idiom > Jiqiesizha
  Explanation: Seize the fault of others, waiting for a chance to trap.
  Source: "Xunzi Fu country" wait a drag pull out fraud, trickery overturning to the phase reversal of the extravagant spacious. "
No. 2
  发音 jǐ qiè sì zhà catching handle(s)of someone to conquer him when in need
  释义 抓住人家过错,等待机会来陷害。
  出处 《荀子·富国》:“有掎挈伺诈,权谋倾覆,以相颠倒,以靡敝之。”
  用法 作谓语、定语;指抓小辫子
  -translation by SunYafei