, insatiable covetousness, start work early and knock off late, early to rise and late to bed, Flounder Insomnia, toss, Han xin Jiang Bing P-is no plague.